• How to remove swelling of the legs in a pregnant woman. Edema during pregnancy: folk remedies. Medical treatment of edema


    During pregnancy, the volume of fluid circulating in the body almost doubles. So, it would seem that there is nothing surprising in the fact that a woman who is expecting a child sometimes suffers from edema. But doctors consider them an alarming symptom, especially if they are accompanied by an increase in blood pressure and the appearance of protein in the urine.

    So if wedding ring does not fit on the finger, and the shoes have become sharply small - immediately see a doctor. And be sure to follow the recommendations that he will give, because self-diagnosis and self-treatment will not lead to good. But the prevention of edema is available to every expectant mother.

    Eliminate salt

    Why? Salt contains sodium. This element has the ability to retain water in the body. The more salt, the more fluid will remain in the tissues.

    How in practice? Remove from the diet (or very much reduce the dosage) pickles, herring, sauerkraut, black bread, sausage, not to mention such unhealthy, in every sense "garbage" products, like crackers, chips, snacks, smoked meats and canned food. Even the usual dishes are better to cook without salt or undersalt.

    Important: You should not be afraid that you and your baby will not get enough sodium: this element is found in many products in its natural form or in the form of salts.

    Love healthy food

    Why? With a tendency to edema, the expectant mother should not only exclude salt, but also observe some other restrictions. After all, problems with blood vessels, for example, also lead to the formation of edema. Therefore, it is necessary to eat in such a way as not to give edema the slightest chance.

    As in practice. Do not fry meat and vegetables, but boil or steam. As little as possible, eat fatty, spicy, sweet, rich and be sure to cook cereals regularly, eat vegetables and fruits. Tea or coffee can affect the state of blood vessels and, as a result, blood pressure - it is better not to abuse these drinks. And even "hyperuseful" green tea- it has more caffeine than black, and you should not drink more than two cups of it a day. But freshly squeezed juices are welcome and mineral water without gas.

    Important: The average daily calorie intake should not exceed 2800-3500 calories. That is, the expectant mother does not have to "eat for two."

    Observe the drinking regime

    Why? Previously, it was restrictive: the expectant mother was instructed to consume only 1-1.5 liters of fluid per day, including soups and compotes. But then studies showed that such a restriction is not useful: it worsens the condition of the venous wall, affects the quantity and quality of the mother's blood, and its coagulability. Indeed, during pregnancy, blood volume increases, and if it is not maintained at the right level, the formation of blood clots and other problems cannot be avoided.

    How in practice? The most common recommendation is that the expectant mother needs to drink 2.5 and even 3 liters of fluid daily. This amount includes any liquid, including that found in liquid dishes, in fresh juicy vegetables and fruits. Water should be at least 1.5 liters per day, and it should be drunk not all at once, but in small sips, a little bit, but often. Water must be non-carbonated.

    Important: With preeclampsia, it is better to drink not water, which flushes out many salts and trace elements from the body, but tea with milk, sweet juices and fruit drinks, which "draw" water from the tissues and thereby reduce swelling.

    Be careful with diuretics

    Why? Medicines during pregnancy can harm not only the expectant mother, but also the baby. Therefore, the intake of any medicinal and even natural herbal diuretic drugs must be agreed with the attending physician.

    How in practice? Usually, expectant mothers are prescribed homeopathic remedies, as well as herbal preparations with a mild diuretic effect - bearberry, lingonberry leaf, parsley decoction.

    Important. Together with the liquid, potassium is washed out of our body, which, in particular, is important for correct operation heart muscle, for the health of mom's bones and teeth, and for the construction of the baby's skeleton. Therefore, potassium needs to be replenished - with a diet or taking appropriate vitamin complexes (you should also ask your doctor about which one to choose).

    Let your feet rest

    Why? 40% of women experience some type of symptom during pregnancy varicose disease. One of its symptoms is swelling of the legs, which, fortunately, is the most harmless and does not require special treatment.

    How in practice? While resting, raise your legs relative to the position of the body. For example, while sitting at a computer, place your feet on a stand. You can take the example of the Americans and put your feet on the table (or the chair next to it, if otherwise inappropriate). In the prone position, it is necessary that the legs be on an elevation up to 30 cm high. This position will be provided by a high pillow placed under the mattress or a roller from a blanket. There are beds in which the height of the footboard and headboard can be varied.

    Important."Varicose" edema is also reduced with the help of creams with extracts of horse chestnut or hazel.

    Lie on the left side

    Why? 80% of women develop so-called physiological edema during pregnancy. They are considered the norm, because, unlike pathological edema, they disappear as if by themselves after the causes have been eliminated (and they can be a violation of the diet or a quick walk on a hot day that caused increased sweating). The main "medicine" is to give yourself a rest, lie down.

    How in practice? When lying on the left side, the kidneys experience the least load, work the best way and move urine faster through the excretory system.

    Important. If the face swells, it is difficult to clench the fingers into a fist due to excessive swelling, it is impossible to bend down due to swelling of the lower back and abdominal wall - immediately see a doctor. Such pronounced edema is a sign of preeclampsia in pregnant women, a very dangerous and insidious complication.


    Why? The risk of fluid accumulation in the legs decreases if a woman moves a lot (but feasible!) Moves. In an active mother, the chances of developing edema are reduced by about half!

    How in practice? Walking (only in the park, not on a gassed street) is an activity that is accessible and useful to almost all expectant mothers. On the day you need to walk at least 40 minutes, and even better - 2-3 hours. Special gymnastics for pregnant women, swimming with aqua aerobics, and yoga with belly dancing will help (it is better to do all this under the supervision of specialists).

    Important: If the work is predominantly sedentary, take "dynamic pauses" every hour - for 5-10 minutes, twist your feet in different sides, stand on your toes and on your heels. But sitting cross-legged is not recommended categorically!

    Special underwear

    Why? Special support underwear should be acquired no later than the middle of pregnancy. The bandage will unload the back, support the stomach, ease the load on the veins of the lower extremities. Compression stockings and tights prevent the development of varicose veins, which means they relieve the feeling of heaviness and swelling in the legs. Underwear, designed specifically for expectant mothers, protects blood vessels from excessive accumulation and stagnation of fluid in them.

