• The most discussed statuses in Odnoklassniki. Life statuses for classmates


    Life has given me a lot: I learned to lie so much that I myself believe what I say.

    If you want to know a person, don't listen to what others say about him, listen to what he says about others.

    There is a desire - a thousand ways, no desire - a thousand reasons!

    Life. sometimes we accept it for what it is... But sometimes we have to fight in order to preserve, if we could, our Honor...

    Man consists of 70% water. If a person has no dreams or goals in life, then he is just a vertical puddle.

    To everyone discussing my shortcomings, I say with a smile: “Relax! They love me even like that!”

    We are moving to live on the rainbow... Tired of living on the zebra.

    In Russia, problems are not solved, but new ones are invented that will eclipse the previous ones...

    Forgive them, Almighty, who brought me Bad things, because I’m not a Saint either, I’ve sinned a lot in Life, I took something Dear from People, I gave it all away, I gave it all for Dear People...

    For an optimist, over-salted porridge is a declaration of love; for a pessimist, a bouquet of flowers “for a funeral”...

    I have my own path to happiness... and I don’t like it when other people’s routes are imposed on me... BELIEVE me, I won’t put anyone at the wheel of my life!

    And there is no need for empty talk,
    Like books, we are read to cover:
    When you're in love, you move mountains,
    When you cool down, you find excuses.

    What stupid things they do to gain a reputation as an intelligent person!

    How beautiful the words sound, from the lips of People who seemed very close... We will be with you until the end, but these words are worthy of one...

    If you want to succeed, avoid 6 vices: drowsiness, laziness, fear, anger, idleness and indecisiveness.

    Harmful, capricious, vindictive, vengeful, with high self-esteem, selfish, distrustful, stubborn, evil and treacherous. Modest in intentions, innocent in thoughts! In a word, it will be a surprise for you.

    There are people like snakes, there are people like birds... I ask fate: give me the strength not to break, to be brave in flight and not to be afraid of snakes!

    As a rule, a woman commits the greatest stupidity with the words “I’m no fool to you!”

    After all, sometimes. We do things in the heat of the moment... but in our memory, sometimes we hate ourselves...

    Every person is a fool for at least five minutes a day. The real wisdom is not to exceed this time limit.

    If a person doesn’t have time for you, feel free to turn around and run, run away from him, otherwise you’ll spend your whole life just waiting for your turn.

    A man's problems begin not when a woman begins to undress for his money, but when she begins to dress with it.

    Smart people never interfere in other people's squabbles, knowing that in the end they will only hate him.

    Life is a game we play without knowing the rules, levels, and we lose more often than we win.

    New love has nothing in common with old love, love is always new.

    A person will be able to understand who he really is only when they begin to accept him for who he is.

    Let your eyes always shine with love and affection!

    Offending a Woman is so simple and easy. Just a word or a careless gesture. But it's better to let it reach the clouds. And this can also be done in one word...

    Love and gentleness are the main weapons of the gentle sex. It is known that there is no power in the Universe greater than the power of Love. This energy can change anything. Therefore, the strongest can be called the most loving.

    And my man will definitely be with me. They all come back - sooner or later.

    His thoughts smelled of vanilla and orange zest, and his world was filled with beautiful rhyming words. And he knew for sure that love was about to touch his heart.”

    Happiness is where love is, and what less words, the stronger the feelings will be.

    The past is not clothing, it cannot be bought, and it is difficult to throw it away later.


    Everything has changed: the look and the views. And, may we be in a thousand networks, God grant that we may be glad. Always love your children. I know true happiness. I know what's most important. Oh my God! Protect my child from all misfortunes!

    When the heart of a man and a woman is filled with love, another heart is needed - the heart of a child...

    Law of Nature: Everything beautiful is very dangerous! Ah, I wonder why they are afraid of me!)))

    You say I'm your dream, but that doesn't mean I'm going to come true.

    Love is a delicious flower, but it takes courage to walk to the edge and pluck it.

    Under the same sky... in the same city... with a smile we break each other’s hearts...

    You can call me your girlfriend. I will call you My little world.

    Don't hug anyone you have to. Not everything is good that comes easy.

    Now I am with you forever... I kiss you deeply, YOUR PAIN!!!

