• How to stop breastfeeding at 1 month. Abrupt weaning. How to end breastfeeding


    Hello dear! Our “milk” topics continue, and today we’ll talk not about proper breastfeeding and breastfeeding, but about completing feeding. For many mothers, this becomes a real problem, and it can be difficult both morally and physically. It’s no joke, you have to feed your baby for a year, and sometimes even a year and a half, and at the same time experience peace, tranquility and inexplicable tenderness for your child. This is already a whole ritual. And suddenly the time came to give it up. For good. How to stop breastfeeding is a very acute and painful question for a mother. I will try to resolve it today and smooth it out as much as possible.

    “Of course” is the ideal option

    In some “tandems” called “mother-baby”, the completion of feeding occurs easily and harmoniously. If the baby himself refuses to breastfeed, milk gradually decreases due to a decrease in “demand”. A kind of self-exclusion, which, unfortunately, does not occur so often. As a rule, the mother’s coveted “boob” haunts the baby for a long time.

    He had already begun to walk and talk, but no, no, he would unbutton his mother’s robe and cling to her chest. Habit is second nature. But you also need to know honor. Sooner or later we will have to “break up”, so let’s do it right. What if tomorrow you are urgently asked to go to work, or you, pah-pah, get sick with something and go to the hospital. Here we will have to take emergency measures.

    "Tasteless" and "bitter"

    But first things first. Pediatricians advise weaning the baby from the breast in stages: first stop night feedings, and then daytime feedings. But this is how one-year-old children, who already understand everything, will perceive such an incomprehensible “night” restriction. How will you explain to your baby that “boobs” are inaccessible at night? Does it “sleep”, “hurt”, “becomes tasteless”? It is unlikely that the baby will accept this.

    I propose to come up with a beautiful fairy tale, where main character- your child, and “sisya” is just an “auxiliary element” that at some point ceases to be necessary. As they say, mission accomplished. You can leave your versions of the tale below in the comments. Let's see who comes out more interesting.

    Delicious substitutes

    Perhaps a distraction during weaning will be some kind of tasty treat (cookies, juice) or a bright rattle toy.

    It’s up to your baby to decide what he will react to and be more willing to exchange “boobs” for this. Some male doctors promote such an extreme method as the sudden departure of the mother for several days. They say it often works. But I don’t advise you to shock your child like that, and even a couple of days apart will not be easy for you. We started together, we must finish together. The main thing is to know how to do it correctly.

    Isn't it too early?

    If you decide to wean your baby at early age, then you can leave night feedings, but express during the day. Milk can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 30 days in bottles or freezer bags. Just don't forget to write the freezing date. The rest of the time, feed with an adapted mixture.

    This method is suitable if there is little milk, and you no longer know what to do with an eternally hungry baby. However, I urge you to fight for breastfeeding with all your might, and give it up only when you have tried everything.

    It must be said that about 70% of mothers who decided to stop breastfeeding at an early age still resume feeding after 2-3 weeks. This is the best in the breast, and no formula can replace mother’s milk in its value and nutritional value. Feed while you can, at least until your baby is one year old. Well, then start preparing him for separation from his beloved “sissy”.

    Horror stories and other "grandmother's" methods

    Some mothers come up with real horror stories so that the baby gets scared and does not want to put “this nasty thing” in his mouth. “The boob has become tasteless and bitter,” the mother scares her little daughter. Tears well up in her eyes. How is it possible that she was like family for so long, she calmed you down, gave you warmth and delicious milk, and now, it turns out, she betrayed you? These are the thoughts that will be in your baby’s head. Don’t even think about doing this, much less smearing your nipples with mustard or pepper, as our inventive grandmothers sometimes did.

    I also do not recommend the old method of breast constriction. It is traumatic and dangerous, often leading to mastitis and disfiguring the shape of the breast. You definitely need surgery and “spaniel ears” instead beautiful breasts? Don't think.

    Milk tablets

    Nowadays, a variety of tablets are actively used to stop lactation. Of course, they work, but many are not exactly for nursing mothers. Such drugs are created for women whose milk is not released after childbirth, but flows on its own. They have a lot of side effects, so consult your doctor before buying them.

