• Conspiracy to lose weight on fruits. If the usual means do not help. Preparation for the ceremony


    The question of whether magic is relevant in solving everyday and medical problems has not been resolved.

    Although people who practice magic professionally are declared charlatans more than once or twice, people still go to them, “carry” their problems, try to get healed, return loved ones, succeed in life.

    The magic of the word: is it possible to remove body fat with the help of a weight loss plot

    Contrary to numerous statements, it is not necessary to believe so much in the omnipotence of magical rituals. That is, this is not a placebo, a magical ritual works, even if a person does not believe with all his heart and does not wait for manna from heaven.

    Of course, if blind faith in magic is added to the weight loss conspiracy, the effect may come faster, but one must take into account the fact that people tend to subconsciously wait for a reward for faith.

    As a result, without getting the effect of a magic wand, a person begins to feel disappointment, which is simply fatal for the process launched by the magician. In this case, you can get something opposite or get nothing.

    Optimally healthy attitude to what is happening. If the subconscious is ready for the body to begin to change, if there is no internal resistance, then the effect will exceed expectations.

    At the same time, one must understand that it is impossible to rely only on magical actions, passivity will slow down the time for the fulfillment of a desire.

    Only if there is active action in the right direction, the weight loss conspiracy will really work and attract to the person. positive energy contributing to the achievement of the goal.

    Turning to higher powers with a request to remove fat and make the body beautiful, it should be remembered that only the walking one can master the road.

    Conspiracy to lose weight on the cut in the video.

    Basic rules for rituals

    Carrying out rituals requires focus and concentration on the purpose of the performed magical action.

    The order of the ritual must be observed to the smallest detail, since the very mood for losing weight and the sequence of actions are in themselves a virtual “gateway” to a certain information sphere, where, in fact, information about the desire to acquire a slender figure will be sent.

    Therefore, do not neglect the little things like "pour water at three intersections", or "bury something under an oak tree."

    What should be believed and accepted when referring to magical powers is that even actions that seem stupid or meaningless have some meaning (otherwise, it is better to do quite reasonable auto-training).

    By the way, auto-training and magic can be combined. It has been proven that self-made weight loss plots can also work great.

    If you want to create a conspiracy, you should familiarize yourself with several ancient texts, look through books on the topic, and most importantly, feel your own life rhythm.

    The main thing is a steady desire to do something in this direction, then a simple statement at the mirror will be valid.

    When creating a conspiracy, the words “perish” and derivatives from the root “thin” (the words “weight loss”, “thinness”, “thin”) should be avoided. These word forms in magical practice are destructive.

    Slimming rituals are best done during the waning moon, because what should decrease is usually associated with this period of the lunar cycle, and this especially applies to lunarians (people who depend on the lunar cycle, in contrast to solariums, living in accordance with the cycles of solar activity ).

    You can perform rituals on any day of the week, but Monday and Friday are considered the best.

    Powerful ritual for a doll (quick weight loss)

    The ritual is performed on a waning moon, late at night. To conduct the ceremony, you need to mold a doll with clear signs overweight.

    Wax is ideal for making such a doll, but in the absence of it, you should not postpone the ritual, wax can be replaced with tough dough (flour, water, salt), you can even take ordinary plasticine.

    After making the doll, you need to call it by its name and quickly, until the wax has hardened, start reading the conspiracy for quick weight loss:

    I pinch my sides, I kill fat. I burn fat, I banish gluttony. Small food for the stomach to please.

    You need to read at such a pace in order to manage to tear off pieces from the doll’s stomach, hips, buttocks, waist in the process of reading - from all places that are problematic, while you need to imagine that your own body becomes slim, beautiful, like models.

    After reading, the torn pieces must be collected and burned. Do not throw away the doll, on the contrary, hide and store it so that no one sees it. You should not tell anyone about the performed ritual with voodoo elements, this is a personal secret.

    Subsequently, you should not think about it, you just need to love yourself and rejoice at the upcoming positive result.

    Vanga's strong conspiracy to lose weight

    Many people revere Vanga, the famous soothsayer, and therefore, if her name strengthens the spirit in the fight against excess weight, you can apply the magical weight loss ritual that is associated with her.

    The main thing here is to believe that losing weight is possible, to understand that a person can do almost everything. You need to imagine that the result has already been achieved, to see your slender body, your clothes of small sizes.

    There are no restrictions on the number of utterances, you can go out every midnight, while the moon is waning, and, turning your gaze to the moon, read:

    In the ocean, the sea sleeps on constipation. Three whales do not let him outside. He will not find a servant (name) of hunger on the Lord. Terrible misfortune calm down, dissolve in the morning mist. Go to the ocean, leave the Lord to the slave (name) slender. Eyes sleep, do not look at food. Nights to melt by morning, and hunger to lag behind the body, do not trouble it, do not break it. It is said in the night: "Hunger, be silent!" Amen

    It should be remembered that Vanga has always focused on the fact that, first of all, you need to expand your perception of the world, have a positive attitude towards life. Then there will be fewer internal and external problems, and excess weight may disappear on its own.

    Several effective rituals

    Here is one of the few rituals for the growing moon (for those who want to rely only on prayers for weight loss).

    Starting from the new moon, every day before falling asleep, you should read "Our Father", until last day before full moon.

    On the specified day (the day before the full moon, you need to look at lunar calendar) the prayer is read three times, after which, looking at the moon, say:

    “What I look at, it will be added, what I stroke, it will be taken away”

    Starting to speak, you need to stroke yourself in problem areas in a clockwise direction.

    “You are chubby, I am not far behind, you are on the wane, and I am behind you. You are good, and I am even more beautiful. I whisper cherished words, I want a wasp waist. You will grow in the future, and I will find harmony ”

    The plot should be pronounced by going outside and looking at the moon.

    On the waning moon, you can perform such a ceremony.

    Undress, pour water into a basin, look into the water and read 12 times:

    My fat goes away with the moon. Take, moon, my fullness, make me slim and thin.

    After the twelfth pronunciation, stand in the basin, pour over the spoken water. Collect all the water that remains in the basin and pour it at three intersections.

    Another strong conspiracy on water for washing, read on the waning moon.

    Before going to bed, pour water into the basin, pronounce the conspiracy to lose weight so that the breath touches the water:
    Lord help, Lord bless.
    In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
    On the sea, on the ocean, on the island of Buyan
    There is a bed, on that bed there is a downy feather bed.
    On the featherbed of that pig lies, my fat guards.
    That pig with two heads, three heads,
    About four heads, about five heads,
    About six heads, about seven heads,
    About eight heads, with nine heads,
    With nine mouths.
    Eat my fat first
    Eat the second head of my fat,
    Eat my fat with the third head
    Eat my fat with the fourth head
    Eat my fat with your fifth head,
    Eat the sixth head of my fat
    Eat my fat with the seventh head,
    Eat my fat with the eighth head,
    And the ninth will eat all my fat,
    He will take over my fat.
    Key, lock, tongue.
    Amen. Amen. Amen

    Now you need to very carefully, with plenty of water, wash yourself and go to bed. Drain the water.

    For the next fairly effective ritual for quick weight loss, you need to buy a comb. It is bought on Saturday, two red candles will still be needed, the ceremony itself is carried out in the morning (on Friday or Monday).

