• Open drawing lesson “Non-traditional drawing techniques. Summary of an open drawing lesson “Spring” using non-traditional techniques


    Organization: MADOU TsRR d/s No. 24 “Fairy Tale”

    Location: Russian Federation, Moscow region, Stupino

    Target: drawing on the theme “Underwater world” using the non-traditional technique of scratching.
    Tasks: Strengthen children's technical drawing skills. Continue to learn how to build a composition of a drawing, reflect your impressions and knowledge about the world around you in a drawing. Develop children's imagination and creativity.
    Methods and techniques: gaming, verbal (conversation), visual (viewing), practical, unconventional drawing.
    Materials and equipment for the lesson: sheets of thick paper specially primed for making drawings using the grattage technique (first the entire surface of the cardboard is carefully painted with wax crayons of different colors, then the cardboard is covered with a layer of blue gouache, after complete drying the cardboard is ready for drawing), toothpicks, seashells, starfish, sea corals ,chest, illustrations of sea inhabitants), audio recordings: P.I. Tchaikovsky: “Theme of the Sea”, song “I draw the sea”, song “And the fish swim like this”.

    Diving accessories: "Gate of the Sea Kingdom" hoop, lifebuoy with messenger bag.

    Progress of the lesson

    1. Introductory part:
      - Guys, today is an unusual day for us, guests have come to us, let's say hello to them (Hello!)
      - Look, what is this? Box! ? I wonder what's in it? Let's open it and see what's in it. (Children look at the objects lying in the chest and offer possible answers: shells, starfish, stones, corals.)

    - Guys, what do you think, where do all these items come from? (from the sea)

    This sea invites us to visit. Do you want to visit

    seabed and get acquainted with the inhabitants of the deep sea? (Yes).

    How do you think we can get there? (You need to dive into the sea).


    I have a magic gate to the sea kingdom, now we will say the magic words:

    “The sea wave parted, I find myself at the bottom of the sea”,

    and each of you will dive into them and end up on the seabed.

    Take a breath and dive.

    (Children complete the task and sit on chairs).

    The song sounds:

    “And fish swim in the sea like this...”

    Educator: our journey begins.

    Educator: And now, we will play the game “Guess what it is.”

    Children, with their eyes closed, identify objects by touch, make comparisons and describe them.

    Watching the film "Pisces" - from the series: "Encyclopedia for children."

    3. Riddles

    - Do you know that there is an oceanarium in Moscow? Have any of you been in it? If you haven’t been, I highly recommend visiting it with your parents. It's so interesting there! You can meet amazing fish and sea animals, examine the seabed and various underwater plants. Guess who I met there?

    This fish is an evil predator
    It will swallow everyone wholeheartedly
    Yawned showing her teeth
    And sank to the bottom... (shark)

    Pear with long legs
    Settled in the ocean
    As many as eight arms and legs
    This is a miracle - ... (octopus)

    For myself at the bottom of the sea
    He builds a house with his claws
    Round shell, ten legs
    Did you guess it? This is... (crab)

    What kind of ball floats with spikes,
    Quietly waving its fins?
    You just can’t take it in your hands
    This ball is ... (hedgehog fish)

    Both on land and in water
    Carries the house with him everywhere
    Travels without fear
    In this house... (turtle)

    A transparent umbrella floats
    “I’ll burn you!” – threatens – Don’t touch!
    Her paws and belly
    What is her name? (jellyfish)

    Looks so much like a horse
    And he lives in the sea too
    That's a fish! Jump and jump -
    The sea horse is jumping... (horse)

    4. Physical education minute
    Educator: For some reason we guys stayed too long. Let's warm up a little.

    ACTIVE GAME: “The sea is agitated once...”.

    5. Main part:
    And now it's time for us to return to kindergarten.

    To do this, we must again dive into the magic gate to be in our group. Let's say the magic words again: “The sea wave parted, I’ll be in the group.” The children take turns diving in, grabbing their chairs and sitting at the tables.
    - Guys, we have now visited the underwater world. We saw how beautiful, diverse and interesting it is. Let's close our eyes and imagine the seabed and underwater inhabitants (turn on the audio recording “Theme of the Sea”).

    Remember: who you saw, what size, color, what surrounds them. Open your eyes and let's make sketches of what you just saw. We won’t tell you yet who we met, but when you draw, then we’ll try to guess.
    And today we will draw using the grattage technique. We are already familiar with this technique. What else can you call it, how do we apply the drawing? (scratch).
    The underwater world is a world of magical beauty, it is very colorful. Everything in it mysteriously shimmers with different colors, and some animals even know how to change their color themselves (octopus).