    Remember one important thing: if you start taking such pills, you no longer breastfeed your baby! DO NOT throw your body into turmoil. Otherwise, it will turn out that on the one hand you are blocking the release of milk, and on the other hand, the baby provokes its further production.

    Gradually and painlessly

    I recommend finishing breastfeeding without medications, smoothly and gradually, without stress for yourself and the baby. Gradually pump several times a day, but not completely. Of course, it’s better not to do this with a baby. There should be less and less milk. Don’t be lazy to express, don’t wait for the milk to “burn out.” Otherwise, you risk getting lactostasis, mastitis and other troubles. If there is no stagnation, and everything goes according to plan, you can also use folk remedies to reduce lactation:

    Make an alcohol compress and drink at the same time herbal infusions from peppermint and sage.

    After some time, lactation will stop. Well, while you are still in the process, I will share with you some “know-how”:

    1) Keep your baby occupied and distracted more often. New interesting games, pyramids, cars, dolls. He will be interested and his hungry looks at boobs will become less frequent;

    2) Do not sit or lie near the baby so that the breast is constantly within reach. Watching the series with your child is now an option that is temporarily unavailable to you. Go for walks more often, involve your baby in doing household chores so that he sees and thinks about your breasts and delicious milk less often;

    3) Be firm in your decision to stop breastfeeding. Your confidence is already half the success. At the same time, you cannot be strict and tough with your baby. On the contrary, try to hug him more often, carry him in your arms, give him more tenderness and warmth;

    4) You are strictly prohibited from wearing a neckline during excommunication! Do not provoke the baby, wear closed and not too tight clothes;

    5) Pamper your child with treats: cookies, crackers, juice or fruit drink should always be at hand, including on the street. Don’t forget to give him regular clean water; if you stop breastfeeding, there is a risk of dehydration.

    Well, now there’s one more nuance. Sometimes it is better to hold off on stopping breastfeeding. For example, in early spring, when immunity is already reduced. Various stressful situations for the child (the first visit to the nursery, “moving” from the parent’s to his own crib, teething, illness) should also not be combined with weaning. Wait for a more favorable time and act according to plan!

    Well, I say goodbye to you for today. I hope this was useful to you again. Don't get sick and come visit often!

    Every day, thousands of mothers wonder how to properly wind down breastfeeding. Usually you want it quickly, non-traumatically and with minimal losses. Is it possible?

    “My strength is gone! I hardly sleep at night because my 15 month old baby is latching every half hour. And a hearty dinner does not help you get rid of this habit. I understand that breastfeeding is very beneficial for him, but I can’t do it anymore. I want to get a good night’s sleep.” Moms' groups in the U.S. are full of similar messages. in social networks. Most subscribers recommend ending breastfeeding and offer options on how.

    Leave for a couple of days. One of the favorite recommendations of mothers who weaned their child this way. Like, it’s quick and non-traumatic - in 2-3 days the child forgets about his habit of latching on to his mother’s breast.

    Underwater rocks: Firstly, not all children give up so easily. It happens that when the mother returns, the first thing the baby does is demand her breast. Secondly, is it so non-traumatic? The mother deprives the child of the breast, which for a long time was not only a means of satisfying hunger, but also the most important part his reality, and even disappears itself. Who should I look to for support? Who to trust? With whom to share your grief from loss? It’s unlikely that dad or grandma are capable of coping with a problem of this magnitude.

    Apply mustard to the nipple. Or something else tasteless, spicy, bitter. Then the child will try and refuse.

    Underwater rocks: Let's return to the baby's picture of the world: when he is born, he first reaches out to his mother's breast. Then, if feeding occurs on demand, he can receive it to quench hunger, thirst, get rid of anxiety, calm down, hide from an unwanted environment, in an effort to get rid of pain... And then the world turns upside down. If the child was generally ready for weaning, then such measures can take place without consequences. Or they can end in severe stress, hysterics, withdrawal, and hanging from one’s arms.

