• What can be released during pregnancy? What does white, cheesy, copious discharge mean? Clear discharge during pregnancy


    During pregnancy, women pay close attention to the discharge from the genitals. Both for the expectant mother and for the obstetrician-gynecologist observing her pregnancy, discharge is an important diagnostic sign that can tell a lot about the condition of the woman and her baby. We will tell you in this material which discharges during pregnancy are considered normal and which are not.


    Discharge during pregnancy is the simplest and most affordable way self-diagnosis. Vaginal secretion is not the same throughout the nine calendar months of bearing a baby; it changes depending on the processes that take place in the body of the expectant mother at one time or another.

    Discharge, which is essentially vaginal secretion, is produced by the cervix; it is necessary to maintain certain microflora in the genital tract, which is necessary for the normal course of the process of bearing a child. By increasing or decreasing secretion, a woman’s body can respond to hormonal changes, and the color of the discharge and impurities in it will help to understand what is happening to the uterus, cervix and baby.

    You need to monitor your discharge throughout your pregnancy; any change or deviation from the norm should be a reason to talk to your doctor, because most pregnancy pathologies are manifested by characteristic discharge. In order to promptly pay attention to changes in vaginal secretions, a woman should use daily thin sanitary pads from the very beginning of pregnancy.

    The benefit from them will be double: on the one hand, the woman will prevent the occurrence of hygienic problems, on the other hand, she will always be aware of the type, color, consistency and nature of her own vaginal secretion, which will help both her and her doctor if he needs such information.

    During pregnancy, you should not use vaginal tampons, no matter how good and comfortable they are. Vaginal secretions must be able to exit freely, unhindered, otherwise stagnation may occur, which, if bacteria or fungi enter, will inevitably lead to a severe inflammatory process.

    A woman should understand that there is nothing unusual or shameful in observing the nature of the discharge; this is a completely civilized approach to planning pregnancy and bearing a child. Don’t be shy to discuss your observations and ask your attending physician any questions you may have, because only he will be able to understand when everything is normal and when an additional examination is required to find the root of the problem.

    Let's look at what discharge can normally be at the most different dates pregnancy.

    Enter the first day of your last menstrual period

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 January February March April May June July August September October November December 2019 2018

    In the early stages, before delay

    Conception is possible only during the period of ovulation. In the middle of the menstrual cycle, a woman’s body creates conditions under which sexual intercourse will be most productive. A woman's sexual desire increases, the perineum becomes more hydrated. The discharge during this period, favorable for conception, is quite abundant, stretchy, and has a consistency reminiscent of raw egg white. This secretion is produced under the influence of estrogen.

    The acidity of the vagina is thus somewhat reduced so that sperm have a better chance of survival and a successful “journey” to the egg waiting for them, ready for fertilization. Thick, abundant and viscous discharge is a natural “lubricant” that facilitates sexual intercourse.

    If conception has occurred, within a few days the first global changes will begin in the body - the hormone progesterone will begin large-scale preparations for implantation of the fertilized egg into the uterus. During this period, scanty discharge is considered normal, this is how progesterone acts on the cervix.

    On days 8-9 after ovulation, there may be several bloody spots or small bloody discharge. This is the so-called implantation bleeding associated with the destruction of small blood vessels in the endometrium of the uterus at the time of attachment to the wall of the fertilized egg. Such discharge often goes unnoticed by women. For many, implantation is completely bloodless.

    Implantation bloody, bloody or brownish discharge can be regarded by a woman as a hormonal imbalance that led to the early onset of menstruation. However, periods usually become more abundant every day, and implantation discharge will disappear within a few hours or within 1-2 days. They are considered normal, do not require treatment, and can be treated as the very first visual signs of pregnancy even before the delay.

    After another week, a woman can confirm or refute her suspicions by taking a pregnancy test. Already 8-10 days after implantation (which corresponds to the first days of the delay), even on the most inexpensive pharmacy test, two stripes should be quite clearly distinguishable.

    Discharge before the delay and in the first days after it continues to remain scanty; progesterone does not contribute to the production of abundant mucus or large amounts of vaginal secretion.


    In the first trimester

    Two lines on the test are a reason to begin to be more attentive to the changes occurring in the body. With each period of pregnancy, the discharge will change due to various reasons.

    This period is characterized by light, moderate, insignificant discharge, without any inclusions, impurities, and odorless. Acceptable color options are whitish, light yellow, transparent. Progesterone can give a slight yellowish tint to vaginal secretions in the early stages. He doesn’t allow too much discharge.

    Normal discharge does not leave any smear marks on your panty liner. They are not accompanied by itching, pain, or unpleasant sensations in the perineum. If such symptoms are not observed, we can safely say that everything is in order with the pregnant woman’s health.

    At 7-8 weeks, the discharge normally becomes a little thinner than before. This is due to hormonal changes in the body.

    By the 10th week of pregnancy, the discharge may acquire a slight sour smell. It resembles the smell of fresh kefir or sour milk. The smell should not be sharp or strong. Moreover, the discharge should not cause any discomfort to the expectant mother.

    In the second trimester

    This period of pregnancy is characterized by a significant increase in the amount of discharge. As soon as the placenta forms in a woman’s body, and this happens by the 12-14th week of pregnancy, she has another, additional circle of blood circulation – the uteroplacental one.

