• Proper intimate hygiene. Vagina care - rules of female intimate hygiene


    Modern reality is changing priorities in matters of caring for one’s own appearance. Every self-respecting woman takes care not only of her face, but also of her body, not forgetting such delicate places as the intimate area. The fact that intimate hygiene is the key to a woman’s health is an indisputable fact. In the arsenal of women except decorative cosmetics intimate has long been present.

    The history of the existence of this type of care products goes back deep into the period of Cleopatra. She also forced the women around her to use herbal infusions and oils to care for the intimate area. Ancient Egyptians used natural linen pads. This allowed them to prevent diseases of the reproductive organs.

    Today, every woman is well aware of the means and rules of caring for intimate area.

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    Regular hygiene procedures for the intimate area ensure the health of the organs of the reproductive system in women, protect delicate tissues from the effects of pathogenic microorganisms, and prevent disruption of the natural microflora and development infectious diseases.

    How to wash yourself properly and what hygiene products should you use?

    • For washing, you need to use warm water, hand movements should be directed from front to back (if done in the opposite direction, there is a risk of bacteria from the intestines getting onto the surface of the genitals). This threatens the development of thrush and cystitis. Do not wash the delicate area with cold water, because hypothermia leads to inflammation. Bladder, uterus and appendages.
    • Hygiene procedures should be performed at least twice a day, in the morning and in the evening before bed. During menstruation, you need to wash yourself more often, after each change of pad. Blood is a convenient environment for the growth of bacteria, so maintaining hygiene during menstrual periods is very important.
    • Do not wash the intimate area with a washcloth, as this can cause injury. delicate skin and mucous membranes.
    • If the tap water is of too poor quality, then before washing the intimate area with it, it should be boiled and cooled. You can also purify water using filters, settling, and only then wash it off.
    • It is forbidden to wash the vagina from the inside, douche for prevention; it will be enough to wash it well with a special gel. Violation of the microflora of the vulva leads to a decrease in local immunity; pathogenic bacteria can easily colonize the mucous membranes, causing the development of infection and inflammatory process.

    • What is the best way to wash delicate areas of the body, what products do not disturb the acid-base balance? It is not recommended to wash with regular soap; it is best to use special gels for intimate hygiene with a neutral pH level of 4-5 for washing. It’s good if the products contain herbal extracts, aloe vera, lactic acid, panthenol, tea tree oil, and herbal antiseptics.
    • Each woman should have an individual, soft towel designed exclusively for caring for the intimate area. Girls who have washed must carefully blot the perineum and external genitalia, avoiding friction and injury to the skin.
    • Vaginal hygiene with solutions of soda or potassium permanganate is allowed only if there are symptoms of thrush and after consulting a doctor. Self-medication can lead to drying out of the mucous membranes, the formation of microcracks, and painful sensations.

    The entrance to the vagina is located near the anus, and bacteria from the rectum can easily reach the female reproductive organs, the urethra. The risk of infection increases during menstruation, since the cervix is ​​slightly open and pathogenic microorganisms can enter the uterine cavity. Regular hygiene prevents the possibility of infection and the development of acute inflammatory diseases.

    A favorable environment for the growth of bacteria and fungi is increased humidity in the perineal area. This occurs when wearing tight synthetic underwear, using panty liners, or low-quality sanitary gels. Panties should be made of cotton fabric, and pads should be used in rare cases.

    Gels for intimate hygiene

    When using regular soap, a woman who has washed herself may feel a feeling of dryness and burning in the delicate area. This remedy causes a change in pH towards the alkaline side, which promotes the pathological growth of Candida fungi on the mucous membranes. The use of intimate hygiene gels does not disturb the acid-base balance and helps to delicately cleanse the genitals.

    • Nivea gel contains chamomile extract and lactic acid; the product contains no soap or chemical dyes. The product is hypoallergenic, does not cause skin irritation, and provides reliable protection and freshness to a woman all day long.

    • Gel for intimate hygiene Lactacyd Femina contains lactic acid, lactose, peanut butter, milk protein. The active components contribute to the colonization of the vagina of a person who has washed himself with beneficial lactobacilli. The drug eliminates the feeling of dryness, burning, itching caused by taking antibiotics, hormonal contraceptives during menopause.

