• Formation of the need for a healthy lifestyle in physical education of high school students based on block-modular training Elena Radnaevna Tarmaeva. The problem of forming the need for healthy lifestyle in modern scientific literature


    The task of early formation of a culture of health is relevant, timely and quite complex. How to strengthen and maintain the health of our children? How to promote the formation of a child’s physical culture? How to instill healthy lifestyle skills? When should this start? Preschool age is decisive in the formation of the foundation of physical and mental health. After all, it is up to the age of seven that intensive development of organs and the formation of functional systems of the body occurs, the main personality traits are laid, and character is formed. It is important at this stage to form in children a base of knowledge and practical skills of a healthy lifestyle, a conscious need for systematic physical education and sports.

    The study of children's health problems is of particular relevance in our time.

    The art of living long consists, first of all, in learning to take care of your health from childhood. What is missed in childhood is difficult to make up for. Therefore, the priority direction in preschool education, today is to increase the level of health of children, develop their healthy lifestyle skills (HLS), as well as a sustainable need for regular physical exercise.

    Data from various studies show that recently the number of healthy preschoolers has decreased by 5 times and constitutes only 10% of the number of children entering school.

    It should be noted that children lack physical qualities (perseverance, the ability to exert themselves without harming their health, to simply correct their emotional condition, switch from one activity to another), that is, those indicators that are closely related to self-education. Consequently, there is a need to create a system of work in which health-improving activities were integrated into educational ones, which ultimately contributed to the preservation and strengthening of the child’s physical and mental health and the formation of healthy lifestyle habits.

    Today, preserving and strengthening children's health is one of the main strategic objectives of the country's development. It is regulated and ensured by such regulatory and legal documents as the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education” (Article 51), “On the Sanitary and Epidemiological Welfare of the Population”, as well as Decrees of the President of Russia “On Urgent Measures to Ensure the Health of the Population of the Russian Federation”, “ On approval of the main directions of state social policy to improve the situation of children in the Russian Federation", etc.

    Health is not only the absence of disease, it is a state of optimal performance, creative output, emotional tone, that which creates the foundation for the future well-being of an individual.

    Therefore, the main tasks for improving the health of children in kindergarten are the formation of their ideas about health as one of the main values ​​of life, the formation of a healthy lifestyle. Teachers must teach the child the right choice in any situation, only what is beneficial to health and avoid everything harmful. Vaccinate your child from an early age right attitude to your health, a sense of responsibility for it. These tasks must be solved by creating a holistic system to preserve the physical, mental and social well-being of the child.

    Particular attention should be paid to the following components of a healthy lifestyle:

    exercise, walks.

    rational nutrition, compliance with personal hygiene rules: hardening, creating conditions for good sleep

    Proper nutrition ensures the normal course of growth and development of the body, as well as maintaining health. Proper organization nutrition is important for development child's body, in the prevention and treatment of many diseases.

    The next factor in a healthy lifestyle is hardening. Almost everyone knows the saying: “The sun, air and water are ours.” best friends"And indeed, the use of these natural forces of nature, the use of reasonable, rational, leads to the fact that a person becomes hardened, successfully resists unfavorable environmental factors - hypothermia and overheating. Hardening is an effective means of strengthening human health. The success and effectiveness of hardening is possible only subject to a number of principles:




    Taking into account individual characteristics.

    Mental hardening also stimulates physiological protective mechanisms: immunity, the function of the endocrine glands. Speaking about positive emotions, one should also remember that in pedagogy, encouragement is considered a more effective lever of influence on a child than punishment. By encouraging a child, we preserve and strengthen his health

    friendly attitude towards each other, development of listening and speaking skills, ability to distinguish lies from truth

    respect for the environment and nature

    medical education, timely visits to the doctor, implementation of various recommendations

    formation of the concept “don’t harm yourself”

    Physical education and health activities include:

    System creation motor activity during the day:

    morning exercises (daily);

    physical education classes (3 times a week);

    musical and rhythmic classes (2 +2 times a week);

    walks including outdoor games;

    health jogging (daily);

    finger gymnastics(daily during special periods)

    visual, breathing, corrective gymnastics in appropriate classes

    health-improving gymnastics after nap(daily);

    physical education minutes and breaks (during sedentary activities, daily);

    emotional release, relaxation;

    walking on massage mats, sand, pebbles (barefoot walking);

    sports activities, entertainment, holidays (1 time per month)

    The need to maintain and strengthen children's health.

    A child’s need for health and a healthy lifestyle is also formed on the basis of ideas about himself, his physical and personal capabilities, about what is harmful to health and what is beneficial. For example, it is harmful not to brush your teeth, not to cut your nails, not to do gymnastics. Children acquire this knowledge in special classes in our kindergarten.

    Objectives of work on developing a healthy lifestyle for preschool children:

    to form the idea that being healthy is good and being sick is bad; about some signs of health;

    develop healthy behavior skills: love to move, eat more vegetables, fruits; wash your hands after every contamination; don't get angry or worry; be friendly; visit more fresh air; observe the regime;

    help to master sustainable behavioral skills;

    develop the ability to talk about your health and the health of loved ones;

    develop skills of correct posture;

    enrich children's knowledge about physical education movement in general;

    develop artistic interest

    The task of preserving and strengthening children's health before school age is the main thing in the work kindergarten.

    Therefore, it is especially important to form in them from preschool age an interested attitude towards their health. Based on this, the goal of our activities is to create a culture of healthy lifestyles among preschool children. I achieve the goal by solving the following tasks:

    formation of vital motor skills of the child in accordance with his individual characteristics, development of physical qualities;

    creating conditions to fulfill children’s needs for physical activity;

    ensuring physical and mental well-being;

    promote the preservation and strengthening of children's health;

    cultivate a conscious attitude towards maintaining a healthy lifestyle;

    form health-saving skills and habits.

    In our work, we rely on the “Program of education and training in kindergarten” edited by M.A. Vasilyeva, the main task of which is to preserve and strengthen the health of children, the formation interested attitude to your health.

