• Is it possible to cope with addiction to vasoconstrictor nasal drops? How to get rid of a person


    Differing in etiology and pathogenesis. No less common type of rhinitis today is drug-induced, caused by the uncontrolled use of vasoconstrictor drops.

    Exceeding the recommended doses causes addiction to nasal drops. How to get rid of drug dependence and tolerance to drugs is a very pressing question. After all, the process of breaking a habit can take long time, but untimely Taken measures may result in severe complications.

    Why does the habit of nasal drops occur?

    Most patients consider vasoconstrictor drugs a panacea for the common cold, self-medicate and gradually increase the dosage to achieve results faster.

    A seemingly easy treatment process can lead to significant disorders of the functioning of the nasal mucosa and the development side effects : frequent attacks of headache, gestational hypertension, sleep disorder, depression.

    Nasal drops belong to the group of adrenergic receptor agonists, having a stimulating effect on adrenergic receptors in the walls of blood vessels, causing a narrowing of the latter. Adrenergic stimulation of medicinal products alters muconasal secretion.

    The action of vasoconstrictor drugs is aimed at relieving swelling of the mucous membrane, reducing the amount of mucus and facilitating nasal breathing. In other words, nasal drops do not directly affect the cause of the disease, but only eliminate the manifested symptoms.

    Important! Untimely treatment of drug-induced rhinitis can lead to pathological changes in the nasal mucosa, which may require surgical intervention to restore its functioning.

    After long-term use nasal drops may develop vasomotor rhinitis

    Therapeutic treatment regimen involves the use of vasoconstrictor medications for no more than 3-5 days, since longer use causes tolerance to the medication (the body gets used to the active substances).

    Uncontrolled nasal drip has the opposite effect– decreased vascular tone, atrophy of the mucous membrane, difficulty breathing and absolute dependence on vasoconstrictor drops.

    IN in this case, the problem cannot be solved by completely eliminating the pharmacological product; independent actions do not always eliminate addiction to nasal drops. The doctor will advise you on what to do to alleviate the condition, having studied in detail the patient’s medical history and the pharmacokinetics of the drug used.

    How to treat addiction to nasal drops

    The immediate responsibility of the treating specialist is to determine the etiology of the disease and conduct an examination of the mucous membrane, paranasal sinuses and nasal septum. After a thorough diagnosis, a treatment regimen is selected taking into account individual characteristics patient.

    In practice, a conservative method of therapy is chosen; in exceptional cases, there is a need for radical measures (surgical intervention).

    Necessary actions to alleviate the condition

    If the nose is accustomed to the drops, first of all it is necessary minimize the concentration of the drug and reduce the number of its applications. To do this you need:

    • increase the interval between nasal instillations;
    • reduce the dosage of the drug every day (ideally, drip the nose only before bedtime);
    • If possible, dilute the pharmacological product with boiled water before use.

    Important develop the habit of not resorting to drops at the first symptoms of nasal congestion. Alternative Methods will help ease breathing - indoors, walks on fresh air in the warm season.

    The doctor may suggest drug replacement method. There are four types of vasoconstrictor drops with different active ingredients: phenylephrine, naphazoline, xylometazoline and oxymetazoline.

    Constant nasal congestion with medicinal rhinitis forces a person to use nasal drops uncontrollably

    For example, if addiction was caused by phenylephrine, a drug based on another active substance from the above types is prescribed.

    If this method did not give positive dynamics, they are included in the therapeutic treatment regimen medicines based on synthetic hormones, similar to biologically active substances produced by the adrenal glands in the human body.

    The amount of single or total use, as well as the duration of therapy calculated based on the patient’s age and severity of drug-induced rhinitis.

    Nasal rinsing

    Sanitation of the nasal cavity is one of the procedures that has received approval among doctors. This manipulation does not require any specific skills and can be easily done at home.

    The most common way– use of saline solution, either prepared independently or purchased at a pharmacy (“”, “”, etc.).

