• 40 weeks by month. Possible emotional experiences. Nutrition and bad habits


    If at 40 weeks you still have a tummy, then we can only congratulate you - your baby is responsible and punctual, because it is at 40 weeks that obstetricians set the expected date of birth.

    The doctor names a specific date, using a simple formula for calculations: add 9 months and 7 days to the first day of the last menstruation, or add 280 days to the above date. Of course, the baby may be born a little earlier or later than the 40th week of pregnancy.

    If the pregnancy is progressing well and the baby’s well-being does not cause concern, then no stimulation labor activity no need. Don't agree to these procedures just out of fear. There must be clear indications for everything.

    Baby development at 40 weeks

    Your baby is in an expectant state at 40 weeks of pregnancy.

    • All his organs are mature. The heart is waiting to start its own blood circulation, and meconium has accumulated in the intestines, which will be released in the first days of life;
    • The child sleeps most of the day, as if accumulating strength before the upcoming birth;
    • All this time, the baby’s body accumulates useful substances and iron, which it needs for a separate existence from its mother and independent hematopoiesis;
    • By external signs, a fetus at 40 weeks of gestation is no different from a newborn: the skin is pink and with cute folds, there is practically no lubricant left, except in the folds on the arms and legs, hairs only on the head.

    By the way! It’s interesting that at this stage and in the first months after birth, the baby’s eye color is blue or even deep blue if you or your husband Brown eyes, then the child will have them too, but later.

    Hair color can also change radically; babies are often born with light hair, and later it darkens and vice versa.

    • The normal weight for the 40th week of pregnancy is around 3.5 kilograms, with a height of 52-54 centimeters;

    But do not rush to be upset if the ultrasound tells you other parameters, the main thing is that the increase in weight and height is regular, there are no jumps or stops, these indicators are influenced by both genetics and your diet and lifestyle.

    • At 40 weeks, what happens to the baby can be judged by the nature of his kicks. Let's start with the fact that tremors, although not so active, must be present - at least 10 times a day.

    Increased activity in a child may indicate anxiety or deterioration in health, such as oxygen deprivation. By the way, a dissatisfied baby may also push because of a feeling of hunger, so don’t forget about a snack.

    Mom's well-being

    Insomnia, anxiety, desire to sleep in a comfortable position, constant trips to the toilet, swelling and lack of appetite are far from full list feelings of the last weeks of pregnancy, but all these inconveniences will fade as soon as you hug your newborn baby.

    While there is time before giving birth, take a look at the online course posted on our website so that you can competently care for your baby from the first day and understand his needs. Follow the link to the course page: Happy Motherhood >>>

    Uterus size

    The uterus at 40 weeks of pregnancy can reach 40 centimeters in height, its bottom drops every day, and with it the baby’s head; you can feel these changes through increased pressure on the muscles in the lower abdomen and pressure on the pubic bone.

    As for the cervix, at 40 weeks of pregnancy it should shorten significantly, up to 1 centimeter, and the protective plug has partially or completely come out.

    The feeling that the stomach is turning to stone occurs more and more often at the 40th week of pregnancy; as a rule, these are training contractions that become more frequent and, at a certain point, turn into prenatal ones.

    Note! Training contractions are not systematic and pass during movement, while prenatal contractions gradually increase in time, and the time interval between them is steadily decreasing.

    At 40 weeks of pregnancy, your contractions should be under special control, since they are the most obvious harbingers of labor.

    If you have not prepared for childbirth, then now you are unlikely to go to courses on preparation for childbirth with in-person attendance. But studying at home is quite possible. See the course Easy Childbirth >>>

    Pain at 40 weeks

    Please note that for 40 weeks of pregnancy certain painful sensations are the norm.

    1. Back pain;

    A shift in the center of gravity and the load on the spine affect your well-being; pain often occurs in the lumbar region and sacrum. The pelvic bones may also hurt due to gradual expansion during the prenatal period.

    Rest and light massage will help relieve pain, but you should avoid wearing a support bandage at 40 weeks, as it can interfere with the body’s natural preparation for labor.

    1. Abdominal pain;

    The feeling of pulling in the stomach only intensifies at 40 weeks of pregnancy. The baby is gradually sinking, the muscles are in constant tension, more active training contractions add to the troubles.

    You may be bothered by constant aching pain, like during menstruation.

    1. Headache;

    Insomnia and anxiety negatively affect your well-being, hence headaches and migraines. You need psychological relaxation, a positive attitude and walks in the fresh air.

    1. Leg pain;

    Swelling and venous disease are not uncommon at 40 weeks of pregnancy. Nutritional control and alternating periods of activity and rest are necessary.

    Monitor your well-being, if your swelling does not go away, you detect high blood pressure or urine tests reveal protein, there is a suspicion of the development of preeclampsia - dangerous disease, both for you and for your baby.

    Remember that at 40 weeks of pregnancy, everything that happens to the mother is felt by your baby. Try to reduce your discomfort, relax and talk with your little one more often; childbirth is no less stressful for him than for you.

    Bleeding. Discharge

    Remember that bloody discharge it should not happen in the prenatal period, this is a pathology and a dangerous signal, first of all, placental abruption.

    • Bloody streaks can only be present in secretions of mucous consistency, when the protective plug comes off;
    • Normal discharge at 40 weeks of pregnancy is clear or slightly whitish, odorless and impurity-free. Of course, their number may increase slightly, but you should have enough for a day daily pads;
    • An increase in the volume of discharge and the appearance of a sweetish odor indicates leakage of amniotic fluid, in which case it is necessary to see a doctor;
    • A bad signal is the release of amniotic fluid of a greenish tint - this indicates infection of the waters and possible infection of the fetus (read the important article: Signs of leakage of amniotic fluid >>>)!
    • Itching, burning sensations, cheesy discharge, with obvious sour smell indicate the development of thrush, which must be treated immediately, because the time before childbirth is catastrophically short (find out the dangers of inaction in the article Thrush during pregnancy >>>);
    • Greenish, yellow or brown discharge at 40 weeks of pregnancy indicates purulent processes, inflammation of the appendages or other organs; you should immediately see a specialist.

    Feelings at 40 weeks

    IN last weeks Before giving birth, you are at the mercy of hormones. Changes in mood, bursts of activity when you get tired quickly, creative impulses and tears when watching movies - this is only the psychological side.

    Possible deterioration general well-being associated with squeezing of veins and prolapse of the abdomen. So, the urge to go to the toilet becomes critically frequent, in addition, the baby manages to hit his fist precisely in bladder.

