• Vaseline types. Useful properties of Vaseline that you didn't know about


    Vaseline is a popular pharmaceutical product that has a surface protective and softening effect on the skin.

    The main active ingredient of the drug is soft white paraffin.

    The paste-like liquid is tasteless and odorless.

    In its composition, Vaseline is a mixture of soft and hard carbohydrates. The ointment is obtained by refining oil. Depending on the purification, the color of the drug can vary from translucent to yellow. The composition is miscible with any oils except castor oil, does not dissolve in alcohol and water, but quickly disintegrates in chloroform and ether.

    Thanks to Vaseline, moisture is retained in skin cells. The mixture does not penetrate deep tissues and the bloodstream, and also does not have a general effect on the body.

    Vaseline: receiving

    There are two main types of Vaseline: artificial and natural.

    To obtain a natural ointment, residues from the distillation of deciduous resins are used, which are then purified with sulfuric acid and bleached with special earths that have an adsorbing effect on coloring and resinous substances. As a result of this process, an ointment-like viscous transparent mass is obtained, odorless, tasteless, easily stretchable into threads, free from lumps and grains. Vaseline has hydrophilic and aseptic properties and is able to retain and absorb significant amounts of moisture.

    The natural mixture has a more transparent mass and beautiful view than that of artificial ointment. This composition Vaseline is least susceptible to changes under the influence of temperature fluctuations and does not leave a hard-to-wash off layer on the skin.

    Artificial Vaseline is obtained by melting paraffin, ceresin with perfume oil or purified medical Vaseline. Purified petrolatum is also added to this mixture, which increases viscosity and protects against strong effusions.

    Vaseline of artificial origin is obtained in cosmetic factories or in the woodworking industry. A cloudy, neutral, ointment-like mass of yellow or white, tasteless and odorless, when melted it forms a transparent, homogeneous, fluorescent, odorless liquid.

    Vaseline: application

    Medical Vaseline is used as an emollient for the skin of the face and hands.

    Medical Vaseline: instructions for use

    The ointment is used only topically. According to the instructions Vaseline in small quantity Apply directly to the affected area and rub in with light massaging movements. The ointment can also be used as applications.

    To avoid contact of the composition with mucous membranes and eyes, it is necessary to thoroughly wash your hands with detergents after application.

    Vaseline: side effects and contraindications

    The instructions for Vaseline indicate that the drug is well tolerated, but in rare cases it can cause allergic reactions.

    The main contraindication to the use of the ointment is hypersensitivity to the active components.

    Vaseline can be used during pregnancy and breastfeeding, since it does not pose a threat to the fetus and does not penetrate the mother’s body.

    Cosmetic Vaseline: application

    Cosmetic Vaseline is used to soften damage caused by negative factors. skin. It is this property of the ointment that is especially valued in home cosmetology. The drug is not absorbed into cells, does not have the ability to penetrate deep layers, is not absorbed by the skin, but is a fairly strong protective barrier that forms a dense film on the surface.

    By covering the skin, cosmetic Vaseline softens rough areas of the skin (elbows, heels). In winter, it can be used as protective agent from chapping and dry lips.

    This universal protective product is odorless and colorless, so it can be used by both women and men. Moreover, cosmetic Vaseline does not have side effects and contraindications, so it can be safely used in children.

    Boric Vaseline: composition, application

    Boric petroleum jelly is obtained by combining regular medical petroleum jelly with 5% boric acid.

    The main indication for the use of boron Vaseline is pediculosis.

    To treat this disease, the ointment should be applied to the scalp in an amount of 10-25 mg, depending on the length of the hair, its volume and the degree of lice. After 30 minutes, boric Vaseline should be washed off well with water and detergent, and the hair should be combed with a comb.

    This drug can only be used externally.

    Do not apply ointment to inflamed skin. It is prohibited to use it in case of individual intolerance to the active components, in children under one year of age, during pregnancy and in case of kidney problems.

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    Petrolatum(watery paraffin; lat. Vaselinum, Paraffinum unguinosum, Petrolatum) - a paste-like liquid without aroma or taste. With incomplete cleaning, the color ranges from black to yellow, with complete cleaning - to white. Consists of a consistency of mineral oil and solid paraffin hydrocarbons. Melting point - 27-60 °C, viscosity - 28-36 mm²/s at 50 °C. Soluble in ether and chloroform, insoluble in water and alcohol, miscible with any oils, except castor. It is obtained from vacuum distillate petroleum fractions by thickening with petrolatum, paraffin and ceserin. It is not saponified by mixtures of alkalis, does not oxidize, does not go rancid in air and does not change when exposed to concentrated acids.

