• Looks like a 12 week old baby in the belly. Necessary research and analysis. Well-being of the expectant mother


    Pregnancy is a process in which a baby develops from two tiny parental cells. The development of the fetus by week of pregnancy is a fascinating story about what exactly happens in each week of pregnancy, how the weight and height of the fetus changes, what feelings a mother has as the pregnancy progresses. In the article we will talk about what interests every expectant mother: when the baby begins to hear her speech, when and how the weight of the fetus changes, when you can take a photo of the fetus with ultrasound, what causes mother's feelings during pregnancy and much more.

    First and second weeks of pregnancy: baby? Which child?

    photo: 1 week pregnant

    At the time of the appearance of the embryo, the gestational age is already 2 weeks. Why? Let's decide what we will consider the term from. There are concepts of embryonic and obstetric period. Embryonic gestational age - the true period from the moment of conception. Obstetric period - from the first day of the last menstruation. The obstetric period is on average 2 weeks longer than the embryonic one. During an ultrasound, in the card of a pregnant woman, in the sick leave they will always indicate obstetric term by date of last menstrual period. But from the third week of pregnancy, the development of the fetus actually begins. Below you will find a description of each week of pregnancy: how the fetus develops, what happens to the uterus, how sensations change future mother.

    3rd week of pregnancy: parents meeting

    photo: 3 weeks pregnant

    At the end of the second and beginning of the third week (on average, on the 14th day of the cycle), ovulation occurs. At this point, the woman's egg is released from the ovary into fallopian tube and where and meets with sperm in the next day. Of the 75-900 million sperm that enter the vagina, cervical canal reach less than a thousand. And only one will penetrate the egg.

    The spermatozoon and the egg cell carry half the set of chromosomes of the future person. As a result of their fusion, the first cell of a new organism with a complete chromosome set is formed - a zygote. Chromosomes determine the sex of the baby, the color of his eyes, and even the character. The zygote begins to divide and move to the uterine cavity. The journey to the uterus will take approximately 5 days, by which time the embryo will consist of approximately 100 cells. The next stage is implantation - the introduction of the embryo into the wall of the uterus.

    4th week of pregnancy

    photo: 4 weeks pregnant

    The ball of cells is officially called an embryo. The size of the fetus at this time is like a poppy seed, approximately 1.5 mm.

    At the end of this week, the expectant mother notices that the expected period does not begin. At this time, a woman may feel drowsiness, weakness, increased sensitivity of the mammary glands, mood swings. A pregnancy test shows a positive result. The test determines the hCG hormone, which begins to be produced after implantation.

    The embryonic period lasts up to 12 weeks. There is a laying of the axial organs and tissues of the baby. A yolk sac is formed with a supply of nutrients, an amniotic sac, from these extra-embryonic organs, the fetal membranes and the chorion, the future placenta, subsequently develop. Below we will analyze what happens in the embryonic period every week, how the height and weight of the fetus changes, and what sensations a woman expects.

    5th week of pregnancy

    photo: 5 weeks pregnant

    The embryo consists of three layers - the outer ectoderm, from which the ears, eyes, inner ear, connective tissue will form; endoderm, from which the intestines, bladder and lungs will develop; and mesoderm - the basis for of cardio-vascular system, bones, muscles, kidneys, reproductive organs.

    In the embryo, the anterior and posterior poles are determined - the future head and legs. The body of the embryo is laid along the axis of symmetry - the chord. All organs will be symmetrical. Some are paired, for example, kidneys. Others grow from symmetrical primordia, such as the heart and liver.

    At the 5th week of pregnancy, with an hCG level of 500-1000 IU / l, it is possible to determine a fetal egg with a size of 2 mm, which is the size of a sesame seed. Each woman experiences this period differently, but most experience nausea, drowsiness, intolerance to odors - signs of toxicosis.

    6th week of pregnancy

    photo: 6 weeks pregnant

    Now the baby is no larger than lentils, at the beginning of the week 3 mm, and by the end - 6-7 mm. The embryo is somewhat similar to a fish and so far has little resemblance to a person. The rudiments of arms and legs appear. When the brushes appear, the legs will still be in the form of rudiments. The hemispheres of the brain are formed. small heart pulsates, it is divided into departments.

    From the villi of the chorion, the future placenta is laid, the vessels actively grow through which the exchange of blood takes place, and, accordingly, everything necessary for the unborn child between mother and baby.

    At this time, the phenomenon of toxicosis may increase, severe weakness and vomiting may appear. It is important during these weeks of pregnancy to drink enough water.

    7th week of pregnancy

    photo: 7 weeks pregnant

    An embryo about the size of a blueberry, height 8-11 mm, weight up to 1 g. There are hints of the future nose, eyes, ears and mouth. There is a fantastic growth rate of the brain - 100,000 cells per minute! Interdigital spaces have already appeared on the handles, but the fingers have not yet been separated. The umbilical cord and the uteroplacental circulation system are formed: the baby's breathing and nutrition comes from the mother's blood.

    It is at this time that many expectant mothers often come for the first ultrasound during pregnancy. At 7-8 weeks with KTP (coccyx-parietal size) 10-15 mm. On ultrasound, a heartbeat with a frequency of 100 to 190 beats per minute is determined, which is much more than in an adult. At this time, the first photo of the gallery of fetal development is taken by week. Without instructions from a doctor and do not understand where to look. Later it will be clearer, especially on a three-dimensional ultrasound.

    So far, the mother does not notice an increase in the abdomen, and the gynecologist can already say about the increase in the uterus. A woman has increased urination, which is associated with an increase in the volume of fluid in the body.

