• First steps in drawing: teaching your child creativity. Unconventional ways of drawing with young children


    From 1 to 2 years old is a very tender age for a child. The child has just learned to walk. He is interested in everything that can be dropped, spilled, spilled, or tasted. He is attracted to food, not only because it can be eaten, but because it can be smeared on the table, on himself and on you. And the child will do it with great pleasure.

    Is it worth starting to draw at such a very young age? Of course it's worth it! Before one year, it may not make sense, since the baby is just mastering the world and delivering porridge around the table is quite enough. It has been noticed more than once that the more a child manipulates with his hands, the smarter he is. By developing fine motor skills of the hands, the baby’s brain develops.

    Drawing classes are another way to establish trusting relationship with the child, because classes will be held with the mother. And although with age he will gain experience and will cope with many tasks on his own, he will always be pleased to do everything together with his mother, or at least in her presence.

    For such a small age you can use Finger paint, we will use thick paper of any color, large-format sheets (so that the baby has room for action), signets (for them we will use everything that is at hand), all kinds of sponges, rags, crumpled napkins, wax crayons. But mostly we will draw with our fingers. We will pick up a brush only when we gain experience. You can also use ready-made images; print them on a printer. Just instead of the usual, thin sheet, use a denser, landscape one.

    In terms of time, a lesson can last from a few minutes to a couple of hours, everything will depend on the young artist . Finish classes if your child has completed the work and no longer wants to draw. All classes must be completed voluntarily, without coercion. It is important! Otherwise, the baby will resist and do many things contrary to you.

    At the very beginning, all your masterpieces will resemble scribbles - little ones. Be patient! Don’t rush to correct your baby, especially at that age. Give him free rein, and the opportunity to tinker with paint. Scribble for fun. Use old wallpaper rolls that are probably gathering dust in your closet after renovation. If you don’t have any of these, you can always buy a roll of the cheapest wallpaper at the store. It happens that sketchbooks cost more than a whole roll of the simplest wallpaper.

    At first, the baby will simply try different writing utensils. You will choose something that is easy to draw with. Most likely these will be felt-tip pens, which definitely need to be water-based. But given the baby’s age, it is better to postpone felt-tip pens until a later period of development. Instead, offer him wax crayons.

    As I already said, you shouldn’t limit your baby’s scribbling. When interest in them subsides, he will begin to pay attention to lines, colors and shapes.. But that's all later. Let's start small!

    First lesson - finger painting

    Complexity:(1 out of 5).

    Age: from one year.

    Let’s direct the child’s interest in spreading porridge all over everything and everyone around him, in a creative direction.

    For this you will need a lot of patience! Because no one has canceled creative disorder. The unexpected in the form of blots all over the room cannot be avoided. If you have the courage, then go ahead!

    Start your acquaintance with finger paints. It’s up to you to choose which company to buy, but it’s better to buy specialized paint for kids. Why is it better to get acquainted not with pencils or other paints? It's simple! The baby will use the pencils as drumsticks, which can be chewed or poked somewhere (which can be dangerous). For this age, pencils are a little difficult because you need to make a lot of effort to leave at least some mark on the paper. And the lines, at the first stage, will turn out dull and will not cause delight in your little one. With other paints, it’s also not very good, since you need to use a brush. And believe me, the paint from the brush flies much further and more unpredictably.

    So, we settled on finger paints. They are the most suitable for the smallest babies. They are not toxic, but even if they are safe, you should not eat them with spoons. For a baby from 1 to 2 years old, you don’t need a huge number of colors, the most basic ones are enough.

    First lesson

    For your first lesson, try choosing a bathroom and the bath itself. Dress your child and yourself in clothes you don't mind. And give free rein to your baby. The white walls of the bathroom will serve as white sheets. The baby will have a lot of fun. All you have to do is relax and join your treasure. Draw, laugh, be happy and don’t forget to capture everything on camera.

    Cleaning the bathroom is much easier than cleaning the carpets, walls and ceilings in the room. The washing machine will take care of the clothes.

    Good luck in your first endeavor!

    Second lesson - drawing with palms

    Complexity:(1 out of 5).

    Age: from one year.

    Materials: finger paints, a sponge or a thick brush, whatman paper or another dense sheet of smaller sizes.

    Progress: Paint your palm with paint using a sponge or thick brush and make an imprint on paper.

    Once you've mastered finger painting in the bath. We got used to the creative chaos afterwards. You manage to catch your little hands a second before something that shouldn’t be smeared is smeared. In this case, you can move into the room.

