• Why does a baby cry often? When the reason for crying is stomach pain. A newborn screams loudly because his tummy hurts or he wants to burp.


    The tears of a baby can cause panic in a young mother. I remember very well that feeling when the baby bursts into screams, and you rush around, not understanding what’s going on.

    Meanwhile, in the vast majority of cases, it is very easy to determine why a newborn is crying by following certain rules. As a rule, the baby has a limited number of reasons for dissatisfaction. We’ll talk about them today, and also learn how to recognize and eliminate them.

    Experienced pediatricians distinguish 3 groups of causes of crying in a child:

    1. Instinct. A newborn alone is not viable. Therefore, nature has endowed him with the ability to call for help when he feels that he is left alone, just to feel the warmth of a large and strong adult and to make sure that he is safe.
    2. Unsatisfied natural needs (want to drink, eat, pee, poop, sleep).
    3. Discomfort or pain (diaper elastic rubbed, wet, diaper rash hurts, tummy hurts).

    The baby cannot say all of the above in words, because his only way of communicating with you is screaming and crying.

    Accordingly, if a baby cries, this does not mean that something terrible happened right away. And all that is required of you is to first understand the reason for the tears.

    How to understand why he cries

    1. Take crying baby on the handles. Calmed down? This means that nothing terrible probably happened. Because pain and discomfort do not go away on their own just because the baby is picked up. Most likely, the reason for the tears was that the baby missed you, lost you, and generally wanted attention.
    2. Have you picked up your baby, but he hasn't stopped crying? Check the diaper, if it is full, change it. Think about how long ago the baby drank and ate; if more than 2 hours have passed, offer water, breast or formula.
    3. Has the crying stopped? We are looking for the causes of discomfort or pain.

    A separate topic is the child’s capriciousness due to illness; read about how to recognize this.


    Think about whether the baby is hot. Infants' metabolism occurs much faster than in adults, so the baby's body produces more heat per unit of time. We add here the imperfection of the sweating system, and we get that the baby is very, very easy to overheat.

    The air temperature in the room where the newborn is located above 22 degrees is dangerous for the baby due to overheating. However, one layer of cotton clothing is more than enough.

    Taking into account the features child's body, it is impossible in principle to overcool a child if the room is above 16 degrees.

    How do most families live here? When the apartment is plus 28 in winter, the crib is closer to the radiator, there is an additional heater, the poor child is wearing a lot of clothes: a shirt, rompers, a hat, socks, a jacket. As soon as I imagine it, I already want to cry!

    It is especially painful to sleep at night in such conditions, so most likely the little one does not sleep at night, but screams.

    It is overheating that is dangerous because when you detect it obvious signs(red wet skin, wet head, diaper rash), this is an extreme situation, indicating that the baby has lost a colossal amount of fluid and salts, and there is a real threat of dehydration.

    In such a situation, against the background of fluid loss by the body, intestinal juices become thick, viscous, and are not able to properly digest the food eaten.

    Tummy hurts

    Therefore, we are gradually approaching the next reason for a child’s crying: tummy pain, gas, colic.

    The main causes of tummy problems are overheating and overfeeding, that is, eating every squeak, every 30 minutes or more often.

    As you already understand, without eliminating the causes of this disaster, you will not deal with the consequences (screaming and crying).

    You should definitely offer food no earlier than 2 hours after the last meal.

    When a toddler has a tummy ache, he can cry constantly, all the time: during the day, and in the evening, and at night. How can I help him right away?

    As a temporary measure for gas and colic, you can try:

    1. Massage the baby's tummy clockwise.
    2. Special children's medicines with simethicone (commercial names Espumisan baby, Subsimplex, Bobotik). Before use, of course, you should consult your pediatrician. Simethicone itself is interesting in that it is not absorbed into the body, but reacts exclusively with gases in the intestines, binding and eliminating them. Thus, it is safe for the baby.

    Crying while bathing

    When before this calm child starts screaming at the moment of immersion in water, or while being in the water, we should stand in his place and think about what’s wrong.

    Water temperature? The optimal temperature for babies is about 34 degrees Celsius. Moreover, if the baby bathes in a large bath and moves actively, then even this temperature is high for him.

    Therefore, if you pushed your newborn into 37-38 degrees, the reason for the discomfort is quite obvious - it’s too hot!

    Pay attention to the lighting. It often happens that the baby lies on his back, and the lamp shines directly into his eyes, blinding and frightening. It may be worth dimming the lights to eliminate this cause of concern.

    Before urinating

    A fairly common problem in boys is inflammation of the foreskin. You can recognize it precisely by the fact that before peeing, the child screams heart-rendingly, after which he urinates and calms down.

    Before the doctor arrives, you can try to alleviate the baby’s condition with the following actions:

    1. Wash the baby with a solution of furatsilin or chlorhexidine (up to 4 times a day).
    2. After this, slightly pull the foreskin up and carefully drip about three drops of a sterile oil solution of vitamin A or E (sold in pharmacies in ampoules) inside from a clean pipette or syringe (without a needle).

