• When to take a pregnancy test. HCG level and timing of testing. Pregnancy tests: types and diagnostic instructions


    Pregnancy is a wonderful time in the life of every woman. However, how do you know when it has arrived? Quickly find out if you are in interesting position, special tests help. A completely logical question arises - when to take a pregnancy test? Let's figure it out.

    When to take a pregnancy test - morning or evening

    Of course, you want to find out as soon as possible whether you are pregnant or not. However, you can only determine the situation within a certain time frame.

    Menstruation usually stops with pregnancy. A delay sometimes does not mean that you are expecting a baby: there are many reasons not related to pregnancy why menstruation comes later than usual.

    How can you tell if you are pregnant? Test blood or urine for human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) levels. This analysis is carried out in a laboratory.

    If you don’t want to go anywhere, a special test will help determine your pregnancy. Buy it at the pharmacy and make it at home.

    Pregnancy tests help find out whether hCG hormone in urine. This substance occurs in women after the fetus is fixed in the uterus.

    Many people know that tests to help determine pregnancy are carried out in the morning. They do this because after the night the level of gonadotropin in the urine is higher - you get a 95% accurate result. However, if you take an analyzer with strong sensitivity, you can do it at any time, even use a pregnancy test before the missed period.

    There are four types of pregnancy determinants:

    • Test strip.

    One of the most popular types. Use it like this: dip it in a jar of freshly collected urine, hold for 5-10 seconds and evaluate the result after 3 minutes.

    • Tablet.

    Essentially, this is the same test strip, only a special jar for collecting urine is sold with it.

    • Jet.

    This is a more convenient option for a pregnancy test because it does not require urine collection. How to do it is clear from the name.

    • Electronic.

    The action of such a test is practically no different from the inkjet test. True, instead of two stripes or a “+” sign, the inscription “pregnant” or “not pregnant” appears on the device.

    The differences between the tests are only in the method of use. The type of device does not affect the accuracy of the result.

    However, there is still a difference between the tests - this is sensitivity. Modern pharmacy pregnancy detectors have levels from 10 to 30 mIU/ml. The lower the number, the greater the sensitivity.

    Sensitivity helps determine that you are expecting a baby before you stop menstrual cycle. Therefore, if you want to quickly understand that you are pregnant, choose tests with a figure of 10 mIU/ml.

    Are you wondering what day to take a pregnancy test? Usually the most correct answer is obtained on days 4–7 of delay of regular bleeding.

    Analysis using highly sensitive tests is carried out even before regular bleeding stops, but 10-12 days must pass after the approximate day of conception.

    When to take a pregnancy test if your cycle is not regular

    The first symptom of pregnancy, as you know, is a delay in menstruation. Therefore, it is easier for women with a regular cycle to navigate.

    But what about those for whom delays are a common occurrence due to menstrual irregularities?

    If the cycle is not regular, it is quite difficult to decide on the date of the test. Therefore, orient yourself like this:

    • Take a pregnancy test a couple of weeks after your estimated conception.
    • If you have had several sexual intercourse in a month without protection, check for pregnancy after two weeks after the meeting with regularity of 4-7 days.
    • Get tested if you notice signs of pregnancy: breast swelling, morning sickness, drowsiness and irritability.

    However, remember: if the period is short, the test may not detect pregnancy. Therefore, it is better to repeat the analysis after some time.

    Many people wonder whether tests give erroneous results. Yes it is possible.

    We'll tell you when a positive pregnancy test may be unreliable:

    • if the test has expired;
    • when using urine that is not freshly collected;
    • if the analysis was not done according to instructions;
    • after a miscarriage;
    • in the presence of certain diseases.

    There is a possibility of an incorrect negative result during pregnancy in all of the above cases. Also, a negative answer occurs when outside intrauterine pregnancy or too short a period.

    Sometimes a very pale second stripe appears on the test (especially for stripes), which is barely visible. What does it mean?

    Most often, even a faint line signals that you are expecting a baby. And she is pale because the period is still short and the level of the hCG hormone is low. Test after 3-4 days - most likely the band will be brighter.

    Unfortunately, to determine exact date pregnancy is not possible using a test. To find out the quantity obstetric weeks, donate blood for hCG or sign up for an ultrasound. Keep in mind that an ultrasound examination detects a fertilized egg no earlier than 4–5 weeks after conception.

    You have learned information about pregnancy tests and when to carry out the procedure.

