• Intellectual development of a child: types, methods and features. The influence of physical exercise on the mental development of children


    On physical development, motor abilities, learning ability and adaptability to physical activity are influenced by the severity of the intellectual defect, accompanying illnesses, secondary disorders, features of the mental and emotional-volitional sphere of children
    Psychomotor underdevelopment of children with mild mental retardation is manifested in a slow pace of development of locomotor functions, unproductive movements, motor restlessness and fussiness. Movements are poor, angular, and not smooth enough. Subtle and precise hand movements, object manipulation, gestures and facial expressions are especially poorly formed.
    In children with moderate mental retardation, motor impairment is detected in 90-100% of cases (Shipitsyna JI.M, 2002). Coherence, accuracy and tempo of movements suffer. They are slow and clumsy, which prevents the formation of the mechanism of running, jumping, and throwing. Even in adolescence schoolchildren have difficulty accepting and maintaining a given pose, differentiate their efforts, and switch to another type physical exercise. In some children, motor underdevelopment manifests itself in lethargy, awkwardness, low strength and speed of motor actions, while in others, increased mobility is combined with disorder, aimlessness, and the presence of unnecessary movements (Boboshko V.V., Sermeev A.R., 1991).
    A systematic presentation of motor impairments in mentally retarded children is presented in the “classification of disorders of physical development and motor abilities of oligophrenic children” developed by A.A. Dmitriev (1989, 1991, 2002).
    Disorders of physical development: lag in body weight; lag in body length; posture disorders; disorders in the development of the foot; developmental disorders chest and a decrease in its circumference; paresis of the upper limbs; paresis of the lower extremities; lags in lung vital capacity; skull deformations; dysplasia; anomalies of the facial skeleton.
    Disorders in the development of motor abilities:
    1) violation of coordination abilities - accuracy of movements in space; coordination of movements; rhythm of movements; differentiation of muscle efforts; spatial orientation; accuracy of movements in time; balance;
    2) lagging behind healthy peers in the development of physical qualities - the strength of the main muscle groups of the arms, legs, back, and abdomen by 15-30%; reaction speed, frequency of movements of arms, legs, speed of a single movement by 10-15%; endurance to repeat fast dynamic work, to work of submaximal power, to work of high power, to work of moderate power, to static efforts of various muscle groups by 20-40%; speed-strength qualities in jumping and throwing by 15-30%; flexibility and mobility in joints by 10-20%.
    Basic movement disorders:
    - inaccuracy of movements in space and time;
    - gross errors in differentiating muscle efforts;
    - lack of dexterity and smoothness of movements;
    - excessive stiffness and tension;
    - limitation of range of motion in walking, running, jumping, throwing.
    Specific features of motor skills are primarily due to deficiencies in higher levels of regulation. This gives rise to low efficiency of operational processes of all types of activities and is manifested in the lack of formation of subtle differentiated
    movements, poor coordination of complex motor acts, low learning ability to move, inertia of formed skills, shortcomings in the expedient construction of movements, difficulties in performing or changing movements according to verbal instructions.
    Delays in the physical development of mentally retarded children and the degree of adaptation to physical activity depend not only on damage to the central nervous system, but are also a consequence of forced hypokinesia. The absence or limitation of physical activity inhibits the natural development of the child, causing a chain of negative reactions of the body: resistance to colds and infectious diseases, the prerequisites are created for the formation of a weak, poorly trained heart. Hypokinesia often leads to overweight and sometimes obesity, which further reduces physical activity.
    M.S. Pevzner (1989), S.D. Zabramnaya (1995), E.M. Mastyukova (1997) note that characteristic of mentally retarded schoolchildren is the rapid depletion of the nervous system, especially during monotonous work, increasing fatigue, decreased performance, less endurance. Many students have disorders of the cardiovascular, respiratory, endocrine systems, internal organs, vision, hearing, congenital structural anomalies of teeth and bite, Gothic palate, congenital dislocation of the hip, as well as multiple combined defects (Khudik V.A., 1997).
    Among the secondary disorders in the musculoskeletal system, there are foot deformities, postural disorders (scoliosis, kyphoscoliosis, kyphosis, lordosis), body disproportions, functional insufficiency of the abdominal press, paresis, and torticollis. Minor dysplastic signs occur in 40% of mentally retarded schoolchildren.
    Assessing the physical development of 9-10 year old students, N.A. Kozlenko (1987) notes that 45% of children have poor physical development, average harmonious development - 25%, below average development - 23%, excessively inharmonious development - 7%. 55% of primary schoolchildren have impaired walking and running, and 36% have difficulty performing isolated movements with their fingers (fastening buttons, tying shoelaces, bows). In students in grades 5-9, the level of motor capabilities increases, disturbances in finger movements are noticeably smoothed out, and tasks according to verbal instructions are better completed.
    E.S. Chernik (1997) argues that the level of development of physical qualities is directly dependent on the intellectual defect. Thus, in the development of endurance, children with mild mental retardation are inferior to healthy peers by 11%, with moderate mental retardation - by 27%, and with severe mental retardation - about 40%. Approximately the same data were obtained in the development of muscle strength, although schoolchildren with a high level of physical development are sometimes not inferior in strength to healthy adolescents of the same age. A significant lag is observed in children with mental retardation in the development of speed qualities, especially in the time of motor reaction. B.V. Sermeev and M.N. Fortunatov explains this fact by the delay in the formation of the motor analyzer, the development of which ends by 15-16 years, i.e. 2-3 years later than in healthy people. E.P. Bebrish established that the lag in speed qualities is 6-7 years, and explains this by the low mobility of nervous processes. At the same time, the author notes that children with mental retardation who systematically practice swimming are only 1-2 years behind the children of mass schools of the same age in terms of speed. Development of core physical abilities(strength, speed, endurance) obeys general laws age development, but in mentally retarded schoolchildren the rate of their development is lower and sensitive periods begin 2-3 years later (Voronkova V.V., 1994; Chernik E.S., 1997).
    It has been established that the main disorder of the motor sphere of mentally retarded children is a disorder of coordination of movements (Pleshakov A.N., 1985; Yurovsky S.Yu., 1985; Samylichev A.S., 1991; Vanyushkin V.A., 1999; Gorskaya I. Yu., Sinelnikova T.V., 1999; etc.). Both simple and complex movements cause difficulties for children: in one case, it is necessary to accurately reproduce any movement or pose, in the other, to visually measure the distance and hit the desired target, in the third, to measure and perform a jump, in the fourth, to accurately reproduce a given rhythm of movement. Any of them requires a coordinated, sequential and simultaneous combination of movements of body parts in space and time, a certain effort, trajectory, amplitude, rhythm and other characteristics of movement. However, due to organic damage to various levels of brain structures, mismatch between regulatory and executive organs, and weak sensory afferentation, a mentally retarded child is not able to control all characteristics at the same time. Coordination abilities are regulated by those biological and mental functions that have a defective basis in children with intellectual disabilities (the more severe the impairment, the more worse mistakes in coordination (Zabramnaya S.D., 1995).
    N.P. Wiseman (1976) suggested that in an uncomplicated form of mental retardation, violations of complex motor acts requiring fine motor skills are an integral part of the leading defect and are determined by the same mechanisms as the intellectual defect, i.e., violations of the analytical-synthetic activity of the cortex brain. These disorders are the main obstacle to teaching mentally retarded children complex motor actions.
    For the practical activities of a teacher, it is important to know the favorable periods for the development of the main types of coordination abilities in children with intellectual disabilities.
    In a mass examination and testing of children in correctional schools, I. Yu. Gorskaya established significant lags in the absolute indicators of all types of coordination abilities of schoolchildren aged 8-15 years with mental retardation from students in public schools (Table 4.1). Most sensitive periods for the development of coordination abilities fall in the age range of 9-12 years. Age-related growth rates have the same dynamics as healthy schoolchildren, but with a lag of 2-3 years.