    8th week of pregnancy

    photo: 8 weeks pregnant

    The baby is the size of a bean, from 15 to 40 mm, and weighs about 5 grams. Over the past two weeks, it has grown 4 times! The contours of the face continue to develop, they become more elegant, the upper lip, the tip of the nose stand out, the formation of the eyelids begins.

    At the 8th week of pregnancy, ossification of the bones begins - arms, legs, skull. The structuring of the gastrointestinal tract, heart, kidneys, Bladder.

    Somewhere at 7-8 weeks of pregnancy, the baby begins to move, but the mother will not feel these movements in the coming months. Mom's condition practically does not change. It can become easier due to adaptation to the state and awareness of one's new role.

    9th week of pregnancy

    photo: 9 weeks pregnant

    The little man is only the size of a grape - its length is 35-45 mm, and its weight reaches 10 grams. The reproductive system is being laid, and the adrenal glands are already producing hormones, including adrenaline.

    The brain develops intensively, including the cerebellum, which is responsible for the coordination of movements. Movements become more controlled. Digestive system is actively developing. The liver begins to produce new blood cells. The head occupies half of the entire length of the body. Tiny fingers are getting longer.

    The amount of circulating fetal DNA in the mother's blood is sufficient to perform a non-invasive prenatal test.

    Mom still has signs of toxicosis. Usually at this time she turns to a gynecologist to get registered.

    10th week of pregnancy

    photo: 10 weeks pregnant

    Do you know such a fruit - kumquat? That's about the size of the baby now. This week it will officially be called a fetus, but for now we call it an embryo. This period is considered the end of the first critical period. Now the dangerous effect of drugs leading to malformations is not so significant.

    A lot of events are happening these days. The webs between the fingers disappear and the fingers separate. Bones harden. The kidneys begin to work, performing their main function - the production of urine. The brain produces 250,000 neurons every minute. A diaphragm is formed between the abdominal and thoracic cavities.

    Mom has symptoms of toxicosis. Due to changes in nutrition, metabolism, muscle tone and hormonal surges, the figure and body movements may change. The uterus is the size of a grapefruit, but the pregnancy is not yet noticeable to others.

    11th week of pregnancy

    photo: 11 weeks pregnant

    From 11 to 13 weeks, the baby undergoes a serious medical examination - ultrasound screening. Determine the thickness of the collar space, nasal bones, conduct a study of blood vessels, exclude gross changes in the structure of the body. They examine the internal organs, the structure of the face, the brain, arms and legs, the spine. Your baby is only the size of a fig, and the doctor paints the anatomy of the fetus with such details! The head is still large in relation to the body, but the proportions continue to change: the head is large, the body is small, the upper limbs are long, and the lower limbs are short and bent at the knees. The rudiments of nails and teeth appear.

    With the results of ultrasound, the mother undergoes a biochemical blood test for chromosomal abnormalities and the risk of developing pregnancy complications.

    The symptoms of toxicosis are replaced by new sensations: heartburn, bloating, and there may be constipation. A woman should pay more attention to her diet and fluid intake.

    12th week of pregnancy

    photo: 12 weeks pregnant

    Your baby is about the size of a lime. Before the period of 11-12 weeks, there are no significant ultrasound differences between boys and girls. The probability of correctly determining the sex of the fetus is already above 50%. The weight of the fruit is about 20 grams, and the length is about 9 cm.

    At this time, the baby begins to actively move his arms and legs, hands, fingers. In connection with active growth, the intestine ceases to fit in the tummy and begins to fold into loops. During this period, the intestines train: amniotic fluid passes through it, which is swallowed by the fetus. White blood cells appear in the blood - leukocytes, which carry the function of protecting against infections.

    Mom's weight gain by the 12th week of pregnancy is about 1-2 kg. Doctors recommend doing gymnastics for pregnant women, swimming is shown.

    13th week of pregnancy

    photo: 13 weeks pregnant

    Pea pod - this is how you can describe the size of the baby in everyday measurements. Or 7-10 cm, 20-30 grams. From week 13, the second trimester of pregnancy begins. All the main organs and systems have already been formed, the rest of the time before the birth, the organs will grow and develop.

    The face becomes more and more like a human. The ears move closer and closer to their place from the neck, and the eyes from the side to the center of the face. The first hairs appear. Formed 20 milk teeth.

    The head is still disproportionately large, but now the body will grow faster. Hands continue to grow, the baby can already reach the face. Often, doctors during an ultrasound show parents how the baby puts his finger in his mouth.

    At this time, the shape of the abdomen changes, the old clothes become cramped. Others can notice a new emotional mood of a woman, she becomes more calm and relaxed.

    14th week of pregnancy

    photo: 14 weeks pregnant

    At 14 weeks, the fetus grows to 13 cm and 45 grams. In boys, the prostate is formed, and in girls, the ovaries descend into the small pelvis. The sky is already fully formed, active reflex sucking begins. The baby imitates breathing movements in order to effectively take the first breath after birth.

    The formed pancreas begins to produce the most important hormone of carbohydrate metabolism - insulin. And in the depths of the brain, the pituitary gland begins to work - the head of all organs of the endocrine system, it is he who subsequently controls all the glands of the body.

    The uterus is located 10-15 cm above the pubis, the woman herself can feel its upper part. It is recommended to use special cosmetics for the skin of the abdomen.

