• Determining weeks of pregnancy based on the last menstruation. Ways to calculate gestational age


    Pregnancy calculator allows you to calculate exact date and find out what week of pregnancy you are currently in, as well as your expected due date. To calculate, select the date of the first day of your last menstruation at the top of the calculator and click on the "Calculate" button. The calculator will then automatically display your current week of pregnancy and your estimated due date.

    For each week of pregnancy, two exact dates are displayed: the start day and the end day. The interval between them is exactly 7 days. You can scroll through the weeks of pregnancy using the arrows. A complete list of weeks from 1 to 40 is at the very bottom of the calculator. By clicking on them, you can also scroll through the slider to the desired week. The trimester of pregnancy to which each week belongs is indicated by Roman numerals at the bottom (at the slider) and in the upper right corner of the cells (in full list weeks). Also, trimesters are indicated in pink, orange and blue respectively. In general, the very concept of pregnancy trimesters is quite arbitrary and their boundaries are not clearly defined. We took as a basis the most common classification, in which the second trimester begins at the 14th week and ends at the 28th. Only your obstetrician-gynecologist can calculate trimesters more accurately after an ultrasound examination.

    In the images you can see an approximate illustration of the baby's development inside the womb for each week. To the left of the images is short description fetal growth for a given week. You can find more complete and detailed information by clicking on the “More details” link, which is located under each description.

    Method for calculating gestational age

    The calculator calculates the so-called “obstetric” gestational age. It differs from the actual period by about two weeks. This method calculation is used in gynecology, because It is very difficult to calculate the exact day of conception. Therefore, the calculation is based on the first day of the last menstruation, the date of which, as a rule, every woman remembers. 280 days or 40 weeks are added to this day. So the first two weeks obstetric period you are not pregnant yet, because... ovulation has not yet occurred (based on the average duration of the menstrual cycle of 28 days). This method is not completely accurate because some women ovulate late or early. But, in general, for most expectant mothers such a calculation turns out to be quite accurate.

    In any case, we draw your attention to the fact that the pregnancy calculator allows you to calculate the due date using the most general formula, which does not take into account individual characteristics your body. It cannot be used for self-diagnosis or any other medical purposes, since the results of its calculations are for informational purposes only. All precise calculations and any other manipulations should be carried out only by your attending physician.

    Read in this article:

    The pregnancy calendar is a kind of list of all important points pregnancy. You can also use it to calculate your due date. In order to calculate when a long-awaited event will happen, you simply need to:

    1. Remember the date of your last period, for example: December 17, 2015.
    2. Then the most likely date of conception: January 1, 2016.
    3. Estimated date of birth of the child: September 22, 2016.

    You can determine the expected date of birth yourself using simple diagram calculation. To do this, you need to remember the date of the first day of your last menstruation and add 280 days to this number.

    Online pregnancy calculator

    Especially for you, dear expectant mothers, the site has developed an online pregnancy calendar. With it, you can easily find out the date of the expected birth, the age of the baby in the tummy, how many days are left until the significant event, and also find out who your baby will be according to the zodiac sign.

    First trimester of pregnancy

    1st week. Now it is still difficult to talk about pregnancy as such. But the beginning of pregnancy is considered to be from the first day of the last menstruation, since at this time the egg expectant mother begins to ripen. At the same time it changes hormonal background, such changes in the body occur so that the egg can easily accept the male principle.

    2nd week. During this period, among all the eggs, the one that becomes the leader appears. And after a couple of days of graffiti, the bubble will become larger. Then it will rupture and the egg will fall into fallopian tube where it will meet the sperm. It is easy for a woman to find out about a breakup; during this period, discomfort lower abdomen. This gap is called ovulation. You can keep an ovulation calculator, then it will be easy to calculate exactly when it should occur.

    3rd week. According to the pregnancy calculator, you have already ovulated and fertilized. This week the embryo proved its right to exist. At this time, the sex cells, head and coccyx-tail of the baby begin to form. The embryo is implanted into the uterine cavity.

    4th week. You can do a test. You already have enough human chorionic gonadotropin. The placenta, umbilical cord and yolk sac begin to form. The child's height is 0.2 mm and weight is 0.5 g.

