• DIY Christmas tree made from cotton pads. How to make a Christmas tree from cotton pads with your own hands (master class)


    New Year is approaching. Try to create a fabulous atmosphere in your home. In this article we will look at how to make crafts from cotton pads for the New Year with your own hands.

    Christmas wreath made of cotton pads

    You will need: cotton pads, a foam ring, pins or needles, satin ribbon, decorative elements, beads, sparkles, tinsel...
    Master Class

    Fold in half again.
    Insert the needle into the corner.

    Attach the discs to the foam ring.
    Place the discs close to each other.
    Attach a satin ribbon with a loop to the top of the ring.
    Decorate a wreath of cotton pads to your taste.
    The Christmas wreath made from cotton pads is ready!

    Christmas tree made of cotton pads

    You will need: cotton pads, cardboard, scissors, stapler, pins or needles, glue, decorative elements - stars, beads, glitter, tinsel...
    Master Class
    Make a cone out of cardboard.
    Take a cotton pad and fold it in half.

    Fold in half again and secure the corner with a stapler.
    Repeat this process with all drives.
    Attach the discs to the cone using pins.

    Start the fastening process from the bottom in a circle, then rise to the top in continuous circles. The disks should be attached tightly to each other.
    Decorate the Christmas tree to your taste.
    The cotton pad Christmas tree is ready! I recommend watching the video master class!

    Angel made from cotton pads

    You will need: cotton pads, stapler, scissors, satin ribbon or thread, decorative elements.
    Master Class
    Take a cotton pad and fold it in half.
    Cut the corner in a semicircle - you get the head of an angel.
    Unfold the same disk and cut out the middle in such a way as to create wings.

    Take a new cotton pad and form the body of an angel.
    Attach the head and wings to the body with a stapler.
    Attach the ribbon, forming a loop for further hanging.
    Decorate to your taste.
    The cotton pad angel is ready! I recommend watching the video master class!

    Santa Claus made from cotton pads

    You will need: cotton pads, plastic spoon, glue, red yarn, buttons for eyes, ribbon or thread for hanging, red felt-tip pen, scissors.
    Master Class
    Take a cotton pad.

    Fold its side into the center.
    Make cuts along the edge of the circle.

    Draw a smile with a felt-tip pen.
    Take a plastic spoon.

    Apply glue to the spoon, leaving the tip without glue.

    Wind the yarn tightly.

    Apply glue on both sides to the tip of the spoon and glue the face of Santa Claus to the convex part.

    Glue a clean cotton pad onto the concave part of the spoon.

    Cut a circle from a cotton pad and glue it onto the tip of the spoon handle. Cut a circle from a cotton pad, color it with a felt-tip pen and glue it as a nose.

    Glue buttons as eyes.
    Attach ribbon or thread to form a loop for further hanging.
    Santa Claus made from cotton pads is ready!

    Flowers made from cotton pads

    You will need: 9 cotton pads for one flower, stapler, satin ribbon for hanging, decoration elements.
    Master Class
    Form 7 petals from disks as shown in the picture.

    Attach a hanging ribbon to one of the petals.
    Secure the petals between the two disks using a stapler.

    Decorate to your taste.
    Make the required number of flowers and decorate the Christmas tree with them.
    Flowers made from cotton pads are ready!

    Garland of cotton pads

    You will need: cotton pads, thick white thread, needle, simple pencil.
    Master Class
    Take the thread.

    Insert a needle and tie a knot at the end.
    Mark the location where the disks are to be mounted using a pencil.
    Thread the discs using a regular basting stitch.

    Decorate the windows, walls with a garland, or hang it from the ceiling.
    The garland of cotton pads is ready!

    Christmas balls made from cotton pads

    You will need: 15 cotton pads for one ball, white thread with a needle, stapler, satin ribbon for hanging.
    Master Class
    Take a cotton pad and fold it in half.

    Fold in half again and secure with a stapler.
    Repeat this process with all drives.

    Thread the disks onto the thread through the ends.
    Form a circle.

    Tighten then secure the thread.
    Attach ribbon for further hanging.

    Make the required number of balls.
    Christmas balls made from cotton pads are ready!

    Snowman made of cotton pads

    You will need: cotton pads, scissors, cardboard, ice cream stick, glue, eye buttons, colored paper, plasticine, rope for a scarf.
    Master Class
    Take 3 cotton pads and make two of them smaller.
    Cut cardboard circles to fit the discs.
    Glue them together.
    Glue the circles to the popsicle sticks.
    Turn the stick over and glue 3 disks of the desired size.
    Make small balls of plasticine and attach them as buttons.
    Glue the snowman's eyes.
    Cut out a carrot-shaped nose and a headdress from colored paper.
    Glue the parts to the snowman.
    Tie a string as a scarf.
    The cotton pad snowman is ready!
    To create a fabulous, unique and inimitable atmosphere, you need to make it yourself. Choose the most original crafts and start creating. Happy New Year to you and your loved ones!