    • Anti-inflammatory gel “Green Pharmacy” with sage helps increase local immunity, moisturizes the delicate area, relieves discomfort, itching and redness, and has a deodorizing effect. Sage extract has antioxidant and antifungal properties and prevents the development of thrush.

    • Carefree gel from Johnson's & Johnson's provides gentle care for the intimate area. Aloe vera extract protects delicate skin from irritation. Girls with sensitive dermis prone to allergic reactions. The product does not contain soap, alcohol, dyes or fragrances.

    • Dove Intimo neutral is designed for gentle cleansing of the intimate area. Delicate soap gives long-lasting freshness to the person who has washed, does not disturb the natural pH balance and composition of the vaginal microflora, and helps relieve irritation and redness of the skin and mucous membranes. The cosmetic product is suitable for daily use by women with sensitive dermis.

    Before buying intimate hygiene gel, it is recommended to familiarize yourself with the composition of the active ingredients. Don't buy drugs too much bright color, having a pungent odor, they contain chemical dyes and flavors that can cause allergies. The pH level should be in the range of 4–5.

    If after washing you experience discomfort or itching in the genital area, you should avoid using this gel for intimate hygiene. In case of further use of the product, microflora may be disrupted, thrush or gardnerellosis may develop. A decrease in local immunity increases the risk of contracting sexually transmitted infections through unprotected sexual contact.

    Girls are always very responsible about caring for their appearance and health. Everything depends on how you look: your job, Family status, recognition in society, living conditions and a woman’s life itself. Previously, it was very difficult for girls with an unkempt and unkempt appearance; the main problem was getting married. Now, of course, this is treated much more simply; you can be beautiful and desirable without any special care for yourself.

    Over time, people have learned to properly care for themselves, take care of their health, and look great. The condition of your face, body, hands, nails, hair tells others how carefully and carefully you treat yourself. To help, they have come up with many different cosmetics: creams, lotions, masks, balms, which are distinguished by their ease of use, so spending ten minutes a day on yourself will not be difficult. But few people know what care should be taken for the intimate area; even those who regularly visit beauty salons and spa centers have never thought about it.

    How important is vaginal care?

    Until recently, the topic of intimate hygiene was taboo; no one ever talked about such frank topics, it was considered indecent. Young people followed the advice of their mothers and grandmothers: they washed themselves at least twice a day with soap, which in the future brought many problems. One of common problems is thrush, it occurs as a result of an imbalance in the acid-base balance.

    Almost no one even realizes how delicate and vulnerable the skin is during vagina. The uterine cavity is anatomically sterile and if any viruses or infections enter, this can lead to inflammatory diseases of the female genital organs. The washing procedure is the basis of human hygiene, but few people know how to do it correctly. This question interests no one until he personally faces the problem. Doctors recommend monitoring this process from birth.

    The vagina and its care in childhood

    It is very important to properly care for a girl from childhood, since her reproductive function will depend on this. Most doctors are confident that if parents are responsible for the sexual hygiene of their children, then many problems will already be eliminated. adult life can be avoided.

    Caring for a girl's genitals is much more difficult. Care should be carried out exclusively with clean hands and trimmed nails, because with the slightest damage you can get an infection and then inflammation will occur. It is necessary to wash the child after each urination and defecation, under running water. The direction of the hand should be from the vagina to the anus. The girl needs to be held with her tummy up so that the water washes the perineum and flows down. It is advisable that the water be boiled.

    Before bathing, you need to wash your child under running water, and then gently wipe with a cotton pad. It is not recommended to use a bowl of water or a bathtub for washing, because the remains of such substances along with the water can get into the vagina, and this is a direct path to infection. Using soap is extremely contraindicated, as it disrupts the acid-base balance; pH-neutral soap is best suited for genital hygiene.

    When using washcloths, sponges, and various powders, you can injure the baby's delicate skin. After completing the procedure, apply moisturizing cream to your skin, be careful not to get the product into vagina. Do not allow your child to walk naked around the house and the beach, as these places have a large accumulation of germs and dust; tight-fitting panties or shorts - good way out from this situation. Linen should only be from natural fabric, others may cause irritation.