    You have probably already noticed the physical changes that have occurred to you, namely:

    • absence of menstruation;
    • the breast becomes denser, its sensitivity increases;
    • Sometimes you may feel sick, especially morning sickness;
    • change in taste preferences;
    • severe sensitivity to odors, sometimes to the point of irritation.

    5th week. This time is considered the end of the first month. The baby is still very small, its length is from 1.5 to 2.5 mm. He feeds with the help of his mother's blood. His heart began to beat. The notochord gradually develops, which will later become the spine, blood vessels begin to depart from the heart, and the nervous system and brain are not inferior to them in development. Now on the pregnancy calculator you can note that your baby is already clearly visible where his arms, legs and head will be.

    Many women are already beginning to psychologically feel that a small miracle is growing inside them, and against the backdrop of this and the background of changing hormones, their mood often changes. TO emotional state often accompanied by: nausea, frequent urination, drowsiness. However, it happens that some expectant mothers are lucky, and they don’t feel anything like that.

    6th week. The embryo develops in the formed amniotic sac, which now protects the child from everything. The heart has already formed and beats at a frequency of 140-150 beats per minute. The length of the embryo is 4-5 mm, weight - 1.3 g. The bases of the legs and arms appear, and on the head there are small depressions in which eyes are then formed. The rudiments of the intestines, liver, kidneys, and immune system are formed.

    You should be very vigilant throughout your pregnancy. But this week it’s even more so, since you’re just starting to get used to your special condition. Go to bed earlier, rest more often, stop walking in heels.

    Development of pregnancy in the second half of the first trimester

    7th week. On the pregnancy calculator, the seventh week is the middle of the second month. It cannot be considered the easiest for an expectant mother. You still have toxicosis, heartburn and bloating have been added to it, your breasts have become even larger, and your aureole has darkened.

    The length of the embryo is 6-9 mm, and the weight is approximately 1.8 g. The head is very large, much larger than the body, and is lowered to the chest. Arms and legs are already distinguishable. The oral cavity is formed. The eyelids and ears are also forming. The nervous system has practically formed. The heart pumps blood.

    Week 8 If you run the calculator not by weeks, but by days, it turns out that your baby is already 50-56 days old. His height is 1.27 cm and his weight is 2.1 g. He is starting to resemble a baby. The heart completes its formation, its connection with large vessels occurs. The stomach takes the correct position and is in its place. The face begins to form. If it is to be a boy, then the testicles will also form.

    Week 9 The embryo is already almost 3 cm, and its weight is 4 g. The cerebellum is forming. The facial features are slightly different, fingers have formed, and now the baby can bend them. Formation of bones and joints occurs.

    If you are tracking your pregnancy week by week, you should know what exactly is happening during this time. a large number of miscarriages. Such a disaster happens due to the fact that all the functions of the corpus luteum are taken over by the placenta. Of course, if it developed without pathologies, then everything should be fine. But it is best to protect yourself from stress.

    Week 10 The child is already moving his limbs, although you don’t feel it yet, and may squint and swallow. Form on the fingers nail plates, and on the head are formed upper lip and ears. Baby teeth (so eat more foods that contain calcium) and genitals begin to form.

    It’s most likely already difficult for you to button your pants—you’ve gained weight. If you don’t want to gain too much during pregnancy, but also feed your baby well, then you should eat a balanced diet.

    11th week. Fetal height is 6 cm, weight is 8 g. The baby has grown significantly. His eyes, ears, nose, and mouth are already formed. The umbilical cord has formed. Most likely, he already feels with his palms, since his nervous system is practically developed.

    On your pregnancy calculator, it is worth noting that in the period from 11 to 13 weeks you must visit a gynecologist so that he can refer you for tests, such as:

    • blood chemistry;
    • cytology and flora analysis;
    • if necessary, additional tests.

    The first ultrasound is just intended for this period. It can reveal fetal abnormalities and show how many children you will have.

    Week 12. The baby is 8 cm tall and weighs 14 g. Although the baby is still very small and you can’t feel it, he is actively moving his arms and legs. The mouth can already open and close. The body becomes more like a human body. The sex has not yet been determined, but the fetus can already urinate.

