• Is discharge dangerous in the first weeks of pregnancy? What kind of discharge can there be in early pregnancy?


    Of course, pregnancy requires a special, very attentive and careful attitude of a woman to the state of her body. Therefore, when in the first weeks and months any negative or incomprehensible manifestations are observed, for example, pain in the lower abdomen, discharge, you should definitely talk about them with the doctor observing the pregnancy.

    Any discharge in the early stages or first weeks of pregnancy may indicate a possible pathology, especially when brown or bloody discharge is observed. In any case, when something bothers you, if something worries you, you need to tell the gynecologist monitoring the pregnancy about it, since only a doctor can prevent the impending danger in time.

    When is discharge a sign of normality?

    It must be said that the first trimester (3 months) on the body expectant mother The hormone progesterone has the strongest influence. Because of its influence, a woman often observes thick, white or yellowish, but always opaque mucous discharge. If they do not have an unpleasant odor or irritate the surrounding skin, there is no need to worry. Just be aware that these secretions can become the target of infection. Therefore you need to pay great attention personal hygiene.

    Then this mucus gradually transforms into a thick plug located in the cervical canal of the uterus. It is important because it protects the fetus from infection. Then, with the beginning of the second half of pregnancy, mucous discharge will become less thick, since during this period there will be more estrogen hormone in the blood. In addition, they become transparent.

    When is discharge a sign of infection?

    If at the beginning of pregnancy the white discharge changes, it has an unpleasant odor, or changes color, you should be wary. Any changes may indicate the presence of an infection in the body. Very often they indicate the presence of bacterial and fungal infections, the occurrence of diseases such as candidiasis and bacterial vaginosis.

    Vaginal candidiasis

    It is also called thrush. The infection is accompanied by a white discharge with a grayish tint, similar to cottage cheese. This disease can be treated quite successfully. For this purpose, medical procedures and special medications are used. The doctor will prescribe you the treatment that is most effective for you and which will not harm the unborn baby.

    Bacterial vaginosis

    If we talk about this infectious disease, then the presence of an infection can be recognized by the watery mucus that comes out of the vagina and has an unpleasant odor. This disease, like vaginal candidiasis, occurs due to an imbalance of the vaginal microflora. If signs of this infection appear, be sure to visit a doctor. Bacterial vaginosis increases the risk of miscarriage, so treatment should begin as soon as possible. a short time. The doctor will prescribe antimicrobial drugs and antibiotics that can be taken during pregnancy.

    Non-infectious irritations

    They are often observed in the early stages, the first weeks of pregnancy. Such irritations are characterized by itching and irritation. Discharge also appears. But all these symptoms are not a sign of infection, but appear as a reaction to hygiene products (gels, soaps, synthetic care products, etc.). The cause may be tight, uncomfortable underwear made from non-natural fabrics.

    To avoid such manifestations, replace hygiene supplies to hypoallergenic. For example, use baby soap. Wear underwear made from natural fabrics and more spacious.

    When is discharge a sign of serious danger?

    Particular attention should be paid to discharge that is bloody or brownish in color. They do not always signal danger, but their appearance should cause concern and be a reason to immediately consult a doctor.

    The fact is that bloody mucus can occur for various reasons. For example, in the first weeks of pregnancy, a woman may experience mucous bleeding at the same time as her period usually came. Sometimes this can last for several months.

    Minor bleeding may occur at a later stage, when the placenta begins to penetrate into the deeper layers of the uterus.

    But the most dangerous manifestation of bleeding is the threat of miscarriage. This condition begins with a nagging pain in the lower abdomen. Then spotting of blood appears, then it becomes more abundant. These symptoms occur due to the onset of gradual detachment ovum attached to the wall of the uterus.

    This condition poses a direct threat to the baby’s life. It also threatens the woman's life. Therefore, if pain, bloody mucus, or even bleeding appears, immediately consult a doctor, be sure to call ambulance. This must be done even if spotting in the early stages is insignificant.

    Brownish discharge may indicate the presence of ectopic pregnancy. This is a mandatory reason for artificial interruption. An ectopic pregnancy can be very life-threatening. Therefore, in the first weeks (5-6 weeks) you need to do an ultrasound to check the correct position of the fetus.


    We talked about what kind of discharge occurs in the early stages, the first weeks of pregnancy in women. Pregnancy is always a special state of the female body, although it is characteristic of it, because nature dictated so. However, a woman should constantly analyze all the changes happening to her. And understand what is the norm and what is a deviation from it. And if something in your state of health is alarming or raises doubts, talk to the gynecologist observing the pregnancy. Be healthy!

    And so, conception occurred. Of course, this was preceded preparatory work body of the mother and father: after all, in order for fertilization to take place, a woman must have an established menstrual cycle, ovulation must occur, the fallopian tubes must have sufficient patency. Man - future father- must also be fairly healthy, his body must produce a sufficient number of viable sperm. Conception can only occur during the so-called fertile period of a woman. It is undesirable for both parents to have inflammatory processes in the genital area and developmental abnormalities.

    Fertilization has taken place, the egg develops, but Is the fetus an animate being? Representatives of different faiths hold different opinions on this issue. For example, Jews believe that a child becomes a living being, a person, from the moment its heart begins to beat, that is, from the sixth or seventh week of pregnancy. According to Christian - Catholic, Orthodox and other - canons, a child is animated from the moment of conception, that is, abortions are unacceptable at any time. Scientists agree with the Christian point of view - a child is a living being from the very moment a fertilized egg is implanted into the wall of the uterus. And already in the tenth week of pregnancy the baby can hear, and in the fourteenth - he can feel pain. He reacts to discomfort and tries to take a more comfortable position.

    First trimester of pregnancy- a wonderful time, but be prepared for the fact that it is at this stage that the woman will face most of the difficulties and problems that she is destined to face throughout her pregnancy.

    The early period of pregnancy is different for all women. Naturally, you will not have regular periods, but you may continue to have light spotting during the first trimester. It is they who often obscure the picture so much that some women do not realize that they are pregnant for three months or so. About seven days after fertilization, so-called implantation bleeding may begin. This is a physiological vaginal discharge associated with the formation of new blood vessels. However, they are quite rare.

    You may also find that you urinate more often. First, the enlarging uterus puts pressure on the bladder. Secondly, due to all the hormonal changes you are experiencing, such as a sharp increase in progesterone levels in the blood, you will consume and excrete more fluid.