    The amount of blood circulating in a woman’s body increases significantly, now it increases by about 40%. Therefore, a woman sweats more, her kidneys and heart work more intensely. There is also significantly more discharge from the genital tract.

    Sometimes a woman is literally haunted by the feeling of constant moisture in the perineum. Along with the rush of blood to the genitals, the expectant mother begins to experience stronger sexual desire, her intimate life takes on new, previously unknown shades and nuances (unless sex, of course, is prohibited by the doctor for medical reasons!).

    Normally, in the second half of pregnancy, the discharge remains light; light yellowish tints are acceptable. They are practically no longer transparent; usually normal discharge in the middle of gestation has the character of leucorrhoea. However, the discharge should remain homogeneous, without lumps, mucus, clots, or streaks. They may be slightly more liquid than in the first trimester, but this is quite normal, as the body begins to prepare for the upcoming birth by clearing the genital tract.

    By the end of the second trimester, a woman should be extremely careful. Any changes in the nature of vaginal secretions during these periods may indicate that the woman is at risk of premature birth. Only vigilance will help you react in time, contact medical institution and do everything to save the child and prolong the pregnancy.

    In the third trimester

    During this period, discharge is an important diagnostic indicator. They reflect most of the preparatory prenatal processes. So, due to stretching of the ligaments that hold the uterus that has become large, a woman often has a stomach ache, and most pregnant women are already experiencing training contractions, which are also called false contractions. With them, the lower abdomen sometimes stiffens, and then, after a few minutes, relaxes again.

    A woman may begin to feel a tingling sensation somewhere deep in the vagina. This means that the process of preparing the cervix for labor begins. Cervical ripening may be accompanied by an increase in the volume of vaginal secretions. The discharge is becoming significantly larger and now without daily sanitary pad definitely can't get by.

    In the third trimester, progesterone begins to give way to other hormones, thanks to which it should soon begin labor activity. First of all, the content of estrogen increases and the concentration of oxytocin increases. Because of this, the softening and shortening of the cervix begins to produce more secretions.

    Normal color of discharge later- light. Acceptable options are white, whitish, yellow. Discharge without lumps or impurities, with an odor similar to that of fermented milk products. As the cervix ripens, the cervical canal, which has been tightly clogged with a mucus plug throughout pregnancy, will expand. Its expansion will lead to the removal or partial removal of the mucus plug.

    Therefore, it is not surprising that a few days or hours before birth, viscous mucus fragments appear in the discharge. If the plug comes off at once, then lumps of mucus with streaks of blood or brown spots are clearly visible on the gasket. However, often the plug does not come off entirely, but in parts, and then the expectant mother will experience mucous discharge for several days. This discharge is also considered normal, especially at 36-40 weeks of pregnancy.

    Closer to childbirth, watery colorless discharge, more abundant than usual. A woman may have the feeling that she could not resist a large number of urine. This may be the beginning of the discharge of amniotic fluid, which, like the mucus plug, does not always leave simultaneously in full; sometimes it leaks little by little over several days.

    Such discharge is also considered normal at 36-40 weeks of pregnancy. The baby at this stage is fully viable, he can be born at any time. Watery discharge at this stage is a sign of the onset of labor.

    The absence of the discharge described above at 39, 40, 41 weeks of pregnancy does not mean that the woman will have to carry her baby. Vaginal secretion is a thin, delicate and highly individual thing. Standards exist mainly only in the medical literature. In practice, things may vary. Secretion may not be abundant, and the plug and water will break simultaneously with the onset of contractions or at the height of the first or second stage of labor.

    If a woman is not bothered by anything, she does not have acute pain, itching, bleeding, discharge with a sharp and unpleasant smell, we can assume that everything is fine with her. A timely visit to the doctor and tests, including vaginal smears and scrapings from the cervix, will help you avoid missing deviations. Simple laboratory analysis will give comprehensive information about whether everything is in order with the secretion of the genital tract.

    Pathological discharge

    Normal discharge rarely raises many questions among expectant mothers. But deviations from the norm may well make an impressionable and suspicious pregnant woman begin to get nervous and worry. Let's look at what pathological discharges most often occur during pregnancy.


    These are the most dangerous secretions. Normally there should be no blood admixtures in vaginal secretions. The exception is small bloody discharge immediately after intercourse in late pregnancy. The mucous membranes of the expectant mother are looser; it is possible that they may be easily injured when performing frictional movements.

    Such discharge ends quickly, and after just a couple of hours the panty liner becomes clean. In all other cases, blood in the secretions of the genital tract is an alarming and sometimes urgent sign.

    Let us immediately note that bloody discharge comes in a wide range of colors. These are pink and brown discharge, as well as orange, scarlet, burgundy and others. All of them are considered bloody, since their color is given by red blood cells trapped in the secretion.

    In the early stages, bloody smear may be a sign of retrochorial hematoma - partial detachment of the chorion from the uterine wall. The exact shade and intensity of the discharge directly depend on the degree of detachment. However, the stronger the smear, the more favorable the prognosis - the blood accumulated between the chorion and the uterine wall must find a way out, otherwise the detachment can continue until the complete death of the embryo and miscarriage.