    If you keep track of your pregnancy by week, the first trimester is coming to an end. Some people have already lost their nausea. You still have sudden mood swings, but gradually your mood will stabilize. Remember: any pain, heaviness in the lower abdomen, copious discharge from the vagina should alert you. In this case, you should rest. And if bloody discharge appears, consult a doctor immediately. This is a symptom of a miscarriage.

    Week 13. The baby is still very tiny: height - 10 cm, weight 15-20 g, but all his milk teeth are already formed, his intestines begin to contract periodically, and his brain takes on the resemblance of an adult’s brain. The baby can shake his head.

    Your morning sickness and nervousness have finally disappeared. You feel much better. You probably want to go back to work. With peace of mind you can do this. The main thing is not to forget about walks fresh air, walk for at least two hours, walk a lot.

    Second trimester of pregnancy

    The pregnancy calculator shows that the second stage of pregnancy has begun.

    Week 14 Almost all of the baby’s organs have formed, and they will continue to grow as he grows. They begin to fulfill their functions. The child tries to show his first emotions. Eyebrows begin to grow and the first fluff appears. The placenta nourishes and protects the child.

    Since your uterus has already grown a little, your belly has become noticeable. She also began to put pressure on internal organs, so you'll likely need to go to the toilet more often because there's a lot of pressure on your bladder.

    Week 15. If you touch your stomach, you will feel that the fundus of the uterus is located 7 cm below the navel. The baby's height is 13 cm, and his weight is 50 g. The baby's skin is still very thin. This week the color of future hair begins to be determined. The child can distinguish sounds, listens to the mother’s heartbeat, it calms him down. The water in the bubble changes all the time, so everything in the middle remains sterile.

    Most likely, you have a dark line on your stomach and darker areolas. Don't worry, this will all go away after giving birth.

    Week 16 Lanugo is forming throughout the baby's body. He has all the signs of a human, right down to his eyelashes. Play classical music for your child, because he can already hear, and pleasant music has a good effect on development.

    The pregnancy calculator reports that a miracle may happen this week and you will finally feel your baby moving. Your memory may have deteriorated, but you shouldn’t worry about it, the reason for this is the play of hormones.

    Week 17 Height - 15-16 cm, weight - 140 g. The baby is covered with fluff, the bones are beginning to harden. Blood vessels are still visible through the skin. Rib cage rises and falls.

    The uterus has grown even more. You continue to go to the toilet frequently. Try to avoid people who smoke, smoking is very harmful to your baby. The child takes a lot of your microelements, including red blood cells, so anemia may occur, then seek help from a doctor.

    Second half of the second trimester of pregnancy

    Week 18. Height - 20-22 cm, weight - 230 g. Brain growth continues. Fingers and toes are formed, bones are strengthened. The placenta serves as a barrier against all troubles. The heart beats even faster, speeding up blood circulation.

    If you keep your personal pregnancy calculator, then take it in your hand and mark this week with a red pencil, since this week you can go for an ultrasound and find out the sex of the baby. It should now look something like photo 1.

    Week 19. The child is 24 cm long and weighs 300 g. The baby produces more and more urine, which then enters the amniotic fluid. He formed nephrons. Then sensory perception develops.

    IN physical condition moms there are a lot of changes going on:

    • the amount of leucorrhoea secreted increases;
    • indigestion becomes more frequent;
    • heartburn appears;
    • legs may swell;
    • pigmentation appears.

    But all this fades when you feel the baby's movements.

    Mid pregnancy

    Week 20 Birth lubricant begins to appear on the baby’s skin; it protects the baby’s still very thin skin. And the first stool is formed in the intestines - meconium. Height - 26 cm, weight 320 g.

    Your belly is growing and your uterus continues to grow, so it may be harder for you to breathe. It is best for you to sleep on hard surfaces and place your feet on an elevated surface.

    Week 21. The child is already swallowing anatomical fluids and may hiccup. Bone marrow develops. Height - 28 cm, weight 400 g.

    Already at this time, you may begin to secrete colostrum. Hemorrhoids may appear.

    Week 22. The child's skeleton is developing. In your stomach it moves as it wants: down and up and across. He touches his face, legs, and tummy with his hands. The skull bones harden.

    Choose clothes that will not put pressure on your stomach and interfere with your movement. Do not sit for long periods of time as this position is not the best for your back and circulation.