    If, however, the baby does not calm down even after peeing, if he cannot pee at all, if something is swollen or blue, then a surgeon is urgently needed, do not torment the little one with self-medication, but rush to the doctor!

    How to behave when the baby screams and screams, and you feel like you're about to explode? Pull yourself together. Take your child to a crib or playpen where he cannot hurt himself, hit himself or fall, close the door and exhale.

    If possible, go to the farthest room, where it is as quiet as possible. Take a shower, drink a big, cozy mug of lemon balm or chamomile tea. Take a timeout for 15 minutes and try to relax. Even such a short respite can restore emotional balance and restore sober reason.

    In the end, the baby will either fall asleep during this time, or you will hug him with renewed vigor, after which he will instantly calm down.

    Time flies mercilessly fast. And, looking back one day, you will be surprised when and how, from a crying lump hanging on his mother around the clock, the baby managed to turn into an independent teenager with his own personal space and kisses only on holidays.

    Therefore, appreciate these moments - priceless moments of happiness with your baby - when he is here, at a distance arm's length, eats, plays and even when crying.

    By the way, modern pediatricians recommend hanging special carousel mobiles on the cribs of babies over 1 month old. Looking at this device, the baby learns to concentrate, strain and train the eye muscles and focus on the subject, which is very important for timely development in all respects. In addition, the little one quickly calms down, interested in such a toy, and can look at it for a long time, giving mother priceless minutes. I bought this mobile from MyToys. Big choice, reasonable prices, inexpensive delivery. So take it on board!

    VK https://vk.com/babylifestyle

    It is very difficult to understand why a baby is crying. He cannot express his desire or complain of pain. Therefore, parents need to carefully monitor the baby’s behavior and learn to understand what he wants. To calm a child, you need to determine when the baby cries - before or after feeding, during sleep or after waking up. Crying for a long time harms the baby's nervous system and contributes to the formation of an umbilical hernia.

    The reasons why a baby cries loudly and for a long time can be associated with several points:

    • Hunger. In such cases, the crying is loud and intermittent. In the pauses between crying, the baby watches the mother’s reaction. This behavior occurs two hours after the previous feeding. Perhaps the baby will want to eat earlier.
    • An overfilled diaper can also cause crying. He is usually quiet and plaintive.
    • Unpleasant sensations associated with the fact that the baby is cold or hot, he is wearing uncomfortable clothes, the sun is shining brightly, or there is a loud sound.
    • A baby may cry due to the absence of its mother nearby.
    • Overwork.
    • Pain during teething, abdominal cramps or other diseases.

    The first place among the reasons why a baby constantly cries is hunger. During the first months he eats little but often. This is due to the structural features of its digestive organs. Therefore, it is better to feed the child not on a schedule, but on demand. The baby begins to get used to the routine and cries at the same time. To check if this is the problem, you can bring a bent finger to the baby’s mouth; if he turns his head in its direction and starts sucking, then you should feed the baby.

    Another common reason why a baby also cries is the formation of colic in the stomach. They cause pain and discomfort, and stool may be disrupted. The baby farts often. This happens due to the immaturity of the digestive organs, the lack of a sufficient amount of produced enzymes necessary for the breakdown of food, poor nutrition of the mother - if the baby is natural feeding, due to an incorrectly selected mixture - if the baby is on artificial feeding.

    With colic in the stomach, the baby constantly cries heavily at the same time, clenches his fists, and his face turns red. The baby presses its legs to its tummy, taps them on the surface of the bed, and farts. You can hear rumbling in your stomach, while it is tense and bloated. Often in this case, you can observe that the baby wakes up crying in the middle of the night.

    Breastfeeding will help with abdominal colic. If the crying resumes after feeding, you can use a gas tube or give medicine (Espumizan, Plantex).

    Why does the baby cry after feeding? This may occur due to swallowing excess air, which causes discomfort. The reason may also be due to improper attachment to the breast. After feeding, the baby needs to be carried in your arms in an upright position for some time. A distinctive feature of this condition is that the baby cries little, but is more capricious and whimpers.

    If the baby is hot, crying also occurs. You can check this as follows. Take the baby in your arms, feel the forehead and back. If there is perspiration, then you need to take off one of the blouses. If a child is cold, his nose and wrist will be cold, pale color skin. The child suddenly begins to cry piercingly, then hiccups join the crying. In this case, it is necessary to cover the baby with a warm blanket.

    After two months it appears new reason. The child cannot sleep because he is tired and begins to cry. You can try to put him to sleep using your breasts, rocking him to sleep, or singing a lullaby. How stronger child tired, the louder his crying will be. Another feature is loss of interest in the environment, frequent yawning, whining.

    Around 3-4 months, the first teeth begin to emerge, which is why a hungry baby suddenly suddenly stops sucking milk and begins to cry loudly. These symptoms will be accompanied by increased salivation and reddening of the cheeks.

    Health problems

    If the reason for crying is illness, then the baby should be shown to a doctor immediately. There are also many signs by which you can preliminarily determine what is wrong.