    15th week of pregnancy

    photo: 15 weeks pregnant

    The size of the fruit is about the size of an apple, and the weight is about 70 grams. The whole baby is covered with small fluffy hair - they are on the back, shoulders, ears, on the forehead. These hairs help keep you warm. Then, when the baby gains enough adipose tissue, the hairs will fall off. The child builds a variety of grimaces, frown, frown, squint, but this does not reflect his mood at all. He constantly changes his position, actively moving. But the baby is still too small and does not hit the walls of the uterus. A unique skin pattern appears on the fingertips and special proteins on red blood cells that determine the blood type.

    Mom may have pigmentation on her stomach.

    16th week of pregnancy

    photo: 16 weeks pregnant

    The baby is about the size of an avocado. The skeletal bones become harder but flexible enough for the baby to pass through the birth canal. The umbilical cord contains one vein and two arteries, surrounded by a gelatinous substance that protects the vessels from pinching and makes the umbilical cord slippery for movement. In girls these days germ cells are formed - your future grandchildren.

    Weight gain by this week of pregnancy - 2-3 kg.

    17th week of pregnancy

    photo: 17 weeks pregnant

    The size of the baby is 12-13 cm and weighs up to 150 g, the size of a turnip. Hands and feet are commensurate with the size of the body and head. Fat begins to be deposited under the skin, sweat glands develop. The placenta provides the baby with vitamins, minerals, proteins, fats and oxygen while removing waste products.

    Due to the increase in the volume of circulating blood, the mother may experience a rapid heartbeat. In this case, pay the attention of the doctor to this to figure out if everything is in order.

    18th week of pregnancy

    photo: 18 weeks pregnant

    Your child is the size of bell pepper and weighs 250 grams and is ready to chat. Yes, now the baby can hear, and a loud sound can frighten him. He gets used to the voice of his parents, and will soon be able to recognize it from other sounds.

    The endocrine system of the fetus is actively developing and functioning. There are so many "children's" hormones that the baby can even supply the mother's body.

    Mom this week can feel fetal movements for the first time. As long as they are mild and infrequent, don't worry if you don't hear your baby too often.

    19th week of pregnancy

    photo: 19 weeks pregnant

    The growth of the fetus is 25 cm, and the weight is already 250-300 gr.

    Cheese lube coats baby's skin and helps regulate body temperature. There is a laying of molars, they are under the rudiments of milk teeth. The head does not grow as fast, but the limbs and body continue to grow, so the baby becomes more symmetrical.

    The uterus is located 1-2 cm below the navel. Due to its intensive growth, there may be pain associated with stretching of the ligaments of the uterus.

    20th week of pregnancy

    photo: 20 weeks pregnant

    Satisfied child weighing 240 grams. Especially well at this time, he is given flexion and extension of arms and legs. He is becoming more and more like his parents.

    Week 20 is the equator of pregnancy. The growing uterus tightens the internal organs, so the mother is faced with shortness of breath, frequent urination.

    In these weeks, my mother visits the next scheduled ultrasound, Doppler is performed. This is a good time for ultrasound on video and regular photos of the heir.

    21st week of pregnancy

    photo: 21 weeks pregnant

    The growth of the fetus is 25 cm, and the weight is 400 gr. Most of the nutrients come from the placenta. If amniotic fluid is swallowed, the stomach is already equipped to digest it and obtain nutrients. The baby is beginning to taste.

    Mom puts on more weight as the baby grows rapidly.

    22nd week of pregnancy

    photo: 22 weeks pregnant

    By the end of the week, the baby will be about 500 gr. The skin ceases to be translucent, but remains red and wrinkled and covered in grease. Nerve endings mature, and the baby becomes sensitive to touch. From 21 to 25 weeks, the brain increases 5 times - from 20 to 100 grams!

    23rd week of pregnancy

    photo: 23 weeks pregnant

    Billions of brain cells will develop over the next few weeks. Their job is to control all of your baby's movements, senses, and basic life functions like breathing.

    The lungs begin to produce a substance that allows the lungs to swell and fill with air after birth, and the fetus begins to “breathe”. The frequency of respiratory movements is 50-60 per minute.

    The height of the bottom of the uterus is 4 cm above the navel. The uterus grows, which can cause discomfort in the spine, joints, so a special bandage may be required.

    24th week of pregnancy

    photo: 24 weeks pregnant

    The baby is still small, his weight is 600 g, and his height is about 33 cm. The child actively responds to the appeal to him. The inner ear is already fully formed (vestibular apparatus), he began to understand where the top is, and where the bottom is, the movements in the uterine cavity become more meaningful.

    Mom adds about 500 grams per week. Swelling of the legs may occur, so it is important to choose comfortable shoes give rest to the legs.

    25th week of pregnancy

    photo: 25 weeks pregnant

    Fetal growth - 30-32 cm, weight 750 grams. Meconium is formed in the large intestine - the baby's first stool, which will completely pass within a few days after birth. The musculoskeletal system is actively developing, bones are being strengthened.

    Mom may feel signs of anemia (anemia), which develops due to iron deficiency. Fatigue, pallor, fatigue and tachycardia are a reason to consult a therapist and take blood tests for anemia.

    26th week of pregnancy

    photo: 26 weeks pregnant

    Height 34 cm, weight 900 grams.

    There is an active development of the lungs, they are filled with a special substance that will not allow the lungs to stick together after the first breath.

    The child clearly distinguishes periods of sleep and wakefulness. Mom feels his activity in the movement in her stomach. If you are lucky, then the periods of sleep and activity for you and your child will coincide.