    This is a very simple task. If possible, let the whole family participate. It will be a great memorial painting. Most likely it would be better to place it on the floor so that everyone has access to the canvas. Using a large brush or sponge, paint the palms. The palm can be one color, or you can show your imagination and add some patterns. Maybe each family member will have their own color of pens. You decide. If everyone has decorated their pens, then feel free to put them on paper and leave your fingerprints.

    This is so easy today, but exciting activity, from which the whole family will have a lot of fun! And the baby will be happy that everyone is assembled and busy with a common cause.

    Drawing with children 2 years old- this is something new than the previous kalyaki-malyaki performed by the kids. The drawings of two-year-old children are still little understood by adults, but, nevertheless, the first creative successes cannot but please parents.

    Drawing with two-year-old children is very entertaining: the kids immerse themselves in the process, are in some mysterious corner of their soul and draw and draw. Parents can become an active participant in an activity with a child, for example, join and show their creative abilities or teach the child something new, or help - take the child’s hand in their hand and move it, drawing something.

    By the way, this is how my daughter learned to draw circles the day before yesterday. Yesterday I showed a master class to my grandmother on Skype, and today I showed the circles to my dad. I must say, the mugs are becoming more and more like themselves :)

    Today I want to talk about different methods of drawing, in some places I will use our experience as an example. Although our Lyuba is not yet 2 years old, some things are also relevant for younger children.

    Drawing with children 2 years old: where, how and with what?

    If your child is passionate about drawing, then just give him free rein - and he will occupy himself. For us, this is a little fraught - the floor, wallpaper, chair and everything that turns out to be a “boring” piece of “interior” are instantly painted. Oh yes! More body art!

    If your child is not such a fan of drawing, well, maybe he will find it interesting a little later or you can try different ways. Who knows, maybe something will “catch” him.

    How can we draw, baby?

    Traditional methods on paper, whatman paper, cardboard and other paper surfaces using:

    • ordinary watercolor paints and tassels,
    • felt-tip pens (there are ones designed for toddlers over 1 year old, and they are also water-based),
    • colored pencils,
    • ballpoint pen ( Necessarily under supervision). I decided to include it here anyway, because... my daughter is not indifferent to pens. It doesn’t matter whether the rod is hidden or not, if you don’t draw it, then at least let me hold it :)

    • wax crayons,

    • gouaches,
    • (they are of least interest to my daughter at this age).

    I recommend drawing for children 2 years old under supervision, because... kids can still taste the paint, and licking a pencil is generally a cute thing :) By the way, our wax pencils also suffered.

    Teach children to dip the brush in water when painting, especially before each color change. Otherwise, all the drawings for a long time will be depressing gray-brown-crimson colors.

    Specialists in early development Children are not recommended to use regular pencils due to the fact that the child holds them incorrectly in his hand. This subsequently causes difficulties with retraining in preschool and school age– the child may continue to hold the pen incorrectly.

    In addition, with colored pencils the drawing turns out pale, because... To leave a bright mark you need to make an effort, this is difficult for kids.

    And of course, such pencils break quickly.

    You can also add variety:

    • Draw with your finger on the semolina (you can use a tray for this) or on the sand - you can also draw outside!
    • Take some crayons with you for a walk - let the street become a little more beautiful.
    • Try to diversify your baby's bathing time - invite him to draw in the bathroom. Our Lyuba was happy to make the bath brighter :)
    • on a magnetic board is also interesting, and most importantly there is no need to wash anyone away.
    • take a few disposable plates(you can take plastic ones), pour one color into each of them, let the child try to mix colors and create his own palette. You can give your baby a separate clean plate for this - a cardboard one is best.

    • Encourage your child to draw with toothpaste using a sponge.

    IN toothpaste for color, for example, you can add gouache. You can cut out interesting shapes from sponge and use them as stamps. Using a sponge you can paint with gouache or finger paints.

    • easel.

    We have an alternative to the easel at home - “creative wallpaper”.

    The idea is simple - I simply covered with plain paper the area that most often came under attack.

    Once you miss coloring the wallpaper, it’s difficult to explain to your child that you can’t do that. After all, he already tried it once and did it - he liked it, so it’s possible. I didn’t scold my daughter, but simply allocated a place. Everyone is satisfied and happy.

    • Coloring books – you can try coloring with your child. Although it will be relevant a little later, perhaps your child will get into it at this age and will successfully paint over the drawings. Some people show interest in painting earlier, some later. It is more convenient to use paints than a pencil.

