• What you need to know about caring for a newborn. Features and general rules for caring for a newborn boy in the first month of life: practical advice for young parents


    The article talks about all the hygiene procedures that a mother should carry out with her newborn every day. The article contains the most necessary recommendations, compliance with which will ensure full hygiene care for the child.

    Returning from the maternity hospital, many young mothers experience a feeling of confusion. After all, so many procedures need to be carried out daily with a newborn.

    Care in the first days of a newborn's life

    In the first days of a baby’s life, caring for him comes down to several mandatory procedures:

    • washing
    • washing away
    • cutting nails
    • bathing
    • umbilical wound treatment

    IMPORTANT: Each of the listed procedures, except for cutting nails, should be performed on a newborn every day during the first months of life. Treatment of the umbilical wound is required until it is completely healed

    Newborn care products

    In order to ensure complete care for a newborn you will need:

    • bathtub
    • thermometer for measuring water temperature
    • cotton pads or cotton wool
    • cotton buds
    • aspirator
    • children's scissors with blunt tips
    • brilliant green solution
    • hydrogen peroxide
    • children's cosmetics

    IMPORTANT: This is a list of the essentials that you must purchase for complete care

    Optionally you can purchase:

    • wet baby wipes
    • disposable absorbent diapers

    Cosmetics for newborns

    There are many different cosmetics for the care of newborns on the shelves of stores and pharmacies.

    You will definitely need it in the first month:

    IMPORTANT: You do not need foam for bathing or shampoo in the first month of life. Buy it later, when you already have preferences for manufacturers

    Caring for the umbilical wound of a newborn

    In the maternity hospital, when the navel has not yet fallen off, the treatment will be done nurse. At home, you should care for the umbilical wound until it is completely healed.

    The umbilical wound should be treated after an evening bath:

    • Place a few drops of hydrogen peroxide on a cotton swab
    • lower the cotton swab into the navel with a pointed movement (the peroxide will start to fizz a little)
    • dip a new cotton swab into the brilliant green solution
    • when the peroxide stops fizzing, touch the navel with the same point movement with a cotton swab

    IMPORTANT: Do not press, twist, or rub the stick into umbilical wound

    How to properly wash a newborn?

    It is necessary to wash your newborn every day after waking up in the morning. Washing includes several procedures:

    • eye wash
    • nasal cleansing
    • ear cleaning
    • washing face and neck

    IMPORTANT: Also look into the child’s mouth for early detection, which can occur in newborns.

    Washing the eyes of newborns

    To do this you need:

    • two cotton pads or pieces of cotton wool
    • cooled boiled water

    Take one disc and moisten it with water. After squeezing out excess water, wipe your eye along the lash line. In this case, you should move from the outer corner of the eye to the inner. Then take a second cotton pad and do the same with the other eye.

    How to clean a newborn's nose?

    Very often, such babies develop so-called “crusts” in the nose, which prevent the baby from breathing easily.

    IMPORTANT: For this reason, the condition of the nasal cavity must be constantly monitored and cleaned if necessary.

    To clean your nose you will need:

    • rinsing agent
    • aspirator
    • pipette

    Several types of products can be used to clean the nose:

    • Sodium chloride solution. The product is cheap and used sparingly. Completely harmless
    • special preparations for rinsing the nasal cavity of newborns. The basis of such preparations is most often sea water. Examples of such drugs: Aquamaris, Quix. I have them too natural composition, but cost many times more than the sodium chloride solution

    IMPORTANT: If you decide to use the Sodium Chloride solution, then use a pipette to drop one drop into each nasal passage.

    If you bought a special product at the pharmacy, then apply it according to the instructions. Wait a minute. Then you have two options:

    • use a nasal aspirator to remove the contents of the nasal cavity
    • twist the cotton wool. You can do this manually, or you can tightly wrap the cotton wool around a match and then remove it from the match.
    • Use the resulting turunda to clear your nose. The size of the turunda should match your child's nose.
    • Place it in your child's nose and gently twist it one turn in one direction.
    • Take it out of your nose.
    • Turunda can also be slightly moistened with the solution beforehand.

    Newborn ear care

    Use a cotton swab to wipe the outer ear.

    IMPORTANT: Do not put a cotton swab or anything else inside your ear

    Newborn neck and face care

    Wipe your neck with a cotton wool moistened with boiled water, and then wipe your face with fresh cotton wool.

    IMPORTANT: Wipe every fold on the neck, as this is the part of the newborn’s body that is susceptible to prickly heat.

    How to wash a newborn boy?

    You should wash the boy with running water in any direction, whichever is more convenient for you. The main thing is that the child's head and body are securely fixed with your hands. Always control the flow of water with your hand so that the temperature does not change.

    How to wash a newborn girl?

    It is somewhat more difficult to wash girls, since the mother must adapt to holding the baby in such a way that the water flows from the tummy to the back. It is more convenient to do this in the following way: place the child on the inside of your left arm, hold the legs apart with your palm, right hand control the water and wash the child

    IMPORTANT: Do not allow fecal matter to enter the vagina

    Intimate hygiene of a newborn girl

    A few rules of intimate hygiene for girls:

    • The girl should be washed with water at least once a day. And after a bowel movement - every time immediately
    • Soap should be used only after bowel movements. In other cases - only with water
    • When using soap, do not allow it to come into contact with the inner vaginal mucosa
    • After washing, pat dry gently with a baby towel or diaper
    • Open the girl’s labia at least once a week in order to detect fusion of the labia minora or majora (synechia) in time.
    • after washing, apply a small amount of diaper cream or powder

    IMPORTANT: All of the above rules are also suitable for a boy’s intimate hygiene.