    How to properly wash your vagina

    Do you properly care for your intimate area? It probably doesn’t even occur to many girls that they are doing something wrong. Wash yourself only with hot water, do not use any auxiliary products: soap or shower gels, as they can disrupt the pH of the vagina. You can wash the perineum with intimate hygiene products, the main thing is that the soap does not get into the vagina, and if you get it, you need to rinse it well, as residues can cause irritation and bad smell.

    You need to wash your genitals with clean hands without using washcloths or sponges, since the skin in intimate places is very vulnerable, and with the slightest damage there is a risk of infection. Do not direct the water stream directly at vagina, because under pressure it will wash away beneficial bacteria that cleanse and protect the vagina. It is also strictly prohibited to use perfumed sprays for women. With these means you will achieve pleasant smell, but you will harm your health. The chemicals that are part of the sprays destroy the vaginal microflora, and infection gets there. Each family should have an individual towel, and it is imperative to ensure its cleanliness. Choose only soft towels, as you can injure the mucous membrane.

    How to keep your vagina clean every day

    Very frequent disputes arise among girls about the benefits of panty liners. Most of them are confident that they will help them protect their intimate area, but few people know that there are also rules for using pads. One pad per day is not enough, at least you need to change it twice a day, and ideally after every visit to the toilet, because using one panty liner increases the risk of infection. Over the course of a whole day, your pad becomes a breeding ground for bacteria.

    In order for it to be yours intimate place It was always hygienically clean, after each trip to the toilet you need to wash yourself, change your pad and underwear. But probably no one cares so carefully, because it is physically impossible. Many of you work in offices, study at universities, and not every public institution has a bidet; carrying a towel and soap accessories with you all the time is extremely inconvenient. In this case, intimate hygiene wipes will come to our aid; their use will not be difficult, and your vagina will be clean all day long.

    Caring for the perineum during menstruation

    For many ladies, it is on their critical days that their symptoms worsen. various diseases. The blood entering the cavity changes the microflora. You need to change the pads five times a day, no matter how full it is. Tampons are best used when necessary; they should be changed every four hours. If pads and tampons cause irritation, you can use a menstrual cup to collect blood and need to be washed every few hours. Swimming in a bathtub, pool or open water is not recommended, even with a tampon. Sexual intercourse during menstruation – even from a hygienic point of view it looks wrong, and increases the risk of inflammatory diseases of the uterus and appendages.

    An unplanned pregnancy is also possible, because on critical days the sperm enters the genitals and waits two weeks for ovulation. During “women's days,” fatigue and weakness usually appear, so it is undesirable to exercise; with heavy physical activity, pain and discomfort increase.

    Which underwear is useful and which is not?

    Very often we don’t think about what kind of underwear we wear; the main thing for girls is to look beautiful, and the last thing they think about is health. It is important that your underwear is made from natural fabrics, cotton is better, it dries within short year and allows air to pass through itself, in such underwear your genitals will breathe. Synthetic, lace and silk contribute to the formation of moisture, which is favorable conditions for the growth of bacteria and fungi. But if this is the only one you wear, make sure that the part that touches your vagina is made of cotton.

    The model of panties also matters; it is better if they are of the classic type, since everyone’s favorite thongs do not provide complete protection and contribute to the penetration of infection. Tight clothing is one of the factors of inflammation, so today’s youth are early age faces diseases of the genital organs and mature age they become chronic. Try to wear loose clothes made of light fabrics, preferably dresses and skirts.

    The vagina and the benefits of douching

    In addition to maintaining personal hygiene, the female population needs to douche. This is a procedure in which vagina various solutions are deliberately introduced. This manipulation is painless; it uses an ordinary rubber bulb or a twenty-cc syringe at home and an Esmarch mug in the hospital. Most doctors still cannot decide whether it is worth performing it without certain indications.

    Many people believe that thanks to this procedure they will clear the vagina of discharge, this is a categorically false statement, since your body itself knows when and what to remove. Preventive douching is harmful; if you have an unpleasant odor, burning or itching in the vagina, then this procedure can be carried out, but there is no need to overdo it. Frequent douching increases the incidence of inflammatory diseases. This is prohibited during pregnancy and after sexual intercourse. If you have developed an inflammatory disease, you do not need to do anything on your own; it is better to consult a specialist.