    You can teach your child to color in the following way. Cut out of paper a simple figure or a drawing (for example, a fungus, a fish, etc.) and place it on a sheet that will serve as a work surface. Let the child try to paint the figure.

    Or you can cut out a shape, take the sheet from which you cut it, and place it on top of a blank piece of paper. When the child colors the cut out “window”, the top sheet can be removed, and on the bottom you will see the result of the child’s efforts.

    • free drawing. Very cool, but at home it’s labor-intensive and not entirely “free”, because there will still be restrictions.

    Someday I will tell you about free drawing in more detail. And also about how I had to wash both my daughter and my mother, but my mother still had to go home with “make-up” on her cheek :)

    And these are Lyuba’s circles. Really, they are already very similar? 😉

    Today I told you about how you can diversify. Perhaps you know of other ideas - share with us!

    Start off creative development The baby should be from 6 months. At this time, the baby is not yet able to come up with anything on his own, but he happily repeats his mother’s movements and rejoices at his first success. But drawing takes on special significance for children 2-3 years old, when children already understand what action they should perform and try to follow the instructions of an adult. That is why at this age creative “lessons” with mom should be conducted on a regular basis.

    About the benefits of classes

    Undoubtedly, early learning to draw will have an extremely beneficial effect on the child. It makes the child more emotional, forms and develops a sense of beauty, stimulates hard work, perseverance and imagination. Also, such fascinating “lessons” contribute to:

    • development of thinking and memory;
    • ability to overcome difficulties;
    • communication with adults;
    • understanding the goal;
    • development fine motor skills and sensorimotor coordination, which, in turn, is useful for speech development.

    The child learns to hold the brush correctly, which strengthens his fingers and palm, preparing him to master the skill of writing. Simultaneously with drawing lessons, the preschooler gets acquainted with flowers and remembers their names. Conditions are created for the development of an inquisitive and creative personality who strives to understand the world around him and create something new.

    In addition, joint creativity between mother and baby helps strengthen their emotional relationship. Experts have proven that working with paints helps get rid of negative emotions for both the child and the mother. This is why drawing can and should be done.

    Rules for organizing classes

    In her manual “Modeling and Drawing with Children 2-3 Years Old,” Daria Koldina advises focusing on the following principles for constructing classes.

    • From simple to complex.
    • The key task is to instill a love of drawing, so you cannot strictly dictate to your child what and how to do. It’s better to help, suggest to him, and not impose your will.
    • Maintaining baby's interest through various forms and methods.
    • Constant use of new tasks.
    • Children love to listen to fairy tales and are sympathetic to the main characters, which should be used for motivation. So, if the task “draw a circle” is uninteresting to the child, incomprehensible and will most likely be completed without pleasure, then the wording “let’s help the fairy-tale character, draw magic apples for him” will give a specific instruction. And a responsive baby will help with great diligence.
    • Combine drawing classes with reading poems, nursery rhymes, short fairy tales to the child, as well as with active and role-playing games. All this will help create the necessary mood.

    It is better to conduct classes once or twice a week for no more than 10 minutes, this will teach your child to draw and not tire him. The parent is required to show patience, a sincere desire to teach the child new things, and a willingness to react sensitively to changes in the child’s condition. In any case, it is important to support the child: praise him if he does something well, encourage him if the result is not yet satisfactory.

    Stages of training

    For the best success in the process of teaching basic drawing techniques to 2-3 year old children, you need to adhere to this sequence.

    1. Introduction to paints, brushes and other creative materials.
    2. Imitation. At this stage, the parent prepares the background in advance and formulates the task, and the child must repeat it. This could be teaching coloring: the mother draws a road and a car moving along it, paints only part of the “road” with brown, giving the child the instruction to clear the path of snow so that the car can pass. The child learns not to go beyond the outline with a pencil or brush, and to act carefully.
    3. Greater independence. The child tries to embody his own idea on paper or fulfill the request of an adult.

    Sometimes it is difficult for a baby to make the necessary movements, then help will come“hand in hand” technique: the mother takes the baby’s hand in hers and controls it. Gradually, adult participation should be reduced.

    Preparation of materials

    When drawing with children 2-3 years old, mothers will have to show their imagination and use the most non-standard methods and techniques so that the baby does not lose interest.

    There are many types of paints that can help make every activity fun.

    • Finger paint.
    • Regular watercolor with a set of brushes.
    • Crayons. You can draw on the asphalt with them while walking - both fun and useful.
    • Wax pencils.
    • Felt pens and markers.
    • Stamps are seals that are immersed in ink or paint and leave a shaped impression on the paper. It's easy to color.
    • Regular sponges for washing dishes. The adult pre-cuts them to the required size, the child will dip the tool into the paint and use this unusual “brush” to paint the background.

