• The best time to apply a face mask. When and at what time of day is it better to make face masks?


    The mask cannot be left untreated or overexposed; the therapeutic or cosmetic effect depends on how correctly everything is done. In addition, it is necessary to carefully mix the ingredients, only in the specified proportions, and it is also important to correctly apply the cosmetic composition to the skin of the face.

    How to apply masks correctly

    The process of applying a mask seems to many to be quite easy and banal, however, this is not entirely true. Application must be carried out according to the rules. It is forbidden to apply cosmetics to an unwashed face.

    After the skin is prepared and the mask is made, it must be applied correctly.

    It is possible to apply the mask either manually or using special means, for example, a cosmetic spatula, brush, or stick. You need to start from the chin line and move towards the forehead. Before making a mask, you need to put your hair in a ponytail or wear a special plastic cap.

    • From the jawline to the earlobes;
    • Then from the corners of the lips to the ears;
    • From the nose to the temporal region;
    • From the middle part of the forehead to the temporal region;
    • From the middle of the forehead to the scalp.

    Under no circumstances should the mask be applied to the eyelids, the area under the eyes, or the area around the lips. In exceptional cases, a mask can be applied to these places, but this must be specified in the instructions for the cosmetic product. It is better to make a mask in front of a mirror, in a place where there is free access to water.

    It is not recommended to do household chores; this may negatively affect the result. Yes, one more thing, a number of face masks have a very liquid consistency and therefore, in order not to get dirty, you should cover yourself with a towel. Wash off the mask over non-hot water, without using soap. After the product is washed off, moisturize the skin when using good cream. It is impossible not to dwell on such an important point as the time of applying masks.

    Directions for use: what time of day is best to make face masks?

    Even if the mask is expensive and of high quality, it may not have any positive effect if it is applied at the wrong time. So, when is the best time to apply a mask? In the morning from 8 to 10 is the most ideal time for cosmetic manipulations with the face. Also, the morning until noon is perfect for wearing masks that remove excess fat from the skin.

    Application rules

    • At lunchtime it’s great to apply a moisturizing mask, you can change it with a cleansing mask;
    • After 15 hours and before 18 hours you can no longer apply masks, they will not bring any benefit;
    • After 18 o'clock the right time, for all kinds of scrubs, cleansing peels, you can apply a refreshing mask before the party;
    • After 11 pm and until the morning, no cosmetic products can be used, there will be no benefit from them.

    An exception may be a nourishing mask at night. It is important not to deviate from these rules and wear masks within a strictly defined period of time. If these rules are not followed, there will be no benefit for the skin.

    Cosmetological morning face masks at home - recipe

    A cosmetic morning face mask, as numerous reviews say, can be a real salvation for many women who are not satisfied with the reflection in the mirror, who look tired and lack of sleep. Morning masks can eliminate puffiness under the eyes and make the skin fresh and toned.

    Quick mask

    This product perfectly removes traces of lack of sleep. Preparing the mask is quite simple. You need to take parsley and chop it, you will need 3 tablespoons in total. Parsley should be brewed with boiling water and left for 60 minutes. Then you need to take 2 tablespoons of oatmeal and mix them with parsley decoction. After the mixture swells, apply it to the skin of the face and leave for 30 minutes. After the wearing time is over, the mask should be washed off with non-hot water.

    Homemade morning mask

    If time is short and your face urgently needs to be put in order, then a mask based on cottage cheese and yolk is perfect. To make it, you need to take 2 tablespoons of curd products and mix with egg yolk. Add a few drops of hydrogen peroxide to the resulting mixture. The resulting composition should be distributed over the face and left for a quarter of an hour. After time has passed, you need to wash off the composition with non-hot water.

    Mask for freshness in the morning

    To make it you need 2 tablespoons of sour cream and lavender essential oil, a few drops. The ingredients must be mixed and the resulting mask applied to the skin of the face and left for 10 minutes. and after exposure, rinse with non-hot water.

    Morning cleansing mask

    To make it you need to take white clay and dilute it. It should have the consistency of sour cream. Add lemon juice to the mixture and apply the mask to your face. Remove the mask using cotton swabs soaked in water.

    Banana morning mask

    To make it you need to take a banana and 2 tablespoons of honey. Mix everything to a paste and spread on your face. Leave the mask on for 20 minutes and remove it with wet wipes.