    Our reality prioritizes appearance care. Modern women take care not only of their face and body, but do not forget about such delicate places as intimate areas. Intimate hygiene is the key to women's health. By the way, intimate cosmetics have been used for a long time. Cleopatra also obliged the women in her circle to use herbal infusions and essential oils to care for intimate areas. The ancient Egyptians successfully used natural linen pads. This care helped prevent diseases of the female genital area. Products for the care of the intimate area appeared not so long ago, but today every woman knows about them and uses them.

    Intimate care

    The most important rules for caring for the intimate area

    Many women complain of itching, irritation, redness and pain in the genital area. Common cause such phenomena, according to gynecologists, is improper care and ignorance of personal hygiene rules.

    Intimate hygiene is part of general hygiene procedures. Compliance with the basic rules for caring for the intimate area allows you to preserve women Health and also make life modern women more convenient and comfortable. New intimate hygiene products, which are constantly updated, play a big role in creating comfort.

    Until recently, on store shelves you could only find liquid soap for intimate hygiene containing herbal extracts and oils. Currently, various cosmetical tools for intimate hygiene: gels, foams, creams, wipes. Properly selected products do not disturb the acid-base balance of the genital environment, do not dry out the mucous membranes and skin and do not irritate them.

    Many intimate hygiene products contain lactic acid, which promotes the proliferation of beneficial microorganisms. Lactic acid prevents the development of thrush, a common disease of the female genital area. The skin of the intimate organs is very delicate. Many people do not know that the uterine cavity is sterile; if viruses or pathogens enter it, acute inflammatory diseases can develop. The diagnosis of adnexitis is not so rarely made by gynecologists, so it is worth paying attention to what means you use. It is better to buy these products at a pharmacy or specialized stores.

    For sensitive skin You can choose gels or foam. The foam has a more delicate consistency. You should not use regular soap for intimate hygiene.

    It is permissible to use special wet wipes only in cases where it is not possible to clean the intimate areas: when traveling, at the dacha, or walking in nature. The wipes should be soaked in a composition containing herbal extracts - chamomile, aloe and lactic acid.

    Do not forget that intimate cosmetics cannot be used to treat female diseases. If you find yourself with symptoms of illness, then, first of all, you should consult a doctor. But these remedies are suitable for prevention.

    How to properly care for intimate parts.

    Caring for intimate areas should be taught from childhood. The task of mothers is to clearly explain to their daughters the principles of care and the need for it. Teenage daughters should know what procedures and how to carry them out to maintain health.

    What does this delicate care include?

    Regular washing

    You can only wash yourself with warm water, directing the stream of water from front to back, that is, starting from the pubis to the anus. Before washing, you must wash your hands with soap. Cold water is not suitable for this procedure, as it can cause the development of inflammatory diseases in women. As a rule, a woman should wash herself on normal days in the morning and evening, and on critical days - up to 5-6 times a day. If it is impossible to wash, you can use wet wipes. Do not forget that after bowel movements you should also wash yourself or use wet wipe. And, of course, after sexual intercourse, washing is mandatory.

    Bath, swimming pool or shower

    You should not take a bath or swim in the pool on menstruation days, even when using tampons. Better take a shower.
    It is recommended to use a personal towel. A towel for intimate hygiene must be soft and clean. After using the toilet in intimate areas, try not to use much effort when wiping, but only get the genitals wet.

    Do not use hard washcloths when washing the genitals; damage to the skin and mucous membranes can become an entry point for infections.
    When taking a shower, do not direct the stream of water into the vagina to avoid dryness and the introduction of bacteria.


    It should be remembered that douching is a medical procedure and is prescribed by a doctor. In case of urgent need, you can use boiled water with an infusion of medicinal herbs for douching.

    Using gaskets

    On critical days, of course, a woman uses pads; they need to be changed every three to five hours, regardless of how full they are. There are pads for every day, they also need to be changed after a few hours, on average two to three times. These pads protect the woman from infections.

    Using tampons

    Some gynecologists have a negative attitude towards the use of tampons. They are recommended to be used only in extreme cases, for example, if a woman is allergic to pads. But, if you do use tampons, change them every four hours, remembering that blood is a favorable environment for the growth of bacteria. Tampons are more suitable for women who lead active image life.

    Selection of linen

    Often the cause of irritation and inflammation of the skin of the genital organs is the wrong choice of underwear. Tight panties, thongs, underwear made of synthetic materials contributes to the development of female diseases. It is better to choose classic cotton underwear.