    Gums may bleed, blood pressure may increase, and swelling may occur after a short walk.

    Harbingers of childbirth

    Be careful, listening at 40 weeks of pregnancy to what is happening to your body. By small changes and symptoms, you can find out that childbirth is just around the corner.

    1. One of the traditional precursors of labor at 40 weeks of pregnancy is abdominal prolapse;

    However, with this point you need to keep your eyes open. In some pregnant women, the abdomen drops within a few weeks, and there are often cases when the drop occurs immediately before childbirth.

    1. Lower back pain is also a mediocre sign; the back can bother you throughout pregnancy;

    Another thing is contractions, which at 40 weeks of pregnancy increase and gradually increase in duration. When the interval between contractions is less than 5 minutes, you should already be in the maternity hospital.

    1. Removal of the plug is one of the indirect signs that labor will begin soon;

    But this sign does not have a specific time frame. The plug may come out at 40 weeks of pregnancy when the cervix shortens, but this process may take several days.

    Note! After the plug comes out, at 40 weeks of pregnancy or earlier, the fetus is no longer protected from external bacteria, it is necessary to strengthen personal hygiene and it is worth refusing sexual intercourse.

    1. A prolonged sensation when the stomach turns to stone at 40 weeks of pregnancy is also a harbinger of childbirth;

    The uterus is preparing to open or is already gradually opening, and you feel nagging pain, like before menstruation or temporary stiffness in the lower abdomen.

    How to speed up labor

    If you're 40 weeks pregnant and still haven't started labor, there's no reason to worry.

    It happens that the doctor incorrectly calculates the due date or the baby needs more time to prepare. Don't rush your baby, focus on your peace of mind.

    • The most natural way for a little stimulation to give birth at 40 weeks of pregnancy is active sex. Orgasm promotes contraction of the uterus, and sperm has a beneficial effect on the cervix. Don't forget about intimate hygiene;
    • A regular walk or cleaning also contributes to the onset of labor; doctors do not recommend lying down at this time, believing that movements contribute to normal labor and rapid dilatation of the uterus.

    If after all the manipulations labor has not begun at 40 weeks, the doctor decides how to induce it.

    Depending on the problem, the woman in labor is given oxytocin or hormonal suppositories, but such measures are taken if there is a threat to the baby, for example, overripening of the placenta, suffocation, infection amniotic fluid.

    In other cases, you will be referred for an additional ultrasound to decide how much time is left, perhaps your baby has simply decided to live another week or two in his tummy.

    What is important to do at 40 weeks

    1. Move. Lying down does not in any way contribute to normal labor; moreover, in the sloth position you can gain extra pounds in a week, which will be quite difficult to lose;
    2. Breathe. For normal delivery, breathing is very important;

    While you have time, listen to the online course, where in addition to breathing practices, other self-help secrets await you. Follow the link to the course: Pain-Free Childbirth: 10 Natural Ways to Relieve Pain in Childbirth >>>

    1. Eat. Refusing to eat is not the best decision before giving birth. Food should be high in calories, but easily digestible; you need strength for the final push. By the way, eat little, but often, take a snack with you;
    2. Observe. Be attentive to all changes in your body. Monitor whether your water is leaking at 40 weeks of pregnancy, whether your training contractions are entering the system, whether you are losing weight and whether your baby is moving;
    3. Going to. You should already have things and documents prepared and stored for the maternity hospital, all household issues have been resolved, older children have been identified, if any;
    1. Rejoice. It's time to replace fear with joy and perceive childbirth as a short, unpleasant stage on the way to meeting your beloved baby.

    As doctors say, no pregnant woman has ever left the hospital with a belly, so you will survive this moment, of course, you will remember it all your life, but the baby’s smile will overcome all the difficulties.

    The 40th week of pregnancy is the end of the 9th beginning of the 10th month or the 3rd trimester

    Having reached the fortieth week, the third trimester of pregnancy, a woman has very little time left before giving birth, she has already traveled a very long way, she already wants to see the little man she carried under her very heart and so that all the inconveniences will end quickly.

    The 40th week of pregnancy is characterized by the final formation of the baby, the appearance of pain, false contractions and new discharge. Some women do not make it to 40 weeks and give birth at 39 weeks.

    What happens to the child

    The baby has already developed to the maximum, all the organs necessary for life have been formed and are functioning, the space in the abdomen is becoming very small, the walls of the mother’s womb do not allow him to grow further. He is no longer interested in moving. By this time, the baby is already in a position in which, almost one hundred percent, he will remain until birth.

    Basically, this is a position with the head down, with the legs and arms pressed to the body. According to doctors, ideal position the fetus is head down, this makes it easier for the baby to come out during childbirth. There are rare cases when the baby is in the wrong position, but still turns over before contractions.

    If the fetus is in a pelvic position, doctors usually put the mother in the hospital, try with all their might to change the position, and if that doesn’t work, they may decide to use C-section. During childbirth in the pelvic position, as soon as the baby reaches the navel, the head enters the pelvis and presses the umbilical cord, which leads to fetal hypoxia. And these are already dangerous complications for the baby’s life, even death, therefore, with a pelvic position of the baby, the probability of using abdominal surgery reaches 90 percent.

    It is advisable to have a consultation with this doctor and discuss details, for example, the type of painkiller that will be used during childbirth.

    At the moment of birth, you will no longer have time for this, emotions will go off scale, and the expectant mother and father may forget even about basic things. The onset of labor after 42 weeks is considered by doctors to be postmaturity. In exceptional cases, doctors can use stimulation to initiate labor by prescribing pills to the woman.

    Childbirth at 40 weeks of pregnancy

    The baby demands birth! We expect childbirth almost from day to day, even from hour to hour; contractions can begin at any even inopportune moment. An interesting fact is that nature sets the deadlines itself, and they do not necessarily coincide with your or the doctor’s calculations.

    The birth itself begins with small contractions. Over time, their intensity increases until the cervix is ​​completely open. Many women at these moments experience severe pain, coupled with an emotional outburst. At this time, the work of the anesthesiologist is very important, who must correctly calculate the dose and time of administration of the anesthetic. If you administer too small a dose, the woman in labor may lose consciousness due to painful shock; if you administer too large a dose, the woman in labor will not be able to grasp the pace of contractions and will be correctly prepared for pushing.

    Next, pushing begins - contraction of the abdominal muscles and diaphragm, which allow the fetus to move along the birth canal. The baby, whose average height is about 52 cm and weighs 3.5, when moving, crushes everything internal organs along its path, including the intestines and bladder, which is why women defecate most of the time. This happens without the will of the woman in labor, naturally, so the woman should not worry about this. The maternity hospital staff who deliver the baby are prepared for such a development and will quickly eliminate everything to prevent feces from getting on the baby.