    How to trim a newborn's nails?

    Pediatricians in the maternity hospital often do not allow cutting nails for the first week after the baby is born. But it happens that the baby already in the first days of life has long nails that can scratch the skin. In this case, put special mittens on your hands - “scratchers”.

    IMPORTANT: If your baby won’t let you cut his nails while he’s awake, do it while he’s sleeping.

    When you arrive home, look at your baby's nails. If they have grown so much that they can scratch delicate skin child - they should be cut. This procedure is done exclusively with special scissors with blunt tips.

    IMPORTANT: On your hands, round the nails, on your toes, trim them evenly.

    IMPORTANT: Do not always keep your baby's hands in gloves. Baby's skin needs to breathe

    Care of premature newborns

    Care for a premature newborn is carried out according to general rules. There are only a few exceptions:

    • Bathing a child is not allowed immediately after discharge from the maternity hospital, but only when the doctor allows it. It may take 2 or 3 weeks
    • It is necessary to bathe a premature baby in boiled water for the first month
    • The water temperature when swimming should be 37-38 degrees. When bathing, immerse the child completely in water, except for the head.
    • After bathing the child, wrap him in a warm diaper

    IMPORTANT: Your main task is not to freeze the child. Always create a warm environment for the baby, as premature babies have very weak thermoregulation mechanisms

    Bathing a newborn. Bath time

    It is necessary to bathe your baby every day. Before swimming, prepare everything you need:

    • clean bath
    • potassium permanganate solution
    • water thermometer
    • rinsing bucket
    • baby soap
    • baby shampoo
    • towel
    • herbal decoction (if desired and after the umbilical wound has healed)
    • everything you need to treat the umbilical wound
    • clean clothes
    • swimming slide (optional)
    • Fill the bath with running water at 37 degrees.
    • Add a weak solution of potassium permanganate.
    • Lower the child into the water up to his shoulders.
    • Use your hand to rub each of your baby's folds.
    • Use twice a week small quantities soap
    • There is no need to wash your hair with shampoo for the first month.
    • after that - once a week.
    • After washing, rinse the child with water one degree less than the one in which the child was initially immersed.
    • Be calm, otherwise your anxiety will be passed on to your child.

    IMPORTANT: Complete the procedures when the water has cooled 2 degrees from the original temperature

    Before the umbilical wound heals, the child should be bathed in a weak solution of potassium permanganate; after healing, you can add herbal infusions(chamomile, string)

    IMPORTANT: Although herbs have a calming and anti-inflammatory effect, they should not be used more often, so as not to provoke an allergic reaction or dry skin

    It is best to bathe your baby before feeding night sleep. After taking a bath, the child will get tired and calm down a little, after which he will eat well and go to bed

    Video: The first bath is not scary

    Developmental care and education of a newborn. Games for babies

    Before the baby reaches 6 months, it is necessary to carry out exercises with him to prevent orthopedic problems:

    • spread the baby's legs and arms different sides. Do it slowly and carefully
    • alternately pull your knees towards your tummy
    • bend and straighten your elbows

    Repeat each exercise 10-15 times.

    IMPORTANT: These are basic exercises. If the child has problems, the orthopedist will prescribe appropriate massage and special exercises.

    In the first month of life, the baby will not pay attention to various types of toys. IN best case scenario The baby will respond to the sound of the rattles.

    After a month, you can hang a musical carousel with toys above the crib and let the child touch various toys and lure with rattles. The child will already begin to follow them with his eyes.

    • Let your baby's skin breathe more often without a diaper
    • You can SOMETIMES use wet wipes for cleaning. It is better to use them only when it is not possible to wash them with water.

    IMPORTANT: Do not always wash your baby with wet wipes only. Even the best quality wipes have an impact on baby’s delicate skin.

    • if you use herbal infusions when bathing, be sure to use a moisturizer after
    • After washing and bathing, gently dry the baby's skin with a towel or diaper
    • When bathing in a bath, do not make the water temperature higher than 37 degrees, otherwise bathing ceases to be a health procedure

    IMPORTANT: If your child is not comfortable swimming in cool water or using a slide, do not torture him. Find the best bathing method for your baby

    Do not neglect the rules of caring for your child. Follow a certain algorithm and be sure that you are doing everything correctly.

    Video: Caring for a newborn - Dr. Komarovsky’s school

    What could be a more joyful and exciting moment for mother, baby and the whole family than being discharged home from the maternity hospital? After all, it is from this moment that everything in the former life of the newly made mother and father changes radically. Now the baby is the center of the universe, around which mom, dad, grandparents will revolve.

    The first days after maternity hospital- one of the most difficult days for parents and baby, especially if this is the first child in the family. After all, without now having the help of medical personnel, who helped and taught in everything in the maternity hospital, moms and dads have many questions about caring for him. It’s good if there is someone who can tell, suggest and show how to properly care for a newborn, but what if not?