    Bloody, pink, brown discharge in the early stages and in the second trimester is a sign of a threatened miscarriage, and in the third - a sign of risk premature birth. The most dangerous discharges are scarlet, profuse, as well as blood mixed with clots. Such discharge at almost any stage of pregnancy can indicate placental abruption.

    Women with low placentation, placenta previa, isthmic-cervical insufficiency, and constantly or frequently increased tone of the uterine muscles are most at risk.

    Until the 20th week of pregnancy, brown discharge with blood clots may indicate an incipient miscarriage, or a pregnancy that froze several weeks ago, which has only now begun to be rejected. Up to 9-10 weeks, red blood in large quantities in combination with sharp unbearable pain in the lower abdomen can be a sign of an ectopic pregnancy and the resulting injury (rupture) of the tube.

    If bloody discharge of any intensity or shade appears, you should take a horizontal position in a comfortable position - on your side or back and call an ambulance.

    In 95% of cases, with timely treatment, pregnancy can be saved, the threat can be stopped, and the baby can be given every chance to be born on time as a healthy and strong toddler.


    The presence of pus can be indicated not only by a characteristic sweetish odor, but also by color - usually greenish or yellow-green discharge. This group also includes green, gray, and gray-brown discharge. Most often they are associated with additional symptoms - pain, pain when urinating, burning and an unpleasant odor reminiscent of rotten fish.

    Such discharge can appear at any stage of pregnancy. They most often indicate the presence of a serious infection - from a sexually transmitted disease to bacterial infection. Regardless of the period, it is necessary to undergo examination as soon as possible, identify the causative agent of the infection and urgently begin treatment.

    In the first and second trimester of pregnancy, the appearance of green discharge often indicates the presence of colpitis or cervicitis. Sometimes the cause lies in bacterial vaginosis. In the third trimester of pregnancy, green, dirty-colored discharge may indicate the development of chorioamnionitis, an inflammatory process that involves the membranes of the fetus. This is very dangerous for the child, who may be infected in the womb. The baby may die from an intrauterine infection.

    Infectious diseases of the genitourinary system represent several risk factors. The baby can be infected in utero, and it can also become infected during passage through the genital tract during childbirth. For an immature, weak immune system of a child, bacterial infection can even be lethal, since the innate passive immunity inherited by the baby from the mother does not protect him from bacteria.

    It is necessary to undergo treatment, most likely even with the use of antibiotics. There is no need to worry about the effect of medications on your baby. Doctors will select drugs that are acceptable in the treatment of pregnant women. Untreated sexually transmitted and bacterial infections can harm the baby much more.


    As we have already found out, white and whitish discharge during pregnancy is normal. But there are also deviations, and the woman will suffer from abundant or scanty leucorrhoea and the unpleasant sensations associated with it. Most often, white chalky discharge, in which a small coating appears on the external genitalia, is associated with a fungal infection. Women experience dryness in the perineum, sometimes slight itching and burning.

    White discharge that coagulates like coarse cottage cheese and has a distinct yeasty smell is a familiar thrush to most women. Fungi of the Candida type most often affect the genital tract of pregnant women. Thrush occurs against the background of unbearable and constant itching and burning. It starts easily against the background of reduced immunity, which is typical for all expectant mothers.

    Any light or other itchy discharge is a reason to consult a doctor. The cause may be a banal violation of personal hygiene rules and the occurrence of vulvitis, which can be easily and quickly treated with the beginning of proper hygiene procedures. However, it may also be hidden in a more dangerous fungal infection of the genital tract, which will require specialized treatment.


    Yellow discharge may well be a variant of the norm, because progesterone gives such an unusual color to vaginal secretions. However, normal yellow discharge should be clearly distinguished from pathological ones. Painful yellow discharge is always accompanied by additional discomfort - pain, pulling and aching sensations in the lower back in the early stages, as well as itching in the external genital area.

    The causes of yellow discharge may lie in a banal allergic reaction to cosmetical tools intimate hygiene or soap. This often happens in women who abuse soap and water. The alkaline environment of soap destroys the protective film of the mucous membranes and dries it out. Gradually an allergic reaction begins.

    It is important to prevent joining it bacterial infection, because dried shells are a fertile environment for the penetration of the same intestinal bacteria into microcracks.

    Yellow discharge sometimes accompanies cervical pathologies, as well as the threat of miscarriage or premature birth. In later stages, yellowish, watery discharge may indicate leakage of amniotic fluid. That is why it is important to be examined and find out the real reason.


    Above, watery discharge in late pregnancy, indicating the onset of labor, was considered normal. However, watery, rather copious discharge may appear at an earlier date. Then they will not fit into the norm. Almost always, watery discharge is associated with the presence of amniotic fluid in the vaginal discharge and a violation of the integrity of the membranes.

    Typically, the appearance of such discharge is combined with other pathologies: intrauterine infections that make the fetal membranes vulnerable, the threat of premature birth or miscarriage.

    Such discharge can also appear after invasive diagnostics, in which the integrity of the membranes is disrupted by puncture with a long needle to collect material for genetic analysis.

    If watery discharge appears, a woman must inform her doctor as soon as possible. She will undergo an ultrasound with a mandatory measurement of the amniotic fluid index to determine whether the amount of water is sufficient for the further development of the baby. Vaginal secretions will be taken for analysis to determine if there is amniotic fluid in it. Only after this is an informed decision made about the possibility of continuing the pregnancy.