    Follow the instructions exactly, and if in doubt, repeat the test in a few days. A visit to a gynecologist would also be a good idea.

    At a certain point in life, a woman may begin to suspect pregnancy.

    The first thing you can do in such a situation is to purchase a special test at the pharmacy, which in an indicator form will show the likelihood that the woman will soon become a mother.

    In some cases, when the content of human chorionic gonadotropin is still too low for it to show the correct result.

    If fertilization occurred very recently, it is possible. In this case, you will need to do another test in a few days.

    Fertilization is a complex process that takes place at the cellular level. For a woman, it proceeds completely unnoticed.

    (even before the delay) can appear after the egg reaches the uterus after fertilization and attaches to it.

    Usually the uterus is attached a week after conception. The fertilized egg merges with the wall of the uterus (its upper part) on days 21-23 of the menstrual cycle.

    A fertilized egg already consists of several cells that join together into a single whole. They divide and form a whole cell cluster. As the cells increase in size, the size of the egg also increases.

    As a result, one of them will become an embryo, and the rest will be used to nourish and protect it throughout the pregnancy.

    Change in hCG level

    HCG is human chorionic gonadotropin (hormone). Immediately after the transfer of a fertilized egg to the uterine wall, it is formed in the body of the expectant mother. The hormone is needed by the body until the placenta is formed. In the initial stages, it stimulates the production of other important hormones.

    It is one of the most detailed analyzes in the twelfth week. For this purpose, urine tests are performed. A pregnancy test may be used.

    Hormonal levels change as pregnancy progresses. Until the 12th week it grows (doubling every 48 hours), and then there is a sharp decrease.

    The information is reflected in the table below.

    Gestational age HCG level
    0 - 1 5 - 25
    1 - 2 25 - 156
    2 - 3 101 - 4870
    3 - 4 1110 - 31500
    4 - 5 2560 - 82300
    5 - 6 23100 - 151000
    6 - 7 27300 - 233000
    7 - 11 20900 - 291000
    11 - 15 6140 - 103000

    differ not only in their functionality, price and appearance.

    The main criterion for choosing all pregnancy tests is sensitivity.

    It is this indicator that determines on what day after ovulation a test should be taken to confirm pregnancy

    • Tests with standard sensitivity from 25 mIU/ml.

    The higher the number characterizing the test, the less sensitivity it has.

    These include test strips and cassette tests. As well as digital tests that show the gestational age, in particular the famous Clearblue Digital test.

    • Tests with average degree sensitivity from 15 to 25 mIU/ml, for example Fraytest.
    • Ultrasensitive tests with readings from 10 to 15 mIU/ml.

    An example is the Insure test that recently appeared on the pharmaceutical market (sensitivity 12.5 mIU/ml) or the “ Ambulance"(sensitivity 10 mIU/ml).

    Sensitive tests can show pregnancy 5-7 days before the missed period.

    The paper strip test is the most a budget option detection of pregnancy. They are impregnated with a substance that reacts to changes in the hCG hormone.

    The operating principle of test strips is extremely simple. The strip is immersed in a container of urine for a few seconds. Then you need to wait 5-7 minutes and you can see the result.

    When two red stripes appear, there is a high probability of pregnancy. After such testing, it would not hurt to use more modern means or undergo an ultrasound.

    If the reagent is unevenly distributed over the surface of the strip, an incorrect result may be shown.

    Cassette or tablet tests are also standard. They do not need to be immersed in a container of reagent. Such tests are cases with paper strips enclosed in them.

    Enough for a strip a small amount of reagent using a pipette, and the result can be seen in a special window in 3-4 minutes. The urine comes into contact with the reagent already present in the test.

    Inkjet tests with high sensitivity contain special reagents, which, when detecting human chorionic gonadotropin in female urine, can show within a minute reliable result.

    No containers or pipettes are required to apply urine. This is an accurate and convenient option for detecting pregnancy.

    As for digital tests, they are expensive, but they provide the same amount of information.

    Unless the period is additionally calculated in weeks. Electronic tests are equipped with special intelligent sensors. If the result is positive, a “+” sign and the gestational age in weeks will appear in the window.

    At what time can the test be done: from how many weeks does it begin to show an accurate result?

    After the egg meets the sperm in fallopian tube and conception has occurred, active cell division begins in the fertilized egg, and the zygote itself moves towards the uterus.

    The fertilized egg descends into the uterine cavity only on the 6-7th day. The embryo can remain suspended for another 2 days, and then deepens into the endometrium.