    Moisturizing banana face mask (video)

    Sour cream mask for the morning

    To make it, you need to take half a spoonful of cottage cheese and sour cream. The components must be mixed and applied to the face area. You need to keep it for 1/4 hour, after which you carefully wipe off the mixture with a napkin.

    Coffee mask

    You need to take equal amounts of banana puree and coffee grounds. Mix these ingredients with a dessert spoon of heavy cream. The resulting composition should be applied to the skin of the face and left for 1/4 hour. After the allotted time, you need to wash off the mask with non-hot water.

    Herbal mask for morning use

    To make a mask, you need to take 3 tablespoons of dry chamomile and brew them with a glass of boiling water. After an hour, moisten gauze in the resulting mixture and place it on your face. Leave for 20 minutes. and remove with non-hot water.

    Thanks to these simple masks, you can quickly get your tired and withered face in order. After the motivation, it is very important to pay attention to your appearance, because your mood for the whole day partly depends on the reflection in the mirror. By spending very little time, you can find a fresh, tightened and radiant face.

    Cosmetic mask - wearing time

    A better way to care than a face mask has not yet been invented. If a woman up to 30 years old may not even think about rejuvenating and cleansing masks, then after reaching this age it is advisable to do masks regularly. Masks 100% prolong youth and make facial skin attractive. Masks must be used in accordance with the attached instructions. You should not make masks more often than a couple of times every 7 days. The wearing time is individual each time, but usually it does not exceed 30 minutes. Most often, classic masks are kept for 15-20 minutes. Masks made from berries can be used more often. And some makeup artists are generally inclined to believe that masks can be used at least 3 times a week. The main thing is to observe the application time mentioned above.

    By regularly using masks you will notice that:

    • The skin has become tightened;
    • Pigment spots have disappeared;
    • Fine wrinkles are gone;
    • Improved complexion.

    How to properly apply a mask to your face (video)

    Thanks to face masks, you can achieve excellent results in a short time. After 3 months of use, the result will be noticeable not only to the woman who takes care of her face, but also to those around her.

    Define best time for face masks is not difficult if you pay attention to your skin type. It can be dry, oily or combined and, accordingly, a suitable care product is selected.

    Depending on skin type

    To those who have oily skin If you suffer from an unsightly shine on your skin, you should use masks at least twice a week, which also treat acne and pimples. In addition, with the same frequency - especially those over 30 - you need to resort to anti-aging products, since oiliness contributes to the process premature aging.

    In the case of dry skin, you have to suffer from lack of moisture and flaking. This means that the drug will also need a moisturizer. At least three times a week. Important point- regular cleansing of the epidermis. But it is better to avoid cosmetics that produce a scrub effect.

    If anyone combined type skin, the best option will be the use of a nourishing and cleansing mask.

    If your epidermis is too sensitive, you will still need to regularly use face masks. However, these must be means that do not cause allergic reaction, like rashes and redness. In general, any product must first be checked to see if it will cause an allergy, for which it is applied to the skin of the wrist. If you have an intolerance, your skin will turn red or break out in a rash within a few hours. By the way, cleansing procedures in in this case It's better not to do it.

    Problem skin needs the use of cleansing and moisturizing masks. No more than a couple of times a week.

    Optimal time

    More and more representatives of the fair sex today prefer to use by special means skin care. And, accordingly, they are interested in the best time to apply a face mask.

    In general, these drugs are:

    • nutritious;
    • rejuvenating;
    • moisturizing;
    • cleansing.

    If a woman decides to use a purchased mask, she must study the composition of the product in question.

    Preparations containing active and even slightly aggressive substances should be used less frequently. Typically, these are products for tightening, treatment and rejuvenation.

    Cosmetologists pay attention to the existence of a certain biorhythm of the skin, based on which they can determine for themselves the most suitable time for cosmetic procedures:

    • In the morning (from 8 to 10) the skin of the face is ready for the recovery process. This means that you will need products that moisturize, tighten and tone.
    • In general, it is better not to carry out any cosmetic procedures during the day. The epidermis is simply not ready for this.
    • In the evening (after 18.00) you will again be able to use any products (which, of course, are suitable for the skin).

    Basically, the best time of day for face masks is a couple of hours between 4 and 6 pm. This is when you should cleanse your face and apply nourishing creams and all kinds of mask preparations.