    Therefore, for today’s sketch for each of you, I made this small sea with a colored base, there is already water in it, you just need to populate it with inhabitants and plants. Choose the size of your future drawing (children choose the format of the workpiece).

    Let's remember once again how to draw using the grattage technique (scratch a design with a toothpick on a workpiece). A toothpick is a tool, be very careful and attentive with it.

    Now imagine again what you want to draw and get started. If anyone needs help, call me quietly.
    Children, under the supervision of a teacher, draw a composition on a marine theme.

    For those children who have finished their work, the teacher directs them to a relaxation corner (a bath filled with sand with “surprises” - the game “Find a sea souvenir”). At the end of the lesson, children's works are filed in the general album “Underwater World”.

    6. Final part:

    - Guys, our album of “drawings” is ready, let’s look together, admire and try to guess who met whom under water.
    Children, together with the teacher, look at the album, discuss the works, and guess what is depicted.
    -Did you enjoy today’s trip to the Sea Kingdom? You are so great: you solved the riddles and made a whole Marine album! Let's leave it to our guests to watch, and we ourselves will go and refresh ourselves, a second breakfast awaits us.
    The children leave the hall as the song “I draw the sea” continues.


    A.V. Nikitina " Unconventional methods drawing techniques in kindergarten." A guide for educators and interested parents. St. Petersburg: KARO, 2008

    Yu.A. Akimova “Introducing preschoolers to the world around them.” 2007

    M.A.Runova, A.V.Butilova “Acquaintance with nature through movement (Integrated classes). 2006

    “Young Ecologist. System of working with children in the senior group of kindergarten. Publishing house Moscow. MOSAIC-SYNTHESIS 2010

    Natasha Bondar
    Open lesson using non-traditional drawing techniques middle group « Amazing world seas"

    Tasks: strengthen children's skills in unconventional finger painting technique. To cultivate an aesthetic and moral attitude towards sea animals and fish. Representation of their images in unconventional techniques Oh. Develop graphic skills and hand motor skills.

    Preliminary work: conversation about the sea, how environment habitats of various marine animals and plants.

    Materials and equipment: jars of water, table salt, 2 eggs, sheets with images of fish, watercolor paints, wet wipes.

    Progress of OOD: The teacher invites the children to go on a sea voyage and take their places on the submarine. The projector turns on with image slides seas. The teacher offers to look at the picture and answer the question of what is shown on it, to describe the sea (deep, blue, huge). The teacher asks what else it is. Children must answer that it is salty. Therefore, it is easier to learn to swim in the sea, because the salt pushes us to the surface. Let's check this now.

    Experiment: "Effect seas» .

    You will need fine salt, a large container, a raw egg and water.

    Fill the bowl halfway with water, carefully lower the egg into the water. It will sink and remain at the bottom. Now take the egg out of the water and add

    10 teaspoons of salt, stir until completely dissolved and immerse the egg again. It floats to the surface.

    Our experiment proved that it is easy to learn to swim in the sea because it is salty, because salt keeps us on the surface.

    And now we are diving into the sea on our submarine. There in the depths sea ​​fish live. I want to tell you a story that happened in one family of fish.

    “Mama fish left her baby with daddy fish and swam away to do her own thing. Dad decided to go on a tour with his baby underwater world. But then they were attacked by a shark. The baby got scared and lost his coloring and dad couldn’t find his little son.”

    Guys, let's help dad find his baby! To do this, the fish must be painted (we paint the fins and tail with paints with a brush, and the body of the fish with our fingers)

    Let's sum it up: we ask the children what they liked about this class. We are setting up an exhibition of children's works. We choose the gold cut.

    Publications on the topic:

    Goal: To teach children to convey the image of a hedgehog using the plasticineography technique. Objectives: 1. Teach children to pinch off small pieces of plasticine from.

    Goal: to form in children an idea of ​​transport and its types. Objectives: - Develop fine motor skills hands and fingers; - Expand your horizons.

    Notes on non-traditional drawing techniques - blotography, in the senior group on the topic "Butterfly" Purpose: familiarization with unconventional technology.

    Summary of GCD in the preparatory group for non-traditional drawing techniques Synopsis of direct educational activities"Wild Animals of Our Forests." Goal: To create interest in non-traditional technology.

    OBJECTIVES: To introduce children to drawing techniques soap bubbles; Strengthen the ability to complete the details of objects obtained spontaneously.