    From this moment, the level of hCG in the woman’s body begins to increase.

    Considering that human chorionic gonadotropin doubles every 2 days, the most sensitive test will show pregnancy 10-12 days after ovulation.

    Standard tests (sensitivity 25 mIU/ml) show pregnancy only from the first day of delay. But even in this case, the test may show a negative result in case of menstrual irregularities or late ovulation.

    Regardless of sensitivity, the test will show an accurate result only on the 3-4th day of the menstrual cycle delay.

    All test results before the delay are considered relative. Although if the result is positive, the chances are high that the long-awaited pregnancy has occurred.

    Does the test always show an existing pregnancy?

    Often when self-determination pregnancy through a test, the result may turn out to be false positive, that is, it will not be confirmed during another study. The test will show two lines if the child is not conceived.

    An unreliable result may be a consequence of taking special medications with a high content of the hCG hormone or the presence of trophoblastic neoplasms.

    The results may be false positive even after recent spontaneous miscarriage or abortion. In this case, even during menstruation, the test may show pregnancy.

    The fact is that during this period of time the body still retains an increased content of chronic gonadotropin. Therefore, the results will be false.

    You can specify the data and highlight the main reasons for false positive result:

    • use of hCG products. For example, Pregnil, Profasi and others.
    • presence of tumors;
    • minor elimination of soft tissue after early abortion.

    Is the test always true: when may the test fail to show pregnancy?

    The results of a pregnancy test may be false negative when fertilization of the egg has occurred, but it was not recorded due to the low level of the hCG hormone in the body.

    Statistically, such results are obtained much more often than false positives.

    Possible causes of erroneous data:

    • Taking the test a little earlier due date when the body has not yet produced a sufficient amount of chronic gonadotropin.
    • Excessive use of diuretics or fluids before the actual test.
    • The test may not show pregnancy for a long time due to pathological condition kidneys, heart and blood vessels, in which the hormone is practically not excreted in the urine in normal concentrations.
    • An expired or damaged test was used.

    Determination of pregnancy is also possible early stages conception, but only after the egg attaches to the uterus.

    From this moment on, a special hormone, hCG, can be detected in the woman’s urine and blood. It is its presence that is shown various tests, which differ in their level of sensitivity. Well, digital tests can immediately show approximate deadlines on the display.

    IN certain situations The test results may be erroneous - false positive or false negative. It is necessary to use only high-quality medical products to detect pregnancy and not test before the due date.

    A pregnancy test is an invention that helps a woman find out about her pregnancy in the early stages.

    There are 4 types of test: test strip, tablet, inkjet, electronic

    There are now many types of home tests. In this article we will look at each in detail. Let's find out how the test works and how to do it correctly so that the result is reliable.

    It works on the principle of a litmus test, which determines the presence of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) in the urine - a special hormone secreted by the placenta during pregnancy. Its quantity grows rapidly in the first weeks of pregnancy: it increases 1.5-2 times every two days. A special sensitive part of the test is coated with special proteins that react with hCG. If a reaction has occurred, then in the result window there will be two stripes, a plus sign or other marking provided by the manufacturer.

    Types of tests

    Among the variety of species, they can be distinguished by sensitivity and by appearance or principle of use.

    Sensitivity is expressed in milli-international units per milliliter (mIU/ml) and is available at 10, 20 and 25 mIU/ml. The lower the number, the higher the sensitivity and the earlier the test can be used. Most of them have a sensitivity of 20-25 mIU/ml and give results from the first day of the delay. The most “advanced” (10 mIU/ml) will tell you about conception 7-10 days after fertilization. One way or another, all types give a reliable result after a seven-day delay with a 99% probability. Accuracy does not depend on price or appearance.
    Let's consider them Various types depending on appearance.

    Strip tests

    Or test strips are the cheapest and therefore the most common. They can be purchased not only in pharmacies, but also in many supermarkets. They got their name due to their appearance and represent thin strip, which needs to be briefly lowered to a certain level in a container with morning urine, and then laid out on a horizontal surface. The result will appear in a few minutes. If one line appears, the result is negative, two - positive.

    a) jet tester; b) strip tester

    Inkjet tests

    They belong to the third generation instruments. They are a plastic box, inside of which there is a fibrous rod through which urine reaches the reagent. Next is standard: if there is hCG in the urine, then you will see a positive result, if not, a negative result. The advantages of these devices are that urine does not need to be collected in a separate container, but simply placed under the stream, and that it can be done at any time of the day. However, such identifiers of interesting position are much more expensive.