    I think it is important to form in children adequate ideas about the human body (about the structure of their own body); help them create a holistic view of their body; teach you to hear and listen to your body; realize the intrinsic value of your life and the value of the life of another person; to form the need for physical and moral self-improvement, for a healthy lifestyle; instill the skills of prevention and hygiene, first aid, develop the ability to foresee the possible life-threatening consequences of their actions for themselves and their peers; develop protective self-awareness, an optimistic sense of world and self, cultivate respect for the life of another person, the ability to sympathize, empathize with the pain of others.

    Based on the goals and objectives I set, I organized a development subject environment. The environment surrounding children in a group ensures life safety, promotes health and hardening of children’s bodies, and also satisfies children’s innate need for movement, which serves as an important condition for the formation of all systems and functions of the body, one of the ways to understand the world, navigate in it, and also a means of all-round development of a preschooler.

    The training area is well lit and has tables where classes take place. The tables are arranged in a circle, i.e. so that the teacher works “not on”, but “together” with the children. The functional role of this zone is educational and relaxation. Children are here not only in class, but can also organize games and relax. During the day, finger gymnastics take place here (promoting neuropsychic development) And breathing exercises.

    The green laboratory was created to develop children's cognitive interest in research activities and contribute to the formation of a scientific worldview. The center of “water and sand” is also located here. Children enjoy exploring the sand, learning its properties, splashing in the water, discovering its secrets. Children's games with water help improve breathing and harden the body (the hands, like the feet, are heat exchanger zones; 70% of the heat passes through these zones; the water temperature should be at least 28 degrees). The functional role of the center is educational and health-improving. In the laboratory we set up a “garden on the windowsill” - where all year round We grow onions, dill, parsley, and then use all this in the children’s diet, thereby increasing the supply of vitamins.

    All famous teachers from ancient times to the present day note: movement is an important means of education. By moving, the child learns the world, learns to love it and purposefully act in it. Movements are the first sources of courage, endurance, determination small child. The living conditions of children in kindergarten should be considered as the foundation on which the construction of the child’s personality is laid. The starting point is the following: everything that is in the kindergarten (in the premises, on the territory) must be acceptable for the child and in no way should be detrimental to his health and well-being (physical, mental, social).

    Physical activity helps improve mental performance, speech development, the full formation of voluntary movements and actions that underlie human motor behavior. It is the progress in the development of movements (the motor analyzer) that largely determines the progress in the development of human brain functions. The more varied the movements, the more information enters the child’s brain, the more intense its development. In addition, the child can carry out continuous activity for 12–15 minutes, after which rest or a change of activity is necessary. An older child can maintain a forced static position for 3–4 minutes, after which it is necessary to change it. Based on this, when conducting training sessions, I try to organize the children so that their dynamic posture during the lesson changes throughout its entire duration - the children sit at the table, in a semicircle on chairs, on the carpet, etc. Also during classes I use various forms of organizing children - they work in pairs, individually and collectively. In addition, given the short duration of children’s continuous activities, physical education sessions and dynamic pauses are held during classes. Their topics correspond to the topic of the lesson.

    In addition, I try to fill children’s lives with movement not only in the classroom, but also in Everyday life. I have compiled a card index of outdoor games and exercises, and I constantly use them in my work with children.

    I organize finger games every day, because... they allow you to satisfy the need for movement not only of large muscles, but also of smaller ones (fingers). Systematic finger exercises are a powerful tool increasing brain performance. I widely use finger games without objects in free time, on walks. During classes, in the morning, and during games, I suggest children do exercises with objects: clothespins, corks, counting sticks, buttons, hedgehog balls, handkerchiefs, etc. Gymnastics for the fingers develops mental activity, memory, and attention of the child. The group has file cabinets finger games, various items and exercise massagers.

    Thus, I take care of satisfying motor activity during classes and in children’s free activities, and movement for a child is the path not only to health, but also to the development of intelligence.

    To improve children's health, I also use various hardening methods. One of the most popular is walking on salt paths after a nap. This operating moment in our group it has been turned into fun game– exercises on individual and general massage mats are accompanied by various nursery rhymes. Children also really enjoy dousing their hands up to the elbows with water at room temperature. Since children are immuno-weakened, I use gentle hardening in my work.

    Many people know what massage is. The word massage comes from the Arabic word mass - to touch. The beneficial effects of massage on the body cannot be overestimated. Massage is one of the means of therapeutic and preventive work. And it is also very important that massage does not require special expensive equipment. How can we ensure that the beneficial effects of massage most fully influence the health and well-being of each child? I decided to teach every child self-massage. I selected different types of self-massage taking into account the age, capabilities of the children and the conditions of the kindergarten. Many self-massage complexes have a playful form; the exercises are given names that children can understand. Each type of massage has a specific time in the daily routine.

    On the face of any person there are massage zones associated with the regulation of immunity and hardening of the body (developed by A.A. Umanskaya). We call local impact on these areas acupressure. It includes five main zones: on the forehead (middle of the forehead), at the inner ends of the eyebrows (parallel), at the wings of the nose (parallel), at the corners of the mouth (parallel) and between the thumb and index finger (first on one hand, then on another). These points are available to children from 4–5 years of age.

    I also use the “Five Little Healers” massage. This is a self-massage of the fingers. On the finger areas there is a representation of the whole organism: massage thumb by rubbing it increases the activity of the brain, the index finger - the activity of the stomach, the middle finger - has a positive effect on the functioning of the intestines, the ring finger - normalizes liver function, the little finger - stimulates the work of the heart. Self-massage is available to everyone, even kids, which is great! And, of course, health!

    I use music extensively during classes. Using music in physical education makes it fun and effective. It lifts the mood, organizes the movement of children and, in some cases, makes it easier for them to learn. Music helps improve posture, gives expressiveness to movements, and promotes the development of accuracy and coordination.

    I try to pay special attention to the children's walks. During walks, various water games, breathing exercises, barefoot walking, and sunbathing are performed.