    For such cases, this article was written, in which you can find answers to almost all questions related to caring for a newborn in the first month of life.

    Preparing for the arrival of mother and baby from the maternity hospital

    Before mom's arrival and the baby from the maternity hospital, the husband or relatives must complete the following procedures:

    Before using bottles, gas tubes, syringes and baby nasal aspirators, they must first be sterilized and placed in containers with a locking lid. Rinse children's scissors in warm soapy water and rinse, and wipe with alcohol before use.

    First meeting of a newborn with relatives

    So, mother and newborn baby arrived home. First of all, before approaching the baby, everyone in the house should wash their hands with soap. Because the infant from the first minutes of his life he sees and hears, then guests should behave quite quietly, without any loud or sharp sounds that could frighten the baby . We must not forget that after the maternity hospital, the young mother wants to get herself in order, and the father wants to take a better look at his child, so after congratulations, it is advisable for the guests to leave and leave the parents alone with their little one.

    Morning hygiene procedures for an infant

    Every day, before the first morning feeding, it is necessary to carry out the following procedures:

    Until the baby's belly button heals, the edges of the diaper should be turned back to speed up the healing of the umbilical wound.

    Mother and baby's first walk

    First time going outside with your babyan important event for young parents. After all, staying on fresh air very useful not only for the newborn, but also for the mother. The more you are in the fresh air, the better your blood circulation becomes, your appetite increases, and your sleep improves. Baby during a party gets one like this important vitamin, like vitamin D, the lack of which can lead to diseases such as rickets.

    You can go outside with your baby for the first time the very next day after arriving from the maternity hospital, provided that the air temperature outside is above 10 degrees below zero. The duration of the first walk is a maximum of 15 minutes, and each subsequent day its duration can be increased by 15 minutes. In order to understand whether a child is cold or hot, touch his palms, legs or the top of his head. If any of the above- cold means the baby is cold, if it’s wet and hot, then he’s hot.

    Feeding a newborn baby

    The most important thing in caring for a child from the first days of life is feeding. The natural and best food for a newborn is mother's milk. The mother was taught how to properly put the baby to the breast in the maternity hospital. However, it should be remembered that if the baby shows restlessness after feeding, then most likely this means that he is not full, so he needs to be offered the second breast. After feeding, the newborn needs to be held in a “column” so that he can burp air.

    For mothers who are breastfeeding, the frequency of feedings per day can reach up to 10-12 times, since to increase lactation and closer contact between mother and baby I use the “feeding on demand” method. However, the mother is not always able to establish breast-feeding. Then feeding follows a clear regimen - every 3 hours a certain amount of milk formula is given for this age.

    Bathing and hygienic care of a newborn in the first days of life

    Because after bathing the child Usually relaxed and falls asleep well, the bathing procedure is usually carried out before bedtime. It is worth noting that you should not bathe your baby immediately after eating. Necessary actions and procedures for bathing in the first month of his life:

    A newborn should be washed with soap no more than once a week. It is important to keep water away from your eyes, nose and mouth. After washing, lift it over the bath and rinse with clean water prepared in a mug or ladle. Bathing should be every day. Boiled water should be used until the umbilical wound has completely healed. . Immediately after healing, swimming can be done in ordinary water.

    After bathing the baby, wipe dry with a soft towel. Particular attention should be paid to the folds on the baby’s body and wiping dry the area behind the ears and armpits. After all procedures are completed, the child is dressed, fed and put to bed.

    Because the newborn sleeps for the first month of life longer hours of the day, and the period of wakefulness between feedings lasts about half an hour, then in such a short period of time you can give the baby a massage. Massage for newborns in the first month of life is simply necessary. After all, in addition to tactile communication with mom, The child’s overall health improves:

    • work improves digestive organs;
    • colic disappears;
    • sleep becomes more restful and longer;
    • the functioning of the entire nervous system is normalized;
    • coordination of movements develops, normalizes muscle tone;
    • immunity increases;
    • metabolism is stimulated.

    You can start doing your first massage up to a month, at the age of 2 - 3 weeks. The main condition is a comfortable room temperature of 22-25 degrees and good mood child. To avoid damaging the baby's delicate skin, massage is performed light strokes first the arms, then the legs and back. The duration of this procedure is no more than 5 minutes.

    The tummy needs to be stroked strictly clockwise. Also very good exercise is a “bicycle”, when the baby’s legs are pressed to the chest in turn. Be sure to remove all jewelry from your hands and warm them before starting. For easier glide, you can use baby oil or cream.

    Remember that the appearance of a child in a family This is not only joy, but also a huge responsibility. Care and proper care of a newborn in the first month of his life is a guarantee of raising a healthy child.

    High-quality care for a baby in the first stages of life is very important. But not every young mother knows how to properly care for a newborn and what to pay attention to in the first months of the child’s life. The baby is very vulnerable and requires maximum protection, since his skin is very delicate and susceptible to external irritants; improper care can lead to inflammation and skin diseases. To avoid all sorts of irritations and infections, you need to provide your child with proper care.