    Often the baby begins to cry at the same time - before peeing. Most children behave this way because they are afraid of a process that is not yet under control. But it would be useful to examine the baby, because pain may indicate infectious disease or nervous disorder. If before or after peeing the baby begins to cry constantly, cystitis and nephritis should be ruled out.

    Before peeing, your baby may cry repeatedly due to diaper rash, dermatitis, or irritation. What to do in this case? You need to wash your baby several times a day and use protective creams.

    At the same time, boys, before peeing, can cry constantly and heavily due to inflammation of the foreskin. Purulent discharge, swelling and redness may occur. Before peeing, a girl may experience discomfort due to fusion of the urethra.

    Before peeing, the baby will cry due to the fact that he is not drinking enough fluids. As a result, urine begins to greatly irritate the urinary canal. In this case, it is enough to give the baby more liquid. You don't need to do anything else.

    If your child is about to pee and it causes pain and discomfort, you should consult a doctor. Diagnostics will help determine the real reason why this condition occurs, and to avoid complications.

    If the baby cries at one time before pooping, it may be due to cracks or inflammation of the mucous surface. He strains, grunts, draws up his legs, farts and cries. Most often the problem develops due to constipation. With dysbacteriosis, the baby farts with water and also draws in his legs.

    If a rise in temperature is observed at the same time as the above symptoms, then a viral or bacterial disease must be excluded. The normal temperature for infants is 37.2 degrees. A sore throat and nasal congestion make it difficult to sleep and eat peacefully, so the child tries to communicate this discomfort. If a cough occurs, then you need to monitor the child’s condition even more carefully. The risk of infection spreading to the lower respiratory tract increases.

    Children often develop thrush (stomatitis) in the mouth. On the tongue you can find a white film, the mucous membrane is inflamed, red, and there are small ulcers. The child experiences pain, especially during feeding.

    Inflammation of one of the parts of the inner ear (otitis media) is one of the painful conditions that is accompanied by strong, shrill crying. The pain is often worse at night.

    Calming measures

    There is no need to allow the child to cry continuously. You need to know what to do in certain cases:

    It is useful to place the baby on his stomach before feeding. When he lies on his stomach, the muscles of the neck, back, and arms are trained. When lying on the stomach, the baby passes gas better, and you may notice that the baby farts more. There is no need to force him to lie on his stomach if he does not want to or does not feel well. You should not place your baby on his stomach after feeding.

    It should be borne in mind that babies never cry without reason. If the crying is constant, then you need to figure out what’s wrong by consulting a doctor. You should not leave your child alone while crying. The baby may fall, hit himself with a toy, or get stuck in the bed bars.

    9 months of gestation are behind us, the long-awaited meeting with the baby has arrived. The birth of a baby is a joy for parents, but this joy is often overshadowed by the crying of the baby. Mom and dad are rushing around in bewilderment, why is their child bursting into tears? After all, he can’t say anything. Let's try to figure out what is the reason for crying little man? How can you help him? How to calm down?

    The main thing in the article

    Why does a newborn cry?

    The little man has just come into this world and everything around him is alien and incomprehensible. The only thing that is important to him now is satisfaction of his needs and a comfortable existence.

    There are many reasons for a baby to cry: a feeling of hunger, a wet diaper, an uncomfortable room temperature, or a banal desire to attract attention.

    At first, parents are simply perplexed, what does the child want? But over time, they begin to distinguish and understand the reasons that cause crying. After all, the baby shows his emotions in the form of crying in different ways with each “problem”; he still cannot do it any other way. The timbre of the sound produced, volume and even intonation change.

    Typical reasons for a baby's crying

    A newborn baby expresses his emotions, both positive and negative, through crying. Through it, he communicates his feelings and needs. So, let's try to highlight typical reasons, because of which all newborns cry.

    • Reason #1: Hunger. The most common crying is due to hunger. It is usually accompanied by redness of the face and stretching of the arms upward. In addition to satiation, the baby experiences a feeling of satisfaction and security when being near the mother’s breast.
    • Reason #2: Air. Yes, air is a fairly common cause of crying after hunger in newborns. It is swallowed during breastfeeding and bothers the baby. Therefore, after each feeding it is necessary to hold the newborn in a “column”.
    • Reason #3: Pain. Very often the cause of crying is pain. This could be colic (flatulence), an inflamed ear, stomatitis, numbness of the body from lying in one position, teething and much more.
    • Reason #4: Dirty diaper. Changing a diaper in a timely manner eliminates not only crying, but also irritation. skin under him. The discomfort experienced causes the newborn to call for “help.”
    • Reason #5: External stimuli. Heat or cold affects the baby. He feels discomfort and begins to show his “indignation” through crying.
    • Reason #6: Can't poop. This problem is common among artificial children. A fairly high density of formulas for feeding causes constipation in the baby.
    • Reason #7: Lack of attention. There is a very close bond between mother and newborn. The baby, feeling her warmth, calms down. Therefore, very often, with the help of crying, he tries to get closer to his mother.

    Baby cries in his sleep

    It happens that the baby is dry and fed, but cries in his sleep. What can cause a baby to cry?