    The duration of labor can range from several hours to 18 hours, which depends on many factors: the age of the woman in labor, her physical condition, what kind of births the woman in labor has had. After the baby is born, the midwives perform a traditional ritual that is important for everyone: the baby is placed on the mother’s chest for a while, and then taken to the next room. There he will be washed, dressed, the umbilical cord will be treated, his health will be checked on the Apgar scale, and a tag will be put on with information about his full name, age, gender, weight and date of birth.

    At this time, the accomplished mother is brought into order by the midwives. For the mother at this moment, the main task is to rest and not worry. They will definitely bring the baby back to her, because then she will have a difficult journey through life with her own little person, who will be completely dependent on her for many years.

    How do you know when labor is about to begin?

    Childbirth has its own messengers who will report the upcoming main event for the woman. It too frequent urination, strange sounds in the stomach, instant mood changes and release of emotions. As the baby approaches the pelvic floor, pain occurs in the groin, sacrum and pelvic area. If this happens, then after a couple of days the baby will get tired of sitting in a confined space, and he will climb out into the wild.

    The main sign of labor is the release of the mucous plug and amniotic fluid. This is a signal that contractions will begin in a couple of hours. Real contractions differ from false contractions in their duration and intensity, are accompanied by abdominal pain, and do not stop when the mother changes position or walks.

    Until the moment of birth, a safe place for the baby is the mucous plug, which protects against external factors and prevents infection from entering. When the plug comes out, the woman has only a few minutes left before giving birth. Therefore, a woman needs to be prepared for contractions, and her family and friends need to call an ambulance or bring the woman themselves by car or taxi to the maternity hospital.

    Your body type at 40 weeks pregnant

    At the 40th week, the weight may change downward (loss of up to 2 kg) to the weight gained during childbirth, due to the removal of excess fluid from the woman’s body. Losing weight does not affect your figure in any way. The mother's belly, depending on the size of the baby, can be simply huge. The woman can no longer move normally; her movements resemble waddling from foot to foot, like a duck. Even a simple walk to the toilet in an apartment is considered tantamount to torture.

    A woman constantly wants to sit or lie down, choosing a more comfortable position, but there are not many such positions. The morale is very difficult, especially if it is hot summer outside. Stretch marks appear on the stomach, which need to be treated with moisturizer. It is very important that at this time the woman has a close and beloved person next to her who will take care of all household chores. A woman should not pay attention to her physique during this period of time; after giving birth, she can go in for sports and quickly regain her physical shape.

    Photo of the belly at 40 weeks

    What does a woman feel at 40 weeks of pregnancy?

    For many women, as well as men, the movements of the baby become a very noticeable event; you can even see the contours of an arm or leg on the woman’s stomach.

    But with the pros come the cons:

    • You can only fall asleep when the baby is also sleeping, because it’s hard to sleep when you’re being trampled on from the inside. It is imperative to monitor the intensity of the tremors; if the woman feels that the tremors have become less frequent, then she should consult a doctor who is managing the pregnancy. With increased intensity, a visit to the doctor is also necessary; it is possible that after such vigorous activity there will not be enough oxygen for the baby and early labor will begin;
    • there will be pain in the back and joints, which can spread to other parts of the body, this is the so-called preparation of the body for the culmination of pregnancy;
    • pain intensifies in the perineum and lower body when the pressure of the fetal head on the pelvis increases;
    • the femoral nerve is pinched, which leads to pain in the sacrum;
    • The tone of the uterus increases, the stomach sinks lower and lower under the weight of the fetus, as a result the stomach hardens and pulls down.

    Ultrasound at 40 weeks

    Unpleasant discharge at 40 weeks of pregnancy

    Discharge occurs due to the opening and softening of the uterus. The mucous composition may come out completely, with specks of blood in the form of a large piece, or gradually rose water with small lumps.

    In addition, discharge serves as an indicator of a woman’s health:

    • if there is discharge from unpleasant smell, then you need to seek medical help, this may be a sign of infection in the woman in labor, which is very dangerous, because the infection will most likely get to the baby during the birth canal. And when he comes out into the world, he does not yet have good immunity, so the infection will lead to catastrophic consequences;
    • If even minimal bleeding appears, then this is a sign of detachment of the placenta from the wall of the uterus, you should immediately contact a doctor for help. The larger the area of ​​placental abruption, the lower the baby’s chances of survival;
    • If watery discharge appears, this means amniotic fluid has leaked, and you should also immediately contact a doctor. The baby cannot stay in a waterless environment for a long time. Here the likelihood of contracting an infection is very high.

    Is sex allowed at 40 weeks of pregnancy?

    At this stage, sex is allowed only with the permission of a doctor, following his recommendations. On the one hand, the woman receives positive emotions, which stimulates contractions, and the man’s sperm makes the walls of the uterus soft. On the other hand, excessive anxiety during sex can have Negative influence for the future baby. In addition, you will have restrictions on sex positions and places, from which you may not get much pleasure.


    There is no need to worry that labor will begin in the fortieth or subsequent weeks; very often doctors diagnose wrong deadline. The deviation can reach up to two weeks, because a worried woman at a doctor’s appointment incorrectly reported the date of her last menstruation. During the examination at the end of the 40th week, the doctor can adjust the period.

    At the fortieth week, there is a high probability of short contractions. This causes panic and a lot of emotions in expectant mothers, so at this stage it is necessary for the woman to always have someone with her who can assess the situation, calm her down and call an ambulance.

    When the first contractions occur at home or on the street, note the time and duration of the contractions. If the process lasts more than an hour, with minute-long contractions and breaks of four minutes, then urgently contact your doctors and go to the parental home.

    A very important factor is the moral state of the expectant mother. It is necessary to focus on positive emotions, so that there is no fear for the final result, and tune in to work during the birth process. Excessive nervousness will have a bad effect not only on the birth process, but also on the postpartum period.

    The red day of a pregnant woman’s calendar is the day of her birth. All fears about this have already faded into the background and the main desire of the expectant mother is to quickly hold her child in her arms. Now is the time to prepare for the birth of your baby and your first meeting with him, because you are already 40 weeks pregnant.

    According to obstetric statistics, only 25% of babies are born exactly on time in the 9th month, while all the rest prefer to please their mother with their appearance a little earlier, or a little later. As a rule, girls are usually born post-term by about a couple of weeks. And as mothers themselves note at the 40th week of pregnancy, the second pregnancy is a little easier than the first. Still, experience takes its toll, and a woman’s body is more adapted to the state of bearing and giving birth to a baby.