    Tablet tests

    They belong to the second generation. Their operating principle is the same as the previous ones, however, the strip itself is enclosed in a plastic case and urine must be dripped onto it with a pipette, which is included in the kit. These tests are also used in hospitals. It will also be convenient if you want to keep it as a keepsake.

    Electronic tests

    The most modern and most expensive. But using them is a pleasure. These are improved inkjet tests. Instead of the resulting stripes, “pregnant” will be displayed on the unit’s LCD screen if you are soon to become a mother, or “not pregnant” if not. That is, you don’t need to check the stripes with the instructions and worry whether you did and understood everything correctly. In addition, these tests have a sensitivity of 10 mIU/ml and can indicate the occurrence of conception even before a delay in menstruation.

    a) tablet tester; b) electronic tester

    How soon can you take a pregnancy test?

    The answer to this question depends on which device you decide to use. Electronic can be used a week after sexual intercourse, which could lead to conception. All others should be used 4-5 weeks after probable conception or after 1-2 weeks after a missed period. In general, if you don't have regular cycle, then it is better to count the time from unfinished sexual intercourse, rather than wait for a delay.

    When is the best time to take the test?

    To get the most reliable result, several conditions must be met: you need to use morning urine (in the case of strip testers), because it contains the highest hCG content and the test should be done 4-5 weeks after unprotected intercourse or 1-2 weeks of delay. Urine should be collected in a clean container, after performing hygienic procedures.

    Is it necessary to take a pregnancy test in the morning?

    Home pregnancy tests detect pregnancy by detecting human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), a pregnancy hormone, in the urine. The concentration of hCG in urine is highest in the morning, so it is preferable to use morning urine. However, modern devices are able to diagnose fertilization using a lower concentration of hCG, at any time of the day.

    Is it possible to take a pregnancy test during the day?

    As already noted, the highest concentration of hCG in urine is in the morning. However, during the day you can also get a reliable result, just with less probability.

    Is it possible to take a pregnancy test in the evening?

    The level of hCG, to which all home “gadgets” react, decreases in the evening and the likelihood of reliable results in the evening is lower. However, when using electronic testers or after a long delay (about 2 weeks), you will get accurate results even in the evening.

    Pregnancy test during menstruation

    Of course, the most understandable sign of pregnancy is a delay in menstruation. But what to do if a woman is confident in her interesting position, and her period has arrived? Is it possible to do a test? Yes, you can. Menstrual bleeding will not affect its results in any way, because... it reacts to the level of hCG in the urine. However, if you decide to carry out the test during menstruation, then you need to do it correctly: in the morning, by performing a preliminary toilet of the genitals and inserting a tampon into the vagina so that blood does not get into the container with urine (the container, by the way, must also be sterile).

    Regular cycle tests

    The instructions of most of them are designed specifically for a regular cycle, because... It is recommended to carry out after a delay in menstruation. Please read the instructions carefully before use. Pay attention to the sensitivity of the tester and on what day it is suggested to use it to obtain a reliable result. As a rule, this is 1-2 weeks after a delay in menstruation or 1-2 days (electronic types).

    Unstable cycle tests

    In fact, nowadays most women have cycles with some variation from month to month. However, there are no special pregnancy tests for them. In this case, you need to use the usual ones, only count from the date of unprotected sexual intercourse and use the device 4-5 weeks after it.

    Tests for ectopic pregnancy

    An ectopic pregnancy is dangerous pathology, which needs to be diagnosed as early as possible in order to begin prompt treatment. Unfortunately, checking will not help you here: in in this case it will also show a positive result.

    If your answer is yes, consult your doctor to confirm pregnancy and rule out ectopic

    Sometimes it happens that in the case of ectopic pregnancy second stripe positive test not as bright as the first one. But this does not give a 100% guarantee. To exclude pathology, it is necessary to do an ultrasound as early as possible.

    Negative pregnancy test result

    In this situation, there can still be two answers:

    1) You are not pregnant (in most cases).

    2) You are pregnant. This happens if home diagnostics are carried out too early and the level of hCG in the urine does not reach a level that the tester can determine. In addition, it may be expired or defective.

    In women suffering from kidney disease, the second line may appear much later. In any case, it is better to repeat the study after 2-3 days to clarify.

