• How to get pregnant at 30 for the first time. There is a high probability of giving birth to two at once. Possible complications of pregnancy after thirty years


    The average age of first pregnancy among women is increasing year after year. Along with it, the number of frightening myths and conjectures surrounding childbirth in your early 30s is growing.

    Is it true that after 25 years a girl is given the label “old-timer”, in what cases should she not postpone the birth of her first child, and what do the years threaten future mothers with?

    Nevidovich Larisa Valerievna
    obstetrician-gynecologist of the first category of the clinic women's health"Eve"

    There is no concept of “old-born”

    According to WHO criteria, there is no such thing as “starparous”. In general, the age under 44 is considered young (WHO). There is the concept of “age-related primipara” (AP). Once upon a time, girls 24 years and older fell under it, then -28+. Now this age is after 35. However, most modern authors include primiparas over 30 years of age in this group, while the terms “old” and “elderly” primigravidas are considered incorrect in modern obstetrics. It is more correct to use the term “older primiparous”.

    - Why did this concept arise?

    The older a woman is, the more baggage she has of infections and extragenital pathology ( a large group of various diseases, syndromes, conditions in pregnant women, united only by the fact that they are not gynecological diseases and obstetric complications of pregnancy - editor's note ). Plus, we don't get any younger as we age. Many diseases lie dormant, and during pregnancy or, in general, at an older age, when immunity decreases, they begin to manifest themselves.

    In older primigravidas after 30 years, especially closer to 40, the risk of giving birth to a child with congenital pathology (heart defects, neural tube, gastrointestinal tract, musculoskeletal system) increases. By the way, in Russia they already do a non-invasive prenatal NIPT test using the blood of a pregnant woman (from a vein) from 9 weeks to some chromosomal abnormalities fetus

    For these reasons, it is more difficult for obstetricians to manage such patients, because the entry, for example, “pregnancy 20 weeks” is followed by three or four lines of diagnoses. And age does not always play a role here. There are women at 40 years old who do not have this train, and there are young girls at 22 who have this train very impressive.

    - But still there is a division by age...

    This is due to the fact that pregnant women age group over 30 years of age, the number of complications during pregnancy and childbirth (obstetric and perinatal risk) significantly exceeds their number in young people.

    I repeat: the unfavorable factor in the course of pregnancy and its outcomes for the mother and newborn (in first-time mothers over 30 years old) is not age itself, but the extragenital and genital pathology “associated” with it, the frequency of which increases with age.

    Because, as a rule, by the age of 40 a woman has three or even more chronic diseases. These include: arterial hypertension, diabetes, obesity, etc. Also, by late reproductive age, many women suffer from some kind of inflammatory diseases of the genital organs. Plus, with age, the incidence of uterine fibroids increases, which is one of the causes of miscarriage and bleeding. Therefore, in obstetrics there are the concepts of “high risk”, “medium risk”, “low risk”. When a woman is over 30 and has her first pregnancy, she, as a rule, belongs to a high-risk group for possible complications of this pregnancy; appointments are more often prescribed, hospital treatment is more frequent, and there are more complications during and after childbirth.

    Three main reasons for the risk of conceiving after 30

    1. Decreased ovarian reserve

    As women age, their ovarian reserve decreases ( the supply of follicles present in the ovary that are capable of developing further and making it possible for the ovulation of the egg - approx. edit. ). And if you wanted to have two or three children, but at the same time give birth to your first at 32-33, then perhaps this will happen with your first pregnancy, but whether you will continue to have the opportunity to become pregnant again is a question.

    Unfortunately, we often see premature ovarian failure. Women at 36 years old come in, take a hormone test, and it turns out that there is no longer any ovarian reserve. Those. Such a patient will begin menopause in a year or two.

    2. Endometriosis

    Today there is, one might say, a mystery of the 21st century - endometriosis. This is a disease in which endometrial cells (the inner layer of the uterine wall) grow outside this layer: in the tubes, ovaries, muscle layer, and so on. Nobody knows the reasons for this phenomenon. But endometriosis is detected in many women.

    When a girl or woman comes to an appointment with painful periods, we are already wary. I’ll make a reservation, painful periods are not a 100% indicator of endometriosis, the disease may not exist, but it’s always a warning sign. In this case, it is better to undergo an examination by a gynecologist once again.