    Many women keep a diary throughout their pregnancy, where they describe their every new sensation. The baby becomes cramped in the uterus, his movements are less active, there is less and less oxygen, and the placenta copes with its duties less and less well. Childbirth can occur at any time.

    The small back, arms and legs can already be felt well. And if the child is positioned correctly with his head down, then a hard bulge can be felt a little above the pubis. The correct position of the baby can be indicated by his pushes in the bladder area.

    At 40 weeks of pregnancy, the abdominal circumference has an average size of 90-95 cm, the baby’s weight is about 3.5 kg. Height is usually between 48 and 51 cm.

    Many babies turn over before giving birth and become head down, 95% of them, and this greatly simplifies the birth process, because when the baby moves forward with his legs, there is a danger of dislocating his hip and other injuries. At this time it is important to pass necessary tests blood, determine the level of chorionic hormone and compare it with data characteristic of this period. Contractions in the 9th month of pregnancy occur very often. These short-term spasms are harbingers of labor, so a woman always has a slight fear that labor is about to begin.

    Not all women usually give birth on the date prescribed by the doctor. However, the doctor is always obliged to establish the expected date. The optimal period is also 37 weeks, and even 42, it all depends on the mother’s body. For example, if menstrual cycle a woman's pregnancy is 21 days, most likely the end of pregnancy will occur at 39 weeks. Women with a long cycle, up to 36 days, can give birth at 41 and 42 weeks.

    In any case, when you are 40 weeks pregnant and if this is not your second birth, you must visit a doctor who will monitor the baby’s condition using special devices (cardiotocograph, ultrasound and Doppler).

    Fetus at 40 weeks gestation

    The length of a newborn at 40 weeks of gestation is approximately 50 cm, but the weight is difficult to determine accurately; for most boys it is within 3.5 kg, but girls are often born weighing 2.8 kg. The bones of the baby’s skull have not yet fused; human nature did this so that during childbirth the head could shrink and it would be easier for the woman in labor.

    At this stage, the fetus has completely filled the space of the uterus, it becomes cramped, and as a result of the increased amount of estrogen rib cage he has a convex one. This returns to normal immediately after childbirth. Girls experience vaginal discharge due to hormonal excess after birth.

    At this stage, your baby is already fully formed and ready for birth. Within 2 days after birth, its head may have irregular shape. The skin also does not immediately restore its color and initially has a brown, bluish or gray tint.

    Expectant mother 9 months pregnant

    You have reached the long-awaited finish line and will soon become a mother. Now it’s especially difficult for you, because painful contractions have begun to manifest themselves more actively, and moving with big belly it became a little more complicated. It's time to move to an inpatient hospital and be under constant medical supervision.

    If your body mass index is more than 26, then at 40 weeks of pregnancy the weight gain should be at least 9 kg. If less than 19 – then up to 15 kg.

    At this important time, the most important thing that remains is to mentally prepare yourself for childbirth, which can occur at any moment. This means:

    • think about the baby, what is happening to him at the moment;
    • talk to the child, stroke him, perhaps sing songs to him and calm him down;
    • imagine that the birth was successful and you are holding your baby in your arms. You need to think about the good, surround yourself with positive people and emotions;
    • think more often about the fact that a healthy, full-fledged baby will be born, moreover, beautiful and happy. Get rid of bad thoughts that you might not like the child, this shouldn’t happen, because you will give birth to your baby, your first child, or maybe your second or third, it doesn’t matter. The main thing is that this is a piece of you that will always be with you.

    The belly of the expectant mother at 40 weeks of pregnancy looks like this in the photo.

    Feelings of a pregnant woman

    There are a number of specific symptoms during pregnancy that accompany a woman all the time, and there are also those that appear immediately before childbirth:

    1. At the 40th week of pregnancy, the lower back and pubic area may hurt. This condition of a woman is due to the fact that the ligaments soften against the background of changes hormonal levels.
    2. During this period, the abdomen sank, and it became much easier for the mother in labor to breathe.
    3. Worried about heartburn and constipation. Largely due to pregnancy hormones, the uterus relaxes so that the fetus can develop. As a result of the influence of these hormones, the intestines reduce their activity, and constipation occurs.
    4. In the 9th month, the legs get tired faster, cramps and a feeling of heaviness bother me at night. Varicose veins appear.
    5. Periodic constipation, weak blood flow through the veins of the rectum leads to the appearance of hemorrhoids.
    6. Many women at 40 weeks of pregnancy complain that their stomach becomes stiff, after which diarrhea may begin. There is no need to worry, this symptom just appears on the eve of childbirth and, most likely, the body is preparing itself for this moment.
    7. When the baby moves in the uterus, painful sensations may occur in the hypochondrium area. And when the child is in a position with his head towards the exit from the small pelvis, his legs hit the area of ​​the stomach and liver.
    8. Discharge at 40 weeks of pregnancy becomes more obvious. Normally it is white or transparent discharge. And just before birth, this may already be the water breaking, and this moment cannot be missed.
    9. The skin of the abdomen may itch as a result of its stretching.
    10. Small trips to the toilet become more frequent due to the fact that the growing uterus puts pressure on the bladder.
    11. If at 40 weeks of pregnancy a woman’s stomach is tight, she needs to see a doctor to rule out uterine tone.
    12. Under the influence of pregnancy hormones, gums bleed, and dental plaque also forms intensively.

    Ultrasound examination at 40 weeks of pregnancy

    The ultrasound image below shows the head of a baby at 40 weeks of pregnancy. The baby is in a state of readiness to be born soon. The dotted line indicates the circumference of the small head, the diameter of which is about 98 mm. The child's brain is already fully formed, and the bones of the skull reliably protect it.

    In the following ultrasound images, a 9-month-old baby is in different positions.

    Harbingers of childbirth

    Sometimes situations arise in women at 40 weeks of pregnancy when there are no obvious warning signs of pregnancy. In order to understand how the female body behaves on the eve of childbirth, you need to know about the main symptoms:

    • false contractions that prepare a pregnant woman for childbirth. During so-called Braxton-Hicks contractions, the uterus tightens and thickens. The pain as a result of this at 40 weeks of pregnancy can sometimes be very severe. It is necessary to inform your doctor about this, who will prescribe mild painkillers;
    • mucous discharge. Usually, a week before childbirth or immediately before it, the cervix produces mucus in an amount of about 20 g. It is colorless and practically odorless, but sometimes has bloody “strings”. If the mucus disappears earlier than 2 weeks before birth, you should consult a doctor;
    • before the end of pregnancy, the woman’s stomach drops;
    • reduction in total body weight. At the 9th month, the expectant mother’s appetite decreases and the functioning of the endocrine system changes.