    It is necessary to wash with cold water, then put candles in front of you and light them. Put a comb in front of them.

    Looking at her, one must imagine oneself slender, graceful, in tight tight clothes. Then close your eyes and see yourself with an inner eye.

    The presentation should be filled with positive, joy, one should imagine how everyone will be shocked by the result, the result of one's actions should be perceived as a fait accompli.

    After the “movie” is viewed, you need to open your eyes, look at the comb and say this:

    As a comb combs out lice, so the fat would go away! As nits evaporate, so would my weight evaporate! The pig will get fat and fat, and my body will grow thin and prettier! Amen!

    The plot is read three times, then the comb must be hidden under the pillow. It is necessary to charge the comb every month, reciting a spell on it as written above.

    From time to time it must be used: slowly comb your hair, presenting your harmony and beauty. The rest of the time the comb should lie under the pillow.

    A delicious ritual with charmed honey will make the process of losing weight much more pleasant and useful (if you remember the benefits of honey).

    Buy a jar of liquid natural honey.

    Choose Monday on the waning moon, and speak this jar of honey with the following text:

    To be beautiful to me, to be slim! Get all the fat off me, get all the fat off me! Do not go fat me, do not live with a lot of weight. He will leave me, run away, fly away and not return! Be beautiful, be slim, be graceful! Like a thin birch, like an aspen, so should I be thin. Like a graceful swan, like a sweet dove, so I should be slim! I will speak, I will bewitch myself, I will treat you with magic honey! Be the only way, no other way! My word is law! My word is true! Amen!

    Now the morning will begin with a teaspoon of honey, it will have to be diluted with water. The process itself is not fast, if the honey is eaten, the next jar should be spoken.

    Consequences of conspiracies: to be afraid or not

    Starting to work on yourself, you should not be afraid of the consequences. In essence, all of the above is an appeal not only to magical forces, but also to oneself.

    Helping oneself in reducing appetite, in giving up gluttony cannot be considered something beyond even very strict ideas.

    Here, before getting rid of extra pounds with the help of black magic, you should think better, because there are a lot of white rites, is it worth turning to the devil for harmony.

    A weight loss conspiracy is one of the tools to combat excess weight. They resort to it after diets, increased loads do not give positive result. A person eats in small portions, tries not to eat after 18.00 in the evening, runs in the morning, and the weight remains in place or is added. It would seem that this cannot be, but the reviews say the opposite.

    The problem of excess weight is dealt with by black and white magicians. The end goal is the same, but the methods to achieve it are different. It should be noted right away that black magic conspiracies act faster, but the consequences can be unpredictable. white magic calls for the help of saints, elements, heavenly bodies, dumps negativity on water, trees, swamps, stones, earth. Black magic turns to the dead, demons, dark spirits for help, dumps negativity on another person.

    Is it possible to remove fat with the help of a weight loss plot - yes! But for this, certain conditions must be met. It is worth resorting to magical actions when all the options have been tried - diets, sports, but the result could not be obtained. There is no reasonable explanation for where the excess weight comes from, why it does not go away. In this case, they say that it was not without magic, and the situation should also be corrected by magical actions. Otherwise, success will not be seen.

    Do not think that after the ritual you can fold your hands, just wait. You need to continue to stick to a diet, exercise. Only in this case, the result will be visible, and extra pounds will come off in a matter of days.

    Rules for holding

    It is necessary to clearly understand for yourself that magic affects the fate, well-being of a person, health, even if he does not really believe in it, he performed a ritual for the sake of interest. So don't get into it if you're not ready.

    Do not use rituals, conspiracies of black magic. Because she doesn't make mistakes. Any incorrectly performed ritual, a conspiracy read with errors, can lead to serious consequences. The simplest thing that can be is uncontrolled weight loss after desired result already reached. If you have already decided to resort to the help of black magic, you should contact the experts. But you also need to remember that magicians relieve themselves of all responsibility, and only you will have to pay to higher powers.

    White magic also has its own rules. Violation often leads to the fact that the desired result does not occur.

    • Rituals should be performed during the full moon or on the waning moon. Everything that a person wants to get rid of is carried out during this period. Then, as the size of the heavenly body decreases, excess weight will disappear.
    • It is allowed to read from a piece of paper, where the words are written in one's own hand, in legible handwriting, so that there is no hitch. Reading from screens, monitors of a phone, computer, tablet, laptop is not allowed.
    • You need to carry out the ritual all alone or find a room where no one will interfere. Most best option when the rest of the family is fast asleep.
    • In the process of selecting an effective conspiracy, ambiguous phrases should be avoided. It is necessary to indicate exactly how much the body should lose weight, which figure is desired. Otherwise, the magic will continue to work, a person instead of an ideal figure will receive skin and bones.
    • You need an inner mind. You must firmly believe that the conspiracy will work, the weight loss program will work.
    • Carrying out a weight loss ritual in most cases involves a cycle of repetitions - from 3 days to a month. Interruption is not allowed.

    Finding the right plot is not so difficult. All of them are effective, if backed up by their strong energy, do everything right. What ritual to carry out, the subconscious will tell. Read whatever you like - yours. And one more nuance - if the ritual did not work, perhaps it did not have enough strength. This happens if the damage was caused by a specialist in black magic. In this case, several rituals are required or the help of an experienced magician.

    Strong conspiracy to lose weight

    You need to start the ritual a week before the full moon. You will need a church wax candle. With the onset of darkness, it is melted, then a cylinder is formed. They cut off parts from it, exactly as much as you need to lose kilograms in a month. Put the pieces together again, melt. Form a ball, put under the pillow before the full moon.

    On a full moon, choose a room where the light from the heavenly body falls. Take a ball in the palm of your hand, close your eyes, mentally imagine how excess weight disappears. Draw a circle with chalk in a room where the light of the moon falls well. Allowed on the windowsill. A ball is placed in the center, left until the morning.

    The next day, they pinch off a piece of wax, throw it into a bowl, melt it, and say:

    “As this wax melts, so the fat inside burns. It leaves me and doesn't come back. Amen!"

    Magicians often turn to heavenly bodies for help. If the sun helps to gain wealth, self-confidence, accept the right decision, the moon solves the problems of beauty, health, peace of mind, family well-being. With the problem of losing weight, you can turn to her. The rule is relevant when the plot is read on the waning moon.

    To connect with higher powers so that they hear the request, they use a wax church candle. Lit in a room where the moon is visible. They walk with candles to the window, they say the words:

    “You see the moon, you know all my secrets.

    You see how I suffer, how excess fat prevents me from living.

    You can do everything, you can do everything!

    Take the extra weight off me, give me the perfect figure.

    Do not ask for much, save me from (how many exactly) kilograms.

    Remove fat from the abdomen, thighs, sides, buttocks, chin.

    As you begin to subside, so the fat will melt.


    With these words, the candle is extinguished. It is allowed to repeat the ritual the next month if the result is not very satisfactory.

    The ritual is allowed young month, but there is one feature. They ask not to get rid of excess weight, fat, but to add beauty. Each person has their own concept of beauty. Therefore, during the ritual, you need to visualize your future image, clearly present the picture, fix it in your memory.

    main attribute magical rite- a large mirror. In addition, you will need 2 wax candles. The ritual is performed in the nude. There should not be anything buttoned up or tied on the body. I'll have to take off my jewelry, let my hair down.

