• “If you want to”: Mikhail Labkovsky about our true desires. Mikhail Labkovsky: let a man think about what’s in a woman’s head


    In contrast to Vedic laws, grandmothers and the Bible, Labkovsky advises women to listen to themselves, not men, to put themselves first, not their husbands. He makes diagnoses quickly and easily, in one sentence he tells you what to do and how to live. An ideal strategy for millions of women who are confused about themselves and relationships. Before in Kyiv on November 26th The editors of WANT.ua decided to personally communicate with Mikhail Labkovsky.

    Mikhail, let's start with a simple, but actually complex question. Psychologists in every second text advise raising self-esteem, then everything in life will begin to work out. But how can this work for a person who lacks self-confidence?

    Mikhail Labkovsky. Let's figure out what low self-esteem is. You lack self-confidence, settle for damaging relationships, do things you don’t want to do, put up with things you don’t like, and so on. Stop asking people if you did everything right or wrong. Men, stop asking women if they've finished or not. Women, you don’t need to call the saleswoman from the fitting room to ask: “This dress makes me look fat, but does this color suit me?” These are the details that make up low self-esteem and uncertainty.

    You don’t have to come to your boss and ask: “Oh, did I do everything right, do I have any mistakes here? Don't you need to fix anything? This behavior begins in childhood, when the child, due to anxiety, will redo everything two hundred times, and besides, his mother insists on this. If you have children, understanding these things can help you raise them properly, building up their self-esteem and self-confidence.

    If you don't like a job, don't work at it, look for one that you will like. Do not put anything off for a rainy day, otherwise, as they say, it may come.

    Remember the joke: “Live every day like it’s your last and one day you won’t make a mistake.” It's not such a difficult thing, right?

    Coaches say that to be happy you need to look to the future. And psychoanalysts advise delving into childhood traumas. Where is the truth here? If your personal life is not going well, is it worth spending time on solving children’s problems or do you need to learn new behavior patterns?

    M.L. Until you deal with your past - with childhood, with grievances, misunderstandings, complaints against your parents - you will not be able to solve the problem and will stand still. Moreover, you will have psychology small child. When a person is 40 years old, and he is still trying to sort things out, then he continues to remain a child at this moment.

    For example, your parents continue to consider you small. They interfere with your life, control you, criticize you, make comments.—You cook wrong, you raise children wrong, and everything in the same spirit. And you continue to be insecure and already adult woman. So, unfortunately, we need to put them in their place. This is an unpleasant procedure.

    We need to tell them: “Dear mom and dad, I love you, but we will communicate in a way that is convenient for me. I don’t want to listen to criticism of myself, I don’t want to be told in front of my children what I’m doing wrong. If you want us to have normal relations, you will have to take this into account.” But in order to do this, you need to have a strong character, not feel afraid that they will now be offended, and this will end the relationship. When childhood fears come out, you again become an insecure person. If this is difficult for you, have these conversations with a psychologist.

    - To have high self-esteem, do you need to become a pathological egoist?

    M.L. A pathological egoist is the painful psychology of a very insecure person, fixated on his problems. People have a misconception about two neurotic disorders - egoism and narcissism. So, narcissists are not in love with themselves, and egoists are not at all self-confident people. Both of them don't really love themselves.

    Typical modern woman takes care of her appearance, builds a career, and devotes time to self-development. At the same time, he cannot find a person to live with. What's wrong with her? Why doesn't personal growth work?

    M.L. This is a violation of cause and effect relationships. If a woman develops, this does not entail the problem of loneliness. As they say, there is an elderberry in the garden, and there is a man in Kyiv.

    The fact that a woman takes care of herself is one story. But the fact that she is alone and not married is completely different. The reason lies in the fact that she has those problems because of which she does not get married. Many people see a self-confident woman, a businesswoman who has a high standard. Yes, she would sleep with a plumber with pleasure, she doesn’t have any high standards.

    She has very different problems - unhealthy relationship with men, internal conflict, unnatural behavior, shyness. There is also obvious low self-esteem here if she is constantly improving herself. Why this happens is a complex question that takes a long time to understand. Sometimes difficult relationships with father and mother can lead to the inability to build a relationship with a man. Severe family situations may turn her away from her family altogether. There are many options.

    - So the problem is not at all in the modern pace of life, but in the head and personal traumas?

    M.L. Yes. Here you can ask the following question: if the situation is so difficult, there are not enough men, then why did someone get married five times, and someone never?