    Mucus in the discharge may be present normally only as a manifestation of the passage of the mucus plug. All other variants of the appearance of mucous clots are an unambiguous and indisputable pathology.

    Mucus with a slight pink tint can be accompanied by various inflammatory diseases of the uterus and its appendages, as well as pathologies of the cervix and cervical canal. All these diseases pose a serious threat to bearing a baby, and therefore should be examined and treated as soon as possible.

    Transparent mucus that appears after sexual intercourse and a few hours after it does not indicate pathology. Such discharge should be considered normal - dead sperm and seminal fluid leave the woman’s genital tract, there is nothing alarming about this.

    After examination by a doctor

    Small pinkish or brownish discharge after examination by a gynecologist is quite common and normal during pregnancy. You should not think that the doctor did any harm and doubt his qualifications. The fact is that the inner surface of the vagina already in the early stages becomes looser under the influence of progesterone, and blood vessels are easily injured. A vaginal examination, especially if it was carried out using obstetric instruments, may well cause subsequent bloody or bloody discharge (spotting).

    Such discharge does not last long; within a day there is no trace left of it. In later stages of pregnancy, when the doctor may need to examine the cervix for its maturity, the examination may provoke the passage of the mucus plug, and then clots of mucus streaked with blood will appear in the discharge.

    If the discharge after the examination lasts more than a day, you should inform the doctor about this; perhaps they have nothing to do with the examination, and the abnormal nature of the vaginal secretion is associated with the development of a threat of miscarriage.

    • Do not change sexual partner during your pregnancy. For prolonged periods intimate life The partners' bodies tune in to each other. A conflict may arise with a new partner at the level of the microflora of the genital tract, which will make itself felt by manifestation inflammatory disease. Besides new partner can infect a pregnant woman with sexually transmitted or sexually transmitted infections.
    • During sex, do not use intimate gels and lubricants, they have a detrimental effect on the balance of microflora, which can lead to the development of vaginosis. Masturbate with great caution: make sure your hands are clean; it’s easy to injure a pregnant woman’s genital tract and introduce pathogenic bacteria there.

    • Maintain intimate hygiene. It should be daily and mandatory, especially during periods when an increase in vaginal secretion is the norm. Avoid contamination of the genitals. But when committing water procedures try to avoid using any soap, even the most “harmless” one - baby soap.
    • Do not experiment with intimate cosmetics to exclude any manifestations of allergies. If you feel dry, use sunflower oil slightly warmed to your body temperature. peach oil. Such care will not harm.

    • Swimming during pregnancy in open natural reservoirs (which is very useful for all expectant mothers), use a swimsuit with special antiseptic liners in the area of ​​the external genitalia, in order to further protect yourself from penetration of pathogenic microorganisms into the genital tract.
    • If you experience abnormal discharge, do not have sex, do not lift heavy objects, do not take any medications on your own, even if they previously helped you well in case of alarming discharge. Pathological vaginal secretion may have a completely different reason, and self-medication can only do harm. Be sure to consult a doctor.

    If discharge that is atypical for your period appears, be sure to try to remember everything that preceded its appearance - exercise, sexual intercourse, a hot bath or a trip to the sauna, a long shopping trip, a cold, etc. This will help the doctor quickly find the true cause of pathological changes .

    To learn how to treat thrush during pregnancy, watch the following video.

    Discharge during pregnancy is a common occurrence that accompanies a woman during such an interesting period of her life. Discharge during pregnancy come in different consistency, color, intensity. They may indicate problems in the body.

    Normal discharge during pregnancy

    After conception, the female body not only continues to function, but also adapts to the new state. It is not surprising that during this period the woman’s vaginal discharge continues. Moreover, they change throughout the entire period of gestation in thickness, color, and intensity.

    Discharge in early pregnancy

    The first three months after pregnancy occur in a woman with a large secretion of the hormone progesterone by the body. Thanks to him:

    • the fertilized embryonic cell is attached and held inside the uterus;
    • the placenta develops;
    • the fruit is preserved.

    This happens by suppressing the hormone’s ability to contract the muscles of the uterus, as well as by blocking its exit with a thick mucous plug.

    The action of progesterone at this time is accompanied by slight, very thick and viscous discharge, which is usually glassy and opaque in appearance. Although they may be whitish. Thanks to this consistency, in particular, a mucous plug is formed at the outlet of the uterus, which does not allow pathogenic microorganisms to penetrate inside.

    Ten days after conception, a woman's vaginal discharge may be bloody. They disappear in a maximum of two days and are the result of implantation bleeding. The latter is caused by the process of attachment of the embryo, during which capillaries and blood vessels in the uterus can be damaged. Longer and especially heavy bleeding is a sign of pathology and a signal to consult a doctor.

    The described discharge observed in early pregnancy is normal occurrence and should not disturb the woman. But only when they have no odor, do not cause burning, itching, and do not have a cheesy consistency. If all of the above is observed, you should immediately go to the hospital. The presence of these symptoms may indicate serious illnesses that need urgent treatment.

    Discharges that are yellowish, brownish, or greenish in color are considered pathological at this stage of pregnancy. Discharges containing blood admixtures should also cause concern.

    Discharge in late pregnancy

    From the fourth month of pregnancy, the fetus in the uterus becomes stronger, the placenta almost completely matures. The period is characterized by a constant enlargement of the uterus and a change in the prevalence of hormones - estrogen again replaces progesterone.