    Positive pregnancy test

    After you see positive results and the initial emotions have subsided, you will need to make an appointment with a doctor. He will prescribe an ultrasound and conduct an examination to confirm the fact of conception and diagnose the site of attachment ovum(uterine or ectopic). After this, the doctor will discuss a pregnancy management plan, prescribe necessary tests and will give recommendations.

    In any case, before using the test, read its instructions, because... they may differ in the waiting time for results and the time that you need to keep the tester in the container with urine. In addition, there may be some other features of the procedure, depending on the manufacturer.
    We wish you positive results and an easy pregnancy!

    Pregnancy test is one of the most effective ways self-diagnosis. The state of anxiety during a missed period is familiar to every woman. It could be fear or happy anticipation.

    For those planning to have a baby, two strips of dough are always a joy. In situations where it is necessary to make sure that pregnancy has actually occurred, tests come to the rescue. They are sold in pharmacies, are inexpensive, and every woman should be able to use them. Maximum diagnostic accuracy depends on many factors.

    Which test to choose, when to test for pregnancy and how to avoid mistakes during testing? This is what our article is about.

    It's all about hCG! How pregnancy tests work

    In organism expectant mother the so-called pregnancy hormone is intensively produced, the medical term is hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin). By blocking ovarian function, this hormone prevents the next egg from maturing. U healthy woman In the absence of pregnancy, this hormone is not produced. Its appearance is noticeable on the 7th day after fertilization, at which time the egg safely reaches the uterus and penetrates its mucous membrane. Hormone production increases in the first weeks after fertilization, the concentration increases every two days, reaching a maximum at 8-11 weeks. The test reacts specifically to hCG, its presence confirms the appearance of the second test strip and gives a clear answer to the question how long after can a pregnancy test be taken? Timing is of great importance; the accuracy of the result depends on timeliness.

    When is the best time to take a pregnancy test?

    The hormone gonadotropin has one characteristic feature. In the female body after fertilization, it first appears in the blood. Over time, the concentration increases and only after 7 days can hCG be detected in the urine. Since a pregnancy test determines the level of gonadotropin in the urine, there is no point in making a diagnosis ahead of schedule. Test results are also ineffective and often unreliable in the first days of delayed menstruation.

    The best option and the only correct answer to the question of when to take a pregnancy test is 6-7 days after the delay. It is not necessary earlier, inaccuracies are possible.

    Types of tests. What are they and how to choose?

    Recently, digital developments in the field of diagnostics have attracted great interest. A pregnancy test by week with accurate data on dates is the latest development, but not everyone can afford it. Before you choose best test, it is important to know what they are, how they differ and what advantages they have. Let's highlight the most famous types:

    Interpretation of the readings of almost all tests is very simple; two stripes are visual evidence of pregnancy. The exception is electronic tests. They have different designations: “+” and the inscription “pregnant” - pregnancy, “-” and “not pregnant” - a negative result.

    Before purchasing a test, decide for what purpose the diagnosis is being done. Which pregnancy test is best is up to everyone to decide for themselves. If you need to find out about your condition as early as possible, it is better to go to the laboratory and donate blood. When there are no deadlines special significance, choose the test that is most convenient for you. Everything here is individual. As for the price, the most profitable option is test strips.

    How to avoid mistakes when using a pregnancy test?

    Nothing other than urine and the test itself is required to determine the presence of pregnancy, except for a few minutes of free time. For most women, these minutes turn into an agonizing wait. In any case, there will be an answer. “Yes” or “no”, there are no other options. The diagnostic procedure itself does not cause any difficulties. Every woman knows and has heard about how to take a pregnancy test, but annoying mistakes often happen that can lead to incorrect results. It is advisable to avoid this; distortion of the results has a negative effect on the psyche, mood and emotional condition women. Our tips will help prevent such conditions:
    1. The tests are different, but instructions are included with all of them. Don't forget to study it, there's a lot of important stuff there, useful information, which will save you from errors. Check the expiration date at the same time. The old test is no good, it is better to buy a new one. Don't rush to conclusions. The exact result can only be known after the time specified in the instructions has passed. On average it is 5-10 minutes.
    2. Prepare a home pregnancy test in the evening and diagnose yourself in the morning. The time of day does not affect the presence of the hCG hormone in the body of a pregnant woman. It does not disappear, but since almost all tests are designed to determine pregnancy in the early stages, it should be borne in mind that the gonadotropin hormone is most concentrated in the morning. It is recommended to carry out diagnostics in the morning, the indicators will be the most accurate. The most reliable results are obtained from the first batch of urine.
    3. Many women do not want to wait long and start testing before the start of a missed period. This is incorrect and will likely result in questionable results.
    4. Weak expression and color of the second stripe does not mean an error. This is unlikely, but for reliability and greater confidence, repeat the diagnosis.