    - What to do if, after failures and painful breakups Does the woman have apathy towards relationships?

    M.L. Apathy - this is how we talk about a certain state in everyday language. Psychologically, this is called asthenia - decreased vitality, loss of interests and joy, feelings of brightness in life, lack of motivation. Unfortunately, these symptoms indicate that if a person does not do anything, he will soon become depressed and will have to switch to antidepressants. Just imagine that you had a cold, but instead of lying at home, you walked in the snow, and then you would really start to have health problems. It's exactly the same here.

    So if a person is in constant apathy, this is a sign that he needs to go to a psychologist. Why is he apathetic? His psyche cannot cope with the load. For example, life doesn’t work out and a person begins to suffer, then this emotion ends up at the center of everything. Then resentment, feelings of injustice and self-pity become central.

    For many women, this is a continuation of a childhood psychological situation when they also suffered from loneliness.

    Attention, now there will be an answer to the question “Why am I not married?” Because “I experienced the same feelings as a child, when I was left alone, when I didn’t know whether my dad would pick me up from kindergarten or whether he would return home, whether my mother needed me and whether she loved me.” These feelings haunt a person all his life, and when something doesn’t work out, they come out. It’s just that the person was 5 years old then, and now—30. And asthenia arises from despair, loss of faith that you can change something, find a man, get married, etc. This is a direct route to a psychologist.

    Agree, our people are not yet accustomed to going to psychologists; they believe that such problems can be solved on their own.

    M.L. Do you know what a woman hopes for when she talks about her strength? Now some prince will appear and solve all the problems. That's why the famous one is so popular.

    By the way, these actors starred in another film called “Runaway Bride.” In it, the main character disrupted the wedding four times, changing her decision at the very last moment. Why do such situations happen?

    M.L. Many women think in their heads that, but when it comes to it, they jump off. But they don’t do this before the wedding, as in the film, but walk away from the relationship itself. They are generally afraid of them.

    - How to stop being afraid of relationships?

    M.L. You need to understand the reason for fear. Usually everything is simple - you were already betrayed in childhood, abandoned. For example, a child thought he was moving to a new apartment, but it turned out that he stayed with his grandmother, and his mother went to work in another country or to arrange her personal life. Now the person is afraid that they will do this to him again.

    But this is an unconscious level. In his thoughts, a person thinks differently: “Oh, I don’t like him, there’s something wrong with him, before he seemed different to me.” In short, there are different prepositions.

    Would you like me to tell you how women who are afraid of sex get out of relationships? It seems funny, but in fact they have psychological trauma from childhood. They reason as follows: sex will only be for love, but I don’t love anyone, so I can’t have sex. That’s why many women prefer relationships with “sea captains”— men who live in other cities, countries, or are married.

    - What to do if a man doesn’t want to get married?

    M.L. Just ask yourself the question: “Why am I dating a man who does not want to marry me? Why am I wasting my time? Here it would be correct to say to him: “It’s a pity that you don’t want to marry me, goodbye, good luck to you.”

    - What about feelings?

    M.L. These are the feelings of a masochist. A person who loves someone who does not love him is a masochist. That is, I want to have a family with you, but you don’t want to be with me, but I love you. What is so good about it? Nothing.

    - Why do some women demand 24-hour commitment from their partner? What's wrong with them?

    M.L. These are flawed stories when a woman is preoccupied with marriage. There are two problems here. The first is that the woman was completely screwed with her parents, and she was generally focused on relationships, which became the meaning of life for her. Such a woman can be successful, but if she does not have a relationship, she does not live, but vegetates. U healthy woman, like a man, relationships with a partner play some specific role in life, but no more than work, children, parents.

    In a healthy situation, a woman wants to fall in love, enter into a relationship, start living together. Then she will be ready for children, and at that moment she will say: “I want a family.” This is the normal chronology. Do not strive to get married at any cost, but want to have a person in your life with whom you want to start a family. Feel the difference. The man himself will be unpleasant from the fact that he is simply being used.

    - How can women understand a man? Is our thinking really so radically different from men's?

    M.L. I answer as a psychologist - the only man who makes sense to understand is a son, if you have one. You don’t need to understand your husband, you are not his mother. There is no need to guess what is in his head, think about yourself and your desires. This is the behavior of confident people.

    Those who are insecure read blizzards like “Men are from Mars, women are from Venus.” They just can’t meet a man, so they try to study the subject, thinking: “Now I’ll understand what their psychology is, and it will be easier for me to find a man.”