    Summary of an open lesson on fine art activities in the non-traditional technique of drawing prints with leaves in the middle group Summary of an open lesson on visual activities in the non-traditional technique of drawing prints with leaves in the middle group. Objectives of the lesson:.

    Notes on the non-traditional drawing technique “Magic Thread” in the middle group. Notes on the non-traditional drawing technique “Magic Thread” in the middle group. Goal: Learn to draw with threads. Develop logical.

    Description of work: The notes were developed for teachers of the second junior group. It contains information about the use of non-traditional drawing techniques in the visual arts of preschoolers. Visual activities in this lesson is integrated with other areas such as socialization, safety, speech development.

    Summary of an open integrated lesson on non-traditional drawing techniques in the second younger group"My funny ringing ball."

    Program content:
    1. Educational:
    Introduce children to a new technique of non-traditional drawing technique - semolina; develop interest in unconventional drawing techniques.
    Expand children’s knowledge about balls and the materials from which balls are made; consolidate knowledge about round shape.
    Introduce children to the history of the “ball”.
    Develop cognitive interest in surrounding objects.
    2. Educational:
    Foster the child’s need to obtain new information about familiar objects.
    Nurture aesthetic taste, imagination, develop creative thinking.
    3. Developmental:
    Develop children's visual perception, visual and verbal memory. Develop fine motor skills of the hands.
    Preliminary work: observation of the ball and its properties; asking riddles, reading poems about the ball. Drawing "Ball".
    Materials and equipment: rubber ball, semolina, PVA glue, glue cups, brushes; For didactic game“Find a toy” - a bowl, cereal, pasta, beans; musical accompaniment.

    Progress of the lesson:

    Organizing time. The teacher holds a shiny bag in his hands and addresses the children.
    Educator: Guys, today we have a very interesting activity. I have a surprise hidden for you in this magic bag. Guess the riddle and find out what is there.

    Red, blue, bright, round,
    It's beautiful and resilient.
    Jumps, rushes at a gallop,
    Guess what it is? (Ball.)
    Educator: Well done boys! That's right, I made a riddle about our ball. What is he like? (round). What can the “ball” do? (jump, fly, roll, somersault, burst, etc.). Guys, our ball really wants to play with you. Let's stand in a big circle.
    Game "My funny ringing ball."
    Children stand in a circle and pass from hand to hand in a circle:
    My cheerful ringing ball,
    Where did you run off to?
    Yellow, red, blue,
    And now you will be mine!
    In response to the words “my,” the child who has the ball in his hands raises them up.
    Educator: Well done! And now we will play the game “Find the toy.” Children sit around a hoop and take turns putting their hand into a bowl of pasta, cereal, beans, groping for a toy, calling it and showing it to other children (Doll, ball, car, cup, plate)
    Educator: Guys, what can we call in one word all the objects that you found? (children's answers - toys).
    Educator: Yes, toys. And our ball is also a toy. Guys, do you know where the ball came from? What was he like? Who came up with the idea to play it? Now I will tell you about the history of the “ball”.
    The ball is one of the most ancient and favorite toys. A long time ago, balls were stuffed with feathers, sand, and pistachio grains. One day, two thousand years ago, this happened in Rome. A gymnastics teacher, his name was Atzius, passing by a butcher shop, noticed a huge bubble. Inflated with air and tied with a rope, it hung over the front door for beauty. The wind ruffled the bubble and hit it against the wall, but it bounced back! Hit and bounced! "Idea!" - Attsius must have thought, he bought a bubble, covered it with a leather case at home, and the result was a ball - light and bouncy! Small balls were used to play with the hands, and large balls were played with the feet. Since then, many balls have been invented. For every game.
    Educator: Well done boys. Playing with balls is fun and interesting. But even such games can cause trouble if you forget the safety rules.
    1. Do not play with the ball near glass windows or shop windows. Why? (The ball can break them).
    2. Do not play with the ball near the roadway. Why? (The ball can roll out under the wheels of a passing car and cause an accident).
    3. And of course, under no circumstances should you run out onto the road for the ball!
    Why? (The driver may not have time to stop)
    Physical education minute. Now, guys, let's have a little fun break and play finger game"Toys":
    I play with toys: (Hands in front of you, clench and unclench the fingers of both hands.)
    I throw the ball to you, (We stretch our arms forward - “throw the ball.”)
    I am assembling a pyramid (we place straight hands, palms down, on top of each other several times.)
    I drive the truck everywhere. (Move in front of you with a slightly open brush right hand- “Rolling the car.”)
    Educator: Well done! Guys, today we will draw a beautiful round ball. For this we need these materials - what do you think they are? (shows semolina) Touch it, what is it like? (crumbly, multi-colored, small, free-flowing). This is semolina. They make it out of it semolina porridge. We will draw a ball using semolina.
    The teacher shows and explains. Children apply glue to the ball template, then sprinkle with semolina. After this they decorate with colors of their own choice. During independent activities, includes musical accompaniment.
    Educator: Well done boys! Everyone drew very well, actively participated, and played with me. Thanks everyone! And we will hang your balls on the stand and the guests who come to our group will admire them.
    Reflection: What toy were we talking about today? What shape does the ball have? Where can you not play with the ball?