    And this is the situation: at 21-22 years old, endometriosis does not prevent a girl from getting pregnant, but the process progresses with age, and already at 28-29 years old it can interfere with conception.

    3. Fibroids

    Previously, they were found in women aged 43-45 years. Now we find fibroids in girls aged 21-22. And not small fibroids. This all suggests that past infections, ecology, stress, genetics, our diet (preservatives, dyes, etc.), the age of high technology ( Cell phones, computers, microwave technology) - all this affects our potential, our reproductive cells.

    It is these three reasons for the risk that can already become a reason for a woman to think about pregnancy a little earlier than she probably planned.

    Thyroid gland and menopause

    Often in patients who have problems with the functioning of the thyroid gland against the background of autoimmune thyroiditis ( inflammation of the thyroid tissue caused by autoimmune causes - editor's note ), antibodies to ovarian tissue can be produced, i.e. to ovarian tissue. Why these antibodies are produced - we do not know. Previously it was impossible to detect this, but now our laboratories perform these tests.

    When you see cases like this, you wonder why a young woman develops antibodies that attack ovarian tissue. This leads to the fact that the ovaries do not work as we would like and fade away.

    By the way, the average age of menopause is last years increased. Previously, menopause began at 46-47 years old, today this figure is 52-54 years old. Unfortunately, very often women at 60 are healthier than girls at 25.

    Returning to the topic of risks for pregnancy after 30, I can give the following recommendation: focus on your mother’s age of menopause. If it is 43-44 years old, then we can assume that you may have such heredity, so it is also better to think about pregnancy earlier.

    Conscious pregnancy and talented children

    According to my practice, average age the first pregnancy in women is 25-26 years old. Second birth - 28-31. Nowadays it is extremely rare to meet an 18-year-old girl who has come to register.

    When women at 39 and 40 years old come to see me and shyly say that they got pregnant and that they don’t need this pregnancy, I don’t quite understand them. If you have the health to bear and the ability to raise, then why not give birth to this child? What is there to be ashamed of?

    If we remember the times of Shakespeare, then Juliet’s mother at 28 was considered a lady of age. But everything is changing. And, despite all the aggressiveness of technology and progress, we began to live longer and better. We can get an education, resolve some housing issues and plan a pregnancy. As practice shows, than older parents, the more consciously they approach this issue.

    There is an opinion that if children are from older parents, then they are more talented. I was once interested in this topic: it is assumed that this happens because adult parents pay more attention to their children, they know more and can give more to their child emotionally and mentally. They don’t run around to school or work, dropping off their children to grandmothers and mothers, but they understand that they need to take care of their children, that they need to be an example for their children.

    How to prepare your body for pregnancy

    Even before the examination, we advise future parents to take folic acid: 400 mcg per day 3-4 months before conception, because During conception, eggs and sperm are used, which are ready for the process within 80-90 days. During this time, you need to undergo testing for infections. The complex that needs to be passed is:

    • Hypatitis B, C
    • Antibodies to cytomegalovirus
    • Antibodies to herpes simplex virus types 1 and 2
    • Antibodies to toxoplasma
    • Antibodies to rubella
    • Tests for genital infections
    • Plus, the functioning of the thyroid gland is checked and it is recommended to undergo an ultrasound of the thyroid gland, pelvis, mammary glands and abdominal cavity

    A man should go to a urologist, just like a woman, say “We are planning a pregnancy” and get tested for infections.

    The state of health of the child is largely determined by the state of health of the mother, her age and socio-psychological status.

    The most favorable age for conceiving and having children is from 19 to 29 years. The age of a woman giving birth over 35 years is considered a risk factor for a high incidence of complications for both mother and child.

    For successful late motherhood, these women need careful examination and monitoring throughout the entire period of pregnancy.

    It is better to find unpleasant moments before pregnancy and eliminate them than to find out about them during pregnancy, when it is difficult to influence them and avoid negative consequences.

    It is necessary to maintain your health in excellent condition for as long as possible, then you can give birth after 35 today. However, you still shouldn’t delay your first pregnancy until this time. The birth of a child is happiness. It is necessary to monitor your health outside of pregnancy, and even more so during pregnancy.

