• Soap bubbles festival - entertainment and treats. Scenario for the holiday “Journey to the Kingdom of Soap Bubbles”


    Nomination: Kindergarten, Holidays, entertainment, scenarios, others, junior group

    Position: music director highest category
    Place of work: MKDOU "Kindergarten of the village of Shunga"
    Location: Kostroma region, Kostroma district, Shunga village

    Scenario for summer entertainment in the junior group “Soap bubble show”


    - creating an emotional response to the show in children,

    — development of interest in experimental activities.

    Equipment: invitation letter to a soap bubble show, plastic bubbles, liquid soap, water, 3 plastic bottles with lids on which blue, green, and orange gouache is applied on the inside.

    Explanatory note.

    The show is held on the summer promenade. On the eve of the holiday, the children received a colorful invitation. The show features clown Dashutka, whose role is played by an adult.

    Progress of entertainment.

    Children go out to the decorated area. Loud crying is heard. The crying clown Dashutka runs out onto the site.

    Leading: What a joke, what a joke
    what happened, Dashutka?

    Dashutka: I got ready to visit you, ran, rushed,

    Before I had time to look back, a crow sat on my shoulder,
    Bubbles caught everything (I followed her - no such luck),

    I just dropped the pen, and there’s a letter for you on the pen.

    Leading reads the letter.

    Host: I’m so glad, I’m so glad, all of you guys need it!

    I took the bubbles, that's all my business.

    I don’t want you to frolic, I want you to have fun together.

    I will ruin your holiday, Grandma Yozhka. HA-HA-HA!

    Leading: Yes! Affairs! Today we wanted to have fun at the Soap Bubbles Festival. And in the morning there was no sign of trouble - everyone had great mood, all the guys were ready to sing, play and blow bubbles.

    But what to do? We don't have any bubbles. Let's think together about what we should do. CHILDREN'S REASONINGS

    Leading: We don't have any bubbles. What do we have? Points to the table. Is there water? CHILDREN'S RESPONSES. What about soap? CHILDREN'S RESPONSES. How can we use these things? CHILDREN'S RESPONSES.

    Leading: Certainly! Can we make soap bubbles ourselves? CHILDREN'S RESPONSES. Then, to make it more fun to work on creating soap bubbles, let’s turn on funny music and, dancing and singing along a little, let’s begin!

    Experimental activity: children together with adults to a cheerful melody of their choice music director prepare a solution for soap bubbles and pour it into colorful bottles.

    Dashutka: And now, kids, it's time to play!

    After counting: one, two, three, let's start the bubbles!


    Dashutka: Now the task is more difficult:

    Who will catch the most bubbles?

    He can hold it in his palm.

    We count: one, two, three, four, five!


    Dashutka: How cool, how cool, how fun to play!

    Or maybe you guys want to dance? CHILDREN'S RESPONSES.

    Dance chosen by the music director.

    Leading: Well done! Everything is working out great for you. Do you like magic tricks? Would you like to see? Then I invite you to a magical playground.

    Dashutka: (shows the children to bottles with colorless liquid standing on the table)

    1. Experiment. Here is water, very simple. She is not colored at all.

    But I will say a spell. Get ready, attention!

    One-two, one-two, turn green, water!

    The clown turns the bottles over after each couplet and the water becomes colored.

    1. I repeat the spell. Get ready, attention!

    One-two, one-two, turn orange, water!

    3. I repeat for the third time: change the color of the water,

    One-two, one-two, turn blue, water!

    Leading: It's enough for us to sit with you, isn't it time to sing a song?

    Children perform a song about summer, suggested by the music director, to the soundtrack.

    Dashutka: Time passes quickly, and the children's game awaits. Children, do you like to play games? CHILDREN'S RESPONSES. Do you want to play? CHILDREN'S RESPONSES.

    Launches soap bubbles.

    Dashutka: Look at each bubble. Did everyone look carefully?

    Quickly give me an answer: does it look like a tram? NO!

    Answer me, kids, does it look like a watermelon? YES!

    Quickly give me an answer: does it look like a house? NO!

    Answer me, kids, does he look like the sun? YES!