    When choosing a surface for a future drawing for children, you can also experiment.

    • A sheet of A4 paper is the simplest, most familiar and therefore popular “canvas” for a young artist’s creation.
    • A slate board, on which you can draw with crayons and then erase what you have drawn, also helps to correct possible mistakes.
    • A sheet of whatman paper placed on the floor (it can be successfully replaced by a piece of white wallpaper) will help create a large composition. This kind of “large-scale drawing” is very useful for the development of a child’s thinking.
    • A piece of plywood.
    • An old or one-color T-shirt purchased specifically for this purpose.
    • Cardboard.

    There are no limits to the flight of imagination - the main thing is that the child himself gets real pleasure from what he does. It is very interesting to offer collective creativity, giving several children the opportunity to create a large-scale canvas - this will help them learn to work in a team.

    How to teach the basics

    The simplest technique to start learning with is drawing with a poke. To do this you will need a large brush with short bristles, as well as thick gouache. The parent prepares the background in advance - it can be a green meadow, on which the baby will place bright yellow pokes - flowers; clouds from which it will rain - blue spots; a schematic representation of houses - against this background the child will be able to draw multi-colored fireworks. You can draw a Christmas tree, the child’s task is to decorate it with all kinds of balls.

    Next, the mother shows the baby an example, after which she gives him a brush and paint, prompts, and helps with words. It is better to do the first poke together, taking the child’s hand in yours. Using your fingers, it’s easy to draw dots - raindrops.

    Further, the task becomes more complicated; the child must be shown how to draw by dipping. To do this, paint is drawn onto a brush, after which prints are transferred to a sheet of paper: animal tracks in the snow, foliage on trees, various ornaments. A 2-year-old child can handle this quite well.

    Drawing with stamps - even more interesting activity. A foam sponge is used as a stamp, cotton swab or even a child's finger. You can also cut this kind of fun out of potatoes or carrots, giving it the required shape. The child dips the stamp in paint and then makes a print on a piece of paper. Using this technique you can draw beautiful beads, a starry sky, a snowman, or decorate a Christmas tree.

    More difficult tasks

    When the child has mastered the basics, you can begin learning to draw straight lines and geometric shapes. The adult shows how this is done, and the child repeats. To prevent the process from becoming boring, it is important to organize the lesson correctly. To do this, on one side of the sheet the adult draws an animal (or sticks a picture), on the other - his favorite treat. After this, he invites the baby to “feed” the animal, drawing a line from the animal to the food. You can also depict several houses in which various fairy-tale characters live, and ask the little one to draw paths along which the characters will visit each other.

    At 2-3 years old, children enjoy coloring, so parents can prepare special pictures for the child to color them, following the contours. Finally, you can safely use stencils that your child will trace and then paint. These forms of work improve fine motor skills very well. Most children learn to trace around the age of 3, but stencils can be incorporated into creative activities at 2 years of age. For example, offer the baby to paint the interior space using a small roller and paint.

    At this age, you can show your child how to use an eraser to correct flaws in a drawing. For this purpose it is played out interesting story, for example: we drew a path, but winter came, snow fell, and the whole path turned white. While telling the story, the adult erases the pencil line, then lets the child do the same.

    Custom drawing

    Any learning process in junior preschool age should be done in a playful manner, so drawing can be very varied.

    • To improve fine motor skills, you should invite your child to draw with his finger on semolina or flour scattered on the table. Positive emotions are guaranteed!
    • In the summer you can draw with crayons on stones, improving a useful skill even while walking.
    • Children enjoy decorating products made from puff pastry - it is much more interesting than working with the usual coloring books.
    • Drawing with colored ice will amuse both mother and baby. You should first freeze water of various colors, prepared using simple watercolors, and then offer the child a sheet of Whatman paper, on which he can use “paints” to draw figures or lines.

    Teaching a young artist will bring joy to both himself and his parents, but the main thing is to remember that the child should have fun and develop. Therefore, you should not scold him for failure, much less shout or get nervous. Such behavior of the “mentor” will only negate the further desire for beauty. It is much more effective to help the child, give him some advice, and rejoice at his successes, even if they are insignificant.

    Olga Abuzyarova

    Drawing is one of the greatest pleasures for a child. It brings a lot of joy to the baby, and, as you know, it is positive emotions that form the basis of the mental health and well-being of children. So that visual activity will always be a source Have a good mood, teacher in work with children features should be taken into account early age .