    How in practice? The bandage must be chosen according to size, and be sure to adjust it so that it does not squeeze, but rather supports. The degree of compression of tights (weak or strong) will be prompted by a phlebologist, having studied the problem.

    Important: bandages, compression stockings must be worn lying down so that the load is distributed correctly.

    Get treated if needed

    Why? Preeclampsia, kidney and heart problems are very serious deviations that require hospital treatment. Preeclampsia is fraught with preeclampsia and eclampsia - deadly conditions for mother and baby. The kidneys and heart may not withstand the load and fail. In general, if the doctor, based on the results of observation and analysis, is in a hurry to write out a referral to the hospital, do not resist: the specialist knows better.

    How in practice? Cardiac edema never occurs on the hands and face, and is accompanied by some other symptoms (persistent palpitations, shortness of breath, cyanotic staining of the mucous membranes). Renal edema occurs with certain kidney diseases. Puffiness of the face, bags under the eyes appear, later - swelling of the legs and arms. Usually a woman knows that the kidneys are her weak point, and will be able to recognize specific edema in order to contact a nephrologist or urologist.

    Important: In the event of the occurrence or exacerbation of such diseases during pregnancy, treatment is carried out only in a hospital - self-medication and hope for a chance are unacceptable!

    Extensive physiological edema almost always accompanies pregnancy with twins or a large fetus. But even such edema after childbirth disappears very quickly: the fluid accumulated during pregnancy leaves the body (and this is almost 8 extra liters!). And if the swelling remains in place even a few days after the birth of the baby, then this is either overweight, and not swelling, or the cause of these swellings is not at all in pregnancy.


    I somehow treated a small cystitis, a month at the 7th pregnancy, and drank capsules with cranberries. Phytolysin prenatal. Here they relieve swelling at once, and there is no need to choke on fruit drinks

    Eating for two is not only optional, but also undesirable. I am only 10 kg. gained during this period. Nothing disturbed, but in the last month a little leg still began to swell. The doctor advised to rub the Thrombocid gel, because. it is safe and effective. I got rid of this problem very quickly.

    "Important: The average daily calorie intake should not exceed 2800-3500 calories. That is, the expectant mother does not have to "eat for two." - if you have 3500 kcal per day, you can become an elephant)))) however ..

    Comment on the article "Pregnancy and edema: causes and treatment. What and how much to drink?"

    girls, the problem is out of nowhere - I swell. moreover, the legs swell so that they become like columns. gained 4 kilos. examined - ultrasound, hormones, tests - everything is ok, in any case there is nothing that could give Or the legs swell in the evening from the heat and walking, is it swelling?


    First of all, I would analyze nutrition, remove all convenience foods and fast food, I have long taught myself not to add salt to all home-made food, instead of tea, coffee, juices, drink clean water. I would check the veins in my legs. My legs swell from the veins, but not to such an extent, I drink phlebodia in courses and at the same time smear with troxevasin, it lasts for half a year, then another course.

    Have you taken urea and creatinine for kidney values?

    Now I'll ask for myself, not for a friend. At any time, at any weight, no matter how much I work out and lose weight, at the end of a working day or just a busy day, my waist, face and ankles swell. The heart is normal, the kidneys are perfect. What else can be done?


    First, you need to check the genitourinary system for simple bacterial infections and get rid of them if they exist.
    Secondly, the body must always receive the necessary amount of water. If he doesn't get it, he delays it.
    Thirdly, it would be good to do an analysis for allergens. I am allergic, during periods when something allergenic blooms for me on the street, or suddenly I ate or drank some kind of allergen, then I instantly swell. And it’s not a diuretic that will save me, but an antihistamine. During periods when something blooms, I drink an antihistamine course.
    Fourthly, if it is vascular in nature, then run to a cardiologist. Many "cores" are obese.

    This is my question:))
    I have the same problem
    I've learned to live with it:
    Needles 1-2 times a week perfectly remove swelling and water
    Sports are a must every day: at least a pool, at least a workout, you can just walk three stops to the metro
    less salt
    Compression tights to wear

    18.07.2013 20:30:04, Frolikova without regi

    Legs swell either from sitting for a long time or from standing for a long time. Why would you stuff yourself with pills. It's better to stretch more. However, swelling (of the legs) can be a sign not only of incipient varicose veins. Pregnancy and edema: causes and treatment.


    Maybe it’s better to go to a phlebologist first, he will prescribe the right drug.

    Legs swell either from sitting for a long time or from standing for a long time. Why would you stuff yourself with pills. It's better to stretch more. Walk down the corridor, up the stairs. If you are sitting, then do gymnastics with your feet under the table. If standing work, then rise to the toes more often.

    Edema (+). My legs and arms are also swollen from the heat and from the amount of fluid I drink. Pregnancy and childbirth. And I have a terrible swelling on one leg, the doctor decided at the same time to weigh me and everything Urgently! Consult who faced! I went to the hospital with edema...


    If there is no protein in the urine, and everything is in order with the pressure, then it's okay. Can:
    buy a cream or gel for the prevention of varicose veins.
    More often "upside down" sit-lying.
    Wear shoes that do not squeeze your foot.
    Drink fruit drinks.
    I read that in European medicine, swelling of the legs in the 3rd trimester is considered a variant of the norm, and they are not looking for salvation either in drinking (in its limitation) or in a salt-free diet.
    You know, it happened to me and I once noticed a strange personal pattern of mine - you eat a real ground cucumber (without salt, bread, etc.) - and it becomes easier - I don’t know how it works, but it helped me.

    I would urgently see a doctor.

    Why are the legs affected in the first place?

    Almost all women during pregnancy face such a problem as edema. According to some reports, from 50 to 80% of healthy pregnant women suffer from this disease. For some, they are not strong, while others are forbidden by doctors to drink more than the norm.