    Week 23. Height - 30 cm, weight - 530 g. The head has become more proportional to the body. The lungs continue to develop. The spleen and endocrine glands began their work.

    Your hair may have improved, but at the same time it may have started to grow throughout your body. After childbirth they will disappear. Don't forget about your hygiene.

    Week 24. Height - 31 cm, weight - 600 g. The formation of the cerebellum is completed. If labor begins, there is a chance that the child will survive, since almost all organs are working. The baby tries to inhale.

    You may already be experiencing something similar to contractions, they are called Braxton-Hicks contractions. Don't worry about them, they will pass quickly.

    Week 25. Height - 31 cm, weight - 700 g. The lungs began to secrete surfactant, which allows the pulmonary vesicles not to stick together. The child appears muscle mass. The bone marrow takes on the function of the main circulatory organ.

    Your uterus is located 25 cm above the womb, and is now the size of soccer ball. Dry skin may have occurred.

    Week 26. The child’s height is 33 cm, weight is 880 g. This week the brain connects with the adrenal cortex and endocrine system. The pituitary gland produces growth hormone itself. The baby reacts to light and voice.

    The expectant mother should enroll in prenatal courses at the maternity hospital. Try to pamper yourself to at least somehow remove the unpleasant sensations.

    Week 27. The baby has grown a lot. Height - 35 cm, weight - 900 g. He no longer feels as spacious in the uterine cavity as before. The child hears everything and distinguishes the voice. His favorite voice is his mother's. In boys, the testicles descend into the scrotum.

    You have gained 11-13 kg. But don't worry, it's not fat. After giving birth, everything will go away.

    Third trimester of pregnancy

    Week 28. Height - 35 cm, weight - 1110 g. The skin becomes flesh-colored. Lanugo disappears. The baby has become very active. It's worth starting to count his kicks. To do this, relax and count the tremors for 10 minutes; if there are not enough of them, then count them again. If there is too little or too much movement, immediately go to the doctor.

    Week 29. Height - 38 cm, weight - 1200 g. The child’s body learns to regulate its temperature, the baby prepares for birth.

    Relax more, treat yourself to new maternity dresses.

    30th week. Height - 38 cm, weight - 1300 g. At this time, your baby may have turned his head down. Enough light enters the uterus, and the baby can already distinguish the difference between light and darkness.

    Now you can take a vacation. Take care of yourself, get plenty of rest, eat plenty of fruits and vegetables.

    31st week. Height - 41 cm, weight - 1600 g. If it happens that the baby asks to be born right now, then it will be considered that you have begun early full labor. The baby is gaining muscle mass.

    You have pain in your back and pelvis, and severe heartburn. To combat this, eat little, but often, also helps mineral water and milk.

    32nd week. Height - 42 cm, weight - 2 kg. The child's wrinkles disappear. Now he hiccups frequently.

    Go to the toilet more often. If you feel cramps in your legs, move your toes vigorously. Your gums may be bleeding. Don't worry, everything will go away after the birth.

    Week 33. Height - 43 cm, weight - 2100 g. The fat layer continues to increase. The baby falls asleep and wakes up at the same time.

    You may become incontinent when you cough or sneeze too much. The dark line on the stomach is getting darker.

    34th week. Height - 44 cm, weight - 2400 g. Hair appeared on the head, the skin became light, the nails were already long. The tips of the ears were separated from the head.

    Second half of the third trimester of pregnancy

    35th week. Height - 46 cm, weight - 2500 g. Now all development consists of gaining weight and height.

    Monitor your blood pressure. Rest more, drink less.

    36th week. Height - 48 cm, weight - 2700 g. The baby is becoming just like a baby, just a little smaller.

    Lubricate the perineum with vitamin E oil to prevent tearing during childbirth.

    37th week. Height - 50 cm, weight - 3 kg. Bones and cartilage harden even more. If you count the pregnancy period by weeks, then it is already full.

    38th week. Height - 50 cm, weight - 3100 g. The baby gains 23-30 g every day. The skin is cleared of grease.

    You may have stretch marks.

    39th week. Height - 51 cm, weight - 3200 g. Three-dimensional and color vision, the baby sees at a distance of up to 30 cm.

    Your uterine fundus has dropped, it’s hard to walk, breathe, everything is hard. Childbirth is coming soon.