    For modern women Pregnancy after 30 has become common. This is due to the desire for independence, achieving a certain professional and social status, creation of a solid material base.

    What you need to know

    Having decided to give birth to another baby, and also having overcome all the difficulties associated with the birth of her first child, a woman demonstrates her strength, knowledge and experience. However, the second pregnancy after 30 years differs in many ways from the first and has its own characteristics, advantages and disadvantages.

    Childbirth planning should begin 1.5-2 years after the previous ones. This period is necessary for the complete recovery of the body before bearing a second child. In addition, during this time the first-born goes through a full period of adaptation to normal life. If the first delivery was carried out by cesarean section, then this break automatically increases to 3-4 years. The perfect difference The age of two children is considered 4 years.

    While changing taste preferences, toxicosis appears less frequently. However, due to increased stress associated with weight gain and prolonged standing, it more often develops varicose veins veins of the lower extremities.

    As practice shows, the second pregnancy is much easier. Therefore, planning it should not cause attacks of fear.

    This is due to the fact that the body adjusts more quickly during changes, since it has had to experience them before. In addition, the woman has some experience in bearing a fetus, so she is psychologically prepared. It is easier for her to perceive minor changes in the development of the fetus and feel its first movement.

    Preparation: examination and tests

    Even if the first pregnancy proceeded without complications, and the child was born naturally, birth planning next child involves a complete examination of both parents. A special feature of this stage for a woman is a thorough examination: visits to all specialists, consultations, as well as tests.

    The course of a second pregnancy, developing after 30, can provoke an exacerbation of chronic ailments that appear with age. Therefore, you should prepare for the fact that you will have to take tests more often, visit a gynecologist, therapist, geneticist and other highly specialized specialists.

    First of all, you should visit a therapist who, after a visual examination, will prescribe laboratory tests.

    Scroll laboratory research for a complete examination:

    • general urine analysis, which allows you to determine the functionality and condition of the kidneys, since during the gestation period the load on this organ increases;
    • general blood analysis, to identify any diseases for the purpose of their treatment;
    • sugar test, indicating the presence of risks of diabetes;
    • blood microscopy to determine its group, Rh factor, biochemical composition, assess functionality internal organs and body systems.

    To check the respiratory system, in particular the lungs, the therapist may prescribe fluorography. It is mandatory to visit specialized specialists: endocrinologist, dentist, ophthalmologist, otolaryngologist, and, of course, gynecologist. This must be done during the period, since during pregnancy taking medications extremely undesirable.

    Examination by a gynecologist

    When planning a desired second pregnancy after the age of 30, a visit to a gynecologist is mandatory. He will conduct an examination and also prescribe the following tests:

    • smear for cervical cancer;
    • bacterial culture of the vaginal microflora, the presence of diseases such as bacterial vaginosis, candidiasis, gonorrhea, trichomoniasis, etc.

    It is mandatory to undergo tests to identify possible infections dangerous to the unborn fetus. This:

    • hepatitis B or C. syphilis, HIV;
    • STDs are diseases that are sexually transmitted;
    • : cytomegalovirus, toxoplasmosis, herpes, in the absence of antibodies it is necessary to undergo appropriate vaccinations;
    • PCR: papillomavirus, ureaplasmosis, chlamydia, which are also dangerous for the mother and fetus.

    It is important to test for the presence of antibodies to rubella, and if they are absent, it is necessary to get vaccinated for prevention. If the doctor is not satisfied with the patient’s health condition, he may prescribe additional tests, which include:

    • colposcopy (in the presence of cervical erosion);
    • hemostasiogram and coagulogram - assessment of blood clotting.

    How to psychologically prepare your first child

    When planning new pregnancy it is necessary to psychologically prepare the older child. As many years of practice have shown, most first-born children are extremely jealous and sensitive to the appearance of another baby in the house. This is due to the peculiarities of his psyche, and the fact that from birth the attention of all close people was directed only to him, while little pranks and whims were forgiven him.

    Conversations should be conducted patiently but firmly, and if necessary, you can visit child psychologist. It’s not for nothing that experts advise having another child 3-4 years after the birth of the first. As a rule, at 4 years old, a child is quite mature and also moderately independent; he already adequately responds to the requests and comments of his parents. In addition, when the right approach he will be able to provide invaluable assistance to the mother in the household or in looking after a younger family member.