    Vaginal discharge becomes different. In their normal state they are abundant, usually colorless, but can also be whitish in color. At normal development The woman must perceive the fetus, the state of the body, and the described sections without any fear. But only if they are not smelly, do not cause a desire to itch, or create a burning sensation. If this is present, a trip to the gynecologist is necessary.

    The period after the thirty-fourth week is considered the latest in pregnancy. At this time, the female body is already in full swing preparing for the imminent birth. The viscosity of the compartments changes, they become mucous. Their color changes to milky. But bad smell there is no discharge. The discharge does not lead to discomfort, does not cause the expectant mother to itch or feel a burning sensation.

    Immediately before childbirth (thirty-seventh week), sometimes women experience mucous discharge that is brown in color. The reason for this is preparation for the birth of the uterus, which consists of softening it and freeing it from the mucus plug that was blocking the exit.

    Foamy discharge with a brown, bright red, greenish tint may appear in the last days of the week before childbirth. If this happens, it means a dangerous complication is developing inside.

    In particular, with bright red discharge, placental abruption may occur, which requires emergency care. With greenish foamy discharge, suspicion falls on the addition of an infection. Especially if they are accompanied by itching. The latter, if not treated in time, can infect the fetus.

    White discharge during pregnancy

    Discharge of this type is one of the most common discharges that accompany pregnancy. This is usually normal. They are rarely a harbinger of any unpleasant problems.

    The white sections consist of:

    • from mucus: it is produced, and constantly, by glands located in the reproductive system, including the uterus, vagina;
    • from epithelial cells: such cells form the covering of all structures included in the female reproductive system; the process of their desquamation and renewal is the norm;
    • from microorganisms: inside the vagina of every woman there is a certain set of microorganisms, which is constantly updated and can change; normally it is represented by lactic acid bacteria; the presence of other bacteria in the discharge is not an unambiguous sign of some pathology.

    The presence of white discharge is generally considered normal in a woman's life. Most often they appear during menstruation:

    • they are watery until half the period, their volume is insignificant;
    • further, during ovulation, the compartments “gain” thickness, viscousness, and sometimes become beige in color;
    • towards the end of the cycle their number increases.

    Causes of white discharge include:

    • sexual intercourse, which protects against possible pregnancy with hormonal contraceptives;
    • diseases caused by infection, for example, candidiasis.

    If there are white discharges during gestation, although their appearance is, in general, the norm, the woman should monitor their density, volume, and color. A change in these indicators may be a signal to visit a gynecologist. They may indicate:

    • about infection entering the body;
    • about problems with hormonal status;
    • about diseases in the reproductive system.
    • The most common diseases recorded by doctors due to changes in the secretions of this type are candidiasis and thrush. If present, the discharge becomes abundant, smells like beer and has a cheesy structure.

      White discharge is also caused by bacterial vaginosis in pregnant women. They differ from normal ones in transparency, in the presence of an unpleasant odor, and in watery density. Discharge that occurs with pain in the lower abdomen often indicates a possible miscarriage, or pregnancy outside the uterus.

      Bloody discharge during pregnancy

      This type of discharge is most often observed in pregnant women during the first three months after the fertilization process. Moreover, for the majority of them (80%) everything ends well, and they carry their babies and give birth normally.

      There are many reasons for bleeding during pregnancy:

      • hypersensitivity of the genital organs, increased blood supply; the source of discharge in such conditions may be: an ultrasound scan, when the sensor is located inside the vagina; a gynecological speculum inserted into the vagina during examinations;
      • ectopic pregnancy;
      • minor placental abruption: in this situation, blood accumulates under the placenta, which comes out with secretions; the difference between the discharge is its pink tint;
      • sexual intercourse - due to irritation of the mucous membranes covering the vagina, cervix;
      • hormonal imbalances: this is usually possible at the beginning of pregnancy, on days that coincide with a woman’s period; at the same time, the lower abdomen and lower back may hurt; all of the above are completely harmless;
      • injury to the genital organs;
      • “frozen” pregnancy; then, after about 6...8 days, a spontaneous miscarriage usually follows;
      • placental tissue increases in volume due to proliferation; this reason is rare, the discharge is abundant, everything happens painlessly; the usual further result is fetal loss;
      • some diseases: fibroids, erosion localized on the cervix;
      • availability in cervical canal polyps.

      A dangerous situation occurs when blood clots appear in the blood compartments. This is a direct indication that unauthorized termination of pregnancy may occur, ending in miscarriage. When the bloody discharge appears brown, this indicates the possibility of a hematoma inside.

      The most dangerous discharges of this type are those that occur starting from the fourth month of pregnancy. This may indicate the presence of a pathology that poses a danger to the fetus in the womb and to the pregnant woman herself.