    On the early dates Pregnancy edema is rare. But after the third month, a woman begins to notice that the skin becomes less elastic and more loose, and then the limbs and the whole body swell. As a rule, it all starts with the feet.

    How to identify and recognize

    If you cannot visually determine the presence of edema, then you can check them in another way - press your finger on the front of the shin, near the bone. If a hole remains after pressing, then you have a problem. If there is no hole, then everything is in order.

    Also, a sharp increase in the weight of a pregnant woman can be a symptom of the onset of edema.

    The weight of a pregnant woman, of course, should grow, but this should happen gradually. It is for this that the doctor weighs the pregnant woman at each appointment and monitors her condition.

    If your legs begin to swell, then it's time to monitor the amount of fluid you drink. If you notice swelling of the hands and face, then you should consult a doctor, because this indicates strong changes in the body.


    Puffiness is usually between 10 and 30 percent of body weight. However, in severe cases it can reach up to 50%.

    The degree of swelling is rated on a scale of one to four. The classification depends on how deep the pit is when pressed and how long it remains after the touch is completed.

    1. 0-2 mm: slight depression, no strong distortion, disappears almost instantly;
    2. 2-4 mm: the fossa is somewhat deeper, but the depressions are not very noticeable, disappears within 10-25 seconds;
    3. 4-6 mm: quite deep fossa, can persist for more than a minute, limbs look swollen and full;
    4. 6-8 mm: very deep fossa, does not subside within 2-5 minutes, the limbs are very swollen.


    Puffiness in pregnancy occurs because your body is holding on to more fluid than usual.

    The reasons may be:

    : the excretory system of a pregnant woman simply cannot cope with the increased load, because it must satisfy the needs of not only the mother, but also the child;
  • Enlarging uterus compresses the vessels of the small pelvis, thereby worsening the blood supply to the lower extremities.
  • As your baby grows, the uterus presses on the vessels in the pelvic area. This especially affects the inferior vena cava, through which blood flows from the lower extremities, blood circulation worsens.

    Increased pressure in the pelvis causes water to sink down and linger in the tissues of the feet and ankles. This water is usually easily absorbed by the body, but the kidneys of a pregnant woman cannot cope with the load, resulting in swelling of the legs.

    Amplifying factors

    Physiological edema of the body causes sodium - it retains water. Sodium accumulates evenly in all tissues, however, there are women who are prone to severe water and sodium retention.

    Edible foods can increase puffiness. First of all, they are any salty foods, fish and marinades.

    These products should be consumed in strictly limited quantities.

    Edema provokes and physical activity. But you need to know that this type of edema is the norm, and they appear in almost all women.

    Another type of edema is pathological. They can be both minor and indicate serious kidney disease.

    Pathological edema can be both minor and indicate serious kidney disease. They usually disappear after eliminating the causes of their appearance, as well as in compliance with bed rest in the supine position on the left side. In this position, the urinary system works faster, and urea does not linger in the body.

    Dropsy: the danger of the disease for the mother and fetus

    If the swelling does not subside and is persistent, then this may indicate a disease such as dropsy. However, do not be afraid in advance, because this disease is quite rare.

    The symptoms of dropsy are an increase in body weight immediately by twenty or more kilograms, severe swelling of the whole body, it is difficult for a woman to move, her face also becomes swollen.

    At the initial manifestation of dropsy, the fetus does not suffer. But if the disease is not treated in a timely manner, it can adversely affect the health of the child. Therefore, it is necessary to take measures in time - at the first signs of edema, you should tell your doctor about it.

    Why edema is dangerous: possible consequences

    Edema is a fairly common occurrence for expectant mothers. According to statistics, more than half of all women in labor have experienced this problem. And, perhaps, because all doctors and most expectant mothers know about swelling of the legs and arms in pregnant women, many girls are in no hurry to treat them. But in vain!

    Despite the fact that on initial stages edema is not dangerous for either the mother or the child, it is worth remembering that in more severe cases they cause high blood pressure, convulsions and loss of consciousness. And in the worst case may even end with oxygen starvation of the fetus or eclampsia.

    In addition, they lead to preeclampsia, which can adversely affect the baby's vision, the condition of his skin and lead to problems of the nervous system. Therefore, you should not rely on chance - even if the swelling seems to have gone without a trace, this does not mean that their consequences will not surface in the future. Therefore, do not delay treatment.

    How to avoid the appearance: basic rules

    In order not to treat edema in the future, try to minimize the possibility of their occurrence.

    The main and main rule - be sure to see a doctor. Only he will be able to properly monitor your body weight and, if necessary, in as soon as possible will take the necessary measures.

    The second rule is to consume no more than two liters of fluid per day. Moreover, these two liters also include first courses.

    You should also avoid eating salty foods in large quantities, try to limit your tea and coffee intake, and reduce your intake of foods containing sodium. First of all, these include fish, pickles and black bread.

    And last rule- do not worry. Even if you have severe swelling, then you need to fight it, and not be nervous. After all emotional condition women is very important. If the mother is nervous, then the child is also nervous, so try to constantly be in emotional and mental balance. Always think positive, and listen to the doctor's advice - and everything will be fine!

    How to remove and reduce swelling without risk to the fetus

    There are sets folk recipes diuretics from various herbs, infusions and berries, allowing you to remove swelling during pregnancy. But only your doctor will be able to advise the medicine necessary in a particular case. Therefore, once again I would like to recall the main rule - don't self-medicate, at the first symptoms of edema, you should consult a doctor!

    Remember that swelling, although it causes severe inconvenience, is only temporary. Like any other pregnancy problems, they should go away after your baby is born.

    Pregnancy Swelling: 11 Ways to Relieve Swelling

    During pregnancy, a woman is especially attentive to her health, and the appearance of edema during pregnancy can cause concern. You should know the causes of this common problem, and how you can alleviate the condition.

    As a rule, the ankles and legs swell first, but swelling of the hands and face is also possible. Almost 75% of women experience edema of varying degrees during pregnancy.

    What is the cause of edema during pregnancy?

    “... almost 75% of women experience edema of varying degrees during pregnancy ...”