    It is during this period that circulatory activity is observed. The skin will perfectly accept the products applied to it and will be saturated with useful microelements.

    Choice of product

    When choosing a particular mask to use, you should consider the effect it can produce:

    • A moisturizer is primarily necessary for skin suffering from dryness, but it will also not hurt those with combination skin. skin. Should be considered negative impact many factors on the health of the epidermis - for example, wind and sunlight. This further confirms the indispensability of moisturizing masks.
    • Every woman wants a rejuvenating remedy - to remain young and beautiful, regardless of age. It is advisable to use anti-aging products on a regular basis after the age of 30. And this significantly increases the chances of avoiding premature aging, eliminates fine wrinkles and even reduces deep folds.
    • Nourishing mask - wonderfully helps solve the problem of peeling. If you constantly use such drugs, the skin will be in excellent tone.
    • Cleansing agent - most often they resort to clay masks, which have proven themselves to be excellent cleansers. Once you carry out such a cosmetic procedure, your skin pores will expand and all the accumulated toxic substances will come out. Using a high-quality product will allow you to see and feel a noticeable effect in just a couple of weeks.

    Rules of application

    Apart from choosing the best time for face masks, there are a few things you need to know important rules their uses:

    • Before starting the application procedure, you will need to clean the skin;
    • A steam bath will help to steam your face.
    • It is advisable to take the described skin products in courses: for example, twice a week and for a couple of months.
    • It is better not to touch the area of ​​skin near the eyes and lips.
    • You can use a special brush to apply the mask. You can also do this manually, but your hands must be washed.
    • You should not overexpose the drug on the front surface. Maximum time- 20 or 25 minutes.
    • Both during the procedure itself and immediately after it, it is undesirable to talk or move facial muscles.
    • The product must be removed with special care.
    • It is better not to use a towel - let the skin itself absorb the required amount of moisture.

    You can make masks yourself. And cosmetic procedures, accordingly, should be carried out at home.

    Many women apply masks to their faces in the evening, because after the procedure they can take their time and relax. And this is extremely important for the product used to have a truly positive effect.

    On the other hand, it should be remembered that not all masks can be left on the face overnight. By doing everything right, you will achieve wonderful results - your facial skin will be fresh, clean, young and beautiful.

    In the morning, you suddenly notice that your skin has begun to look like old parchment or, conversely, is completely covered with a greasy layer like a sticky film. No experiments in cosmetic care Didn't do it before bed. Perhaps they slightly shifted the time for applying the daily face mask...

    This can be a fundamental factor in skin problems!

    Hourly time for cleansing and face masks

    Everyone’s body (brain, muscles, heart and absolutely all organs) works like clockwork - in a definitely established unique rhythm.

    It was this rhythm that doctors called the biological regime. Therefore, each impact (be it salon treatments or the most harmless homemade masks) – your time.

    The choice of creams, masks, physical activity or relaxation should depend on daily normalized biorhythms.

    But usually the female body also goes through a cycle of physiological biological rhythms; in girls it depends on menstruation and shows when it is better to do face masks, and everyone else cosmetic procedures, massage, body wraps or go on a diet.

    If you do not coordinate the time of self-care with your biorhythms, its effectiveness and feasibility may be significantly reduced or may not bring any results at all, cosmetologists say this.

    Let's figure out what happens to the body during the day and at what time what masks to use for the face?

    Early morning. From 5 am to 10 am:

    • 5:00 – 6:00. Cell renewal and regeneration proceeds more slowly, and the whole body begins to become fully and actively awake. Blood pressure and temperature rise and return to normal, and if you fall asleep in "necessary" time (that is, until 23-23:30), then by 7-7:30 you should feel cheerful, strong and ready for everything new. At this time, contrast procedures are useful, especially if the skin of the face is prone to allergic reactions or its tone is greatly reduced. Fine "will accept" cucumber and lemon masks;
    • 7:00 – 8:00. This time is especially favorable for the body and facial skin for the perception of both external influences and those vitamins that the bloodstream brings. Now is the best time to replenish your vitamin reserves. For breakfast, it is better to consume natural juices with various vitamins - orange, carrot, tomato. And, accordingly, make masks out of them. These products are high in antioxidants that help your skin fight aging. You can also include ampoule vitamins B, B1, A, C in homemade masks - this is a real magic elixir for dry skin;
    • 9:00 – 10:00. The blood flow reaches the high level, so the skin can endure significant stress. At such an hour, a visit to a cosmetology salon would be ideal. And when applying homemade masks, do not neglect a good and long massage of the face, neck, and décolleté, this will deepen the penetration of the mask into the pores.