    40th week. Height - 52 cm, weight - 3300 g. The child is ready to be born.

    Pregnancy calendars

    Calculate your pregnancy calendar by week. Every week of your pregnancy from 1 to 40 weeks with details.

    Enter the first day of your last menstrual period

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 January February March April May June July August September October November December 2018 2019 !}

    Pregnancy is an amazing and exciting period in a woman’s life. In just 40 weeks, a single cell forms an entire organism capable of life in environmental conditions. Man never again develops at such a rapid pace as in prenatal period. Every day the fetus changes appearance, new organs and new abilities appear. A woman’s appearance and well-being are also rapidly changing – just last month her “ interesting situation“It was not noticeable to anyone, but today a nice round tummy has already appeared. During pregnancy, you need to do a lot - you will have to undergo more than one medical examination, take several tests, review your menu and sleep schedule, change your habits and update your wardrobe. It is better to prepare for all changes in life in advance and especially so that you are aware of all the upcoming surprises, we have prepared detailed calendar pregnancy by week.

    Where does the confusion come from at two weeks?

    Doctors in antenatal clinics Traditionally, pregnancy is calculated from the first day of the last menstrual period, despite the fact that conception occurs, according to such calculations, only in the third week of pregnancy. Our interactive calendar is built according to the same scheme - this is the so-called obstetric pregnancy calendar. There is another, much less commonly used, method of calculating the timing of pregnancy, when the day of conception is taken as the starting point. The resulting calendar would be correctly called the fetal development calendar. Sometimes this method is reflected in obstetric ultrasound reports, where it is possible to determine the life expectancy of the fetus with an accuracy of one day, especially in the first trimester. As a rule, the fetal development calendar lags about 2 weeks behind obstetric calendar pregnancy.

    It is most logical to schedule your pregnancy by week - this way you will have a better idea of ​​how your baby is growing and what processes pregnancy causes in your own body. By studying the pregnancy calendar week by week, you will find timely advice on how to choose clothes for pregnant women, how to avoid toxicosis, and how to eat properly during pregnancy. Accordingly, each week the size of the fetus and its new skills are given - you will be surprised at how much it already has, when even the tummy is not yet noticeable to others!

    In order to automatically calculate the pregnancy calendar, you can use the calculator on the website. It is enough to indicate the date of the first day of your last menstruation, and you will receive a calendar of your own pregnancy by week. Perhaps it should be interesting for a pregnant woman to learn every week about how her baby’s life is going, but you should not take the given timeframes literally. Keep in mind that the duration of pregnancy, as well as the rate of fetal development, is always individual and may differ slightly from the data provided by the interactive pregnancy calendar. The following pattern is typical: the longer the menstrual cycle, the longer the pregnancy lasts.

    Questions for the article

    Gram? Weight before pregnancy was 80 kg, now 82.700. And seven weeks ago it was...

    They said. And now I’m wondering))) which one?...

    The estimated date was 7/4/17. But I still haven't given birth or anything...

    Cough, no fever. I treat myself with chamomile, milk with honey, nothing for my nose...

    4 times a day. And at 10 pm I can eat. This is fine? I have 10...

    Obstetric week, I did it in Moscow, they prescribed Divigel and...

    Fruit. This is fine. Sometimes there are tremors that are unnoticeable. I have...

    I did 3 tests, all 3 showed a weak second line, the next...

    Reading 100102.... this is normal, I’m very worried, tell me...

    Date of conception - 03/15/2017 HCG 04/06/2017 - 6145.2 mIU/ml. Moreover, in less than 48...

    Free, result 2.0 ng/ml - is this pregnancy???...

    Which is 6 weeks, but shows like more. And the ultrasound showed 4 weeks. Maybe...

    1 day of delay the day before the start of menstruation, I looked at the test and showed...

    Jr. The ultrasound on January 11, 2017 did not show anything. Please tell me this...

    The doctors and the ultrasound showed everything was fine, but for the last three days I started to get sick...

    I took Belara. On withdrawal, my period came in the first cycle (33 days...

    Can this affect the baby? and can my gynecologist prescribe...

    11/30/16 hCG test - result 1062.2. What does it mean? ...

    Placental abruption 20 mm by 4 mm. The woman said nothing, it will grow back... but...