    The health of children depends not only on their physical characteristics, but also on living conditions in the family. That's why, positive results when solving assigned tasks, it is false to achieve if a community of children - parents - teacher is created in the group.

    Conversations are held with parents about the influence of lifestyle on health;

    at meetings I talk about the importance of movements in the lives of preschool children;

    on general parent meetings with the involvement of specialists from the institution: physical education instructor, speech therapist, music therapist. managers, doctor, senior nurses, st. We tell the teacher about our plans, ideas and emerging problems;

    designed a health corner for parents with recommendations and medical advice on health improvement, where health sheets are posted monthly, from where parents learn that the health index of our children is increasing;

    We conduct a survey on healthy lifestyle.

    The results of the survey indicate that our parents are very concerned about the health of their children, and they are ready to be our helpers and allies. This leads to close contact when working with parents, since only parents can bring to our attention those characteristics of the child that he shows in the home environment, because it is no secret that in our practice there are children who behave differently in kindergarten and at home.

    I was convinced that the introduction of health-saving technologies into the pedagogical process helps to preserve and strengthen the health of children, as well as their intellectual development. Children have developed health-saving skills and habits. All this has a beneficial effect on the growth and development of the child’s body. Allows you to systematically solve the complex issue of preserving and strengthening the physical and mental health of children, creating a healthy lifestyle.

    The main idea of ​​the Concept for the formation of a healthy lifestyle in the system of continuing education is the development of the physical and mental health of the younger generation, which will become an important component philosophical humanistic education necessary to solve the problem of understanding the value of the life of each person in the general system of the universe.

    Since physical health forms an inextricable unity with mental health and emotional well-being, all life activities of a child in a preschool educational institution (preschool educational institution) should have a health-improving focus. And first of all, the organization of physical education of preschool children should meet the principle of health-improving orientation.

    It should be noted that the preservation and strengthening of health is facilitated by a system of health-preserving forms of human activity - a healthy lifestyle, which is established from an early age. The formation of a system of knowledge and skills in the field of a child’s knowledge of himself, his capabilities and methods of their development is most influenced by educational institutions, which are entrusted with the task of creating a culture of a healthy lifestyle, based on social foundations health and awareness of society's responsibility for children's health.

    The implementation of a health-improving focus on physical education of preschool children will be effective if:

    Preschoolers have developed knowledge about the elements of a healthy lifestyle (compliance with the regime, hygiene procedures, physical activity) and an emotionally positive attitude towards these elements, as well as the ability to implement them in behavior and activities;

    Teachers, in an accessible form, convey information to preschoolers about the basics of a healthy lifestyle and, on this basis, form an emotionally positive attitude towards this process;

    Organized cooperation between preschool educational institution and family, based on the unity of educational interaction.

    The third year of a baby’s life is the final period of early childhood. Hehas its own, unique to this year, age-related characteristics. During this period, the intensity of physical development, so characteristic of the first two years, slows down. Due to the accelerated growth of the arms and especially the legs, the proportions of the body change. Posture changes, children become slimmer. Their muscles are more clearly defined; As a result of the development of small muscles of the hands and fingers, the accuracy of movements improves. Cartilage tissue is being intensively replaced by bone tissue. The bones of the skull, hands and feet grow rapidly. But the intensity of growth in length decreases, but individual fluctuations are possible. B: on average per year, body weight increases by 2 kg, body length increases by 7-8 cm. By the age of 3, the child’s body weight usually reaches 14.8-15.0 kg, body length 95-96 cm, circumference chest 52 cm.

    In the third year of life, the eruption of baby teeth ends. After 2 years, the absolute and relative values ​​of annual increases in total body size decrease

    At the age of 3 to 3.5 years, there is an accelerated development of physical qualities associated with an expansion of range of motion. This is the first critical period in the development of motor function.

    Junior preschool age is a period of active improvement of the quality of movements that the child mastered at previous stages. The movements of the arms and legs become more coordinated, and the unnecessary movements that the child made before disappear. At this age, children master all types of basic movements such as walking, running, climbing, throwing, throwing, jumping.

    Every year the environment in which the new generation grows and develops worsens. Increasingly, children already at a young age suffer from a variety of diseases and even obesity. That is why the formation of a healthy lifestyle in growing children, as well as stimulating the need for a healthy lifestyle and their upbringing is so important. It's no secret - to change the future, you need to start with children. Scientific research and public surveys confirm the fact that the standard of healthy living is constantly deteriorating, and if we do not act now, there will only be more problems in the future.

    Also, studies and population surveys have shown that in the CIS countries such education is very poorly developed and this fact makes us think.

    Do culture and upbringing influence the development of human needs? Is it necessary to adhere to the culture of maintaining a healthy lifestyle directly among parents who have set themselves the goal of developing the concept of a healthy lifestyle in their children? What is the role of parents in developing basic healthy lifestyle skills? Does society influence the formation of the basic principles of a healthy lifestyle? Does the development of a child directly depend on the culture of the population itself?

    Let's try to figure this out.

    Principles of healthy lifestyle

    Research by foreign scientists and surveys of the population have proven that most people do not even know the basic principles of maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

    Before examining the topic of shaping a person’s need for a healthy lifestyle, you need to understand what mechanism is located inside the system? What is the role of the family in the formation of a healthy lifestyle, and does it influence modern society and culture for the formation of an individual who will adhere to the rules of a “healthy life”? The answer to all these questions can be obtained by studying the basic principles of healthy lifestyle.

    A proper, healthy lifestyle includes daily activity, monitoring your health and nutrition, and playing sports. Now, fortunately, the combination of “PP and sports” (proper nutrition and exercise) has become very popular, to some extent it has become a trend. After all, by following the basic rules of nutrition and exercise, many people have been able to lose weight and get in shape. But there is one “but” here! These people had to get in shape, be it losing weight or curing excessive thinness, but it would be much easier if from childhood people learned to eat separately and lead an active lifestyle... Then they wouldn’t have to get in shape, so as if they were in shape anyway.