    Despite his readiness to come to the aid of his mother, the first-born still remains a child who still needs care, affection, attention, and participation in his personal life.

    Myths and reality

    Many women have an unreasonable fear of a second pregnancy. This is due to the peculiarities of its course. It has been proven that with each subsequent conception, the uterus contracts longer and recovers less well. This is due to the fact that its walls become less elastic, and contractions take much longer and are more painful. These symptoms are especially noticeable during breastfeeding.

    In some women, during the first pregnancy, the walls of the abdominal cavity are stretched, therefore, during the second conception, the position of the uterus changes slightly: it is located slightly below its intended place, which leads to compression Bladder, and causes pain in the lumbar region. The situation can be corrected using a support bandage.

    According to experts, preparations for the long-awaited second pregnancy after the age of 30 are not difficult. The main thing is to take care of your health and feel the support of your family and friends.

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    Pros and cons of pregnancy after 30 years

    Pregnancy after 30 is usually desired and suffered through. Today, the age at which a woman gets married and gives birth to her first child has increased significantly. Despite the fact that this tendency sometimes creates difficulties both during pregnancy and at birth, it also has positive sides: this is deeply conscious motherhood, when a woman already treats the child not as a toy, but as a little man, which requires love, attention and patience.

    Once upon a time best age The age for the birth of children was 18-20 years old, then it moved to 24 years old, after that - to 30 years old. Today in Western countries the best age for having a first child is 34 years old, when a woman is ready for this not only physically, but also socially. And no one is surprised by a woman who gives birth to a child at 40-45 years old or even later.

    There can be many reasons for late pregnancy. But the trend last decades is that the main reason is the social development of women. She no longer relies on her husband for everything and wants to be sure that a successful career will be the key to her child’s happiness.

    But there are other reasons. Many women undergo long-term treatment for infertility, and they manage to give birth to a child only after 30 years. Often after 30 years of age they give birth to a second and third child - such pregnancies can be either planned or as a “surprise”. Nevertheless, even after 30 years the attitude towards “surprises” is fundamentally different, more conscious and serious.

    It was found that the survival and development of a fertilized egg, and then the embryo and fetus, depend on the extent to which a dominant has been formed in the brain of a pregnant woman - a temporarily dominant focus of excitation that is capable of suppressing the activity of other nerve centers. It is this dominant that ensures all physiological and neuropsychic processes during pregnancy, which is why it is called the maternal dominant. If the maternal dominant is fully formed, then the woman has every chance of giving birth healthy child.

    Based on numerous studies, it has been found that the severity of maternal dominance grows in proportion to a woman’s age, reaching its maximum after thirty years. This is explained by the fact that it is at this age family values come to the fore for a woman, and she consciously strives for motherhood. At the same time, the vast majority of women already have a stable social position, that is, they are confident in their ability to raise and raise a child.

    A high level of pregnancy dominance also helps successful delivery, ensuring adequate behavior of the woman during childbirth.

    A woman who gives birth to a child after 30 years of age pays much more attention to him than a young mother, since she is more psychologically ready for motherhood. The same applies to her husband, who, as a rule, takes an active part in raising the child, which is typical for an established family and spouses who respect each other.

    Women after 30 treat their pregnancy more calmly and responsibly; they are less likely to experience nervous breakdowns and depression. They try to follow all the doctor’s orders during pregnancy and carefully prepare for childbirth. The reward is the birth of a healthy child and a second youth, because pregnancy hormones stimulate the functioning of all organs and tissues. It also reduces the risk of various cardiovascular disorders(atherosclerosis, hypertension), metabolic disorders characteristic of the aging process (for example, osteoporosis). Finally, for such a mother, menopause comes later and is not so painful.

    However, problems of late pregnancy still exist. So, after 30 years, a woman’s fertility decreases somewhat, and not everyone menstrual cycle accompanied by the formation of an egg and its release from the ovary (that is, ovulation). In addition, a woman at this age has most likely already suffered a series of inflammatory diseases female genital organs, which often go unnoticed, nevertheless causing obstruction fallopian tubes- the main cause of infertility. Of course, nowadays in most cases all this can be treated, but the problem still exists.