    The beginning of labor. Symptoms

    So, month 9 is the time when it’s time to listen to your body. The main signs of labor at 40 weeks of pregnancy are:

    1. Frequent contractions for an hour. As a rule, these are 10 contractions with an interval of 5 minutes.
    2. The duration of contractions is from 30 to 60 seconds.
    3. Discharge of amniotic fluid.

    Situations in which you need to go to the hospital urgently:

    1. Heavy bleeding.
    2. Sharp and unexpected pain in the uterus, not similar to the sensations during contractions.
    3. Dizziness.

    In obstetric practice, there are regular situations when a woman is 40 weeks pregnant and labor has not yet begun. In this case, contacting a gynecologist cannot be postponed. The doctor will determine the individual state of the woman’s body, its readiness for childbirth and the well-being of the child. If the examination revealed gestosis, placental insufficiency or obesity, then the woman in labor needs to switch to hospital treatment for further examination and preparation for childbirth.

    Typically, diagnosis will take from 3 days to a week, during which the child is examined and the reason for his post-term pregnancy is determined.

    During this period, the woman takes vitamins, estrogen, and antispasmodic drugs to stimulate uterine contractions. A physiotherapist performs a set of procedures to stimulate labor. And when the birth is late and there is a risk of complications, doctors perform a caesarean section.

    Under no circumstances should you carry your baby beyond the prescribed 40-42 weeks, as this may negatively affect his health and life.

    How to induce labor at 40 weeks

    If you don't know how to induce labor at 40 weeks pregnant, the best thing to do is ask your doctor. This is perhaps the most frequently asked question, which can be heard in an obstetrician's office. It is often asked by women who are post-term and do not meet the deadlines set by the doctor. Women in labor refuse to induce labor with medications and IVs, and therefore resort to using folk advice.

    1. Sex. The most common method of inducing labor. However, in this case, the woman must have an orgasm to provoke uterine tone. This must be unprotected intercourse so that the sperm entering the uterus causes its muscles to contract and open. Contraindications exist only if the partner has sexually transmitted diseases.
    2. No less effective way to force labor to occur is nipple stimulation. During this, the female body will produce the hormone oxytocin, which causes uterine contractions.
    3. If you and your baby have passed your due date and are now 40 weeks pregnant, then before inducing contractions you need to do a little exercise. A long walk, walking up stairs, cleaning - all this can trigger the onset of labor.
    4. A cleansing enema also provokes contractions. It is completely safe for the health of the expectant mother and baby.
    5. In the early stages, it is impossible to independently induce labor, for example, if it is 38 weeks. IN otherwise early stimulation may result in a caesarean section.
    6. If none of the above methods suits you, then you will have to use drug stimulation in the maternity ward. In fact, there is no need to be afraid of this; the child certainly will not suffer. It will be much worse if you are carrying a baby.

    Nutrition at 40 weeks of pregnancy

    Some women believe that imminent birth possible with the help of certain foods. However, doctors do not recommend conducting such experiments; it is better to simply organize for yourself a system of proper and nutritious nutrition.

    So, the principle of nutrition during the 9th month of pregnancy is to eat your favorite and tasty foods that can save a woman from postpartum depression. It is necessary to take vitamins A, B and K in sufficient quantities. Dairy products, vegetables, fruits, boiled meat and fish are extremely useful during this period.

    Eliminate smoked meats, pickles and spicy foods. Now the body also needs easily digestible carbohydrates; when digested, they will not require a lot of energy, which will be useful to you during childbirth.

    1. If contractions occur very often and are accompanied by severe pain, then under no circumstances should you delay going to the hospital.
    2. The mood for the 9th month should be only positive.
    3. Listen to your body, because now you are going through a very important prenatal period.
    4. Don't overload your body, avoid heavy physical activity and concentrate on the upcoming birth.

    You can watch a pregnancy video guide called “40 Weeks Pregnant” below.

    • What's happening
    • Fetal development
    • Discharge and pain
    • Labor doesn't start
    • Harbingers
    • Breathing during contractions
    • Childbirth without pain

    The 40th week of pregnancy is marked by anticipation. Things for the maternity hospital have long been packed, and any day now the woman is preparing to become a mother. We will tell you in this material what successes the baby has achieved in development and how his mother feels at this stage.

    How many months is this?

    Obstetric timing occurs according to its own laws. Gestational age is usually calculated from the first day of the last menstruation. Thus, week 40, by obstetrician standards, is exactly 38 weeks from conception. Pregnancy has already lasted 280 days, at the end of the fortieth week it will be exactly 9 months.

    The expected date of birth (EDD) is scheduled for the end of this week, and it is not at all necessary that the baby will “ask” into our world on this very day. Only 5% of children are born strictly in the PDR.

    For everyone else, the date range is quite large - from 38 to 43 obstetric week. But expectant mothers and their relatives, of course, are in constant anticipation. It took them nine long months to get to this week.

    Enter the first day of your last menstrual period

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 January February March April May June July August September October November December 2019 2018

    How did the baby turn out?

    In 28 weeks of embryonic development, the baby has come a long way, which exactly repeats the entire process of human evolution down to detail. From a cellular structure, it evolved into a multicellular, intelligent and evolved being.

    Fruit size

    The size of the baby at this stage depends on how the pregnancy proceeded and on heredity. Some babies now weigh 2800 grams, while others have already exceeded 4 kilograms. Weight depends on gender (boys are slightly heavier than girls), on individual characteristics child.

    On average, it is 3.5 kilograms, and the height of babies at this stage can be 50 centimeters or 56 centimeters, it all also depends on heredity.

    If an ultrasound scan is performed at this time, the measurements will show that:

    • the biparental size of the baby’s head has become quite large - from 90 to 103 mm;
    • the fronto-occipital size of the head is at the level of 120 mm;
    • the baby's abdominal circumference ranges from 313 to 380 mm;
    • The average length of a child’s thigh at this stage is 75 mm;
    • the shoulder bones grew to 67 mm.


    The amount of amniotic fluid, which helped him swim and tumble when the baby’s height and weight allowed it, is now decreasing, the shock absorption effect is no longer there, and this leads to the fact that the expectant mother begins to more clearly, and sometimes painfully, feel the child’s attempts to turn around, tighten your legs and arms.