    Using this method allows you to restore the normal functioning of the nasal mucosa - eliminate it, reduce the viscosity and amount of mucus, and make breathing easier.

    To prepare your own solution necessary third part 1 tsp. sea ​​salt dissolve in 250 ml. water brought to a boil. Cool to an acceptable temperature (36 degrees) and begin washing.

    Important! Salt has an antiseptic effect. It is necessary to adhere to the recommended dosage when preparing the solution, since an increased amount of salt can lead to dryness of the mucous membrane.

    Products purchased at the pharmacy will make the rinsing procedure easier. Pharmacological products are equipped with special anatomical nozzles, and the solution is supplied under pressure, which allows for maximum irrigation of the mucous membrane.

    Unconventional methods of therapy

    Among most effective ways traditional therapy When treating medicinal rhinitis, it is worth highlighting the following recipes:

    1. Healing drops. To prepare, mix aloe juice, honey and sea ​​buckthorn oil. Use three times a day, By 2-3 drops into each nasal passage.
    2. Steam baths with essential oils. At correct use essential oil tea tree can be an indispensable remedy for treatment. Thanks to its regenerating, antiseptic effect, it has a positive effect on the mucous membrane. For cooking steam bath necessary in 1 l. water, brought to a boil, dissolve a few drops of oil ethers.
    3. No less effective oil. You can also use the leaves of the plant. For inhalation it is necessary 3 tbsp. l. leaves simmer for 10 minutes over low heat in 500 ml. water. Allow the mixture to cool slightly and begin steam inhalation. The duration of the procedure should not exceed more than 15 minutes. Daily norm – 2 times, in the morning and before bed.

    Complex therapy (medicines and folk remedies) gives positive dynamics

    1. Turundas with boromenthol ointment. Turundas soaked in ointment are inserted into each nasal passage. for 15-20 minutes. Duration of treatment – one - two weeks.
    2. Medicinal infusions. The saline solution for rinsing can be replaced with a prepared infusion from medicinal herbs. The most optimal combination of medicinal raw materials: chamomile + calendula + sage ( 2 tbsp. l.). Pour in the herb mixture 500 ml. water, brought to a boil, leave for 60 minutes and strain. Use 3 – 4 times a day, for 10 days.
    3. You can ease nasal breathing with a mustard foot bath.

    Physiotherapeutic procedures

    Physiotherapy helps significantly alleviate the patient's condition. The most effective procedures for the treatment of medical rhinitis:

    • electrophoresis. This method allows you to relieve swelling of the mucous membrane, accelerate tissue regeneration, and activate the body’s immune defense. The principle of electrophoresis is based on the simultaneous influence electrical impulses and administration of drugs through the nasal mucosa;
    • phonophoresis, affects the mucous membrane through high-frequency sound waves, which enhances the effectiveness of medications and speeds up the healing process;
    • ultra high frequency therapy(influence of high-frequency electromagnetic field). Promotes recovery cellular respiration, regenerates the mucous membrane, reduces swelling, stimulates blood circulation and the body’s immune defense;
    • acupressure(acupressure), effectively localizes symptoms, restores nasal breathing, eliminates swelling. A fairly simple procedure that does not require the use of drugs. Can be done at home, as it does not require special skills.

    Important! Folk remedies are powerful allergens, before using which it is necessary to conduct an allergy test.


    Having considered possible ways How to wean yourself off nasal drops, it is worth noting that the patient needs to prepare for a long period of treatment. A positive psychological attitude and compliance with the recommendations of your doctor will help you get rid of addiction with minimal damage to the body.

    I could advise many people how to love and how to forget ex-boyfriend the one you love. The psychology of my own actions turned out to be a mystery when I personally found myself in a dead end. I couldn’t give myself an intelligible answer on how to be in a cold, lonely world without him, how to forget him and let go.

    Exhausted. I just wanted to your name no longer resonated with trembling throughout my whole body, no longer carried me through the feeling of your hands, no longer held me with a gentle voice on the phone, no longer dragged me into the abyss. I wanted to understand, to tear him out of my heart. They say time heals. I found a time efficient way.