    Afternoon. From noon to 19:00:

    Evening and night. From 20 pm to 5 am:

    • 20:00 – 22:00. The body is completely ready to eliminate the toxins accumulated during a hard day. A bath or Turkish sauna will show excellent results. But such luxury can be enjoyed no more than once a week. And on other days, just prepare your face and body for rest. Carefully remove makeup and cleanse, apply a nourishing mask and cream or toner. It is better to apply any care product half an hour before going to bed, so that it has time to be thoroughly absorbed and not just smeared onto the pillow;
    • 23:00 – 5:00. There is an active renewal of epidermal cells. But when mandatory condition that at this time you are sleeping in a sweet dream. During deep, sound sleep, cells divide and regenerate 8 times more actively and faster than during daylight hours. Therefore, you do not need to apply the same cream or serum at night as you do during the day. It’s not for nothing that night products are biologically rich useful components, which will be better absorbed during rest. At night, local products that are applied only to "necessary" plots. For hair, apply a mask that does not require quick rinsing. For example, from burdock oil.

    Typically, human biorhythms have a clearly established cycle, more or less the same for all people, and in order to move it or completely turn it around, you need to live in "upside down" regime for a couple of years. Even if you sleep during the day and work at night, you do not need to change night and day medications.

    Day cream, in addition to its direct properties, can also protect against ultraviolet rays, for example, but at night this is completely useless. Night products should moisturize and nourish, and daytime products should protect well.

    A procedure that, regardless of your daily routine, should be moved from morning to evening or, even better, carried out twice a day, is high-quality cleansing. You should always cleanse your face after an active period of the day before going to bed, regardless of when you go to bed.

    And if you have very little time to monitor your biorhythms and don’t know which product to take, choose a moisturizing mask, you can’t go wrong! Every skin needs hydration at any time of the day or night!

    It also happens that all our efforts to care for our face not only do not give the expected effect, but even worsen the general condition of the skin. Why is this happening?
    Even the most advertised face mask will be useless, and maybe even harmful, if done incorrectly. There are rules for applying face masks that should be strictly followed. Then the cosmetic products will not actually be thrown into the trash, and, most importantly, you will see how your skin has changed.

    Rules for applying face masks

    The rules for applying masks to the face are simple, easy to remember, and must be followed.
    1. Before applying the mask to your face, your skin must be cleansed.

    2. Before applying the mask to your face, wipe your skin with tonic, lotion or milk. You can prepare a decoction of medicinal herbs for these purposes.

    3. When applying masks Special attention should be given to the skin of the eyelids and around the lips. The skin in these areas is especially sensitive, and since masks often have a drying property, you need to treat your eyelids and the skin around your lips with a moisturizer before applying the mask.

    4. It is important to follow the recommendations for the duration of the procedure. This is especially true for masks prepared at home from natural products. It is not recommended to keep this mask on your face for longer than 20 minutes. Over a longer period of time, the mask will begin to stretch the skin.

    5. It is equally important to wash the mask off your face correctly, especially if it hardens. Therefore, follow the recommendations: wash off the mask with warm, cool water or cosmetic product. Do this gently, without rubbing or stretching your facial skin.

    6. If you apply a mask not only to your face, but also to your neck and décolleté, remember that the thyroid gland area must remain free - you cannot apply masks to this area.

    7. It is very important that you remain completely calm and do not talk during the procedure. It is best to lie quietly with your eyes closed.

    8. It is best to apply masks after a bath, bath or hot compress. It is at this time that the skin best absorbs useful material.

    9. After completing the procedure, apply a cream recommended for your skin type to the skin cleansed from the mask.

    What time to do face masks

    Even if a skin mask fits perfectly, it may have no effect or even have a negative effect if applied at the wrong time of day! So let's find out what time to do face masks.

    8.00 - 10.00 is the ideal time for absolutely any cosmetic procedures and the use of any masks.

    10.00 - 12.00 – at this time it is better to apply cleansing masks to reduce skin oiliness (for example, clay masks are suitable).