    On both sides of the mirror, candles are lit, they look at their reflection, they imagine how the figure changes, becomes ideal. Words are spoken:

    “In the ninth kingdom in the thirtieth state lives a beautiful princess.

    Everyone admires her beauty, but marvels, but is touched.

    The legs are slender, the arms are thin, the face is chiseled, devoid of a fat chin.

    The figurine is slender, beautiful, but pleasing to everyone.

    I will also be as beautiful as a queen.

    Everyone will turn to me, be surprised at my beauty.

    It is allowed to perform a ritual every month to maintain the result, self-affirmation.

    Full moon spell for weight loss

    especially strong ritual takes place on a full moon night. You will need a large wax candle, bought in the church specifically for the ritual. Held at 12 noon. They melt a candle, let it cool a little, make a doll. The figure should resemble you. Problem areas should be clearly identified. FROM reverse side dolls write their name with a needle. Start the ritual.

    Read the plot, simultaneously perform actions. They form an ideal figure by pinching or cutting off the wax from the sides, on the stomach, hips, chin, and other places where there is excess weight.

    “Wax melts, molds, and is easy to remove.

    So my body fat goes away, disappears, the body is transformed.

    Every day I am slimmer, prettier, thinner.

    As this doll is slender and thin, so I should be like this until the next full moon.

    No sooner said than done!"

    The wax figurine is wrapped in black cloth and hidden in a secluded place. If someone finds it, picks it up, the ritual will be interrupted.

    Soap conspiracy

    Strong rituals are performed during bathing activities. It is recommended to resort to this method if extraneous magical influence is clearly felt. Water cleanses of negativity, and soap serves as a tool for the formation of a new program.

    A piece of soap should be spoken by candlelight. Also, you should put an icon in front of you. Since there will be a removal of the negative. Protection must be present. They put soap in front of them, read the plot.

    “Take it from me, but let it go through the water

    Everything sent, everything sent, spoken, spoken.

    Release me from bonds, take my body from the pool.

    The fat on me is not mine, let it go sideways.

    Give me back my body, save my beauty.

    May it be so!"

    Blow out the candles. You will need to bathe with this soap every evening during the waning moon. If the skin does not perceive soap, you can speak the gel.

    Being in the shower, say the phrase: “Words are strong, the will is strong. Do not interrupt anyone, do not change, as she said, it will come true! Amen!"

    Most rituals are performed after dark, before going to bed. The peculiarity of this rite is that a person will lose weight in a dream. Bathing procedures are carried out, nightwear is put on, a wax candle is lit.

    The spell is read:

    “Like a little night hides all secrets, protects everything secret, but sends dreams.

    As a person sleeps, yes, he rests in a dream.

    So I will gain strength, get prettier, and prettier.

    Wake up in the morning thinner.

    The fat will leave me, but it won't come back.

    I will become slim, beautiful for everyone to see.

    Give me the night good dream Yes, weight loss soon.

    May it be so!"

    Perform a ritual on the waning moon until it appears new month. How more conspiracy read, the stronger the action.

    Conspiracy on water for weight loss

    There are several options. They drink the charmed water, sprinkle it on themselves, take a bath. For this ritual, you will need holy water or, in extreme cases, spring water. It takes a little, because speaking 1 glass, you can add a few drops to any drink, bath.

    “Just as water washes away everything, so the fat in me will begin to destroy, relieve me of excess weight.

    With each sip, the fat goes away, the body becomes slimmer, but prettier. Amen!"

    Take a bath of water, add charmed water, a little drop of holy water. Ritual words:

    "The fat man walked on the ground,

    Yes, he ate everything, chewed everything, drank water.

    By the time I got home, I was sweating all over,

    Then he swam, but lost weight.

    So I’ll go into the bath fat, and I’ll come out of it thin.

    May it be so!"

    It is allowed to combine two rituals to speed up the effect.

    Conspiracy of Appetite

    If a person cannot control his brutal appetite, the desire to eat tightly, a special ritual is performed. You will need a wax church candle, a slice of black bread, water, salt. Perform the ritual early in the morning.

    They light a candle. Put the bread on a plate, sprinkle with salt. Place a glass of water nearby. Read the plot, perform the action.

    “I will pacify the hunger, I will persuade, I will speak.

    He will not torment me, call me to food, and force me to chew.

    As I eat bread and salt, so we eat. Enough for the whole day.

    (bite bread)

    As soon as I drink some water, I'll get drunk in full. I'm thirsty.

    (Take a sip)

    I will be calm about food, walk past, but not covet.

    May it be so!"

    The charmed bread must be eaten completely, water should be drunk. During the day, you will want to eat, but not so much. The gluttony will stop.

    A ritual is performed with church wax candles. Which moon in the sky does not play a role here. Coming at nightfall. The ritual is performed in complete solitude. They scratch their name on the candle with a needle. Light up, read the plot:

    “As the wax melts, melts, the candle decreases in size,

    So the fat from my body will come off, melt, and disappear.

    The candle will burn, go out, and with it my fat will cease to be deposited.

    It will decline, I will return a slender body.

    May it be so!"

    Leave the candle to burn out completely.

    Strong conspiracy from Vanga

    The healer advised everyone to forgive, not to wish harm to anyone, not to envy. Under these conditions, my conspiracy to act with extraordinary force. Most effective way quickly remove fat from Vanga is carried out with water at bedtime. There must be a full moon in the sky or a waning period. Go to the window with a glass of water, read the plot:

    “The moon is waning, and the body is losing weight.

    Let the night luminary be full and round, and I am thin and slender.

    All my fat will go to the moon, she will add beauty, and save my body.

    My word is firm, my will is strong.

    Drink water, go to bed. You can repeat the ritual every evening, while the moon is waning.

    The drink has the ability to increase metabolism, burn calories, stimulate metabolism. To make its action even stronger, they read the plot.

    “The tea is warm, the tea is delicious. Yes, not for completeness, for the benefit, for thinness.

    As I drink a sip, the fat will shake, as I drink another, it will dissolve.

    And with the third sip it will leave the body, but will not return back.

    May it be so!"

    You can read the plot every morning at breakfast. Words are simple, easy to remember, easy to memorize. Within a week, changes will begin in appearance for the better.

    Conspiracies from the movie "The Fortuneteller"

    In one episode there was a story about how a young girl began to rapidly gain weight. Literally in a month she turned into a fat woman, although she had not suffered from excess weight before, she was always slim. The fortune-teller saw on her the damage that a friend brought through her black envy. Later it turned out that this was done through a small mirror.

    To stop the action of magic, the fortuneteller advised to perform a simple ritual.

    “Like water destroys everything, carries it away with it, and fills it with new water.

    So take away the fat from me, take away my fullness.

    May it be so!"

    At the next session, the fortuneteller figured out who sent the damage, who should have returned the mirror. And in order for the magic to finally dissipate, it was necessary to perform a ritual with a candle.

    Light up after sunset, say the words:

    “As the candle melts, so the fat drains from me.

    As wax melts, so fullness comes off on me.

    Don't come back.

    Candle burn with fire, protect me, save me from evil,

    Give me beauty, thinness back!

    It takes 3 days to burn the candle. Repeat the spell. On the third day, leave to burn out completely.