    System-vector psychology Yuria Burlana showed me how to forget the person you love but can’t be with.

    I'll share in simple steps to salvation with those who are looking for a way to quickly forget the person you love. So that there are no more unhappy women's diaries and tears into the pillow.

    How to forget a loved one - three simple steps

    I'll run away from you, from myself. I can. The main thing is that you don’t catch up. When you hug me, I can't resist. This means I have to run far, but I can’t imagine how to forget love, how to wean myself from the person I love most.

    When you rush around and first look for how to forget him, and an hour later - how to return him, it’s unlikely that anything will come of it. With system-vector psychology, I was able to separate my real desires from what had become an obsession, but no longer filled me with joy.

    It finally became obvious what kind of relationship I dreamed of and what I could do for it. Finally, I was able to answer my question of how to forget a guy with a specific plan of action:

    Step 1. Coping with painful memories.

    Step 2. Learn to love truly.

    Step 3. Realize the limitless possibility of being happy.

    Why exactly these actions are instructions for a girl on how to forget her ex? The answers, clear and understandable, came to me at the System-Vector Psychology training by Yuri Burlan and pulled me out of the clutches of unhappy love.

    How to forget a loved one after a breakup - readiness to reboot

    Do you really want me to let you go?

    held on to old love, like claws, myself. I thought I knew how everything worked in a relationship. I could advise many people on how to love the guy you love. The psychology of my own actions turned out to be a mystery when I personally found myself in a dead end. I couldn’t give myself an intelligible answer on how to be in a cold, lonely world without him, how to forget him and let go.

    After all, you are the only one to whom I confessed my love! How to leave the man you love? When you can’t control yourself, how can you forget the person you love? Psychology is needed here, or maybe something else that would give me a recipe for how to forget the guy I like.

    Features of the psyche that do not allow you to forget

    If you fall in love, then forever. The owner is for consistency. Her psyche is comfortable in familiar conditions with people she has known for a long time in predictable circumstances. So I wanted with all my being eternal love so that you don’t have to get used to the person again. I was ashamed to even imagine that one day I would be able to confess to someone else a feeling that had already been given to the very first one.

    I still love him, I strive like a small pin to a big magnet. How to forget when remembering you is the only thing that makes you happy now?

    A girl with an anal vector is more comfortable in the past than in the present. What happened had a special charm for her. And the future uncertainty makes you feel sick. This is why it is so difficult for psychologically inflexible hostages of the first experience to get out of past relationships. But there is reliable way own reconfiguration.

    How to stop loving a man? Don't suffer and let your ex go young man I was able to, using my memory not to my own detriment, but to the benefit of others. System-vector psychology allowed me to realize that I can do much more than just replay moments from the past in my head and drown deeper and deeper in the quagmire of memories.

    There is no need to fight the natural qualities of the anal vector.

    Excellent memory, the value of the past, attention to detail are not given to us so that we get stuck in the past. It is worth using them for their intended purpose - for the benefit of society:

    • learn, become a professional in your field,
    • transfer important knowledge to others.

    I'm immersed in interesting job, the properties of memory began to work in the right direction, and I was finally freed from the painful memories that were ruining my life. I remember what connected us with him, but it is no longer clouded by grievances, but filled with bright gratitude for pleasant moments. With such support, you can move further on the path to happiness.

    Emotional dependence - how to wean yourself off the person you love

    Here it is, the stormy sea I've been waiting for! But love turned into a destructive tsunami. Hold on! But for what? There is nothing. Only Blue eyes beckoning to nowhere. And I can’t imagine how you can forget the man you love?

    My beloved was the whole essence of life for me. How could I continue to live if he was not with me? All owners just want to splash in the sea of ​​love. But for some, for some reason, it dries out or becomes so stormy that you can barely stay afloat. Without it you are like a fish on the shore. And why do you think love causes so much suffering?

    Maybe it hurts because you strive for love, but something completely different is born?