    Women at this stage are often worried about a decrease in the number of obvious movements. Indeed, there should still be about 10 of them in 12 hours, while the baby is awake, but even subtle movements need to be counted, since the baby is now not always capable of more intelligible ones due to the tightness in the uterus.

    Normally, the number of movements decreases by 40 weeks. This is understandable, since the baby becomes very cramped in the uterus.

    The walls of the uterus tightly embrace the baby, his position is fixed, the head is pressed against the entrance to the pelvis (with correct presentation). Therefore, the movements can now be felt as not very pleasant “tugging” in the very bottom of the abdomen.

    Strong, active movements that exceed the norm, which cause pain and discomfort to the expectant mother, are a reason to consult a doctor. This is how a child can signal about oxygen deficiency, because the placenta has already begun to age due to its “age”, and useful substances and the baby may receive less oxygen.

    Nervous system

    The nervous system is one of the few whose development and formation has not been completed at week 40, but is actively continuing. The brain and spinal cord are developed, they function, but more and more new neural connections are formed every day. The baby no longer makes chaotic movements with his arms and legs; all his movements are completely “controlled” by the brain.

    Debugging the nervous system is a long process, it will continue after the baby is born. But the foundation has been laid, and already the nervous system little man controls all the processes in his body, and enough processes take place in him. A baby at 40 weeks has well-developed sucking, swallowing and grasping reflexes.

    Organs and systems

    All organs and systems of the baby are fully formed. The baby's heart beats rhythmically and evenly, pumping blood. The baby continues to swallow the amniotic fluid, the stomach digests it, and the original dark green feces meconium is deposited in the intestines.

    The baby will empty its intestines after birth, on the first day. Less often, emptying occurs in utero; this happens during hypoxia and is an indication for urgent delivery.

    The liver produces hormones, and the pancreas produces enzymes. The kidneys actively remove fluid, the baby pees about once an hour directly into the waters surrounding him, but they are renewed, so the environment remains clean.

    The baby's lungs have accumulated a sufficient amount of a special substance - surfactant, which will prevent the alveoli from sticking together, and the lungs will be able to open as soon as the baby takes his first breath. At 40 weeks, surfactant deficiency is a rare occurrence. The degree of readiness of the lungs can be assessed by ultrasound.

    Sense organs

    At this stage, the child hears well (as far as the thickness of the mother’s abdominal wall allows) everything that happens inside and outside. The sounds of a mother’s heartbeat and the peristalsis of her intestines are already familiar to the baby.

    The baby may react with fear to unfamiliar external sounds or other people's voices. At the same time, he either calms down and freezes, or begins to become active. The baby already has his own character, his personality is unique, individual, it is already manifesting itself now.

    The baby cannot yet see fully, despite the fact that he opens his eyes in the womb. So far, he can only distinguish between light and darkness. Contours, outlines, colors - all this will come later, after birth.

    In the meantime, the baby knows exactly when it is day outside the mother’s belly and when it is night. He already has his own daily routine, and all pregnant women know about it. There is a time when a child sleeps and a time when he is awake.

    Smells are not yet available to the baby, because in the full sense of the word he does not yet breathe, but he can distinguish taste perfectly. The taste buds on the tongue and cheeks work fully, and if the mother eats something sweet, after a while she can feel the child’s activity, because all children, even those who have not yet been born, love sweets.


    Gone are the days when the fruit was thin and wrinkled. During the third trimester, the baby accumulated a sufficient amount of subcutaneous fat. The wrinkles on his skin smoothed out, cute cheeks and plump palms appeared. The fluff that recently covered his entire body is now missing.

    The skin is smooth. Its rich red color changed to a pinker color as subcutaneous fat “distanced” the network of blood vessels from the surface skin. The original thick lubricant that covered the baby disappears at 40 weeks. A small amount of it is stored only in places where friction is possible, for example, in the groin, in the folds under the knees, in the elbow.

    Under the influence of the female sex hormones estrogen, which are produced before childbirth, preparing the expectant mother’s body for the process of giving birth to a baby, the child’s mammary glands and genitals swell somewhat, regardless of what gender the child is. After birth, this functional hormonal swelling will gradually disappear as the child’s body frees itself from residual maternal hormones.

    Some babies at 40 weeks have thick hair on their heads, while others cannot boast of an abundance of hair. Both are variants of the norm. Hair and nails continue to grow during this period.

    Metabolism and immunity

    The fetal metabolism at this stage can proceed unchanged, as usual, or it can change if the placenta, which performs the main function of delivering useful substances, vitamins and minerals from the mother’s blood to the baby, begins to age and lose its functions.

    Through the uteroplacental vessels, the child receives nutrition and through them gives away metabolic products that have become unnecessary to him, which are excreted by the mother’s body.

    The child's immunity works, but it is very weak. At week 40, an active exchange of antibodies occurs - the mother gives the baby with blood antibodies to many viruses, infections, diseases that she herself has had and for which she was vaccinated.

    This immunity is unstable, it is enough to protect the baby only in the first months of independent life, then the baby’s immune defense will have its own “training” - through vaccinations and past diseases.

    How does mom feel?

    The condition of the expectant mother at this stage leaves much to be desired. The belly is already large, it becomes more and more difficult to carry it, the woman loses mobility. The state of anticipation becomes obsessive and constant. At any time of the day, a woman is ready to wake up and go to the maternity hospital.

    All this is not in the best possible way affects her mood, many women develop insomnia, the causes of which are not only the nervous factor, but also changes in hormonal levels - Now more estrogen and relaxin are produced.

    Due to disruption of night sleep and raging hormones, a woman becomes more irritable, whiny, and sensitive. Conflicts in the family are possible. Relatives should be patient and understanding, because this condition will not last long; some time after the birth, the psychological background will begin to stabilize.

    My mood is now spoiled by the pain and itching sensation that accompanies overstretching of the skin on my abdomen. The breasts look luxurious - they are large, completely ready for breastfeeding, from time to time thick colostrum is released from it.


    Painful sensations this week can amaze with their variety. Quite often, women complain that their lower back, back and pubic bone. These pains are most often caused by an enlarged belly. The uterus now occupies the entire abdominal cavity, the fetus weighs a fair amount, the pressure on the womb is great.

    Under the influence of the hormone relaxin, the pelvic bones soften in order to provide the baby with an easier passage through the birth canal during the birth process. This discrepancy is physiological, but moderate pain is possible with it.

    It becomes difficult for a woman to climb stairs, sit or stand for a long time, sit down from a lying position, and when walking, the pain in the pubic area may intensify. If the intensity of the pain is low and the woman remains able to move, there is no need to worry.