    Consequences of conspiracies

    How quickly the desired result will appear depends on several factors. The correctness of the ritual, the reasons for completeness. If a girl is subjected to severe damage, it is necessary to initially neutralize it, and only then proceed to reading conspiracies for weight loss. Otherwise, the result will either not be at all, or it will be short-lived. With the right ritual, fullness, excess weight go away within 2 weeks, a maximum of a month.

    When traditional methods of losing weight do not bring any result, but, on the contrary, deplete the body, then there are quite radical, but effective ways to quickly lose weight - magic conspiracies. Even in the old days, many witches resorted to this method and, with the help of weight loss conspiracies, helped those in need.

    In this article

    How do conspiracies work and do they work?

    When practically nothing helps in the fight against excess weight, then women turn to magic. The strength of any conspiracy depends on the following reasons:

    1. The energy of the conjurer.
    2. His mood and orientation to a positive result.
    3. Exact following the instructions in the plot.
    4. The ability to keep one's secrets secret from strangers.

    A conspiracy from completeness is an installation, programming of a person’s consciousness to achieve the necessary goal. If you believe in the power of the ritual, then the body itself will begin to focus on the intended result.

    Conspiracies for food

    In terms of frequency of use, these methods are considered the most popular. Magicians distinguish 8 types of conspiracies for losing weight with the help of food, and you can focus on any of them based on own preferences, sympathies and the strength of their influence on the body.

    On an apple

    When diets are powerless, spells come to the rescue. But be aware of the possible consequences of any action in the field of magic.

    Features of the selection of an apple for the ritual:

    • the shape is correct, round;
    • size - medium;
    • there should be no scuffs, dents on the fruit;
    • only fresh.

    “The apple is round, the apple is red, help me, help me lose weight. Asmuren-nataren, I ask, I offer a strong sacrifice, I carry what I can, I will give you what you take. The apple is round, the apple is red, help me, help me lose weight.

    There is a charmed fruit, preferably in the morning, and you do not need to make an additional plot, even if it does not begin to act within 3 days. The peculiarity of the method is that excess fat will go away gradually and not always very noticeably within 2-3 months.

    For green tea

    The peculiarity of this method is that it works almost always. The only drawback is that you will have to repeat the procedure daily to resume the influence of the spell.

    Prepare any green tea, preferably without additives. Then whisper words to him:

    “I drink tea, tea is hot, let the rattling fat go away. My word is strong, like a stone on the banks of the Ora River.

    Drink it after meals. Such a ritual stabilizes the metabolism in the body and aims it at a quick weight loss. Another advantage is that it helps to lower the pressure of those who have previously struggled with hypertension.

    On a peach

    The advantage of the method is that you can lose up to 5 kg of excess weight without any effort. To do this, select a ripe peach according to the following features:

    • shape - round, without flaws;
    • without dark spots on the peel and dents;
    • not soft;
    • do not replace this fruit with others, for example, nectarine.

    Put the peach all night on the windowsill, it is desirable that the moonlight illuminates it. We advise you to do the ritual on the waning moon. In the morning, whisper the following words on a peach:

    “As the sun rises every day, so I wake up every day. As the day subsides, so will my weight subside. As the week ends, so I will lose weight.

    Eat the peach immediately afterwards. Over the course of 7 days, you will rapidly lose extra pounds.

    And in this video, Martina will tell you another interesting ritual for losing weight on the waning moon:

    For green onions

    It is best to use this product during its seasonal growth - spring, summer. For the ritual, you only need an onion feather. And their length does not matter.

    The peculiarity is that a person begins to lose weight very quickly and can lose up to 10 kg in a week. Excess fat will decrease, and it does not matter what a person eats.

    The whole task is to whisper on green onions:

    “Godomun-meregach, help, help out. I will lose weight, my father, help me, I want to lose weight. Godomun-meregach, I will pay any price, help.

    On carrots

    To lose weight quickly, magic alone is not enough, you need to have a strong desire. A carrot plot will help you achieve optimal weight without depleting your body. At the same time, be extremely careful. We do not recommend repeating the ritual in the next year, as this can significantly harm health.

    And also remember about kickbacks when this conspiracy is violated. If you do it again, then Great chance that a person will again gain excess weight, but with a vengeance.

    Choose a medium-sized carrot, after the conspiracy, eat it raw, regardless of the time of day. Whisper the following words on the vegetable:

    “Morohanka, take away the fats, help me. Potrokhanka-morokhanka, I'll give everything, help me. Potrokhanka-morokhanka, I want to lose weight, I’ll cry with my soul. ”

    The effect is not achieved as quickly as with the previous methods, but it also lasts much longer. Our readers claim that the effect of the spell is at least 1 year. At the same time, you can eat absolutely any food and not torture yourself with constant diets that can harm the body.

    On honey

    It is advisable not to use such radical methods for those who want to lose only 3-5 extra pounds, since the effect may be unsuccessful. Honey is a fairly new ingredient in the field of magic, but quite powerful, so it quickly gained popularity.

    An ideal way for those who have a desire to get rid of 10-20 kilograms of weight for 1-2 months. To conduct the ceremony, only bee honey is required, and it can be of any variety, the main thing is the naturalness of the components.

    It is desirable to speak on Monday morning and pronounce the following words:

    “To be beautiful to me, to be slim!
    Get all the fat off me, get all the fat off me!
    Do not go fat me, do not live with a lot of weight.
    He will leave me, run away, fly away and not return!
    Be beautiful, be slim, be graceful!
    Like a thin birch, like an aspen, so I should be thin,
    Like a graceful winch, like a sweet dove, so should I be slim!
    I will speak, I will bewitch myself, I will treat you with magic honey!
    Be the only way, no other way!
    My word is law! My word is true! Amen!".

    After taking one small spoonful of honey every morning before meals or diluted in clean water and drink. You can carry out the ritual for up to 2 months, after which a break is made for 1 month.

    Lapel from food

    An extraordinary way to deal with excess weight. We recommend that you treat the ceremony with great caution, since incorrect actions during the performance can bring on a new disaster - complete exhaustion of the body.

    Such a ritual helps to overcome the most common problem of overweight people - overeating. Often, willpower is not enough to give up your favorite treat, lush buns and sweet chocolate bars. But if there is a great desire to show off an impeccable figure, then this method is perfect.

    The lapel is made for certain products. For example, a person understands that excessive consumption of pastries leads to rapid weight gain and wants to give it up. To do this, you need to take an object, put it in the center, and light 3 candles around it. All this is done in the evening.

    After that, cast a spell, looking at the desired item:

    “I speak the food of the servants of God (my name), the food will inhale spiritual strength, blissful strength, that food will not become a stone in the stomach, not fat on the body, but nectar for the soul, a satisfying spirit, peace, and goodness. Give you, food, pleasure to the servant of God (name), nourish her blood and brain, skin and all veins. What will not benefit, then let it go, what is worthless to my spirit, but to my body, then let it go, but not settle superfluous. He will have a servant of God (name) to give up the superfluous and unnecessary, die your desires, turn away from food, it is better to pray to the Lord God once again. God help your servant (name), she will not strive to overeat, she will think more about the soul. Away and at home. Amen. Amen. Amen".

    You can perform the ritual on several objects, depending on your desire.