    System-vector psychology instills the skill to distinguish between concepts:

    Do you feel the difference? Emotional addiction occurs when I want self-love and can’t get enough. A real love does not demand, but gives feelings to another. If the chosen one does not need them, it means that something did not coincide in the settings of feelings. You can solve this problem by realizing the peculiarities of your internal structure and learning to give feelings where they are needed. Only then will the exchange of feelings be a pleasure.

    How to forget a loved one? Systemic advice from a psychologist: emotional dependence cured by true love.

    I deeply realized that the place of love is not only in couple relationships. But even in a store where a lonely grandmother cannot see the expiration date of milk, in a hospital where a child does not see sunlight, in a parental home in need of filial care - everywhere there is a place for the manifestation of a sensitive, responsive visual soul that wants to give love.

    So many people desperately need human warmth! Those with a visual vector have it in abundance. It is when you empathize and work with your soul that you become happy. Inside yourself, surrounded by other people and as a couple. You acquire the skill of giving love and enjoying the realization of your natural properties.

    How to forget your loved one and love life itself

    System-vector psychology made it possible to realize: we have more than one potential soul mate and the possibilities of being happy are endless. Then what prevents you from being happy?

    Relationships don't work out over and over again because:

    • Our own condition provokes failures on the personal front.

    I didn't know myself. And the feeling of melancholy, dissatisfaction with life and with oneself was projected onto the relationship, turning it into misfortune for both. I kept hoping that happiness would fall from the sky, instead of knowingly building it myself.

    When a woman knows herself and understands her partner, she becomes able to build relationships without accusations, without anger. She doesn’t whine, doesn’t throw hysterics, doesn’t get offended, but enjoys life and attracts a man who can realize himself and make his beloved happy.

    • We do not know how to build close relationships, even if we are initially suitable for each other.

    It became so easy when I managed to figure out the issue once and for all. The psychologist's advice also showed how to build new, warm, close relationships. The secret is in emotional connection, which invisibly holds two hearts together. It was as if I had found myself in a sea of ​​feelings where I couldn’t find the bottom, I found what I was looking for - I understood what truly happy experiences in a couple relationship are.

    The article was written based on the training materials “ System-vector psychology»

    Naphthyzin vasoconstrictor drops are dangerous because they cause rapid addiction to the body, which, in turn, has Negative influence on cardiovascular system(arrhythmia, tachycardia, high blood pressure). With prolonged use of naphthyzine, vegetative-vascular dystonia may develop, which will bring whole bouquet"pleasant" sensations called " Panic attack" Dependence on vasoconstrictor drops differs from bad habits (drugs, nicotine, alcohol) only in the absence of a psychological factor, since it only relieves physical discomfort without affecting the area of ​​the brain responsible for pleasure.

    Anyone can wean themselves off naphthyzine, regardless of how long they have used the drug. It is important to know that the nasal mucosa is subject to rapid recovery and without additional treatment recommended by doctors (cauterization, injections, surgery, etc.). But this is only if you really only have problems with addiction. A deviated nasal septum, sinusitis, chronic rhinitis, abscess of the nasal septum is a serious reason to consult a specialist.

    In order to wean yourself off naphthyzine without resorting to other drugs, you will need: a large number of handkerchiefs and distracting objects (CDs with your favorite films, books, computer games, knitting, embroidery, etc.).

    Stages of weaning off vasoconstrictor drops

    Everything that will happen to your body in the process of getting rid of addiction to the drug can be roughly divided into several stages:

    1. 1-5 hours after the last nasal instillation. At this time, you will not feel any difficulties, which will give you the opportunity to prepare and psychologically correctly tune in for the further struggle for free breathing. Draw out a table of days of the week, which you divide by hours. Cross out every hour you live without naphthyzine and, if possible, note your condition - this will help you clearly see the prospect of withdrawal and maintain good spirits, being proud of your results. Prepare yourself a lot of different distracting activities for 1-2 days (rest assured, you are unlikely to be able to sleep). Take at least a day off from work. Bottles with naphthyzine should not be thrown away, they will serve to calm you down, you must be sure that you can stop your torment at any time.
    2. 5-10 hours. At this stage, your nose will be blocked and you will only be able to breathe through your mouth.
    3. 10th hour It will not only block your nose and ears, but also squeeze your throat a little. During this time, it is important to move as much as possible. This is the most difficult stage, you just need to endure it for 4-5 hours - it is very difficult, but worth it. Then, every hour you will feel an improvement in your condition. If your hands naturally reach for naphthyzin, look at the piece of paper with the hours crossed out and ask yourself: “I have endured so much, can’t I really endure it a little more, so as not to have to start all over again?”
    4. 15th hour. At this time, handkerchiefs prepared in advance will be useful to you, as mucus will begin to be released abundantly from the nose, which indicates the restoration of the mucous membrane. The ears and throat should release.
    5. Second day. Walk outside as much as possible; when walking quickly, you should be able to breathe freely through your nose; when you enter the room, your runny nose will start again, don’t be disappointed - this is normal.
    6. Third day. Both nostrils will be freed from congestion one by one (one will be blocked, the other will be free and vice versa). At this stage, you can even get some sleep.
    7. End of the first week. You will almost regain normal breathing through your nose; you will continue to experience some discomfort at night, but this should not interfere with sleep much.
    Gradually, your breathing will become stronger, the feeling of being unable to get full lungs of air will go away, and the functioning of your heart and nervous system will stabilize. If there are no serious complications, then it is better to wean off vasoconstrictor drugs in home environment under the supervision of a local doctor.

    There are very few people among us without habits that are worth giving up: we smoke, uncontrollably eat sweets, spend crazy amounts of money on shopping, bite our nails, watch porn, constantly spend time on social networks and cannot take a step without a smartphone.

    We sincerely believe that we lack willpower - that is the main problem. How many times have you tried to quit before, but it didn’t work, so why should it work now? It seems to us that the matter is doomed to failure in advance, so we don’t even try to change something, and even if we try, we ourselves don’t believe in success.

    I'll tell you what: the result is directly proportional to the amount of effort invested. This is difficult, but doable, if, of course, you devote yourself entirely to the task at hand. For those who have finally and irrevocably decided to say goodbye to addictions, I have prepared a short guide of just 10 sequential steps. You don't have to do absolutely everything, but the more of them you do, the higher the likelihood of a favorable outcome.

    1. Find real motivation

    How many times have people given up on something simply because it seemed like a cool idea: “Give up caffeine. Mmmm, sounds cool." So-so justification. All you really need is strong motivation. I quit smoking because I realized that one day it would kill me, and I realized that if I didn’t stop, my children would sooner or later start smoking too. Find your “why” and write it down on a piece of paper. This will be the first item in your plan of salvation.

    2. Make a commitment.

    Once you've identified your motivation, stand firm. Old story: We promise that we won’t touch cigarettes today, but the habit will definitely get the better of us in the end. In order not to relapse, you need the support of others, so don’t be shy to tell everyone about your intentions. If you have someone you can turn to for help, you will have a much easier time dealing with your addiction than going it alone.

    3. Beware of irritants

    What situations triggered bad habits? A habit is not formed by itself, it is always reinforced by something from the outside: you smoke when everyone around you smokes, go shopping when you are nervous, eat all sorts of rubbish when you are bored, turn on porn when you are lonely, and hang out on social networks when need to kill time. Observe yourself for a few days and determine what your triggers are. Include them in your rescue plan and try to avoid provoking situations.

    4. Find out what need the habit speaks to

    Bad habits are the result of unfulfilled desires. For each stimulus, identify a need that is satisfied with the corresponding attachment. Some habits help you socialize, some help you cope with stress, sadness, boredom, loneliness and the need for rest. Record all this in the plan of salvation and think about how else you can meet your existing needs.