    A healthy lifestyle also implies maintaining personal hygiene and giving up all habits that are harmful to health. Personal hygiene includes self-care, daily routine, sleep routine, care appearance, clothes and shoes. Bad habits include smoking, drinking alcohol, and overeating.

    Let's return to the principles of nutrition

    Meals should be divided, that is, about five to six meals. The diet should consist of a rational ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates and be appropriate for age and physical features person. You can find out how much of what is in each product in the so-called table of KBJU products. As for products, it is worth excluding harmful ones. These include fast food, fried, fatty, flour and sweets. Every day you need to eat meat, fruits, vegetables and various cereals.

    The extent to which a person adheres to the principles of a healthy lifestyle depends directly on the preferences of the population, for example, of an entire country. There are countries where folk cuisine is quite unhealthy, full of sweets and fried foods, in other countries, people can afford to choose food among tropical fruits, fresh vegetables. It follows that the influence of the entire population, among which a certain individual is located, is very great; research by sociologists also confirms this.

    As mentioned earlier, physical activity is an essential part of a healthy lifestyle. A sedentary lifestyle is highly discouraged. It is recommended to take walks or bike rides daily and avoid using them if possible. public transport to provide more activity.

    One important point must be emphasized - compliance with the above rules must be on an ongoing basis, otherwise it will be of no use. So, let's summarize...

    Basic principles of healthy lifestyle

    • Personal hygiene
    • Maintaining a proper, healthy diet
    • Daily physical activity
    • Commitment to physical and mental development
    • Monitoring your health and well-being

    The influence of parents in shaping the basic rules of healthy lifestyle in children

    In this matter, the role of parents can hardly be overestimated, because it is they who influence the formation of a new personality, namely, what kind of life she will lead. It's no secret that in dysfunctional family As a rule, children cannot grow up with a bright future. It is parents who are role models. If they lead a bad lifestyle, children will also strive to imitate them. If parents follow all the rules of healthy lifestyle, children will also be accustomed to these same rules from childhood and it will be much easier for them in adulthood.

    More and more often, you can meet young mothers who immediately after giving birth set about restoring their previous physical shape; from childhood on, they show their children how to behave correctly, how to take care of personal hygiene, engage in physical activity and try to follow the principles of proper nutrition.

    Impact of the educational institution and society

    It cannot be said that society also influences the formation of an individual and the kind of life this individual will lead. From an early age, a child gets accustomed to life in society, tries to adhere to a culture of communication, therefore, it is very important in what environment the child will grow up. If, for example, the public actively organizes sporting events, is interested in this issue and in every possible way involves the younger generation in these events, this is already a big step towards developing the necessary skills in a person. Studies have shown that in countries where a healthy lifestyle is revered among the adult population, an increasing number of children have the skills to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

    It is also important how the correct lifestyle is treated in the educational institution where the child spends a lot of time. At a young age, the words of his teacher are very important for a child, and he tries in every possible way to meet his requirements. If from the very beginning the teacher sets a good example for the children and explains the importance of a healthy lifestyle, then without a doubt, the children will try to follow the basic rules, moreover, they will admiringly tell their parents about the importance and necessity of such a lifestyle.

    Formation of a culture of healthy lifestyle in a child

    When developing a child’s skills for leading a healthy lifestyle, it is necessary to take into account many factors that influence the development of personality:

    • What kind of environment does the child live in from birth?
    • What kind of people surround him?
    • What kind of life do his parents lead?
    • Does the child study in any sections on his own or does he study with his parents?
    • Was your love for sports instilled?
    • Did parents and their children adhere to the basic rules of healthy eating?

    It is very important to take into account each point if the parents’ goal now is to develop in the child an understanding of healthy lifestyle and the principles of its culture. The very mechanism of teaching the basics of healthy lifestyle can be different; there is the influence of many factors - from the individual preferences of the family to the preferences of the entire population (if we talk about what depends on the population, then we can talk about the organization of events related to healthy lifestyle). Research has shown that if there is a tendency among the population to at least engage in active recreation, this already influences a different way of raising children, one that is closer to a healthy lifestyle.

    It will not be enough that the parents tell the child how good and correct it is to adhere to the rules of nutrition, while the parents themselves do not follow these rules. It would also be wrong when parents try to force their child into an active lifestyle, but at the same time do not lead such a lifestyle, spending most of their time at home watching TV on the sofa.

    It follows from this how important personal example is and the presence of a healthy lifestyle culture in the family. If you are looking for methods for developing the principles of a correct lifestyle, then imitation is one of the main methods. You can tell and teach a child for days and years on end, but everything will be useless if the parents themselves do not meet the requirements.

    Stages of developing needs for an active lifestyle

    Studies devoted to the study of children's development have shown that the need for a healthy lifestyle is transmitted to children from their parents directly through their upbringing; it was the stimulation of the need for a healthy lifestyle by parents that played the main role, because parents have a greater influence on their children than school and other institutions

    Let's consider the main stages of the formation of a healthy and active personality

    Stage one

    The first stage can be called the time when future mom I just found out that I am pregnant. Even then, she must monitor her diet and try to follow a routine. After all, how she behaves throughout pregnancy certainly affects whether the child will be born healthy or unhealthy.

    Stage two

    The second stage can be called the postpartum recovery period. A young mother should under no circumstances forget that she is an example for her child and should try to get in shape.

    Stage three

    The third and one of the important stages is the time when the child actively begins to explore the world, at least minimally imitating his parents. Here you can begin to accustom your child to the basic rules of a healthy lifestyle culture, involve the child in joint training with mom or dad, and conduct them in interesting, game form so as not to discourage the child’s desire to be active. From an early age, you also need to accustom your child to a more or less balanced diet, teach him to adhere to the rules of personal hygiene, and observe a daily routine. It is worth having conversations with your child while adhering to a culture of communication. Thanks to this, it will only be easier for him in the future.