    Washing your baby is one of the first morning rituals. This procedure should be carried out using a cotton pad or swab. A baby's face up to two months should be washed exclusively with warm boiled water at room temperature. It is important to pay attention to all folds of skin on the face and neck of the newborn, if this is not done, it may occur, which will bring discomfort to your child.
    Therefore, after washing, you should lubricate all folds with baby cream or oil. But do not forget that before washing the newborn, mom or dad must disinfect their hands by washing them with soap before starting the procedure.

    Washing and caring for the genitals

    You need to take care of your child’s genitals very carefully from the first days of life. From proper care future reproductive function depends. There are basic rules for the washing ritual that are suitable for both:

    • The child should be washed under running water at room temperature, preferably after each bowel movement.
    • In the first months, to avoid dry skin, you should minimize the use of soap.
    • It is not recommended to use adult cosmetics for children.
    • To avoid discomfort and chafing, do not use simultaneously baby oil and powder. Because the powder will roll off.
    • If you are unable to wash away any remaining stool, you should carefully remove it with a cotton swab dipped in baby oil.

    Before the washing ritual, you should pre-pack all the necessary hygiene items for the newborn: oil or powder, a heated towel and cotton products (sponges or cotton swabs). But the washing process has its own characteristics depending on the gender of the child.
    • Features of washing girls.

    An important point to pay attention to. In the first weeks of life, girls may develop a light coating on their labia. But parents should not worry, if there is not a lot of it, it will be absorbed into the skin over time without additional manipulation, but if the amount exceeds the norm, then it should be carefully removed.

    Natural lactic acids in plaque can cause irritation and inflammation in a child. To prevent this from happening, you need to carefully remove the plaque using boiled water at room temperature and a cotton swab. If you repeat this procedure regularly, the plaque will disappear within 3 days. A girl, like a boy, should be washed after each shift. Before the procedure, be sure to wash your hands with soap. The genitals should be rinsed with running warm water from the labia to the anus, so that fecal residues do not cause inflammatory processes. It is not recommended to use wet wipes on a regular basis; it is better to leave them for those cases when it is not possible to wash the child.

    Important! Cleanliness should be moderate, as overdoing it can cause partial fusion of the labia minora!With frequent use of soap and other cosmetics, the mucous membrane is injured and causes an inflammatory process, which causes fusion to occur.

    After washing, you should moisturize the genitals and folds around them with baby cream or baby oil, since skin Children of this age are rather dry.

    • Features of washing boys.

    Experts recommend exclusively external washing of the genitals with soap and nothing else. External washing is washing the genitals from the outside, without invading the baby's foreskin. It is important to remember that the procedure of “penetrating” a boy’s foreskin can lead to injury, and we must also not forget that regularly washing the genitals inside with soap can wash away all the antibacterial lubricant that serves as a protective barrier for the child. Over time, the foreskin gradually peels off and dead cells gradually accumulate under the foreskin. There is nothing wrong with this, since the genital organ cleans itself on its own at the time of urination. Therefore, no additional cleaning processes are required.

    These features will help you approach the issue of bathing correctly and not harm the child.

    Treatment of the umbilical wound

    In the first days of a baby’s life, special attention should be paid to the umbilical wound. It must be remembered that a wound is an opportunity for infections to enter, so its treatment should be approached competently:

    • The umbilical wound should be treated 2 times a day - in the morning and after evening bathing.
    • To remove discharge from the wound, as well as for complete treatment, you should use 3 percent hydrogen peroxide and a cotton pad or cotton swab.
    • It is important to ensure that no peroxide or discharge remains in the wound.
    • After cleansing the umbilical wound, it is lubricated with brilliant green.

    On average, the umbilical wound heals on the 19th day of a child’s life. But until the wound has healed, you need to try to minimize the number of ways infections can enter the umbilical wound.


    Before starting daily bathing procedures, you should definitely check all the points with your pediatrician. Full bathing of the child is allowed only when the umbilical wound is completely healed.

    The water should be at room temperature - 36-37 degrees. If you plan to harden your child from the first days of life, you should gradually reduce the water temperature.

    Did you know? The baby will not drown if he is placed completely in water with his head. The swimming reflex is activated in the child's body. Floundering movements allow you to swim underwater. At the same time, the baby’s body includes a protective function, preserving oxygen for the functioning of the lungs and heart.

    You can bathe your baby in a special baby bath, but you can also use a regular bathtub, the main thing is to treat it in advance. Clean with soda solution or a special product.

    Four basic rules of bathing:

    • The bathing procedure should be daily.
    • The air temperature in the bathroom should be comfortable, without drafts.
    • Use cosmetical tools maybe 1, maximum 2 times a week.
    • After bathing, you need to thoroughly dry your baby's skin. Dry the skin folds with special care. To moisturize the skin after bathing, you should use baby milk, cream or oil.

    Particular attention should be paid to the position of the baby when bathing. It is better to hold the baby with both hands; after immersion in the bath, you should also hold the neck. You can purchase special accessories for bathing - bath nets or foam nets on which the baby lies while bathing.

    In life, it must be correct and accurately carry out all procedures important for the child. That's why Special attention You should also pay attention to caring for your baby’s eyes. You need to wash the eyes from the outer edge to the inner, and for each eye you need to use a new swab or cotton pad.