    About errors. What affects the effectiveness of a pregnancy test?

    Even a high-quality, expensive product can produce errors. Reasons in misuse or violation of production technology and storage rules. A pregnancy test can show either a false negative (one line) or a false positive result (two lines). What are the reasons for incorrect data?

    Let's consider the main provoking factors:
    False negative result

    • Poor quality of urine;
    • Ovarian dysfunction;
    • Use of diuretics large quantity liquids;
    • Spoiled or expired test;
    • Errors in time calculations;
    • Possibility of problematic pregnancy;
    • Kidney pathology;

    False positive result

    • Use of fertility drugs containing hCG;
    • The presence of a hormone-producing tumor;
    • Consequences of abortion;
    • Spontaneous miscarriage;

    In any case of an erroneous result, consult a doctor. The specialist will identify the reasons for the absence of menstruation in case of a false positive result and advise if it is confirmed.

    For those who doubt. How to check the veracity of the test?

    Almost every second woman who has taken a pregnancy test, regardless of the result, has doubts about its veracity. The desire to be on the safe side and get re-tested - normal phenomenon. This can always be done for your own peace of mind.

    Almost all known tests have standard sensitivity, but there are also those whose sensitivity is much higher. They are more expensive, however, by purchasing such a test, you can count on more reliable data.
    Measure your basal temperature; if it is higher than normal (37 degrees), this is most likely pregnancy. You can take a blood test to check your hCG level or do an ultrasound. This way you can find out about the presence and location of the fertilized egg, thereby protecting yourself from ectopic development of the embryo. Go to the doctor. An experienced specialist is able to determine the cause of the delay, tell you how to correctly calculate the gestational age and prepare for the birth of the child.

    Without a test and medical participation, it is almost impossible to determine pregnancy. You can rely on the general symptoms that characterize this condition. Be attentive to the state of your body. Any changes are signals that need to be responded to in a timely manner. Pregnancy has its own signs of manifestation and recognition. Let's identify the main ones:

    • Basal temperature is above 37 degrees;
    • Nausea and vomiting;
    • Changes in taste preferences;
    • Increase in body weight;
    • Pain in the mammary glands, in the area of ​​the ovaries and uterus;
    • Discharge from the genitals;
    • Increased sexual desire;
    • Drowsiness, mood swings, irritability;
    • Increased urge to urinate.

    The reliability of diagnosis, based on symptoms characteristic of pregnancy and one’s own intuition, requires confirmation and double-checking with other methods. Many of the symptoms described are characteristic of a number of dangerous female diseases.

    Modern women are luckier. Unlike predecessors, who had to wait weeks and months to find out about a possible conception, today you can take a pregnancy test at home. Previously, such methods were not available, but our grandmothers were inventive. They used their own methods, which have not yet been forgotten. Most often, ordinary soda and iodine were used. A teaspoon of soda was added to the urine and the reaction of the solution was observed. Active hissing indicated pregnancy; if the result was positive, the soda settled at the bottom of the container. The procedure with iodine was also interesting. A few drops were added to the urine and the reaction was monitored. During pregnancy, iodine spots merge; if absent, they dissolve.

    How effective are these available and not expensive methods It's hard to say. In the absence of others, there may have been coincidences, and yet it is better not to engage in experiments. If everything were so simple, pharmacy counters would not be filled with such a variety of pregnancy tests. Their effectiveness and reliability are confirmed and proven.

    Women turn to tests to make sure possible pregnancy and, if necessary, take control of the situation. Using express diagnostics, you can only determine the existence of pregnancy; testing will not show how it is progressing. Even the most correct test pregnancy does not cancel a gynecologist examination. First of all, this is necessary for the safety of the woman herself and the unborn baby.

    Waiting for a baby is an exciting and tremulous time. Many expectant mothers want a baby so badly that they try to find out as early as possible whether they succeeded in getting pregnant. However, there are times when pregnancy does not occur exactly when the woman would like it. In this case, she also needs to clarify the situation and find out whether new life or not.

    Signs of the appearance of a small baby in a woman’s womb are individual in each case. Even the same mother can report completely different pregnancy progress and its beginning. But there are several ways that make it possible to almost accurately recognize the emergence of a new life in a woman’s womb, even if this life has just begun. One of them is conducting a pregnancy test. How and when is this “research” conducted, and what is the reliability of its results?