    Most women notice a change in the shape of the breasts and the appearance of new sensations in them: the breasts swell, they may feel tingling, throbbing or pain. This is due to the development of the mammary glands. Blood flow to the chest increases, and veins become more clearly visible. The nipples swell and rise, the areola (the area around the nipples) darkens and expands. In some women, increased sensitivity and soreness of the nipples appears already at the beginning of pregnancy.

    Another typical symptom for this period is fatigue. It appears after the date of the first missed menstruation and usually disappears in the fourteenth to twentieth week of pregnancy. There is a very simple remedy for this ailment: sleep more! If you're at home, take a nap after lunch. If you work, make time for sleep after work. Try to get help with housekeeping. During the first trimester, the optimal duration of sleep at night is approximately ten hours.

    Another consequence of increased progesterone levels is frequent pre-fainting and constipation. The weakness is due to the fact that under the influence of progesterone, the smooth muscles of the blood vessels are stretched, which causes stagnation of blood in the legs. In addition to this, blood flow to the uterus increases. This can cause low blood pressure and lead to fainting. They can be triggered by long periods of standing or sitting. For prevention, it is recommended to lie down or perform exercises aimed at increasing blood circulation.

    Constipation is caused by progesterone relaxing the smooth muscles of the small and large intestines, slowing down the digestive process. To prevent them, include more liquid (about 6-8 glasses a day) and fiber in your diet and exclude fatty foods and rare meats. Plum juice can work wonders. Walking and lungs also help. physical exercise. And finally, you shouldn’t waste all your vital energy trying to make a bowel movement. If you are sitting on the toilet and nothing is working, get up! If you sit for a long time, strain, push, God forbid, you will get hemorrhoids. Make it a habit not to rush to empty your bowels as soon as you feel the urge: go to the toilet only when you can no longer hold back. (However, many pregnant women still get hemorrhoids - as a result of hormonal changes and due to an enlarged uterus, which puts pressure on the pelvic veins.) You can ask your doctor to prescribe some medications for constipation - it is possible that they will help. Some doctors advise spending ten minutes in the toilet after each meal. Eating food stimulates the stomach, which, in turn, passes the baton to the intestines, and your body learns to empty the intestines at a certain time every day. This is called the gastrocolic reflex. Lastly, you can develop special diet, including more fruit, fiber, liquid and less milk, calcium and simple sugars.

    In the first weeks of pregnancy, when the processes of formation of a small organism are actively underway, the mother should be especially attentive to herself, she must worry about her safety and health, since the safety and health of the child directly depends on this. You should not overwork; if possible, try not to work in the first months of pregnancy: at this time you will experience increased fatigue, which cannot be ignored. Try to maintain a sleep schedule, eat right, take a walk every day fresh air and minimize contact with sources of stress: communicating with unpleasant people, doing unpleasant things. Taste also changes radically in the first weeks after conception - listen to yourself, the body will signal to you what both you and the child need now. It is better to conduct sexual life in the first trimester very carefully - until the fertilized egg is properly strengthened on the wall of the uterus, violent sex life may cause miscarriage. You will have to be patient for the first ten or twelve weeks, sex for more later pregnancy will not pose a threat. Limit or stop taking medications. if you have chronic diseases, which force you to adhere to a certain schedule of taking medications even while pregnant, be sure to consult with both the gynecologist leading the pregnancy and the specialist involved in your chronicle. But the ultrasound procedure during pregnancy, which many expectant mothers are so afraid of, is considered completely harmless. In some private clinics, patients undergo echography during each routine examination (every two weeks), and no data on harm to the mother or baby have yet been received.

    What other troubles can happen to you in the early stages of pregnancy? Fungal infections, as well as pain in the sacral region - if the enlarging uterus presses on the sciatic nerve.

    Nausea in the morning

    At the beginning of pregnancy, women are often plagued by a feeling of lightheadedness and vomiting. In the first trimester, 60-80% of pregnant women suffer from morning sickness. You should know: morning sickness, which begins, as it should, in the morning, in the first weeks of pregnancy often continues 24 hours a day. You can try to beat it by eating crackers or drinking juice.
    In more severe cases, nausea and vomiting begin six to eight weeks after the last menstrual period and continue with increasing intensity until about the end of the fourteenth week, and then either disappear or lessen. However, these phenomena sometimes extend into the second trimester.

    Some of the symptoms that accompany morning sickness include an aversion to certain types of food and smells that previously did not bother you, such as cigarette smoke, coffee, meat, and sometimes salad! Just the sight of such food can cause an attack of lightheadedness. Some women give up everything except one type of food, such as grapefruit, yogurt or crackers.

    Nausea is caused by hormonal changes, which somehow affect the stomach lining and acidity levels. With an empty stomach, the feeling of nausea intensifies. To kill it, you need to let your stomach work, i.e. digest something. Sometimes nausea is caused by low blood sugar. If you have diabetes, nausea may be a warning sign, so your blood sugar levels should be kept at your highest level anyway.

    Constant nausea accompanied by vomiting is dangerous because it can lead to insufficient intake of nutrients and dehydration of the body. Try to drink more - little by little, but often. Drink fruit juices and, of course, water (drinking milk at this stage is not at all necessary). Cheese, yogurt and calcium-containing foods are highly recommended. If you have more than three bouts of vomiting per day, visit your doctor to make sure you are not dehydrated. Most women have enough “reserves” in the body to support the nutrition of the embryo, despite any nausea. Surprisingly, statistics show that pregnancy accompanied by morning sickness is more favorable than without nausea. Maybe this observation will console you during your next bout of morning vomiting.

    Finally, just because you are early in pregnancy does not prevent you from getting the stomach flu or other non-pregnancy related illness that causes nausea. If nausea becomes unbearable, be sure to exclude this type of diagnosis.
    Nutrition and weight gain

    During pregnancy it is extremely important Healthy food. It is best to take a referral to a nutritionist and work with him to develop your daily diet. Or make a separate appointment with your doctor or obstetrician to find a diet that suits your needs. You may ask, “Why not just look at a pregnancy book and borrow a standard diet?” The answer is simple: not every pregnancy turns out to be “standard”. Feelings associated with pregnancy, health status, and lifestyle are individual for each woman. Consequently, the optimal diet cannot be the same for everyone.