    If movements are limited, the pain is acute and unbearable, you should consult a doctor to rule out symphysitis and pathological divergence of the pubic symphysis.

    Sometimes a woman may experience slight nagging pain, similar to menstruation. This is also a natural process of preparing her body for childbirth. You shouldn’t be afraid of them, you just need to carefully “listen” to the nature, intensity, and frequency of such sensations in order to determine the onset of contractions in time and calmly go to the maternity hospital.

    Often pregnant women at 40 weeks complain of a headache. Headache in most cases occurs due to nervousness, since the expectant mother has plenty of reasons to worry at this stage.

    Frequent and severe headaches can be a sign of increased blood pressure; in this case, you need to have a tonometer at home to measure the blood pressure level in both arms. If you get high, you should call a doctor.

    Often women at this stage complain of pain when urinating. The cause may be cystitis, which occurs due to the pressure of a large and heavy uterus on the bladder. For the same reason, the number of urges to urinate increases.

    Another pain that also often occurs at 40 weeks is dental pain. Teeth hurt due to the fact that the baby took from the mother’s body for recent months Very a large number of calcium. Due to her own lack of this mineral, the pregnant woman develops caries, and periodontal disease may begin.

    Dental treatment at 40 weeks is not the best solution, but if the pain becomes unbearable, it is better to consult a dentist, since effective painkillers are still contraindicated for a woman.


    At 40 weeks, clear or light, odorless discharge that does not stain underwear or panty liners is considered normal. You should definitely put a pad in your panties in order to pay attention to changes in the nature of the discharge, and they should change soon.

    Thick mucous discharge may indicate that the cervix is ​​preparing for childbirth. If the mucus turns pinkish or brown mucus comes out, this may be a sign that the plug has come loose. During the process of bearing a child, from the very first hours after conception, accumulation of mucus in cervical canal cervix, which is called a plug, prevented the penetration of viruses, bacteria, and foreign bodies into the uterine cavity.

    Now that the birth canal is beginning to dilate, the plug is no longer necessary. The mucus plug can come off all at once, in a large clot, or maybe gradually, and this will be manifested by mucous discharge with a pink or brownish tint.

    Women often complain that the removal of the plug is accompanied by special sensations - pulling in the lower back, “tingling” in the cervical area. But no less often, the plug comes off unnoticed by the pregnant woman - during urination, during sleep, or along with water.

    If the discharge has become abundant, watery and is not inferior in intensity to urination, we are talking about the fact that the water has broken - it’s time to call “ Ambulance“and go to the maternity hospital without panic, even if there are no contractions.

    If the discharge becomes watery, but it is not abundant, we may be talking about leakage of amniotic fluid. This question can be answered more accurately using special pharmacy tests to determine amniotic fluid.

    Water leakage is not considered physiological norm It's not safe to stay at home, it is best to go to the maternity hospital, where a decision will be made on what to do next.

    Bloody discharge, spotting with blood clots is grounds for immediate hospitalization. Greenish or dirty gray discharge may indicate a genital tract infection. And white, cheesy discharge with a sour smell is thrush, which often affects women in later stages due to changes in hormonal levels.

    Any discharge that does not fit into the norm, including thrush, will be grounds for the woman in the maternity hospital to be assigned to the observation department. There is nothing wrong with this, but it is better to avoid infections of the genital tract, since the child who will soon pass through it is highly likely to be infected during the birth process.


    The grown uterus puts pressure on the intestines and gall bladder, and the stomach and pancreas are also pressed. All this cannot but affect the digestion of a pregnant woman.

    At 40 weeks, almost all expectant mothers suffer from heartburn, constipation, and diarrhea to one degree or another. Since the digestive organs work in extremely cramped conditions, even a balanced and proper diet can cause nausea and even vomiting.

    All these problems are associated with the fact that gastric juice refluxes into the esophagus, the outflow of bile is difficult, and food is difficult to digest. That is why a woman is recommended to make the task as easy as possible for her own gastrointestinal tract and stop eating large amounts of meat, fish, milk and cottage cheese this week.

    It is better to limit yourself to porridge, fruits, fresh raw and stewed vegetables.

    Loose stools in the last days of pregnancy are often a sign of impending labor. Thus, by the will of nature, the body is freed from everything unnecessary that could interfere with the birth process.

    Appetite at 40 weeks may be unstable. For many, it is completely absent, and for some, on the contrary, it increases, and the woman wants to eat everything at once. Weight gain during this period will be insignificant, no more than 100 grams per week. Many pregnant women note that it was during this period that they experienced a weight loss - by 300-500 grams.

    A large increase at week 40 may indicate the development of edema, including internal edema, which poses a great danger.

    A woman feels sick not only due to mechanical compression of the digestive organs, but also due to changes in hormonal levels.

    Possible problems

    The pregnancy is considered to be fully term, and there are no longer any concerns about its safety. But no one is immune from problems, including at this time. Let's take a closer look at what problems can arise at 40 weeks of gestation.

    Late toxicosis

    Late toxicosis develops in approximately 10% of women at the end of pregnancy. It is not like the one that happens at the very beginning of pregnancy. A woman is no longer sick of the sight of herring or the smell of gasoline. Now toxicosis is expressed in disturbances in water-salt balance, appetite, urination, and swelling.

    Unfortunately, the true reason for this phenomenon is not known to medicine. Complex possible reasons is considered only as a guess. In women in last days Pregnancy disorders can occur due to nervousness due to anxiety, as well as due to increased stress on all organs and systems, and primarily on the kidneys, liver, heart and blood vessels. If symptoms of toxicosis appear on later You should definitely inform your doctor about this.

    At 40 weeks, it is reasonable to agree to hospitalization, since this is the solution that will be offered first. Under medical supervision, the likelihood that toxicosis will cause complications is noticeably reduced.


    This is a very dangerous complication of pregnancy, which often leads to the death of the woman and baby at the very “finish line” - in the last days of bearing the child. Preeclampsia can manifest itself as swelling, which a woman cannot help but notice - the face, arms, and legs around the ankles swell. Swelling of the legs is to some extent common to all pregnant women at 40 weeks, because the pressure of the uterus on the lower part of the body is colossal, but swelling and edema are different.

    If slight swelling is observed in the morning, which completely disappears by lunchtime, then this is considered quite acceptable for this period.

    However, persistent edema, accompanied by increased blood pressure, headaches, and the appearance of protein in the urine, is the basis for hospitalization and urgent delivery. Such hydrocele in pregnant women threatens the life of the child, since the risk of sudden placental abruption with heavy bleeding increases.