      Brown discharge during pregnancy

      Branches with Brown color, can be caused by the following conditions:

      • ectopic pregnancy: in this condition, the egg is rejected, a sign of which is brown discharge; on top of everything else, bleeding may also occur;
      • threat of miscarriage: the situation is serious and occurs mainly in the early stages of pregnancy; the intensity of the discharge is initially insignificant, without any pain; however, they are observed constantly and at the same time increase in volume;
      • problems with the functioning of the placenta: this happens only after half the pregnancy has passed; the cause of the discharge is bleeding that occurs when the placenta separates;
      • onset of labor: this reason may be the only one provided that the discharge is detected at the very end of pregnancy;
      • incomplete miscarriage: the condition may be accompanied by severe bleeding; In this case, the discharge is red, thick, and sometimes has a brown tint; they often contain clots;
      • erosive phenomena in the cervix of the uterus or inflammation in it;
      • uterine rupture: more often, brown discharge in this case appears in women who have undergone an abortion and have scars on the uterus.

      Yellow discharge during pregnancy

      Yellow sections, in general, indicate pathology during pregnancy. Especially when they are accompanied by any pain, itching, burning and have an unpleasant odor. If such symptoms are present, an urgent visit to the doctor who is seeing the pregnant woman is necessary.

      Reasons for the origin of yellow sections:

      • any inflammatory process aggravated due to pregnancy or other factors;
      • independent termination of pregnancy;
      • allergic reaction to products used in intimate hygiene; allergies can be caused by underwear that a woman wears while pregnant;
      • penetration of certain microbes into the uterus, into the vagina.

      Yellow discharge, in certain circumstances, may further change in color and become:

      • green: this indicates the seriousness of the existing problem with the woman’s body; for example, she may have a sexually transmitted disease;
      • bright yellow: this color of discharge occurs when the ovaries and fallopian tubes become inflamed; the same thing happens when pathogenic bacteria enter the vagina.

      Green discharge during pregnancy

      The appearance of green sections is an obvious pathology, so you should urgently contact a specialist. Possible reasons such a state:

      • at the beginning of pregnancy (1…3 months):
      • development of inflammation that affects the vaginal mucosa (colpitis);
      • problems with the balance of pathological and normal microflora in the vagina (bacterial vaginosis);
      • an inflammatory process affecting the cervix of the uterus (cervicitis);
      • a frozen fetus, in which there is a risk of miscarriage;
      • at the end of pregnancy (7...9 months): in addition to those listed above - inflammation of the membranes surrounding the fetus (chorioamnionitis).

      Green discharge sometimes turns out to be amniotic fluid, which, due to hypoxia in the months at the end of pregnancy, can leave prematurely. This condition requires consulting a doctor and constant monitoring of the fetus during labor.

      Clear discharge during pregnancy

      Separations of this type in women begin immediately after fertilization and indicate pregnancy. They are usually similar in color to milk and last approximately 3.5 months. Later they become transparent and less dense.

      Transparent discharge is normal during pregnancy, provided that it does not cause discomfort in women and does not change color or thickness.

    During pregnancy, the need to take care of your health increases to the maximum, since it is no longer just about to the expectant mother, but also about the well-being of the baby.

    There may be some vaginal discharge due to the hormones that the body produces. There are other malfunctions in the functioning of the female body.

    This is due to the fact that throughout pregnancy the body's immunity weakens. The possibility of penetration of pathological bacilli and infections into the genital organs and their reproduction in the mucous membrane is great.

    This is most often indicated by the smell, color and abundance of discharge. So, the color of the discharge and its meaning:

    Brown discharge during pregnancy

    Brown discharge during pregnancy is produced in its early and late stages. Their meaning is different and is determined by the trimester in which such discharge began.

    · In the first weeks of pregnancy, a woman may mistakenly regard them as light periods. Since a natural normal process occurs attachments fertilized eggs in the uterus .

    These secretions are produced under the influence of hormones that ensure the viability and further development of the fetus. They pass without any discomfort or smell. Their color varies from pink to light brown.

    · On latest dates During pregnancy, the causes of brown discharge may be:

    • Just before birth such discharge may mean that labor will begin very soon.
    • Pathology of the placenta , i.e. some kind of disturbance in the placenta itself or in its placement. In this case, severe pain in the lower abdomen is felt.

    Other reasons may exist infectious or inflammatory character of the genitourinary system with an unpleasant odor.

    You should definitely see a doctor immediately if pain in the abdomen, vomiting and nausea, as well as dark brown discharge at any stage of pregnancy.

    Yellow discharge during pregnancy requires attention special attention and the need for medical intervention. The reasons may be:

    · The first reason isinflammatory processes genitourinary system with a pronounced pungent odor. The color of the discharge from bright yellow to dark yellow with a feeling of discomfort is a very dangerous sign.

    · The second reason - infectious diseases which are transmitted from a sexual partner. The color of such discharge is dark yellow or greenish, which causes itching, an unpleasant odor or a burning sensation.

    White discharge during pregnancy, namely at its beginning, is normal if there is no odor. Two to three weeks before giving birth, odorless, beige or milky discharge is also normal.

    The body, preparing for childbirth, frees itself from the plug that protected the child. This means that labor will begin soon. Other reasons:

    · First reasonthrush. Curd discharge with an unpleasant odor, as well as abundance and discomfort - itching, burning, irritation in the vaginal area.

    · The second reason bacterial vaginitis . Their consistency is watery with a foreign odor.

    · Third reason– allergies to underwear or panty liners. They need to be changed.

    · Fourth reasongenitourinary tract infection . It is characterized by copious white discharge and an unpleasant odor.

    Bloody discharge during early pregnancy occurs in most women and is absolutely safe in small quantities. This is due to hormonal changes in the body. But in other cases, you need to urgently consult a doctor.