    Of course, all of the reasons listed above can serve as a reason for crying in a dream, but most often babies cry because they experience emotions that come in a dream.

    Scientists have long proven that infants dream. It is emotional dreams that usually cause crying. An unusual event for the baby can provoke such a dream. The psyche of a newborn is just beginning to develop, and a visit to the grandmother, new faces of belated relatives, vaccination in the hospital can cause a storm of emotions that the baby will experience in a dream.

    If a child’s crying in a dream is not caused by painful sensations, then it is quite enough to go to the cradle and stroke the baby, gently pat him on the bottom, calm him down with words or a lullaby. He must feel that his mother is nearby and that she will protect him. This usually helps and calms the baby.

    Baby cries when feeding

    If a baby cries while eating, then there are basically four reasons for this behavior.

    1. Inflammatory process in the mouth. It could be thrush (a white coating all over the mouth). It can be seen with the naked eye. Treatment of the disease will eliminate crying while eating.
    2. Ear pain (otitis media). When swallowing, the baby feels strong painful sensations and cries. You can check whether the ear is the culprit by pressing on the tragus. If the ear hurts, then when you press the child will twitch and cry even more. Contact your pediatrician, he will prescribe drops for your baby.
    3. Nasal congestion. This condition prevents the baby from breathing while sucking at the breast. To feed the baby without crying in this situation, rinse and drip the nose.
    4. Abdominal pain. In this case, the newborn is restless and pulls its legs towards its tummy. To avoid crying in this case, it is necessary to find out the cause of the pain (colic, air, constipation) and eliminate it.

    If the baby first actively sucks for 2-3 minutes and then starts crying, then the reason may be the lack of milk. If you are faced with the problem of lack of milk, you can find out how to establish breastfeeding in the article:

    Sharp crying of a baby: causes of discomfort

    Sharp or spontaneous crying of a newborn in the first months of life can be caused by external stimuli:

    • A sudden bright light appeared. To avoid such “hysterics” at night, use dim lights. Do not turn on the main light in front of your baby if the room was dark before.
    • Loud noise. This could be speech, TV, a fallen frying pan, etc. Try to protect your baby from loud sounds that can scare him.

    Over time, the baby’s nervous system matures and he stops reacting with sharp crying to the above stimuli. The task of parents is to protect the newborn from external stimuli and create comfortable conditions for the life of the baby.

    What to do if the baby is pushing and crying?

    Of all the possible causes of pushing and crying, you should pay attention to the two most common.

    1. The child has colic. Then the crying and efforts are accompanied by redness of the face.
    2. Constipation. Such symptoms and the absence of bowel movements (normally up to 3 months this occurs 3-7 times a day) indicate constipation. As mentioned above, this is a fairly common problem with artificial babies.

    For reference: If the child is breastfeeding If the child does not poop for several days, but the gases pass and the child behaves normally, then there is no need to worry. This is fine. It’s just that mother’s milk is completely absorbed by the child’s body.

    What to do and how to help the child?

    At colic. They usually begin in the first month of a child’s life and “torment” the baby for up to 3 months, while the digestive system “ripens”. You can help your baby by doing the following:

    • Place the baby on his tummy before eating (15 minutes before).
    • Massage your newborn's tummy clockwise with your palm around the navel. Such circular movements with light pressure will help the air move “towards the exit”.
    • A warm diaper during cramps will soothe the pain. Fold the diaper into a square and heat it well with an iron. Place a warm diaper on the baby's belly, press his tummy to you and carry him.
    • Dill water or special medications will also help minimize the manifestation of flatulence. Usually these are drops from flatulence (Colikid, Espumisan, Bobotik, Plantex, etc.).

    If the reason for crying and pushing is constipation, then the following tips will help your mother:

    • If you are breastfeeding, reconsider your diet: it must contain fermented milk products.
    • Give your baby water more often. Dill water also helps in this case.
    • Do exercises. When the baby is lying on his back, press his legs, bent at the knees, to his tummy and press lightly.
    • Warm baths are relaxing and promote bowel movements.
    • After consulting your doctor, help your baby poop. This can be done with the help of drugs (they should be prescribed by a pediatrician) or in acute cases with the help of an irritant. For a child lying on his back, his legs are raised and his ears are cleaned with a stick dipped in sea ​​buckthorn oil, or apply light pressure on the anus with a thermometer. This method is used in exceptional cases when the child cannot poop on his own.

    Baby cries often and a lot: alarming symptoms

    Typical causes of crying are easily eliminated:

    • hungry - feed;
    • wet - change clothes;
    • frozen - put on clothes, etc.

    After eliminating them, the baby should calm down and fall asleep. If this doesn't happen and that's it possible ways You have tried to calm the baby down (bath, carrying, rocking), that is a reason for concern.