    Invented in 1859 by the English chemist Robert Cheesbrough. Robert A. Chesebrough). In 1872, he received a patent for the creation of Vaseline.


    There are two types of petroleum jelly: natural and artificial.

    Natural(natural “American”) petroleum jelly comes from the residues from the distillation of paraffin oil, followed by cleaning with sulfuric acid and bleaching with bleaching earths, which adsorb resinous and coloring substances. It is ointment-like, and in a narrow layer - a transparent viscous dull mass, without taste or aroma (occasionally with a faint smell of kerosene), free from grains and lumps, simply stretching into threads. Yellow Vaseline usually fluoresces green, snow-white - opalescent. It has aseptic and hydrophilic qualities and the ability, separately in consistency with lanolin and cetyl alcohol, to absorb and retain a significant amount of water. Natural Vaseline is very difficult to emulsify. When stored at any temperature conditions, it should not separate and release oil, even in the form of traces (exudation).

    Natural Vaseline has a more beautiful and transparent appearance than artificial one. It is least susceptible to changes in the mixture during temperature fluctuations and does not “sweat” and leaves a sticky, greasy residue on the skin that is difficult to wash off.

    Vaseline artificial- an alloy of ceresin, paraffin with purified (honey) vaseline or perfume oil in varying proportions depending on the melting point of paraffin or ceresin. Purified petrolatum is added to it to increase viscosity and significantly protect against the occurrence of effusions.

    Artificial Vaseline is obtained from the oil industry or prepared in cosmetic factories. Paste-like, cloudy, translucent in a narrow layer, neutral, snow-white or yellow mass stretching in small threads in the absence of aroma and taste. When melted, it should give a homogeneous, transparent, fluorescent oily liquid with no aroma.


    Vaseline is used to impregnate paper and fabrics in the electrical industry, to produce greases that are resistant to strong oxidizing agents, to protect metals from corrosion, as a laxative in medicine, and as a component of cosmetic creams in cosmetics. Vaseline is used as a fat base in some creams and without the help of others (vaseline, boric petroleum jelly, massage creams).

    Contrary to popular belief, Vaseline has very little use as a lubricant in the sex industry because it helps break down latex; here, more modern compositions based on water-containing components (for example, silicones) are used.

    Vaseline is registered as a food additive E905b.

    Sources and additional information materials:

    Vaseline - Wikipedia

    What do we know about Vaseline?

    What is Vaseline for? It can be used for a variety of purposes. It protects against bad environmental influences, softens the skin, prevents flaking and more.

    This is a wonderful helper in everyday life and a good cosmetic product, suitable for almost everyone.

    Almost everyone knows that Vaseline is a medical product. But few people know what Vaseline can be used for and why it is needed. This drug is present in every home. It is used externally as an emollient and protective agent or instead of the base of medicinal ointments.

    Vaseline is quite oily, which is why it is often used as an additional component for making ointments. It has a dense consistency, so it fits well on the skin with a very thin film. This film retains all moisture, and the skin remains hydrated all day long.

    Ways to use Vaseline:

    1. Moisturizes dry and rough skin.
    2. Protects from strong winds, frost and scorching sun.
    3. Retains moisture in skin cells.
    4. Helps with burns.
    5. Smoothes out cracks.
    6. Reduces irritation and rashes.
    7. Does not cause allergic reactions as it has no odor.
    8. Takes care of baby's skin.
    9. Helps with eczema.
    10. Softens calluses.
    11. Used as a laxative.
    12. Helps with diaper rash.

    For what purposes should you not use Vaseline:

    1. It is not advisable to use it in the treatment of acne and rosacea, it will only worsen the condition.
    2. To moisturize, it is better to apply the ointment immediately after a bath. In other cases, it can clog pores and cut off oxygen from reaching the skin.
    3. It should not be used as an antifungal drug. For such purposes would be better suited Coconut oil.

    Use of Vaseline for cosmetic purposes

    Cosmetic Vaseline is a universal remedy.

    It is used to make many oils and creams. IN pure form it is used very rarely, but still there is a purpose for it. Very often it is used as a softening cream before a massage, less often as a cleansing cosmetic.