    5. Create a replacement habit for each trigger.

    So how can you deal with stress now? You just can’t resist returning to the old habit, otherwise the unsatisfied need will continue to remind you of itself. Create new habits that you will turn to when you find yourself in a stressful situation. Match the triggers from the rescue plan with the list of these habits - they can work for several stimuli at once.

    6. Don't follow desires

    At first, trigger situations will encourage you to again surrender to the power of habits, because we are accustomed to performing these actions automatically. Learn to recognize the urge that arises and watch how it grows stronger and then subsides. If you really want to act in accordance with your desire, distract yourself with all your might. Take a few deep breaths and exhale, drink some water, take a short walk, or ask someone for help. After some time he will definitely let you go.

    7. Respond to a trigger with a new habit.

    You'll have to concentrate a lot here. First, it is necessary to determine the moment of occurrence of the stimulus. Secondly, you will need to do something different instead of the old habit. If you are confused, don't worry. It is important to simply be extremely careful and firm, then the new action will eventually become the default. By the way, this is one of the difficulties of giving up bad habits: if numerous triggers arise spontaneously during the day, it takes a lot of effort to strictly control yourself.

    8. Be careful with your thoughts

    During dialogues with the inner self, we ourselves sometimes give indulgences bad habits. Closely monitor your thoughts and do not give in to the desire to give up moving towards your goal. There simply cannot be any excuses here.

    9. Quit gradually

    Until recently, I was a follower of the philosophy of abruptly and immediately quitting a habit. Now I sincerely believe in the power of gradualism. Instead of the usual 20 cigarettes a day, first smoke 15, then 10, then five, then none. A process spread out over a week does not look so scary, so the chances of winning are much greater.

    10. Learn from mistakes

    We are all not without sin. If you mess up, just accept what happened and think about what you could have done differently. Write down your ideas in a plan of salvation that will become more perfect over and over again. Each mistake will become a stepping stone to breaking the habit.

    I am not saying that the method I have proposed is simple, but many of those who ignored these ideas ended up sticking to their biases. You definitely don't need this. Immerse yourself completely in the process, find a strong enough motivation and replace the bad habit with a good one, with which you will respond to every irritant. You can do it, I promise.

    Often when severe runny nose many of us use vasoconstrictor drops so often that we ourselves do not notice how such a habit develops into a real drug addiction. How to wean yourself off nasal drops?

    Complex therapy methods can help cope with dependence on topical anticongestants (vasoconstrictor drops). As part of the conservative treatment of drug-induced rhinitis, anti-inflammatory and decongestant medications, general stimulating sanitizing procedures, as well as physiotherapeutic methods - laser therapy, acupuncture, electrophoresis, etc. are used. Irrational use of anticongestants often causes the development of uncontrolled vasodilation - excessive relaxation of muscle fibers in the walls of the arterioles that permeate the nasopharynx.

    Violation of vascular tone leads to swelling of the nasal mucosa and, as a consequence, development. Treatment of non-advanced forms of the disease is carried out with the help of medications and physiotherapeutic procedures. For atrophic and hypertrophic changes in the tissues of the nasopharynx, surgical methods of therapy are used - conchotomy, cryotherapy, etc.

    Why does addiction occur?

    How to get rid of addiction to nasal drops? Before we answer this question, we need to understand why decongestants are addictive. When dealing with a runny nose, most people limit themselves to using vasoconstrictor aerosols or drops. They contain substances (adrenaline receptor stimulants) that cause the arterioles in the nasopharynx to narrow. The reasons for the development of medicinal rhinitis lie in the long-term use of anticongestants.

    Abuse of vasoconstrictors entails the development of tachyphylaxis - a rapid decrease in the response to the action of the drug after its use. To relieve swelling, a person is forced to constantly increase the dose of drops used. All nasal decongestants belong to the group of vasoconstrictors, i.e. substances that affect the functioning of adrenaline receptors, which are located in the walls of blood vessels.