    Stage four

    The next, fourth stage, is the time when the child has reached preschool age (3-5 years) and begins his acquaintance with society. During this period, you can enroll your child in gymnastics, swimming, or other sport sections for children, that is, during this period the need for a healthy lifestyle is stimulated. It is important to support and encourage the child in all his endeavors. Research by sociologists shows the importance of these factors in the formation of personality.

    Stage five

    The fifth stage in the formation of the principles and culture of healthy lifestyle in a child can be called the child’s transition to school. A large team, new acquaintances and teachers also greatly influence the formation of these principles. The role of the school cannot be overestimated here. It will be very good if the educational institution pays due attention to physical development students, if sporting events will be held for children, educational hours in which the teacher will instill in children the desire to lead a healthy lifestyle and play sports;

    The most difficult and responsible stage in the formation of a personality who would adhere to a healthy lifestyle can be called the child’s transition to adult life. After all, now his parents will not be able to control him and what lifestyle to choose is up to him to decide.

    The result of raising children's need for a healthy lifestyle

    As can be seen from the above, the formation of a healthy lifestyle and the stimulation of its necessity is a multi-stage and complex process. So what should ideally happen if you raise a child according to all stages of personality formation?

    If from birth a child, together with his parents, goes through all the stages of personality formation, while instilling in the child a love of sports, then there is no doubt that in the future such a person will definitely lead a healthy lifestyle. Why is this said so confidently? But because how a person lives his life depends on the environment in which he grew up and what qualities were instilled in him. As a result of such upbringing, it will no longer be difficult for an adult to maintain the same daily routine, adhere to proper nutrition, be active and possibly play sports.

    It is also important that, in addition to the desires of the parents, the child himself experiences a love for such a lifestyle; he should not be forced, his needs must be taken into account, because in the future coercion will be of no use and an adult, without an instilled love for a healthy lifestyle, will choose his own path , and he will clearly contradict what his parents wanted for him.

    Research has shown that it is when proper education, taking into account all the factors that contribute to the development of a conscious love for sports, it is possible to ensure that as a result the child develops the concept of a healthy lifestyle. In the future, he can at least stick to his diet and choose healthy foods from those provided.

    In conclusion, it must be said that the formation of an individual with the need for a healthy lifestyle is not a one-way process; it requires not only the initiative of the parents, but also the child, as well as those among whom the child grows up. When raising, it is important to take into account the needs of the child, the factors influencing his development, and always listen to him, otherwise you will not be able to develop a whole way of life by force.

    Developing the need for a healthy lifestyle in an adult

    There can be many reasons for a person to change their lifestyle. He may not be happy with his physical shape, he may be overweight or too thin. Also, a change in lifestyle can be influenced by other people, the society in which the person is located, or personal motives. Sometimes poor health requires a transition to a healthy lifestyle.

    It must be emphasized that changing your lifestyle as an adult is not an easy task. You have to change priorities, change old, sometimes even bad habits. Do you smoke? - you'll have to quit! Do you drink? - you can forget about this too!

    Forming initial ideas about a healthy lifestyle should start with simple rules nutrition, management physical activity, adhere to the culture of leading a healthy lifestyle.

    At first it will be very difficult, because a person was brought up according to the same principles, had certain habits, unique views on the world, and now everything will have to change radically. The main thing is to set priorities, decide for yourself how important and necessary it is to study the principles of leading a healthy lifestyle, and then any goal is achievable!

    If a person has firmly decided that he needs to change his life, he must clearly define new responsibilities for himself, plan almost every day differently, because a healthy lifestyle has its own requirements, which he may not have encountered before.

    In any formation of skills, principles, abilities, it is necessary to go through certain stages. We will talk about them further.

    Stages of formation of a correct lifestyle in an adult

    Regardless of the purpose of lifestyle change, the stages of its formation in an adult are the same. Three main stages can be distinguished:

    1. The first stage is very important. It is during this period that a person must think carefully about what he needs, what he wants to achieve, and weigh all the pros and cons. Determine ways to achieve these goals. The beginning of a new life must be taken seriously. You need to find out how a healthy lifestyle can help. Whether it's losing weight and getting in shape or poor health that requires change. Perhaps starting a family forced me to make this decision. In any case, you need to decide everything for yourself;
    2. The second stage is the most difficult, because there is a lot of work to be done. You need to get rid of bad habits, rebuild your entire daily routine, and learn to follow basic nutritional rules. And if in the past they did not behave physically active life- then this will also have to be corrected. It is much more difficult to do this if no principles of leading a healthy lifestyle have been instilled since birth and you have to completely turn your life in the other direction. But if it has been firmly decided that this is simply necessary, nothing is impossible;
    3. The third, most recent and longest stage is maintaining a healthy lifestyle for many years, and possibly throughout life. Here, again, you need to set priorities - whether it is necessary or not, because it will not be easy to constantly maintain the regime.

    The result of developing healthy lifestyle skills in an adult

    One of the main results is an improvement in the general condition of the body, physical indicators, and physical fitness. It cannot be emphasized enough that, among other things, a person who adheres to the principles of a healthy lifestyle is more disciplined than one who does not take care of himself and his health.

    Such a person will undoubtedly be a good example for his future children, which will contribute to the formation of a healthy generation, which, like their parents, will be active, healthy and happy. This can rightfully be called a very good achievement, because taking care of our future and the future of our children is very important and necessary.

    M.I. Obukhova,

    Perm State Humanitarian and Pedagogical University, Faculty of Pedagogy and Methodology primary education, 4th year, scientific supervisor - senior teacher Kobyalkovskaya T.N.

    Forms and methods of developing the need for a healthy lifestyle in primary schoolchildren.

    The problem of protecting and strengthening children's health is of particular relevance in modern primary schools.

    This is evidenced by the results scientific research. According to the Federal Agency for Education of the Russian Federation, it was found that the majority of children have impaired vision, posture, and chronic diseases. A small percentage are relatively healthy children. Based on this, it becomes clear that it is necessary to look for new approaches to solving the problem of preserving and strengthening children's health.