    12.00 - 14.00 – at this time, like the person himself, the skin looks tired. At such times, it is better to apply a moisturizing mask and rest a little. But you shouldn’t expect much effect from the mask.

    14.00 - 18.00 is the most inappropriate time for applying any masks. The skin simply refuses to take nutrients from them! Remember: there is no need to make any masks at this time!

    18.00 - 23.00 is an excellent time for skin cleansing procedures, not only with scrubs, but also with other cleansing masks. Although, absolutely any face masks will be no less effective at this time.

    23.00 - 5.00 - if you are drawn to apply a mask to your face at this particular time, then choose nutritional ones - they are the only ones that will come in handy now.

    How often to do face masks

    Each type of face mask has its own rules of use.
    • Nourishing masks It is recommended to do it at least 2 times a week.

    • Toning masks - up to 3 times a week

    • Cleansing masks - no more than once a week, as this can injure the skin

    • Anti-aging masks – 2 times a week

    • Anti-inflammatory, acne - no more than 2 times a week

    • Whitening masks – do no more than 2 times a week

    • Moisturizing masks - recommended to be done after 1 day if the components of the mask are not very strong
    Masks will be more effective if you carry out a full course of 15 procedures, and then, after taking a month's break, return to them again.
    Attention, if you buy ready-made masks, follow the manufacturer’s recommendations. Usually, how often to make a face mask is written on the packaging.

    Many women, trying to provide comprehensive skin care, perform all possible procedures: cleansing, moisturizing, toning and rejuvenating, without allowing the skin to rest. As a result, the skin of the face becomes tired from an excess of nutrients, in addition, allergic reactions often occur due to the incompatibility of the substances used for masks. Therefore, it is not recommended to make face masks every day.

    After the mask my face turned red - what should I do?

    1. Allergy
      This option is especially likely when the mask is new and not previously tested. If your face turns red and itches after the mask, it may be an allergy to one of the components of the mask.
      The product has already been used before and did not cause any complaints, but suddenly your face turned red after the mask? It could still be the same allergy. It happens that during chemical processes in the body, some component may begin to cause allergies, although there were no such reactions before. Before use, you need to check for an allergic reaction, apply a little mask to your elbow, if redness is not observed, then you can use it on your face.

    2. Features of the mask
      Some products have a certain effect on the skin, after which it looks red for some time. But this is an absolutely normal effect, and soon the redness will disappear on its own, so there is no need to panic or get upset, you just have to wait.
      In addition, the mask can cause a rush of blood to the skin due to its warming effect - hence the redness, which, in this case, is also completely normal.

    3. Skin irritation
      For various reasons, the skin may become irritated, causing redness. Some components even natural masks may slightly scratch the skin, hence the appearance of irritation. In addition, if the mask is not suitable for your skin type and, for example, dries it out, this can also cause a similar effect.
    4. Poorly cleansed skin or dirty hands
      Redness and irritation can be caused by simple lack of hygiene. If you do not cleanse your face before applying a mask or carry out the procedure with dirty hands, this can cause tiny particles of dirt to get into the enlarged pores of the face and, as a result, redness and inflammation on the skin.
    In any case, if your face is red, then do not do anything yet (no need to rub it, wash it with soap, etc., the redness will go away in any case), try to identify the cause, if it is an allergy to the components, then do not use the mask, try find out which component could cause an allergic reaction, so as not to buy masks with this component in the future or exclude it from the recipe if you made the mask yourself. If possible, consult a cosmetologist or allergist.

    If you have sensitive or allergy-prone skin, do a test on your wrist and wait 10-15 minutes before applying a fruit or vegetable mask to your face. If no reaction occurs, you can safely apply the mask to your face. If you feel itching or the skin is red, you should stop using this mask.

    • Masks made from natural products are best prepared immediately before use. Vegetables and fruits must be fresh, ripe and cleanly washed.
    • Masks are applied to well cleansed skin.
    • Only a special cream is applied to the skin of the eyelids and lips, but not a mask!
    • After applying the mask, you need to give your face peace - try to relax, don’t talk.
    • Natural masks are usually left on for no more than 15-20 minutes, depending on the individual sensitivity of the skin.
    • The mask should be washed off carefully, without rubbing the remaining mixture into the skin, after which you should use usual means skin care.
    • After washing off the mask, oily skin can be rinsed with water and juice of lemon, orange, cranberry, and red currant. For dry and normal skin You can use medium strength tea.
    • It is advisable not to powder your face or put on makeup for 1.5-2 hours after the mask, give your skin a rest and not clog your pores with makeup.
    What time of day should you apply masks? How to achieve the greatest effect from masks?