    Main uses of Vaseline:

    1. It is a good substitute for hand, lip and face cream. The thin film that forms on the skin helps retain moisture and thereby prevents the formation of wrinkles. You can lubricate dry skin on your knees and elbows with it. For men, Vaseline is suitable as an aftershave balm.
    2. The product helps preserve the smell of perfume for a long time. Before applying perfume, you need to lubricate the skin area with Vaseline.
    3. Cleanses the skin of cosmetics.
    4. Helps stimulate eyelash growth. If you regularly smear it on your eyelashes, they will become long and thick.
    5. The product gives eyebrows natural shine and neat form.
    6. Well moisturizes the scalp and gets rid of split ends.
    7. It can be used as a treatment around the eyes.
    8. Improves appearance nails and helps to care for them.
    9. Helps prevent lipstick from sticking to lips.

    Vaseline also helps remove a stuck ring. They can give a bag or shoes a beautiful shine. He will help you make crafts from food products. It can be used to lubricate door hinges or mechanical toys. The product can be used to moisturize animal paw pads. It also helps remove hair from the stomach of dogs and cats.

    The product can be either natural or artificial. The natural product is produced by processing paraffin resins. It is cleaned and bleached. It is more viscous and thick. In addition, it is odorless and completely transparent. This is an antimicrobial product that is quite difficult to wash off as it is very sticky.

    An artificial drug is obtained by processing synthetic products. The ointment is cloudy in color and odorless. It is less sticky than natural. So, what is Vaseline for? Some people use it as a moisturizer, while others find it a wonderful nail care product.

    But you need to remember that you should not use it as an emollient for a fresh tattoo or as a lubricant during sexual intercourse.

    In 1859 English chemist Robert Chesbrough invented Vaseline. He discovered the amazing properties of the resulting substance - healing, softening and protecting the skin. He tested the new product personally on himself, smearing the mixture on burns and cracks in the skin.

    History of invention

    Initially, Robert Chesbrough called the new product petroleum jelly. But this name did not attract buyers, so the inventor decided to use a combination of two words: the German “wasser” - water and the Greek “elaion” - olive oil.

    In 1872, Chesbrough received a patent to manufacture the product, and on May 14, 1878, he trademarked "Vaseline".

    The history of “Vaseline” is unique, because this is a rare case when a trademark name comes into general use as a common name of a product category.

    Vaseline happens...

    Vaseline happens natural— it is obtained from hardwood paraffin resins, followed by cleaning and bleaching with special substances. Natural petroleum jelly, in comparison with artificial petroleum jelly, is more viscous, transparent, colorless, tasteless and odorless, has antimicrobial properties and attracts water. When applied to the skin, it is difficult to wash off and leaves sticky residue.

    Artificial Vaseline is a combination of solid ceresin and paraffin with purified petroleum jelly or perfume oil. Artificial petroleum jelly is produced in woodworking (technical petroleum jelly) or cosmetics ( cosmetic Vaseline) industry. This Vaseline is not very viscous, cloudy white or yellowish in color, ointment-like, odorless and tasteless. Artificial Vaseline can be technical, medical and cosmetic.


    Today, petroleum jelly is used in the electrical industry, to produce greases, to protect metals from corrosion, as a laxative in medicine, and as a component of cosmetic creams in cosmetics.

    Where and how can you use Vaseline at home?

    For heels. There is an opinion that Vaseline does not moisturize the skin, but only creates a protective barrier that helps retain moisture. But be that as it may, Vaseline can be used to soften rough skin. Apply Vaseline at night to rough areas of skin on your elbows, heels, and knees, and in the morning they will be much softer.

    For the smell. Vaseline is great for helping to prolong the effect of perfume - before sprinkling perfume on your wrists and neck, first apply a little Vaseline to these places. The thing is that Vaseline absorbs the smell and retains it, spreading it throughout the day.

    For eyebrows. In order to give your eyebrows the correct and lasting shape, it is not necessary to use a special gel. Take a clean one cosmetic brush, squeeze a drop of Vaseline onto it, comb your eyebrows, giving them the required form. When the Vaseline dries, the eyebrows will not only be fixed for the whole day, but will also begin to shine. By the way, the same trick can be done with hair. Vaseline will not weigh your hair down, but will make it smooth.