    Alarming symptoms that cause crying include:

    • Malaise and pain. A child’s crying causes illness: these can be colds (ARVI, influenza), inflammatory processes (skin dermatitis, miliaria, otitis media, etc.). In such cases, treatment is necessary.
    • Bloating, constipation. The constant “impossibility” to poop indicates an abnormal metabolism or digestive problems. The cause of frequent constipation must be clarified in the hospital.
    • Infant migraine. All children suffer intracranial pressure, but, like adults, they tolerate it differently. Very often sensitive children cry in windy or rainy weather. If such crying attacks continue for quite a long period, then contact your pediatrician.
    • Teething. This process may be accompanied by headache, fever, heavy salivation, temperature. The child at this time is irritable and capricious. But as soon as the little white tooth cuts through delicate skin gums, the baby will return to its normal (previous) state.

    Strong crying in a baby: how to react?

    Crying is harmful for little children! The grandmothers’ statements: “he will cry and stop” or “let his lungs develop” are unfounded. After all, the constant crying of a child weakens his nervous system and can provoke the appearance of an umbilical hernia. Therefore, it is simply necessary to respond to crying. If the cause of the whims is hunger or a wet diaper, then feed and change it. Eliminate all other discomforts that trigger crying.

    Take your newborn in your arms; he should feel warm and protected. Don't get irritated when your baby cries, as your emotions will rub off on your baby. Even if you have an argument with your spouse and feel emotionally irritated, do not pick up the child. First, calm down and only then approach him. Otherwise, you will end up with a crying baby and will not know what the reason is.

    The prevailing misconception “The child will get used to the hands” is not reality, and the first three months of the hands are where it is warm, cozy and calm. Take your newborn in your arms and don’t be afraid that he will get used to it.
    After the first three months, the colic will go away, the sleep-walking-feeding-wake pattern will improve and the baby will cry much less often and “on purpose.”

    We find out the reasons for crying by its nature

    Over time, all mothers begin to distinguish between their child’s cries and understand what exactly he wants. And for those mothers who are still at a loss as to why their baby is crying, we will give identifying definitions of each cry.

    • Hungry cry- loud, drawn-out, gradually turning into a choking cry. When picked up, it begins to look for the chest, making movements with its head and arms.
    • Calling cry– the baby cries for a few seconds and calms down (waiting for the parents’ reaction). After 30–40 seconds the action is repeated again. If the baby is left without attention, then the periods between cries decrease and the result is one continuous cry.
    • Crying with discomfort(dirty diaper or body numbness from lying in one position) - this sound is more reminiscent of squeaking, whining and grunting. It is accompanied by fidgeting and attempts to get rid of the cause of discomfort (crawl to a dry area).
    • Painful cry– loud, booming, of equal intensity. The mother can even hear notes of despair in the child’s cry.
    • Crying before bed- It’s more likely not crying, but whimpering. These are smooth plaintive screams with yawning and squinting.

    How to calm a baby?

    Initially, you should find out the cause of the crying and eliminate it. The following steps will also help:

    1. Use the pacifier. If the child takes it, it makes the calming process much easier. The sucking reflex calms the baby.
    2. Place it on your chest. Even if the baby is not hungry, still pick him up. 85% of babies calm down near the chest. Many mothers save themselves from crying during colic.
    3. Pick it up, rock it and soothe it. Very effective way calm. The baby can be pumped up or carried in a column.
    4. Talk to your child. Affectionate intonation has a calming effect. Sing a lullaby.
    5. Distract your child cure the problem with a bright toy or a new item.
    6. Take a warm bath with chamomile. She calms and relaxes.
    7. Go outside with your child. Children love to walk and usually do not cry during walks.

    What did you do to calm your child? Share your experience with young mothers in the comments.

    For most of us, babies are a source of affection. True, only if the little one snores quietly in his sleep or smiles funny (we recommend reading:). Frequent tantrums and tears infants, the causes of which are sometimes impossible to explain, cause adults to feel irritated due to their own powerlessness. However, such emotions are a bad help. It is very important to understand why a newborn is crying and take appropriate measures. Let's look at the main reasons for crying in infants, and also find out how to calm a crying baby.

    When a baby cries, new parents often feel powerless

    Physical discomfort

    Why do newborn babies cry? Crying is conditioned various factors. One of them is an instinctive reluctance to be alone. If a child under 1 month of age screams and cries due to this circumstance, then it is easy to calm him down: take him in your arms, look into his eyes, say something in a calm, gentle voice.

    Did not help? It is likely that the newborn is crying due to a more serious problem - physical discomfort caused by uncomfortable clothing, improper room conditions, and so on. The exact reason can be understood by the way the child cries:

    Reason for cryingFeatures of behaviorHow to calm your baby?
    Wet clothes (diaper, nappy)The child hiccups, cries, fidgets, trying not to touch what is wet.Remove wet clothes, clean and dry the skin, put on new underwear.
    Uncomfortable clothing (improper swaddling)The baby begins to scream indignantly immediately after putting on the new clothes or swaddling.Discomfort can be caused by snaps, buttons, snakes, threads, crumbs or seams that dig into delicate skin. Items may be too tight or hard. Clothing made from synthetic fabrics with dyes causes itching. The baby should be changed quickly.
    Uncomfortable positionThe newborn whines, cries, waves his arms and legs, trying to change his position.The baby needs to be placed differently.
    Too hot or coldThe baby is sobbing. Signs of overheating are hot and red skin, and in advanced cases, a rash. Manifestations of hypothermia are pale and cold skin.The newborn should be changed according to the temperature conditions in the room.