    · First reasonrisk of miscarriage. They are accompanied by significant pain in the lower abdomen and the release of blood clots, with possible malaise and loss of appetite.

    · The second reasonfetal freezing. The precursor to discharge is that the body itself is trying to free itself from the frozen fetus.

    · Third reasonectopic pregnancy . Very early stages Before conception there is a dark red discharge with severe increasing pain. It is removed surgically.

    · Fourth reasonplacental abruption . This happens in the third trimester. Their color is bright red. In this situation, emergency ambulance assistance is needed.

    · Other reasonsdiseases of the genital organs : fibroids, erosion.

    Bloody discharge in late pregnancy is dangerous for both. Particularly dangerous abundant their character.

    For any abnormalities in the body, especially pain, unpleasant discomfort or the smell of discharge, as well as its abundance of any color, be sure to urgently visit a gynecologist.

    Indeed, in special situations, life and health depend on very prompt assistance from a doctor. It’s better to play it safe once again and visit the antenatal clinic.

    Discharge during pregnancy has two sides to its manifestation. Some of them should be and are considered the norm, although the expectant mother begins to sound the alarm. Situations are possible when the natural appearance of secretion takes on a different color, consistency, or smell. This condition during pregnancy may be a reason to consult a gynecologist. In order not to panic at any discharge, you need to learn to understand your body and react correctly.

    Conventionally, all discharges from the genitourinary system in women are:

    • Normal - corresponds to the natural microflora and the functioning of the hormonal system.
    • A sign of pathology caused by inflammation, the development of bacteria, microbes, and deviations in fetal development.

    In a normal situation, when pregnancy has not yet occurred, in the female organs responsible for reproductive function, different processes. They are accompanied by clear, white, watery or thick discharge that changes each other during the menstrual cycle. This is normal discharge before pregnancy.

    When the egg is ready for fertilization, hormones increase their function. Progesterone increases secretion to provide more hydration to the pathways along which sperm travel. This reduces their inhibition and creates a comfortable environment.

    If the contact was successful, progesterone continues to work, creating a protective barrier in the form of a mucus plug.

    A dense clot of mucus seals the entrance to the vagina and does not allow the embryo to leave the uterine cavity. The fertilized egg begins to attach to the elastic walls. In addition, in a pregnant woman, the plug protects the uterine cavity from the penetration of pathogenic microbes and fungi, which can harm the development of the embryo.

    While the cervix is ​​not closed, some mucus is released out. It has a viscous, white base. Doctors qualify such discharge as a sign of pregnancy, which is justified by natural processes. If you correctly identify the secretion of the female genital organs, then you can find out about the onset of pregnancy at the very first stage, before the main signs appear.

    Early period

    When pregnancy occurs menstrual cycle stops. Although scant blood spots are possible during the first month, they are not considered a pathology. Drops of blood released from the uterine cavity during the attachment of the fertilized egg are mixed with mucus and create the appearance of menstruation. Such spotting during pregnancy is normal, unless there is severe pain in the lower abdomen or fever.

    From the fifth week of fetal development, colored mucus interspersed with blood or other clots is unacceptable.

    After the embryo is fixed, new stage in the female body - preservation of the fetus, for which estrogen is responsible. The secretion becomes transparent, odorless and rather scanty. Up to the tenth week, the specificity of the discharge remains, without causing much discomfort.

    Second half of fetal development

    The longer the period, the larger the fruit. Small ruptures in the walls may occur in the uterus due to an increase in the size of the cavity in which the baby develops. Blood pressure increases. White or transparent mucus may turn slightly beige. There is no cause for concern if there is no pain, itching or burning in the external genitalia or vagina.

    Sometimes beige discharge is caused by erosion that was not treated before pregnancy. During sexual intercourse, the cervix is ​​damaged and begins to bleed slightly. The same result occurs when examined by a doctor at a later date to take a smear. There is no serious reason for concern.

    In recent months, you should also pay attention to the discharge, because there may be more secretion, in which women notice a yellow impurity. If there are no other symptoms and the mucus does not cause discomfort, then the yellow tint can be explained as an admixture of urine droplets. The embryo is very large and puts pressure on all internal organs, including bladder. A woman often runs to the toilet, but sometimes this is not possible, which leads to involuntary urination.

    Sometimes this happens unnoticed by a pregnant woman if she makes sudden movements or lifts weights.

    During a normal pregnancy, there are no other reasons for the appearance of yellow, brown, or green mucus. Clots and abundant mucus in the later stages are a signal that labor is approaching, a plug is coming out or amniotic fluid has begun to leak.

    Throughout the entire period of embryo development, discharge of a uniform consistency is acceptable, the density of which can vary from water to thick white secretion. If there is no additional discomfort in the form of itching, burning, sour or yeasty odor, pain in the lower back or lower abdomen, then this is normal discharge during pregnancy.

    Any deviations from the norm should be a reason for additional consultation with a gynecologist.

    Causes for concern

    Not every pregnancy progresses within normal limits. The first signal of imbalance for the expectant mother is the color of the discharge during pregnancy. Starting from the first day of fertilization, you can understand that there is a threat to miscarriage or to the woman’s life.

