• Pregnancy test after abortion. Positive test after abortion, why? How many tests are positive after medication?




    Abortion is artificial interruption pregnancy. The procedure is carried out medically or surgically for up to twenty-two weeks. With the onset of pregnancy, they begin to occur physiological changes. In order for it to proceed without complications, it is supported by various hormones. Termination of pregnancy leads to hormonal imbalance. It takes several weeks for the body to recover. Why can a test be positive after an abortion? Is there a need to carry it out at home?

    Test features

    Before you understand why the test remains positive after an abortion, you need to understand its principle of action. Using a rapid test is the most popular method of diagnosing pregnancy. It has quite a lot of advantages in the form of:

    • accessibility;
    • ease of use;
    • instant results at home;
    • accuracy;
    • affordability in terms of cost.

    The new generation test is able to show the exact answer from the first day of a missed period. To get the result, you need to collect a little urine and lower the strip to a certain line. Then wait a few minutes.

    Pregnancy leads to significant changes that primarily affect hormonal background. The corpus luteum begins to form in the ovarian tissue, which synthesizes progesterone. Thanks to this hormone, the fetus remains and develops in the uterus.

    The placenta also takes part in the synthesis of hormones. Thanks to it, the production occurs:

    • placental lactogen (due to its content, the vital activity of the placenta is maintained);
    • prolactin;
    • human chorionic gonadotropin.

    The principle of operation of the test strips is based on the response of the level of hCG in the urine, which begins to increase from the first days of attachment of the embryo to the uterus. HCG in the urine is determined 10-14 days after the child is conceived. The hormone can be detected in the blood 7-10 days after fertilization.

    Reasons for a positive test after an abortion

    After an abortion, a test shows pregnancy for some reasons:

      • During an abortion, the fertilized egg is removed from the uterine cavity and placenta. The synthesis of hCG occurs as a result of the work of the placenta. When it is eliminated, the hormone level gradually decreases. This process is slow, so within one to four weeks, two lines may be visible on the test. Each time the second stripe will fade, and then completely disappear. It is believed that hCG level after an abortion, it completely decreases after one to two months. In rare situations, gonadotropin ceases to be detected after one or two days.
      • The test may have low sensitivity, which may result in false positives. In some cases, the second strip acts as a reagent. But at the same time, it does not appear immediately and has a gray color.

    • The result cannot be interpreted unambiguously, since it may be influenced by factors such as:
      • use of medications that contain hCG;
    • pathology associated with the kidneys (for example, urine may contain protein, which leads to a distortion of the final result).

    Based on the above factors, it is recommended to carry out a test to determine pregnancy after an abortion several times using strips from different manufacturers.

    • The test can be positive if the girl has. In such situations, the fetus begins to grow outside the uterus in the tubes or ovary.
    • Two lines on the test can be seen after a vacuum abortion has been performed. This technique in practice it is considered the safest, but is not reliable. Often after the procedure, the presence of germinal membranes is likely, which continue to synthesize the hormone. In such a situation, it is customary to speak of an incomplete abortion.
    • Perhaps after the procedure the embryo remained in the uterus and develops further. Such a case is a medical error.
    • Two lines may remain after a medical abortion. During this procedure, antiprogesterone drugs are used, the effect of which is aimed at contracting the uterus and relaxing its cervix. It is definitely worth doing a test after a medical abortion, since there is a high probability of preservation of the membranes and embryo particles.
    • After an abortion, the test may be positive if the woman has a new pregnancy. This happens immediately in the first cycle if the girl did not use protection during sexual intercourse.

    Unfortunately, many women do not understand that after an abortion, their body resumes its ability to conceive within ten to fifteen days.

    What measures to take if the test is positive?

    If the pregnancy test showed two lines, then you should not hesitate to visit the doctor. To do this, you should undergo an examination, which includes:

    • Ultrasound examination of the uterus and its appendages. This method will allow you to see if there are any parts of the fruit left. If they are detected, then a repeat abortion will have to be performed.
    • Urine analysis for the presence of protein. Protein can distort the true result and indicate the presence of an infection or inflammatory process.
    • Blood test for hCG levels. It needs to be monitored over time. If there is no pregnancy, then the hormone will gradually drop every two to three days. If hCG stays or rises, this indicates new pregnancy, which is not yet visible on ultrasound.