    The solution to this problem is all the more necessary since optimization pedagogical process, increase in volume educational material This leads to nervous and physical exhaustion of students and ultimately affects their general health.

    Therefore, the deterioration in the health of school-age children in Russia is becoming not only medical, but also serious. pedagogical problem, which requires the efforts of many specialists, including teachers primary classes. It is known that the foundations of health are laid in childhood. Primary school plays a significant role in prevention various diseases, since this is what all children go through in primary school. But healthy children mean a healthy nation, more productive development of the country.

    The purpose of our work is to study the experience of modern primary school teachers on the problem of developing the need for a healthy lifestyle.

    Object: educational process in primary school.

    Subject: forms and methods of instilling the need for a healthy lifestyle in younger schoolchildren.

    Human health depends on many factors: heredity, ecology, healthcare system and accessibility, political and economic situation in the country. However, a special place among them is occupied by human lifestyle.

    One of the possible solutions to the problem of deteriorating health of younger schoolchildren is to develop their knowledge about a healthy lifestyle. Such knowledge is presented during lessons in life safety, natural history, the environment, and in the process of various extracurricular activities.

    An important point is the form of presentation of this material. It is obvious that ordinary lectures will not interest children, much less instill in them a love for sports; rather, on the contrary, they will get the impression that it is uninteresting, imposed and boring. And here are the “health lessons” practical lessons, conversations, drawing on a specific topic, observing nature, games, project activities children - those methods that will undoubtedly arouse the interest of students.

    It is known that the most effective method activity of a primary school student is a game. It allows you to hold the child's attention for as long as possible. In games, children try on various roles and forms of relationships, such as cooperation, subordination, mutual assistance, etc. This also develops the social qualities of children, which is the basis of spiritual and moral health.

    Outdoor games create conditions for the development of movements, fine motor skills, and strengthen the musculoskeletal system. In games where competitive elements are used, creative attitude children to physical activity. Such qualities as focus, activity, dexterity, speed, the ability to overcome obstacles are formed, imagination and ingenuity develop, and fears disappear. In work aimed at developing the need for a healthy lifestyle, methods such as entertaining conversations, stories, reading and discussing children's books, dramatizing situations, and watching videos can be used.

    In developing the need for a healthy lifestyle, the forms of work that a teacher can use are also important. These include: outdoor activities, excursions, travel lessons, KVN lessons, holidays, games, quizzes, seminar lessons, debates, discussions. It is very important that these forms increase the activity of children and contribute to the formation of the need for a healthy lifestyle.

    In our opinion, it would also be useful to talk not only about the importance of a healthy lifestyle, but also about negative consequences"wrong" lifestyle.

    The effectiveness of developing knowledge about a healthy lifestyle will largely depend on the variety of forms and methods used by the teacher in his work, as well as taking into account age characteristics younger schoolchildren when choosing them. An important condition that increases the effectiveness of this work is the personal example of the teacher and parents.

    In the process of working on the study, we reviewed articles from magazines devoted to the experience of primary school teachers in developing the need for a healthy lifestyle.

    From our point of view, the most interesting is the experience of teachers Lavrentieva S.E., Novolodskaya E.G., Chichkova G.M.

    They use such forms as: health-saving lessons, sports and recreational activities (morning exercises, play breaks, health days). The most interesting is the approach of E. G. Novolodskaya; she uses theater pedagogy in the context of a health-creative approach to education.

    Based on the foregoing, it becomes obvious that one of the priority tasks of educational institutions is the task of instilling in children the need for a healthy lifestyle. The task of teachers is to teach the child how to maintain their health, using pedagogical activity truthful, scientifically based and useful information.

    The solution to this problem is possible subject to systematic and targeted work to protect and strengthen the health of primary schoolchildren, promotes the development of creative and intellectual abilities, preserving and strengthening them mental state and physical health.


      Bobrova I.V. “Formation of a healthy lifestyle for younger schoolchildren” [Electronic resource], 2013.

      Lavrentieva S.E., “Preserving and strengthening the health of primary schoolchildren through the introduction of health-saving technologies” [Electronic resource], 2012.

      Novolodskaya E.G. “Theater pedagogy in designing health-saving activities for younger schoolchildren”// Primary School plus before and after. - No. 8, 2013.

      Chichkova G.M. “Formation of healthy lifestyle skills in classroom and extracurricular activities of junior schoolchildren” // Primary school plus before and after. - No. 1, 2013.

    Topic: “The role of the family in shaping children’s need for a healthy lifestyle.”

    In our age of speed, widespread computerization, scientific and technological progress, we devote little time to our health. It is known that health is an invaluable asset not only for every person, but also for the entire society. Health helps us fulfill our plans, successfully solve major life tasks, and overcome difficulties. Each of us has an inherent desire to be strong and healthy, to maintain mobility, vigor, energy for as long as possible and to achieve longevity. This is the main value of life. You cannot buy it for any money; it must be preserved, protected and improved from a young age. Therefore, the role and importance of family, family education in this process is difficult to overestimate.

    The family provides spiritual and physical health, supports the psychosocial growth and development of each of its members, gives them a sense of social security, belonging to a universal culture, and forms the foundation for the creation of extra-family relationships and connections. For a family, children are the main value. Parents are primarily responsible for teaching a healthy lifestyle and instilling a responsible attitude towards their health in children.

    A quiet, full-flowing river, children who cannot swim well can swim in it. Ahead is a huge waterfall. Suddenly the current picks up and carries away the children. They find themselves in a falling stream of water, at risk of breaking and dying, and we, adults, stand below, stretch out our hands and try to save them, while we should all be at the top, where the current is calm, teaching them to swim. If we transfer this metaphor to the area of ​​health, then the river is a way of life, and our common task is to teach every child to swim safely along it, helping him in every possible way in choosing a lifestyle that promotes strengthening and maintaining health.
    The state of health of our children leaves much to be desired. And the increase in morbidity is associated not only with an unfavorable environmental situation, with a constant increase in workload, psycho-emotional stress and physical inactivity, but also with the refusal of parents to lead a healthy lifestyle. The health of children directly depends on living conditions in
    family, health literacy, hygiene culture of parents and level
    their education Often the level of knowledge and skills of parents in the field of nurturing healthy lifestyle habits is low, and interest in this problem arises only when the child already needs psychological or medical help. Most parents do not understand the very essence of the concept of “health”, considering it only as the absence of diseases, completely ignoring the relationship between physical, mental and social well-being. As a result, children develop bad habits, which can be very difficult to get rid of.