    Undoubtedly intimate care requires a delicate approach. It is better to visit a gynecologist and consult with him. He will tell you which means are best for you to use. Don't hesitate to ask your doctor any questions you have. You will undoubtedly get the right answers to them.

    In some families there are subjects that are off-limits to discussion. For example, the rules of intimate hygiene. Some parents consider it shameful to talk to their children about this topic, others do not think about such “nonsense” at all. At the same time, both groups do not understand that a lack of information on hygiene issues leads children, and then adults, to an unkempt appearance, problems in their personal lives, and even diseases. Communication on intimate topics is an integral stage of education. Get ready for it!

    Genital hygiene

    An unkempt appearance is a guarantee of a person’s unpopularity in “normal society,” and the smell in the intimate area will definitely lead to problems in relationships. Poor hygiene has a negative impact on appearance and psychological health, contributes to the development of infectious diseases. In half of the cases, inflammation of the bladder - cystitis - occurs “thanks” to improper intimate hygiene.

    How to properly wash a woman's face

    Compliance with the basic rules of intimate hygiene should become as basic as brushing your teeth:

    1. It is advisable to wash yourself twice a day. Leading sex life– and even more often: before and after sex.
    2. Wash your hands with soap before the procedure.
    3. Use warm water. The intimate area is not a place that needs to be hardened.
    4. Women wash themselves from front to back, towards the anus. If the procedure is carried out in the opposite direction, there is a chance of introducing E. coli into the genital tract.
    5. Do not direct the shower stream into the vagina, so as not to wash away the natural lubricant, which helps resist the attack of harmful microbes. Therefore, it is prohibited to douche without a doctor’s prescription.
    6. Do not rub the intimate area with a sponge; microorganisms accumulate in it. In addition, a rough washcloth will easily damage the delicate mucous membrane.
    7. Don't use regular soap. Feminine hygiene includes products only with a neutral acidity level.
    8. A towel for intimate hygiene is separate, clean and soft. It is recommended not only to wash it, but also to iron it.

    Penile hygiene

    Many men, not accustomed to this since childhood, believe that the rules of intimate hygiene exist only for women. However, for brutal machos, keeping their genitals clean is the key to health and normal sex life. In old age, mandatory visits to the urologist are added to everyday intimate hygiene procedures (at least once every six months).

    Men's sexual hygiene has its own characteristics. These rules must be taught from childhood:

    1. Babies are washed at least once a day. A boy should take care of his genitals independently from the age of four, but under the supervision of his parents.
    2. After washing the baby's skin, dry it with a diaper and treat it with powder. The penis does not need to be lubricated with baby oil or cream.
    3. After water procedures It is advisable to carry out aerial procedures - leave the baby naked and completely undressed for 10-15 minutes.
    4. Some men like to “disinfect” their scrotum under a hot shower. In vain. This area must not be overheated!
    5. During intimate hygiene, thoroughly rinse the penis between the foreskin and the head. This area is very delicate, so don't use shower products - just water.
    6. Don't forget the base of the penis and scrotum. They can already be tidied up using detergents for intimate hygiene.
    7. While showering, regularly examine your reproductive organs. If rashes, indurations, bloody discharge- to the doctor!
    8. Women already know about this, but it’s better to remind men: after a shower, put on clean clothes. underwear.
    9. Briefs are made only from natural fabrics, not tight.
    10. Complete the urination process by gently squeezing the foreskin, which will prevent urine from accumulating in the genital area.

    Intimate hygiene for girls

    The vaginal mucosa has been secreting secretions since childhood. During puberty, the process intensifies. These so-called pubertal leucorrhoea accumulate on the external genitalia and underwear, and with regular absence of a shower, cause skin irritation, itching and inflammation. A teenage girl should know everything about observing the rules of intimate hygiene:

    1. If you use panty liners, change them twice a day.
    2. Do you like thongs? It's a pity! These mini panties are dangerous. Firstly, like any shapewear, they interfere with blood circulation. Secondly, along the “thin thread” it is easier for microbes to “cross” from the anus to the vagina.
    3. Teenagers' sweat glands are actively working, and if you don't shower twice a day, they can become clogged—you'll know this by the terribly unpleasant smell. Or maybe you won’t recognize it, unlike those around you.