    The main vice of the majority modern systems nutrition of pregnant women - that they make too many demands. They are too categorical and peremptory for an ordinary pregnant woman - working, stressed, suffering from bouts of nausea - to follow them. One of my friends, being pregnant, shared with me her great happiness: it turns out that she can drink a cup of real coffee in the morning! She, you see, “read somewhere” that caffeine, even in an insignificant amount, can cause abnormalities in the development of the fetus. However, her doctor assured her that for her personally, a working woman who has to get up early every day, struggle with transportation problems, and fatigue, a morning cup of coffee would not harm her at all. On the other hand, coffee may not be suitable for any other woman who is more sensitive to caffeine.

    Another common point of most recommendations is “no sandwich food and only organic products.” However, “nothing human is alien” to modern pregnant women. Indulging in the occasional hamburger, candy bar, or bag of potato chips will not cause any abnormalities in the fetus's development. If, stuck in a traffic jam for hours, you munch on something - even if it’s not a sandwich with country chicken fed with natural, organic products - it’s still better than nothing. Let's not forget that most workplaces are completely unsuitable for pregnant women. You can be busy all day, and your lunch break will only be enough for you to quickly grab something at the diner, and you will have to get out of this situation “with minimal losses” (even McDonald’s has salads!).

    What to do with recommendations to drink more milk if you are allergic to dairy products? What if you are a vegetarian (many vegetarians do not eat dairy products or eggs)? What if you have other food allergies, or diabetes, or anemia, or are undergoing a course of treatment that is incompatible with any food? Weight gain also highest degree individually. What if you started struggling with excess weight before pregnancy? Or do you generally have digestive problems?

    Summarizing all of the above, it can be argued that nutrition during pregnancy is too serious a problem to be solved with the help of books. Age, weight, previous illnesses, characteristics of pregnancy - the nutritional and vitamin diet of a pregnant woman depends on all this. Additionally, your diet may need to change during pregnancy. So see a nutritionist or obstetrician. And try not to worry!

    As for weight- yes, you, of course, are eating “for two,” but remember: your baby at birth will hardly weigh more than 4.5 kg (of course, there are cases of children being born heavier, but this still happens very rarely!). You will need to work with your doctor to develop a realistic meal plan and weight management strategy. Do not consider pregnancy as a reason for a gastronomic binge. Too much high magnification Weight loss will make it difficult to return to normal after childbirth, and may lead to other problems, such as high blood pressure or diabetes during pregnancy, and may also aggravate problems associated with fluid retention in the body.
    Gymnastics and exercise

    Gymnastics and exercise are important, but in moderation. Your doctor or obstetrician will be the best judge of what type physical activity suits you. Some women are advised to increase activity and loads, while others will have to reduce them. There are good aerobics programs designed specifically for pregnant women. They target the right muscle groups, and the physical activity is properly balanced. One of the main benefits of body shaping during pregnancy is that it will better prepare you for the physical effort you will face during childbirth. Whatever you choose, it is best to do it under the supervision of a coach or aerobics instructor who will be able to select the right exercises and will not allow you to harm yourself in any way.
    Possible complications

    If something goes wrong during the first trimester, there are two main scenarios: miscarriage or ectopic pregnancy.

    If you notice one of the symptoms discussed below, call your gynecologist immediately, or better yet, call an ambulance.
    Threat of miscarriage

    Miscarriage may be caused by various reasons. Some studies suggest that about 60% of all first trimester miscarriages are due to genetic abnormalities. In this way, your own body engages in “genetic engineering”, getting rid of the malformed embryo. More than 90% of women who have had a single miscarriage go on to give birth safely. My own professional experience shows that a miscarriage in the first trimester is diagnosed precisely as a complication of pregnancy, but not at all as an indicator of infertility. You should wait three to six months before trying to get pregnant again.

    The risk of miscarriage increases with the age of the pregnant woman. In women under 30 years of age it is 10%, after 45 it increases to 50%. After two miscarriages, it is better to stop trying to get pregnant and undergo diagnostic tests to understand what is causing the miscarriage. Among possible reasons miscarriage at this stage - hormonal deficiency that interferes with the development of the fetus, abnormalities in the structure of the uterus, genetic failures, Rh conflict. However, the reasons often remain unknown, and the woman safely carries her third pregnancy. After two miscarriages, there is a 70% chance that the third pregnancy will pass without pathologies.

    It is very important that women are aware of the fairly high probability of miscarriage in the first trimester of pregnancy, are prepared for it and do not panic. Only a small number of women experience miscarriages; If you have had one miscarriage, the likelihood that your next pregnancy will be successful is very high.

    The main symptom of threatened miscarriage is bleeding. However, it is important to remember that not every bleeding indicates a threat of miscarriage. However, although some spotting in early pregnancy is quite common, it is still not normal. Severe bleeding requiring frequent changes of pads for heavy flow should be reported to your doctor immediately. Bleeding, as a rule, is accompanied by other symptoms: colic, abdominal pain, fever, weakness, and sometimes vomiting. There may be clots in the blood. You may also notice an unusual odor. Other types of bleeding are possible: brown immediate or continuous vaginal discharge, or minor bleeding accompanied by sharp pain in the abdomen or shoulders. Finally, if minor bleeding does not stop for more than three days, it is a bad sign.

    Heavy bleeding and colic between the end of the second and the end of the third month are classic symptoms of threatened miscarriage. Sharp pain in the abdomen, not accompanied by bleeding, is also an alarming signal. Bleeding can be so intense that you have to change several pads within an hour, or it can be “bearable” - as during heavy menstrual bleeding. Thick discharge may appear - dark red clots that look like small pieces of raw beef liver. Sometimes there is gray or pink discharge. In the first trimester, the threat of miscarriage may also be indicated by constant minor bleeding or not very severe abdominal pain.

    In the hospital, the doctor will be able to tell whether there is really a threat of miscarriage, and if so, how far the process has progressed. He will perform a careful examination of the organs abdominal cavity, may prescribe an ultrasound.
    Ectopic pregnancy

    An ectopic pregnancy occurs when the fetus does not implant in the uterine cavity, but begins to develop in the fallopian tube. It is very dangerous. If a pipe ruptures, life may be threatened. The classic symptoms of an ectopic pregnancy are severe pain in the abdomen or side. The pain may start as a dull pain and become increasingly severe. Pain in the neck and shoulders is also common. Along with pain, you may also have menstrual-type bleeding, but pain is the main symptom.

    The problem with ectopic pregnancy is that women often do not realize they are pregnant until these symptoms appear. So if you are trying to get pregnant or are simply not using protection, if you experience strange abdominal pain, consult a doctor as soon as possible!