    How to take a pregnancy test correctly

    What is this type of diagnosis, what are the principles of the “work” of tests that determine pregnancy? With the birth of a new life in the mother’s womb, the production of a hormone protein, human chorionic gonadotropin, begins. He is the one who supports normal development pregnancy, stimulating the production of estrogen and progesterone. The production of the hCG hormone is carried out by the chorion tissue (shell) of the embryo and begins from the moment the latter is fixed. As pregnancy progresses, hCG levels increase. In the early stages of expecting a baby, the hormone content doubles every 48 hours. So how many days later can a pregnancy test show a true result?

    How to take a pregnancy test correctly. Terms of express diagnostics

    There is hardly a woman who is not concerned about the question of when can you take a pregnancy test to get a reliable result? The onset of ovulation, during which an egg ready to fuse with a sperm leaves the ovary, normally occurs in the middle of a woman’s menstrual cycle (on the 14th day if the cycle is 28 days, on the 15th if the cycle lasts 30 days). This date may shift slightly, but an indicator of a normal second phase is its duration within 10-16 days. Implantation of the future baby occurs 6–8 days after fertilization. From this moment, the production of “pregnancy hormone” (hCG) begins.

    It is its content in the urine that tests show the presence or absence of a fetus in the mother’s womb. The sensitivity of the test indicated in the instructions for it shows minimal required amount hormone in biomaterial (urine), which the “indicator” reagent can recognize. According to this criterion, you may see the test labeled 10 mIU/ml, 20 mIU/ml, or 25 mIU/ml. The lower the value, the more accurate the result will be and the test will recognize the earlier conception that has occurred. In most cases, the manufacturer recommends using the test no earlier than the 1st day of missed menstruation. But, if fertilization and implantation are successful, the embryo develops normally, then already at 10–12 DPO (days are counted from the moment of ovulation) the most sensitive tests (10 mIU/ml) will “strip.” Therefore, pregnancy tests in the early stages of embryo development are the simplest and most in an accessible way diagnosis of a “special situation”. Impatient girls and women can begin express diagnostics 3 - 4 days before menstruation (data are indicated for a 28-day cycle). But it’s better to wait for the “delay” - you will save yourself from unjustified hopes or hasty disappointments.

    How to take a pregnancy test correctly. Rules for using rapid tests

    So, sexual intercourse took place without the use of contraception, the end of the cycle is approaching and the woman can no longer wait to find out whether conception has occurred? So it's time to go to the pharmacy and buy a rapid test to detect pregnancy. When and how to take a pregnancy test? When conducting a home analysis, it is important to follow a few simple rules:

    • Do not use tests if the tightness of their packaging is in doubt or if the expiration date has completely expired. Such a study can hardly claim objectivity.
    • Open the package immediately before performing diagnostics.
    • During testing, strictly adhere to the instructions provided by the manufacturer - lower the test to the specified level, observe the time frame for keeping it in urine and then assessing the results.
    • Each test can only be used once. Then it becomes unusable.
    • Use only clean containers for urine.
    • The time of day to conduct a home test is one of the most controversial issues. If the duration of the expected pregnancy is very short (4 - 5 obstetric weeks) or testing is carried out even before the delay of menstruation, it is strongly recommended to use the morning portion of urine with the highest content of the hCG hormone. If this is not possible, do not urinate for 3-4 hours and perform a rapid test. In cases where diagnosis is carried out for more later, this factor is no longer decisive and a pregnancy test is carried out during the day.

    If everything is done correctly - 90% - 95% that you will get a true result.

    Reliability of pregnancy tests

    Several agonizing minutes have passed and your test shows 2 or 1 stripe. How reliable are pregnancy tests? Do they show true results? If the test was of high quality, the diagnosis was carried out according to the rules, then the likelihood of an error is small. And yet it is there.

    A false negative result is possible in the following cases:

    • Testing was carried out with violations.
    • Analysis completed too early.
    • There is pregnancy, but there are endocrine disorders.
    • The hormone level is too low and pregnancy failure may occur.

    Important! If menstruation should have started 1 - 2 weeks ago, and the test is still “silent”, the woman should definitely visit a gynecologist. You should also determine the level of the hCG hormone in the blood - this study will give an accurate result.

    A positive result in the absence of pregnancy can be in the following cases:

    • Ovarian dysfunction.
    • No more than 2 months have passed since the birth.
    • There is a tumor that produces the hCG hormone (chorionic carcinoma, hydatidiform mole).
    • The test has expired.