    If your mind and your heart are in constant motion, then why do you worry about it? After all, only those who have stopped making mistakes and stopped loving can bury themselves alive.

    First you took the whole world away from me and replaced it with yourself, and then you took yourself away...

    For the sake of some people, sometimes I’m ready to go all-in...

    Often when we fall in love, we forget about our friends. There is no need to do this. True friends help us understand who we really are, and we especially need them in moments of joy and sorrow.

    Men hang out not because they are strays and bastards, but because ALL WOMEN ARE BEAUTIFUL

    The sky drops your name in drops, your name whispers the music of the rain... Only the sky, only the rain understands how bored my heart is without you...

    If you want someone to remain in your life, never treat them indifferently...

    Try to become the most important reason to live in someone's spring!!!

    The World Health Organization has recognized love as a mental disorder and assigned it the international code F63.9. But, perhaps, this is the only disease that everyone needs to get over :)

    It is better to work with love than to make love with difficulty.

    Men who value their woman, but do not notice everyone else, do not exist.

    As long as a butterfly can fly, it doesn't matter how worn out its wings are...

    In search of the best, you can miss the present, which is possibly the best (((

    New statuses for classmates
    I came home today, I’m just crying inconsolably..., I was abandoned..., I poured a glass of wine, sat down in front of the mirror, looked at my reflection - NO, I DIDN’T Abandoned, I WAS LOST...)))

    They say power is on the side of those who don’t care anymore... How I wish this power was on my side...

    And I am happy. But, I'm only happy when I have some hope. Hope for love, for the fulfillment of my desires. For reciprocity. Then all the signs of love are on your face: your eyes sparkle, your heart beats faster...


    A child is the truth of love.

    She was beautiful... The trail of her perfume made you follow her! He fell in love... BUT then she opened her mouth!

    Life is a flower... And love is nectar... Everyone is on a course with the bees)))

    A bachelor is a person who has a table and a sofa, and the history of the sofa is much richer))))

    I don’t know myself without you. Without you, I’m still without myself. I can’t imagine myself without you. So save yourself for me!!!

    We cannot do great things - only small things with great love.

    How did it all start?... How was it?... It’s all simple - plus and minus and sparkle...

    Don’t stir up the ashes of the past... otherwise they will circle in the light air, getting into your eyes... calling for my tears...

    I’m like the ocean - she loves to swim in it, but she’s afraid to swim far...

    Locking your feelings away means dooming yourself to unhappiness!

    Don't chase happiness: it is always within you. A person is happy when his soul becomes good. It is impossible to be happy alone: ​​happiness is a matter of two.

    What the woman says to a loving person, written on the wind and fast flowing water.

    I don't need words to tell you that you are everything I want...

    Friendship between a man and a woman does not honor the man and deprives the woman of honor.

    Fate once told us: I found you, I connected you! Don't expect any other gifts from me! What is sacred, save it yourself!!!

    I miss, I miss, I miss... But I won’t call. There is no logic, but it is correct.

    While your hearts are beating, fight for your life to the end!!!

    If you have good intentions, great things will happen.

    The most interesting thing about him was my sympathy. Now it’s like that, nothing special, just like everyone else...

    The eyes saw tits of the fifth size, the head began to spin, the heart began to pound, the trousers became tight... And only the wallet trembled with fear and hid...

    Only for you is my love, only for you do I dream! And every time, again and again, I say: - I need you!

    Invite me to a Japanese restaurant and I will become your geisha for a while...

    Don't give up. Happiness is in your hands, crooked ones.

    A bird may fall in love with a fish, but where should they live?

    Who needs teary eyes now? Crumpled soul? Fake smile? Broken heart? No one will undertake to fix this...

    There is no better monument to a father on earth than his son.

    The most unbearable torments are caused by prolongation of the most intense pleasures.

    New statuses for classmates
    I love expensive cars, beautiful shoes, silk underwear, headbands, cute dogs and kittens... Come on, I love everything. Just not to love you...

    I can’t understand with whom it’s better - who do you love with your soul or who do you love with your body?

    People are like windows. Some are closed, others are open. Some have transparent glass, others are curtained. Some are forever broken, others reflect bright lights

    Previously, for me, YOU and I were the meaning of life, but now it’s just a combination of letters!!!