    The readiness for a healthy lifestyle does not arise by itself, but is formed in a person from an early age, primarily within the family in which the child was born and raised.
    The task of parents is to convey the importance of daily care of their health to the consciousness of their child, to teach the art of promoting health.
    This art is mastered by children in the process of joint activities with their parents. Parents need not to direct their children on the path of health, but to lead them along this path by their example.
    The main task for parents is to form in the child a moral attitude towards their health, which is expressed in the desire and need to be healthy and to lead a healthy lifestyle. He must realize that health is the most important value for a person, the main condition for achieving any life goal, and everyone is responsible for maintaining and strengthening their health.

    Risk factors that worsen the health of children and adolescents include: bad habits (smoking, drug and alcohol use); poor quality, irregular and unbalanced nutrition; disordered daily routine; educational overload and physical inactivity; irrational alternation of different types of activities (educational, play and work) in the daily routine. As a result of the reasons mentioned above, the health of modern schoolchildren is not at the proper level. The majority of the population of our country, including school-age children, have not sufficiently developed a positive attitude towards health and a healthy lifestyle, and the skills of leading a healthy lifestyle are poorly instilled. The foundations of a child’s physical and mental health and the initial skills of leading a healthy lifestyle are formed during childhood and adolescence. Therefore, teaching a healthy lifestyle and instilling a conscious, responsible attitude towards health and a healthy lifestyle must begin in childhood. This is possible through the active participation of the parents themselves.

    It is necessary to form in a child a moral attitude towards his health, which is expressed in the desire and need to be healthy and lead a healthy lifestyle. He must realize that health is the most important value for a person, the main condition for achieving any life goal, and everyone is responsible for maintaining and strengthening their health. To motivate him to engage in healthy behavior, it is necessary to interest him, create positive emotions when mastering knowledge, make him feel pleasure from healing methods, use positive examples from the surrounding life, and the personal example of his parents.

    A powerful source of developing a healthy lifestyle for children is Physical Culture. The training strategy is based on the fact that pleasure from physical activity develops into a habit, and from it into a need. A variety of techniques are used to involve children in physical education.

    The readiness for a healthy lifestyle does not arise by itself, but is formed in a person from an early age, primarily within the family in which the child was born and raised.

    “Experience has convinced us that the main reason for lagging behind in studies is poor health, some kind of disease, more often: invisible and curable only through the joint efforts of a doctor, mother, teacher. Hidden ailments: are a deviation from normal development, and slow thinking is in many cases a consequence of this malaise." V.A. Sukhomlinsky.

    The role of the teacher consists of organizing a pedagogical process that preserves the child’s health and instills a value-based attitude towards health. In the course of joint activities with children, the teacher, collaborating with the family, ensures the student’s ascent to a culture of health.

    Role of parents in preserving the child’s health with the support of the school consists in constructing a natural and culturally consistent model of behavior, in the willingness to accept help and support from school specialists in matters of preserving and strengthening the child’s health, and in actively participating in the creation of cultural traditions of the kindergarten. This means that an important condition for successful work to preserve and strengthen the health of children, to develop their need for a healthy lifestyle is that a “healthy lifestyle” should become the lifestyle of the people around them, i.e. teachers and parents.

    Relevance this problem is that modern family is included in many spheres of society. At the same time, a reduction in parents’ free time due to the need to find additional sources of income, psychological overload, stress and the presence of other pathogenic factors contribute to the development of the syndrome in parents chronic fatigue, which in turn does not allow them to pay the necessary attention to their child.

    Despite the interest of parents in preserving the health of the child, they are not always able to competently resolve many issues and problems that arise, especially since many children are at school most of the time. Therefore, the school should provide significant assistance to the family in preserving and strengthening the physical and psychological health of the child.

    The solutions are as follows:

    Constant communication between parents and the school, namely with the physical education teacher, class teacher to know about your child's problems or successes. To do this, you don’t have to go to school all the time; you can communicate using the phone;

    Joint participation of parents in physical education and recreational activities conducted by the school as participants, assistants to organizers, and judges;

    Joint attendance at sporting events.

    Parental attitudes appear long before the child is born. Raising children is a lot of work, great happiness, great love, constant search and doubt.

    What qualities should you have? good parents? First of all, the child should have confidence that his parents love him and care about him.Parental love is the source and guarantee of a person’s emotional well-being and the maintenance of physical and spiritual health.Unfortunately, parents do not always know how to express their love for their child. All deviations in emotional sphere and child behavior are most often caused by a lack of parental love. There is no need to be afraid of spoiling a child with manifestations of love; on the contrary, one must constantly instill in the child confidence in its constancy, andThis requires constant psychological contact with him. Contact is built as a result of interaction, dialogue with the child, stimulating his activity in the process of education. Parents must awaken in their child the need for their own achievements and self-improvement.

    To others important rule communication between parents and children isaccepting the child as he is - recognition of the child’s right to individuality and difference, 6 including from his parents. This involves abandoning even often fair, but negative assessments of the child’s personality. You need to love a child not because he is good, but because he is, love him for who he is. Psychologists have proven that the success of parenting is directly related to the level of personality of the parents, the wealth and harmony of the inner world of an adult.Therefore, the process of education is always a process of self-education.

    It is known that the health crisis of children, adolescents and youth in Russia threatens national security, economic and social development, the country's defense capability. The scale and consequences of the disruption to the health of new generations of the population are enormous. These problems lie in the sphere of vital interests of society, family, and individual.