    1. introduce children to a new way of depicting: painting with salt;
    2. with the help of non-traditional drawing techniques, develop in children a strong interest in fine art activities;
    3. reduction of psychophysical stress;
    4. develop children's creative imagination and fine motor skills;
    5. uniting participants into a group;
    6. discharge of aggressive impulses, anxiety, tension;
    7. the use of relaxation exercises using music therapy, aromatherapy.
    8. establishing contact and trust with children;

    Plexiglas frames, table salt (extra) pillows according to the number of children; screen-lock; aroma candle; brushes, cardboard, glue; colored salt; record player.

    Set of game materials:

    • boxes with waste material: pebbles, shells, twigs, sticks, large buttons, beads, etc.
    • various buildings, structures;
    • small toys - fairy-tale characters;
    • animals (wild, sea, domestic)

    Progress of the lesson:

    Calm, quiet music sounds. Children and their teacher enter the hall and say hello.

    Guys, do you like fairy tales? I love it too! Especially those that have good wizards and fairies. Today I want to tell you a fairy tale. (Children sit on pillows) Somewhere far, far beyond the sea-ocean, in the distant kingdom, in the thirtieth state, a fairy named Sol lives. And this fairy is not an ordinary one, she is a kind sorceress who loves children and really wants to meet you.

    Do you want to get into a fairy tale and get to know her?... (children's answers)

    But to get into a fairy tale, you need to very strongly, with all your soul, with all your heart, believe in miracles and say the magic words together.

    I’ll tell you a spell now, and you try to remember it:

    “Fairy Salt, help us,

    Take me to a magical land,

    We will clap our hands

    One, two and three

    Open your heart for good!”

    Musical accompaniment: Tchaikovsky P.I. Ballet "Nutcracker" "Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy" .

    (Using the method of music therapy to relieve physical and emotional stress, forming a stable cheerful mood and healthy emotional arousal).

    Let's repeat these magic words again...

    So we found ourselves in a fairyland. (The teacher points to the screen - hand lock). Look what a beautiful castle the fairy Sol has. (The teacher with the children approaches the screen. The children sit on chairs.)

    Pavlik and Arina help me open the doors.

    Open the door to the castle!

    Fairy of happiness has appeared!

    (Fairy Sol comes out and says):

    In the Universe there was a country of Salt with green forests, beautiful flowers, blue lakes and sunny cities.

    The inhabitants of this country were very happy, because no one forbade them anything. They could eat candy, ride on carousels, run through puddles, talk to unusual animals, birds and flowers,

    make friends with the gnomes, sing and dance.

    But one day an evil wizard destroyed everything in our country. And she became dark and lifeless.

    Friends, are you ready to help me bring beauty back to my country?... (Children's answers) Thank you for agreeing to help me. You will be helped along the way by: loyalty, kindness, courage and friendship.

    Guys, the fairy Salt gave us a candle that will light our way to the land of salt. (The teacher lights an aroma candle with the scent of a green apple and turns on a soundtrack with calm music.) (Use of aromatherapy method: aroma candle with the scent of green apple - toning and refreshing the body, restoring strength and uplifting mood, beneficial effect on emotional condition person).

    Let's hold hands tightly and say the magic words: “You are a candle, burn, burn, show the way!”

    (The teacher with a candle and the children approach the table with salt)

    And here is a magical land where the friends of the fairy Sol live. Look. How empty and sad it is here. One salt. But this salt is not ordinary. She's magical. She can feel touch. Hear. Speak.

    Exercise "Hello, salt!"

    (Children different ways touch the salt).

    Place your palms on the salt. Let's stroke her internally, then back side palms. What salt?.. (children's answers).

    Let's say hello to her: "Hello salt!" .

    Listen... She greets you. Can you hear everything?.. You can’t hear well because she’s sad and lonely. She speaks in a quiet voice.