    New menstrual cycle and periods

    Many women after an abortion are interested in how many days later their periods will start. The onset of menstruation depends on what type of abortion was performed. Typically, the day of the procedure indicates the first day of the menstrual cycle.

    If a woman has undergone a medical abortion, her period may begin 2-4 weeks after the procedure. Bleeding may occur a little earlier or later than this, but this should not bother the patient.

    If a curettage or mini-abortion was performed, then menstrual bleeding will begin in 4-6 weeks. The first period may begin as usual, but additional symptoms are observed in the form of pain, profuse discharge, or, conversely, it may be scanty.

    You need to consult a specialist if your period is delayed for more than 4 weeks.

    Life after abortion

    After an abortion, you should abstain from sexual activity for one to two weeks. Often at this time the patient experiences bloody issues. Duration and abundance may vary depending on and individual characteristics body.

    When resuming sexual activity, you should choose any suitable method contraception, because a woman can become pregnant again in one to three weeks. For three to six months, you should stop planning for a baby, as the body needs to rest.

    The optimal method of contraception is to use birth control pills. They have high level protection against unwanted conception. If the patient does not plan to have children in the near future, then intrauterine device, use hormonal implants or injections of medroxyprogesterone acetate.

    As is known, in a woman’s body, all processes associated with maintaining a stable monthly cycle and fertilization are ensured by the interaction large quantity hormones: sex, pituitary, hypothalamic. During pregnancy, the relationship between these hormones changes.

    In the ovarian tissue at this time, the process of formation of the corpus luteum of pregnancy occurs, producing progesterone, which contributes to its preservation. The placenta also has the ability to synthesize hormones: it produces the so-called. placental lactogen, which ensures the vital activity of the placenta itself, prolactin and human chorionic gonadotropin (CG), which plays a role in the complex mechanisms of formation of the sex of the unborn child. The principle of operation of all tests for determining pregnancy is based on the interaction of the indicator substance with this hormone.

    Very often, women do not understand why the test is positive after an abortion, because the embryo is no longer in the uterus - the pregnancy has already resolved. So, during an abortion, the removal occurs in one way or another. ovum and placenta from the uterine cavity, and since the production of human chorionic gonadotropin directly depends on the function of the placenta, after its removal the amount of hormones in the blood and urine begins to decrease. However, it decreases quite slowly. That is why, in the first time after an abortion, the test shows pregnancy - the concentration of gonadotropin in the blood is still high, which determines positive result test. Normally, human chorionic gonadotropin should cease to be detected in the blood plasma on the first day after an abortion. But sometimes this does not happen, and after an abortion the test is positive, despite the fact that several weeks have already passed. This situation can arise if at least a small piece of the fertilized egg remains in the uterine cavity. Sometimes a positive test is actually a false positive, because not all tests have the same sensitivity. The final result can be affected by: diet, taking medications containing hCG, for example, pregnyl, kidney disease, accompanied by the release of protein in the urine, which can distort the result of the reaction in one direction or another. That is why the test should be carried out several times at intervals of two to three days, and it is advisable to use test strips from different manufacturers.

    Another reason that after an abortion the test shows pregnancy may be the ectopic localization of the fetus, due to which its development occurs not in the uterine cavity, but in fallopian tube or directly in the ovary. Of course, using, for example, the vacuum aspiration method, removing the embryo from the tube is problematic. The membranes of the embryo remaining in the body will continue to produce hCG, which will give a positive result. Very rarely, the source of hCG secretion may be an ectopic pregnancy with the fetus localized in abdominal cavity. A similar picture is observed in some cases when abortion does not lead to the death of the fetus. The fertilized egg remains in the uterus, determining a positive test result. In this case, it will be true, because the woman is still pregnant. Obviously, a pregnancy test after a medical abortion can be positive for the same reasons as after a surgical abortion. Medical abortion is performed by taking antiprogestogens - drugs that increase the contractions of the uterus while simultaneously relaxing the cervix. Unfortunately, with this method of abortion, much more likely the fact that particles of the fertilized egg and its membranes will remain in the uterus. Despite the apparent simplicity of such an abortion, it is a serious intervention in a woman’s reproductive sphere and should only be performed under the supervision of a doctor in a specialized department. IN otherwise the likelihood of complications is high. Uterine bleeding, inability to get pregnant a second time - all this is quite possible with uncontrolled use of antiprogestogens.