    If your baby has purulent clots in the corners of the eyes, you should use chamomile infusion or weakly brewed tea for rinsing.
    If you have inflammation, you should definitely consult a doctor and not use medications on your own.

    Cleaning your nose and ears

    After birth, the baby develops crusts in his nose, which prevent him from breathing. To clean the nose, you should use baby oil - drop a few drops into each nostril. Using a cotton swab, carefully remove the crusts.

    Important! It is important to remember that a newborn has a very delicate mucous membrane, which can be damaged by careless movement. Therefore, it is not recommended to use cotton swabs or cotton wool wrapped on a hard object, so as not to hurt the child.

    When washing, you need to make sure that water does not flow into the baby’s ears. To clean the ears, you need to twist the cotton wool into a thin rope or small swab and clean the ear canal with gentle movements.

    Nail trimming

    Newborns' nails grow very quickly, and to prevent the child from scratching himself while awake or sleeping, nails should be trimmed once a week. To do this, you should buy a special set for children's manicure. The scissors in it are safe, with rounded edges, so when cutting nails, there will be no danger of injuring the baby. You can also trim fingernails and toenails when the baby is sleeping, so he doesn't roll around, which simplifies the process.

    At the initial stage of a baby's life, diapers need to be changed regularly. On average 4-6 times. The baby's whims serve as a signal to change the diaper, and this procedure is also expected immediately after feeding.

    After washing, you should dry the crotch and folds so that the baby does not develop diaper rash after wearing a diaper. When changing a diaper, do not forget about what hygiene products a newborn needs, for example, powder or baby cream Perfect for the delicate skin of a baby's bottom. If the umbilical wound is open, the diaper should be worn in such a way that it does not touch the umbilical wound and does not irritate the skin.

    Did you know? The prototype of the first diapers in the USSR appeared during research, the subject of which was the preparation of the first space flights with human participation. And the first disposable diaper was based on sawdust. And he appeared in the USA.

    Disposable diapers are considered the most practical for newborns. When choosing diapers, you should carefully study the markings on the pack. As a rule, the size for which the diapers are intended is also indicated. Usage wet wipes It is worth minimizing as much as possible, since most of them contain trace elements that can cause irritation. Therefore, experts recommend using napkins only when absolutely necessary.

    The process of changing a diaper is also important. You need to carefully lift the baby's bottom and pass a clean diaper underneath. You need to fasten the diaper tightly, but not tightly, so that two of your fingers fit between the diaper and the baby's body.

    For a newborn, you should use washed and ironed diapers. You need to iron the diaper on all sides. And the presence of a steamer will make it soft and pleasant to touch the body.

    Before swaddling, you should wash your baby and put a clean diaper on him. It is also necessary to take into account the temperature in the room, if it is cold, then you need to use two, if the room is hot, then you can use the free principle of swaddling, when the newborn’s hands are above the edge of the diaper.

    A child wrapped in a diaper should feel comfortable, nothing should press or disturb him.

    Choice of clothes

    Caring for a child from the first days of life is not only about maintaining a comfortable living environment and cleanliness of the baby, but also about properly selected clothes. It is worth buying essential clothes for a newborn a couple of months before his birth.

    There are 6 basic selection rules for babies:

    • Should choose natural clothes. Cotton is best. Baby's skin is very sensitive, so artificial fibers in the composition can cause irritation or allergies. Cotton is pleasant to the body, soft and will not cause discomfort to the child.
    • First of all, the baby should be comfortable in clothes. There shouldn't be any pressure. Therefore, you should avoid clothing with tight elastic bands, snaps or buttons. Clothing with elastic bands can put pressure on the arms and neck, and the buttons on the back will still put pressure on the baby, causing discomfort.
    • It is very important that all the seams on the clothes are external, then this will help avoid chafing the toddler’s skin.
    • Rompers, T-shirts - everything should be the size of the baby. Small clothes will constrain the child, and outfits bigger size will not give you the opportunity to warm up.

    Let's consider a set of clothes by season.
    • Clothing for the first summer. A child's summer clothes should be easily breathable and allow moisture to pass through. Light bodysuits or blouses are just right for hot weather.
    On average, a child needs 5-6 sets for the first time, consisting of blouses and pants and a couple of suits. The rest can be purchased if necessary.

    Did you know? Back in the 19th century, children of different sexes were dressed the same - in short dresses with a low waist. At that time, a baby was considered an unformed personality, and they were treated like little angels.

    It is worth paying careful attention to the selection of the cap. When going for a walk, you should not forget about this important element. The cap will protect the baby from the possibility of catching a cold in the ears in windy weather and will protect against sunstroke.
    • First winter clothes. The main clothing for a newborn in winter is a jumpsuit. Therefore, when choosing this important element of clothing, you should pay attention to the following points:
    1. Type and thickness of insulation.
    2. Outer material of the overalls.
    3. Cut.
    The seams of the overalls should not get wet, and double stitching of the seams will ensure warmth and comfort. The membrane coating is also of no small importance - it is designed to protect the child from getting wet and blowing, therefore, based on weather conditions, you should choose the best option.
    When choosing seasonal clothes for your baby, it is always important to remember his comfort and convenience.