    Moisturizing masks are best done in the morning, nourishing masks in the evening. Remove hardening (forming a crust on the face) masks with a cotton swab dipped in warm boiled or mineral water without gas, all others can simply be washed off with water or removed with a cosmetic napkin.

    To ensure the greatest effect, change masks. For dry and normal skin, alternate cleansing, nourishing and moisturizing, for oily skin - cleansing and healing.

    Try to make this pleasant ritual a weekly one. And if you find time for masks 2-3 times a week, you are guaranteed quick success.

    IN summer period When there are a lot of different vegetables and fruits, you want not only to eat them, but to make various masks from them. Tell me, what kind of masks can be made and from what?

    It’s easy to get lost among the colorful variety of vegetables and fruits - after all, each of them has certain properties. For example, apricot has soothing properties, eggplant and zucchini perfectly moisturize dry skin prone to inflammation. Bananas moisturize, smooth and soften the skin. Carrots refresh and nourish the skin golden hue. Grapes, raspberries and cucumber moisturize the skin, and lemon, cherries, and lingonberries tighten pores. Masks can be made from almost anything you use for food. The only thing you should pay attention to is that fruits and berries contain fruit acids and when applying such masks, redness may appear on the skin, so they should be done in the evening, provided that you are not going to go somewhere then, the redness will go away overnight.

    The following masks are suitable for oily skin:

    • Apricot. Grate or mash the apricot, mix with sour milk in equal proportions, apply to the face, neck and décolleté. Leave on for 15-20 minutes, then rinse off.
    • Tomato. Remove the skin from the tomato, grate the pulp and apply to the skin. This mask is good for oily, sallow skin with enlarged pores.
    • Cranberry. A real salvation for oily skin. Apply the mixture of crushed berries to your face and rinse with warm water after 15-20 minutes. Do 10 procedures every other day.

    Masks for dry skin:

    • Apple. Add egg yolk and a little starch to the apple juice or pulp (until the consistency of sour cream). Apply for 15-20 minutes, then rinse with warm water.
    • Banana. Mash a ripe banana to a puree consistency and mix with egg yolk, add a teaspoon vegetable oil(olive). Apply to skin and leave for 15-20 minutes.
    • A mask is suitable for nutrition and whitening from grated radish, mixed with an equal volume of sour cream or vegetable oil.

    Masks for aging skin:

    • Tomato. Appears in overripe (“sugar”) tomatoes. succinic acid, which rejuvenates the body. To prepare the mask, mix 1 tablespoon of tomato juice or puree with 1 tablespoon of oatmeal or a mixture of egg yolk and a pinch of starch, apply the resulting mass to the skin of the face, neck and décolleté.
    • Potato mask. Boil a large potato in small quantity milk, knead, when the mass has cooled, apply to the skin. The mask relieves signs of fatigue well.

    Masks should be done regularly, only in this case you can achieve the desired result.

    Can I use products for combination and dry skin at the same time? For example, cleansing for combination + toner for dry and so on?

    This use of cosmetics is undesirable, since different lines are designed specifically for each skin type, and, therefore, they differ in their effects. So, products for oily and combination skin have balancing properties, and for dry and normal skin types, they are primarily nutritious.

    In gel against acne Zinc is often administered, explain its effects.

    Zinc has an anti-inflammatory effect: it reduces chemotaxis (the movement of unicellular and some multicellular lower organisms under the influence of chemicals) of neutrophils (granular leukocytes capable of phagocytosis of small foreign particles, can dissolve dead tissue), the production of necrosis factor, has antiandrogenic activity and suppresses hypersecretion of the sebaceous glands when applied locally. Zinc initiates the production of superoxide desmutase, which reduces the number of free radicals and suppresses the ability of bacteria to develop resistance.

    Is it possible to use cream with cocoa butter after the serum?

    After the serum, you must apply either cream or lotion, depending on your skin type; you can also use cream with cocoa butter.

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