    Showing publications 1-10 of 25.
    All sections | Christmas trees and Christmas trees made of cotton pads and cotton wool

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    This angel will decorate the room at any time of the year. Such crafts can be made with children in kindergarten.

    Next master class with step by step photos will help you quickly understand the intricacies of the work. First, here is a list of things needed for needlework:

    • cotton pads;
    • beads;
    • fishing line or thread;
    • glue;
    • stapler;
    • thread with a needle;
    • jewelry ring;
    • rhinestones or sequins.

    Have the child place the disk in front of him and place a bead in its center. Now you need to wrap the edges of the cotton blank up and wrap the area with the bead with thread or fishing line. Using scissors, make the edging of this cotton pad wavy. This turned out to be the head and wings of an angel.

    To make his long robe, fold the disk in half, then divide it into 3 parts, bringing the two side ones back. Secure with a stapler or sew. Glue the robe to the wings. All that remains is to decorate the angel with sequins, sew or glue a ring to the head, and the craft from disks is ready.


    Such an amazing wreath for the New Year is also made from this material. First you need to prepare the base. This can be a large ring made of foam or rubber. If you don't have these, then roll up several newspapers, gluing them to each other, and give them the desired shape.

    When the workpiece is dry, glue the elements from cotton pads. To make the first one, roll the disk into a ball and wrap the second and third around it. Thus, you will get a rose, twisted with your own hands.
    You can glue or sew a bead into the center of some flowers, as described above. Glue the roses to the wreath base, placing them close to each other. Fill the gaps with large beads, decorate the New Year's wreath with a large satin bow.

    Detailed description of working with a wreath:

    You will need:

    Foam ring

    Cotton pads

    Needles or pins.

    1. Fold several cotton pads as shown in the image.

    2. Using pins, attach all the cotton pads to the foam ring.

    This is how many crafts can be made from cotton pads and sticks, including for children. The following videos will introduce you to other ideas:

    Christmas tree

    You will need:

    Cotton pads


    Decorations (beads, star, braid)

    2. Fold each cotton pad as shown in the image and use pins to attach each folded pad to the cone.

    * If desired, the Christmas tree can be decorated with braid, garland, tinsel and other decorations.

    Crafts from cotton pads for kindergarten: postcard with a snowman

    You will need:

    2 cotton pads

    Colored paper


    Marker (if necessary)

    Colored cardboard (for postcards) or adhesive film (for window decoration).

    1. Using scissors, cut one cotton pad so that it is smaller than usual - this will be the snowman's head.

    2. To make eyes and buttons, you can cut out two small circles from colored paper and glue them, or you can draw them with a marker or buy small stickers that resemble eyes.

    3. From colored paper, cut out a hat, scarf and nose (orange, like a carrot).

    4. Take a sheet of colored cardboard and bend it in half - this will be a blank for the postcard.

    5. Glue both cotton pads to the workpiece. Glue the small disk slightly on top of the large one.

    6. Glue on the hat, scarf and nose.

    * To decorate the window with this snowman, use adhesive film.

    Crafts from cotton pads for children: applique "Snowman"

    Every woman keeps a set of cotton pads at home and in her cosmetic bag, which are so convenient for removing cosmetics. But it turns out that if you use your imagination, you can make various crafts from these cute little things. And on the eve of the New Year, we would like to invite you to a master class where you will learn how to make the main attribute of this holiday - a New Year tree - from cotton pads with your own hands.

    What you need to make a Christmas tree from cotton pads with your own hands

    So, to make a Christmas tree from cotton pads you will need:

    • a suitable size sheet of cardboard;
    • a sufficient number of cotton pads;
    • glue or glue stick;
    • a stick from which you will make the trunk of your Christmas tree;
    • stapler or glue gun;
    • ribbons and beads to decorate your Christmas tree;
    • a pot where you will install it;
    • wire brush white;
    • film for gift wrapping;
    • plasticine or plaster;
    • scissors.

    Making your own Christmas tree from cotton pads - master class

    Well, when you have prepared everything, you can get to work. First you need to make a cone out of cardboard and secure it with a stapler or glue. Please note that if your cardboard is not white, you must cover the cone with white paper or paint it with white paint. Otherwise it will shine through. which won't turn out very nice. That's about it.