    Let's cheer her up! Let's tickle her first with one hand with each finger, then with the other. Now let's tickle with both hands.

    Now, with smooth movements, like snakes, they ran across the salt with their fingers.

    Do you hear her laughing?...

    Let's stroke it between our palms.

    Grab the salt tightly by the hands and slowly let go. Once again, let's hold her hands tightly so that not a single piece of salt falls from our fists. Sol, we will help you!

    An evil wizard imprisoned all the inhabitants of the country in prison. They are dark, cold and lonely there. Let us help them get out of there

    (The teacher invites the children to take brushes). I suggest you carefully dig up salt with a brush in all corners of this country and rescue our friends from prison.

    (Children use brushes to dig out toys hidden in the salt).

    I am proud of you! You tried so hard! Look how their eyes glow, they smile at you! And you will smile back at them.

    Exercise "Patterns on salt"

    Look, in this country of Salt there is no joy and life. We need to bring back beauty to this small world.

    Do you like to draw?.. (Children's answers) I hope you are good at drawing. I suggest you draw in an unusual way: salt with fingers, hands. Let's draw beautiful patterns, and then we will decorate them with magic beads. See what patterns you can draw on salt. (The teacher draws simple/complex patterns (straight and wavy paths, fences, ladders) Come up with your own pattern, drawing.

    Amazing! Look at your friends' patterns, did you like them?

    Now we need the country to become as joyful and happy as it was before (the soundtrack of N. Koroleva’s song sounds "Little country" ) .

    Look what else we've done for you. (The teacher brings out boxes with plants (trees, flowers) from behind the screen.; various buildings, structures; animals. Children place objects on the salt.)

    The Land of Salt has come to life! Thank you, my little wizards! And now you and I will have a little rest.

    Fizminutka "SMALL COUNTRY" (the soundtrack of N. Koroleva’s song “Small Country” sounds)

    Let's go and see what fairy Sol has prepared for us.

    (Children approach the tables on which there is colored cardboard and a box of salt. What is this? The pictures are colored. Choose which one you like best. And there is something else here... Yes, this is colored salt!

    • Let's outline the pattern with glue so that you get a white path. Carefully apply glue only along the drawn lines. Now let’s open the box, take out the colored salt and cover the entire leaf with it. Let's say: “Krible – krible – boom!” . Sprinkle the salt from the picture and see what you get! Yes, these are cheerful inhabitants of a magical land. Look how they smile at you. (The fairy comes out with the gnomes and says):

    The people of my country are very glad that you saved them, and invite you to their dance

    (Dwarven Dance)

    Fairy Sol and her friends thank you for helping to save the country from the evil wizard. Guys, I propose to give pictures depicting the inhabitants of a magical land to our guests so that they remember our fabulous journey.

    Well, it’s time for us to say goodbye and go back to kindergarten. In what mood will you go to the group? (Children's answers) I think that we will definitely meet, since there are many different fairy tales in the world.


    The music of S. Kallosh sounds "In every small child» from m/f “Monkeys, go!”

    Oksana Zhukova
    Summary of an open lesson on non-traditional drawing techniques “Journey to the country of Risovandia” senior group

    Target: development in children creativity; consolidation of skills draw in different unconventional ways.


    Build children's skills draw in unconventional ways; implementation of independent creative activity;

    Cultivate interest and love for unconventional drawing technique, accuracy in working with gouache with non-traditional materials;

    Develop conversation skills.

    Types of children's activities: cognitive - research, play, productive, artistic.

    Handout: paper white, gouache of different colors, sippy cups, candle, brushes, wet wipes, wide plates, cotton swabs.

    Visual material: chest, potato stencil, slide show, letter.

    Progress of the lesson

    Educator: Guys, today is an unusual day for you. Many guests have come to you, say hello to them.

    Children: Hello!

    Educator: Let's introduce ourselves to our guests.

    “We are kids from kindergarten,

    We are preschool children,

    We're all coming here in the morning

    Here we dance and sing.

    We are all friends in kindergarten

    After all, we can’t live without friendship!”

    Well done guys, now come to me, I’ll tell you something.