    Swelling may be invisible externally or internally. With such gestosis, a woman will experience hypertension and protein in the urine. That is why You should definitely take a urine test at 40 weeks.

    Fetal presentation

    In the vast majority of cases, by the 40th week the baby is in the cephalic position in the uterus, that is, its head is pressed to the outlet of the small pelvis, the baby is completely ready to “start”. If at this stage his position in the uterine cavity is different, then there is almost no chance that he will change it to the correct one - the uterus has become too crowded to turn over, and the walls of the uterus tightly clasp the baby’s body.

    With pelvic and transverse presentation, doctors try not to risk the health of the baby, for whom such childbirth can result in a severe, disabling birth injury. If the presentation at 40 weeks is pelvic or transverse, a cesarean section will be scheduled.

    Usually it is carried out before the fortieth week, so as not to risk and prevent the onset of independent labor for a baby with incorrect position in the space of the uterus.

    But if for a number of reasons the woman refused the operation and hoped that the baby would “unfold,” then now is the time to go to the maternity hospital to have this operation performed. If spontaneous labor begins, the woman in labor will have to be operated on as an emergency.

    Placenta and water

    At this stage, the placenta stops growing, but still performs the functions assigned to it. How responsibly she does this depends on the degree of aging of the placenta. Usually she's third. The thickness of the “baby spot” at 40 weeks is normally 3-4 centimeters. It weighs just over 500 grams.

    If, according to ultrasound, the thickness of the placenta is below normal, foreign inclusions are noticeable in it, this is the basis for delivery. A child with such “ children's place“does not receive enough nutrition and oxygen, its further stay in the womb is inappropriate.

    The amount of water decreases, because if it remained the same, the pressure on the walls of the uterus from the inside, given the large weight of the child, would be excessive, which could lead to rupture of the wall, injury to the cervix, and loss of pregnancy.

    Nature has thought out everything so that any increase is compensated by loss, therefore the fruit grows, but the waters decrease. The normal amniotic fluid index at week 40 averages 123 mm. When it decreases below 63 mm, they speak of critical oligohydramnios. With this condition, spontaneous childbirth is impossible; a caesarean section is prescribed.

    When the water increases above 240 mm, they speak of polyhydramnios and decide individually on the issue of delivery. Most often, the choice is also to perform a caesarean section.

    Hemorrhoids and varicose veins

    The pressure of a large and heavy uterus on the lower veins often causes an unpleasant and painful condition - hemorrhoids. Most often it appears for the first time or worsens if this has already happened before, just before childbirth, when the load on the hemorrhoidal veins is maximum.

    Hemorrhoids can be internal and external, with or without prolapse of nodes. This condition cannot be ignored. There are many medications that can help quickly relieve the symptoms of an unpleasant disease; many of them are not prohibited for use in the third trimester.

    Treatment will definitely need to be continued after childbirth, since such late hemorrhoids can rarely be completely eliminated before the baby is born, and the birth process only intensifies the manifestations of hemorrhoids.

    Another consequence of impaired blood supply due to uterine pressure is varicose veins. It is quite difficult to fully cure it before childbirth, but the symptoms can be relieved with the help of venotonic drugs, both systemic and for local use. Treatment should also be started after the baby is born if symptoms persist.


    If a woman has previously been diagnosed with symphysitis, childbirth or cesarean section (depending on the severity of the discrepancy of the symphysis pubis) is prescribed for more early dates(38-39 weeks). If the diagnosis of symphysitis is made only now, the woman is indicated for hospitalization. In a hospital setting, they will make a decision about delivery, and will also provide anti-inflammatory and analgesic symptomatic treatment.

    The diagnosis can be established through ultrasound of the symphysis pubis, as well as measurements of pelvic parameters.

    Signs of approaching labor

    Most of the signs of impending childbirth “start” in women at 38-39 weeks, but sometimes the first “bells” can be noticed only at 40 weeks, especially if the child is in no hurry to come into our world. Women who are about to give birth for the first time are especially worried about waiting for the “harbingers”. They are afraid not to recognize them and not to distinguish them from a temporary illness.

    Multiparous women already know what's what and are mentally prepared for the onset of labor. Let's look at the signs of labor beginning in more detail.

    Precursors in primiparas

    Most exact sign that childbirth is just around the corner - training (false) contractions. They can make themselves felt from time to time, and quickly pass if the woman takes a horizontal position and rests a little.

    The appearance of training contractions is not a reason to run to the maternity hospital with a bag at the ready. You should calmly inform your doctor and family members that they have appeared. This will mean that from now on everyone is ready for the baby to “ask” to come out soon.

    False contractions manifest as nagging pain in the lower back and lower abdomen with short-term tension in the muscles of the uterus. She becomes toned - the pain intensifies, the uterus relaxes - the pain goes away without a trace.

    On average, for first-time mothers, training contractions begin approximately five days before birth, but it happens that more than a week passes from the moment of the first false contraction until the onset of labor.

    If atypical discharge, discussed above, appears - watery or mucous, pulls the lower back, and these sensations do not subside during rest, but, on the contrary, become stronger and begin to repeat with a certain time dependence (every 20 minutes, once every 10 minutes), we can say that contractions begin. It's time to go to the maternity hospital.

    If your water breaks and there are no signs of impending labor, this does not mean that labor is being delayed. A long period without water is very dangerous for a baby; a woman should not sit at home and wait for contractions; she needs to urgently call an ambulance and go to the maternity hospital, where, in the absence of labor, she will be stimulated with medication.

    The downward descent of the abdomen, which many pregnant women are guided by, cannot be considered a harbinger for first-time mothers, because for them this process can occur three or four weeks before birth.

    You should also not focus on the so-called “nesting” instinct, in which the expectant mother, a few days before giving birth, begins to intensively arrange her home - cleaning, decorating, putting everything in its place. This instinct does not manifest itself in everyone, not always, and not always immediately before childbirth.

    Signs in multiparous women

    The signs of impending birth in women who are already having this second or third pregnancy are the same, but the duration of the initial period may be significantly shorter. Therefore, you should not wait until the contractions “disperse”; by this moment the cervix, which already “knows” what will happen next, can open wide enough, and pushing will begin. When the first contractions appear, you should go to the maternity hospital.

    Many women claim that for an hour or an hour and a half before contractions they felt hot and cold and had causeless anxiety. Abdominal prolapse in most pregnant women occurs again immediately before childbirth or a few days before the crucial moment.

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