    Causes of edema during pregnancy:

    is an excess of fluid in the tissues of the body. During pregnancy, the volume of fluid circulating in the body, including blood, increases by up to 50%.

    Sometimes the growing uterus begins to put pressure on the veins, which leads to a violation of the outflow of blood from the lower extremities, a violation of the normal blood circulation in the body. Because of this, during pregnancy, the feet, ankles and legs begin to swell.

    At the same time, swelling during pregnancy can be caused by hormonal changes in the body.

    What should expectant mothers expect?

    Basically, edema is caused by an increase in the volume of fluid in the body of a pregnant woman.

    The liquid softens the tissues, which allows them to expand and move for comfortable development and growth of the baby.

    The extra fluid also helps strengthen the pelvic joints and tissues, preparing them for childbirth.

    Most often, edema occurs in the third trimester of pregnancy.

    Sometimes the swelling increases during the day, reaching its most severe condition in the evening.

    Hot weather, a sedentary lifestyle, and fatigue usually exacerbate the condition.

    However, remember that pregnancy swelling is only a temporary condition. It will pass as soon as you give birth.

    When should a pregnant woman worry?

    Despite the fact that swelling during pregnancy is a normal option, there are conditions that require immediate medical attention. Pay attention to whether you have the following symptoms.Seek immediate medical attention if you notice any worrying symptoms!

    Severe swelling of the legs, fingers and the area around the eyes can be a symptom of preeclampsia in pregnant women.Gestosis is a serious complication of health on later dates pregnancy.With gestosis, the work of the kidneys, blood vessels and brain worsens expectant mother. Its most characteristic signs are an increase in blood pressure, swelling and the appearance of protein in urine tests, as a sign of impaired kidney function.

    If one of the legs swells more, and the swelling is accompanied by pain in the thigh and lower leg, then thismay be a sign of thrombosisand requires immediate medical attention.

    Excessive swelling of the arms and hands can be a symptom of carpal tunnel syndrome. Edema squeezes the nerve endings of the hands.

    “...signspreeclampsia - this is an increase in blood pressure, swelling and the appearance of protein in urine tests in a pregnant woman ... "

    11 tips to reduce swelling during pregnancy and alleviate the condition of a woman

    Most likely, you will not be able to completely get rid of edema during pregnancy, but you can definitely reduce unpleasant symptoms with the help of 11 simple rules:

    1. Move!

    Try not to sit or stand for long periods of time.

    • If you have to stand for a long time, be sure to take breaks and sit down.
    • If you have to sit for a long time, get up and walk around.
    • Don't sit cross-legged.
    • During breaks, do simple exercises for the arms and legs.

    2. Sleep on your left side.

    When you sleep on your left side, the load on the vein that carries blood from the lower extremities to the heart is less.

    • Position your feet on a raised platform, such as using a pillow. This will reduce pain and visibly reduce swelling in the legs.

    3. Eat right.

    Compliance with a balanced and avoiding unhealthy foods will help reduce pain and swelling.

    • Eat more vegetables and fruits.
    • Limit your intake of salt, sugar and fatty foods.
    • Avoid convenience foods and fast food.
    • Do not eat canned foods, they contain a lot of salt, vinegar and preservatives.
    • Increase your daily dose of vitamins C and E (be sure to check with your doctor first).

    4. Drink water.

    Medical experts call 8-10 glasses of water a necessary norm for pregnant women.

    • Water helps to remove toxins and toxins from the body, and also lowers the level of salt in the body.
    • Sufficient water intake reduces swelling, as the body stops retaining water as a reserve.

    Important! Drink plain water. Juices, carbonated drinks, sweet teas contain a lot of sugar, which will have a bad effect on swelling during pregnancy.

    5. Sports are useful for pregnant women.

    With your doctor's approval, you can perform special exercises for pregnant women, stretching, swimming. Daily walks in the fresh air also accelerate blood circulation throughout the body and cheer up.

    In the absence of contraindications during pregnancy, water sports are especially useful: swimming and water aerobics.On the one hand, this is an active movement, good physical activity, on the other hand, water puts pressure on the skin, preventing the vessels from expanding and the legs from swelling.

    6. Lymphatic drainage massage of the legs during pregnancy.

    If there are no contraindications during pregnancy, you can do lymphatic drainage massage of the legs (pressotherapy). Massage can be done by a specially trained massage therapist, or on your own with the help of special pressotherapy devices with cuffs on your legs.

    • Pressotherapy naturally removes excess fluid from the bodyand metabolic products (slags and toxins).
    • Pressotherapy eliminates skin laxity and, by activating the body's resources, naturally improves its condition, making the skin smoother and more elastic.

    7. Choose comfortable shoes.

    Some moms-to-be have a foot that expands during pregnancy, and their usual shoes are no longer comfortable. And tight lacing of boots can impair blood circulation.

    • Choose light, comfortable shoes without a heel.
    • Some doctors also recommend orthopedic shoes and insoles. It is believed that such shoes help relieve pain, swelling, and even relieve back pain.

    8. Avoid tight clothing

    Clothing should not squeeze the ankles and wrists.

    • Loose clothing does not interfere with the circulation of blood and other body fluids.
    • Wear compression stockings or special tights for pregnant women, which do not squeeze the stomach and promote normal outflow of blood from the lower extremities.

    9. Try folk methods and home therapy

    After consulting with a specialist, you can:

    • Gently massage your feet using massage oil. Movements should be soft and directed from the bottom up.
    • Make foot baths from infusions of cypress, lavender and chamomile.
    • Drink herbal teas.

    10. Relax in the water

    Soak your feet in a cold water bath. Water compresses the tissues of the body, and you experience relief from pain and heaviness in the legs. Coolness brings relief.

    11. Do not smoke and reduce your coffee intake.

    Always remember that pregnancy swelling is only temporary and will disappear as soon as your baby is born.

    Take care of your health, be attentive to yourself, take care and support good mood!