    And pregnancy itself after 30 years may not always proceed smoothly: due to a slightly reduced hormonal levels and frequent presence of various chronic diseases internal organs increases the tendency to spontaneous miscarriages and the risk of toxicosis.

    Such a woman also has a more difficult time during childbirth: her muscles are less elastic, and the birth canal opens more slowly. Although today this is a controversial fact: many women take care of themselves, stick to a diet, and are physically active - all this allows them to maintain youth for a long time.

    So is it possible to have a healthy child after 30? Modern medicine believes that it is quite possible. It is desirable that pregnancy after 30 years be planned. In this case, both parents undergo a comprehensive examination before conception and, if necessary, treatment. This approach already eliminates a number of problems.

    Another problem is that women after 30 already have their own established habits, including harmful ones - smoking, drinking beer, etc. It is necessary to get rid of these habits at least six months before the planned pregnancy, so that toxic substances have time to completely leave the body and normal metabolism is restored.

    Good day, dear fans of my blog! Not long ago, the following question became relevant to me: how to plan a second pregnancy.

    And like many modern women, this period will occur after 30. Late pregnancy is no longer so rare, because many girls first pursue a career, and starting a family and planning a pregnancy are pushed back to a later date.

    If you are planning to have two children, then you need to take a very responsible approach to your health and the recommendations of specialists.

    After all, a second pregnancy after 30 years has many nuances. So let's talk about everything in order.

    The decision to have a second baby is often a conscious one, as it is supported by previous experience and knowledge. But it must be more thorough.
    The second birth should be planned only after 1.5-2 years. After all, your body needs recovery before bearing a second child.

    After a cesarean section, this period is extended to 3-4 years.

    With repeated pregnancy, taste preferences may change, but toxicosis appears less often. From the very beginning, it is worth eating right and observing moderation, especially in sugary drinks. Since increased loads are possible due to weight gain. At the same time, staying on your feet for a long time contributes to the appearance of varicose veins and edema.

    According to doctors: the second pregnancy is easier than the first. And many signs of toxicosis do not appear. Therefore, planning should not cause much fear.

    What examinations should I undergo?

    The beginning of planning consists of a qualitative survey. When planning your second baby, the first thing you must do is make an appointment with a gynecologist, take the prescribed tests and undergo an ultrasound examination.

    After 30, a woman’s body is susceptible to various infectious diseases, as the body’s protective functions decrease.

    You may not even know about many infections until you get examined.
    Get treatment for inflammatory processes in the genital organs. Be sure to visit your dentist, as oral infections can spread throughout the body.

    Be sure to undergo a comprehensive examination of the body. You may have to take a course of vitamin therapy. Today there are medical - genetic testing, which help prevent pathologies in the fetus at an early stage.
    It is better to undergo all examinations and treatment together with the father of the unborn baby.
    It is important that the child’s father does not have chronic diseases or bad habits that negatively affect the child.
    Ideally, undergo the following examinations:

    1. Visiting a therapist.
    2. If you have problems with the thyroid gland, then be sure to go to an endocrinologist.
    3. Together with your partner, go through a check for various infections and for the presence of sugar in the blood.
    4. Be sure to do a bacterial culture to check for staphylococcal infection.
    5. It is important to do fluorography.

    Remember that after pregnancy occurs, you will not be able to undergo full treatment or undergo procedures.

    How to prepare for pregnancy after 30 years?

    Did you know that with age, changes occur in the structure of the pelvic floor. Elastic fibers are replaced by denser ones. During childbirth, the pelvic floor opens under the influence of the abdominal pressure.

    Therefore, strengthen the anterior abdominal wall and pelvic floor muscles. Yoga, swimming and gymnastics on a fitball will help you with this.

    Good physical training will improve, normalize weight and bring the body into the desired tone.

    To prevent all complications during a second pregnancy, take care of your health. Cleanse your body.

    Plays a big role healthy eating no dyes, additives or preservatives. For a successful birth, you need to restore your nervous system and work on creating a favorable emotional background.
    Pay attention to these tips:

    It is known that with each pregnancy the uterus recovers worse and contracts more long time. In this case, contractions contribute to the appearance of painful sensations, which will be noticeable during breastfeeding.