    A healthy lifestyle (HLS) is the basis for preventing diseases and promoting the health of children and adolescents. Modern concept A healthy lifestyle defines it as constant implementation, conscious of its necessity. hygiene rules strengthening and maintaining individual and public health.

    For younger schoolchildren, the main components of a healthy lifestyle are rational nutrition, physical activity, general strengthening and anti-stress measures, proper rest, and high medical activity. In modern difficult socio-economic conditions, the absence of these elements in the behavior of a significant part of schoolchildren is a risk factor for the occurrence of diseases.

    Considering the health status of children of primary school age, in last years The country has significantly intensified work to create a health-preserving system of educational institutions aimed at developing healthy lifestyle skills in children.

    The educational aspect of this system includes:

    · mastering training programs on a healthy lifestyle;

    · development of manuals for teachers and students;

    · creation of a methodological library for teachers of different categories on the problems of a healthy lifestyle;

    · training teachers of secondary schools in active methods of developing healthy lifestyle skills, etc.

    The significant deterioration in the health of the Russian population, especially children, observed in recent years has become a national problem. Systematic education of the younger generation in the field of health and a healthy lifestyle will help solve it. Modern views on this problem show that the health of each person, first of all, depends on the efforts he makes to strengthen his health, and no doctors, no medications will help if the person himself violates the norms of a healthy lifestyle.

    It is known that healthy habits are formed from a very early age. Therefore, the role and importance of the family and family education in this process cannot be overestimated. Parents need to daily, day after day, quietly and steadily educate their child so that he understands the need to improve health and learns this art. To successfully cope with this task, parents must have certain theoretical and practical training in these issues. Science offers them the following principles on which to build a healthy lifestyle for children:

    1. Systematic approach.

    · Man is a complex system. It is impossible to keep the body healthy if you do not improve emotionally - volitional sphere, if you don’t work with the child’s morality.

    · Successful solution to the problems of promoting a healthy lifestyle is possible only by combining the educational efforts of the school and parents.

    2. Activity approach.

    The culture in the field of health and a healthy lifestyle is mastered by children in the process of joint activities with their parents. It is necessary not to direct children on the path of health, but to lead them along this path.

    3. The principle “Do no harm”!

    Provides for the use in work only of safe healing techniques, scientifically recognized and tested by thousands of years of human experience and officially recognized.

    4. The principle of humanism.

    In education in the field of health and healthy lifestyle, the intrinsic value of the child’s personality is recognized. The moral guidelines of education are human values.

    The priority direction of education in the field of health should be the formation moral qualities child, which are the foundation of health. To do this, it is necessary to develop in him kindness, friendliness, endurance, determination, courage, an optimistic attitude towards life, a sense of the joy of existence, the ability to feel happy, believe in one’s own strengths and trust in the world.

    To form these qualities, spiritual harmony and adequate positive self-esteem are necessary, which arise if the child is free from feelings of anxiety and fear and lives with confidence in his own security and safety. It is important that as they master the culture of health conservation, each child develops feelings of tenderness and love for himself, a mood of special joy from understanding his uniqueness, originality, the limitlessness of his creative possibilities, a sense of trust in the world and people.

    When organizing health education, you need to remember:

    · if a child is often encouraged, he learns self-confidence,

    · if a child lives with a sense of security, he learns to believe,

    · if a child manages to achieve what he wants, he learns hope,

    · if a child lives in an atmosphere of friendship and feels needed, he learns to find love in this world.

    It is equally important to maintain health to develop in your child the ability to consider himself and his condition from the outside, to understand his feelings and the reasons for their occurrence. Self-observation and introspection form the desire to improve themselves, allow the child to see and develop his personal capabilities, and increase his intellectual potential.

    It is necessary to form in a child a moral attitude towards his health, which is expressed in the desire and need to be healthy and to lead a healthy lifestyle. He must realize that health is the most important value for a person, the main condition for achieving any life goal, and everyone is responsible for maintaining and strengthening their health. To motivate him to engage in healthy behavior, it is necessary to interest him, create positive emotions when mastering knowledge, make him feel pleasure from healing methods, use positive examples from the surrounding life, and the personal example of his parents.

    Physical education is a powerful source of developing a healthy lifestyle for children. The training strategy is based on the fact that pleasure from physical activity develops into a habit, and from it into a need.

    An important task that needs to be solved when carrying out education in the field of health and healthy lifestyle is to form the foundations of personal hygiene: mastering body care skills, self-massage techniques, hardening methods, etc. It is equally important that your child master the skills of psychoprophylaxis, self-regulation and activation reserve capabilities of your body. To do this, it is necessary to develop and improve the functions of the analyzer systems (hearing, vision, tactile sense, etc.), teach the skills of voluntary control of breathing, muscle tone, imagination, contribute to the formation of an “internal observer” in the child’s mind (inner self), develop the ability to express their feelings using words, facial expressions, gestures, etc. By mastering this knowledge and skills, the child learns to manage his emotions and mental activity. This improves psychological well-being at school and promotes more successful learning.

    Education in the field of health involves the formation in a child of an understanding of masculinity and femininity and the corresponding qualities: in boys - strength, agility, endurance, will, respect for girls as future mothers and homemakers, a desire to help and protect them, and in girls - plasticity, lightness, responsiveness, tolerance.

    Health education strengthens the entire family. The child must learn the best Russian family traditions, understand the meaning and importance of family in a person’s life, the role of the child in the family, and master the norms and ethics of relationships with parents and other family members. It is necessary to develop interest in the professional and everyday activities of family members, to form an understanding of their social significance, to create the need to proudly talk about their grandparents, parents, good traditions your family.

    The effectiveness of solving the health problems of health-forming education can be determined by the dynamics physical condition child, to reduce morbidity, to develop his skills to build relationships with peers, parents and other people, to show compassion, the desire to help others, to reduce the level of anxiety and aggressiveness in relation to his own health.

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