    Table 4.1
    Sensitive periods of development of coordination abilities in children with mental retardation aged 8-15 years (Gorskaya I. Yu., 2001)

    Thus, despite the fact that mental retardation is an irreversible phenomenon, this does not mean that it cannot be corrected. Graduality and accessibility didactic material When doing physical exercises, they create the prerequisites for children to master a variety of motor skills, play actions, and for the development of physical qualities and abilities necessary in the child’s life. According to V.V. Kovaleva (1995), 80% of adolescents with mild mental retardation by the end special school in their physical and psychometric manifestations they differ slightly from normal people.

    All children develop at different rates, some faster and some slower. There is no single template. However, if a child begins to walk and talk later than his peers, this can become a cause for concern for parents and they suspect that the child is behind in development. Of course, the age range when children take their first step or say their first word is very wide, so a slight lag behind generally accepted norms is not a reason to worry. Retardation in physical and mental development can be calculated by the child's behavioral characteristics, so parents of “lazy” kids should know what to look for in order to determine whether the child is behind in development.

    Why is a child developmentally delayed?

    Delays in mental and physical development can be caused by a number of reasons:

    • Wrong pedagogical approach. At the same time, the developmental lag is not explained by disorders of the brain, but by neglected upbringing. The child does not know and does not assimilate many things, despite the fact that he is absolutely healthy. If a child is not encouraged to engage in mental activity, his ability to absorb and process information is reduced. Such problems are eliminated by the right approach and regular exercise.
    • Delay mental development. This feature is revealed by nuances of behavior that indicate mental retardation and a delay in the manifestation of mental reactions. Children with mental retardation do not have disturbances in brain function, but they have immature behavior that is not typical for their age. This often manifests itself as increased fatigue and insufficient performance.
    • Biological factors that lead to delays in child development. These may be disorders in the body and diseases during pregnancy, drinking alcohol and smoking during pregnancy, heredity, pathologies during childbirth, infections in early age.
    • Social factors that indicate that a child is developmentally delayed. These include strong control or aggression on the part of parents, mental trauma suffered at an early age, etc.