    This is the behavior of a victim who is trying to fit in and please. Let better man thinks about what's in your head.

    Your words that you don’t need to work on relationships are a break in the pattern for many. What then is the secret of happiness? married life, if not in constant work on both sides?

    M.L. The first is a healthy and stable psyche for both. This means that after 30 years family life you will love each other because you are predictable and healthy people. Secondly, each of you loves yourself. When you don't love yourself, the relationship turns out to be flawed.

    You can't love your husband if you don't love yourself. Everything is in that order. Otherwise, claims begin - the same as against oneself, but against one's neighbor.

    How can a person have a healthy psyche in the conditions of modern life? It sounds a little utopian, and circumstances often make things worse.

    M.L. The circumstances of life are in a person’s head. There was such a great psychologist Viktor Frankl, during the war he became a prisoner of a concentration camp. This place did not affect him, he was as cheerful as he was and left there. And not in the sense that Frankl became happy because he survived. He has such a strong psyche that they did not break him there; after his release from the concentration camp, he still preached joy to everyone. That’s why it’s funny to hear about difficult living conditions now.

    - Agree. But against the background of economic and political events, let’s say, there are more nervous people than healthy ones.

    M.L. Yes, but they are not nervous because of problems with the economy. And because their anxieties and fears must be housed somewhere.

    - How to deal with your head in order to clear it of “garbage” and prepare yourself for a relationship?

    M.L. First, you need to stop being afraid of relationships and be prepared for the fact that they can have two scenarios: everything will work out or it won’t work out.

    Think like this: “It may work out well, it may not work out. But I’m not afraid of it and I don’t avoid relationships.”

    Secondly, do not be afraid of men and behave naturally with them. Do not try to please or impress, dissolve in a person or please him, like “if only they would take me.” Nobody likes such altars; they are often abandoned. But a confident woman keeps men on their toes. They don’t leave someone like that and don’t change someone like that because they’re afraid of losing it.

    Mikhail, you give interesting and understandable advice, but can it really work for everyone? Why then go to consultations with psychologists?

    M.L. Look, the advice “it’s better to be healthy and rich than poor and sick” is universal, right? Individual consultations cost big money, and by coming to my lecture you will pay a hundred times less, but will get a similar opportunity to hear about the problem. There are general principles of psychology, they are absolutely universal and they really work for everyone.

    Every day I receive dozens of letters, I have almost 90 thousand subscribers on Facebook, so I have feedback and can say that in practice the advice works. For example, if you can't stand bad attitude to yourself and leave without fear of being left alone, then this is a universal rule of happiness.

    It is impossible to harm yourself with the advice of a psychologist. I myself try to live by my own rules, and don’t tell people one thing and act differently. And my life changed in better side, and strongly. I have been working for 35 years, sooner or later this had to happen. I can’t say that I have become completely harmonious, but I do have a feeling of joy from life in the morning.

    - Then tell us a secret - how to learn to experience a feeling of joy in the morning?

    M.L. Don't compromise, try to live the way you want. Don't do what you don't like. Don't be afraid to be alone, don't be afraid to be left without money. Fears destroy people - they are the ones who poison life.

    How to change your life: motivation from Labkovsky

    How to become happy in next year- 5 tips from Mikhail Labkovsky in motivational pictures that will help change your life. Save them to yourself in social networks so as not to lose and at any moment remind yourself of the important.

    September 28, 2016

    Mikhail Labkovsky can be called brilliant family psychologist, who managed to change the idea of ​​both psychologists and their lectures. Now he is not only a practicing psychologist, but also a lawyer, radio and television presenter. Labkovsky has 30 years of practical experience, including considerable experience in foreign psychological practice. We invite you to familiarize yourself with the information on the topic "Mikhail Labkovsky. Biography, professional activities, his rules and advice."

    Career stages

    Born on June 17, 1961, Mikhail Labkovsky. His biography, naturally, primarily tells about education. Mikhail studied at Moscow State University. Lomonosov, graduated from the Faculty of Psychology with a specialization in “General, age and family psychology"In addition, Labkovsky also received a legal education and specialized in family law.

    At one time, M. Labkovsky had a hard time becoming who he is at the moment. He began his professional career by working at school, first as a simple teacher, then as a school psychologist. Despite his very effective advice regarding family and children, very, very little is known about the psychotherapist himself. Who is he, Mikhail Labkovsky? Family, children, biography - all this may be of interest to potential clients. The description of a psychologist’s life path includes only data about studies and work. From various sources and his personal interviews it is known that he loves animals. He has a cat at home, which he sometimes talks about too. As for personal information, this is not so important point, about which you should talk and spend time on it. This is all Mikhail Labkovsky. His biography briefly tells about the important things.