    Bandage the chest. And tighter. This is what our grandmothers did to get rid of milk when breastfeeding was quickly completed, they say, it would burn out.

    Underwater rocks: such measures often lead to lactostasis and mastitis. In addition, breast tightening does not stop lactation at all - milk will continue to come. Under these conditions, the breasts will swell, harden and cause severe pain.

    Fortunately for the children, wise mothers It's getting bigger every day. And among the general nonsense, there are quite adequate tips for stopping lactation.

    Mom's readiness. For the process of ending breastfeeding to be successful, the mother must be calm about her decision to stop lactation. Otherwise, she will rush about, either giving breasts or depriving them. Children feel similar moods and behave accordingly. If the mother herself doubts, the desired result will not be achieved.

    Smooth end of the war. Breastfeeding experts recommend reducing breastfeeding gradually, giving the baby the opportunity to get used to the new conditions. First, stop feeding your baby just like that, without reference to nutrition. Wait a week or two. Then remove the attachment after nap, then - in front of him, so gradually get to the night ones.

    Child's readiness. If you are moving, or are preparing to give your baby a younger brother, or the first one is teething, or he has a cold, it is better to postpone the next stage until better times. Thus, completion of breastfeeding can take from a month to six months. But this will be the least traumatic path for both mother and child. The woman's milk will drain gradually, and there will be no need to take additional measures.

    “I fed my eldest child for a long time - a little over two years,” says Marina, mother of two children. “I completed it only because I became pregnant for the second time.” The most difficult thing was eliminating night feedings. What to replace them with? He didn’t want to use formula, he didn’t take any water, and the songs had no effect at night. I ended up rocking him in my arms. I know that many do not recommend it, but I have not seen any other adequate replacement for the warmth, comfort and reassurance that I gave him mother's breast. Three days were enough for us to get used to the new conditions.

    Breast-feeding I started finishing my youngest daughter when she was one year old. The whole process took four months. Night feedings were also replaced with motion sickness. Yes, there were difficult nights, but overall we both began to sleep much better. After a few months, there was no longer any need for motion sickness.”

    Finishing breastfeeding requires strength and patience just as much as breastfeeding. the desired result a woman will come in any way, but the consequences may be different. Wisdom and awareness in this difficult matter!

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    I am a journalist, translator, certified yoga instructor. But, perhaps, to a greater extent, she is the mother of two beloved children. The “Unideal Parents” project is my attempt to find answers to my maternal questions. Due to my profession, I have the opportunity to communicate with specialists, masters of their craft. The results of our cooperation are on the pages of this site. I hope we answer your questions too...

    Breast milk is the healthiest food for a baby. But this process will still have to be completed over time, although weaning is a huge stress for the baby. We'll tell you how to do this as comfortably as possible for you and your child.

    The benefits of milk

    You probably know that mother’s milk contains not only all the vitamins, microelements, proteins, fats and carbohydrates necessary for the baby, but also antibodies that form the child’s immunity.

    By the way, the opinion that over time breast milk loses its valuable properties, is fundamentally incorrect. Numerous studies have shown that even in the third year of lactation, milk remains as beneficial as at the very beginning of feeding.

    When to stop breastfeeding

    Pediatricians advise stopping breastfeeding when the baby himself wants it. As a rule, this happens by the third year of the baby’s life.

    The World Health Organization recommends stopping feeding by the age of 2 years. And this is the most best option- especially in the realities of Russian families. The fact is that by the age of three, children usually go to kindergarten. Being in an unfamiliar environment and, especially, without a mother is already a huge stress for a child. What if getting used to a new life is accompanied by weaning? Can you imagine the scale of the experience he will experience? Therefore, before you start preparing your child to visit the garden, gradually wean him off the breast.

    How to understand that your baby is ready

    In this matter, not only the age of the baby plays a big role, but also his psychological readiness for such an important step. If a child falls asleep and wakes up with the breast, gets up several times a night to eat, and does not calm down without milk, then he is definitely not ready to wean.