    Quickly give me the answer: does it look like a carrot? NO!

    Answer me, kids, does it look like a ball? YES!

    Quickly give me an answer: does it look like a briefcase? NO!

    Answer me, kids, does it look like an apricot? YES!

    Quickly give me an answer: does it look like a bench? NO!

    Answer me, kids, does it look like a ball? YES!

    You know everything, you answer all the questions correctly. So, what shape are soap bubbles? CHILDREN'S RESPONSES.

    Dashutka: So that the sun shines, so that it is more fun,

    WE will release bubbles, whose is higher, look!


    Leading: Now show me how you blew the bubbles?


    Dashutka shows the letter to the children and reads it.

    Dashutka: I felt ashamed, Yaga, my bone leg,

    I see that you all tried your best and weren’t at all confused

    I will return the bubbles to you and ask for forgiveness!

    The presenter gives the children bottles of soap bubbles that Baba Yaga stole. The holiday continues...

    Scenario of the summer holiday "Festival of Soap Bubbles" in kindergarten

    Description of material: Suitable for children of any age, as well as for joint activities between children and adults.
    1. To evoke in children a joyful emotional mood, a desire to become a participant in the entertainment, the opportunity to enjoy the holiday, and vivid, unique sensations.
    2. Develop the need to show positive emotions during physical activity.
    You will need: an empty bottle, a bottle of water, detergent, glycerin, straws, soap bubbles in a box, flat plates, disposable large glasses, two stands for pulling a string, a string, plastic bottles of 0.5 volume with cut bottoms, rubber bands, circles from terry cloth to cover the bottoms.
    Songs played during games:
    “Small Country (I. Nikolaev performed by Natasha Koroleva),
    "We blow bubbles" (CUKUTIKI),
    “Holiday of Soap Bubbles” (Olesya Shkroba, Dasha Shkroba, Dasha Vlasenkova, Nastya Smirnova),
    “I will paint the clouds with the colored paint of fog...”
    “Do you want to see a rainbow...” (Soap bubbles)


    Outdoor game "Bubble"
    Children join hands and form a circle:
    Blow up the bubble
    Blow up big
    Stay like this

    Don't burst out.
    The bubble flew and burst.
    Educator: What are soap bubbles made from? Here are some tips for you.
    Guess the riddles:
    I am everywhere!
    In the sea, in the ocean,
    In a puddle and in a water tap.
    Have you heard about me?
    Because I'm everywhere!
    Children love to play with me
    Beat fluffy foam.
    Me and the water at the cleanliness -
    Transparent lungs float through the air.
    But just touch them with your hand and they no longer live.
    Educator: The riddles were solved. Well done!
    Now we take detergent, water, stir and the solution for soap bubbles is ready.

    Games with soap bubbles

    "Soap matryoshka"

    Take flat plastic plates bright color with a diameter of 15-20 cm (if outdoors). Pour some bubble solution onto it, take a tube and blow out a large soap bubble. Next, carefully turn the tube, leaving its end inside the bubble. Blow the second bubble. We repeat this several times and bubbles will appear according to the “matryoshka” principle (one on top of the other).


    (Competition for the most lush foam or the most a large number of soap bubbles overflowing the edges)
    We are recruiting a small amount of solution into plastic glasses and blow air into them with tubes. The solution will begin to bubble and produce abundant foam. There will be a lot of foam and it will fall out over the edges of the glass. The children will be very happy.

    "Foam path"

    Children take plastic bottles with terry cloth stretched over the cut bottoms, dip the bottoms in a soap solution and blow out foam paths. We provide deep colored basins for washing toys. “Foam tracks” are the most favorite entertainment for children. You can make the paths multi-colored, after dipping the bottom of the bottle in a soap solution, apply multi-colored food coloring in the form of strips to the bottom. But it’s better to do this at home so that the children don’t get dirty.

    "Fly the bubble through the string"
    Two teams are participating. The team with the most bubbles poured through the string wins.
    “Who has the bigger bubble?”
    Children take bottles with soap bubbles and try to blow out the biggest bubble.

