• What test to take to determine pregnancy. Jet pregnancy test. Pregnancy tests FRAUTEST


    At the first symptoms of pregnancy, a woman rushes to the pharmacy to conduct a diagnostic test. Sometimes his purchase is very disappointing. The product does not meet the stated characteristics and causes distrust in strips of this kind.

    There are several types of tests to determine pregnancy:

    1. Test strip. The most accessible remedy, which should be used early in the morning by dipping the test strip into the urine.
    2. Jet. It is brought under a stream of urine for a few seconds and laid out on a horizontal surface.
    3. Tablet. Cheaper than the inkjet version, but more accurate than strips. Using a pipette, you need to drop a little urine into a special window.
    4. Digital. Has the same principle as the test strip. The result appears on the screen. If the result is positive, the number of weeks since conception is displayed.

    Choosing the best test is quite difficult: some are overpriced, others do not always give reliable result. Everyone chooses what is convenient for them. Some people like inkjet tests, others are sure that tablet options are of better quality. A rating based on the following criteria will help you make the right purchase:

    • harmonious ratio of quality and price;
    • accurate information;
    • ease of use.

    The main thing is to use the diagnostic strip correctly and follow the instructions.

    There are contraindications. Consult your doctor.

    The best early pregnancy tests

    For many centuries, women were finally convinced that they were pregnant only by feeling the movement of the fetus. Modern ladies are not able to wait that long, and there is no need to do it. Pregnancy tests allow you to verify its presence literally in the first days of the delay (manufacturers claim that it was earlier, but you shouldn’t believe this; we’ll tell you why a little later). We offer two of the best tests to determine pregnancy on early stages.

    2 Clearblue Digital

    The most high-tech
    Country: Switzerland
    Average price: 350 rub.
    Rating (2018): 4.6

    This test is supposed to be able to detect pregnancy 5 days before a possible delay. Why is this nothing more than a marketing ploy (as we said when describing the leader of our rating). In the same way, one should be skeptical about the fact that the test is supposedly capable of determining the gestational age. The increase in human chorionic gonadtropin both in the blood and in the urine is an individual process and depends on many factors, including the drinking regime. Therefore, you should not blindly trust the numbers in the window. But if you don’t place unjustified expectations on it in the early stages, the test is quite easy to use. There is no need to collect urine in a container, just place the test under the stream. The digital screen shows the presence or absence of pregnancy, its estimated duration (as we have already said, the numbers are very approximate) and, most conveniently, the data is stored for 24 hours, whereas with conventional paper tests they often disappear.

    How and when is the best time to take a pregnancy test?

    • no matter what the manufacturers promise, trying to test for pregnancy before the expected menstruation is pointless: there is a high probability of a false negative result;
    • the highest concentration of hormones is in the first morning portion of urine;
    • Despite the fact that the principle of operation of all tests is the same, there are nuances in the procedure itself: read the instructions carefully;
    • do not delay visiting your doctor if the result is positive: whatever your future intentions, a positive test in itself does not protect against ectopic pregnancy and other possible complications.

    1 Frautest Express Ultra sensitive

    Best economy
    Country: Germany
    Average price: 80 rub.
    Rating (2018): 4.8

    The manufacturer claims that the test is able to determine pregnancy two days before the expected delay, due to its high sensitivity to minimal concentrations of human chorionic gonadotropin. Doctors and pharmacists agree that this is a marketing ploy. And that's why.

    As you know, the menstrual cycle is counted starting from the first day of menstruation. On average, with a 28-day cycle, ovulation occurs on days 14-15, that is, 2 weeks before the delay. The egg remains fertilized for 3 days. After this, it travels through the fallopian tube into the uterine cavity for another 6 to 8 days before implantation occurs. That is, the production of chorionic gonadotropin will begin no earlier than 6-8 days after fertilization, but if you count from the day of ovulation - on 6-11 days. But it's just beginning! In order for the test to “feel” the hormone, its amount in the urine must reach a certain concentration. For Frautest it is 15 mIU/ml. The level of the hormone grows differently for everyone, but, on average, it takes a week to reach such numbers. In total, we have a range from 13 to 18 days after ovulation, which does not fit into the “two days before the expected delay” indicated by the manufacturer.

    Nevertheless, marketing is marketing, but the test is inexpensive and quite accurate, judging by the reviews - unless, of course, you expect the impossible from it. Made in a traditional format paper strip with indicators, which you need to dip into a urine sample and wait for the result. Ranked for best efficiency.

    The best reliable pregnancy tests

    These tests do not claim to be “ultrasensitive” - most of them are designed for a fairly high concentration of human chorionic gonadotropin of 25 mIU/ml. But they accurately and confidently diagnose pregnancy at the time for which they are intended: from the very first days of the delay. And this accuracy is confirmed by numerous reviews.