    It happens that the abdomen stretches after the first birth, which can affect the location of the uterus. They will help you get rid of fears for this state of affairs. physical training and wearing a bandage during pregnancy.

    What complications may arise?

    When considering the pros and cons, you need to have an idea of ​​the possible risks. Doctors distinguish two types of complications: practical and general. Practical ones include exacerbations of diseases that are present in a particular woman.

    The general ones boil down to changes in hormones and tissues.

    The following problems are common:

    • Premature or post-term pregnancy;
    • Preeclampsia is a late version of toxicosis, which is formed when water metabolism in the body is disrupted;
    • Characterized by weak labor activity;
    • The risk of genetic abnormalities slightly increases;
    • Blood pressure increases and there is a risk of;
    • Endometriosis and fibroids occur.

    But most often, successful pregnancy depends on individual characteristics the female body and the presence of chronic diseases.
    If there are no health problems, then a thirty-year-old woman has every chance, just like a twenty-year-old.

    What are the positive aspects of pregnancy after 30 years?

    There is no need to panic because of the existing risks; a second birth after 30 has many advantages:

    1. The second pregnancy is usually planned, and everyone is looking forward to the baby.
    2. Even if the child came as a surprise, you will still be happy about his appearance, since the firstborn convinced you that this is happiness.
    3. At this age there is financial stability.
    4. You don't need to convince anyone that you can handle your child.
    5. You have experience raising your first baby, which will help you avoid many mistakes.

    In addition, pregnancy after 30 will introduce a hormonal drive into the body, which rejuvenates and shakes up the female body.

    How to psychologically prepare your firstborn?

    The most important point in planning your pregnancy is the psychological readiness of your first child. First children do not always respond well to the arrival of a second child in the home.

    This is due to the fact that from birth they were given all the attention of their loved ones and at the same time minor whims and pranks were forgiven.
    It is important to have conversations about the arrival of your second baby.

    Experts advise having a second child when the first is already 4 years old. At this age, the baby is old enough to respond adequately to the comments and requests of his parents. With the right approach, the child will be able to help the mother with housework or when looking after a younger child.

    Do not forget that the firstborn is a child who needs attention, affection and participation in his personal life.

    When planning a second pregnancy, take into account its characteristics and recommendations from specialists. With the right approach, you will soon get a positive result when doing the test.

    Careful preparation is a guarantee of a successful pregnancy.
    Take care of your health and avoid negative emotions and everything will work out for you.
    That's all for today.

    Don't forget to subscribe to my blog updates and share information with your friends.
    All the best to you and see you again!

    Did you know that according to the latest statistical reports, it has been established that approximately 60% of women in our country become mothers of their first child after the age of thirty. In many ways, their actions are justified.

    If you conduct a survey of these women and find out from them the reason why they do not give birth until the age of 30, their opinions will be divided. Some will say that nowadays it is impossible to find the right man, from whom you can give birth to a child, so that in the future this man will become a real father for him.

    Or it happens that having met your other half, it turns out that minimal benefits have not yet been acquired, such as housing or a car. And someone gives, and when the age limit approaches, they try to give birth “for themselves.” Some people cannot get pregnant due to health reasons. In many ways, these opinions are quite understandable.

    Also, many women and their spouses will say with certainty that giving birth after 30 years is much more beneficial than at older ages. early age. The fact is that it is at this time that the husband and wife acquire more serious responsibility for their future offspring. They approach the process of preparing for childbirth thoroughly, taking into account all the upcoming difficulties and problems. But despite this, there are some precautions that should be taken if you are planning to get pregnant after thirty.

    What are the risks of pregnancy after 30 years and what difficulties may arise?

    It has been scientifically proven that the likelihood of getting pregnant immediately after reaching the age of 30 is slightly lower than, for example, at 25-28 years old. The probability percentage decreases significantly after 35 years. So, we conclude that the limit can be considered 35 years of age, when you can really fear that pregnancy will not occur soon.

    Many doctors argue that becoming pregnant after thirty-five years of age is simply dangerous for the unborn child, as the risk that he will be born with congenital diseases increases. In fact, the percentage of babies with Down syndrome is much higher when they are born to women in their thirties. But still, the likelihood of such a fact occurring is not high. If you approach the issue of birth planning wisely, the subsequent tragedy can be avoided.