    What should you do if after an abortion the test is positive and there is no menstruation, despite the fact that a lot of time has passed? Do not try to solve this problem yourself, because... its causes may be conditions that cannot be dealt with without outside help. For example, ectopic tubal pregnancy- a serious pathology that can cause rupture of the fallopian tube. Only a doctor can make the necessary decision about the state of your health after a full examination. A pregnancy test after a medical abortion, as well as after any other, is a wonderful “assistant” for a woman, which will allow her to promptly suspect “problems” associated with the genitals and seek medical help without wasting time.

    For many, the birth of a baby is happiness, albeit sometimes unexpected. But there are situations when a woman is forced to abandon this child and have an abortion. Moreover, deciding to take such a step can only be done very early, up to 12 weeks.

    To make sure that the abortion went as expected, the girls do a test literally the next day. And they are very surprised if it turns out to be positive. Why might this be the result? To answer the question, it is worth considering the principle of operation of pregnancy tests.

    Hormonal changes

    When conception occurs, changes immediately begin in the female body that contribute to the successful bearing of a child. In particular, a completely different amount of hormones is produced. The ovaries produce progesterone, which is actually responsible for maintaining and preserving pregnancy. The placenta synthesizes several hormones at once:

    1. Placental lactogen. It is responsible for maintaining the vital functions of the placenta itself.
    2. Chorionic gonadotropin (common abbreviation for hCG). It is this hormone that is responsible for the formation of gender in the fetus.
    3. Prolactin.

    After the fetus and placenta are removed from the uterus, the body stops producing hormones in such quantities. But this does not happen immediately, as many women think. And since any modern home test reacts precisely to the concentration of hCG in the urine, it is not surprising that the next day after vacuum aspiration or medication interruption pregnancy it will be positive.

    If several tests done after an abortion come back positive, you should immediately consult a doctor. After all, hCG continues to be produced, even if a small particle of the embryo remains.

    Reasons for positive tests

    If a woman takes a pregnancy test after an abortion, there is a high chance that it will be positive. This is often scary and makes you wonder if the procedure was successful. Let's try to figure out why this result could be. In what situations is it necessary to consult a doctor?

    Within normal limits

    When is two lines on the test (positive) the norm? In the first two days after the procedure. The fact is that the concentration of hCG cannot decrease quickly, so the test will react to it. Moreover, the amount of the hormone will depend on the stage at which the pregnancy was terminated (than later date, the longer the positive result will last).

    But there are other reasons why such an outcome is possible. Firstly, this is a false positive test. After all, no one gives a 100% guarantee that even the most expensive products will be of high quality and show true information. There is also no such confidence in those with low sensitivity. Especially when you consider that the indicator is influenced by factors such as:

    • Dieting.
    • Taking medications containing gonadotropin (Pregnil).
    • Kidney problem. This includes diseases whose symptom is the presence of protein in the urine. It is this that provokes the distortion of the indicator.

    Do not ignore the option of repeat pregnancy. After all, after the procedure, the birth of a new life is possible already in this cycle, and not after a few months, as girls sometimes assume. Therefore, to ensure that there is no suspicion of a new pregnancy, avoid sexual relations for the first 3 weeks.

    To make sure the result is correct, do 3-4 tests with an interval of a couple of days. It is advisable to use products from different companies.

    Serious problems

    In many cases, the first and even the second test after an abortion with a positive result does not cause serious concern to the doctor. But if after some time human chorionic gonadotropin does not disappear from the blood, then additional examination is necessary. After all, this may indicate that particles of the embryo remained in the uterus, that is, an incomplete abortion was performed. This means you will have to do the cleaning again.

    Vacuum aspiration, as well as pharmabort, are currently considered the least dangerous for women's health. But as statistics show, they are often incomplete. Therefore, women who decide to take such a step should be especially careful.

    Why else could there be a positive test:

    1. The synthesis of chorionic gonadotropin continues if there was not a uterine, but an ectopic pregnancy, that is, the fetus began to develop in the abdominal cavity.
    2. Ectopic pregnancy, when the fetus is attached to the fallopian tube or to the ovary.
    3. Sometimes the fetus, especially after a medical abortion, does not die and continues to develop.

    In pharmacological abortion, antiprogestogens are used, the purpose of which is to increase the contraction of the uterus and at the same time relax its cervix. As a result, in many cases, several particles, or even the entire fertilized egg, are preserved.