    One of these features is that the primary task of an adult (teacher) is not so much about acquiring children technical skills and abilities, as much as it is to arouse children’s interest and desire for the drawing process itself. This interest will become a kind of basis on which practical drawing skills will be developed and improved.

    It is also important to know that, in early age visual activity actively leads to the intensive development of the child in various fields (cognitive, speech, personal, sensory). By depicting the simplest objects and phenomena, the child learns about them, and his first ideas are formed. Gradually, the baby learns to talk about the phenomenon he saw and amazed him in the language of colors, lines, and words.

    Learning process visual arts is based on the interaction of the child with adults and children. As a result of such interaction, relationships are built and a person’s personality is formed. That is, in early age visual activity is important not so much for mastering drawing skills, but for general mental and personal development child. And the main task of an adult (teacher) is to search for forms, methods, techniques and means that contribute to the formation in children early age artistic and creative abilities in the visual arts activities:

    1. First of all, this is a careful selection of topics for drawing. It is advisable to select a topic so that it is interesting for every child.

    2. Using plot drawing in the form of finishing details - when the child completes drawing. As a basis for drawing, a blank is proposed on which only part of the drawing, the missing details of which the child must complete on his own. The plot of the picture is played out and commented on by an adult.

    3. Painting the finished outline. Children need to paint the outline of the finished figure. Using this method allows you to focus the child’s attention on consolidating previously learned skills. (hold a pencil correctly, draw certain lines and shapes).

    4. Change of drawing methods, variety technician: drawing with fingers, palms, stamps, sponges, etc., pencils, crayons, paints.

    5. Use of individual and collective forms drawing (when one job draw several children at once).

    6. Organization of classes in game form. The teacher plans games-activities based on the game plot, for example, "fun tassels" dancing to cheerful music, leaving colorful lights on the Christmas trees, "sad" it is raining, droplets are quietly falling to the ground, etc. This method of teaching allows you to interest children, holds their attention longer, creates the necessary emotional mood and a positive motive for activity.

    IN early age it is important to play with the plot of the future drawing using various toys and objects, visual material; accompany the drawing with an emotional comment, use poems, riddles, proverbs, nursery rhymes.

    Not every child will become an artist, but everyone has a certain potential artistic development, and this potential must be revealed. Gifted children will find their way, and the rest will gain valuable experience in creatively implementing their own ideas.

    Drawing with young children

    1. Drawing – interesting and useful look activities during which in a variety of ways using the most different materials pictorial and graphic images are created. Drawing introduces children to the world of beauty, develops the creative side of the individual, forms aesthetic taste, and allows them to feel the harmony of the world around them. It often contains elements of psychotherapy - it calms, distracts, and occupies.

    Drawing encourages children to be creative and teaches them to see the world in living colors. It is important not to miss the opportunities that open up at an early age; it is necessary to develop the child’s ability to perceive the world figuratively and come up with new stories.

    When teaching young children to draw, play is actively used. An adult plays out the plot of the future drawing with the help of various toys and objects, accompanies the drawing with an emotional comment, uses poetry, riddles, nursery rhymes, etc. This method of teaching allows you to interest children, holds their attention longer, creates the necessary emotional mood and a positive motive for activity.

    When drawing with young children, you need to take into account the characteristics of an early age. Children have not yet developed many skills. Children do not know how to hold a pencil and brush correctly, regulate the pressure on the paper (they press too hard on the brush, too little pressure on the pencil), orientate themselves on a sheet of paper and not go over the edge when drawing. Often the lack of skills frustrates children, and they give up trying to draw their plans. Therefore, you should start your lessons by teaching kids the simplest skills and techniques: holding a pencil correctly:

    I caught you with this finger

    They hugged me with this finger,

    This one from above is right there;

    paint right hand holding the sheet with your left hand, draw simple lines and shapes; Do not go beyond the edge of the sheet of paper or beyond the boundary line while drawing. By drawing sticks and paths, circles and ovals, the child discovers generalized forms and lines as the basis of many images, learns to find in them similarities with surrounding objects and phenomena. Having mastered a minimal arsenal of skills, children are able to convey an elementary image on paper and begin to feel more confident in this entertaining activity. And drawing with fingers and palms gives children an unforgettable feeling of direct interaction with paints and impressions of color manipulation.