    Photo: www.globallookpress.com

    For face. Vaseline can be used to make a makeup remover. Take a cloth or paper napkin, soak it in Vaseline and use it as a makeup remover. Vaseline will remove even waterproof makeup.

    For body. Vaseline can be used to make a simple and inexpensive body exfoliant. Mix petroleum jelly with salt to make a salt scrub, or with brown sugar to make a sugar scrub. This scrub will gently cleanse the skin.

    For lips. Are your lips dry? Apply Vaseline to them at night and in the morning they will be fresh and moisturized.

    For treatment. Vaseline is used to lubricate injured areas for burns, cracks, dry nasal mucosa, psoriasis, and so on. Note that in in this case- in a thin layer and in small quantities.

    For children. This is one of the tricks that young mothers can take note of. If, when washing, a child cries because shampoo gets into his eyes, lubricate his eyebrows with Vaseline. It is Vaseline that forms a protective visor that will prevent shampoo from getting into your eyes.

    From scars. Vaseline will not save you from acne itself, but it will help eliminate its consequences - scars that form due to acne. It is necessary to treat the affected areas of the skin with Vaseline from the moment the scars appear, preventing them from becoming rough.

    By the way, Vaseline has practically no contraindications for use; it can very rarely occur allergic reaction in the form of a rash of various types at the site of application.

    The need for invention is cunning, and therefore craftsmen have learned to use Appliances and tools for their own personal purposes, sometimes far from the purpose of the objects themselves. Every housewife has her own secrets that help her solve a lot of everyday problems. We offer 10 of the most unexpected ways to use Vaseline.

    Many people believe that romantic dinner will be incomplete if it is not complemented by a beautiful candlestick with burning candles. However, its design is such that wax accumulates in the seats, the removal of which brings a lot of trouble. You just need to lubricate the inside of the candlesticks with Vaseline, and the combustion residue will easily come off the metal base.

    If there are children at home, then sooner or later you will have to remove chewing gum stuck to pieces of furniture. Regular Vaseline can come to the rescue of this problem. We apply it to fresh or already dried chewing gum(in the latter case, you need to thoroughly rub in the Vaseline), disintegration processes will begin, which will turn the chewing gum into an easily cleaned mass.

    Modern vacuum cleaners have many plastic parts that have to be separated from time to time (parts of the pipe, housing, filter, etc.). So that disassembling the structure does not require much effort, you need to lubricate the places where they are attached with Vaseline.

    Many professional products shoe care products contain petroleum jelly, which helps achieve maximum effect gloss. However, none of them compares to the pure substance. Vaseline will help make patent leather shoes look spectacular and maintain their beautiful appearance for a long time.

    It's no secret that things from genuine leather require special treatment. In order for them not to lose their valuable qualities and presentable appearance, they need to be nourished and moisturized from time to time. For this, there are a lot of special expensive products that can easily replace regular Vaseline. Using a small sponge, apply a thin layer of it to the surface, wait 10-15 minutes, carefully remove any unabsorbed residue with a dry cloth.

    Sometimes it is simply impossible to open a tube of glue, nail polish or some other substance. In order to avoid this situation, after using, for example, glue, before closing it, you need to lubricate the lid with Vaseline. It will not allow the remnants of the substance to “seize”, which means there will be no problems with the subsequent opening of the desired jar or bottle.

    Many experienced builders use regular Vaseline instead of special masking tape used to protect surfaces from paint and varnish. Firstly, it is easy to apply on uneven surfaces (handles, latches, etc.). Secondly, it leaves no traces (except for shine). Thirdly, Vaseline along with paint residues can be easily removed (to do this, just wipe the part with a rag).

    8. Protection of metal products from corrosion and aging

    If it’s time to put the bike in the garage or take it out onto the balcony until next season, then you should coat all metal and chrome parts with Vaseline, and long time storage in a cold, damp place will not affect the condition of the great iron horse. Vaseline will prevent the formation of rust, the adhesion of dust, ice, etc. In the spring, it will be enough to wipe the bike with a dry, clean rag, and it will be ready for new travels again.

    If you can no longer endure the creaking of wooden cabinet doors, use a brush to apply Vaseline to the fittings, coat all the mounting grooves, guides, awnings and hinges.

    Vaseline is one of the best and safe means for the care of wooden furniture. It helps remove stains and provides a beautiful shiny finish.

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