    To eat less

    This method will also help you lose weight quickly, but you should remember that this method is not suitable for everyone. There are no specific criteria. Our readers say that only 25% of people confirmed quick result, resorting to this method of losing weight.

    You can try it if you have neither the time nor the desire to follow diets, exercise active sports or due to various diseases. Therefore, a conspiracy to eat less will be an ideal option for them. The peculiarity of the method is that after its application, your nutrition will stabilize and the desire to eat will become less intrusive. At the same time, it is extremely important to establish a framework for eating: no more than 3 times a day and in small portions.

    The plot should always be carried out at night, preferably on a waning moon. Prepare a glass in advance and fill it with running water.

    For effective weight loss and less need for food intake, the following slander is made:

    “Just as the water flowed, transparent and clean, so the fat will flow in all directions, from me. As soon as I am full of water alone, I will drink and not want to eat. And as you want to eat, then I will remember about water and again the appetite will disappear. My words are spoken on the water, as if they were carved on a stone. No one can turn them the other way."

    You need to repeat the words 3 times, then drink all the liquid from the glass.

    How do you know the plot worked? In the event that the ritual is carried out correctly, and it began to act on a person, the very next day there will be less desire to eat. It will reach its peak on the 3rd day, after which the effect will last for about a month.

    Right now, Andrei Rakitsky will conduct a hypnosis session that will remove the obesity code:

    Conspiracies with objects

    Any ritual gives its results. Sooner or later, it will happen. Helps to remove excess fat effective conspiracies for everyday items. At the same time, any rite is gaining its greatest strength if it is performed during the full moon.

    On a doll

    Make a special doll at home. For this, one made from hay, shreds of cloth or wax is suitable. The main thing is to make it yourself, investing all your energy.

    The result is achieved in 2 days. An extremely important condition is never to lose this doll, not to throw it away and not to give it to anyone.

    The conspiracy is carried out in complete solitude, saying:

    "I pinch the sides - I expel fat, I remove the fat - I kill gluttony, Small food - for the benefit of the womb."

    Such a doll will always act, therefore, if there is no longer any need for it, then you need to get rid of it as follows: burn it down on a dark night near the intersection. Otherwise, it is allowed to burn such an object near the cemetery. It is not advisable to do this in your yard or with places where people can live.

    For soap

    For an effective rite, you need a new piece. Make sure that only the person who will read the conspiracy on him can use it. A significant condition is soap either white or transparent (on a glycerin basis). And you can also cook it yourself, but in no case should you make it from the remaining pieces of old soap.

    “Like soap on a calf, I will spend all my fat sagging to hell. I’ll lose weight, I’ll lose weight, but I’ll glorify this conspiracy in my thoughts. May it be so. Amen! Amen! Amen!".

    Wash your hands every time after eating, so that fat will not be deposited on the body. However, the method is not effective for those who not only want not to get better, but also to remove existing fat deposits.

    On a comb

    A conspiracy beloved by witches, not because it is easy to use and has no rollback, but because it is extremely strong and constantly feeds on human energy. They do it only on the waning moon, not in holidays, not on Sundays. Most better days for such rituals - Thursday and Friday, it is then that any conspiracy gains full strength.

    Prepare 2 candles in advance and light them. Choose the right comb, it should have been used only by the person who does the ceremony. You can buy a completely new, not charged with energy and comb it for 5 minutes. Put the comb between the candles and leave for 10 minutes, then read the plot:

    “Let the fat go, like a comb lice are combed out. Let my weight disappear as nits disappear. Let the pig swell and get fat, and let my body grow thin and prettier! Amen".

    It is advisable to comb your hair every morning, and also put it under your pillow at night.

    For a candle

    Before the start of the ceremony, be sure to buy a candle in the church, if possible, stand for the entire morning service, holding it in your hands. So the effect will be stronger and excess fat will go away easier.

    At home, in the late afternoon, put a candle on a white canvas and read these words:

    “My fat go away with the moon, take away, the moon, my fullness, but make me slim and thin.”

    After that, light a candle and let it burn to the ground. Wrap the remaining wax in the same white cloth and store it in your room among things.

    Conspiracies and rituals with water

    It has long been believed that water conspiracies have powerful power. No wonder the lonely girls who wanted to get a man whispered to the net spring water magic words and performed rituals, then gave her man a wash or a drink. So they tied him to themselves.

    Conspiracy of water

    It is on the waning moon that such a conspiracy will have sufficient strength for rapid weight loss. We recommend drinking water before going to bed, after which you can not eat until the next morning.

    “The moon is waning, and I am losing weight, the moon is growing, adding my fullness to my own. Whatever I have, let it dissolve, fly away, evaporate! To the moon, to the sun, to the steppe, to the field! Yes, it will stay there forever. Amen!".

    Then drink a glass of water. With this method, you can lose up to 7 kg per month. However, there is a significant minus, you have to repeat the same procedure every day with a new glass of water. The effect will be invisible in the first 2-4 days. And it is also recommended not to perform the ceremony for more than 40 days. It is advisable to take a break for 1-3 months.

    Ritual with water before going to bed

    Instead of conspiracies for water, conduct an effective rite. To do this, pour water into a transparent glass and place it under moonlight for 9 days. After that, cover with a white cloth and leave to stand for another 3 days, put the stems of celandine on top.

    On the 13th day, drink a glass of water, and leave some liquid at the bottom. At the same time, it is extremely important in the first days after the ceremony not to eat anything fatty. Then eat as before, and the extra pounds are gradually shed.

    Rite in the bath

    A fairly simple way to get rid of fat, besides it will be a pleasure. When entering the bath, be sure to say the words:

    “I’ll come to the bath as a fat fat woman, I’ll leave the bath as a slender birch. The steam room will warm me, the fat will be driven out of me.

    Then go to the steam room and carry out the usual procedures. After leaving the room, be sure to say to yourself:

    "Thank you bathhouse for the relief, thank you bathhouse for the deliverance."

    The advantages of such a ceremony is that it can be performed every time you visit the bath. But its result will not be as strong as the usual conspiracy on the water.

    Ritual with immersion in water

    It is held only after sunset in the warm season. Before midnight, choose a convenient place for diving, while there should be no strangers nearby.

    Dive into the water with your head once, then come up and say:

    “Mother Voditsa, help me, servant of God (name). She poured milk for you, decorated it with rose petals, put on the holy cross! Help me in my trouble, in my grief! Take away all the fats from me, Far, far away from me! I want to be beautiful, I want to be slim! So that the weight never comes back to me! Amen!".

    After the words, once again plunge into the water with your head. When you leave, wrap yourself in a warm towel. We recommend not to eat any more this evening, but to drink only clean water.

    Rite with a bath

    Prepare red rose petals, ginger root and lemon in advance. Take a warm bath, then add 5 drops of lemon, a grated piece of ginger root and rose petals. Immerse yourself in the bathroom and place a lit church candle next to it.

    After 15-20 minutes, take one rose petal and wrap the candle around it. Wrap in any plain material and store in an inaccessible place. Every evening, light it for 2 minutes, disperse the smoke throughout the room. Do this ritual until the candle burns out in a few days.

    The effectiveness of the method will appear after 4 days. Sometimes you may lose your appetite. Thus, you can lose up to 10 kg. It is not advisable to repeat the ceremony again if the desired effect is not achieved.