    This is one of the main points in caring for newborn babies. Feeding a child in the first months of life is a very responsible process that needs to be approached wisely. For the first six months, it is better to breastfeed the child, and from the age of six months, gradually transfer to complementary foods.

    Feeding a child in the first days has no restrictions on quantity; all experts recommend feeding the child according to his wishes. You need to breastfeed your baby when he is hungry and asks for food. Thanks to such manipulations, the required amount of milk will begin to be produced, which the child consumes at a time.
    Very young babies can ask for breastfeeding up to 15 times a day. The right thing to do is to listen to the child; he will set the time and scope of feeding himself. The average feeding time varies from 10 to 40 minutes, it all depends on the baby’s hunger.


    Starting from the second week, you can safely go for a walk. Initial walks can be 15 minutes, over time this time needs to be increased by adding 5-10 minutes. Further, the average walking time will be 2-3 hours. In the cold season, you should prepare more carefully for walks. Since a newborn’s thermoregulation develops gradually, it is important not to overcool the baby at this stage.
    Experts recommend walking with children several times a day for 30-40 minutes. But the time can be adjusted depending on the child’s well-being and weather conditions.

    Important! When getting ready for a walk, it is important to remember that the mother dresses first, and then the child. The opposite should not be done, as the child may sweat and catch a cold. You cannot overheat your child, so you should dress him for a walk according to the weather, without additional insulation.

    12 basic rules that should be followed not only in the first months of life, but throughout infancy, will allow young and inexperienced mothers to understand how to care for a newborn baby. This will provide the baby with a comfortable period of adaptation to the environment and will help protect the baby from possible infections and.

    When a “little miracle” appears in the house, many young mothers are overcome with fear when they have to be left alone with the baby.

    There are basic rules for caring for a newborn baby that will help you perform procedures correctly after discharge from the hospital.

    Caring for a newborn baby - washing

    First of all, the mother should remember that the baby’s skin is very sensitive. Improper care can lead to diaper rash and infection. Against the background of prickly heat or diaper dermatitis, staphylococcal skin lesions appear. It is characterized by a small pustular rash (in the folds, on the neck, buttocks).

    Daily washing of babies is carried out every time after the baby has emptied. When it comes to washing a girl, the main thing to remember is that the use of soap and wet wipes is recommended only for treating the labia area.

    If ingested, soap irritates the mucous membrane of the vaginal walls and causes inflammation. Moderation and regularity of procedures are the key to the health of the child and the peace of the mother.

    Basic rules for washing girls:

    1. Use running water.

    2. The water temperature should be equal to body temperature, i.e. be approximately 34-36ºС.

    3. Any intimate cosmetics should be used no more than once a week.

    4. If you use napkins, make sure that they do not contain alcohol.

    5. After using the toilet “in a big way”, wash the girl with running water in the direction from the pubis to the butt.

    How to properly wash a boy?

    Parents should remember that proper washing of a male infant does not involve pulling or turning to lather or rinse the genitals. All that is required of the mother is to wash him from the outside.

    Correct intimate hygiene for a boy is to carry out a correct and delicate washing procedure.

    Caring for a newborn baby - washing

    Washing is an integral part of caring for your baby. Washing in the morning is recommended after the second feeding. The face is wiped with a cotton swab moistened with warm water. The folds on the neck are also not missed.

    A separate swab is used for the eyes, which will prevent the spread of accidental infection. The eyes are wiped from the outer edge to the bridge of the nose. If the mother notices a purulent clot in the corners of her eyes, then the procedure should be carried out using a weak brew of tea or an infusion of chamomile or calendula.

    You can clean your baby's nose using a cotton ball. Before use, you need to dip it in boiled vegetable oil (cooled, of course).

    Attention! Using cotton swabs to clean a newborn's ears is unacceptable.

    Ears are cleaned a couple of times a week. This is quite enough. After the washing procedure, the baby’s skin is dried using a piece of gauze.

    Caring for a newborn baby - changing the diaper

    There is no uniform regulation on how to change a diaper. However, every mother should know a number of rules that must be followed:

    1. Change the diaper after each “serious” bowel movement of the child.

    2. Change into disposable panties both day and night. A filled diaper will cause discomfort to the baby.

    3. Put on a clean diaper before going for a walk or going to the clinic.

    4. After 4 hours is the diaper incomplete? Replace it with a new one anyway.

    5. When the Velcro strips come off, holes form in top layer products, replace the diaper.

    6. In the first months, change your diaper more often. Don't skimp on the little ones.

    Over time, mom will easily be able to determine how often the diaper needs to be changed. After all, different children go to the toilet with different frequencies. For a newborn baby, it is enough to change the diaper approximately every 3-4 hours, while checking the condition of the skin.

    How to change a diaper?

    Prepare everything you need: a clean diaper, a towel, powder, a ladle of warm water.

    Remove the used diaper. Wet the edge of the towel in water and gently wipe the baby's skin ( experienced mothers wash the baby under running water).

    Let the baby lie down for a couple of minutes without a diaper (if the room is not cold).

    Treat your skin with powder, cream or vegetable oil(pre-boil in a water bath and cool).

    Put on a dry diaper and then a romper.