    If the result obtained causes doubts in a woman, the test should be repeated after 2 days or undergo additional examination.

    Pregnancy tests: types and diagnostic instructions

    All the variety of tests that determine the presence or absence of pregnancy are divided into several groups.

    Strip strips

    The most popular and widespread type of rapid tests. Their attractiveness is due to the combination of low cost and high reliability. This test represents paper strip with applied reagent. evitest pregnancy tests, according to the instructions, have a sensitivity of 20 mIU/ml, however, this does not prevent the reagent from detecting the presence of the hormone in the urine even before the onset of the next menstruation (1 to 2 days before).

    • Prepare a clean container.
    • Collect a few milliliters of urine into it.
    • Dip the test strip into the prepared biomaterial for 5–10 seconds to the indicated mark.
    • Place the test on a dry, horizontal surface.
    • Evaluate the result after 3 – 7 minutes. (but no more than 10 minutes).

    Tablet pregnancy test

    If you purchased a cassette test, a urine container will come with it. In addition to this, you will also receive a special pipette for transferring drops of urine to the test.

    • Collect a small amount of urine in a container.
    • Take a pipette and pick up a few drops of biomaterial.
    • Place it in the test window and wait a few minutes (up to 10).
    • You evaluate the result in another window - 1 or 2 stripes.

    This diagnostic method is more reliable than its predecessor, but also more expensive.

    Jet pregnancy test

    The most technically convenient test. A urine collection container is not required for diagnosis. In addition, with the help of this type of test you can find out about the presence of pregnancy 5 days before the expected “delay”. Negative side- high price.

    • Take out the test and remove the cap.
    • Take the test by the handle and direct its special surface under a stream of urine for 5 seconds (this section of the test is marked with an arrow).
    • After a few minutes (no more than 10), evaluate the result in the test window.

    Digital pregnancy test

    When using an electronic pregnancy test, follow the instructions and find out if someone has settled in your tummy. The advantage of this type of tests is not only their high sensitivity, but also the unambiguous interpretation of the meaning. A woman does not need to determine the brightness of the stripes and try to consider their number. According to, for example, the instructions for the Clearblue pregnancy test, the screen will indicate the number of weeks of pregnancy (in case of a positive result) or a “-” icon in a circle. In tests of other brands, the inscription “pregnant” may appear.

    • Open the package and take out the test.
    • Dip its tip into the previously prepared urine.
    • Evaluate the result.

    The disadvantage of the test (besides the high cost) is that within a day there will be no trace left of the results obtained on the screen.

    Diagnosis of problems: pregnancies outside the uterus, frozen pregnancy

    Sometimes unpleasant situations await a pregnant woman at the most unexpected moment.

    Ectopic pregnancy

    This pathology, unfortunately, is not a rare phenomenon. Its danger is further aggravated by the fact that a woman may not be aware of the development of pregnancy outside the uterus. Seeing the second line on a pregnancy test, a woman is overcome with the joy of upcoming motherhood and pleasant chores.

    Important! The production of hCG, which pregnancy tests respond to, occurs regardless of the location of pregnancy.

    That is why it is recommended to repeat the test at least 1 – 2 times with an interval of several days. If there is a pregnancy outside the uterus, the growth of hCG will be slower than in the case of intrauterine pregnancy. To further insure herself, a woman can conduct an additional special INEXSCREEN test. It determines the content not of general hCG, but of its modified isoforms. Evaluate the result according to the given scale (below 10% - the risk of pathology is high). This way the woman sees whether she is at risk or whether her pregnancy is not in danger.

    Frozen pregnancy

    In some cases, barely emerging life suddenly ceases to exist. How do tests behave in this case? If a woman takes a “fresh” test every few days and always notices a bright second line, her pregnancy is not in danger. But suddenly the second stripe begins to fade. In this case, you cannot hesitate - perhaps the pregnancy can still be saved, but mandatory monitoring by a doctor is required. If the pregnancy is frozen, the test line becomes paler until it disappears completely.

    It is impossible to clearly determine the best pregnancy test. But there are brands that have proven themselves as manufacturers of reliable and reliable tests. Among them are Evitest, Clearblue, Frautest, BB test, femi test, Clear view. Regardless of the type of test you use, strict adherence to diagnostic instructions guarantees an almost 100% result. Use high-quality tests and let them always have the desired number of stripes!

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