    Types of mental retardation in children

    In modern medicine, mental development delay (MDD) in children is divided into 4 main types:

    • Mental infantilism. The child is hot-tempered, whiny, not independent, violently expresses his emotions, his mood often changes, it is difficult for him to make decisions on his own, his emotional-volitional sphere is disturbed. It is difficult to identify this condition, since parents and teachers cannot figure out whether the child is behind in development or is simply playing around. But by drawing an analogy with the normal behavior of the child’s peers, we can identify this feature.
    • Mental retardation of somatogenic origin. This group consists of children with chronic diseases, or who have frequent colds. Also, a similar developmental delay manifests itself in children who were overprotected from birth, not allowing them to explore the world and learn to be independent.
    • Neurogenic causes of mental retardation in children. Such violations occur in the absence of attention from adults or, on the contrary, excessive guardianship, violence from parents, or trauma suffered in childhood. With this type of developmental delay, the child’s moral standards and behavioral reactions are not developed; he often does not know how to show his attitude towards something.
    • Organic-cerebral developmental delays. They appear due to organic abnormalities in the body that affect the nervous system and brain. The most common and most difficult to treat type of delay in child development.

    Doctors say that it is possible to identify deviations in the development of a child in the first months after birth. When the child turns 3-4 years old, this can be done accurately, just carefully observe his behavior. The main signs of a child’s developmental delay are based on the fact that the baby may have particularly developed or absent altogether some unconditioned reflexes, when these reactions are present in healthy children. You should pay attention to the following behavioral features of the baby:

    • At 2 months, the baby is unable to concentrate on anything - cannot look or listen carefully.
    • Reaction to sounds is too sharp or absent.
    • The baby is unable to follow a moving object or focus its gaze.
    • At 2-3 months, the baby still does not know how to smile.
    • At 3 months and later, the child does not “boom” - a sign of speech impairment.
    • An already grown-up child cannot clearly pronounce letters, does not remember them, and cannot learn to read.
    • A child in preschool age exhibits dysgraphia (impaired writing skills), inability to master basic counting, inattention and inability to concentrate on one thing.
    • Speech impairment in preschool age.

    Of course, this list is not a reason to make a diagnosis and assume that the child is developmentally delayed. To identify the disorder, you need to consult with a specialist who can determine whether the baby has disorders.

    Practice shows that what before parents pay attention to deviations, the greater the chance of coping with them. If a child is developmentally delayed, then treatment should begin from the first months of his life; in this case, good results can be achieved quite quickly, especially if this condition is caused not by biological, but by social factors.

    The relationship between physical education and mental education is manifested directly and indirectly.

    The direct connection lies in the direct impact of physical education on the level of development of mental abilities of those involved due to the emergence during classes of cognitive situations related to the study and improvement of movement techniques, increasing their economization and accuracy, as well as problem situations of varying complexity that require acceptance independent decisions, active actions and a creative approach to solving assigned problems.

    The indirect connection is that improving health and increasing the overall vital activity of the body leads to greater productivity in mental activity.

    The relationship between physical development and mental performance of children has been the subject of many experimental studies conducted both in our country and abroad.

    In studies conducted over three years in Varna (Bulgaria), the influence of swimming on health, the level of development of motor skills and changes in the attention of children as an indicator of their mental performance was studied. The general mental performance of schoolchildren was determined using a psychological test, by taking into account the number of processed signs per unit of time before and after swimming lessons. Children in the experimental groups, whose physical education program was characterized by an increased content of activities in the pool, exercises and games, found an average of 3 more letters in the figured text than children in the control group, and subsequently they outperformed their peers in grades 1 and 2. The incidence in the experimental groups with increased physical activity was on average 4 times lower than in the control groups. A significant positive effect was also found on the level of development of motor qualities.

    Research by O.L. Bondarchuk showed that swimming contributes to the formation of voluntary mnemonic activity and leads to a significant increase in the volume of short-term memory in children. When more than 300 schoolchildren were examined, it was revealed that their short-term memory is capable of retaining no more than 8-10 words. After using a special program in the swimming pool, the volume of voluntary short-term memory of children in the experimental group increased by 4-6 units, which was significantly higher than when working with children who did not visit the pool.

    A relationship has been established between the cognitive and motor activity of children aged 7-9 years. According to research by G.A. Kadantseva (1993) the closest connection with tests characterizing cognitive activity have speed, coordination and speed-strength abilities. This is probably explained by the fact that the development of any motor quality is connected, on the one hand, with the improvement of mental activity (improvement of mental functions: memory, attention, perception, without which practical activity is impossible), and, on the other hand, with the development of the mechanisms of the central nervous system, among which the main role is played by the maturation of the cortical part of the motor analyzer and the formation of its connections with other parts of the brain.

    Research conducted over two years among students in grades 2 to 4 showed that school swimmers are distinguished by more harmonious physical development. 72.4% of boys and 67.8% of girls in sports classes are harmoniously developed and, respectively, 57.2% and 52.4% in non-sports classes. Students in sports classes have higher absolute values ​​of body length and weight, chest circumference, VC, MPC, and higher indicators of deadlift and manual dynamometry. They have a lower pulse rate at rest, a shorter recovery time after a functional test, and better indicators of the speed of the visual-motor reaction when distinguishing colors. Schoolchildren in sports classes have a higher resistance to colds and viral diseases. In regular classes, 5.8% are often ill; in sports classes there are no such people. A comprehensive assessment of health status found that students in sports classes belong to groups I and II. health (there were no third grade students). In regular classes to the 1st grade. 18.7% of schoolchildren belonged to, and 9.3% belonged to III.