    27th week of pregnancy

    photo: 27 weeks pregnant

    The body weight of the fetus is already about a kilogram, and the height is 34 cm. Growth hormone begins to be produced in the pituitary gland. And in the thyroid gland - hormones that regulate metabolism.

    In connection with involuntary contractions of the diaphragm, the mother may feel the hiccup-like movements of the baby. In adults, such movements are accompanied by the closure of the vocal cords, therefore, a characteristic “hiccup” sound occurs, and in a baby, this space is filled with liquid before childbirth, so such a “hiccup” is silent.

    There may be new sensations in the legs - tingling, goosebumps or even cramps. This is an occasion to consult a doctor for further examination and treatment.

    28th week of pregnancy

    photo: 28 weeks pregnant

    Now your baby is starting to close and open his eyes, which until now have not completely closed. The iris of the eye has acquired color due to pigment, although this coloration is not final. Up to a year in children, eye color can change.

    At 28 weeks in case multiple pregnancy mom gets " sick leave". Weight gain by this time is 7-9 kg. At this time, Rh-negative mothers are given immunoglobulin.

    29th week of pregnancy

    photo: 29 weeks pregnant

    The child has a length of 36-37 cm, weighs approximately 1300 grams and is becoming stronger and more active. We can say that he also shows character. The child differently the child reacts to different products, sounds, light.

    A woman suffers from heartburn, heaviness after eating. There may be frequent urination or even false urges.

    30th pregnancy

    photo: 30 weeks pregnant

    In the coming weeks, your baby will actively gain weight. Adipose tissue will carry out the function of thermoregulation after birth, provide energy, protect organs. The movements of the baby will become less active, which is associated with an increase in its size. But if you do not feel any shocks in the usual mode, be sure to tell your doctor. Pregnant women may feel breast swelling and notice the release of colostrum.

    At this time, a certificate of incapacity for work is issued for a singleton pregnancy.

    From 28-30 weeks of pregnancy, regular carrying out CTG(cardiotocography) to assess the condition of the fetus. With CTG, the fetal heartbeat, uterine tone and motor activity are evaluated.

    31st week of pregnancy

    photo: 31 weeks pregnant

    Before birth, the little man will be in the fetal position, because otherwise he will no longer fit in the uterine cavity, his weight is 1600 g, and his height is already 40 cm.

    These days, an important event occurs in male fetuses - testicles on their way to the scrotum. In girls, the clitoris is practically formed.

    Weekly weight gain - 300-400 grams. At these times, edema may appear and pressure may increase, which may be a symptom of a formidable complication - preeclampsia. Therefore, the expectant mother should be as attentive as possible to any changes in well-being.

    At a period of 30-32 weeks, an ultrasound of the third trimester is performed with dopplerometry - an assessment of blood flow.

    32nd week of pregnancy

    photo: 32 weeks pregnant

    This is an important week, another critical deadline has passed. Babies born at this time are healthy and fully functional. By this week, all major organs are fully functional, except for the lungs, which need a little more time to fully mature.

    The expectant mother may experience pain in the joints, pubic joint. Wearing a bandage, swimming can alleviate these phenomena.

    33rd week of pregnancy

    photo: 33 weeks pregnant

    It’s getting harder for the baby to move, he is already 44 cm and weighs about 2 kg. Many babies like to live in the rhythm of mom: sounds, food and walks can affect the activity of the child.

    The height of the bottom of the uterus is 34 cm from the level of the pubis. It becomes more difficult for mom to walk or exercise a lot, a break is required.

    34th week of pregnancy

    photo: 34 weeks pregnant

    In a few weeks, your boy or girls begin to prepare to meet their parents. The original white grease that covers the skin begins to thicken, accumulating in the axillary and inguinal folds, behind the ears. At the time of the first toilet of the newborn, the lubricant will be removed. Height 47 cm, weight 2200-2300 g.

    Pregnant women begin to feel false contractions - preparing the muscles for the birth process.

    35th week of pregnancy

    photo: 35 weeks pregnant

    The fetus is preparing for birth, finally occupying the correct position, upside down. Approximately 97% of children are located in this way. The remaining 3% may be in a pelvic-down or even transverse position. Fetal growth 47-48 cm, weight 2300-2500 g.

    Almost all expectant mothers experience shortness of breath at this time.

    36th week of pregnancy

    photo: 36 weeks pregnant

    The baby continues to store fat, which is essential after birth for energy and warmth. The sucking muscles are ready to go: after birth, the baby will be hungry and will ask to be fed for the first time.

    The height of the bottom of the uterus is 36 cm. The hormonal restructuring of the woman's body begins to prepare for childbirth - prostaglandins are also produced.

    37th week of pregnancy

    photo: 37 weeks pregnant

    Finger movements become more coordinated, soon he will be able to grab your finger. The accumulation of subcutaneous fat continues, its volume is approximately 15% of the baby's weight. Height 48-49 cm, weight 2600-2800 g. The vellus hair covering the body gradually disappears.

    The pregnant woman feels the harbingers of childbirth - the omission of the bottom of the uterus, a decrease in the volume of the abdomen, loosening of the stool, increased training contractions, discharge of the mucous plug.

    38-40 weeks of pregnancy

    photo: 39 weeks pregnant

    In obstetrics textbooks, exactly 38 weeks was the term of a full-term pregnancy. If your baby is born right now, it will be a full-term pregnancy, and the baby will not have any of the risk factors associated with a premature birth. All further events are aimed at preparing for childbirth.

    The discharge of the mucous plug should be distinguished from the leakage of amniotic fluid. If there is too much discharge, see your doctor for a special test.