    It cannot be ruled out medical error, due to which the embryo continues to develop in the uterus.

    Further actions

    What to do if you see a positive test after an abortion? Firstly, you should not make assumptions based on the results of just one test - you need to do it at least 3 times, and even then not every day, but with a short time interval. Secondly, be sure to contact a gynecologist and get examined. But under no circumstances draw conclusions on your own.

    Since it is necessary to find out exactly why the hCG hormone continues to be produced by the body, it is necessary:

    1. Be examined in a gynecological chair.
    2. Perform an ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs. Since it is in the presence of a fertilized egg that the test will be positive, you need to find out where it is attached. You may have had an ectopic pregnancy.

    Positive test is only a reason to suspect a problem. Only a specialist should figure it out.

    Some women, having undergone a medical or surgical abortion, try to verify the termination of pregnancy using a pharmacy test. At the same time, the results of the rapid test often frighten patients, because often a home test shows two colored stripes, which, according to the instructions, indicate pregnancy. We will try to find out in which case two lines on a pregnancy test after an abortion are the norm, and when you should immediately consult a doctor.


    Why does the test show two lines after an abortion?

    The pregnancy test is based on the interaction of human chorionic gonadotropin found in the urine of a pregnant woman and a dye reagent applied to the test strip. Human chorionic gonadotropin or hCG is produced in the body in two cases - in a pregnant woman and during the formation of a malignant tumor. Therefore, a positive test after an abortion naturally frightens a woman.

    When the egg and sperm merge, the process of cell division occurs, and after 7 days a real living organism is formed, covered with a membrane. The membrane cells begin to actively produce hCG. After implantation into the wall of the uterus, these cells turn into chorions - villi, through which metabolic processes are carried out between the fetus and the maternal body. HCG also supports the functioning of the corpus luteum, which produces progesterone in large quantities. Human chorionic gonadotropin reaches the concentration required to detect the hormone using a test strip by the end of the first week after conception.

    Abortion does not abruptly stop the production of hCG. That is why in the first 1-2 days after termination of pregnancy, two lines on the test are not considered an anomaly. Within two days, the fertilized egg completely leaves the uterine cavity, so hCG ceases to be released. If a woman takes a pregnancy test at this time and continues to see a positive result, she should immediately consult a doctor, as this is most likely a sign of a pathological process.

    The reasons why a pregnancy test shows two lines after an abortion may be as follows:

    • After a pharmacological abortion or vacuum aspiration, there is a high probability that particles of the fetal membrane are not completely expelled and continue to be inside the uterus. If the patient does not consult a doctor in a timely manner, this can lead to inflammatory processes, the formation of tumors and other unpleasant consequences;
    • Exacerbation of renal failure due to abortion produces a high protein content in the urine, which also distorts the test results. Women suffering from renal pathology should additionally visit a urologist;
    • Taking hormonal contraceptives that contain human chorionic gonadotropin can also cause a positive pregnancy test. If a patient is prescribed hormonal therapy after an abortion, the composition of the medications taken should be studied;
    • Ectopic (in the appendages) or ectopic (in the abdominal cavity) pregnancy may be accompanied by discharge small amount HCG. In this case, the test usually shows a dim, barely noticeable second stripe;
    • In rare cases, two stripes may indicate continued pregnancy (this happens with both vacuum aspiration and medical abortion if the dosage of the drug was incorrectly calculated);
    • Long gestational age at the time of termination: the higher the gestational age, the longer the hCG will have a high concentration;
    • Sometimes the content of hCG in the body occurs due to choriocarcinoma (pathological growth of the chorion and the introduction of its cells into neighboring organs, for example, bladder, and mutations in cancer cells);
    • Uterine cancer also shows high concentrations of hCG in a non-pregnant woman. HCG is produced by the germ cells of any malignant tumor, so this hormone is considered a kind of tumor marker for detecting cancer.


    If a pregnancy test shows two lines after an abortion, you should wait 3-4 days and repeat the test. During this time, the remnants of the fertilized egg must be completely removed from the uterine cavity, which leads to a drop in the level of hCG in the blood and urine. If a repeat test also gives a positive result, you should immediately consult a doctor.

    Equipped with the latest diagnostic equipment and cooperates with leading medical laboratories in the country. This allows us to quickly and accurately determine the real level of hCG in a woman’s blood and identify the real reason hormone formation after termination of pregnancy.

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