    Swimming lessons have a positive effect not only on the development of special physical and functional abilities, but also on the general development of adolescents. This is expressed in the progressive improvement of all indicators of physical, psychomotor and intellectual development, as well as in the formation and maintenance of positive relationships between indicators of psychomotor and intellectual development. Compared to schoolchildren of the same age who do not engage in sports, young swimmers are distinguished by a higher level of development of complex psychomotor functions (speed and accuracy of complex coordination actions) and mental processes.

    Thus, when teaching children to swim, we are talking not only about the development of special motor qualities, but about the formation in their process of mental, sensory and emotional sphere child, about the positive impact of psychomotor development on the intelligence of schoolchildren.

    The article talks about the connection between the development of a child’s movements and the development of his intellect (based on the works of Russian and foreign teachers). From birth to school, a child’s brain develops very actively, especially powerfully until the age of 2.5 years. It is very important not to waste precious time, because the brain is a muscle and it needs to be trained. The possibilities for children are endless!



    Development of a preschooler's intelligence

    through the development of his motor activity.

    The human brain is a magnificent thing. He works until the very minute

    while you get up to make your speech."/Mark Twain/

    In its historical development, the human body was formed in conditions of high physical activity. Primitive man had to run and walk ten kilometers every day in search of food, constantly escape from someone, overcome obstacles, and attack. Thus, four main vital movements were identified, each of which had its own meaning: running and walking - to move in space, jumping and climbing - to overcome obstacles. For millions of years, these movements were the main condition for human existence - those who mastered them better than others survived.

    Now we see the opposite picture. The development of science and technology has contributed to a gradual decrease in people's physical activity. But all human abilities are a product of the activity of the cerebral cortex. About 60% of signals enter the brain from human muscles. Already in the 50s it was proven that the brain is a muscle and it needs to be trained.

    An increase in IQ occurs at different stages of a person’s life path. American scientistGlen Domann has shown that early exposure is especially important for the development of intelligence. A child is born with “naked” hemispheres. Neural connections in the cerebral cortex (intelligence) begin to form from the moment a child is born and they develop most intensively from birth to 2.5 years.

    20% of a child’s future intelligence is acquired by the end of the first year of life, 50% by 3 years, 80% by 8 years, 92% by 13 years.

    How younger child, the faster and more neural connections are formed.

    According to psychologists: a small child learns about the world through activity. And his activity is expressed, first of all, in movements.

    Of course, G. Domann is right when he claims that in the history of mankind there are no more inquisitive researchers than children. The child’s first ideas about the world, its things and phenomena come through the movements of his eyes, tongue, hands, and movement in space. The more varied the movement, the more information enters the brain, the more intensely intellectual development. The development of movements is one of the indicators of correct neuropsychic development child. While studying the development of the brain and its functions, G. Domann objectively proved that with any motor training, both the hands and the brain are exercised. The most important and surprising thing is that the earlier a child begins to move and the more he moves, the faster his brain grows and develops. The more physically perfect he becomes, the stronger his brain will develop, the higher his motor intelligence will be, and, accordingly, his mental intelligence.!

    Doctor and teacher V.V. Gorinevsky, as a result of in-depth medical research, came to the conclusion that lack of movement not only negatively affects the health of children, but also reduces their mental performance, inhibits overall development, and makes children indifferent to their surroundings.

    According to Professor E.A. Arkina - intellect, feelings, emotions are aroused in life by movements. He recommended giving children the opportunity to move both in Everyday life, and in the classroom.

    Many researchers have found that:

    “To make a child smart and reasonable,

    make him strong and healthy.

    Let him run, work, act -

    let him be in constant motion.”
    J. -J. Rousseau

    Academician N.N. Amosov called movement the “primary stimulus” for the child’s mind. By moving, the child learns the world, learns to love it and purposefully act in it. He proved experimentally that skills depend on the development of motor skills of the fingers. logical thinking, his speed and efficiency. The underdevelopment of a child’s motor sphere makes it difficult for him to communicate with other people and deprives him of confidence.

    A variety of movements, especially if they involve the work of the hands, have a positive effect on speech development.

    A child of the 21st century, according to academician N.M. Amosova, is faced with three vices of civilization: the accumulation of negative emotions without physical release, poor nutrition and physical inactivity.

    As a result, the internal organs in their development lag behind growth, so there are various diseases and deviations.

    Research by N. M. Shchelovanova and M. Yu. Kistyakovskaya shows that:

    The more varied the movements a child performs, the richer his motor experience, the more information enters his brain, and all this contributes to more intensive intellectual development of the baby.

    To increase intellectual activity, it is necessary to use physical activity systematically. They improve the flow of thought processes, increase memory capacity, develop the ability to switch from one activity to another, and focus attention.

    It must be emphasized that the acquisition by a child of a huge number of motor skills and abilities can only be achieved with a targeted, well-organized motor mode.

    The highest IQ was found in children who exercised 4-5 hours a week.