    In most cases, the baby's head sank into the small pelvis at 38-39 weeks, this is called cephalic presentation. If the child lies evenly with his head down, this is called a longitudinal position, if a little at an angle, then oblique. There is also the concept of the position of the fetus: I position means that the back is turned to the left uterine wall, and II - to the right. An ultrasound will tell you how the fetus is located.

    photo: 40 weeks pregnant

    At birth, doctors assess the condition of the child according to several parameters: activity, muscle tone, heartbeat, breathing, color skin, reflex reactions. The more points, the healthier your baby was born.

    Here we are at the end of our journey through 40 weeks of fetal development during pregnancy. The most important thing is to be attentive to yourself and the words of your doctor, prescribing tests and ultrasounds, paying attention to all the sensations and enjoying pregnancy and future motherhood.

    The end of the first trimester continues to please the woman with good general well-being. At this time, the embryo grows intensively, already reaches 8-9 cm in length and its weight is about 60-80 g. The 12th week of pregnancy is 14-15 obstetric, most of the changes occur unnoticed by the woman. The mammary glands are preparing for the upcoming lactation, the uterus is increasing in size and the stomach is already becoming difficult to hide.

    Despite a relatively calm period, a woman is not immune from complications such as leakage of amniotic fluid and miscarriage. At this time, it is necessary to monitor the condition of the cervix in pregnant women with a history of miscarriage, with chronic infections. The table tells about what happens during this period.

    Table - Interesting Facts

    How does the baby grow

    The uterus, together with the baby, already stands behind the bosom, but it is impossible to determine it on its own. And by the 16th obstetric week, she is in the middle of the distance between the pubis and the navel. By this time, some women, especially during the second and subsequent pregnancies, note the first movements - kicks or "gentle" turning over. Features of the development of the fetus at the 12th week of pregnancy (from conception) are shown in the table.

    Table - How the baby grows

    Organ systemsChanges
    Head, torso, limbs- The head is relatively large and occupies ½ of the length of the entire fetus;
    - the first hair appears on the top of the head;
    - the upper limbs have standard proportions, while the lower limbs are still shortened;
    - sweat glands appear and hair continues to grow all over the body
    Digestive system- Differentiation of all departments continues;
    - functions of the liver, pancreas;
    - the intestines may contain a large number of meconium
    Respiratory system- The differentiation of the respiratory organs continues;
    - bronchi, lungs at this time are filled with amniotic fluid
    Genitourinary organs- The bookmark is completely finished, the organs are growing;
    - sex is not in doubt on ultrasound
    Endocrine system- Functioning thyroid gland, thymus;
    - actively participates in the process of formation and destruction of blood cells of the spleen;
    - Insulin is synthesized in the pancreas
    The cardiovascular system- The heart and main vessels are formed;
    - the capillary network is clearly visible under the "transparent" skin
    Nervous system- Development continues, nerve endings spread to all tissues

    What does a woman feel

    Many women by this time claim that they do not leave the feeling that a child is growing in the stomach at the 12th week of pregnancy. Some even try to touch it through the stomach. But all this is nothing more than a wild fantasy of a woman who wants to feel her baby as soon as possible. By this time, only single kicks of the crumbs can be felt if it hits the wall of the uterus during movement. In the meantime, space allows him to freely “swim”.


    The belly at the 12th week of pregnancy becomes more noticeable. Despite the fact that the uterus only protrudes from under the womb, all the space in the small pelvis is occupied by her. Accordingly, the intestines rise higher, and the tendency to constipation and bloating creates the appearance of a "pregnant" abdomen. This is especially noticeable in the second and subsequent pregnancies, when the abdominal muscles are stretched by previous gestations or there is excess weight.

    Mammary gland

    They are noticeably larger than they were before pregnancy. The chest may remain tender, but there is no significant pain. When pressing on the area of ​​​​the areola and nipple, droplets of colostrum may appear, this is the norm. The venous pattern on the skin of the chest becomes more pronounced due to increased blood flow to the mammary glands. The area of ​​the nipples and areola darkens.


    Normal discharge during gestation is whitish, not abundant. They testify to good hormonal background. The following selections should alert:

    • abundant mucous- appear with an excess of estrogen against the background of the threat of miscarriage;
    • watery - leakage of amniotic fluid at this time is not excluded, the volume of which is already about 100 ml in the amniotic fluid;
    • bloody - spotting brown or bright scarlet, abundant or a few drops, in any case, they should be the reason for going to the doctor, as they talk about detachment or bleeding with a low placenta;
    • inflammatory nature- yellow, green, with an unpleasant odor, very profuse, curdled discharge occurs with different types inflammatory process in the vagina.

    General well-being

    Mood, general well-being and body temperature (if elevated) usually improve by the second trimester. Almost everyone has symptoms of toxicosis, there is no such pronounced reaction to smells, food, other people.

    Emotional lability, sensitivity, tearfulness may pass, but often persist throughout pregnancy. Everything that happens to the psychological state of the mother depends to a greater extent on her character and personality traits.

    Do I need to see a doctor

    If a woman is registered for pregnancy and has passed the necessary examination, in the second trimester the first visit will only be closer to the 18th obstetric week. You should contact your doctor now in the following situations:

    • not registered- in this case, it is necessary to visit a doctor as soon as possible and undergo an examination;
    • not screened- if a woman has not undergone an ultrasound at the 12th week of pregnancy (from the moment of conception), as well as a “double test” with the definition of PAPP-a and hCG, it may be too late to do this now, this must be checked with a doctor;
    • have chronic diseases- in this case, additional examinations, correction of the doses of the drugs taken may be necessary.