    After research, it was established that at this age there is a very high probability of a miscarriage or a “frozen” pregnancy. Since the female body at this age undergoes certain hormonal changes, it is very difficult for the fetus to adapt to it.

    And the last point is C-section. The fact is that if a woman is going to give birth to a child, and her age has already reached 35 years, then doctors are obliged to offer her delivery through a caesarean section. Doctors should also tell the woman what the consequences may be if she chooses a natural method of childbirth. The most important thing here is to reasonably explain the reason why a woman cannot give birth on her own.

    First pregnancy

    The birth of a first child after the third decade is becoming commonplace in our time. If earlier friends who had already had more than one child by this age could involuntarily whisper about such a woman, now many, on the contrary, regard this step as a manifestation of responsibility and prudence. Many women, despite the prohibitions and warnings of doctors, try to get pregnant precisely at this age, when they vital status completely entrenched, and they are already firmly on their feet. But even in this case, we should not forget that before planning a pregnancy at this age, you should consult your doctor, or even better, undergo a comprehensive examination.

    If you are just thinking about having a child after thirty years, then you need to completely quit all bad habits about six months before the expected pregnancy. This refers to smoking and drinking strong alcoholic drinks. The best thing to do is start playing sports. Swimming would be an ideal option, as many doctors recommend this sport for pregnant women.

    Second pregnancy

    If you decide to have a second birth, then you need to take into account several features of this age period, which affects specifically the second and subsequent pregnancies. Since the woman’s body has already experienced such severe stress as childbirth, it will be able to cope with it much easier the second time. The thing to be most concerned about is the psychological factor. Many women who are preparing to become a mother for the second time claim that going through this is much more difficult than the first time.

    The fact is that when giving birth for the first time, a woman does not yet understand what she will have to face, so she does not give a full account of what is happening. If a second birth is planned, the woman begins to frantically remember everything that happened to her the first time, and then she panics.

    Also, the psychological factor is influenced by the pressure of doctors. The fact is that the gynecologist with whom the pregnant woman is registered leaves a note “starparous” on her card, and this is considered a certain risk group. Many women are afraid of this mark like fire. Thus, before planning the birth of your second baby after the age of 30, you should listen to the opinion of experts and check your own health.

    Third child

    Few people are now capable of giving birth to a third child, but we should take an example from such women. Most of them will say with certainty that they thoroughly prepared for the birth of their third child. It is a widely known fact that during the third pregnancy, the diseases that tormented the woman during the first and second births become more serious. If we are talking about banal swelling of the legs, which was observed in a mild form during the first pregnancy, then by the time the third baby is born this can become a real problem. This also applies to other diseases that occur in pregnant women.

    Let's weigh the pros and cons (pros and cons of such a period)

    Pros of pregnancy at this age

    • In this age range, a woman and her husband feel greater financial independence, which will subsequently be reflected in raising a child.
    • It should also be noted that caring for a child is much easier at this age. A woman will feel less tired and tired because her character is considered fully formed. If young mothers constantly complain that the child does not give them peace, then in our case the woman will be more patient.

    Disadvantages of such a pregnancy

    The main and only disadvantage is the threat of abortion and congenital diseases child. Few women decide to have a second child at this age, so they give birth to only one baby, who subsequently becomes extremely spoiled.

    If you still decide to give birth

    The most important points in the preparatory process:

    • At least six months before pregnancy you need to give up bad habits, if any (smoking, alcohol, etc.);
    • If you engage in extreme sports, it is better to replace them with calmer ones;
    • Unquestioningly follow the recommendations of doctors;
    • Before pregnancy, you need to conduct a complete examination of your own health. If any abnormalities are identified, then, as far as possible, it is necessary to get rid of them, since during pregnancy they will only get worse.

    No matter what age a woman decides to become a mother, she must understand that she will be responsible not only for her own condition, but also for the condition of the baby. To a greater extent this applies to the period of pregnancy itself. Since women often set themselves the goal of only having a successful birth, they rarely think about possible consequences for your health, which can be avoided by properly preparing. Therefore, follow practical recommendations, which are not so difficult to complete and take care of your health.

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