    A wet diaper may be the cause of your baby's fussy movements and crying.

    Feeling hungry and feeding problems

    Dear reader!

    This article talks about typical ways to solve your issues, but each case is unique! If you want to know how to solve your particular problem, ask your question. It's fast and free!

    A common reason why newborns cry is hunger. In the first weeks, most babies hang on their chest almost all the time. Then lactation is established, and an approximate schedule is developed, but at one of the meals the baby may eat less than it should. Of course, he will start demanding milk out of schedule and screaming loudly. If the newborn quickly calms down after applying to the breast or bottle, the cause of the crying was hunger.

    The baby started to eat, but started crying again? So something is bothering him. Problems that may occur during or after feeding and lead to crying:

    ProblemFeatures of behaviorWhat to do?
    Nasal congestionThe baby begins to suckle on the breast or bottle, but then quits and screams in irritation. Sniffles or snores.Clean your nose with a special aspirator (bulb), rinse with drops (saline), and drip a drug prescribed by your doctor for a runny nose.
    Swallowed a lot of milkThe crying is short and not repeated.Wait a little.
    OtitisWhen swallowing, the pain in the ear intensifies, so the baby stops eating and screams loudly.Put it in your nose vasoconstrictor drops, and special painkillers in the ears. Contact your doctor.
    StomatitisA sign of candidal stomatitis (thrush) is a white coating on the oral mucosa. The baby feels a burning sensation and refuses to eat.Wipe the oral cavity with a weak soda solution (2%). Visit the doctor.
    Specific taste of milk (mixture)The baby tries to eat, but then turns away from the breast or bottle.The consumption of certain foods - onions, garlic, lamb and others - causes a change in the taste of milk. They should not be eaten in large quantities. In addition, mom should not use cosmetics with a strong aroma.
    Air got into the stomachImmediately after eating or during it, the baby pulls its legs towards its stomach and screams.You need to take the baby in a “column”, leaning your stomach against your chest. This will allow excess air to escape.

    A cooled teether helps relieve pain and itching of swollen gums

    It is wrong to immediately offer the breast or bottle to a baby when he is crying. To begin with, you should pick him up and rock him. If these actions do not help to calm him down, the child cries pitifully and shows that he wants to eat - he sucks his fists, smacks his lips, then feeding should not be postponed.

    If your newborn is constantly crying, you should make sure that he is not starving. There are certain standards for weight gain for children under one year of age. It is worth weighing the baby periodically and comparing its growth with the standard. You should inform your pediatrician about the lag in the rate - he will recommend how to increase the volume of feedings.

    When bottle-fed, the baby often cries not from hunger, but from thirst. It is necessary that mom always has a bottle of drinking water ready.

    Colic and increased gas production

    Why does the child constantly cry? At the age of 1-3 months, many children suffer from colic - severe painful cramps in the abdomen caused by stretching of the intestinal walls by gas bubbles. The main sign of colic is that the baby cries shrilly and inconsolably for a long time, taking short breaks. Additional symptoms:

    • facial redness;
    • “knotting” with legs;
    • bloating (hard belly);
    • clenching fists.

    Colic is associated with immaturity digestive system babies, but poor nutrition or nervous tension of a nursing mother can aggravate the situation. For most children, the problem resolves when they are 3-4 months old.

    What to do if a child cries because of abdominal pain? You can calm him down in one of the following ways:

    • put something warm on your tummy - an ironed diaper or a heated bag of flax seeds;
    • give a massage - warm hand stroke around the navel clockwise;
    • put the baby on his stomach (not all children like this position);
    • carry the baby vertically to allow excess air to escape;
    • lay the baby on his back and give him a “frog” pose - bend his knees and put his feet together, thanks to this it is easier to pass gases, other effective exercise– imitation of cycling;
    • give medicine for colic prescribed by the doctor (Espumizan, Sub Simplex, Bobotik, BabyKali, etc.), or dill water (we recommend reading:);
    • place the baby with his bare stomach on his stomach, ensuring skin-to-skin contact;
    • place the baby in the sling facing you.

    Problems emptying your bladder or bowels

    Why else does a baby have to cry? Possible reasons– cystitis and constipation. Inflammation Bladder(cystitis) is accompanied by pain when urinating and fever. Condition requires urgent help doctor

    If your baby cries during bowel movements or strains and does not poop, he is constipated. Common problems with bowel movements can lead to the appearance of cracks in the rectum. The problem should be reported to your pediatrician. As symptomatic therapy you can use:

    • microenemas Microlax;
    • glycerin suppositories;
    • Lactulose syrup (has a delayed effect, causing stool the next day).

    Constipation can be a cause of painful discomfort for a child.