    Powerful two-stage conspiracy

    Quite difficult to use and requires special training. It is advisable to collect all the necessary items for the ceremony in advance and be sure to carry it out closer to midnight on a waning moon.


    You need to start about 7 days before it is carried out directly:

    1. To begin with, formulate the main goal: how many kilograms you need to lose for optimal results, and in what area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe body.
    2. Prepare your beeswax. It can be purchased at a pharmacy. If not available, do it yourself. To do this, buy a church candle and melt it by removing the wick.
    3. From the softened wax, make a small sausage and cut it into small slices.

    Note! When cutting off each piece of wax, say “first kilogram”, “second kilogram” on it, and so on until as many pieces are cut as many kilograms need to be dropped.

    1. After that, these pieces melt again and a small ball is formed from them. It symbolizes fat accumulations on the body and is placed under the pillow at night for 7 days.


    At midnight on the 8th day, remove the wax from under the pillow and hold it firmly in your hand, then say:

    “I’m throwing you like my fat, the wax will melt, the fat will melt.”

    Put the wax under your pillow for one more night. In the morning next day cut a small piece from the ball and melt it, then take it to the crossroads of 4 roads and leave it there. Leave without looking back.

    Tear off a piece of wax daily and do the same manipulations as with the first one until there is no wax left.

    Strong conspiracies for weight loss

    As a rule, they are carried out only by witches and healers. It was believed that they take on all the possible consequences of such actions. Therefore, to this day, there are separate ceremonies that were performed by the most powerful women.

    Conspiracy from Vanga

    The healer, like no one else, knew that being overweight is a rather serious problem. Therefore, she helped many to get rid of this during her receptions. She assured that those conspiracies that are pronounced on the full moon closer to midnight will have the greatest power.

    “The candle is losing weight, I am losing weight. The candle burned out, I am whole, full of strength and energy.

    Repeat these words at least 7 times. Then light a candle and let it burn. Then wrap in white cloth and hide in a secluded place.

    Be careful with the remnants of a burned-out candle, because if an ill-wisher finds it, then it can carry out the reverse rite for completeness and then it will be quite difficult to get rid of excess weight.

    Conspiracy from Natalia Stepanova

    Before proceeding to the ritual, Natalya Stepanova advised to visit the bathhouse. At the same time, take with you a small candle, bought in advance in the church. You need to blow on it a little during bath procedures and hold it in your hands.

    After that, on the waning moon, read the following words, holding a candle:

    “A monk in a cassock walked, read psalms, ate holy water and prosphora. The monk sweated and lost weight on the way. Let me sweat and lose weight."

    After these words, light a candle and let it burn to the ground. Moreover, the ritual must be carried out in good mood and speak softly.

    Prayer for fast weight loss

    Prayer for weight loss is read for at least 7 days, preferably in the late afternoon and alone.

    “Lord, help, Lord, bless. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. On the sea, on the ocean, on the island of Buyan, there is a bed, on that bed there is a downy feather bed. On the featherbed of that pig lies, my fat guards. That pig has two heads, three heads, four heads, five heads, six heads, seven heads, eight heads, nine heads, nine mouths.

    Eat my fat on the first head, eat my fat on the second head, eat my fat on the third head, eat my fat on the fourth head, eat my fat on the fifth head, eat my fat on the sixth head, eat my fat on the seventh head, eat my fat on the eighth head, and ninth all my fat will eat up, my fat will take over. Key. Lock. Language. Amen. Amen. Amen".

    In this video you will find prayers for gluttony:

    Consequences of conspiracies: to be afraid or not

    Sometimes you can hear how "experts" claim that there are no consequences after the use of magical ways to get rid of excess weight. But it is worth clarifying that any kickbacks after sentences will indeed not bring any serious consequences to a person’s life, but at the same time harm his usual rhythm.

    First of all, it concerns health. There may be some complications with the previous or chronic diseases. After all, going to such drastic measures, a person should be aware that he will have to sacrifice something for a quick effect. But since even the strongest conspiracy does not carry negative energy and is not focused on black magic, there is an extremely small amount of negative energy in it. Our readers note that one of the ways to roll back such a conspiracy is the lack of effect. Typically, this is the most common consequence actions.

    There are warnings for those who are going to start weight loss methods:

    1. If it is initially indicated that the rite is aimed at using black magic, then a person should not forget to roll back from himself. Otherwise, all the remaining time, he risks incurring exhaustion, physical and moral fatigue.
    2. Think before you take up the rites of black magic. Misinterpreted methods of application, incorrect actions during the ritual lead to the opposite effect: a person will gain even more weight than before.
    3. In emergency cases, it is advisable to turn to the witch, who will remove all the bad effects of the ritual, in addition, protect the person from possible consequences in future. Attempts to correct the situation yourself at home may be unsuccessful.

    Useful video:

    In any case, the decision to resort to the use of magic or not remains with the person himself. The power of such conspiracies is always quite effective in the fight against excess weight. The main thing is to clearly follow all the conditions and do not forget about faith in what you are doing.

    A little about the author:

    Evgeny Tukubaev The right words and your faith are the keys to success in a perfect ritual. I will provide you with the information, but its implementation directly depends on you. But do not worry, a little practice and you will succeed!

    Any words spoken aloud have their own energy and radiate certain vibrations. Even the thoughts that remained unvoiced, hovering in everyone's head, determine the guide of the life path. The problem of nutrition often has a psychological basis: a person encourages himself with tasty but unhealthy food, or compensates for the lack of love, attention, or can simply "jam" emotional stress.

    • CONSPIRACY- this is a certain sequence of words, the set of which leads to the achievement of the desired result. Magical, magical power from the point of view of a physicist is easily explained. Conspiracies appeared thanks to "knowing / knowing" people endowed with supernatural powers. With the help of their abilities, they helped to recover from diseases, get rid of misfortunes and failures, and also manage the forces of nature to harvest a large harvest. Fortified over the centuries by the energy of many people, conspiracies have tremendous power. Vibrations from the spoken words reach the Cosmos faster, and the Higher Forces help to fulfill this or that task.
    • Prayer- this is the appeal of a person in thoughts or words to the spiritual mentors of the non-material world. Unlike other forms, it implies belonging to a religion. Faith in the Creator and his omnipotence allows you to feel protected and protected from various troubles and troubles. In prayer, the believer asks or thanks and, accordingly, promises to strictly observe the canons prescribed in religious books. Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Buddhism are thousands of years old and adherents have long experienced miraculous power prayers. Asking for weight loss means wishing yourself health, longevity, and getting rid of the temptation of gluttony. The main religions of the planet throughout the year call for fasting, restriction of various products. The calendar is designed in such a way that a person can replace the forbidden food without feeling discomfort.
    • Spell- one of the ways to achieve the desired, using ritual-magic speech. This appeal is compulsory. Depending on strength energy field a person can perform a spell spell on his own or resort to the help of professionals in magic. Thanks to such techniques, the will of a person obeys the spoken words.

    Orthodox prayer

    Appeal to the Creator should be meaningful, it is not a whim, to remove 3 extra pounds. The realization that the problem of nutrition has become a threat to health and even life, and not an aesthetic inconsistency with accepted ideals. One of the deadly sins - gluttony and the inability to cope with food addiction, makes a person a slave to his weaknesses.