    Psychological readiness for this occurs when the baby eats milk only before bedtime (before daytime and nighttime). But this rarely happens. Most often, children literally “hang on the chest,” and endless latching becomes not a necessity, but a habit. Therefore, wait until the little one has all his milk teeth, and he begins to sleep at night without waking up.

    The process of weaning a child from the breast

    The end of breastfeeding should be gradual. Divide this process into several stages.

    First stage- make breastfeeding less frequent during the day. In return, offer your child something tasty (applesauce or compote in a sippy cup) or tell him that you will finish one task and immediately breastfeed. Gradually replace one daily feeding with “adult” food or some interesting activity for the baby.

    Periodic leaving of the mother for a period of time will also help. a short time. Ideally, after the first stage, the baby should nurse only after waking up and before going to bed. The main thing is to do everything kindly and with love. But don’t be too persistent, sometimes you can give in to the little ones.

    On second stage Teach your baby to wake up without breastfeeding. To do this, you will have to get up early yourself: without a mother nearby, the baby’s desire to eat will disappear, because you need to find out what room she is in and what she is doing.

    The most difficult stage is third, which is to teach the toddler to fall asleep without a breast. First of all, this applies to night feedings. Create a big bedtime ritual in which feeding is only part of it. Start with a bath, then read your baby a story or sing a lullaby, hold him briefly to your chest, and then hug him. Shift your baby's attention to other components of laying down, and over time, breastfeeding will be only symbolic in nature, and then stop completely.

    But what you definitely don’t need to do is lubricate the nipples with something bitter and tasteless so that the baby stops sucking the breast. Such actions are a real mockery of the baby! Mom’s breast, so dear to the baby, suddenly becoming bitter is the first biggest disappointment for the little person.

    What not to do when weaning

    To avoid breast problems (mastitis or lactostasis), you need to stop breastfeeding gradually. But if you need to stop feeding urgently and abruptly, under no circumstances should you tighten your breasts with a tight bandage. This “grandmother’s method” leads to stagnation of milk and can provoke mastitis, as well as injure the mammary glands.

    Should not be taken and hormonal drugs to stop lactation: they have too much side effects. It is recommended to express milk until the breasts are soft, and also to use herbal infusions that reduce lactation.

    It is extremely important for a baby to receive mother's milk; it contains everything necessary for its further development. Therefore, every mother tries to establish breastfeeding after childbirth. And if she succeeds, then there are fewer reasons to worry about the baby’s health.

    Breast milk contains many vitamins and minerals - everything that is so necessary for a newly born person. But there comes a time when breastfeeding needs to be stopped.

    The well-known pediatrician Komarovsky advises stopping it only after a year. To ensure that this process does not cause problems for mother and baby, you need to know how to painlessly stop breastfeeding.

    Decision making is the main component

    The correct psychological attitude is the main component on which the success of the matter will depend on how to wean a child. Therefore, the mother needs, first of all, to tune in. You should think carefully before starting this process, weigh the pros and cons.

    The mother will have to prepare herself for the fact that her baby will be capricious and demand milk at first. During this period, it is important to persevere and not be influenced by the baby’s crying. Instead of breast milk During this period, it is better to give the baby more affection and warmth. If you give him some slack, he will understand that his mother can be manipulated in this way.

    His scream may be too intense. If unsuccessful, the mother can repeat the weaning procedure in a few weeks. Failing to end breastfeeding can cause psychological trauma little man, so no mistakes should be made here.

    When is the best time to wean your baby?

    If weaning is not forced, for example, due to illness, then pediatricians advise stopping breastfeeding only when the baby is one and a half years old. It is then that he is already able to switch to adult food. Of course, you should not give up milk; this product should be included in the child’s diet in large quantities.

    Some mothers would like to continue breastfeeding until the child is several years old and goes to school, but doctors still do not advise doing so. From a psychological point of view for small child it can be harmful.

    It will be easier to wean a child at one and a half years than after two or three. This is easiest to do until one and a half years old, but it is not very beneficial for the baby’s health. It is especially important to maintain lactation for up to six months.