    Women who are most at risk of ectopic pregnancy are those who:
    an intrauterine device was installed;
    suffered any infectious diseases pelvic organs;
    have had surgery in the abdominal cavity (adhesions can block the tubes and prevent the egg from moving forward);
    have already had an ectopic pregnancy;
    became pregnant with medical assistance when gametes or embryos were inserted into the fallopian tubes.

    If you experience the symptoms described above or suspect an ectopic pregnancy, immediately consult a doctor or call an ambulance. Your doctor will check to see if your blood levels have increased. human chorionic gonadotropin hormone(hCG) (increase hCG level indicates pregnancy). You will have an ultrasound to check the condition of your uterus and fallopian tubes. If an ectopic pregnancy is confirmed, immediate surgery will be required. Postoperative rehabilitation period will take at least a week. Women can usually get pregnant normally after this. It's best to wait at least two cycles before trying again. If you only have one fallopian tube, it will recover after surgery and regular ovulation will resume.

    magazine "9 months"

    Motherhood is one of the main purposes of a woman. But the implementation of this noble mission is sometimes associated with many difficulties. One of them is brown discharge in early pregnancy. Their appearance very often suggests a serious danger to the well-being of the unborn baby. However, the situation is not always so serious. We will discuss the causes and dangers of brown discharge at the beginning of pregnancy in this article, looking at the cases of women who have personally encountered a similar problem.

    Causes of brown discharge during early pregnancy that are not dangerous

    There are several main reasons that may cause brown discharge at the beginning of pregnancy.

    Hormonal changes in the body

    Olga, 27 years old: “Brown discharge appeared at 3 weeks of pregnancy. Light, but it is clearly visible that there is an admixture of blood. I was very scared. I had an ultrasound done privately - everything was within normal limits. The doctor who conducted the examination said that changes in hormonal levels may have affected. What is the reason for the appearance of brown discharge at 3 weeks of pregnancy?

    Such secretion in the third week of pregnancy is not uncommon. The birth of a new life entails large-scale changes within female body, including at the hormonal level. These changes can also manifest themselves in the form of light brown discharge in the early stages of pregnancy. Hormone imbalance is their main cause.

    They may appear shortly before the first delay. This secretion does not have a repulsive odor, does not provoke itching and burning in the external genital area, and disappears on its own over time.

    Violetta, 25 years old: “4 weeks pregnant, brown discharge. I went to the doctor and he said: “Everything is fine. It's hormones." But what kind of “excellent” can we talk about if there are traces of blood? Perhaps the doctor is incompetent? I visited someone else before.”

    The admixture of blood in small quantities at four weeks of pregnancy, in the absence of additional signs of trouble, may indeed indicate that the balance of hormones that is natural for a pregnant woman has not yet been restored. You can trust the doctor's opinion. If the secretion is short-term, not abundant, painless, then you should not worry.

    Implantation of the fertilized egg into the uterine wall

    Irina, 24 years old: “After a delay, I took a test - two stripes! I was very happy. But just before my period was supposed to start, I had a (small) period that was streaked with blood. The next day everything stopped. What does such scanty brown discharge mean in the first weeks of pregnancy?

    To understand the essence of the phenomenon, it should be remembered that approximately 8-10 days after fertilization, the egg moves through the fallopian tubes and is then fixed in the uterine cavity. In this case, a violation of the integrity of the capillaries is possible, which is manifested by the inclusion of blood streaks in the natural secretion of the female reproductive glands. This phenomenon is short-term in nature and is not accompanied by pain or other unpleasant symptoms. May be brown, light brown or.

    Abnormal periods in the first trimester of pregnancy

    Svetlana, 20 years old: “I’m now in my twelfth week. The news of the unborn child came as a surprise. The fact is that my periods came on time, but they weren’t as heavy. In the second month (at about 8 weeks) the situation repeated itself. When nausea started in the morning and I fainted at the institute, I had to go to the doctor. The news amazed me! Can you get your period in the first weeks of your term?

    This situation is not that unusual. Normally, a pregnant woman's level of progesterone, the hormone responsible for preserving the fetus, increases significantly. If for some reason its concentration is insufficient, then a smear is likely to occur. Brown, which can be mistaken for scanty menstruation.

    Another reason for abnormal periods in pregnant women is the simultaneous maturation of several eggs. When one of them is fertilized, the second remains “free”. The situation leads to the simultaneous synthesis of a large number of hormones responsible for preserving the fertilized egg and hormones that stimulate menstruation. If for some reason the latter take advantage, brown discharge will appear during early pregnancy. At approximately 8 weeks (sometimes a little later), the situation returns to normal.

    Svetlana, 27 years old: “Can you menstruate if you are expecting a child? I started having brown discharge when I was 6 weeks pregnant. Is it possible?"

    If ovulation occurred closer to the end of the menstrual cycle, then the appearance of discharge similar to menstruation is quite likely at 6 weeks. Brown discharge in the 9th week of pregnancy and later should alert you - by this time the balance of hormones characteristic of pregnant women should be achieved.

    Mechanical damage to the integrity of the mucosa

    Gagina, 24 years old: “At week 9 I noticed beige ones. The doctor took the test with some kind of brush - maybe that’s why? I drank papaverine at night, but the next day there were brown marks on my daily sheet again. There was an ultrasound today - there is no threat. Maybe the reason lies in the examination and analysis?”

    Most likely, the presence of brown discharge at 9 weeks of pregnancy is associated with a cytological analysis. Perhaps there was mechanical damage to the superficial vessels, which caused the appearance of traces of blood. The absence of the threat of interruption only confirms this assumption. During the gestation period, blood flow to the pelvic organs increases, and the mucous membrane becomes more sensitive to microtrauma.

    Pathological causes of brown discharge in the early stages

    Risk of miscarriage

    Olga, 23 years old: “I recently found out that I’m expecting a child. Today after a walk I noticed brown discharge at 12 weeks of pregnancy. Before that, there was a slight smudge in the seventh week, and then in the ninth, but I didn’t attach any importance to it, since everything went away by itself. Now the discharge is brown, similar to menstruation both in appearance and in sensation (my stomach hurts, my lower back is stretching, I feel exhausted). Is it dangerous?"

    Irina, 26 years old: “Brown discharge at week 7 is a threat of interruption? I experienced a lot of stress - in the fifth week, while walking, I was attacked by a dog. At first I didn’t notice any changes, but yesterday I saw traces of brown color on my underwear. My stomach feels a little tight. Can a stressful situation cause brown discharge at 7 weeks of pregnancy?