    In case of miscarriage already at this time, it is necessary to monitor the condition of the cervix, including with the help of ultrasound. Its shortening, softening and opening of the internal pharynx may be indications for the installation of an unloading pessary, the imposition of an obstetric suture.

    Ultrasound at 12 weeks pregnant

    Ultrasound screening is performed up to 12 weeks of gestation (up to 14 obstetric), a later study is not informative for detecting fetal malformations, for example, Down. Therefore, if a woman did not conduct a study for a period of 11-13 weeks, it can be performed, but with an embryo size of more than 84 mm it does not provide the necessary data. Ultrasound in this period is performed according to the following indications:

    • with bleeding- Ultrasound helps to determine detachment, low location of the placenta, incipient miscarriage;
    • for abdominal pain- they can be with placental abruption without bleeding, with increased uterine tone, ultrasound helps to understand these conditions;
    • to examine the cervix- the length, width, condition of the internal os is measured to assess the prognosis premature birth and the need for additional manipulations;
    • with insufficient growth of the uterus- if during the examination the doctor determines that the body of the uterus does not correspond to 14 obstetric weeks, ultrasound is also performed to exclude a missed pregnancy and detect a fetal heartbeat.

    Dangerous symptoms

    Despite the fact that the end of the first trimester is accompanied by a decrease in the risks of miscarriage and other pathologies, pregnancy complications can occur, especially with twins. For early detection and effective treatment it is necessary to seek medical help as soon as possible if they are suspected. The following symptoms should alert:

    • pulls the lower abdomen, lower back;
    • blood stains appeared on the linen;
    • the feeling of pressure on the bladder does not go away.

    12 weeks pregnant does not bring major changes in work internal organs women, there is still no strong load on the spine. However, it will be useful to purchase the following things.

    According to women and doctors, there are no special restrictions on this period. Sex, light physical activity are allowed if the pregnancy proceeds without complications. Nutrition and daily routine should correspond to " interesting position". The diet should be as balanced as possible. You need to rest at least seven to eight hours a day.

    Everything that happens to the baby at the 12th week of pregnancy can be described as further differentiation of tissues, “approbation” of the functions of organs. Despite the high rate of development, the birth of a baby is accompanied by his death at such a time due to the extremely low weight and imperfect functions of all organs.

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    There is a 14th week of pregnancy, toxicosis has not parted with me yet, but it already exhausts me not so much. The good news is that for the last 2 weeks I at least began to go outside for a while ... until 12-13 weeks from continuous toxicosis, I had such a weakness that getting dressed and going to the store is a feat for me!) I didn’t go out for a very long time, I slept, slept, slept, well, I lay) Now a little better, there are days when it even seems that I am completely recovering from toxicosis)) But I wanted to talk about reverse side nutrition)) Pregnancy is such a state when you want something that you didn’t even look at before and would never buy. In my case, it's ice cream, pizza and chips. Of course I don't eat it every day, with my toxicosis I may want it maybe once a week, but if I take chips I will eat the whole pack. Of course, then I feel terribly bad and my stomach is offended by me ((((There is a fear that when the toxicosis passes, I will want it much more often

    Week 12 is the end of the first trimester and the beginning of the "golden period of pregnancy". Now the nausea will gradually recede, and the state of health will improve. In most women, the tummy begins to actively grow, and the mood returns to normal. And the baby can celebrate his first anniversary. He looks just like a child, only not quite proportional, but there are still two whole trimesters ahead.


    Now pregnancy is absolutely real, the tummy begins to grow rapidly, and others may notice changes in the figure. And the expectant mother has new sensations:

    • Nausea gets better in the morning;
    • Mood swings gradually pass, only sometimes sadness attacks;
    • Increasing presses on the intestines;
    • The heart begins to beat a little faster to distill the increased volume of blood.

    Many women have a normal appetite this week. If before that you were tormented by nausea, and the weight did not increase, now the body will try to compensate for this, and you will notice a noticeable gain. And many expectant mothers also note that it is uncomfortable for them to sleep on their backs. This is normal, the growing uterus can squeeze the veins and cause the baby and the mother to faint.

    Some women at this time. If this is not the first pregnancy, then this is quite possible.

    Physiological changes

    Finally, a connection is being established between the fetus and the expectant mother. Now the woman's body does not perceive it as a foreign body, and immune suppression becomes unnecessary. The hormonal restructuring of the body is already ending, so the problems of the first trimester are a thing of the past. And the future baby already has almost all the organs. Now it remains to fully form and gain weight.

    What happens in a woman's body?

    Gradually, the hormonal storm in the body of the expectant mother subsides. The baby's placenta is now formed, and it produces all the substances necessary for the normal course of pregnancy. has already become unnecessary and is gradually fading. All organs function in the fetus, and harmony is established between him and the mother. Her well-being improves, and the immune system works normally again, protecting against diseases.

    Changes in the child's body. How does the baby develop?

    At the 12th week, the fetus becomes less sensitive to external influences, since now the placenta protects it, and all organs have already been formed. For example, a kidney is almost ready, its structure will not change anymore, only its size will grow. And the growth of the baby is happening rapidly. In just three recent weeks it has doubled in size.

    This week the fetus:

    • The eyelids and earlobes have taken shape - he already has an almost human face;
    • The formation of limbs and fingers has ended, even nails have appeared on the right side;
    • Muscles grow, as the baby begins to actively move (movements are still involuntary);
    • Intestinal contractions begin;
    • A characteristic print pattern appears on the fingers;
    • A fluff appears on the face in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe eyebrows and eyelashes;
    • Boys produce testosterone.