    Video on the topic

    Professional development of M.A. Labkovsky

    The life of a famous psychologist develops in such a way that he ends up abroad. As Mikhail Labkovsky himself says in his interviews, his biography also includes life in Israel. For some time he stayed in Jerusalem, where he worked and studied at the same time. It was there that Mikhail received his second doctorate in psychology. Labkovsky's work in Israel was directly related to his specialty. For some time, Mikhail acted as a mediator between spouses who were divorcing their marriage, dividing property and children. This was a special experience, because M. Labkovsky thus acquired the practice of negotiating at the Family Mediation Service. He very much regrets that such a service has not appeared in Russia until today. Mikhail was also one of the staff psychologists at the Jerusalem mayor's office, working with teenagers who were serving time in juvenile detention centers.

    Returning to Moscow, Mikhail Labkovsky, a psychologist, opens his own consultation on family issues. This is where he holds individual and group meetings. His consulting service deals with many family issues: marriage contracts, problems with divorce, as well as problems related to children. Mikhail Labkovsky is also the author of many publications.

    Radio work and online activity

    Another stage in the life of a famous psychotherapist is very interesting and creative. Mikhail Labkovsky is a psychologist who has acted as a presenter on various FM radio stations for eight years. In 2004, Labkovsky launched his interactive weekly program called “Adults about Adults,” which airs on Ekho Moskvy. She appeared on the air every Saturday, and for a whole hour Labkovsky answered questions from radio listeners that related to family problems and human relationships. Another program hosted by a psychologist on this radio station was “Mikhail Labkovsky’s Night Program.” It appeared late on Sundays and discussed sensitive issues: “Everything you wanted to know about sex and weren’t afraid to ask.” Mikhail conducted these night broadcasts with his permanent co-host, sound engineer and editor, Natalya Kuzmina. Together they created a unique confidential conversation. Both programs were very popular, but this did not stop them from being broadcast, which was greatly regretted by both the author and his listeners. In 2013, the program “For Adults about Adults” began broadcasting on online TV on “Setivizor” in the fall. And in 2016, Labkovsky began working at the Silver Rain radio station, where he currently works. In addition, the famous psychologist gives many public lectures and appears on the “Rules of Life” program on the “Culture” TV channel. In addition, you can contact the popular psychotherapist Labkovsky on various social networks, which he also actively uses in his work.

    Mikhail Labkovsky. Books, publications, lectures and consultations

    This famous family psychologist does not tell theory, he gives effective practical advice. Therefore, his lectures and publications are somewhat unique. He completely changed the idea of ​​a lecture as such. Mikhail Labkovsky is a psychologist who does not talk about a given topic: he clearly answers the questions posed, often asks in such a way that a person sees a solution to his problem. Mikhail Labkovsky has prepared many interesting publications; his lectures and consultations are popular, many of which have been published in the form of audio books. These are interesting dialogues that people listen to in one breath, take a lot of necessary information from them and effective advice. There are some among them who are considered the best. Mikhail Labkovsky published books:

    • “About feelings of guilt and shame”;
    • "About getting married";
    • "About children."

    The famous psychologist is also the author of six rules, which he voices at almost every lecture. Labkovsky claims that people with high self-esteem, who love and accept themselves as they are, will consciously or unconsciously adhere to these rules.

    1. Do only what you like.

    2. Don’t do what you don’t want.

    3. Talk right away about what you don’t like.

    4. Don't answer when you're not asked.

    5. Answer only the question asked.

    6. When sorting out relationships, talk exclusively about yourself.

    Labkovsky is a professional psychologist, and, in his opinion, you need to start solving any problem with yourself. And all the reasons must also be sought only in oneself. And change will only begin with your own actions. And nothing else.

    The popular psychologist was born in 1961, on June 17. According to Mikhail himself, his life in his childhood was marred by attention deficit disorder and hyperactivity. Because of these character traits, he became almost uncontrollable. It was also difficult with training. Not only the parents suffered, but also the boy himself. He simply was not able to achieve his goals, to bring things to an end.