    Some physiological causes of crying

    Why else? infant sometimes cries? The sobbing of a newborn can be provoked by various painful conditions:

    StateThe essenceSymptomsHow to help a crying baby?
    "Infant migraine"Infants who were diagnosed at birth with perinatal encephalopathy (PEP) may suffer from headaches. This syndrome is characterized by increased pressure inside the skull, nervous excitability, and impaired muscle tone (increase or decrease).Attacks of “infant migraine” occur when weather conditions change and atmospheric pressure changes. Besides, headache may be caused by windy, cloudy or rainy weather. At the same time, the baby screams, sleeps poorly, and shows anxiety. Vomiting and indigestion may occur.In such a situation, it is impossible to do without the help of a specialist. It is necessary to visit a pediatrician or neurologist and tell about the problem.
    Diaper rash (diaper rash)Due to contact of the baby's skin with feces and urine, its acid-base balance is disrupted. The result is pain-inducing irritation.Signs of diaper dermatitis:
    • rash and redness in the perineum and buttocks;
    • child's irritability;
    • crying that gets worse when diapers are changed.
    • use a healing agent (Bepanten cream);
    • change diapers promptly;
    • thoroughly cleanse the skin;
    • periodically arrange “air baths”.

    If the irritation is very severe, a consultation with a doctor is required to prescribe treatment.

    TeethingWhen your baby is teething, his gums become swollen, itchy and painful.The baby sobs, pulls everything into his mouth to “gnaw.” He has observed increased salivation. In some cases, an increase in body temperature occurs.Itchy gums can be “scratched” with a finger wrapped in a sterile bandage. Good way help - a chilled teething ring. In addition, there are anesthetic gels that can be applied to the mucous membrane. For temperatures above 38.5°C, an antipyretic should be given.

    If the baby cries piercingly for a long time, and it was not possible to find out the reason, you need to seek medical help

    Psychological discomfort

    Let's consider why a newborn baby may cry, because the reasons are not only physical, but also psychological. The most common of them are call, protest and accumulated fatigue:

    1. A child cries more and more if he wants to attract the attention of an adult. The calling cry does not last long and is repeated at short intervals. The volume gradually increases. If you come to the baby, he will calm down. Dr. Komarovsky does not recommend picking up the baby right away. You can pet him or talk to him.
    2. If a newborn baby begins to cry in protest, the cry is sharp and occurs immediately after an “inappropriate” action. Necessary procedures such as changing clothes, cutting nails, or cleaning ears can lead to resentment. They should be completed, and then caress the baby.
    3. If your baby has become capricious and is crying a lot, he is probably tired. Hysteria can be provoked by staying awake for too long, a large number of strangers around, a lot of impressions and events during the day.
    4. If a newborn cries every time before going to bed, the daily routine is incorrect. Overwork prevents him from calming down.

    A child's crying due to fatigue can be calmed by the following:

    • end/exclude active and emotional games;
    • ventilate the room and humidify the air in it;
    • switch to calm communication;
    • rock, sing a lullaby;
    • put him to bed and give him a pacifier.

    If the child is tired, you should calmly lay him down and help him fall asleep

    Prevent crying infant It is possible by observing a certain sequence of actions (ritual) every evening. Most babies are helped to fall asleep by the following combination: bathing - feeding - putting them to bed - turning off the main lighting - turning on the night light - a lullaby.

    If the reason for the crying of a newborn at the age of 1-3 months is psychological discomfort, the advice of the American doctor Harvey Karp will help to quickly lull him to sleep:

    1. Swaddling. There is no need to constantly wrap your baby in diapers, but wrapping him up will help quickly calm a child who is fussy and crying before bed. It is important to close the handles. It is better to use modern elastic diapers.
    2. Wiggle. If a newborn rolls up and cries, you should rock him. The baby should be picked up so that he is lying on his side and begin smooth movements with a small amplitude.
    3. "White noise". Hissing sounds pronounced in a quiet voice help calm the child. It is recommended to combine their playback with rhythmic rocking.
    4. Sucking. Is your baby crying inconsolably? The best way to calm him down is to give him the opportunity to satisfy his sucking reflex. A pacifier will help with this, mother's breast or a bottle of a small amount mixtures. However, the toddler should not be allowed to overeat.

    Sometimes, to calm the baby, it is enough for the mother to rock him in her arms

    Calming a baby over 3 months old

    A child who constantly cries at 2 months can be calmed using one of the described methods. If a baby older than 3-4 months rolls up, there is no point in swaddling him or “hissing” him. During this period, a crying infant must be distracted from the problem that has upset him:

    Only born children are not yet able to express their emotions, whims or inconveniences using words. The only thing a little child can do is cry. This is why many parents are surprised that children infancy do this often. However, it is worth distinguishing between tears based on needs and whims from crying associated with painful conditions. Now he is completely dependent on his parents, so it’s worth listening to him. There can be many reasons why newborns cry. The main ones are: he wants to eat, drink, he is cold or hot, he is bothered by intestinal colic, he is not paying enough attention, he is tired, his diapers have become wet, he is worried about diaper rash, he is sick.