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    The fact that during the period of bearing a child, legs, arms, face can swell, many newly-made pregnant women know. And it seems to be considered normal, because this happens often. But why then do doctors watch so diligently and certainly pay attention to whether their ward is edematous? Can "pregnant" edema be something dangerous?

    Puffiness is a condition when excess fluid collects in the tissues. We notice this in the form of swelling, which primarily appears on the face and legs, but also during pregnancy, the arms, abdomen, and lower back may swell.

    In fact, swelling during pregnancy is a common phenomenon and has its own explanations. Firstly, the body's needs for fluid are constantly increasing, so the further, the more a woman wants to drink. A significant part of the weight gained during pregnancy is just liquid. Secondly, sodium accumulates in the woman's body - in the vessels and in all tissues except bone. And sodium, as you know, attracts to itself and, thus, retains water in the body. This is how edema appears.

    Swollen nose during pregnancy

    First of all, fluid retention in the tissues manifests itself on the face of a woman: it is rounded, the eyelids swell and visually the eyes become narrower and smaller. Often, with swelling on the face, renal edema begins, requiring treatment, which is a little lower.

    Among other things, the nose swells. But it is not at all excluded that such a symptom has a different nature. Problems with nasal breathing are a fairly common phenomenon among pregnant women. Often we are talking about the "runny nose of pregnant women", which is caused by hormonal changes. At the same time, the nasal mucosa swells, breathing through the nose becomes difficult, itching and dryness in the nose appear - the woman experiences severe discomfort.

    Rhinitis of pregnancy may occur at different times of the day (for example, only in the evening and at night or throughout the day), on different terms and in some cases accompany the entire pregnancy. But after childbirth, this unpleasant companion will disappear. Now the main thing is to find an effective safe remedy from runny nose and stuffy nose. By itself, the runny nose of pregnant women is not dangerous, but it can lead to insufficient oxygen supply to the fetus, which is very undesirable.

    Swelling of the nose during pregnancy may well be an allergic manifestation. Analyze all your recent activities and assess the likelihood that you may need to find an allergen source (new washing powder, flowering plants, etc.)

    Sometimes swelling of the nose and lips manifests itself from the first weeks of pregnancy as the most early sign, although much more often such nasal swelling occurs already on recent weeks pregnancy. In general, everything is quite individual: many expectant mothers do not experience anything like this at all.

    Hands and fingers swell during pregnancy

    Hands and fingers swell more often during pregnancy. The woman feels tingling in the fingers, burning in the wrists, numbness of the hands. a clear sign puffiness can be considered swelling of the fingers to the point that it becomes impossible to remove the ring. Another way to check for swelling is to press your finger on the skin of your hand: if there is a dent, then you can talk about swelling.

    The formation of swelling of the hands during pregnancy is more prone to women who work a lot with a computer mouse and keyboard or do other things that require repeated repetition of the same actions, for example, knitting or modeling. In this case, the so-called tunnel syndrome develops: the fluid accumulating in the wrist puts pressure on the nerve passing here, which causes pain.

    Gymnastics for the hands and more rest will not interfere with you at all.

    If the swelling of the hands and fingers during pregnancy is combined with other swelling - back, sacrum, lower abdomen - then you should notify your doctor about this.

    swollen legs during pregnancy

    However, most often the legs swell during pregnancy. They noticeably swell, it becomes incredibly difficult to put on the old shoes, especially if you walked a lot and took off your shoes before. The first sign of swelling of the legs may be a mark on the ankle from the gum of the socks.

    In most cases, swelling of the legs during pregnancy appears in the third trimester and is not dangerous. Almost every pregnant woman experiences swelling of the legs of varying degrees, so you should not worry too much about this. But they can also be one of the signs late toxicosis- a condition that is definitely dangerous for both the child and the woman. Therefore, this fact should not be left without attention either, and in no case. Talk to your doctor about how to prevent and treat swollen feet - it's really easy to do at home.

    If by morning the swelling of the legs does not go away, and the hands, face, stomach and lower back swell along with the legs, then a visit to the doctor should be made immediately.

    Edema during pregnancy: folk remedies

    Usually, if the cause of edema in a pregnant woman is eliminated, they disappear on their own within a few days. To do this, it is necessary to significantly reduce the consumption of table salt, not overwork, ensure normal rest and exclude exposure to the sun.

    It is a mistake to think that you need to drink as little as possible. Today, doctors no longer advise pregnant women to reduce fluid intake in case of swelling. After all, now it’s impossible to live without liquid, it is simply necessary for normal development pregnancy, moreover, a sharp reduction in its quantity will lead to the opposite effect: the body will begin to accumulate water in reserve. So you still have to drink enough - at least one and a half liters, excluding soups and fruits. It is best to drink clean water, you can add lemon, cranberry and lingonberry fruit drinks are also very useful (they have a diuretic effect). Now give up coffee.

    Eliminate all provoking factors. Eat less salty foods (first of all, exclude sauerkraut, pickled cucumbers, herring, black bread, salted nuts, olives), spices, carbonated drinks, foods high in sodium (tomatoes, seeds, nuts), give up fried , smoked. Instead, increase the amount of protein in your diet. Once a week, you can spend a fasting day on apples and juice.

    Do not walk in the heat, do not overwork, do not sit for a long time in one position, do physical education (if there are no contraindications, of course). Of great importance is a good rest and walks in the fresh air. Keep your feet elevated while you sleep. To alleviate the condition will help the adoption of the knee-elbow position for 5-10 minutes.

    In folk medicine, there are many different recipes for combating edema:

    • Diuretic herbs help well - bear ears, a leaf of bearberry or lingonberry, horsetail, cherry stalks, hawthorn flowers and berries, kidney fees - no more than one glass of decoction or infusion per day and no more than 1 month.
    • A decoction of dried apricots: pour boiling water over dried apricots and leave overnight, and in the morning drink this compote 30-40 minutes before meals.

    There are many other folk recipes against puffiness. Just do not resort to the treatment of edema with medications, for example, diuretic tablets. However, any action should be coordinated with a doctor, and phytotherapy is no exception.