    2 five-day days)? 14 DPP - 1290 IU/l, 19 DPP - 6149 IU/l? Ultrasound is still only...

    Pain began in the area pubic bone when walking and when...

    The second one is already bright. And in the evening a little spotting...

    September, there are none in October) What week is it for me? How to calculate?...

    A week. Last menstruation 09/12/16 cycle 30 days. The gynecologist says...

    The last menstruation was 27.04-4.05. On the fifth of May there was protected sex....

    I read in your article that this could be a fetus with Down syndrome....

    Syphilis, recently tested by my husband: anti-Treponema pallidum Ig M negative,...

    The condom broke, is there a possibility of pregnancy?...

    Change KP.) (Reference values ​​1.1-positive. What does this mean? ...

    Be menstruating. I did tests 28, 30 and so on. All negative. By 8...

    Weeks ago we found a cat at home and he is not always at home outside...

    Sometimes 3-4 times a day is not enough, is it normal to be pregnant at 16 weeks?...

    During menstruation there were mild pains in the lower abdomen, now...

    My throat hurt, followed by a stuffy nose, not much snot, isn’t it dangerous...

    1.00-5.00 and immature granulocytes 0.3% refer. interval 0.0-0.2. What is this...

    Vozmojno chto ya beremenna?i esli da,to kakoy srok?pojalusta otvette esli mojno?...

    Menstruation 07/19/20015. Thank you!...

    Placental abruption. If I understand correctly, the embryo does not receive enough...

    My previous children also had a tone and the doctor constantly scares me....

    (there is no 16 year old) PERSONAL PREGNANCY CALENDAR BY...

    Weeks! slight runny nose, sore throat and weakness! isn't it like...

    Lower abdomen like during PMS, bloody discharge no, is it dangerous...

    11/28/15 hCG showed 11564, which corresponds to 4 weeks of pregnancy,...

    At 6-7 weeks there was a threat of miscarriage, with a second pregnancy it may...

    Years, there was a cycle of approximately 34-35 days, but not exactly. pregnancy on...

    The test showed that she was pregnant. but I don't remember the date of the last one...

    Keep in mind that according to calculations I should have gained at least 5kg...

    Regular. Now the delay is 7 days. Tests neg. On the 16th day of the cycle...

    Pregnancy registration with a weight of 76.4 kg (5-6 weeks). Then I suddenly...

    Menya.vozmojno beremennost v etom mesyace?i chto mojno zdelat zaranee chtob eto ne sluchilos?...

    Menstruation began on 09/02/15, in fact, conception occurred from 3 to 5...

    They arrived with a delay of 2-3 days, the end in my opinion is 7.05 or 8.05. Sexual intercourse...

    The fact is that the gynecologist did not listen to me carefully. The fact is that...

    The anterior wall of the uterus. Injected with progesterone and papaverine. That’s it...

    Show off and accept this world? The date of the last month is 07/01/12....

    Evenings before going to bed, not knowing that I’m pregnant (at 3-4 weeks)....

    The most detailed pregnancy calendar

    A happy time in the life of every woman - pregnancy - is divided into time stages: trimesters, months, weeks. Each of these units of time has its own characteristics - both in the body of the expectant mother and in the body of the future baby. We will talk about all this in as much detail and clarity as possible.

    Living stories to help

    In addition to medical (gynecological) information from experienced obstetricians, we will share with you real stories thousands of Babyblog moms on the pages of our calendar. They are equipped with expressive photographs, ultrasound images, and descriptions of sensations during a particular obstetric week of pregnancy. We will also give you tips and recommendations for each stage on the path to a miracle.

    On the threshold of the birth of a miracle

    To hold a newborn carefully wrapped in a swaddle for the first time, to hear his first cry, to smell his smell, you have to climb a happy ladder of forty steps - forty weeks. Don’t stumble on any of them, don’t grumble about your fate, don’t complain about being sick. At the top step of this amazing staircase, you will spread your wings and embark on a magical flight of happy motherhood. A miracle is very close!

    Listen to experienced mothers

    During pregnancy, it is very important not to worry too much, not to quarrel with loved ones, and not to allow phobias and stress. It is for this purpose that each week of pregnancy in our unique calendar is accompanied by useful advice and kind words. recommendations from experienced mothers who have walked this path more than once. You will be calmer when at each time stage you can find out the experience of other mothers in this or that issue of their well-being and the healthy course of pregnancy.