    The future baby clenches his fists and wrinkles his face, closes and opens his mouth, swallows amniotic fluid, urinates and even sucks his thumb. He has characteristic breathing movements. While the diaphragm moves "idle" since no air enters it, but after birth, the respiratory muscles will already be ready for work.

    The nervous system makes a huge step forward in development. The child already reacts to external stimuli, he notices pressure on the stomach and tries to turn away from the ultrasound sensor.

    Fruit size

    During 12 weeks, the fetus grows by 5-6 mm. At the end of its coccyx-parietal size is 52 - 60 mm. Weight increases to 8-13 grams.

    Changes in the mother's body

    From this week, changes in a woman's body can be noticeable not only to her, but also to others. The size of the uterus has increased by about 10 cm, it no longer fits in the hip area and protrudes slightly into abdominal cavity, because of which a small tummy appears.

    Tight lovers will have to look for maternity clothes already, as regular outfits are getting small.

    Gradually, the load on the liver, kidneys and heart increases, so chronic diseases can worsen. There may be an increase in blood pressure due to increased blood volume. Constipation can still cause discomfort, for many women it does not go away until the very birth.

    A characteristic light strip appears in the lower abdomen. Closer to childbirth, it becomes thicker and darker, and after delivery it gradually disappears. Sometimes areas with increased pigmentation appear on the body. After childbirth, skin color evens out. The chest is getting bigger.

    Analyzes and examinations

    If you have not yet registered with women's consultation, then it's time to do it, since the optimal period is up to 12 weeks. At the first visit, the doctor will definitely take an anamnesis, conduct a gynecological examination, change height, weight, temperature and blood pressure, and also provide the necessary consultations. Then the pregnant woman's exchange card is filled out, which is given to her in her arms along with a list necessary analyzes and surveys. It can vary greatly depending on the state of health of the woman and the characteristics of the clinic. But most often there is:

    • General (KLA) with platelet count;
    • Blood tests for group and Rh factor, RW, HIV, Hbs antigen, TORCH infections;
    • Urinalysis and bacterial culture, swabs from the nose and throat;
    • Smears for cytology and.

    In addition, genetic screening is being carried out this week. A double test for PAPP-a and b-hCG in the blood is prescribed with a calculation of risks for various pathologies, as well as an ultrasound scan to determine the thickness of the collar zone of the fetus.

    If both of these studies show a high risk of having a child with serious pathologies, the mother may be advised to do a chorionic villus biopsy. This method is based on the receipt of fetal biomaterial, which makes it possible to determine with 100% accuracy the presence or absence of more than a hundred chromosomal and genetic pathologies. But it is dangerous, depending on the method of access, it leads to a miscarriage in 0.5-7.5% of cases. With a transabdominal biopsy, the risks are lower - up to 1.5%, and with a transcervical one, they are higher. Sometimes, after the procedure, parietal hematomas develop, which can provoke detachment gestational sac, intrauterine infection is also likely.

    Much more informative and safe, but it allows you to get the result of the study only after a few weeks.

    objective data

    Blood pressure indicators at this time usually remain the same. A small increase in weight is due to an increase in the breast, the volume of blood and fluid in the body. The growth of the uterus is still noticeable only to a specialist. Its bottom rises above the womb by no more than 1-2 centimeters. Vaginal examination reveals an increase in the uterus, corresponding to the 12th week of pregnancy.

    Ultrasound examination

    At week 12, an ultrasound scan allows you to determine the exact location of the placenta. If it is attached low, then its distance from the pharynx in centimeters is noted, but there is no need to panic with this arrangement. In the following weeks, the uterus will grow, so the insertion site may be much higher. But keep in mind that the front wall stretches much more.

    Also at this time, ultrasound can assess motor activity fetus and determine its heart rate. It is theoretically possible to find out gender, but no doctor will take such responsibility, since the differences between boys and girls are very small.

    Starting at the 12th week, an ultrasound examination is considered absolutely safe for the fetus, so even supporters of natural parenthood can visit it.

    The main task of a planned ultrasound at this time is to study the collar zone of the fetus. This makes it possible to suspect the presence of genetic anomalies in his development. The condition of the uterine os is also assessed for timely diagnosis cervical insufficiency leading to miscarriage.

    HCG at 12 weeks pregnant

    this week hCG level still at the peak - 20900-291000 mIU / ml. But the production of this hormone is already declining, and soon its quantity will begin to gradually fall.

    HCG table by week of pregnancy

    Factors affecting the fetus

    Although the placenta is already almost formed and even fulfills its functions, it cannot completely protect the baby's body from harmful effects at any time. To minimize the impact of harmful factors on the fetus, a woman needs:

    • Refrain from drinking alcohol and drugs, smoking. Ethanol, opiates, nicotine easily cross the placenta and damage fetal cells. Even in the absence of pronounced pathologies, such children are born small and lag behind in development. These substances are also dangerous for long periods, when the baby's body is already fully formed. They are addictive not only for the mother, but also for the fetus. After birth, such a child has to go through a neonatal withdrawal syndrome, and in a simple way - an ordinary withdrawal.
    • In the first trimester, even at its very end, the use of drugs without the advice of a doctor is prohibited.
    • It is worth limiting the use of harmful chemicals in the home. A variety of insecticides, although tested and generally safe, can theoretically have a negative impact on fetal health at high concentrations. A variety of paint and varnish products are harmful, even too aggressive detergents in an enclosed space, such as a bathroom, can have a negative effect.
    • The influence of ionizing radiation must be avoided.