    • Prayer can help you deal with overeating and lose weight, believing in yourself as the likeness of the almighty heavenly Father.
    • Strengthens the spirit spoken prayer aloud or mentally read.
    • Regular repetition leads to the stabilization of the nervous system, self-confidence regardless of the circumstances and the belief that the Higher Forces are always with you.
    • Pray to lose weight you can Jesus Christ, Mother of God, guardian angels, patron saints (by name), or those saints to whom the person addressed earlier.
    • Known for miraculous healings, Matrona of Moscow helps to get rid of gluttony. Such a prayer is read before the image of the saint, with a lit lamp.


    Blessed Staritsa Matrona of Moscow. Satisfy my hunger with small food and melt excess flesh with holy water. Drop by drop, the water will touch the lips, and the excess will gradually disappear. May it be so. Amen.

    • You can read during the day, before and after meals, as well as when you feel hungry.

    Rules for performing rituals

    In order for everything conceived to come true, certain conditions must be met:

    • Enter the number of kilograms to be reset. You can determine the numerical value of your ideal weight.
    • When performing a spell / conspiracy / prayer, faith is crucial. Hesitations and doubts only delay the desired.
    • After the ritual, thoughts should be that weight loss has already taken place and the person enjoys the result in the present tense. Presenting yourself with new proportions, experiencing joy, happiness from a beautiful, healthy body, emotional reinforcement helps to make the dream come true.
    • Until the event is completed, you can not tell anyone about the ritual.
    • Think positively about weight loss, the more detailed and colorful it is to imagine how the hated kilograms release the body, the faster all this will happen.
    • Don't get hung up on the problem. Life is multifaceted and beautiful, you should not tempt fate and lament about the weight gained. There are people with limited abilities who find the strength to rejoice and be happy. We must thank the Higher Powers for all the opportunities provided.
    • Believe in your abilities engage in visualization (mental representation of the result) and affirmations (constant repetition of the desired).

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    apple conspiracy for weight loss

    To carry out the ritual you will need:

    • In the market or in the supermarket, stand in front of a basket of bulk apples, think about your sacred desire and choose the most beautiful, red apple.
    • All undertakings are held for the growing month. There should be no one in the house during the reading.
    • Concentrating on what was conceived, the words are pronounced aloud:“The apple is round, the apple is red, help me, help me lose weight. Mother Earth, I ask, I offer a strong sacrifice, I carry what I can, I will give you what you take. The apple is round, the apple is red, help me, the excess - go away.
    • tearing off the stem, eat an apple, representing the process of losing weight.

    Ritual for a comb

    • Held on the first day of the month. In the morning, as early as possible, you need to buy a comb and 2 wax candles (church).
    • Put a comb on the table and light candles in front of it. Close the curtains tightly, sit down at the table and look at the comb to imagine yourself slim and healthy.
    • The plot is read 3 times in a commanding tone:“As a comb combs out lice, so go away the fat! As nits evaporate, so my weight evaporates! The pig will get fat and fat, and my body will grow thin and prettier! Amen!"
    • In the house of strangers and guests after the ritual, do not take 3 days.

    Rite in the steam room

    • In the bath, sauna or bath, only the performer of the ceremony is present. No extraneous sounds or noise should be distracting.
    • Spend at dawn or dusk, crossing the threshold with right foot say the words: “In a cassock, a monk walked along the road, read psalms, ate water and bread! On the way, the monk sweated and lost weight! If only I could sweat like that and lose weight! Amen!"
    • In a month, repeat all actions.

    Soap conspiracy for thinness before the bath

    • Buy a white towel for the ritual, baby soap fragrance-free and a new linen washcloth.
    • Put soap in front of you and read a prayer at dawn:
      Soap, soap, wash harder
      Soap-soap, wash faster
      I will rub my skin with you
      I will, then every time I lose weight.
    • Soap should be used until the weight drops to the desired value..

    Ritual for water

    • Choose a pure source, draw water (1-2 l) and consecrate it in the church. Buy 12 candles there.
    • Divide the amount into 12 doses. Put a glass, light a candle and mentally imagine the result.
    • Reading can take place at dawn or dusk, on the waning moon: “Water is violent, flowing here and there, don’t run, help me. Take my weight with him, run away, water, water, it’s not my problem, take away the trouble, I won’t find grief.
    • Then put out the candle and drink water in one gulp. Perform the ceremony every day, if you missed it once, start the cycle all over again.

    Rite for honey

    • Combine honey with pollen in proportions of 1:5. On the first day of the month or Monday at dawn, wash your face with cold water and say the following three times:
      “Like a thin birch, like an aspen, so I should be thin,
      How graceful the winch is, how sweet the little dove is, so I should be slender!
      I will speak, I will bewitch myself, I will treat you with magic honey!
      Be it this very moment!
      My word is law!
      My word is true!
    • Eat a teaspoon of honey every morning on an empty stomach without drinking, concentrating on losing weight.

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    green tea conspiracy for weight loss

    • Drink green tea between meals, each time saying a plot.
    • Confidently command out loud: “I drink tea, hot tea, let the rattling fat go away. Amen".
    • If society cannot be avoided, then the plot must be read quietly so that no one hears.
    • Drink per day from 2 cups of tea without sugar, sweets and honey.
    • This ritual is to use the month, starting from the waning moon.

    How to speak a talisman?

    A stone corresponding to the sign of the zodiac can serve as a talisman. It should be wrapped in silk or velvet fabric, tied like a bag with a red or golden thread.

    • The talisman speaks to the growing moon, at midnight with the window open.
    • Take a stone in your right hand, bring it to your forehead and imagine yourself losing weight, then bring it to your mouth and read in a whisper:
      “Thank you Lord for everything you have done for me, help me resist the temptation, let a small meal saturate my body, I will no longer overeat the excess that has become poison after. I will stop by the Lord's touch before temptation. The power of the Lord will stop my hand, will not give me what is superfluous and unnecessary. And I, Your servant (name), will be under Your protection, under Your control. Give, Lord, the strength to refuse excess food, excess weight. I will be healed by the power of the Lord from the earthly dependence of gluttony. Thank our Lord. Amen".
    • Put the stone in a bag and carry it with you, at night put under the pillow.

    How to read a conspiracy to lose weight on a full moon?

    The mysterious satellite has a special energy that affects the Earth and its inhabitants. The full moon is a magical time when you can achieve all your goals.

    • Before the ceremony, it is necessary to read the text well so that there will be no hesitation afterwards.
    • The greatest power is faith in achieving results.
    • The ceremony is best done on Monday or Friday. on which the full moon falls.
    • “Just as you, Mother - the Moon, from this moment on decrease, so my weight begins to melt, fullness leaves. You, Moon, are waning and melting my fat. The round Moon will turn into a thin month, and my fullness will completely disappear. Amen".
    • Pronounce words confidently and calmly before open window referring to the heavenly body.

    In trying to achieve a goal, a person can even resort to those things that seem useless and have no reason to believe in them. The category of such methods includes conspiracies and rituals for weight loss, carried out at home according to the moon calendar or on significant days in paganism. A number of reviews raise doubts about the "emptiness" of this way to lose weight and interest in the effect it has. Is there any sense in self-performed magical rituals and how do they work?