    A man in love seeks peace, not war. Nothing irritates a man more than an aggressive woman.

    Treat yourself... And others will definitely treat you...)))

    Delete me everywhere - I’ll still dream about you...

    People should be judged not for their sincere feelings, but for their insincerity towards their family and friends...

    Don’t yell at the one you love, you won’t win love by shouting, you will only receive hatred.

    You know, my love for you is the size of a sparrow’s tear... This may seem small to you, but don’t forget that sparrows die when they cry...

    Seeing the truth is possible only with the heart; essence is that which is invisible to the eye.

    We all live deeply hiding our true desires. And only cats have the courage to live for their own pleasure.

    You can't please everyone and not be a hypocrite.

    When you can’t influence something, influence what you can influence.

    I'm fine. I have nothing to please you with.

    Don't ruin what you have by wanting what you don't have!!!

    The world is certainly a small place, but this does not mean that we need to push each other.

    He who feeds the hungry feeds his own soul.

    In our turbulent age, the ability to enjoy every moment of life has, alas, become an unaffordable luxury for many.

    Sometimes, it is better to leave those habits that you are already accustomed to than to change to worse ones.

    New statuses for classmates

    Don't push the girl into a corner. She will cry at night, think for a day, and YOU will be the one looking for the corner...

    I'm not jealous. I guard my happiness...

    I love you every second, minute, hour, day and night, week, month, year and century. We found each other among a million, and now we are two halves of one big heart.

    Don't lose the worthy for the sake of the affordable!

    All I have to do is turn on the computer and that’s it... the end of all my grandiose plans for the day!

    Life is short, and you need to spend it only on one, real relationship, with the person you love and who loves you, because if there is love, then it cannot just pass away, which means that if there is love, then with Always be this person, no matter what happens.

    Beautiful statuses for classmates - I want to be with you until my last breath... both in joy and when you feel bad.

    To hell with rose-colored glasses - they don’t suit me, to hell with the past - it prevents me from being in the present... To hell with everything that happened - I’m happy!..

    I want to go where the stars are, where there is a sea of ​​jubilant joy and aching delight...

    Give each other warmth and smiles. Forgive insults and other people's mistakes. A smile is omnipotent and worth the reward. Just a smile and you will be welcome.

    She forgets her keys in the morning and, when returning to get them, she always looks at herself in the mirror, because she believes in omens. She eats a lot of apples, but is in love with oranges. She always smiles, but sometimes she hates everyone. She believes in the future, but lives in the past

    There are things more important than bars and clubs. There are feelings. Smiles. And your favorite lips.

    Happiness is that moment when a wave of love, inspiration and goosebumps rise within you. This is it... real...

    Lifestyle... If music, then an alternative... If you love, then... with all your heart... If you dissolve, then... without a trace... If you leave, then... beautifully in English... If it’s morning, then... in a tender embrace... If you cry, then... with happiness... If it’s time of day, then... night... If you live, then... brightly... If it’s a feeling , then... sincerity... If a look, then... beloved eyes... If you walk, then... by the hand... If you hope, then ONLY FOR YOURSELF...

    The photos on my hard drive constantly remind me of a past life in which everything was different...

    And then I found out that the clouds are not soft, you cannot touch the sky with your hand, toys do not come to life at night, sand cakes are not edible, and there are only 2 princes left on earth. And my life collapsed...

    It’s strange... I don’t think about you anymore, but my dreams still want us to be together!

    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it can be so annoying for others that it's worth a try.

    We love to dress beautifully, they love to undress beautifully, we love strength and firmness in them, they love fragility and tenderness in us, we know how to kill with a look, they - with a word...

    Sometimes it hurts so much that it’s impossible to breathe, then the pain dulls and becomes easier, but then you forget everything, but the pain still remains in your heart...

    Love also has autumn, and the one who has forgotten the taste of the kisses of his beloved knows it.

    Finding wealth, we lose conscience. When we find a woman, we lose our minds. Finding the truth, we lose faith. While we find power, we lose honor. And only after losing everything do we find freedom!

    The first snow is a wonderful phenomenon!! First you wait for it for a long, long time, and then you watch with delight as snowflakes wrap the world in a white shroud

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