    It is impossible to develop a child's ability to move without developing, to varying degrees, visual, manual, auditory, tactile and language skills.

    There are six functions that make man stand out from all other creatures. All of them are a product of the cerebral cortex.

    Three of these functions are motor in nature and are completely dependent on the other three - sensory. The six human functions are different from each other. However, they are completely interconnected. The better these skills are developed, the more successful children are.

    1. Motor skills (walking, running, jumping).
    2. Language skills (conversation).
    3. Manual skills (writing).
    4. Visual skills (reading and observation).
    5. Auditory skills (listening and understanding).
    6. Tactile skills (sensing and understanding).

    The more physically developed children are, the higher their level of general development, including intellectual development. But it is worth noting that more than 60% of children are physically inactive.

    In this regard, there is a need to improve the motor experience of children, which will contribute to the maximum development of each child, mobilization of his activity and independence.

    Depending on the degree of mobility, children can be divided into three main subgroups: high, average, low mobility.

    Children of average mobilityThey are distinguished by the most even and calm behavior, uniform mobility throughout the day. Their movements are usually confident, clear, purposeful, and conscious. They are inquisitive and thoughtful.

    Children with high mobilityare characterized by unbalanced behavior, more often than others fall into conflict situations. According to my observations, due to excessive mobility, these children do not have time to understand the essence of the activity, as a result of which they have a “low degree of its awareness.” Among the types of movements, they choose running, jumping, and avoid movements that require precision and restraint. Their movements are fast, abrupt, and often aimless. The main attention in the development of motor activity in children with high mobility should be given to developing purposefulness, controllability of movements, and improving the ability to engage in more or less calm types of movements.

    Children with limited mobilityoften lethargic, passive, tired quickly. Their amount of physical activity is small. They try to go to the side so as not to disturb anyone; they choose activities that do not require a lot of space and movement. In sedentary children, it is necessary to cultivate an interest in movements and the need for active activities. Special attention pay attention to the development of motor skills.

    Movement, even the simplest one, provides food for children's imagination and develops creativity. The main means of its formation is emotionally charged motor activity, with the help of which children learn to express their emotions through body movements.

    Of particular importance in the formation of motor creativity of preschoolers are playful motor tasks, outdoor games, and physical education entertainment, which are always interesting to children. They have a great emotional charge, are distinguished by the variability of their constituent components, and make it possible to quickly solve motor problems.

    Children learn to come up with motor content for the proposed plot, independently enrich and develop play actions, create new plot lines, new forms of movement. This eliminates the habit of mechanical repetition of exercises and activates within accessible limits creative activity on independent comprehension and successful application of familiar movements in non-standard conditions.

    In the course of learning motor actions, the child’s cognitive, volitional and emotional powers develop and his practical motor skills are formed. This means that learning movements has a purposeful impact on the child’s inner world, his feelings, thoughts, gradually developing views, and moral qualities.

    Physical intelligence(or bodily thinking) is the work of the brain complex, under the control of which is any physical activity, both external and internal.

    Scientists have found that human consciousness needs about 0.4 seconds. in order to document a new phenomenon. Whereas the body can assess the situation and react in 0.1 seconds. Thus, if you pay due attention to the development of physical intelligence, you can gain some abilities:

    1. The ability to quickly navigate unforeseen situations.

    2. The ability to master physical skills, and almost without making mistakes.

    3. Endurance and the ability to work longer, quickly switch and focus your attention from one action to another.

    4. The ability to easily endure a stressful situation or illness.

    5. Develop and use body language that conveys most of the information in communication.

    6. Increase the productivity of any activity without special energy costs.

    Thus, we can derive the following formula:

    Special experiments have proven that the restriction of children’s freedom of action, expressed in the most different forms- restriction of motor activity or constant “no”, “don’t go there”, “don’t touch” - can seriously hinder the development of children’s curiosity, because all this restrains the child’s impulses for research and, therefore, limits the possibility of independent, creative study and comprehension what's happening. This is a ban on the development of all thought processes!

    P.S. For parents: Test to determine the level of development of physical intelligence



    You learn something faster if you hold a tool or device in your hands and try to do something on your own than if someone guides you

    You are a frequent visitor to gyms and regularly perform a range of physical exercises

    Constantly rely on your own gut feeling, which leads to the right decisions

    You can easily imitate the movements and mannerisms of another person

    You feel dissatisfied if you are inactive or perform monotonous movements

    By profession you are a surgeon or carpenter, mechanical engineer, etc. (a profession where physical intelligence is especially important)

    Enjoy doing housework

    Watch sports channels, give preference to sports programs

    All yours best ideas came to you while you were out for a walk, jogging, or cooking

    When communicating with others, you gesture

    Do you love pranking friends and acquaintances?

    Spend your weekend in nature

    You show signs of hyperactivity

    In your free time you like to play sports games

    You can boast of physical grace and good coordination of movements


    Evaluation of results:

    1-4 – physical intelligence, unfortunately, is underdeveloped.

    5-8 - not all is lost, your physical intelligence just needs a good shake-up.

    9-13 – the level of development of physical intelligence is above average.

    14-16 – you have a high level of physical intelligence.