    It is the presence psychological problems became a decisive factor in Mikhail’s biography. He decided to study psychology in order to deal with the negative manifestations of his own character. However, before entering the relevant institute, he worked in a variety of fields. The very first workplace- zoo. He got a job there at the age of 14 after he was not hired at a plant producing containers for alcoholic beverages. At the zoo, a guy looked after small animals.

    While receiving his education, the young man had to work as a janitor in kindergarten. It was at this time that Mikhail began to observe the relationships that develop between parents and children.

    Psychologist career

    After receiving a diploma in psychology, Mikhail Labkovsky began working at school as a regular teacher. Then he began to work in his specialty. At the age of 28, he decided to move with his family to Israel, where he received a second degree in psychology. Worked as a consultant. His clients were usually couples who were on the verge of divorce. He also advised troubled teenagers at the capital’s mayor’s office.

    After some time, Mikhail decided to return to Moscow, where he began working as a family psychologist. He helped to understand issues of raising children and self-development. Mikhail was not only engaged in private practice. He also gave lectures. Usually current issues considered, citing examples from life. The main feature of the seminars was that they were held in a communication mode. The psychologist was asked questions, and he answered them.

    Over the course of his work, Mikhail has developed several universal rules. He claims that they will help achieve happiness and get rid of problems. The recommendations on which Mikhail Labkovsky’s method is based are as follows:

    1. you need to do only what you want;
    2. you don’t have to do what you don’t want;
    3. if you don’t like something, you need to talk about it right away;
    4. You only need to answer the question;
    5. if there is no question, then there is no need to answer;
    6. During a showdown, you need to talk only about yourself.

    Since 2004, Labkovsky has been hosting a program on radio “Echo of Moscow” called “For adults about adults.” Usually considers family problems and gender issues. After some time, the program began to air on the “Silver Rain” radio station. He often appears on the “Culture” TV channel and writes a column on the “Snob” website. There is an official portal on which Mikhail regularly publishes articles.

    In 2017, the book “I Want and I Will” was published. It has become quite popular among numerous readers. Mikhail helps you figure out how to become happy, find your soulmate and find harmony. In 2018, he became the host of the TV show “Supermom”, which airs on “STS”.

    Personal life

    The popular psychologist does not like to talk about his life. According to him, with professional activity it is not connected, therefore there is no need to talk about it. However, it is still known that he was married. The relationship did not work out, and the marriage eventually broke up. Between ex-spouses preserved friendly relations. Mikhail even said that his wife consulted with him about a new partner.

    Mikhail has a daughter. Her name is Dasha. More than once the psychologist reported that he was not a model father. For a long time he was too critical of the child. His excessive demands led to Daria simply joining the army. After the service, my relationship with my father improved and trust emerged. On modern stage the girl is married. Together with her father they create their own clothing line. You can purchase products on the official website of the psychologist.

    “Who are you?”, “What are you?”, “Your personality - what does it consist of?” - I’m sure you’re used to reading psychological literature and reflecting, which means you can calmly answer these questions without going into reasoning. Each of us consists of experience, self-identification, our own past, talents...

    All this is understandable. But not least on this list are “personalized problems”: complexes, fears, phobias, behavioral characteristics or even shortcomings such as aggressiveness or indecisiveness.

    Are they also part of our personality or not? Let's figure it out.

    Portrait of the artist as a youth

    Many of us are convinced that personality is shaped by circumstances. Failures, pain, losses - all of them are imprinted on our “I” and create what we like to call character. Fans of Freudianism and psychoanalysis in general will not fail to add upbringing, trauma, and all kinds of parental mistakes to the list. And you probably can’t argue with this. But the question remains open: is it worth living with this as an obligatory part of yourself? To exist without going beyond the “set parameters”, the destruction of which takes years of therapy?..

    Everyone answers this question themselves.

    There is no point in looking for those to blame. Parents? Firstly, they are who they are, they haven’t read columns in psychological magazines

    Personally, I am sure that a person comes into this world for happiness and joy. Read for life itself. As a baby, he is trusting, open, capable of love, and self-confident. But then he grows, and things happen to him... actually, life happens. There they said the wrong thing, here they compared it with the wrong thing, here he made a mistake - and so on, and so on.

    And there is no point in looking for those to blame. Parents? Firstly, they are who they are, they haven’t read columns in psychological magazines, they haven’t gone to therapy. Secondly, they could want the best, but due to their own anxiety, which they tried not to demonstrate so as not to cripple your psyche, they did not give you love, and you grew up as a restless person.