    What is a ritual for weight loss

    Love spells, lapels, conspiracies, slander - all these manifestations of pagan magic were the main way to influence the situation in antiquity and the Middle Ages. Traditional healers treated more with a word - not with a medicine, and it worked. After the spread of Christianity, the church began to deny magical rituals, as "games of demons", psychics, fortune-tellers, and other representatives of this group were recognized as "devil's offspring." However, church prayers, to which a person began to entrust himself, are of the same nature as conspiracies.

    The essence of these rituals for weight loss is one:

    • Any ritual, during which a person needs to pronounce (read) a certain text, is neuro-linguistic programming (abbreviated as "NLP") - modeling and cultivating faith in a successful situation. If you call it easier, then any ritual for weight loss is self-hypnosis.
    • If a person does not believe in what he says or hears, he will not see a positive result. All "magic" helps not by action, but by faith.

    Regarding women's attempts to lose weight with the help of magic at home, a clarification needs to be made: conspiracies or rituals can change the principle of thinking, correct some eating habits, make them fall in love with initially unloved food and vice versa, give motivation, desire to change. However, no weight loss ritual will act like a magic wand that burns fat: without additional effort, it becomes an empty business.

    Black Rite

    The danger of such rituals is a fee or “kickback”, as experts call it. In terms of effectiveness, any ritual for losing weight from black magic is stronger than from white magic, but the consequences can be more serious. Per generous gift you have to pay, so if you suddenly lose 5 kg in a week, this is compensated by getting other problems, and it is not known in what area: health, work, family, etc. The reason for this is the form of influence: black rites work through exchange. Your extra pounds go to someone else, and do not dissolve into emptiness.

    white rite

    The rituals of light (in other sources - creative) magic are relatively safe, since the one who is affected does not take away the good from the third person and does not transfer evil to him. However, white rituals for weight loss do not work as fast as black ones: they, like fabulous helpers, give direction, a hint, but the person must do the rest on his own.

    Effective conspiracies and rituals

    Experts are sure that conspiracies are the most effective, during which a person does not deny what he wants to remove, but confirms the desired goal. That is, if you intend to lose weight, you are already forming a mental image slim figure and proper eating habits, rather than telling yourself "I'm not overweight." The subconscious mind skips all the particles “no” and “not” and therefore accepts the reverse phrase. In addition, remember that even black magic is only help, but not a sorceress who does everything for you, so the listed rituals and conspiracies must be backed up by deed.

    How to perform a ritual for weight loss

    At home, a woman has access to many effective conspiracies and rituals, but their effectiveness depends on following certain rules. Any magical sacrament requires adherence to the canons created centuries ago. The Golden Trinity looks like this:

    • The basic rule, without which the magic for weight loss will not work, is the observance of secrecy. You need to be silent about the very idea of ​​\u200b\u200bweight loss. One of the reasons is the probability of the evil eye: even a person who is not your envious person can inadvertently “deactivate” the sacrament with his own thought.
    • All ceremonies in which something is required to be read must be performed facing the sun and, if possible, in an open area in order to see it. In a city apartment, you can stay by the window or even on the balcony; in a private house, you should go outside. In the morning, conspiracies are read with the face turned to the east, and at night (or in the evening) - to the west.
    • Experts in the field of magical arts say that the most effective rites are those performed at the beginning of the week, i.e. on Monday, or at its end - on Friday. Weekends are not affected. The explanation for this is simple: a new life begins with a blank page that opens when you have a new week in front of you. They get rid of everything with the last leaf, which marks Friday.

    To the waning moon

    If you want to remove something from your life, then you need to conduct the sacraments to achieve the goal when the moon begins to wane. Just as “pieces” gradually disappear from her, contributing to her rebirth, so a person gets rid of the superfluous, striving for the same. It is important to learn all the words of conspiracies and prayers by heart, i.e. words should not be read from the sheet, but come from the head. You can repeat until the new moon, every evening, and on the next waning moon, if you still continue to lose weight, perform the ceremony again.

    The procedure is as follows:

    1. Choose a night when the waning moon is visible.
    2. Remove all metal jewelry, including the cross.
    3. Go outside (the balcony will not work), turn around to face the moon.
    4. Slowly, with an understanding of the words, say the following phrase several times: “As you, the moon, decrease, ten fats come off me.”

    For a candle

    The principle of operation is to conduct a connection between body fat and wax. You need to melt the last one, and this will affect the figure. You see the process of weight loss with your own eyes and project the same process on yourself, only taking into account a slower speed. The ceremony should take place on the full moon, and you will have to prepare 7 days before that. The procedure is this:

    1. Buy some wax church candles. Melt all but the 1st.
    2. Roll up as many small balls of soft wax as you want to lose kilograms.
    3. Gather them into a large ball and place them under your pillow.
    4. You need to sleep on this “accumulation of fat” for a week, and on the full moon, melt a piece of wax over a church candle, imagining that it is your kilograms that are melting.
    5. In the morning, bury it in the ground or throw it in the toilet. Repeat until the new moon or until the entire ball melts.

    Clean Thursday

    FROM church holidays also associated with many rituals belonging to white magic. The rite for weight loss here is a trip to the bath to start the process of "forcing" fat along with sweat coming out. In a city apartment, you can use the “Thursday water”, always in the evening, imagining how it washes off excess weight from you and strengthens your will.

    For Palm Sunday

    Important Orthodox holiday, with which it is easier for a person to start a new life (and this also applies to losing weight) - Palm Sunday with which many rituals are associated. In the morning, imagining a clear mental image of a slender figure, you need to eat 3 willow buds. They take light food all day, and in the evening, at sunset, drink a glass of holy water in small sips and repeat: “St. Paul waved a willow, drove away ailments from me! Amen". Excess weight is a violation of health, so magical actions are aimed at restoring it.

    On the water

    For this old rite church water and 3 candles from there are used for weight loss. Carrying out necessarily on the waning of the moon. The procedure is this:

    1. Light candles, take a glass of water in your hands.
    2. Look first at the fire, then at the liquid in front of you for a minute.
    3. Read to yourself: "Voditsa-voditsa, take the weight, through the stones of the leak."
    4. Put out the fire with your fingers, wash your hands with water outside and pour the rest into the ground.

    For green tea

    There are no difficulties with this rite, but you need a very strong faith in your own strengths and results. It can be done daily, the phase of the moon does not play a role. The scheme is this:

    1. Make a simple green tea drink.
    2. Holding the mug in front of you, whisper: “I drink hot tea, let the rattling fat come off.”

    With red thread

    For a simple and effective magical ritual all you need is a piece of paper, a piece of woolen red thread and patience. This ritual is carried out for weight loss on Thursday evening, writing on paper (preferably with a pencil) in a column the following: “Vitosap, Anazapta, Ohola, 13 25 79, Siritanos”. The paper is twisted, tied with a thread and placed in the ground, imagining how excess weight leaves your eyes with it. Kilograms will begin to leave from the moment the thread rots.

    On honey

    Conspiracies for honey are held before dawn, when the month is still visible. You need to prepare a jar of fresh honey (about a glass in volume), put it in front of you on the windowsill and, mentally turning to the sun, in your own words form a request for weight loss, which will be helped by healing honey. When the sun's rays fall on the jar, it can be removed, and every morning there is a teaspoon of this honey on an empty stomach.

    Video: oil rite for weight loss

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