    Brown discharge in the first trimester of pregnancy often becomes a sign of a threatened miscarriage. They can be either moderate or quite abundant in nature, and have a heterogeneous consistency with mucous inclusions. Additional symptoms of spontaneous termination are: the presence of pain in the lower abdomen and sacral area, general malaise, and weakness.

    The reasons that cause brown discharge at the beginning of pregnancy can be very diverse. This includes a lack of progesterone, increased production of androgens, genetic pathology of the fetus, the presence of diseases of the reproductive organs, and, among other things, severe fear and stress.

    Hydatidiform mole

    Anastasia, 25 years old: “It was. I took a test in the fourth week - positive. I didn’t go to the clinic right away, I decided to wait until the last weeks of the first trimester so that I could go to the doctors less. But brown discharge appeared at 8 weeks of pregnancy. There were thoughts that it was menstruation, and the test was deceiving. I did another one - again positive. I thought that at 8 weeks a mistake was hardly possible, and I became scared. I ran to the doctor, took tests, had an ultrasound and was stunned by the diagnosis - hydatidiform mole. I remember the subsequent events with trembling: cleaning, tests, checks at the oncology clinic. It's good that oncology was not confirmed. I dream of giving birth to a healthy baby, I’m waiting for the doctor’s permission. What symptoms and discharge should alert you?”

    Hydatidiform mole is a serious pathology that occurs in 1 in 1000 cases. The essence of the phenomenon is that either a “defective” egg that does not contain a set of female chromosomes is fertilized, or a full-fledged egg is fertilized by two sperm at once. As a result, the chorion or villous membrane turns into multiple cysts, similar to a bunch of grapes. Essentially, it is a tumor that can be either benign or malignant.

    Symptoms of hydatidiform mole are not always initially pronounced. Early toxicosis often develops, which is characterized by headaches, debilitating nausea and vomiting, and attacks of hypertension. The test gives positive result. With hydatidiform mole, bleeding occurs in 95% of cases. Fragments resembling foam, mucus or pus may appear in the blood mass.

    Ectopic pregnancy

    Maria, 23 years old: “Is it true that fimbrioplasty creates a risk of developing an ectopic pregnancy? What symptoms should you be wary of?

    Olga, 32 years old: “I couldn’t conceive for a long time - there were adhesions in the tubes. She was treated for several years. This is the sixth day of delay. The test confirmed the onset of conception. I heard that the adhesive process creates a risk of developing an ectopic pregnancy. Is it so? How does this pathology manifest itself?

    Ectopic pregnancy is another threat to potential motherhood. The essence of the phenomenon is the abnormal attachment of the fertilized egg, when instead of the uterine wall it is localized in the ovary, tubes, abdominal cavity or cervix. The whole danger is associated with the natural enlargement of the ovum, which can lead to rupture of the organ (usually the tube) followed by extensive bleeding.

    The reasons for the development of anomalies can be varied. Most often they are associated either with a dysfunction of the egg or sperm, or with a violation of transport ability fallopian tubes. Fibryoplasty, as well as the presence of adhesions, is one of the risk factors for the development of ectopic attachment.

    Initially, an ectopic pregnancy proceeds similarly to a normal one. Symptoms can be expressed by pain in the side where the fertilized egg is implanted, pulling sensations in the area of ​​the sacrum and a bloody dark brown secretion. These first signs may appear around the 6th week of pregnancy. Their intensity may vary - it depends on the period, place of implantation, individual characteristics woman's body.

    In some cases, the fertilized egg is rejected on its own, which is manifested by dark discharge and moderate pain. And sometimes an organ rupture and abdominal bleeding occurs, accompanied by a drop in blood pressure, a deterioration in general condition, and acute pain radiating to the hypochondrium and interscapular region. This can happen in the fifth or eighth week of pregnancy.

    Brown discharge in the fifth week of pregnancy, accompanied by pain, should already alert you, because the ectopic location of the fertilized egg poses a huge danger to a woman’s health.

    Inflammation and STDs

    Irina, 30 years old: “At 10 weeks of pregnancy I noticed unpleasant symptoms: unbearable itching, urination with pain. At first I thought it might be cystitis or “thrush,” but discharge appeared at 11 weeks of pregnancy - pale brown, mixed with opaque yellow mucus (like pus). There was a disgusting smell. It's not getting any better yet. What could it be?"

    Cervical erosion is diagnosed in every second woman, and expectant mothers are no exception. In the photo you can see what a neck with erosion may look like. Indeed, during pregnancy, the light brown color of the secretion may indicate this disease. Sometimes you can see mucus in it. This disease does not provoke painful sensations until an inflammatory process is added to it. Erosion can cause throughout the entire period.

    Irina, 32 years old: “Can brown discharge at the 10th week of pregnancy appear due to erosion? I noticed that after sex, ichor appears.”

    For erosion sexual contact can provoke the appearance of light brown discharge at the 10th week of pregnancy, as well as at any other stage. Their cause is mechanical damage to the epithelium of the affected area. In the presence of of this disease It is necessary to consult a doctor, since erosion that begins to bleed should not be left without attention and treatment.

    Brown discharge in the first trimester: what to do?

    During pregnancy, discharge that differs in color and consistency from normal leucorrhoea requires a visit to the doctor. The first trimester is the time when all the organs and systems of the unborn baby are formed. You should pay attention to the addition of painful sensations in the abdominal area. Taken together, these symptoms can signal serious danger. Under no circumstances should you engage in self-diagnosis or self-medication. Only with the help of a specialist can you understand the causes of suspicious secretion and take appropriate measures.

    The cervix of the female body systematically produces mucus - this is a natural and natural process. During the menstrual cycle, several types of secretion are generated - an abundant/liquid secretion that facilitates the penetration/movement of sperm for conception (the first half, estrogen dominates) and an opaque/rather viscous secretion that protects the uterus from pathogenic microorganisms (the second half, progesterone dominates).

    In the first trimester of pregnancy, the functioning of the uterus and appendages is supported by progesterone; accordingly, from the thirteenth to fourteenth week, estrogen plays a dominant role. It is the above hormones that are responsible for the process of secretion from the vagina.

    The following list of changes in the structure, viscosity and intensity of discharge is associated with natural physiological processes during pregnancy and is normal, but may vary in the specified time periods due to the individual characteristics of a particular female body.

    1st week

    2nd week

    The secretion becomes slimy, sometimes with small amounts of blood. During this period, ovulation occurs/installation of the egg to the walls of the uterine cavity.