    Caring for a newborn baby - navel treatment

    At home, the mother treats the umbilical wound herself for a week once a day until it is completely healed. The procedure is carried out after swimming.

    For a weeping umbilical wound, treatment is performed 2 times a day. For healing, use the usual “green stuff” or a 1% solution of chlorophyllipt in alcohol.

    In order to prevent damage to the skin around the navel, only lubricate the wound itself.

    If there is a crust in the navel, it is better to remove it. For this purpose, a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide is suitable, which can be purchased at a pharmacy in ready-made form.

    It is convenient to lubricate the navel with a cotton swab. When performing the procedure, you need to press the area around the navel with the thumb and index finger of your left hand, opening it for good visibility and thorough treatment. However, everything should be done carefully, without injuring the baby’s skin.

    Caring for a newborn baby - bathing

    You can bathe your baby for the first time on the second day after discharge from the hospital. As a rule, the child is bathed daily. How to carry out the procedure?

    1. Prepare the bath. It needs to be washed well with soda, rinsed with water, and doused with boiling water.

    2. Place soap or shampoo and a baby washcloth (piece of cloth, cotton wool) nearby.

    3. Prepare herbal infusion. Typically, a decoction of chamomile, calendula, sage, string, pine needles, mint, etc. is used.

    4. Prepare a thermometer, a ladle with water for rinsing, a towel, and clothes for the baby.

    After everything is ready, carefully undress the child and gradually lower him up to his shoulders into the water, the temperature of which should be approximately 37ºC. The head and neck are on the surface.

    It is best to hold the child with your left hand under the head, and carry out the ablution procedure with your right. First, wash the baby, then lather your hand or a piece of cloth and wash the head (from the forehead to the back of the head).

    Wash the skin behind the ears, neck, arms, armpits, groin. Rinse the child with water from the ladle.

    The duration of the procedure is 5-8 minutes. With age (if bathing brings you joy), you can bathe your child longer.

    Nail care

    Before you start trimming your nails, you should wash your hands and wipe the scissors with alcohol. Take your baby's hand in your palm and hold his fingers with your thumb and index finger. While trimming, press down on the pad of your baby's finger. This will help you avoid hurting your skin.

    On the legs, nails must be treated evenly (to avoid ingrown nails), and on the hands, trim them, rounding the edges.

    Carry out the procedure carefully, without overdoing it, so as not to hurt the child. If, through carelessness, you still injure your finger, then immediately apply a bandage to it until the bleeding stops.

    It happens that a day or two after treatment, slight inflammation appears in the corners of the nail. In this case, hydrogen peroxide and Levomikol ointment will help, soak a napkin with it and apply it to the sore finger overnight.


    An important part child care - a walk. It is performed in summer period immediately after discharge from the hospital. The main thing is to avoid exposing the child to direct sunlight.

    In winter, walks begin 2 or 3 days after discharge. If the air temperature drops below 10ºC, then the child cannot be walked.

    Is it necessary to swaddle a baby?

    Of course, you need to swaddle your baby. At first, the baby needs to get used to the large space. Some restriction of movements will only benefit him.

    Children are usually swaddled before bed. There are two ways: with the first, the arms remain free, with the second, the arms are also swaddled. Free swaddling allows the baby to quickly calm down, fall asleep, and not wake himself up with his hands during sleep.

    Any procedures performed by a mother should be a joy for her child. It is important to listen to advice, to existing recommendations, but even more important to listen to your inner voice. Maternal instinct, even with some degree of inexperience, will help you determine exactly what is good for your baby and what is not.

    From birth, your baby needs comprehensive care. By correctly and regularly performing hygiene and developmental activities, you make a huge contribution to the full development and health of the child. Some procedures should be performed daily, others as needed. In this article you will find tips for caring for a newborn.

    Organization of newborn care

    After being discharged from the hospital, many women panic and do not know where to start caring for their newborn. The knowledge gained from courses and manuals was forgotten from excitement. There is no need to worry, any mother can handle caring for a baby, and after a couple of days it will seem easy.

    Newborn care plan includes the following steps.

    • Washing.
    • Cleaning the nose.
    • Trimming nails.
    • and replacement .
    • Water procedures.
    • Care for folds.
    • Air baths.
    • Feeding.
    • Teeth cleaning.

    Newborn care by month

    Many hygiene procedures performed from birth remain necessary rules for the rest of my life. Correct newborn care regimen must be developed from the first days. Let's talk in more detail about the main stages of caring for a newborn.

    After the maternity hospital, you must take care of your baby’s umbilical wound yourself until it heals completely. The procedure is performed 2 times a day using hydrogen peroxide and brilliant green. Even as your child grows up, periodically clean the navel with a cotton swab, carefully removing accumulated dirt.

    • Washing.

    Daily care for a newborn necessarily includes washing the baby. The morning should begin with cleansing the baby's face with a cotton sponge dipped in boiled water. In the evening, you can wash the baby during water procedures. When the baby begins to receive complementary foods, as well as during the period of teething, wash and wipe the face more often, because leftover food and increased salivation may cause rashes on delicate skin.

    2 times a day we wipe the baby’s eyes from the outer corner to the bridge of the nose. We use a clean cotton sponge for each eyelid.