    How is pregnancy going?

    In the first obstetric week of pregnancy, the female body begins to prepare for possible fertilization, which will occur later.

    In the second week, the “leader” in this cycle is determined - the egg, which will give rise to a new life.

    As a rule, at the end of the second - beginning of the third obstetric week During pregnancy, fertilization occurs - the fusion of a mature egg with the most nimble and persistent sperm from a huge number of applicants. How loving man completely dissolves in the object of his passion, so the sperm dissolves inside the parent egg. The parents' genetic information is combined. Now new life exists!

    In the fourth week, the baby is a lump of rapidly dividing cells. If you look at it under high magnification, the embryo resembles a raspberry.

    In the fifth week of pregnancy, the formation of the most important systems begins. Now the heart, blood vessels and respiratory system are being formed - something that is vital for independent existence.

    Next week, the unborn baby begins to develop a hint of arms and legs, and separate parts of the inner ear and larynx are formed.

    At the seventh week, the fetus’s brain is actively developing, the gastrointestinal tract begins to form, and the lungs begin to form.

    In the eighth week, the great sculptor - nature is engaged in delicate work. Now the ears, nose and upper lip are being formed, as well as the fingers.

    In the ninth week of pregnancy, the back of the embryo will begin to straighten and the tail will begin to “dry out.” A baby's brain develops at a tremendous pace.

    Next week, the formation of baby teeth begins. The embryo is now surrounded amniotic fluid, protecting it inside from shocks and shaking.

    At the eleventh week, the unborn baby already has sexual characteristics, and future parents, with the help of modern equipment, can now find out who is inside - a charming girl or a strapping boy. In addition, the eye color of the fetus is determined.

    By the twelfth week of pregnancy, the unborn baby has practically formed all the body systems. In the remaining time they will grow and develop.

    The thirteenth week ends the first trimester of pregnancy. Fully formed children's place– placenta. Now she will be responsible for delivering nutrients and oxygen from mother to baby.

    At week 14, the baby is covered with delicate fluff - lanugo. It preserves the cheese-like lubricant, which, in turn, protects the baby from surrounding waters.

    It has been proven that already at the 15th week of pregnancy, the baby’s tiny heart passes more than 20 liters of blood per day. The baby's skin is thin and red, it is still so different from a well-fed baby.

    At the sixteenth week, the fetal head is no longer pressed to the chest, it gradually straightens. The facial muscles are developed, so the child can wink and frown.

    At week 17, “brown fat” begins to be deposited, which is necessary for the body’s heat exchange. But there is still no subcutaneous fat.

    At 18 weeks of pregnancy, the baby can already hear you, as the structures of the middle ear improve. It's time to talk to your child and sing nursery rhymes to him.

    Over the next week, the limbs grow and become more proportional.

    At the twentieth week, the belly-dweller is a miniature man - with delicate fluff on his head and tiny nails on his fingers and toes. He has a lot to do - the baby yawns, sucks his fist, tumbles.

    At the twenty-first week, blood cells begin to be produced, which are responsible for protecting the body from infections. Thanks to the developed papillae on the tongue, the fetus senses the taste of the surrounding waters.

    At week 22, the baby strokes his arms, legs, face, sucks his thumb and pushes off the walls of the uterus with his legs.

    At the twenty-third week, the fetus begins to store subcutaneous fat.

    At 24 weeks of pregnancy, the baby becomes larger and more plump. It occupies almost the entire uterus, and it becomes more and more difficult to tumble.

    Next week the bones become stronger and the joints form.

    At week 26, the baby can open her eyes.

    The third trimester starts with the twenty-seventh week. In a baby weighing approximately 1000 g, all the main systems work, although their development is not yet complete.

    At week 28, the brain grows, new cells and nerve connections are formed.

    At the twenty-ninth week, the baby has already learned to more or less regulate its own body temperature.

    At the thirtieth week, the baby's eyes are wide open, he reacts to the contrasting light penetrating through the mother's tummy.

    Over the next week, the baby reacts to loud noises and pain. You may feel it move when the doctor feels your stomach.