    When hungry or thirsty, the baby cries loudly and persistently. It is better to feed the baby in small portions, every 2 hours. There is no need to put him to the chest often, later he will start spitting up everything, then intestinal colic will appear. If it is a matter of hunger, then the baby will immediately calm down and then fall asleep. At first, young mothers have little milk, but a few days after giving birth, breast milk will appear. After this, it will increase, you just need to wait.

    Possibly a fat problem breast milk. It is recommended to take a test to determine its fat content.

    Sometimes children cry from lack of water. Its consumption is especially important for artificial people. You should always keep a bottle of clean water on hand.


    Sleep is very important for a newborn, which lasts up to 20 hours a day. This is explained by the fact that the nervous system of children is overexcited. He loses interest in everything that happens around him, whines, restlessly moves his arms and legs, and cries loudly. Infant cannot calm down on his own. It is best to take him in your arms and lull him to sleep. You can go out for a walk - children quickly calm down fresh air.

    Water also acts as a sedative. You can bathe it by adding herbal decoctions. But it is worth remembering that when extreme fatigue for a newborn, water, on the contrary, will overstimulate the nervous system.

    Cold and heat

    Cold and heat are another reason for a newborn’s crying. Uncomfortable conditions indoors or outdoors. Children do not yet have a mature thermoregulation system; they cannot cope with overheating and hypothermia on their own.

    A sign of overheating is that the skin turns red, begins to whine, spin, unwrap its legs and arms. A sweat rash appears and the body temperature rises.

    To cope with overheating, you need to dress your child according to the weather, ventilate the room, and take walks more often.

    When it's cold, his crying becomes shrill and harsh. To monitor the temperature of a newborn, you can tactilely check the temperature of the back, chest, legs, and arms. If they are cold, then it is necessary to dress the child warmly and create comfortable conditions in the room.

    Intestinal colic

    Many parents go through a period when their newborn has colic. This period lasts approximately three months while the digestive tract “matures”. Gases accumulate in the intestines, irritating it, causing pain and bloating. The baby begins to twist his legs, the crying becomes paroxysmal and intermittent. Periodically calms down, and then starts screaming again. Feeding does not help soothe, but rather makes the crying worse.

    To get rid of intestinal colic, children are given special gymnastics, massage of the peri-umbilical area, placed on the tummy immediately after eating - to prevent the accumulation of gases, do the “bicycle” exercise, and put a warm diaper on the tummy. It is recommended to give dill water or chamomile decoction. For those babies who eat artificially adapted formulas, it is necessary to give food from a bottle with a special anti-colic nipple. After all the manipulations are completed, he will calm down and stop crying.

    Lack of attention

    The baby needs communication. Sometimes, with all the hassle and feeding, mothers forget about communicating with the child. But for him it is also very important. This is the only way a child can fully develop. He starts crying to get his parents' attention. Then, as soon as mom or dad pays attention to their baby, starts talking, playing with him, he immediately calms down.

    Wet diapers, diaper rash on the skin

    In order to avoid various redness of the skin of a newborn, it is necessary to observe and carry out personal hygiene. Bathe him regularly, change his diaper or diaper on time. If this is not done, skin irritation will occur. As a result, he will constantly cry and demand that he be changed. After completing all the manipulations, the baby will be cheerful and calm.


    It is worth distinguishing between crying during illness and other reasons that provoke it. You can recognize it by the following signs: the baby is lethargic, inactive, elevated temperature body, crying becomes monotonous, monotonous. Because of these signs, it is best to call a doctor for an examination and consultation of the newborn. Most often, the cause can be growing teeth, a lot of drool is released, the child pulls his fists into his mouth, cries loudly, there is a high temperature, and there is diarrhea. The doctor prescribes special gels to reduce pain symptoms. You can buy a silicone teether.

    • The infant may have diaper dermatitis. In this case, redness is visible in the area of ​​the buttocks and perineum. The child cries loudly, the cry intensifies when the diaper or diaper is changed. You need to bathe your child regularly, use special soothing creams and baby oil.
    • Headache can also cause constant crying. In addition, the baby will be restless, have poor sleep, and experience nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. If you have these concerns, you should definitely seek advice from a neurologist.
    • Otitis, stomatitis, viral infections, colds with a sore throat, inflammation of the larynx, nasal congestion may be an explanation for the baby's constant crying.
    • Thrush is a white film, ulcers on the mucous membranes, and pain occurs, especially when feeding. The baby refuses to breastfeed and therefore begins to be capricious.
    • Otitis media manifests itself in severe pain during swallowing and pain at night. The baby cries shrilly, inconsolably.
    • If a baby has a severe cough, it is imperative to seek help from a pediatrician and prescribe treatment.

    When a newborn is capricious and whines, you need to look for the reason why he is doing this. Observe him, do everything necessary to make him comfortable. Moms don’t need to be nervous or worry about this. If you don’t see an objective reason, then you should definitely show the baby to a pediatrician. Pay attention more attention, maintain hygiene, walk in the fresh air, then the baby will always be happy, joyful in the circle of his beloved family.

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