    It should be noted that the brain must not only work, but also learn to rest more deeply. Disconnect for 1-5 minutes - reset unnecessary information; physical exercise will also help you switch.

    This, of course, may seem paradoxical: in order to fully relax, you need to exercise! But this is not news for psychologists - it has long been proven that complete muscle relaxation can be achieved just after strong tension; many methods of psychotherapy are based on this. For example,Method “Key” by H. Aliyev - Synchrogymnastics “Unlock your abilities, find yourself!”

    The “key” is a controlled ideomotor action that automatically relieves stress. "KEY" you can:

    Quickly enter a state of deep relaxation and peace, relaxation;

    Increase stress resistance;

    Increase immune defense, activate self-healing processes.

    The "Key" helps:

    Significantly speed up the healing process of any painful condition, especially psychosomatic conditions;

    Free yourself from fear, complexes and stereotypes of thinking that limit the freedom of creativity;

    Gain confidence;

    Concentrate quickly;

    To unlock the potential creativity;

    Increase the effectiveness of any training and training many times over.

    Advantages of the method:

    Speed ​​- results can be obtained in the first lesson.

    Accessibility – even a child can master the technique.

    Range practical application– the method can be used for treatment, relaxation, memory development, disclosure hidden abilities, intuition and much more.

    The Key" allows a person to establish the relationship between mind and body.

    Trains the ability to concentrate.

    "Key" exercises:

    Imagine that your hands are rising on their own.

    1. "Skier"
    2. “Twist” - turns left and right while standing
    3. "Bending Backward"
    4. "Waving your arms"
    5. “Whip” - punches on the shoulders.

    The effectiveness of the “Key” method has been proven by studies conducted from 2002 to 2007. GNIIII VM Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation

    1) Psychophysiological indicators.

    The physical condition index, which characterizes readiness to perform physical activity, increased by an average of 53%.

    The duration of continuous intense monotonous activity increased by an average of 2.5-3 times.

    Fatigue indicators: the ability to write without errors appeared after 8-13 minutes.

    Integral indicator of functional state of cardio-vascular system improved by an average of 12%.

    At the same time, there is an improvement in physical performance, a decrease in fatigue and easier performance of physical activities, without the usual stress, and a decrease in distractibility.

    The improvement on the scales was accordingly:

    On the “well-being” scale (in an integrative form it reflects the functional state of the body) - 18%;

    On the “activity” scale (reflects the current energy potential) - 18%;

    On the “mood” scale (reflects emotional attitude to internal and external living conditions) - 20%.

    2) Psychological indicators.

    The level of situational anxiety significantly decreased by 55%.

    In the dynamics of conditions that arise after completing a course of anti-stress training, the following was revealed:

    Normalization of mood;

    Reduced anxiety;

    Lack of a pronounced emotional reaction to situations that previously worried

    Increased activity and performance;

    Normalization of sleep

    Stabilization of self-esteem, increased self-confidence;

    Balance (decreased irritability, pronounced state of “calm”).

    "Star of Self-Regulation"

    1. Hand divergence.

    2. Convergence of hands.

    3. Levitation of hands.

    4. Flight.

    5. Self-oscillations of the body.

    6. Head movements.

    Exercise “Scanning” for liberation:

    1) 30 seconds - any repeated head turns in a pleasant rhythm.

    2) 30 seconds - any repeated movements at shoulder level in a pleasant rhythm.

    3) 30 seconds - any repeated movements “from the hip” in a pleasant rhythm.

    4) 30 seconds - any repeated movements at the level of the legs in a pleasant rhythm.

    5) Repeat the found liberating movement again.


    The problem for the modern educational system is mental education extremely important and relevant. One of the leading experts in the field of mental education of preschool children, N.N. Poddyakov rightly emphasizes that modern stage We must give children the key to understanding reality. In the works of domestic and foreign scientists, preschool childhood is defined as the period optimal for mental development and education. This is what the teachers who created the first systems thought so. preschool education, - A. Froebel, M. Montessori. but in the studies of A.P. Usova, A.V. Zaporozhets, L.A. Venger, N.N. Poddyakova revealed that the possibilities of mental development of children preschool age significantly higher than previously thought.

    Mental development is a set of qualitative and quantitative changes that occur in mental processes due to age and under the influence of the environment, as well as specially organized educational and training influences and the child’s own experience. .

    So why do people achieve different levels of mental development?

    and on what conditions does this process depend? Long-term studies have made it possible to derive a general pattern of development of human mental capabilities from biological factors and dependence on internal and external conditions. Biological factors that primarily affect the mental development of a child are: the structure of the brain, the state of analyzers, changes in nervous activity, the formation of conditioned connections, the hereditary fund of inclinations. Internal conditions include the physiological and psychological properties of the body. And external conditions are a person’s environment, the environment in which he lives and develops.

    In general, the problem of the development of mental abilities is extremely important, complex and multifaceted. The relevance of the chosen topic arises from the factor of the need for the child’s mental development, depending on the environment and the environment of upbringing. And at the moment it is very relevant.

    Goal of the work– reveal the importance of physical development and the external environment for the mental development of the child.