    3rd week

    Light or moderate implantation bleeding, sometimes accompanied by nagging pain in the lower abdomen. An alternative is a creamy discharge of pink, brown or yellow shades, which stops a few days after the process begins.

    4th week

    Consolidation of the implantation process is accompanied by abundant thick transparent or slightly whitish secretion without an unpleasant odor, sometimes mixed with blood. From this period, global hormonal changes begin, and an increase in mucus occurs due to the large flow of blood to the organ.

    5th week

    The norm is transparent discharge no odor in small quantity, any other color of the secretion indicates infectious, sexually transmitted problems or the threat of termination of pregnancy (in the presence of blood clots).

    6th week

    During this period, pregnant women usually have a clear or slightly white secret in small volumes, odorless and standard structure.

    7th week

    Changes in hormonal levels entail an increase in the flow of secretions; they become not only more abundant, but also thinner. Thick secretion of any shade may indicate pathology.

    8th week

    Discharge is moderate, mostly light color and a slightly sour smell, not liquid, of normal consistency. A brown secretion is very dangerous, usually accompanying the separation of the fetal embryo from the walls of the uterus with subsequent termination of pregnancy.

    9th week

    The secretion has a liquid, watery consistency, is odorless, has a light color and should not cause any discomfort.

    10th week

    During this period, the pregnant woman often undergoes a primary gynecological examination. The discharge is similar to the 9th week, but in rare cases a small spotting bloody secretion may be observed - it is not dangerous if there is no abdominal pain and can be caused by microdamage to the uterine walls that have become loose due to mechanical stress in the process gynecological examination, after sexual intercourse or due to cervical erosion.

    11th week

    The secretion is thin, colorless or light, and is released in a small volume.

    12th week

    Good discharge of a moderate nature, light or whitish, sometimes slightly sour smell. During this period, sexually transmitted diseases are very dangerous, manifested by itching, burning, mucus/pus and leucorrhoea of ​​unnatural colors.

    13th – 25th week

    The discharge remains transparent, but its volume, due to the increasing influence of estrogen, begins to increase and acquire an increasingly liquid consistency. Leucorrhoea acquires a slightly sour smell.

    25th – 36th week

    Moderate or abundant discharge of light, less often white, shades with a pronounced sour odor. In rare cases, partial waste may occur amniotic fluid(yellowish tint, liquid consistency), which is a pathology and requires immediate medical attention. With severe constipation/hemorrhoids, the secretion may include bloody clots; if the discharge is brown or any other color, this is a signal of the presence of a serious pathology.

    36th – 40th week

    Moderate whitish discharge may alternate with a mucous-type secretion, sometimes with the addition of blood clots, signaling the process of preparation for the removal of the plug and the onset of labor. Translucent liquid discharge in large quantities is a waste of amniotic fluid or a change in the structure of the membranes. In any case, if they occur, you need to contact a gynecologist as soon as possible.

    Below, we describe the main types of vaginal discharge that most often appear in the fair sex during pregnancy.

    Light, white discharge

    The causes of occurrence are the generation of mucus by the glands of the gallbladder, renewal of the epithelium of the walls of the genital organs, and proliferation of microflora.

    The following are considered the norm:

    • Thick and viscous secretion of a light milky shade.
    • Light discharge with a watery consistency.

    The volume of secretion depends on the concentration of a certain type of hormone - progesterone or estrogen.

    As a rule, doctors associate this type of discharge with the menstrual cycle (corresponding to the days before pregnancy) - in the first part there is a thin secretion of a watery consistency, which is later replaced by a thick and viscous substance, completely white or beige. Towards the end of the cycle, the volume of discharge increases again.

    Also, white, light discharge can form after sexual intercourse or the use of hormonal contraceptives. Bountiful Secret white, a curd structure with a sharp sour or beer smell - this is a pathology, usually caused by candidiasis. White, translucent liquid watery discharge in large quantities with an unpleasant odor - most often vaginosis of a bacterial nature.

    Is this type of discharge accompanied by a pulling sensation in the lower abdomen or pain? Contact your doctors immediately!

    Yellow discharge during pregnancy

    Causes of occurrence: allergic reaction to products intimate hygiene, inflammatory processes, leakage of amniotic fluid.

    Opaque light yellow discharge in small quantities without a strong odor, itching, pain or discomfort is considered a relative norm.

    Yellow discharge in the fair sex is not considered natural, but if it is not accompanied by other pathological symptoms and go away on their own after some time, then they should not cause serious concern. You should definitely contact a gynecologist immediately if the secretion has a pronounced dark yellow tint - this possible sign spontaneous abortion or a serious allergic reaction.

    If the yellow discharge changes to green, this usually indicates the presence of some kind of sexually transmitted disease. Often in this case, corresponding additional symptoms are observed, in particular pain and itching during urination, burning in the genital area.

    The bright yellow color of the secretion also indicates the connection to the pathology of a bacterial infection with inflammation of the ovaries, appendages or fallopian tubes. Very abundant light yellow watery discharge most often means partial loss of amniotic fluid, which is considered normal immediately before delivery - in any other situation, a pregnant woman requires immediate hospitalization.

    Green discharge during pregnancy

    Causes of occurrence: sexually transmitted diseases, bacterial infections, threat of miscarriage, inflammatory processes, gestational age over 42 weeks. A clear pathology and discharge cannot be considered normal.

    Green discharge during pregnancy is always a pathology and can be caused by a number of reasons.

    First and second trimester

    Colpitis and cervicitis are most often diagnosed here. The former are infectious in nature (streptococci, gonorrhea, chlamydia, etc.), while the latter are an inflammatory process in the cervix. Less commonly, women with green secretion are diagnosed with bacterial vaginosis, which is considered a violation of the normal balance between beneficial and pathological microflora in the internal cavity of the vagina.

    Generalized bacterial infections, in the absence of proper treatment, can overcome the placental barrier and cause serious pathologies in the developing fetus (including termination of pregnancy and death of the unborn baby), therefore, if green secretion occurs, it is necessary to contact a gynecologist as soon as possible.

    Third trimester

    In the third trimester of pregnancy, all of the above factors that contribute to the appearance of green discharge may be supplemented by chorioamnionitis - an acute inflammation of the fetal structural membranes of an infectious nature, which almost always develops into endometritis, which is an inflammation of the inner walls of the uterus. An infectious-inflammatory process, accompanied not only by the secretion of the above-mentioned color, but also by an increase in temperature, in the absence of effective conservative countertherapy affects the amniotic fluid and can infect the fetus itself.