    Today when I walked into group, suddenly from the wind the window opened, and a letter flew in. Let me read it to you, and you carefully listen:

    Slide 2 (master pencil)

    “Hello my little artists. I am Master - Pencil, I invite you to a fabulous country« Risovandia» . You will find a lot of interesting things there. We live in it - good wizards, fidgets - brushes - run through our streets, pencils walk proudly. We think that you might be interested in visiting our country. Your good wizards"

    Educator: I wonder what this is such a country« Risovandia» ? Why is it called that? (children's answers)

    Educator: Guys, do you want to become little wizards and create miracles? (children's answers)

    Slide 3 (turn on the bell in the lower right corner)

    Educator: Then let's close our eyes and say a magic spell

    "Top - top

    Clap clap,

    Turn around yourself

    Turn into a little wizard!”

    Look what we got? (children's answers).

    Come on, we'll put them on (children put on magic caps, and so does the teacher)

    Educator: So we turned into wizards, and I invite you to go to the magical country of Risovandia. You are ready? (children's answers).

    Slide 3 (closed door)

    Educator: To get into the magical country of Risovandia, necessary open this door. And the keys to this door are your magic fingers, let's play with them.

    There's a lock on the door (rhythmic locking of fingers)

    Who I could open it?

    Pulled (arms stretch to the sides)

    Twisted (circular movements of fingers away from you)

    They knocked (the bases of the palms knock against each other)

    AND opened(open fingers).

    Look, don't opens, let's try again.

    Look, the door opened.

    Slide 4 (opened door)

    Slide 5 (the meadow of flowers is not colored)

    Educator: Look, we find ourselves in an enchanted meadow, isn’t it beautiful, sad, white? Let's help the clearing become bright, fabulous, truly magical. Shall we color it? (children's answers).

    Slide 5 (in the lower right corner turn on the music)

    And on this table we have everything to perform a miracle. You need to take sheets of paper and cover the entire sheet with paint (drawings appear drawn with a candle, I show you how to do it). Now, try it. (children take the sheets and do the same)

    Slide 6 (a clearing of flowers, but already colored).

    Educator: Look, our clearing has been disenchanted, and flowers, butterflies and the sun have appeared on it. It's time for us to move on. Let's hold hands and stand in a circle.

    Physical exercise.

    Along the path, along the path

    Let's gallop on the right leg (jumps on the right leg)

    And along the same path

    We gallop on our left leg (jumps on the right leg)

    Let's run along the path

    We'll run to the lawn (running in place)

    On the lawn, on the lawn

    We'll jump like bunnies (jumping in place on both legs)

    Stop. Let's rest a little

    And let's walk again (walking in place).

    Slide 7 (chest)

    Educator: Look, what is this? Magic chest, do you want it? open. Let's see what's there (the teacher takes out stamps made from potatoes). And this potato is extraordinary, with its help you can paint. And I even know that it’s possible draw with potatoes. I suggest doing cards for your friends. Let's sit down at the tables and create miracles.

    Slide 7 chest open(music starts in the lower right corner)

    We take a magic object, dip it in paint of any color you like, and make an imprint on a sheet of paper, and now you can try it yourself. Now let's formalize postcard, let's take cotton swab, dip it in paint and on the edge postcards you can draw wavy lines, or point, zigzags, whatever you like.

    These are the magical gifts we got, let me help you deliver them. And it's time for us to return. Let's stand in a circle and say magic spell and we will return to kindergarten and become ordinary kids.

    Slide 8 (Magic music starts in the lower right corner)

    "Top - top

    Clap clap

    Turn around yourself

    And turn into kids."

    Educator: So we returned to kindergarten.

    Guys, where have we been?

    What did we do there?

    What did you like best?

    What do you remember?

    Tell me, did you like ours? journey? (if yes, then clap, if not, then stomp).And I really enjoyed it with you travel, Guys.

    Thanks a lot, everyone!

    Publications on the topic:

    Summary of a master class for children of the senior group and their parents on non-traditional drawing techniques “Landscape” Goal: To expand parents' knowledge about in unconventional ways drawing as a means of developing creative abilities in preschool children.

    Notes on non-traditional drawing techniques in the second junior group “Trees in the Snow” Purpose: To introduce children to non-traditional drawing techniques.

    Summary of a lesson on non-traditional drawing techniques in the early age group “New Year Tree” Goal: to create a joyful mood in children, “light” lights on the branches of the Christmas tree, continue to teach them how to paint lights with their fingers.

    Master class for teachers on non-traditional drawing techniques “Modern non-traditional drawing techniques” Antonova Alena Aleksandrovna Master class for teachers “Modern non-traditional drawing techniques” Goal: to expand the knowledge of teachers.

    Master class on non-traditional drawing techniques Master class: “Non-traditional drawing techniques in the younger group” Purpose: to introduce non-traditional drawing techniques as a method of formation.

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