    1. Consider the essence of the concepts “physical development” and “external environment”.

    2. Determine the importance of physical development and the external environment for the development of a child’s mental development.

    3. Determine the impact of physical exercise on the mental development of children.

    4. Get acquainted with literature that reveals the importance of physical development and the external environment for the mental development of a child.

    Chapter I. The influence of physical development on the mental development of children.

    General information.

    The positive influence of physical development on mental development was known in China, back in the time of Confucius, in ancient Greece, India, and Japan. In the monasteries of Tibet and Shaolin, physical exercises and labor were taught at the same level as theoretical disciplines. At the end of the 19th century, Baden-Powel created a perfect system for educating the younger generation in the form of the scout movement, which was adopted by all civilized countries of the world, including Russia before and after the revolution. “Many researchers note poor health and retarded physical development as one of the possible factors of “mental weakness.” (A. Binet). Recent research by American neurobiologist Lorenz Katz and molecular biologist Fred Geig has proven that in the brains of people of all ages, under the influence of certain conditions, new interneuron connections can arise and new nerve cells can appear. One of these conditions is physical activity. In physically active individuals, along with nerve cells, new blood vessels were also found in the brain. This is regarded as follows: under the influence physical activity The blood supply to the brain improves and, accordingly, its nutrition, which stimulates the formation of new interneuron connections and new nerve cells. In the USA, a new system has already been developed - “neurobics” - a set of special exercises for training the brain. It is noteworthy that the above changes are most pronounced in the hippocampus, a small brain formation that processes incoming information. Research by Lawrence Katz and Fred Geig confirms the close connection between mental development and physical development.

    Swedish scientists have established a direct relationship between physical condition man and his mental abilities. The IQ of people who play sports or exercise is noticeably higher than that of those who lead a passive lifestyle. At the same time, numerous studies by L.S. Vygotsky, J. Piaget, A. Vallon, M.M. Koltsova and others indicate the primary role of movements in the development of a child’s mental functions. Research by G.A. Kadantseva - 1993, I.K. Spirina - 2000, A.S. Dvorkin, Yu.K. Chernyshenko - 1997, V. A. Balandin - 2000; 2001 and others, it was established that there is a close connection between indicators of physical fitness and the level of development of cognitive processes in preschool children. In the works of N.I. Dvorkina -2002, V.A. Pegov -2000. The presence of reliable connections between individual indicators of mental and physical qualities was revealed. The positive effect of active motor activity on the state of mental performance was established by N.T. Terekhova in 1989, A.V. Zaporozhets in 1980, and A.P. Erastova in 1989. At the same time, research by N. Sladkova -1998, O.V. Reshetnyak and T.A. Bannikova -2002. show that mental retardation leads to retardation in the development of physical qualities.

    Thus, scientists have established the existence of a close connection between indicators of physical fitness and the level of development of cognitive processes in children and have scientifically proven the positive effect of active motor activity on the state of mental performance

    1.2. Physical development and physical education of children.

    One of the most important indicators of a child’s health is his physical development. Physical development means a complex of morphological and functional properties of the organism, characterizing size, shape, structural and mechanical qualities and harmonious development human body, as well as its stock physical strength. These are patterns of age-related development that determine the level of health and functioning of all systems in the body.

    Physical development- the dynamic process of growth (increase in body length and weight, development of organs and body systems, and so on) and biological maturation of a child in a certain period of childhood. At each age, a person grows according to certain laws, and deviations from the norms indicate existing health problems. Physical development is influenced by the neuropsychic, intellectual state, a complex of medical-social, natural-climatic, organizational and socio-biological factors. Throughout a person’s life, changes occur in the functional properties of the body: body length and weight; lung capacity; chest circumference; endurance and flexibility; agility and strength. Strengthening the body occurs either spontaneously (naturally due to age) or purposefully, for which a special program of physical development is created. This includes exercise, healthy eating, correct mode rest and work

    Monitoring the physical development of the population in Russia is a mandatory component of the state system of medical monitoring of people's health. It is systematic and extends to various groups of the population.

    The foundations of physical development are laid in childhood. And, monitoring of physical development parameters begins in the neonatal period, periodic examinations of children and adults continue at various age periods of development.

    What is physical development and why does a person need sports? Its importance in a person’s life is difficult to overestimate, so love for this activity should be instilled from childhood. Parents can compensate for the harmful effects of the environment, poor nutrition and psycho-emotional stress with sports. Besides, special exercises will help correct disturbances in the physical development of children, in particular problems with the musculoskeletal system and flat feet. Training also helps: gain missing muscle mass; reduce weight; fight curvature of the spine; correct posture; increase endurance and strength; develop flexibility.

    What is physical development and education? It consists of a set of health-improving exercises and measures that affect the strengthening of body and spirit. The main task of education is health improvement, the formation of economical movements, the accumulation of motor experience by a person from early childhood and its transfer to life. Aspects of physical education: feasible loads; outdoor games; proper daily routine, balanced nutrition; personal hygiene and hardening. Why is physical education necessary for a child? The results of physical activity can be noticeable immediately and after some time. Education has a positive effect on the child’s body, developing his natural abilities, so that in the future he can more easily endure stressful situations and changes in environment: they develop personal qualities, character is strengthened; a positive attitude towards life is formed, active people always feel happier; a negative attitude towards bad habits is formed.