    When teaching drawing skills, one should not forget that drawing for children is first and foremost a game. There is no need to limit children's freedom. Kids need to be given the opportunity to experiment. After the necessary skills have been developed and the drawing technique has been mastered, generalization classes are held in which children are given the opportunity to demonstrate their skills in creating original images.

    In addition to teaching drawing skills, developing interest and a positive attitude towards visual activities, plot drawing classes develop speech, imagination and creativity, introduce them to the world around them, and promote personal and aesthetic development.

    Speech development

    Classes on plot drawing are at the same time classes on speech development. In the process of playing out the plot and the drawing itself, there is a continuous conversation with the children. This organization of children’s activities stimulates their speech activity, promotes speech imitation, and subsequently organizes a real dialogue with a toy character or with an adult. We can say that drawing classes stimulate the development of the communicative function of speech.

    In addition, in an exciting game, being at the peak of emotions, performing practical actions, kids are able to learn many new words and expressions. Therefore, drawing classes help expand children's active and passive vocabulary.

    Getting to know the world around you

    For classes, subjects that are close to the child’s experience are selected. They allow him to clarify the knowledge he has already acquired, expand it, and apply the first versions of generalization. While drawing with children, the teacher talks about various natural phenomena (rain, snow, seasons, etc.), about the lives of people (in the city and countryside, holidays, walks, etc.) and about the life of animals. Didactic material is selected according to the topic of the lesson.

    Development of imagination and creativity

    To interest the child, you need to show him how to work with visual material. The main task of an adult is to teach the child to act, to help at the initial stage, and then to guide his activity. In this case, it is necessary to give a certain freedom of choice, because the flower can be yellow or of blue color, and the Christmas tree can be large or small, mushrooms can grow in the most different places Pictures.

    The teacher should strive to emotionally charge the children and turn the lesson into an exciting adventure. The finished drawings should be carefully examined, tried to find unique features, approved, and the little author praised for his efforts. As one wise man said: “A child is not a vessel that needs to be filled, but a fire that needs to be lit.” Since the foundation of personality is laid at an early age, hurry to light the spark of creativity in children.

    Personal development

    You should carefully and consciously consider the future fate of children's drawings. It is very important that children feel respect for their creations. Do not forget that young children need constant attention from an adult, his praise and approval. The expectation of such attention is one of the most powerful psychological motives that encourage children to act and achieve results. So don’t be afraid to over-praise the kids! After all, such an attitude today will allow them to feel confident in themselves in the future. Try not to remove children's drawings, but to organize an “art gallery” that parents and guests can visit. Update your “exposure” regularly.

    Aesthetic development

    During drawing classes, offer children a variety of materials: colored pencils and markers, crayons, watercolor and gouache paints, paper of different textures and colors.

    In general lessons, through visual representation, help kids see and compare various options execution of the same picture. The background of the picture (paper color), the color scheme used, the configuration of the images and their individual parts, and their relative position on the sheet of paper can be very different. Let each child choose the option that he likes best and embody it in his creativity. It is in this way, by involving children in practical activities, awakening in them the desire to try different options for implementing the planned plot, that you can evoke an aesthetic sense in them and teach them to see beauty.

    2. Draw with pencils and felt-tip pens.

    Goals and objectives

    · Training in the ability to hold a pencil or felt-tip pen correctly; navigate on a sheet of paper, draw straight lines, circles, etc.

    · Development of fine motor skills.

    · Speech development.


    Colored pencils, markers, paper, various toys and objects.

    Methods of teaching drawing

    Drawing in the air-drawing lines and figures in the air using movements of the straight index finger of the leading hand. Using this technique helps you feel the correct direction of movement and remember it at the motor level. You can also draw with your finger on any smooth surface (glass, table).

    Joint drawing-joint actions of an adult and a child in the process of drawing. The adult places a pencil in the child's hand, takes it in his own and moves it across the paper, creating an image and at the same time commenting on the drawing. Using this method allows you to teach your child how to hold a pencil correctly, press it with a certain amount of force while drawing, and draw various lines and shapes.

    Finishing the details -the process of completing a drawing. As a basis for drawing, a blank is offered, on which only part of the drawing is drawn, the missing details of which the child must complete. The plot of the picture is played out and commented on by an adult. Using this teaching method allows you to consolidate the skills your child has learned (holding a pencil correctly, drawing certain lines and shapes). At the same time, the adult has the opportunity to plan the level of complexity of the drawing and the time to complete the task depending on the age of the children in the group and the level of their skills.

    Independent drawing-a child’s creation of a drawing based on a plot given by an adult or at will using acquired skills.