    Many future mothers are even afraid to dye their hair or nails, so as not to harm the child. If you carry out these procedures, adhering to all the recommendations and ensuring a constant supply of fresh air, then most likely there will be no harm.

    Possible complications of pregnancy

    It is necessary to limit the consumption of fast carbohydrates, for example in sweets. They not only lead to rapid weight gain, but also provoke sharp jumps in blood sugar, which threatens gestational diabetes. Recommended to eat simple products familiar to the body, this will reduce the likelihood of developing allergies in a child.

    Do I need to take vitamins?

    Until the end of the first trimester, all women should take folic acid. In most regions of our country, preventive medication is also indicated. If a woman's diet lacks calcium, then it can be taken additionally in combination with vitamin D. Sometimes multivitamin complexes are required, for example, with an unbalanced diet or multiple pregnancies.

    intimate life

    There are no restrictions on sexual life, except for situations where there is a threat of miscarriage and placenta previa. But you need to be careful - avoid poses with too deep penetration and try not to overwork. At right approach sexual relations will only benefit the expectant mother, they will help activate blood circulation in the pelvic organs and improve mood.

    Physical activity

    Moderate physical activity shown at any stage of pregnancy. Girls who were previously fond of sports will have to reduce the intensity of training by about half, give up strength exercises and weight lifting. Those who did not like physical education before will have to change their attitude a little, start attending fitness for pregnant women, or just walk on fresh air. This will help improve circulation, prevent deep vein thrombosis, and improve your mood. But exercise should bring joy, if you get very tired - reduce their intensity.

    Medicines and medical procedures

    Any medications and procedures without prior agreement with the gynecologist at this time are contraindicated. It is strictly forbidden to take antibiotics, especially tetracycline drugs, as they destroy the teeth of the fetus. Remember, dietary supplements and herbal remedies are also medicines, only poorly studied and without proven effectiveness. Because of this, they are even more dangerous.

    Possible problems

    Gradually, pregnancy enters its "golden period". Nausea, dizziness and other companions of the first trimester fade into the background. If the pregnancy proceeds without disturbances, then the woman should feel normal, appetite appears and mood improves. You can enjoy your new status and enjoy your rounded figure. True, a gradual shift in the center of gravity can lead to pain in the legs and back. You need to get more rest and sleep well.

    Video about 12 weeks of pregnancy

    12th week: what happens to the baby?

    The size of the fetus at the 12th week of pregnancy is 6-7 cm, its weight ranges from 13 to 20 g. With each week, the fetus more and more resembles a person. However, a baby at 12 weeks pregnant still has a disproportionately large head relative to the body. The limbs of the crumbs are small and thin, but they already have palms and fingers with delicate transparent nails. The first hair appears on the body.

    All tissues and organs of the fetus are formed. Now they are being improved and further developed. And some systems at 12 weeks of pregnancy even begin to function.

    A small heart works, contracting 100-160 times per minute. Blood vessels are formed. The mature thymus gland produces immune defense cells - lymphocytes. The largest digestive gland, the liver, begins to produce bile. Swallowed in small amounts amniotic fluid are filtered by the kidneys of the fetus and excreted in the form of urine. The production of hormones begins, which regulate all life processes in the body - growth, sexual development, etc.

    The fetal skeleton is still represented by soft cartilaginous tissue. However, the processes of ossification are intensive. And the baby moves tirelessly. He sucks his thumb, moves his arms and legs, squints, and his rib cage makes movements that mimic the respiratory cycle. Of course, all these movements are not coordinated, but the baby is very active.

    Nature knew from the very beginning whether you were expecting a boy or a girl. Now you can also find out about this, because. at 12 weeks pregnant, the sex of the baby is already visible on the ultrasound.

    In addition to sex, a planned ultrasound at 12 weeks of pregnancy allows you to determine the size of the fetus, the absence of developmental defects, the condition of the placenta, assess the tone of the uterus, and clarify the expected date of birth.

    The 12th week of pregnancy involves not only ultrasound screening, but also a biochemical blood test for a number of hormones to exclude some genetic diseases. All these studies are not dangerous for either the mother or the baby, but they are very informative and important, so do not ignore them.

    12th week: what happens to the body of the expectant mother?

    Many women at 12 weeks of pregnancy are happy to say goodbye to toxicosis. Cause this nasty companion early dates pregnancy was the work of the corpus luteum. Now it fades, and its function, the production of the hormone progesterone responsible for maintaining pregnancy, passes to the placenta.

    Sensations in the abdomen associated with the presence of the baby there are still absent. It seems to some that they already feel the first stirrings. These inexpressible sensations, of course, will not pass you by. But they will appear later. Now you feel the work of the intestines.

    The uterus continues to grow in size. At 12 weeks of gestation, its size is about 10 cm. It no longer fits in the pelvic cavity and begins to rise into the abdominal cavity. As a result, the uterus puts less pressure on the bladder, but may compress the intestines. The woman notes that frequent urination no longer bothers her as much as before, but constipation and bloating may appear.

    At 12 weeks, pregnancy does not yet manifest itself as a clear increase in the tummy. However, the expectant mother herself notes that she became uncomfortable in her favorite jeans or in tight clothes. The chest has also increased. It's time to pick up your wardrobe for the duration of your pregnancy. Dressing in cute maternity clothes informs others about your new position without words.

    The main criterion for choosing underwear should be functionality: pay attention to the naturalness of fabrics, good breast support with a bra, wide soft elastic bands.

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