    Cool foot baths also help: the water should not be icy, but not warm either. Hold your feet in the bath for 10-15 minutes, then lie on your left side and rest a little, lifting your legs above the level of your heart. Try not to lie on your back at all. If there is someone to give you a foot massage, then generally wonderful! After the procedures done, the swelling should go away.

    AT this case we are talking about physiological, that is, “normal” edema for pregnant women, which affects approximately 75-80% of expectant mothers. They do not pose a threat to the fetus, although such manifestations should be eliminated. But swelling during pregnancy is not always so harmless. If you do not pay attention to them in time and do not take the necessary measures, then problems will begin.

    Edema with gestosis

    In general, edema during pregnancy is one of the three most striking symptoms (late toxicosis). Therefore, most often they appear in the third trimester. The more you run puffiness, the greater the risks will await you and the unborn baby.

    There are 4 degrees of preeclampsia, in which puffiness manifests itself in different ways:

    • I - dropsy of pregnant women. In addition to edema, there is a general weight gain, weakness, fatigue.
    • II - nephropathy of pregnant women. In addition to edema, protein in the urine or increased blood pressure may also appear. If all three symptoms are noted at the same time, the condition is considered as threatening for the woman.
    • III - preeclampsia. In this case, changes in the fundus and brain adjoin nephropathy.
    • IV - eclampsia. Convulsions begin - the condition itself is extremely dangerous for both the woman and the child.

    However, this is not all. In addition to gestational edema, cardiac and renal edema can also develop during pregnancy, which often appear earlier than in the third trimester.

    Cardiac edema can occur if a woman has heart problems. Moreover, they are always located below: from the waist and below. On physical examination, the liver is found to be enlarged. And before the appearance of edema, a woman has shortness of breath and an increased heartbeat, her lips may turn blue.

    Unlike cardiac, renal edema begins with the face, bags under the eyes are characteristic, and later hands and feet may swell. The reason is the kidney disease of a woman in the past or developed now, against the background of pregnancy, which must be treated.

    When is edema a threat?

    If you are dealing with physiological edema that disappears after the elimination of the provoking factor, as we wrote about above, there is no reason to worry. But as soon as you notice that the edema does not go away on its own (you wake up edematous in the morning), and also that, in addition to the legs, the arms, legs, hips, abdomen, lower back also swell, then immediately tell your gynecologist about this.

    Rapid weight gain (more than 20 kg in total or more than 300 g per week) is also a serious cause for concern, so you need to weigh yourself regularly.

    The degree of swelling at home can be checked as follows: press your finger in the shin area, where the bone is covered only by skin (without muscles) - in front of the bottom of the leg. If the skin immediately returns to its place, everything is in order. If a dent remains there for a while, swelling is evident, or rather on the leg.

    AT outpatient settings you can do necessary tests or do a McClure-Aldrich puffiness test.

    What is the danger of swelling during pregnancy?

    In most cases, it is physiological swelling that is observed in pregnant women. It does not pose a threat, in fact, like dropsy of pregnant women. But such manifestations should not be left without attention.

    If there is a problem, that is, we are talking about the second and further degree of preeclampsia, then it must be solved. Even if at the same time the pregnant woman feels normal, puffiness, along with other symptoms, is an alarm signal. Ignoring threatens you with a violation of communication in the "mother - placenta - fetus" system. This primarily promises oxygen starvation of the child with all the ensuing consequences. In the event of serious complications, it may even be necessary to terminate the pregnancy.

    Treatment of edema during pregnancy

    Treatment of edema during pregnancy, as a rule, begins with the above recommendations, mainly with the normalization of sleep and rest and diet. The attending physician will certainly monitor weight gain, and will also recommend that you monitor the amount of fluid consumed and excreted by the body.

    Much will depend on the results of the analysis. If protein is found in the urine, especially against the background of high blood pressure and shortness of breath, then the woman will be asked to hospital treatment. It is aimed at eliminating the cause of the formation of edema, improving the functioning of the kidneys and heart, and uteroplacental blood flow. Vitamin preparations are usually prescribed - magnesium, vitamin E, lipoic acid.

    Drug treatment of edema during pregnancy is required only when they are accompanied by a violation of the functions of important organs (liver, kidneys, heart), since diuretics during pregnancy can only be used in extreme cases due to a large number contraindications and side effects, as well as possible toxic effects on the fetus.

    In each individual case, the appointments will be different, so the treatment of edema during pregnancy can and should be prescribed only by a specialist and only based on the results of a complete examination! Do not worry about the appointments, because the treatment necessarily compares the potential risk and the likely benefit.

    Be healthy!

    Specially for- Elena Kichak

    From Guest

    I had terrible edema from 6 months of pregnancy. All arms, legs, stomach, face swelled. Gained 2-3kg in 1-2 weeks. The doctor answered only one thing "eat and drink less." Even though I ate and drank so little. My legs hurt terribly, I went to bed and woke up with pain. Walking was hard and painful. I read a lot of information about swelling, I came across an interesting article about the benefits of lemons. I started drinking water with lemon. I completely refused plain water, I drink it only with the addition of lemon. After a while, the swelling went away, the legs do not hurt. I advise everyone.

    From Guest

    I also used Venolgon 911 gel, after work, when I simply didn’t feel my legs, I took a contrast shower and smeared it with this gel, such a pleasant chill goes down my legs. Puffiness and fatigue disappear very quickly.

    From Guest

    I’ve been saving myself from edema for more than a year now with the venolgon 911 pharmacy balm, it relieves puffiness in 25 minutes, improves blood circulation, I feel light in my legs, I used to take baths, they helped, but usually in such situations there is no time, and the gel quickly applied, rested a little and legs came in order. And during pregnancy she smeared them in the last months.

    After the fertilization of the egg, the woman's body goes through a stage of hormonal and physiological changes in order to create favorable conditions for the development of a new life. If a woman is completely healthy, she can easily endure this process for all nine months. But if any organs and systems fail, then it is quite natural that various complications arise. One of the frequent companions of pregnancy is swelling of the extremities. In the later stages, slight swelling of the legs does not cause worries and is considered quite normal and safe for a woman. But under such a symptom, more serious diseases are often masked. So let's find out why the legs swell during pregnancy? How to deal with it? And how to find the line between normal and life-threatening condition.