    Intimate hygiene products for women

    What is the best way to wash? Give soap a definite no. It contains a large number of alkali, therefore destroys the natural microflora that protects the vagina from bacteria. For intimate hygiene there is special means. You will learn about them below. Another important advice– do not take the product from a street tray. Go get them at a pharmacy or cosmetic store.

    Intimate gel

    Instead of the usual soap for many, it is better to use intimate hygiene gel. Thanks to its neutral acidity level (pH), it preserves the natural environment of the vagina and protects the genitals from bacterial growth. The basis of a high-quality gel for intimate hygiene should be: natural ingredients, dyes and fragrances are not allowed.


    This product for intimate hygiene, according to marketers, is more gentle than gentle cleanses delicate areas of the body while taking a shower. To produce high-quality oil, only natural ingredients are used. Plant extracts and essential oils– a noble composition that will quickly restore the natural microflora, relieve inflammation and itching. In the latter case, you cannot pin all your hopes on the oil - find out its reasons at an appointment with a gynecologist.


    Deodorant is the most common and controversial product for intimate hygiene. Ladies argue on forums about why it is needed, considering it an obvious marketing ploy to increase consumer spending. For long trips, wet wipes provide better refreshment. From unpleasant odor from the vagina, you should seek salvation from a doctor, not in a perfume store. Do you want to be fully prepared on a date with your loved one? There are longer-acting remedies here.

    Intimate area cream

    One of the fashionable products today is the Swiss cream “Neogin”. Young girls can easily do without it. But for older ladies, this care for the intimate area will help moisturize the skin and relieve irritation. In addition, the antiseptics contained in the cream will reliably protect the microflora from the invasion of various microbes - useful before going to the pool or the beach. It is better not to use it during pregnancy.

    Wet wipes

    Adults and children are familiar with this option. Intimate hygiene wipes are a great way to maintain intimate hygiene rules when traveling when there is no access to water. They will not take the place of the shower, but will temporarily restore the feeling of freshness. The wipes are soaked in an aqueous solution with additives based on lactic acid and herbal extracts. They never contain alcohol or harsh aromatic compositions.

    Intimate hygiene product for men

    The line of products for men's intimate hygiene is much narrower. Pharmacists and cosmetologists, who devoted all their efforts to maintaining the beauty of women, for a long time deprived the representatives of the stronger half of humanity of attention. The situation is changing, however, as statistics show, men's hygiene is more of a women's issue. In 70% of cases, caring wives buy these products for their spouses.


    Men's cream for intimate areas appeared on the market recently. Its main purpose, in addition to moisturizing, is to increase the sensitivity of the skin and mucous membranes and enhance erection during sex. The miracle product contains herbal extracts that improve microcirculation. The cream for intimate comfort is applied with light movements. Taking into account the specifics of the application, manufacturers have made a composition that is fully compatible with condoms.

    Intimate soap

    In the top of unpopular products for men, special soap is in the top positions, sharing first place in the list with deodorant for intimate hygiene. Brutal guys find it difficult to come to terms with its presence. Women and cosmetologists hope for complete recognition of the product. The intimate soap contains no alkali, very few perfume additives, but a lot useful substances.

    What are panty liners for?

    Unlike its predecessors - gaskets for critical days– “daily bulletins” have not gained widespread recognition. At least, there are still debates about their necessity - many gynecologists believe that healthy woman they are not needed, and to feel fresh you need to take a shower on time and wear high-quality underwear. But a shower is not always nearby, and the pads do a good job of their purpose - to provide a feeling of comfort.

    Hygiene rules during menstruation

    1. Try to shower 4-5 times a day, changing pads or tampons each time.
    2. No way to wash? Change at least the pad, after performing intimate hygiene of the genitals with a damp cloth.
    3. Before inserting a tampon for the first time, read the instructions. Even better, go to an appointment with a gynecologist.
    4. On “women’s” days, baths, swimming pools, and especially open bodies of water are prohibited.

    About how to maintain hygiene, what is the best way to wash yourself, who needs help panty liners and why some intimate hygiene products are really harmful, says Vera Shtukensia in this video. Research by gynecologists, the fashion beauty blogger’s own experience, as well as comments from her subscribers will instruct you. You can easily and accessiblely learn about the most secret things from the video below.

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