    What to feed your baby

    Before the end of lactation, the baby needs to be introduced to complementary foods, otherwise the transition to normal nutrition will be too painful. In addition to dairy products, the baby’s diet should contain other substances containing the vitamins and minerals he needs.

    There are many companies that offer baby food products. Before choosing one, you should consult your pediatrician. Up to a year old, a child should not be given sour cream or cheese, as this will be too heavy food for him. Until the baby is one year old, he can be fed with special yogurt, kefir, and cottage cheese.

    Should I give cow's milk?

    Previous generations were not too worried about this, but then it turned out that cow's milk is harmful children's body. Firstly, this product contains harmful microorganisms that are not so easy to get rid of. Boiling in this case is ineffective.

    Before three years old Pediatricians do not recommend including cow's milk in your diet. Adapted formulas contain everything necessary for a child’s health. They are more similar to mother's milk than regular cow's milk.

    Influence of the time of year

    During the hot season, more fluid leaves the body; mother's milk can provide the baby with a sufficient amount of fluid. It is better not to wean your baby in the summer, but if necessary, give him plenty of fluids. The most better time for this purpose - autumn, winter, when the weather is cool enough.

    Stages of completing breastfeeding

    It is better to carry out this process gradually.

    First stage

    To begin with, you need to try to leave only night feeding, and do not breastfeed during the day. It's better to start your morning with breakfast. When you wake up to prepare food for your baby, you should not give him breast milk. You need to act in this way for 2-3 days, then remove the daytime feeding.

    Some children adapt more easily, others begin to protest and scream. With capricious children, it is better to act more slowly and remove breast milk gradually. It is necessary to slow down this process if the child endures it too painfully.

    But you shouldn’t go back completely, if the morning feeding has already been removed, then even if it won’t happen for a while. You should wait some time - 10-14 days, and again begin to exclude other meals. At a time when mother's milk is not given, you can play with the baby to distract him.

    Second phase

    At this stage it will be necessary to eliminate evening feedings. To help the child calm down, you can give him warm milk diluted from the mixture in a bottle. In some cases, a pacifier is a great help. But you shouldn’t deprive your baby of night feedings; it’s better to leave them for a while. If mom manages to eliminate daytime and evening feedings, we can congratulate her on her success.

    You should not rush; you will not be able to finish breastfeeding in one or two weeks. You should allow at least three months for the process.

    Third stage

    The third stage - giving up night feedings - should begin a few weeks after eliminating daytime feedings. You can soothe your baby with a pacifier, but you should not replace mother's milk with artificial milk by giving him a bottle. But if the child is too small, then you can do this first.

    A six-month-old baby can do without night feedings. If your baby demands food, it is better to give it to him in a cup, but not in a bottle.

    This stage is the most difficult, as you may have to go without sleep for several days. The baby may protest, cry and ask for mother's breast. At this time, you will have to calm him down and hug him. At the same time, the mother’s clothes should be closed so that the smell of milk does not spread, otherwise weaning will be more painful.

    You should wait until the baby no longer asks for milk at night. If this happened, then everything was a success. From this moment on, the baby is able to satisfy his need for food in the usual way.

    What does a mother need during the period of cessation of lactation?

    When weaning a child from the breast, mothers experience complex feelings, so this period is quite difficult. After all, in order for lactation to begin, the body had to do a lot of work, so it does not end so easily, and a sudden interruption causes lactostasis, mastitis.

    Three months must pass for lactation to stop. At this time you need to express milk, it is not difficult to learn. Breastfeeding specialists can help with this and you should contact them. You just need to empty your breasts whenever there is a feeling of swelling.

    But it’s better to learn how to do this with your hands, and not with special devices such as breast pumps. The fact is that these devices only provoke lactation even more. It is necessary to express breast milk until you feel relief. If you express all the milk that has formed in the breast, this may further provoke its release.

    When milk stagnates, lumps can form in the breast, so the area mammary glands can be periodically massaged in a circular motion. You need to start the massage from the edge and move up. Applying compresses to this area will help avoid this outcome.