    Preparing to Draw

    Before starting the lesson, you should prepare workplace. Only the essentials should be on the table. To begin with, a sheet of paper (blank or with a blank for drawing) and one pencil (felt-tip pen) for each child.

    What to draw with?

    It is better to first offer felt-tip pens to a young child: they leave a bright mark and do not require strong pressure. But you should be careful, make sure that children draw only on paper. Along with felt-tip pens, you can use colored pencils with a thick soft lead - they also leave a bright mark without strong pressure.

    At first, give each child only one pencil or marker. In the future, when children learn to use a pencil (felt-tip pen) and take the necessary precautions (draw only on paper, do not get dirty, etc.), you can offer them pencils and felt-tip pens of 2-3 or more colors, giving them the opportunity to choose the color they like. In general classes, a full range of colors and shades is offered. And in the summer you can draw with colored chalks on the asphalt, or with sticks on the sand and earth.

    What to draw on?

    You can draw with pencils and felt-tip pens on regular white A4 paper. Even if the drawing does not take up very much space, you should offer a sheet of paper sufficiently big size. This is necessary so that the child learns not to go beyond the boundaries of the sheet while drawing. In this case, the sheets should be arranged, as a rule, horizontally, as in an album. When drawing lines and circles on paper, we recommend drawing them in the air first.

    Subjects of works

    When working with young children, you should draw specific objects and phenomena that are familiar to them. In order to reproduce an image of a familiar object, children must perceive it purposefully. An adult can help children see an object or phenomenon anew, highlight its significant features: color, shape, location in space, etc. To do this, before the start of the next lesson, you should show the kids the object that will be offered to them for drawing. Explore it together, pay attention to the details. And while walking, draw the children’s attention to how rain drips from a cloud, what kind of grass grows on the lawn (near the road), etc.

    Organization of classes.

    Classes can be conducted individually or in a small group. The teacher should sit at the same table with the children so that he can help each child. In an individual lesson situation, the teacher does not offer the child a blank for drawing, but draws the main elements in front of his eyes.

    At the beginning, the duration of classes is 10-15 minutes, gradually it can be increased. To strengthen the kids' skills, one story can be used several times. You can give homework assignments so that the kids draw familiar pictures together with their parents.

    The lesson takes place in the form of a game. All drawings contain a plot. An adult comments on the drawing process, uses poems, nursery rhymes, and riddles.

    3. Paint with paints

    Goals and objectives

    · Learning the ability to use paints correctly and carefully by dipping the tip of a brush or finger into them; use the brush correctly; hold a brush; use light movements to draw lines, draw dots, etc.; wash the brush and store it with the bristles facing up.

    · Learning to navigate on a sheet of paper.

    · Development of a sense of color.

    · Development of emotions and fantasies.

    · Development of fine motor skills.

    · Speech development.

    · Familiarization with the surrounding world.

    · Formation of interest in drawing.

    Materials and tools

    Watercolor and gouache paints, special paints for finger painting, round and flat brushes of different sizes; different kinds paper, colored matte cardboard; palette; wooden geometric figures (cube, cone, etc.). Additional equipment: oilcloths for tables, aprons and robes (according to the number of children), rags or napkins, sippy cups (with a suction cup on the bottom) for water, etc. If possible, use easels.

    Drawing technique

    Drawing on wet paper- applying paint to a sheet previously moistened with water. This results in a plotless drawing in which you can observe blurry outlines, smooth transitions, and mixing of colors.

    Finger painting- applying paint to paper using your fingertips. It is convenient to draw with the tip of the index finger of the leading hand. When your finger touches the paper, fingerprints remain on it in the form of colored specks. round shape, and when drawn across paper, lines 3-6 cm long are obtained. Special paints, gouache or watercolor are used. The paints are diluted to the consistency of sour cream and poured into flat lids. When changing colors, wash your fingers in a jar of water and wipe with a napkin.

    Drawing with palms- applying a layer of paint to the inside of the palm and applying it to a sheet to make a print. The paint can be applied with a brush, or by touching the paint in the saucer with your palm. When applying paint with a brush, use different colors. When placing your palm on the paper, you can clench or spread your fingers.

    Painting with a brush– applying paints to paper using a brush. In this case, you should first wet the brush, then take the paint on it and lightly, without pressure, apply it to the paper. This technique uses brushes - round and flat, paints - watercolor and gouache (watercolor in tubes is pre-diluted), paper - watercolor and other thick paper. You can paint with a brush in three ways:

    · dabbing - applying colored spots to the base by applying it to the paper with a brush with paint. After contact with the paper, the brush should be immediately torn away from it, without making strokes;

    · applying strokes - drawing with a brush by drawing lines of various lengths in different directions (top to bottom, left to right, etc.);

    · drawing with a brush over a pencil sketch - applying paints over a simple pencil sketch consisting of simple lines and shapes (straight vertical and horizontal lines, circles, semicircles, ovals).