    Edema is an excess of free fluid in organs and intercellular spaces due to a violation of its outflow. Swelling can be localized, that is, appear in a specific area, or spread widely throughout the body.

    During pregnancy this pathological condition how swelling of the legs occurs in almost every woman to one degree or another. A slight swelling of the ankles in the late afternoon is a common occurrence in the second half of pregnancy. These are normal physiological edema and do not require any treatment. This happens for the following reasons:

    1. Hormonal changes. The main guardian of pregnancy is progesterone. This hormone from beginning to end adjusts the female body to the needs of the baby. It directly affects the increase in pressure inside the capillaries, which contributes to the accumulation of excess fluid in a woman's body, especially if she leads an inactive lifestyle.
    2. Decrease in the concentration of proteins in the blood plasma. The amount of albumin is significantly reduced closer to the third trimester, which often causes physiological edema of the extremities.
    3. Increased blood volume and total circulating fluid. To provide for the baby necessary quantity the woman's blood increases by about 40%. In addition, for 9 months, almost 7 liters of additional fluid accumulate in tissues and organs, which does not always spread evenly and “slides” into the lower parts of the body.
    4. Stagnation of blood in the pelvic organs. Constantly growing uterus, actively squeezing nearby internal organs. It is difficult for blood to travel from the legs to the heart. A woman has shortness of breath, and her legs swell during pregnancy. But the most affected are the veins in the pelvic area, which are clamped between the large uterus and the spine. In addition to swelling, this causes discomfort and tingling in the pelvic organs.
    5. Not proper nutrition and inadequate rest. No matter how great the desire of a woman in a delicate position to eat something salty and spicy, you need to control yourself. Excess sodium in the body binds a huge number of water molecules, which ultimately leads to swelling of the legs. And if you add an inactive lifestyle to salty dishes, then a strong swelling of the legs during pregnancy is guaranteed.

    It is quite easy to improve well-being, and eliminate the accumulation of fluid in the legs. As a rule, a woman should only slightly replace the daily routine and the usual diet with a more acceptable one. But there are times when small swelling of the feet and ankles begin to "spread" up the legs, often reaching the very eyes. At the same time, the woman's condition deteriorates sharply, and there is a threat to her and the baby. This situation is already pathological, and is subject to medical treatment. There are plenty of reasons for this: chronic diseases, and inflammatory processes and late preeclampsia.

    Pathological swelling of the legs during pregnancy - causes:

    1. Preeclampsia. This is the most common cause of water-salt imbalance in the gestational period. Preeclampsia develops in the second half of pregnancy and has the ability to progress. In this case, 4 stages of edema are diagnosed. In the most severe cases, in addition to the legs, the abdomen, hands and face swell. The course of the disease is complicated by high blood pressure and the presence of protein in the urine.
    2. Diseases of the urogenital area. If a woman has a history of impaired kidney function, then after conception, she will almost certainly have to face swelling of the legs in the early stages of pregnancy. In pregnant women, the kidneys always work in an enhanced mode, so if they do not cope well, then all the excess fluid will be localized in the legs.
    3. Endocrine Disorders. Malfunctions in the thyroid gland can cause severe swelling of the body. Hypothyroidism is especially dangerous. This condition is characterized by reduced activity of the gland, which is not able to independently synthesize the required amount of hormones from iodine. In this case, the entire body begins to work in a weakened mode.
    4. Cardiovascular pathologies. In order for pregnancy to be easy and successful, a woman needs a healthy heart that can safely pump an ever-increasing amount of blood and provide mom and baby with oxygen.
    5. Phlebeurysm. The course of this disease often only worsens after conception. Increased intravenous pressure causes pain and severe physical discomfort to a woman. In this case, edema can be asymmetrical, for example, only edema occurs right leg during pregnancy, where varicose veins are more pronounced.
    6. Allergy. A sudden swelling on the body, including on the legs, may indicate a manifestation allergic reaction for a substance or product. If the edema covers the knee-elbow zones and the face, the woman needs an urgent health care, as it may be Quincke's edema, which is life-threatening.

    Edema during pregnancy: symptoms and diagnosis

    Mild edema, as mentioned above, is not considered dangerous for pregnancy and cannot be treated. But this does not mean that you should neglect the visit to the doctor when there are problems with fluid retention. Sometimes the symptoms of barely noticeable edema in the first weeks of pregnancy may indicate severe heart or kidney defects. Timely treatment of these diseases helps to keep the pregnancy.

    Edema does not immediately become apparent for women. Their appearance is preceded by the following symptoms:

    • A sharp increase in weight (more than 300 g per week).
    • Difficulty wearing rings and shoes.
    • Slight tingling in limbs.

    Swelling of the legs during pregnancy, which is common to all women in this position, should not normally appear until the 30th week of gestation. It is localized exclusively in the legs. As a rule, in the evening, the feet and lower legs swell slightly, and by the morning after a good rest, the swelling subsides. You can determine the excess fluid as follows: press the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe alleged edema with your finger and sharply take your finger. If a hole remains, then there is swelling.

    When a woman goes to the doctor about edema, she has to undergo an easy diagnosis:

    • Determination of the degree of pastosity. The doctor evaluates the recovery time of skin turgor after pressing a finger on a swollen area.
    • Weighing. Such a simple procedure helps to determine the percentage of excess fluid in the body.
    • Delivery of analyses. The presence / absence of protein in the urine is determined. Also under study general analysis blood to exclude inflammatory processes.
    • daily diuresis. A woman will need to calculate the amount of fluid drunk and excreted by the kidneys.

    Based on the results of the research, the doctor will determine the cause of the violations and advise the woman on how to remove swelling of the legs during pregnancy. If a woman's condition worsens, she is hospitalized for deeper diagnosis and subsequent treatment.

    Important! If you notice swelling in your hands, in the area of ​​​​the eyes or hips, and after resting the condition does not improve, then you need to see a doctor for an examination.