    Ectopic pregnancy or miscarriage

    The first sign of the birth of a new life is a delay in menstruation. One, two weeks. The girl is sure that she is pregnant. Suddenly brown discharge appears. This condition is possible on early, but pain in the lower abdomen and temperature indicate a serious problem.

    There is reason to believe that the chorion formed not in the uterine cavity, but in the tubes. Doctors consider such discharge a sign of pregnancy outside the uterus, more precisely, in the cavity of the tube. A threat to the woman’s life is created; the cavity of the tube is not intended for the development of the fetus. Help is required, usually surgical. If abnormal discharge or signs of pregnancy appear that do not correspond to the standard course, usually in the first days of conception, hospitalization is prescribed.

    The first weeks of conception are the most dangerous, so a woman needs to know what color discharge during pregnancy is normal at first and what is pathological.

    Brown mucus may appear later, even if the embryo is properly implanted in the uterus. An unnatural color of the secretion of the female genital organs during pregnancy indicates a bacterial disease in the vaginal cavity or a threat of miscarriage. The appearance of a red tint and clots in the early stages of fetal development often leads to bleeding.

    If assistance is provided late, it is impossible to save the embryo. Full or partial exit of the embryo is possible. The reasons that provoke a miscarriage are different - from genetic to banal medication, if the pregnancy is unplanned and the woman was undergoing treatment.

    Hidden disease

    In the last months of embryo development, brown mucus with fragments indicates problems with the placenta. Dissection has different specifics, up to a threat to the life of the baby and the expectant mother. You should not neglect changes in the discharge of a pregnant woman, especially with an admixture of blood, clots, and thread-like fragments.

    Unexpectedly, various diseases of the female organs may manifest themselves, which the woman did not know about because she did not undergo a full examination before fertilization:

    Hormonal changes and an increase in the size of the embryo affect hidden foci of diseases. Bloody discharge accompanied by attacks of pain in the abdomen and lower back can be a symptom of anxiety. The gynecologist prescribes appropriate treatment, if possible.

    Microbes or fungi have become active

    Normally, discharge during pregnancy should not have a specific odor, which is not pleasant to the woman and can occur a short period of time after hygiene procedures. A mass resembling cottage cheese or leucorrhoea with a yellow or green tint appears on the pad. An accurate diagnosis of such discharge in pregnant women can only be carried out by the supervising gynecologist, but in general it is a symptom of the development of fungal or microbial diseases:

    • Thrush;
    • Gonorrhea;
    • Escherichia coli;
    • Kidney diseases (pyelonephritis);
    • Other sexually transmitted infections.

    Some diseases occurred in a latent form before pregnancy and manifested themselves in a serious form due to hormonal changes and increased sensitivity of the female genital organs. Mucus with pathogenic flora, getting on the outer labia and vaginal walls, causes irritation and itching. There may be pain and burning when urinating, a sour, fishy smell. During sexual intercourse, semen can also change its odor because microbes are mixed with the normal vaginal flora. The contact itself can cause pain because the mucous membrane is damaged.

    It is advisable to cure thrush and other diseases of the reproductive system of men and women in advance.

    If future parents approach the issue of conception with full responsibility, then they undergo a comprehensive examination, which excludes the possibility of the appearance of pathogenic pathogens. Even people who have regular sexual relations with a partner have hidden diseases of the genital organs that do not allow the fetus to develop normally. If only the wife was treated, and the husband ignored the doctor’s orders, during sexual intercourse his microflora passes to the pregnant woman and threatens the fetus.

    You should not self-medicate or ignore signs of pathologies. It's better to get diagnosed and get medical care than to harm yourself and the embryo.

    An allergic reaction changes the secretion of the genital organs

    Sometimes “bad” discharge during pregnancy appears as an allergic reaction to hygiene products:

    • Soap, gel;
    • Gaskets;
    • Body cream;
    • Toilet paper;
    • Underwear made of synthetic fabrics.

    To eliminate this possibility, a woman needs to use hygiene products without fragrances and dyes; she can change her usual pads to a new brand. It is better to use linen from cotton fabric and change twice a day. Replace toilet paper with wet wipes for intimate hygiene. If possible, increase washing procedures.

    If all possible sources eliminated, but the specific vaginal discharge has not stopped, you need to look for another cause. An allergy may be to medications prescribed to a pregnant woman, or to certain foods.

    Harbingers of the birth of a baby

    The strongest anxiety for pregnant women appears in the last months. First-time mothers, noticing thick lumps of mucus on their underwear, panic and don’t know what to do. But this is normal. A few weeks before giving birth, the uterus begins to rebuild in the cervical area. There is a gradual opening, the cork comes out completely or in parts. The underwear gets more wet because amniotic fluid begins to leak.

    Blood may be added to the watery mucus, and the discharge takes on a dirty tint. But if their color does not have a scarlet tint, there should be no worries. Scarlet color indicates serious problems that may threaten the life of the embryo, and bleeding may begin. Hospitalization and ultrasound examination are urgently required.


    The female body is designed in such a way that mucus of varying consistency is constantly released from the vagina. Discharge is a litmus test for the health of the reproductive system, which you need to pay attention to even with minor changes.

    Pregnancy is a special period that is individual for each representative of the fair half, and a woman should be much more attentive and understand that such a sign of pregnancy as discharge may not always be the norm. Color and odor of a specific nature will always be a problem.

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