    You can simply apply a cloth soaked in cold water, or you can use cabbage leaves, aloe leaf or raw potatoes. You just need to take them, cool them and apply them to your chest. An infusion of sage and chamomile is also in an effective way get rid of discomfort. Doctors also recommend using it for compresses. camphor alcohol or Vishnevsky ointment.

    Some mothers deliberately wear tight underwear so that lactation subsides, but this should not be done. You should also not wait for lumps from stagnant milk to dissolve on their own or stop drinking liquids altogether. It is better to use special drugs to suppress lactation, first asking the advice of a gynecologist.

    Tips for stopping breastfeeding

    • The child needs to be distracted, be with him outside more often, and visit interesting places.
    • Find friends for a child of the same age and try to communicate with them as much as possible. In this way, he will be distracted and will become less willing to kiss his mother’s breast.
    • The mother should be busy with other things, move around the apartment more, so that her child is not fixated on her.
    • Give the child his favorite toys, read books, cover him with his favorite blanket.
    • Provide physical activity child during the day. The more tired the baby is, the better he falls asleep and will not require mother's milk. This advice useful in the second stage, when you need to learn to do without evening feedings. In this case, you need to try not to overstimulate the child, as this, on the contrary, can cause difficulty falling asleep.
    • It is better not to sleep with your baby when you are weaning him off night feedings. When a baby wakes up at night and demands breast milk, it would be better if another family member comes to his bed rather than his mother.

    Abrupt weaning

    A few decades ago, mothers did not know how to end breastfeeding in the least painless way. They tried to wean the child off breastfeeding abruptly.

    Many mothers simply left home for a few days and left their child in the care of loved ones. Of course, this method cannot be called loyal, but it is effective. Small child stop drinking mother's milk short term. Problems with lactation in this case can be solved with the help of hormonal pills.

    When the mother returns home again, she should also wear closed clothes, wash them often to remove the smell of milk and not expose her breasts to the baby.

    A nursing mother should also take care of her health. If she feels that milk is stagnating in her breasts and lumps are forming there, then she urgently needs to visit a doctor. This condition is usually caused by excessive breast milk production. In this case, lactation may be delayed and stop only after 12 months.

    Knowing how to end breastfeeding can save you from unnecessary stress. Proper psychological preparation will help avoid a breakdown. It must be remembered that a breakdown in this process can result in psychological trauma for the child, so this should not be allowed.

    Usually the baby is ready to wean by the age of two, when his baby teeth have erupted and he is allowed to eat all foods. But it often happens that a mother is forced to decide to stop breastfeeding earlier. The reasons can be very different: you need to go to work, leave urgently, illness, pregnancy. This becomes a real psychological stress for the baby, and the mother’s task is to make this process as comfortable and safe as possible for both her baby and her own body. Therefore, whatever the reason, it is better to do it gradually and correctly.

    Unfavorable moments for weaning your baby from the breast

    Before you stop breastfeeding, try to choose the most appropriate right moment. Doctors categorically do not recommend canceling attachment in cases where:

    • the child is sick (there is a cold, intestinal disorders);
    • The baby is teething;
    • preventive vaccination was given;
    • the baby has been stressed, scared or worried about a new life stage (for example, moving to another apartment or the appearance of stranger(nanny)).

    Some seasons are unfavorable: winter (a small body is susceptible to viruses, easily susceptible to colds) and summer (in particular, the period of summer heat).

    “Grandma’s” method - sharp and effective or dangerous and undesirable?

    For centuries, from generation to generation, women have shared among themselves the now famous “grandmother’s secret” about how to complete breastfeeding. Its essence is as follows: the child is separated from the mother for two or three days (they are left with close relatives who live separately, or the mother leaves herself), and at this time the woman’s chest is tightly wrapped with a sheet (which makes it possible to stop lactation).

    Today, doctors draw the attention of all nursing women to the fact that this method carries a number of negative consequences. In many cases, mastopathy develops (a disease leading to benign cystic neoplasms in the ducts of the mammary glands); cysts can only be removed through surgery. At the same time, the woman suffers severe pain, her temperature rises, even fever and fever, which can also lead to treatment in a hospital bed.

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