    What are the dangers of swelling during pregnancy

    Any swelling that is accompanied by a deterioration in the condition of a woman carries a potential risk for the baby. Especially dangerous is gestosis. It begins with dropsy and may end in eclampsia, which is accompanied by extensive edema, high blood pressure, and impaired kidney function. This can cause oxygen starvation in the fetus, deficiency useful substances and severe developmental disorders. Pregnancy often ends premature birth and perinatal death of the child.

    On a note! Sometimes women in position complain of swelling of only one limb. This may be for various reasons. For example, if the left leg constantly swells during pregnancy, this may be a signal of heart failure or thrombophlebitis.

    How to alleviate the condition of a woman with swelling of the legs

    Only a gynecologist should determine the cause of edema and prescribe treatment. Sometimes an additional consultation of a narrow-profile doctor is required if a woman has more serious diseases that cause complications in the form of swelling of the legs during pregnancy in the later stages.

    If there are no reasons for concern, and the swelling is purely physiological, the doctor can give some advice to improve the woman's well-being:

    • vitamin therapy. B vitamins strengthen capillary networks well, which prevents the ingress of fluid from the blood into the intercellular zone.
    • Wearing compression underwear. Specially made tights or stockings will keep the capillaries toned, which will help reduce swelling and heaviness in the legs.
    • Cool salt baths for legs. 10 minute water procedures will help the legs to get in shape faster.
    • Diet. To eliminate swelling of the hands and feet during pregnancy, the daily diet should include a sufficient amount of foods rich in protein, fiber and vitamins. Salty and fried foods are excluded. Water intake is limited (up to 1.5 liters per day).
    • Light exercise. The doctor may advise resting with the legs raised above the level of the heart. Light exercise for pregnant women or yoga will also help relieve discomfort in the legs.
    • Complete rest. A woman suffering from edema should not be standing for a long time and sitting position. Avoid hot environments and high heels.
    • Limb massage. Gentle massaging helps to restore normal blood circulation.

    Medical treatment of edema

    If a general recommendations do not help a woman get rid of swelling of the feet during pregnancy, then the doctor may prescribe appropriate treatment with ointments and diuretics. True, only if there are serious reasons for violation water balance no. In case of preeclampsia or other serious complications, treatment is carried out only in a hospital.

    Important! Self-administration of the following medications during pregnancy is unacceptable. The decision about their appointment is made by the doctor after an internal examination of the woman.

    1. Preparations for external use. Various gels and ointments based on heparin, horse chestnut extract and rutin help to establish the outflow of fluid from the lower extremities. During pregnancy, drugs such as Lyoton, Venitan, Heparin Ointment, Troxevasin are prescribed.
    2. Synthetic diuretics. It can be quite difficult to remove swelling of the legs at the 39th week of pregnancy before the upcoming birth, so it is advisable to prescribe more effective diuretics (Veroshpiron, Furosemide, Hypothiazid).
    3. Herbal diuretics. Diuretic herbal teas and homeopathic drops help to strengthen daily diuresis (the amount of urine excreted). The woman is assigned "Canephron", "Nephrofit", "Cyston".

    Non-traditional methods of treatment

    Among women in position suffering from edema, recipes are very popular traditional medicine. If fluid retention does not cause concern to the doctor, then the use of "grandmother's" recipes to improve a woman's well-being in most cases is only welcomed by gynecologists. But I would like to draw attention to the fact that only a specialist can make a decision on how to remove swelling of the legs during pregnancy with the help of folk remedies. A woman in position will still not be able to solve this problem on her own, therefore it is better to seek help as soon as possible in order to prevent the appearance of preeclampsia.

    How traditional medicine can help:

    • Compresses. Young, pre-chilled cabbage leaves should be applied to places of the greatest accumulation of fluid. The compress should be kept on the body until the leaves become wet. Then they can be replaced with new ones. After several procedures, the discomfort in the legs will disappear.
    • A decoction of dried apricots. Dried apricots will help increase daily diuresis. To 1 tbsp. l. dried fruits, you need to add 200 mg of boiling water. The infusion should be infused for 10-12 hours. The infusion is taken 45 minutes before meals.
    • Contrasting foot massage. It is necessary to freeze a decoction of herbs (chamomile, sage, calendula) in special containers for ice. Then do a light foot massage with ice cubes before going to bed.
    • Diuretic infusion. It is necessary to mix birch buds, horsetail and knotweed in equal proportions. Take 1 tsp. herbs and brew in a glass of boiling water. Take three times a day, a teaspoon after a meal. The course of treatment is three weeks.

    Prevention of leg swelling during pregnancy

    Edema in pregnant women is much easier to prevent than to look for ways to eliminate them later. The preventive program includes not only the way of life of a woman after conception, but also scrupulous preparation for this event. Ideally, you need to take care of your very health even before pregnancy and cure all chronic diseases (if any). So, what can a woman do to avoid water-salt imbalance:

    • Keep your weight under control. extra pair a kilogram can, in addition to swelling, provoke attacks of hypertension and gestational diabetes.
    • Eat in a balanced way. Eliminate foods high in salt, which retains fluid in the cells. Diversify your diet with fruits and vegetables with plenty of vitamin C, A, E. Be sure to replenish your protein supply by eating fish and meat.
    • Walk more in the fresh air and fully relax with your feet on the roller. This is especially useful starting from the 37th week of pregnancy, when the legs swell most often.
    • The required amount of drinking water (an average of 1.5-2 liters per day) try to drink before 7 pm.
    • Engage in light physical activity for pregnant women: yoga, swimming, walking, exercising. This will help improve blood circulation, strengthen capillary walls and prevent the accumulation of excess water in the body.

    A healthy lifestyle is the prevention of swelling in the gestational period. But this does not always work when a woman has chronic diseases. If a woman, despite an exemplary daily routine and proper nutrition, feels swelling of her legs during pregnancy, treatment is best done at the initial stage of the onset of the pathology. This will help to avoid many complications in the later stages of pregnancy.

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