    "Don't let me fall" (works well indoors, because there is no wind)
    One (the teacher or one of the children) blows bubbles, and the other tries to do everything possible so that the soap bubble does not fall to the ground for as long as possible, tossing it with a hand wearing a fluffy woolen or synthetic (boucle knit) mitten (you can use two hands).

    "Catch the Bubble" (better outside, as a continuation of the holiday)
    Educator: Bubbles fly, shine, fly away from the guys...
    First, the boys blow bubbles, and the girls catch, and then vice versa.
    Children stand in a circle.
    Educator: Our holiday has come to an end. Who enjoyed playing with soap bubbles today?

    Summer fun scenario

    « Celebration and to soap bubbles»

    D OSUG is designed to be held on a summer playground. And game exercises, experimental activities allow you to make it fun, interesting and educational.


    Creating a favorable emotional state in children;

    program content:

    Create a festive atmosphere and give children pleasure in games with soap bubbles;

    Develop motor activity children th;

    Cultivate friendly relationships.

    P the holiday begins. Music starts playing. (Balloons)

    D The children go out to the site, there are multi-colored balloons hanging there.

    B riding: P take a look guys!

    What a wonderful thing happened!

    WITH how many balloons

    N and the site appeared!

    Sh Ariki are all different!

    Sh ariki are wonderful!

    TO did you hang so many balloons here?

    IN Have you guys seen it?

    ABOUT Hey, who’s rushing towards us?

    And risk: Today is a wonderful holiday 

    Let's have a holiday We! 

    Lather up 

    We'll bubble! 

    Round, smooth, like a watermelon...

    If you let me off the leash,

    Will fly away beyond the clouds.

    IN (balloon)

    IN born in soapy water,

    TO the ball has turned.

    D flew to the sun,

    Leading: but it didn’t reach it - it burst! (soap bubble)Well done! You have solved the riddles.

    TO Here's another task for you. What do you guys think a soap bubble looks like? /children's answers/ . WITHNow I’m going to ask you, and if you agree, shout loudly “yes” and clap your hands, and if you don’t agree, shout loudly “no” and stomp your feet .


    let's try.

    And the yes-no game:

    What about the apples in the orchard? (Yes)

    What about the fish in the pond? (No)

    How about an inflatable ball? (Yes)

    Does it look like a phone? (No)

    Also, does it look like a house? (No) Toffee:(Equipment: racks, ropes, set

    for blowing soap bubbles) Music is playing

    In driving

    distributes bottles of soap bubbles to children:

    Open the caps

    Blowing bubbles.

    Here's what - look,

    They are all airy Very naughty.Host: Well,. and now it's time to dance. 

    Does it look like a phone? (No)

    Guys, stand up in a circle and start a fun dance.The music "Four Steps" plays.(the guys are blowing colored

    Does it look like a phone? (No) blown soap bubbles on a white sheet paper) Music is playing Guys, lookwhat I brought. with you (showshomemade frames for soap bubbles from wire and ropes with sticks)Now I'll show you how to

    what kind of big bubbles will you get with using these devices.. AND"catch the bubble" game Toffee blows up big soap bubble

    and, and the children catch them.(music plays)

    We painted the finished bubbles with gouache; the soap bubble “generator” (it’s homemade and note the word generator in quotes) is made from juice straws and the top of a 0.5 liter bottle. When a child blows into such a device, a lot of air flies out.bubbleshence the "generator". They also used a device made of wire, sticks and rope, and a carpet beater. These devices were dipped into a suitable container with soap bubbles and with a smooth movement of the hands to the side we blew soap bubbles. We prepared the solution of soap bubbles ourselves (200 grams of dishwashing liquid, 600 mlEquipment: soap bubbles, 2-3 basins for attractions, soapy water, cocktailthlinen tubes,2 racks with ropes, colored soap solution for painting



    and, sheets of white paper, homemade frames for blowing soap bubbles, a homemade “soap bubble generator” 

    The holiday begins. Music is playing. (Balloons)

    How many balloons

    Appeared on the site!

    The balls are all different!

    The balls are wonderful!

    Who hung up so many balloons here?