    With a significant delay in the process of delivery, over 42 weeks, even normal amniotic fluid turns green, indicating processes of hypoxia of the acute/chronic spectrum. In this case, doctors perform an artificial induction of the birth process, or, as a last resort, in its absence, a caesarean section.

    Brown discharge during pregnancy

    The causes are impending childbirth, ectopic pregnancies, disorders of the placental structures, severe inflammatory processes of the genitourinary system, a direct threat of miscarriage, type 2 and 3 erosions, microtrauma of the mucosal walls, precursors of bleeding.

    The relative norm is considered to be small volumes of secretion of medium consistency of light brown color before childbirth, after implantation of the fertilized egg, as well as microtrauma of the mucous membrane during sexual intercourse/gynecologist examination.

    Most often, discharge of this shade refers to pathologies. Thus, this type of secretion is a basic symptom of ectopic pregnancy with egg rejection. In addition, in pregnant women with normal indicators, brown discharge of dark shades of medium or high intensity indicates a threat of miscarriage - in this situation, you should immediately go to the hospital for conservative treatment or surgical help.

    A translucent liquid secretion in extremely small quantities, appearing regularly throughout pregnancy, usually accompanies cervical erosion - a fairly well-known gynecological problem, which is treated after delivery by cauterization.

    Red, strong discharge with brown local areas, blood clots and rare intense pain in the lower abdomen usually indicate an incomplete miscarriage and the need for a procedure to curettage the uterine cavity and remove the dead fetus.

    In the later stages of pregnancy, but before the beginning of the 36th week, a brown secretion of a viscous consistency, secreted in small volumes, indicates placental abruption or disruption of its functioning. Very heavy discharge of any brown shade after the 36th week requires immediate hospitalization - the most likely cause is uterine rupture.

    Bloody issues

    The causes of occurrence are physiological hormonal changes, extraction of the fertilized egg into the uterine wall, infectious diseases, threat of miscarriage, ectopic or frozen pregnancy, placental abruption, microtrauma of the mucous membrane of the uterine walls.

    The norm is considered to be discharge of this type during the menstrual period (corresponding to the days before the onset of pregnancy), a small translucent secretion after sexual intercourse or a gynecological examination.

    Bloody discharge is common physiological phenomenon in pregnant women in the first trimester and are caused primarily by hormonal changes, too active blood supply to the genital organs with increased sensitivity, as well as loosening of the epithelium of the uterine cavity. In all of the above situations, little secretion is released, it is translucent and does not have blood clots.

    Certain concerns may be caused by an increase in the intensity of the discharge and a change in its color to a more saturated one. So, in the middle and late stages, a pink secretion of medium intensity may indicate placental abruption. The appearance of large blood clots in the discharge, as well as the secretion of mucus with rich shades, closer to brown, signal an ectopic/frozen pregnancy or a hematoma of the uterine structure.

    In rare cases, gynecologists diagnose the so-called hydatidiform mole - structural changes in the fetal container with the proliferation of placental tissue. In this case, the discharge may not be of an intense red hue, but it is very abundant and continues for weeks, without pain. In the absence of professional medical care, the fetus may die.

    The most dangerous spotting is in the second and third trimester of pregnancy and can indicate a number of pathologies, from genital injuries to fibroids.

    Additional criteria for evaluating discharge


    The norm is the absence of this or discharge with a slight sour odor. In case of strong unpleasant odors (beer, purulent, sulfur, etc.), it is better to consult a gynecologist to diagnose the problem and identify pathology.


    1. Minor - usually the norm, regardless of the color of the secretion with normal consistency.
    2. Medium is the norm with clear and whitish discharge of normal consistency.
    3. High intensity - only clear discharge is normal from the 13th week of pregnancy and is caused by an increase in estrogen production. Also, a short-term powerful flow of yellowish secretion from the 36th week indicates the release of amniotic fluid and the beginning of the labor process.


    1. Liquid - considered the norm in most cases. They usually appear from the thirteenth week after fertilization and continue almost until delivery.
    2. Thick - indicate the direct influence of progesterone, are the norm in the first weeks of pregnancy.
    3. Mucous, pasty - may indicate a variety of diseases (for example, candidiasis), are the norm after sexual intercourse, during the period of the placental plug expulsion.

    Immediately after delivery, for a month, a woman experiences a special type of dynamically changing discharge, characterized by bloody secretion and the presence of so-called lochia. The appearance of the latter is due to the process of natural healing internal structure uterus and physiological rejection of excess tissue. Main stages with descriptive characteristics:

    1. Copious bleeding with blood clots, bright red. Usually lasts until three days after immediate birth.
    2. Serous-sucrose secretion with a predominance of pinkish and brown shades. The discharge itself turns pale; normally there are no hemorrhagic clots or bright red inclusions. They begin on the fourth day after birth and disappear by 10–11 days.
    3. The discharge is yellowish with an admixture of white shades, spotting, mostly liquid and odorless. Disappears by the third week after delivery.

    From the third week after birth, the above-mentioned lochia begins to disappear, and the discharge becomes more scanty and watery with admixtures of glassy mucus from the cervical canal, leukocytes are absent or appear in isolated cases. After the sixth week, uterine discharge should stop completely, but secretion returns to prenatal norms only by the second month after the woman’s hormonal levels have normalized.

    Useful video

    Vaginal discharge

    Elena Malysheva about the smell from the vagina

    The birth of a new life is a universal mechanism that is perfectly regulated by the female body. Unfortunately, a woman’s reproductive system is not capable of bearing the very first signs of pregnancy immediately after conception. This condition can only be recognized by characteristic symptoms, formed at different stages of childbearing. Some women experience early signs of pregnancy, while others do not notice any changes in their health.

    The earlier a woman discovers pregnancy, the more time she will have to undergo specialized examination. It is worth considering that in the first days after conception there cannot be any obvious signs of pregnancy.