    At 32 weeks of pregnancy, the baby can hear perfectly well what is happening outside the tummy. He recognizes his mother's heartbeat, bowel movements and the sound of blood flowing through the umbilical cord. That is why the baby calms down after birth if his mother presses him to her breast, because he hears the familiar sounds of her heart.

    At 33 weeks, the baby still has enough room to move, but every day the space of the temporary house - the uterus - becomes more and more cramped for him.

    The next week, subcutaneous fat already makes up a tenth of the baby’s weight, which gives the fetal skin a smoothness and a pinkish tint.

    From week 35, the baby will gain 200-220 grams weekly towards its current weight (approximately 2550 g).

    The next week, the baby's face became smooth and plump cheeks appeared.

    At week 37, the baby is ready for birth and has taken its final position in the uterus.

    At 38 weeks the baby lost his lanugo. There is less original lubricant.

    At the thirty-ninth week of pregnancy, the walls of the uterus contract from time to time, “rehearsing” for childbirth.

    At the fortieth week, fetal movements slowed in anticipation of birth. His intestines are filled with original feces (meconium). The birth of a baby should be expected at any moment.

    At 41 weeks of pregnancy, all organs and systems of the unborn child are ready to begin working independently at any moment.

    At 42 weeks, the baby grew long nails on all his fingers and hair. His eyes are open and he becomes more active again.

    In our calendar, we will look at each week of pregnancy in as much detail as possible. Welcome!

    Pregnancy is a touching and at the same time exciting period in the life of every family. While waiting to meet your baby, it is important to know what changes are occurring in the body of mother and baby. Our pregnancy calendar will help with this.

    If you are unsure whether you are pregnant or not, go through.

    In the calendar you will find the most important information And useful tips. Here you will find out what happens to your baby in every week of pregnancy, in every trimester. The calendar will tell you what sensations a mother may experience during pregnancy, as well as under what conditions she needs to be vigilant.

    First, the calculator will help you calculate your gestational age and approximate due date. To do this, you need to enter the first day of your last period, as well as the length of your cycle. Let us remind you that calculation of the menstrual cycle: you need to take the number of days from the first day of menstruation to last day before the next menstruation (inclusive). Usually average values ​​are taken. Fine menstrual cycle is 28 plus/minus 7 days.

    The calendar is divided into 3 stages - trimesters (1 trimester = 3 months). Each trimester includes weeks of pregnancy. Yes, pregnancy is measured in weeks, not months, as many of us are used to. And the mother needs to get used to this, since the gynecologist will calculate the period exactly this way. In our calendar calculator, the pregnancy period is also calculated in weeks.

    First trimester – 1-12 weeks of pregnancy. This period is the most crucial. The first 2 weeks of pregnancy are theoretical, they are needed for ease of calculation. Fertilization has not yet occurred. But in the third week, the nuclei of germ cells merge and a small “pea” appears in the tummy. The baby has not yet formed either arms or legs, but from the moment of fertilization he is endowed with a soul. In the first weeks of the first trimester, the mother’s immunity decreases so that her body does not perceive the baby as something foreign. Symptoms of toxicosis often appear. By the end of the trimester, the baby already looks like a person, only very small. The doctor recommends an ultrasound.

    Second trimester – 13-26 weeks of pregnancy. Toxicosis has passed; during this period there is less risk for the baby. Mom's belly is getting rounder. Very soon she feels the first tremors - the movements of the baby. Towards the end of the second trimester, it is recommended to repeat the ultrasound examination.

    Third trimester – 27-42 weeks of pregnancy. As the baby grows, his “house” also grows. In some cases, it becomes difficult for the mother to breathe, because... the uterus rises very high. This goes away before childbirth. Closer to the cherished day of birth, immunity decreases again. This is how the hormonal levels are restructured, and preparations are underway for an exciting meeting with the baby.

    The baby is considered full term at 38 weeks of pregnancy. Most often, childbirth occurs at 38-40 weeks, but there are cases when pregnancy drags on to 41-42 weeks. This is quite normal, especially for first-time mothers. We have included these weeks in the pregnancy calendar so that we can continue to be with you until the birth.

    During the entire period of pregnancy, the mother and baby are monitored by a doctor to monitor the slightest disturbances and deal with them in a timely manner.

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