    Have you guys seen it?

    Oh, who's rushing towards us?

    Toffee : Today is a wonderful holiday 

    We'll have a party! 

    Lather up 

    We'll bubble! 

    Today, guys, we are going to the distant land of soap bubbles. Do you want to go to the land of soap bubbles? But for this you need to pass a test. Here's your first task (guess the riddle):

    Round, smooth, like a watermelon...

    Any color, for different tastes.

    If you let me off the leash,

    It will fly away beyond the clouds. ( balloon ik)

    Born in soapy water

    Turned into a ball.

    I flew towards the sun,

    Yes, it didn’t make it - it burst! (soap bubble)

    Leading: Well done! You have solved the riddles. Here's another task for you.

    What do you guys think a soap bubble looks like? /children's answers/. Now I will ask you, and if you agree, shout loudly “yes” and clap your hands, and if you don’t agree, shout loudly “no” and stomp your feet. Let's try.

    Yes-no game:

    Does a soap bubble look like an orange? (Yes)

    Does it look like a tangerine? (Yes)

    let's try.

    What about the fish in the pond? (No)

    Is a soap bubble similar to the globe? (Yes)

    What about the apples in the orchard? (Yes)

    What about the fish in the pond? (No)

    What about a big tape recorder? (No)

    Is it round, like the sun in the sky? (Yes)

    And what about a wheel on a bicycle? (Yes)

    How about an inflatable ball? (Yes)

    What about a white snowball? (Yes)

    Does it look like a phone? (No) Well done boys! Soap bubbles are light, airy, and obedient to the breeze. They love to play with children.

    (Equipment: stands, ropes, sets for blowing soap bubbles) Music plays

    Leading: Guys, let's have a competition and see whose soap bubble can fly over the string!

    The presenter distributes bottles of soap bubbles to the children:

    In driving

    distributes bottles of soap bubbles to children:

    Open the caps

    Blowing bubbles.

    Here's what - look,

    Leading : Well, now it's time to dance. . and now it's time to dance. 

    Does it look like a phone? (No) Guys, stand up in a circle and start a fun dance.

    Did you know that you can not only blow bubbles, but also draw them? Want to try? Attraction “Drawing with Soap Bubbles”

    Does it look like a phone? (No) (the guys blow colored soap bubbles onto a white sheet of paper) Music plays

    Guys, look what I brought with me (shows homemade frames for soap bubbles made from wire and ropes with sticks). Now I will show you how big bubbles you can get with these devices.Catch the bubble game.

    Toffee blows big soap bubbles and the children catch them. (music sounds)

    Guys, our holiday has come to an end. He turned out to be cheerful and perky.

    We painted the finished bubbles with gouache, the soap bubble “generator” (it’s homemade and note the word generator in quotes) is made from juice straws and the top of a 0.5 liter bottle. When a child blows into such a device, a lot of bubbles fly out, hence the “generator”. They also used a device made of wire, sticks and rope, and a carpet beater. These devices were dipped into a suitable container with soap bubbles and with a smooth movement of the hands to the side we blew soap bubbles. We prepared the soap bubble solution ourselves (200 grams of dishwashing detergent, 600 ml of water, 100 ml of glycerin). Believe me, it is very interesting and funny not only for children. 

    Equipment: soap bubbles, 2-3 basins for attractions, soapy water, cocktail straws, 2 stands with ropes, colored soap solution for drawing bubbles, sheets of white paper, homemade frames for blowing soap bubbles, homemade “soap bubble generator” 

    Marina Mishchenko

    Equipment: balls, hoops, basins with soapy water, cocktail straws, soap bubbles for each child.

    Target: help improve motor skills; develop independence, initiative, courage.

    Progress of entertainment:

    Children stand in a circle to the music.

    Leading: Hello guys. It was no coincidence that I gathered you here. This morning I found a letter in my mailbox. Would you like me to read it to you?

    “Hello, children and teachers. I came to visit you to teach you magic. Wait. I'll be there soon. Princess soap bubbles».