    Now we need to cover this cone with cotton pads. We will do this as follows. Take a cotton pad and fold it in half. Like this.

    Then fold it again to form a cone.

    We coat the folds of this cone with glue.

    And glue it to ours cardboard cone. This way.

    So we first fill out the first row of our Christmas tree from the bottom,

    and then everyone else. You should leave a small gap of about 1 cm between the cotton pads.

    Instead of the crown, we make a beautiful curl from a brush wire. But you can try to design it in some other way if you want.

    Next, take our pot and place a layer of plasticine on the bottom. You can also use plaster of Paris if you have it. This will create the necessary heaviness, and in addition, it will allow us to install a stick there for our Christmas tree. The pot needs to be decorated beautiful paper for gift wrapping. This is what we ended up with.

    If you want to cover the bottom of your Christmas tree, you can cut out a circle from cardboard with a slightly larger diameter than the hole in the cone, make notches on it along the edge, and then, bending them like this, put them on the Christmas tree stick. Like this.

    But you don’t have to do this – if you wish.

    And finally, we put our tree on top of the trunk prepared for it, carefully straighten the cotton pads and begin to decorate it with beads and ribbons to your liking. For example - like this.

    Additionally, you can decorate the pot with ribbon.

    This is the beauty we got.

    Other options for DIY Christmas trees made from cotton pads

    If you understand the principle by which it is made Christmas tree from cotton pads, then it won’t be difficult for you to come up with your own version. Or you can use the ideas below. For example, this Christmas tree.

    As you can see, here the cotton pads were previously partially colored green color. This is not at all difficult to do. Just take the most common ones watercolor paints and brush along the edge of each disc. Just make sure your discs are completely dry before you begin.

    And finally, you can make a small souvenir Christmas tree, simply from cotton pads of different sizes strung on a thin stick.

    As is clear, you use the entire cotton pads from below, and then gradually, cutting with scissors, reduce their diameter. Of course, such a Christmas tree will turn out to be quite small, but as a souvenir for New Year or to create a festive mood on your office desktop, it will also work quite well. Happy holidays to you.

    DIY Christmas tree made from cotton pads. Master class with step-by-step photos

    Elekina Natalya Sergeevna Educator MBDOU kindergarten"Luchik" Ilek district, Orenburg region
    Description of work: The master class is intended for educators and parents, as well as for children over 8 years old.
    Purpose: The craft is intended for gifts and decoration of play areas.
    Target: To interest and encourage creative people to produce New Year's souvenir, a “Christmas tree” gift made from cotton pads.
    Tasks: Develop creative imagination fine motor skills hands;
    develop skills in creating crafts from cotton pads;
    cultivate accuracy and perseverance when creating crafts.

    Cotton pads.
    Glue "Moment" or hot-melt gun.
    for decoration (beads, glitter, etc.)

    The wolves told the news,
    The forty brought news,
    What a tree in the dense forest
    There is a decorated one!

    The animals heard the news,
    We ran through the forests.
    Everyone wants to check for themselves
    Look at the tree for yourself.

    For whom, why, where
    Did this miracle appear?
    Who brought the Christmas tree here?
    Isn't it Santa Claus himself?

    Is there time to figure it out?
    Who brought it, why did they take it away?
    Ah, foxes, squirrels, hares,
    Open a noisy ball!

    To create a Christmas tree, we will need a huge number of needles made from cotton pads (I used 2 packages of 100 pieces each, but it depends on the size of the cone of your Christmas tree)
    Take one cotton pad and bend it in half, then bend it in half again. Secure it with a stapler.
    Now you need to repeat this process of folding the disk many, many times.
    This is what the petals should look like.

    When you have a lot of needles ready, you need to start creating a cone for the Christmas tree. Choose the height yourself. If your cone turns out to be too large and you don’t have enough needles from the disks, don’t worry, you can always quickly finish them.

    And so we make a cone, for this we draw a circle on thick cardboard and then cut it out. After this, twist and glue using glue gun, PVA or stapler. If you made the frame from colored cardboard, paint it with white paint, otherwise it will show through the snow-white cotton pads. The height of your cone will depend on the radius of this circle. The larger the radius, the higher the cone will be.

    We begin to glue needles on it. We start gluing them from the bottom up. First we glue one row, then the second and so on until the end.

    When the tree is ready, you need to decorate it at your discretion. Here, as your imagination tells you

    The Christmas tree is ready, but what else is our beauty missing? Of course the stars. I took a small red bow and glued it on. But if you want a star, you can make it using a template: draw two blanks on cardboard, cut them out and glue them together. Then you need to paint the star to make it even more beautiful.

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