    Drawing with a stamp– applying paint to the surface of a special shape (stamp), applying the stamp with a layer of paint to the paper and pressing it to obtain a color print. One or more colors can be applied to a stamp. Using this method, you can obtain identical prints in any quantity, create identical and different shapes various images. You can use wooden geometric figures from a toy construction set as stamps or cut out templates the desired shape from vegetables (carrots, potatoes).

    Preparing to Draw.

    Before starting the lesson, you should prepare your workplace. It is necessary to lay oilcloth on the tables, and children should wear special oilcloth aprons or robes with sleeves with elastic. Only the essentials should be on the table. First (when painting with fingers or palms) - a sheet of paper and one paint for each child, or paper, paint, a brush and a jar of water when painting with a brush. When children learn to paint carefully (wipe their hands with a napkin, do not spill water, do not stain the table or clothes with paint), you can offer several paints.

    What to draw with?

    Use special paints for hand painting, gouache, semi-dry watercolor or in tubes (in this case, the paint is diluted with water before work); non-toxic, good quality.

    At first, it is better to draw with your fingers and palms, using special paints. If such paints are not available, you can use gouache or watercolor. This kind of drawing will help to introduce children to such materials for fine arts as paints, to study their properties and artistic possibilities. But you should be careful and make sure that children draw only on paper. If one of the kids doesn’t want to dip their finger in the paint during the first lesson, don’t force them. Give children the opportunity to watch your actions and the drawings of other kids. Explain that drawing with fingers and palms is very interesting, and that dirty hands can be washed later.

    When painting with a brush, round and flat brushes of different sizes are used, but when working with children, it is preferable to use large brushes, which leave a large bright mark on the paper.

    When drawing with a stamp, wooden geometric figures (cubes, cylinders or cones, etc.), vegetables from which forms for printing are cut out, and various wooden figures - toys with flat surfaces - are used.

    What to draw on?

    Paints should be painted on watercolor or any other A4 and/or A3 paper. Even if the drawing is small, you should offer a sheet of sufficiently large size. This is necessary so that the child learns not to go beyond the boundaries of the sheet of paper while drawing. In this case, the sheets, as a rule, should be arranged horizontally, as in an album. Teamwork performed on paper bigger size(whatman).

    Subjects of works

    During painting classes, subjects that children are already familiar with from working with pencils and felt-tip pens, modeling, and appliqué are often repeated. For example, the same grass or Christmas tree can be depicted using lines drawn with a pencil, paint using a finger or a brush.

    Rules for using paints and brushes

    First of all, it is necessary to teach children the rules of handling paints and brushes. Show how to carefully pick up paint on your finger or brush without getting dirty; Explain that paints should be stored carefully and paint jars should be closed after finishing work. Show the kids how to use a brush - how to hold it, wet it in water and remove excess water on the edge of the jar, how to take paint on the tip of the brush, paint with light movements, do not press the brush, do not rub the brush on the paper, wash the brush before take another paint. Explain that the brush cannot be left in the water for a long time, otherwise it will become distorted, that after painting it must be washed and placed in a glass with the bristles facing up. After completing the work, you need to wait for the paint on the drawing to dry.

    Drawing Help

    At the initial stages of learning to draw, it is possible for a child to work together with an adult, who takes the child’s hand in his own and helps him dip his finger in paint, draw lines with a brush, make prints using a stamp, etc. When the skills are consolidated, drawing is carried out to order ( sequential display of each stage) and drawing according to the finished sample. In addition, an adult helps children position the image on a piece of paper by sketching it in pencil or pointing with their finger at the spot on the paper where the image should be placed.

    Storage of works

    From the first steps creative activity Kids need to be shown attention and respect for their work. On each drawing you should write the date of its creation and the name of the author. Storing each child's work in a separate folder allows you to explore the dynamics of the development of each child's drawing skills. You can file drawings and you will get an album, and if you write text for them (1-3 short sentences) you will get a book.

    It is necessary to periodically organize exhibitions of children's works, preferably after each lesson. Be attentive to the kids, do not forget to praise them for their successes and achievements. To do this, look at their drawings, comment on them emotionally, show them to other children and adults, and give them a positive assessment.

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