    Leading: Today we have a holiday soap bubbles! Bubble a fun and interesting game. And you guys like to let bubble? Well today at the holiday we will let bubble, play with them. But first let's meet the big brothers soap bubbles. Listen to the riddle and you will immediately guess what kind of older brothers these are soap bubbles(makes a riddle about a balloon).

    I hold him by the leash

    Although he is not a puppy at all.

    And he got off the leash

    And flew away beyond the clouds.

    Leading: That's right, guys, it's a balloon.

    Air balloon. Air balloon

    It breaks out of your hands.

    Naughty, naughty

    Suddenly it flies up to the ceiling.

    I need to catch him

    And tie it by the ponytail.

    Please bring balloons to our party. Look, guys, how colorful they are. Let's play with them.

    A game “Who will bring the balloon on their palm faster?”.

    Leading: Well done guys, we had a great time playing with the balls. Now let our balls rest.

    But the princess is still missing. Let's try to call her, and you will help me. Let's play a game "Day and night", The princess will hear this game and come to us here. Rules of the game such: If the music is playing, we all dance, and if the music stops, it means night has come, we all seem to be sleeping and not moving. Be careful! And so we begin the game.

    (A game "Day and night") Children "fell asleep", at this time the Princess appears.

    Princess: Hello guys. I came from the country Soap bubbles. I have come a long and difficult way to teach you a little magic.

    Leading: Guys, do you want to learn magic?

    Princess: In order to find out what kind of magic I have prepared for you, you need to guess Riddle:

    I'm rich in balls

    I share them with friends.

    I have balls with me -

    Yellow, red, blue.

    Not on a string, but in your pocket,

    In a long glass with a lid.

    If only I want

    I'll make the sky bloom.

    Each ball changes color

    Hello like a rainbow.

    They fly with the birds,

    They melt in the blue of heaven,

    And they show off themselves

    Yellow, red, blue.

    And the green turned yellow,

    Cleverly changed the paint!

    Why am I rich?

    Tell me guys!


    Princess: Right.

    Leading: Today we will go to a distant land Soap bubbles.

    Princess: In order for the magic to happen, you need to read the magic words and make the magic movements.

    Leading: Okay, you say the words and show the movements, and we will repeat. Really, kids?

    A game "Naughty bubbles»

    Children, children, look we are funny bubbles

    (put your legs alternately on the heel)

    You take a straw, put it in a jar of foam and blow.


    One, two, three - they grow bubbles.

    (shrug their shoulders)

    They grow, shimmer, and inflate more and more.

    (turn around themselves)

    Suddenly palms appeared started catching bubbles.

    Clap, clap, one, two, three, watch out bubbles.

    (children clap their hands)

    Princess: Well done. So we moved to my country Soap bubbles. Here is your first magical task.

    A game « Bubble» .

    Princess: Bubbles are funny people

    IN lives in soap bubbles.

    Here you will be now bubbles, and the hoops are your houses, occupy them.

    On signal "Let's fly" children run out of hoops and "fly". (At this time, 1 hoop is removed.) On signal "Home" kids return to hoops. The one who does not have enough hoop is eliminated from the game and becomes a fan.

    A game "Catch bubble»

    Everyone is divided into 2 teams: boys and girls will stand opposite each other. First the boys will let in bubbles, and catch the girls, then vice versa. Let's see who is the most dexterous.

    Leading: Well, princess, the guys, in my opinion, did an excellent job.

    Princess: It turns out that in your kindergarten there are the most dexterous girls and boys. But I have one more magical task for them.

    A game "Sea foam"

    There are tables near you, with basins of magical water on them. You need to make sea foam in these basins using cocktail straws.

    Leading: You see, our guys also coped with this task. When will we be able to perform the magic ourselves?

    Princess: 2 workouts left.

    “Help the balls fly across the border”.

    Children throw the balls so that they fly over the rope.

    "Catch bubble» .

    Princess: Open the caps,

    Blowing out bubbles,

    Here they are - look!

    They are all airborne

    And very naughty!

    How can we catch them?

    Hold it in your palm!

    Children of team 1 blow bubble, the children of team 2 are trying to catch them.