    Systematic use of decongestants sooner or later leads to a “ricochet” effect. Refusal of vasoconstrictors activates compensatory mechanisms, during which the body tries to restore normal blood flow to the tissues in the nasal cavity. This is expressed in the dilation of blood vessels and increased production of nasal secretions.

    Irrational use of anticongestants is fraught with hyperplasia (enlargement) of the mucous membranes and glands that produce nasal secretions.

    If you do not stop using decongestants within 7 days, this will lead to drug-induced rhinitis, the development of which is based on vasodilation. It is quite difficult to cure addiction, since refusal of vasoconstrictor medications negatively affects a person’s well-being - constant nasal congestion occurs, heavy transparent discharge, sneezing, etc.

    Is it possible to give up the habit of putting decongestants in your nose on your own? You can get rid of “drip” addiction without the participation of an otolaryngologist only by initial stages its development. If vasoconstrictor medications have been used for years, it is likely that symptoms of drug-induced rhinitis will only be eliminated through physical therapy and surgery.

    There are several ways to get rid of addiction:

    • A sharp refusal. If you have been using vasoconstrictor medications for a relatively short time, abruptly stopping the medications will help you cope with the problem. As a rule, the “ricochet” effect persists for several days, after which vascular tone is restored and the runny nose goes away on its own;
    • Gradual withdrawal. Get rid of chronic addiction gradually, deliberately increasing the intervals between the use of anticongestants. To reduce the concentration of substances in the medicine, it is recommended to dilute it with saline or mineral water;
    • Replacing the drug. Anticongestants containing xylometazoline are considered the most dangerous. To quickly get rid of “drip” addiction, it is recommended to replace the drug with drops that contain phenylephrine or naphazoline. After 1-2 weeks, it is recommended to switch to homeopathic nasal preparations, as well as hypertonic solutions for rinsing the nasopharynx.

    Vitamins C, B5, P and E help strengthen the walls of blood vessels and eliminate swelling in the nasal passages.

    You can independently treat dependence on drops with the help of drugs that increase vascular tone - Dihydroquertecin, Ascorutin, Cavinton. With their help, it will be possible to eliminate vasodilation and, as a consequence, manifestations of drug-induced rhinitis.

    Drug treatment

    How to get rid of addiction to nasal drops? If a person cannot quit decongestants on his own within a month, he should seek help from a specialist. The attending physician will assess the condition of the nasopharyngeal mucosa and determine how much it has become “accustomed” to vasoconstrictors. In the absence of noticeable hypertrophic or atrophic changes in soft tissues the patient will be prescribed anti-inflammatory and anti-edematous medications that do not affect vascular tone.

    Topical corticosteroids

    Treatment of drip addiction is almost always accompanied by the use of local hormonal drugs, i.e. topical corticosteroids. They have pronounced anti-inflammatory properties, so they can be used to relieve swelling and inflammation in the nasal turbinates and internal nasal openings:

    • "Rinoklenil";
    • "Nasobek";
    • "Beclomethasone Orion Pharma";
    • "Flixonase".

    Hormonal medications are contraindicated for people suffering from fungal diseases.

    In cases where the patient cannot immediately refuse decongestants, the doctor simply reduces the dose of the drugs and simultaneously prescribes corticosteroids. During the treatment process, the regularity of use of vasoconstrictors gradually decreases, due to which the body weanes itself off vasoconstrictors almost painlessly.


    How to wean yourself off vasoconstrictor drops? Conservative treatment of medicinal rhinitis is often accompanied by the use of antiallergic drugs. Like decongestants, they reduce swelling in the nasopharynx, but do not affect adrenaline receptors. To restore normal vascular tone in the mucous membrane, it is recommended to drip the following drugs into the nose:

    • "Sanorin-Analergin";
    • "Levocabastine";
    • "Allergodil."

    Antiallergic medications prevent the release of inflammatory mediators, which lead to swelling of the nasopharynx and, as a result, blockage of the nasal passages. If the symptoms of medicinal rhinitis are constantly bothering you, you can replace decongestants with antihistamine drops for a while.