    The main factor in maintaining health, human life expectancy, and physical performance is healthy image life in its broadest interpretation. Preserving and maintaining health at the proper level is the most important task of every state. It especially needs healthy offspring. But the future of our planet depends only on us, on the state of our health. The demographic policy of the state in the broadest sense of this concept also depends on this. M.V. Lomonosov said: “What matters will we talk about today? We will talk about the most important thing - the health of the Russian people. In its preservation and propagation lies the power and wealth of the entire state, and not a vain vastness without inhabitants.” These words can naturally be applied to any state and its people.

    Physical exercises and their influence on the mental development of children.

    The influence of physical education on the development of a child’s mind is colossal. Without it, the child’s development is not harmonious. There is a pattern: the more a child develops the ability to control his body, the faster and better he assimilates theoretical knowledge; the more symmetrical, varied and accurate the movements, the more evenly both hemispheres of the brain develop. The main feature of a child’s body is that it grows and develops, and these processes can only take place successfully with regular physical activity. Authors Boyko V.V. and Kirillova A.V. indicate that the main means of physical education is physical activity in the classroom physical culture, it is through her that the child learns about the world around him, as a result of which his mental processes develop: thinking, attention, will, independence, etc. The more diverse movements a child masters, the wider the opportunities for the formation of cognitive processes, the more fully his development is realized. Queen T.A. notes that as a result of physical activity, mental processes are activated, blood circulation in the brain and the functioning of the central nervous system are improved, all this leads to increased mental abilities. .

    Physical exercise undoubtedly has a very good effect on the mental development of a child. When children play outdoor games or engage in physical exercise, they not only strengthen their muscles, but also become smarter. Physical exercise has many positive effects on the brain not only of adults, but also of children. According to research, the younger the child, the more effective this positive effect is. Not everyone knows how physical activity affects a child’s mental activity. Starodubtseva I.V. describes a series of exercises that have a direct impact on the intellectual development of preschool children in physical education classes. These exercises combine two components: a motor action and an exercise aimed at developing intelligence, which is implemented in the form didactic game.
    Physical exercises have a positive effect on the intellectual abilities of children: cerebral circulation improves, mental processes are activated, the functional state of the central nervous system improves, and a person’s mental performance increases.

    Positive effects of exercise on a child's brain:

    · Exercise increases blood flow to the brain. Blood delivers oxygen and glucose, which are necessary for increased concentration and mental development. Physical exercises promote the implementation of these processes at a natural level, without overloading the child. A 2007 study showed that if a child constantly exercises for three months, this allows for a 30% increase in blood flow to the part of the brain that is responsible for memory and learning.

    · Exercise creates new brain cells in a part of the brain called the dentate gyrus, which is responsible for memory. Scientists say that exercise stimulates nerve growth. People who engage in sports on a regular basis develop short-term memory, have a quick response time and have high level creative potential.

    · Research has proven that exercise builds basal levels of neurothyroid factor in the brain. This factor promotes the branching of nerve cells in the brain, their connection and the interaction of these cells with each other in new neural pathways that make your child open to learning and more active in the pursuit of knowledge.

    · Psychologists have found that a physically fit child excels in a series of cognitive tasks, and MRIs show a significantly larger nucleus basalt, which is a key part of the brain responsible for supporting attention, checking performance, and the ability to decisively coordinate actions and thoughts.

    · Independent studies have found that the baby's brain, which leads active image life, has a hippocampus that is larger in size than the hippocampus of a child who does not play sports. The hippocampus and nucleus basalis influence the structure and function of the brain.

    · Physical exercises develop the child's learning abilities. In 2007, German researchers found that people learned 20% more vocabulary words after exercising.

    · Physical exercise develops creativity. A 2007 experiment showed that running for 35 minutes on a treadmill with your heart rate raised to 120 beats per minute improved cognitive performance, brainstorming efficiency, creativity performance, and originality of thought.

    Activities that include balancing and jumping strengthen the vestibular system, which builds spatial awareness and mental activity. This helps build a foundation for reading and other academic abilities.

    · Exercise reduces the effects of stress by keeping brain activity in balance and promoting balance between the chemical and electrical systems of the organs. This effect is very similar to the effect of antidepressants.

    · Scientists have established a link between winning sports and academic performance through research among children primary classes. Research has shown that children who took part in sports activities were more confident in their abilities and learned teamwork and leadership. 81% of women who succeeded in business actively took part in sports competitions while in school.

    · Swedish scientists have proven that cardio training is inseparable from the acquisition of knowledge in childhood. Aerobic exercise promotes the production of special growth hormone and protein, which stimulate brain function.

    Thus, it should be emphasized that the development of children’s mental activity is possible only with regular physical activity. At the beginning of the last century, V.A. Sukhomlinsky noted that “learning lag is only the result of poor health.” Developing this idea, we can conclude that good health– the key to successful learning. Consequently, physical education and sports, while improving health, contribute to the physical, emotional, intellectual and mental development of the child.

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