    Princess: Well done guys, you completed all my tasks. Now you can do the magic yourself. After all, the magic is so close. Sami bubble this is magic.

    Leading: Guys, let's show the princess soap bubbles how we can create miracles. Take yours bubble and launch them into the sky.

    Final part.

    All children participate.

    Leading: Carefully: bubbles...

    Oh, what! Look!

    They're getting bloated! They sparkle!

    They're having a blast! They're flying!

    Mine is plum!

    Mine is the size of a nut!

    Mine didn't burst for the longest time!

    The music is playing, the children are blowing bubble.

    Princess: Goodbye, guys. See you soon.

    Leading: Goodbye, princess. Thank you. Come again.

    Summer fun scenario:

    “SOAP BUBBLES HOLIDAY” (preparatory groups).


    1. Create a magical atmosphere, bring joy and good mood

    2. To consolidate ideas about soap bubbles and how to make them

    3. Strengthen knowledge about personal hygiene products

    4. Develop agility and speed

    5. Cultivate friendships and mutual assistance

    Characters: bow and ball

    The progress of the holiday

    Bow: Hello guys! Today we have a soap bubble holiday! Soap bubbles is a fun and interesting game. Do you like blowing soap bubbles? Okay, today at the holiday we will blow soap bubbles, play with them. But first of all, let's get to know the older brothers of soap bubbles. Listen to the riddle and you will immediately guess what kind of older brothers of soap bubbles they are:

    I hold him by the leash

    Although he is not a puppy at all.

    And he got off the leash

    And flew away beyond the clouds... (ball)

    Tell me, is my friend the ball among you? I want to play with him so much, but where did he hide from me?

    Guys, let's call him together!

    Ball: I was in such a hurry to see you, in such a hurry. But I am very light, the breeze picked me up and carried me in the other direction. It’s good that I got caught on a tree and heard you calling me. And here I am. How beautiful you are!

    Air balloon. Air balloon.

    Breaks out of your hands

    Naughty, naughty

    Suddenly it flies up to the ceiling.

    I need to catch him

    And tie it by the ponytail.

    Guys, do you like to jump? Well, we'll check it now. Let's play the game "Kangaroo".

    Game No. 1 "Kangaroo"

    Children jump a distance from balloon, squeezed between the legs. There should be a small cloth around the child's neck. bag or backpack (pocket). Anyone can be a kangaroo soft toy. The little kangaroo jumps to the cone and back, passes the ball and bag to the next team member.

    Game No. 2 "Sister Alyonushka"

    You need to quickly tie a scarf to the ball and draw a face.

    Game No. 3 "Clumsy Bear"

    In pairs, children walk the distance, holding a balloon between their stomachs.


    I'm rich in balls

    I share them with friends.

    I have balls with me -

    Yellow, red, blue.

    Not on a string, but in your pocket

    In a long glass with a lid.

    If I just want, I will make the whole sky bloom.


    Right! These are soap bubbles. And now we will check how smart and quick-witted you are.

    Bow: Why are soap bubbles called that?

    Ball: what types of soap are there?

    Bow: What are soaps for?

    Ball: what hygiene products do you know? Name it.

    Bow: What can you make your own soap bubbles from?

    Ball: Guys, do you know what a soap bubble looks like? Let's check it now. We will ask you what a soap bubble looks like, and if you agree, shout loudly “yes” and clap your hands, and if you don’t agree, shout loudly “no” and stomp your feet:

    Does a soap bubble look like an orange?

    Does it look like a tangerine?

    What about the apples in the orchard?

    And what about the fish in the pond?

    Is a soap bubble similar to the globe?

    How about an inflatable ball?

    He looks like telephone ?

    What about a big tape recorder?

    Is it round, like the sun in the sky?

    And what about a wheel on a bicycle?

    Does it still look like home?

    What about a white snowball?

    Bow: Well done boys! You all know that all our questions were answered correctly. Now let's play with soap bubbles.

    Game No. 5 "Snake"

    Children take turns walking around the cones blowing bubbles.

    All children are given soap bubbles, and to the music they dance and blow bubbles


    Our game has come to an end

    It's time for us to part.