    You can recognize the first symptoms indicating pregnancy by the following signs:

    1. Lack of menstruation. Every woman knows about this symptom; it is considered the very first sign of pregnancy. When an egg is fertilized, the menstrual cycle is delayed, since the previously rejected endometrium is necessary for the fetus to fully develop. However, the first day of delay cannot be considered as reliable sign, since the absence of menstruation is often caused by pathological changes in the organs of the reproductive system, stress, and hormonal disorders.
    2. Enlargement and tenderness of the mammary glands. Female breast very sensitive to hormonal changes in the body. When pregnancy occurs, there is a slight increase in breast volume, increased sensitivity of the nipples, as well as their soreness. Often in the area of ​​the halo there is an increase in specific tubercles that were previously barely palpable.
    3. Frequent urination. One of the early signs of pregnancy is an increase in the frequency of the urge to urinate. This sign is formed against the background of increased production of hCG (chorionic gonadotropin). The urge to urinate may be bothersome even with low filling Bladder. This is observed mainly at night. Additionally, there is a delay in menstruation.
    4. Change in taste preferences. The increasing level of hormones causes a change taste preferences. Those food combinations that were previously unacceptable for a woman become objects of preference and vice versa. Also, a woman may experience a metallic taste in her mouth.
    5. Fatigue and drowsiness. These signs most often occur during the first pregnancy. An increase in the intensity of metabolic processes in the body provokes a feeling of fatigue, drowsiness and a desire to rest. The hormone progesterone produced has a relaxing, calming effect. The feeling of fatigue haunts women throughout the day.
    6. Nausea. The appearance of this symptom is typical for 1.5 months of pregnancy. Sometimes the symptom occurs on the twentieth day from the moment of conception. Some women feel nausea earlier. This sign cannot be called one of the most reliable, since the feeling of nausea is characteristic of diseases of the digestive system, cardiovascular and central nervous systems. Only in combination with other signs does nausea indicate the development of pregnancy.

    When can you expect the first manifestations?

    In this matter, it is necessary to take into account the individuality of each woman’s body. Early symptoms of pregnancy can be observed as early as 8-10 days after the fertilization of the egg. This period may vary, depending on the body's sensitivity to hormonal changes.

    In medical practice, there have been cases where women recognized fertilization already on the 5th day.

    In this context, we are talking about women who listen carefully to their body and feel the slightest fluctuations in their condition. On the 20th day of the cycle, signs of pregnancy take on a characteristic appearance.

    Minor signs

    Less likely signs of pregnancy include many symptoms that can be observed in the first days:

    • Increase in basal temperature. When a woman regularly tracks her menstrual cycle, she may experience an increase in basal temperature up to 37 °C. Changes in this indicator contribute to high level progesterone.
    • Feeling of heaviness in the pelvic area. In the event of conception, changes occur in the blood supply to the pelvic organs. Against this background, a woman may feel a feeling of heaviness and squeezing.
    • Insomnia. The feeling of fatigue is often replaced by increased nervous excitability and insomnia.
    • Lower abdominal pain. This symptom may occur during the formation of ectopic implantation or miscarriage. If the pregnancy that occurs is spontaneously terminated, then in combination with the appearance of bloody discharge from the vagina.
    • Lower back pain. When conception occurs, a pulling sensation may be felt. In addition, this symptom may indicate kidney disease.
    • Headache. Changes in hormonal levels are accompanied by neurological symptoms. A pregnant woman may experience spontaneous headaches.
    • Increased appetite. Acceleration of metabolic processes during pregnancy causes increased appetite.
    • Enhanced sense of smell and taste. If a woman previously did not pay attention to certain odors, then from the moment she becomes pregnant she may experience an aversion to them. The same applies to the taste parameters of some products.
    • Irritability, mood swings. Many pregnant women complain of emotional lability and sudden mood swings.
    • Implantation bleeding. One of the signs of pregnancy at 1 week, which indicates the implantation of a fertilized egg into the uterine wall.
    • Digestive disorders. Vomiting, constipation or diarrhea, and belching may appear as secondary signs of pregnancy.
    • Weight change. As the pregnant body strives to provide the developing fetus with essential nutrients, a woman may notice an increase in body weight.
    • Restless sleep. Hormonal changes affect a woman’s emotional background. Expectant mothers may have difficulty falling asleep.
    • Tingling in the uterus. This symptom occurs quite rarely, since not every woman can recognize it. Local changes in the uterine cavity can cause a tingling sensation.
    • Feeling hot and chilly. This symptom has nothing to do with a violation of the body’s thermoregulation. Such reactions occur against the background of hormonal imbalance.
    • Discomfort in a sitting position. This sign is due to increased blood supply in the pelvis.
    • Swelling of the face, arms and legs. Pregnancy is characterized by fluid retention in the body.
    • Acne. If a woman has not previously experienced skin problems, then during pregnancy acne may appear in the facial area. This happens due to changes in hormonal levels.
    • Bloating. An increase in hormone levels helps to relax the intestinal muscles. The result is flatulence.
    • Increased venous pattern on the chest. From the moment the egg is fertilized, the female body begins preparations for feeding the child. The characteristic venous pattern indicates the preparation of the mammary glands for lactation.
    • Darkening of the skin around the nipples. Another symptom of preparation for lactation.
    • Redness of the facial skin. Changes in hormonal levels affect the tone of capillaries, which become prone to expansion.
    • Change in pigmentation of the white line of the abdomen. Pregnant women develop a characteristic pigment “track” running from the navel to the upper edge of the pubic bone.
    • Exacerbation of hemorrhoids. If a woman suffered before pregnancy, then with its onset an exacerbation of the disease may occur.
    • Cramps of the calf muscles. Another minor sign indicating a change in metabolism.
    • Low or high blood pressure. Most often, expectant mothers are prone to increased blood pressure, however, a decrease in this parameter may also indicate pregnancy.
    • Reduced immunity. In order for pregnancy to proceed smoothly, immunity is suppressed in the female body. Frequent cases of colds and acute respiratory viral infections can also serve as symptoms of pregnancy.
    • Thrush. This fungal disease occurs when local immunity decreases.

    Diagnosis of pregnancy in the early stages

    Specialized diagnostic methods will make it possible to reliably determine the signs of pregnancy already on the 5th day of gestation.

    Pregnancy test

    Rapid tests do not always detect pregnancy immediately after conception. This is due to the fact that the level of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) increases gradually and remains normal in the early stages. Reliable result A pregnancy test can only be obtained from the 14th day after conception.

    The best pregnancy test: review of foreign and domestic tests

    Choose the most best test pregnancy is not easy: each type has its pros and cons. Answering the question of which pregnancy test is better, experts distinguish inkjet and tablet.

    Gynecological examination

    As a result of a gynecological examination, possible signs of pregnancy can be determined. These include:

    • an increase in the size of the uterus and a change in its consistency;
    • change in color of the external genitalia;
    • softening of the isthmus of the uterus;
    • increased uterine motility;
    • displacement of the uterus.

    These five landmarks indicate the implantation of the egg.

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