    • Cleaning the nose.

    We clean the nose as needed. Mucus accumulates in the baby's nasal passages and crusts appear, making it difficult for the baby to breathe. Use to clean your nose cotton buds, soaked in boiled water. Clean each nostril with a clean “turunda”.

    IMPORTANT! A newborn does not know how to breathe through the mouth, so timely cleansing of the nasal passages is extremely necessary.

    Care for your baby's ears as they become dirty. Don't forget to treat the skin behind the ears. Dirt accumulates there, which can cause inflammation. Clean the outer ear without touching the ear canal. The wax comes out of the baby's ear on its own. Your task is to clean visible areas, and not to push dirt inside.

    • Trimming nails.

    To prevent your baby from scratching himself, cut his nails on time. Cut straight on the legs and in a circle on the arms. Use baby scissors or wire cutters. Carry out the procedure when the baby is sleeping.

    • And .

    Providing care for a newborn up to one year and after, it is advisable to include in daily routine events for physical development crumbs. For the full functioning of the joints and muscles of the newborn, as well as ensuring tactile contact, perform daily gymnastics and massage. In the first months, light exercises and stroking are enough. For older children, pinch massage and gymnastics on a fitball are suitable. With each month, the exercises and massage manipulations become more complicated, and the time required to perform them increases.

    IMPORTANT! Perform the massage in a well-ventilated area! Postpone the session if your baby is sick or in a bad mood.

    • and replacement .

    Wash your baby not only after bowel movements, but also after sleep. Change your diaper on time. Improper hygiene can lead to diaper rash and other skin problems.

    • Water procedures.

    Proper care of a newborn A child’s routine necessarily includes bathing, which serves not only to cleanse from impurities. Water procedures are an excellent way to harden a baby. You can take a bath 2 days after the umbilical wound has healed or earlier, but provided that the unhealed navel does not come into contact with water. When the child learns to hold his head, try bathing in a bathtub with a circle. Your little one will surely enjoy this procedure.

    Thoroughly rinse your baby's folds to remove any dirt while bathing. After water procedures, lubricate them with moisturizers. If the folds are wet and inflamed, try using a powder or cream containing zinc.

    • Moisturizing body skin.

    Moisturize your newborn's skin to avoid skin problems by special means for children. However, do not get carried away with excessive use of cosmetics.

    • Air baths.

    The little one wants to take a break from diapers and clothes. Do not rush to dress your baby after bathing. Air baths are not only a hardening procedure, but also good way prevention of diaper rash. Try to bring the baby's skin into contact with air several times during the day.

    • Feeding.

    Follow the feeding schedule. If you are breastfeeding, feed on demand. If the baby eats, maintain a gap of 3 hours between meals. From 5-6 months, start introducing complementary foods in small portions, gradually increasing the volume.

    • Walks.

    Take your baby for walks every day. Walking improves immunity and promotes the production of vitamin D. As the child grows up, the duration of the walk can be increased.

    • Teeth cleaning.

    Dentists recommend brushing your baby's teeth from the moment they appear. To begin with, wiping them with a silicone brush or bandage will be enough; later, cleaning with children’s toothpaste and a brush will be necessary. Brushing your teeth should be a pleasant experience for your baby. Get your child interested by showing him with your example how to perform the movements correctly. Give him the opportunity to do the manipulations on his own. You need to brush your teeth for at least 2 minutes. Buy a special hourglass, it will make the process fun.

    ATTENTION! Why brush your baby teeth if they are going to fall out anyway? The occurrence of caries is fraught with inflammatory processes and early loss of baby teeth. In addition, the risk of bite problems and other pathologies increases.

    • Dream.

    At first, the newborn sleeps for a long time. As you get older, your sleep schedule changes and your sleep duration decreases. In the room where the baby sleeps there should be a minimum of objects that accumulate dust. Provide the required level of humidity, make sure that the room is not hot. A baby doesn't need a pillow yet, and it increases the risk of sudden infant death syndrome.

    Tips for new mothers on caring for a newborn

    • Try bathing your baby before feeding. During the bath, the baby will have time to get hungry, and when he eats a hearty meal, his sleep will be stronger.
    • To relieve colic, place your newborn on his tummy every day. In addition, this will help develop the neck muscles, so the baby will quickly learn to hold his head up on his own.
    • If, after washing, you find that the baby has red skin in the buttocks area, apply. Use cosmetics as needed (after bowel movements, for redness and dry skin).
    • Does your child suffer from atopic dermatitis? Use specialized cosmetics.
    • Special cosmetics and herbs will help soften the water when bathing a newborn.

    • The newborn is suffering from colic - 30 minutes after eating, place him on his tummy. Carry the baby in the “footballer” position, use a heating pad and exercises on a fitball. If this does not help, use drugs based on simethicone or special tinctures of medicinal herbs.
    • As your baby grows up, don’t rush to give him foods containing white sugar.

    REFERENCE! Early consumption of sugar is fraught with decreased immunity, dysbacteriosis and excess weight in the child. In addition, it creates an increased load on the pancreas, increasing the risk of allergic reactions, caries, digestive disorders and cardiovascular diseases!

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    Caring for a newborn: advice from mothers :

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