    Well done, everyone had fun, and had a great time frolicking!



    Summer entertainment scenario: “SOAP BUBBLES HOLIDAY” (preparatory groups).


    1. Create a magical atmosphere, bring joy and good mood

    2. To consolidate ideas about soap bubbles and how to make them

    3. Strengthen knowledge about personal hygiene products

    4. Develop agility and speed

    5. Cultivate friendships and mutual assistance

    Characters: bow and ball

    The progress of the holiday

    The event takes place on fresh air. Bantik meets children on the playground.

    Bow: Hello guys! Today we have a soap bubble holiday! Soap bubbles is a fun and interesting game. Do you like blowing soap bubbles? Okay, today at the holiday we will blow soap bubbles,play with them. But first of all, let's get to know the older brothers of soap bubbles. Listen to the riddle and you will immediately guess what kind of older brothers of soap bubbles they are:

    I hold him by the leash

    Although he is not a puppy at all.

    And he got off the leash

    And flew away beyond the clouds... (ball)

    Tell me, is my friend the ball among you? I want to play with him so much, but where did he hide from me?

    Bantik is looking for Sharik among the children.

    Guys, let's call him together!

    The children call: "Ball! Ball!" Music sounds, a ball with balloons in its hands runs out onto the site.

    Ball: I was in such a hurry to see you, in such a hurry. But I am very light, the breeze picked me up and carried me in the other direction. It’s good that I got caught on a tree and heard you calling me. And here I am. How beautiful you are!

    Air balloon. Air balloon.

    Breaks out of your hands

    Naughty, naughty

    Suddenly it flies up to the ceiling.

    I need to catch him

    And tie it by the ponytail.

    Guys, do you like to jump? Well, we'll check it now. Let's play the game "Kangaroo".

    Game No. 1 "Kangaroo"

    Children jump a distance with a balloon sandwiched between their legs. There should be a small cloth around the child's neck.bag or backpack (pocket). Any soft toy can be used as a kangaroo. The little kangaroo jumps to the cone and back, passes the ball and bag to the next team member.

    Game No. 2 "Sister Alyonushka"

    You need to quickly tie a scarf to the ball and draw a face.

    Game No. 3 "Clumsy Bear"

    In pairs, children walk the distance, holding a balloon between their stomachs.

    Children sit on the verandas. Bow asks a riddle.


    I'm rich in balls

    I share them with friends.

    I have balls with me -

    Yellow, red, blue.

    Not on a string, but in your pocket

    In a long glass with a lid.

    If I just want, I will make the whole sky bloom.


    Right! These are soap bubbles. And now we will check how smart and quick-witted you are.

    Bantik and Sharik ask the children questions.

    Bow: Why are soap bubbles called that?

    Ball: what types of soap are there?

    Bow: What are soaps for?

    Ball: what hygiene products do you know? Name it.

    Bow: What can you make your own soap bubbles from?

    Game No. 4 "What does a soap bubble look like"

    Ball: Guys, do you know what a soap bubble looks like? Let's check it now. We will ask you what a soap bubble looks like, and if you agree, shout loudly “yes” and clap your hands, and if you don’t agree, shout loudly “no” and stomp your feet:

    Ball and Bantik take turns asking what a soap bubble looks like

    Does a soap bubble look like an orange?

    Does it look like a tangerine?

    What about the apples in the orchard?

    And what about the fish in the pond?

    Is a soap bubble similar to the globe?

    How about an inflatable ball?

    He looks like telephone ?

    What about a big tape recorder?

    Is it round, like the sun in the sky?

    And what about a wheel on a bicycle?

    Does it still look like home?

    What about a white snowball?

    Bow: Well done boys! You all know that all our questions were answered correctly. Now let's play with soap bubbles.

    The children again form into two teams.

    Game No. 5 "Snake"

    Children take turns walking around the cones blowing bubbles.

    Game No. 6 “We are all friendly guys”

    All children are given soap bubbles, and to the music they dance and blow bubbles


    Our game has come to an end

    It's time for us to part.


    Well done, everyone had fun

    And we had a great time!

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