    It could also happen that the parents had to leave the baby in the hospital for some time. There they performed unpleasant medical procedures on him with the best intentions to save his life and maintain his health, but in the end his parents took the little neurotic back home.

    There is no one to blame

    For clarity, let's imagine twins. One was bitten by a dog as a child, and the other, let’s say, licked him, joyfully wagging his tail. One was scared for life, the other became attached to four-legged animals. I am sure that such “biographical imprints” do not shape character at all, but a kind of, so to speak, “illness.” Something like a rash on the face, under which the true color of your skin is not visible. And if one day you decide for yourself that you want to finally get rid of it, doing so is quite possible.

    Just imagine: you can take it and start living. Not to exist, not to survive, not to adapt. Don’t look around fearfully, lest something happen. Don’t stop yourself: what can I do with my abilities? And just do what you like.

    Build relationships that bring pleasure, work where you are comfortable, where you are “in your place,” do what you like, get as much as you need. And I am convinced: to achieve this, it is not necessary to open up the past and remember all the dogs that have ever barked. I suggest something else: learn right now to exist as a healthy person without pain and problems.

    Start listening to yourself today, now

    How to do it? Start by asking yourself what you want for breakfast to figure out your taste preferences. Ask the question: “If I don’t feel like going to work again, am I doing what I’ve always dreamed of?”

    You can learn to build happy relationship only thanks to the ability to tear those that do not bring you joy. You can start doing what you love by simply learning to identify what you really like, and what you do because it is prestigious, financial, or personnel officers say that this area will be on the rise.

    Start listening to yourself today, now. Your inner voice, opinion, desires and preferences are the only thing you have. This is your life - live it the way you want.

    Mikhail Labkovsky is a top-class psychologist with 30 years of experience and 20 years of experience in live radio and television broadcasting. This is the experience of an instant response to a question and the ability to make a diagnosis without a multi-hour appointment. This has allowed many to change their lives for the better.
    His programs always have the highest ratings, and his lectures in Moscow and London are crowded and sold out.
    With his speeches, Mikhail Labkovsky changed ideas about both psychologists and lectures. It would be more accurate to call them public consultations. This is a unique genre that does not involve lecturer monologues, canonical text and homework.

    Public consultations are more like a virtuoso simultaneous game session, when a psychologist consults one patient after another. And this is always a brilliant improvisation, an exact fit into the logic of the moment, humor, many examples from life, including from our own and the lives of the stars... And everything becomes clear! About them and about myself.
    Labkovsky refuses to speak “theoretically” and prefers to give practical advice. Moreover, advice specifically for your situation. He does not talk for a long time, even on the topic stated in the title of the lecture, but answers questions. In addition, he himself asks them to his listeners. And these are the kinds of questions, by answering which a person understands what his problem is. And how to deal with it.
    Mikhail Labkovsky’s method is good because it allows you to solve long-standing personal and family problems without “surgical” intervention in them. Allows you to change without breaking yourself. Allows you to feel the taste of life - without large investments.

    Labkovsky is distinguished by the fact that he himself lives in strict accordance with his rule “not to do what you don’t want” and clearly enjoys life. It wasn't always like this, and he doesn't hide it. He says directly: “when I took the path of correction...” The very personality of the psychologist is shining example how you can heal and what you can achieve if you cope with your complexes.


    A practicing psychologist with 30 years of experience, and for the last 20 years he has also been a television and radio presenter. Born in Moscow, he entered the psychology department in the hope of solving his own problems, learned to solve them, and realized that he could make money from this. He was a teacher and school psychologist, including at the famous school (now 1543) about which Sergei Solovyov made the film “Tender Age”. Lived, studied and worked in Israel. I received a second degree there in psychology. In Jerusalem, he was engaged in negotiations between spouses who are divorcing and at the same time dividing children and property (specialty - Family Mediation Service - mediator). At the Jerusalem mayor's office he was a psychologist for the service troubled teenagers. In addition, he worked as a private psychologist.
    In Moscow, she runs her own consultation and practices individual, group, and family therapy. For eight years he hosted the program “Adults about Adults” on the radio station “Echo of Moscow”. Now he performs in “Rules of Life” (channel “Culture”) and on radio “Silver Rain”, talks about relationships with men and women, with parents and children, about self-love, addictions, jealousy, self-esteem...
    I am absolutely sure that you need to live in such a way that it is pleasant; and to make it pleasant, you need to do only what you want, and what you don’t want, don’t do it! And he lives like that himself.

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