    Nasal rinsing solutions

    You can get used to vasoconstrictors in literally five to ten days, but giving up their use is quite difficult. How can I wean myself off nasal decongestants? Hypertonic and isotonic salt solutions have pronounced anti-edematous properties.

    As a rule, treatment of “drip” addiction involves the use of hypertensive drugs that contain more than 0.9% sodium chloride. Drug-induced runny nose is cured using the following nasal remedies:

    • "Dolphin"
    • "Aqua Maris Strong";
    • "Morenazal";

    For achievement desired results Nasal rinsing should be done at least 4-5 times a day. To relieve the symptoms of drug-induced rhinitis, avoid decongestants completely or replace them with homeopathic remedies.


    What to do if medications do not help relieve nasal congestion? If, at a doctor’s appointment, a patient states, “I have been using vasoconstrictor drops for more than 5 years,” in 90% of cases, during an instrumental examination, they are found in the nasopharynx pathological changes. It should be understood that decongestants negatively affect the functioning of the glands that secrete nasal secretions. If you drip drops constantly, this will lead to insufficient mucus production and, as a result, dehydration and thinning (atrophy) of soft tissues.

    Treatment of atrophic and hypertrophic changes in the nasal mucosa is carried out using physiotherapeutic procedures. They help strengthen the walls of blood vessels, restore the secretory activity of the glands in the nasopharynx and thereby stop the manifestations of a medicinal runny nose.

    Laser therapy

    How to cure drug runny nose? Laser therapy is often used to eliminate the symptoms of vasomotor and drug-induced rhinitis. Laser study has a beneficial effect on transcapillary processes in the arterioles that are located in the nasopharynx. After completing 7-10 sessions of laser treatment, you will completely get rid of addiction and vascular dystonia.

    Instrumental therapy has an anti-inflammatory, vasoconstrictor and anti-edematous effect on the ciliated epithelium that covers the nasal turbinates. To soften the effect of laser study, after the procedure it is recommended to instill moisturizing drops into the nose - “Physiomer”, “No-Sol”, “Quix”, etc.


    Acupuncture is one of the most effective methods of treating chronic and drug-induced runny nose. During the procedure, the specialist inserts thin needles into regional and segmental points that are located on the face. Stimulation of acupuncture points allows you to restore normal innervation of muscle fibers, which are responsible for the expansion and contraction of arterioles in the nasal cavity.

    It is worth noting that the mechanism of action of acupuncture is currently poorly understood. Many doctors are skeptical about this treatment method, although practical results speak in its favor. Physiotherapy does not eliminate psychological addiction to nasal drops, but it helps eliminate somatic disorders caused by vasodilation, i.e. disturbance of vascular tone.


    Electrophoresis is an instrumental method for the treatment of ENT diseases, based on the introduction of drugs into the nasopharynx through an electric current. The drugs commonly used are:

    • thiamine (vitamin B2);
    • pantothenic acid (vitamin B5);
    • rutin (vitamin P);
    • Diphenhydramine

    Electrophoresis is contraindicated for people with impaired blood clotting and diseases of the cardiovascular system.

    To reduce discomfort during electrophoresis, you need to instill analgesic substances into the nose. The duration of the session depends on the degree of vascular dystonia and the condition of the nasopharyngeal mucosa. The therapeutic effect is observed after 10-12 sessions of electrophoresis.


    Abuse of vasoconstrictor drops inevitably leads to drug-induced rhinitis. The development of the disease is based on vasodilation - dilation of blood vessels associated with relaxation of muscle fibers in the vascular walls. Pathological processes are provoked by active substances contained in decongestants - oxymetazoline, xylometazoline, naphazoline, etc.

    How to treat dependence on vasoconstrictors? To wean yourself off anticongestants, you need to replace them with nasal medications of a different type - homeopathic, antiallergic, anti-inflammatory (topical corticosteroids), etc. In case of ineffectiveness drug treatment Physiotherapy (electrophoresis, laser treatment) is prescribed, which helps restore vascular tone and patency of the nasal passages.

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