    The best ratio of price and quality
    Country: Canada
    Average price: 50 rub.
    Rating (2018): 4.6

    Another cassette pregnancy test that comes with a pipette. To carry out the test, you need to add 4 drops of urine into a special window. The result can be assessed in just a minute. Like all tests in this category of our rating, KNOW NOW OPTIMA does not promise results at very early stages, but is stable and accurate: we could not find any negative feedback. And given the quite humane price, the test is rightfully included in the rating for the best combination of price and quality.

    2 Premium Diagnostics

    The most comfortable
    Country: China
    Average price: 180 rub.
    Rating (2018): 4.6

    The jet test is very convenient to use: you don’t need to look for a container to collect urine, just place the edge of the test under the stream. The result appears within 1-2 minutes. The result is displayed in a separate window; there is no need to guess “one or two stripes”. Among the reviews there are complaints about false negative results, but these are noted by those who tried to carry out the test without waiting for the delay. In general, the test is rated not only for accuracy, but also for ease of use.

    Why are there false results?

    • False negative result happens if the test is done too early. Sometimes the required level of hormones is achieved only 2 weeks after the delay.
    • False positive result possible with ovarian dysfunction or spontaneously terminated pregnancy in the early stages. Yes, defective implantation ovum happens quite often and in “pre-test” times no one would have noticed it: there was a delay and it went away. Another one possible reason: expired test.

    1 Evitest Proof

    Better accuracy
    Country: Germany
    Average price: 200 rub.
    Rating (2018): 4.7

    Cassette pregnancy test, in which the strip itself with the reagents is enclosed in a plastic cassette. A pipette is included with the test; it is believed that the result will be more accurate if the sample is applied to the test accurately and precisely. Reviews on how convenient it is to use such a test were divided approximately in half: for some, additional manipulations with the pipette seemed like an unnecessary inconvenience, for others, on the contrary. After 4-5 minutes you can evaluate the result, but you cannot wait more than 10 minutes. But there are practically no complaints about the unreliability of the results. That is why the test ranks among the best reliable pregnancy tests in our ranking.

    The best tests when planning pregnancy

    Someone is lucky: the desired pregnancy occurs literally on the first try, causing even slight bewilderment: how, already? For some, the path to the long-awaited “two stripes” is long and difficult, and they have to use everything possible ways Find out your ovulation time to increase your chances. It is these couples who may benefit from pregnancy planning tests, which essentially determine the time of ovulation when the chances of getting pregnant are highest.

    2 Ovuplan

    Determination of ovulation
    Country: Canada
    Average price: 195 ₽
    Rating (2018): 4.7

    This is a routine test that determines the days from more likely conception. It is produced by FIRM SALUTA LLC. It is used to monitor the effectiveness of treatment for infertility in women. Since using the test you can find out the favorable day for conceiving a baby, the manufacturer also suggests using it as a means of contraception. The set contains one or five strips packed in aluminum foil.

    To carry out diagnostics, you need to collect biological fluid according to the specified rules and lower the test strip for five seconds. The result can be seen in ten minutes. For one strip of Ovuplan you will have to pay about 60 rubles. It is more profitable to buy five tests in one package. They cost about 200 rubles.

    1 Frautest Planning

    Better convenience
    Country: Germany
    Average price: 450 rub.
    Rating (2018): 4.8

    In fact, this is a whole diagnostic kit: the package contains 5 tests for determining the time of ovulation, two pregnancy tests and 5 containers for collecting urine. And this is not “excess”: ovulation occurs stably on the 14th day of the cycle only in the literature, but in fact, the time of its onset can deviate by 1-3 days in one direction or another, so on the first attempt you can “get” to the day of ovulation not always. The test will be especially useful for ladies with an irregular cycle, when calculations are ineffective and, in principle, cannot be effective. Because the test manufacturers took care of everything, right down to the containers for collecting the analysis, the test is included in our rating of the best.

    The best pregnancy tests from Russian companies

    Not only foreign companies are producing analyzers to determine the fact of conception. The domestic pharmaceutical industry sells several diagnostic analyzers, presented in the form of strips and cassettes. The best of them deserve to be ranked.

    3 Biocard hCG

    Determination of conception before delay
    Country Russia
    Average price: 60 ₽
    Rating (2018): 4.5

    The Biocard hCG cassette test is produced by Dialat Ltd. It is an analyzer with a set of reagents and a convenient pipette. The product differs from other Russian rating participants in its high sensitivity. In reviews of BIOCARD hCG you can read that it detected the fact of fertilization even before the delay of menstruation.

    The advantages of the test also include quick results and ease of use. However, some girls do not like the need to collect urine and the appearance of dull stripes. The result can be assessed in five minutes.

    2 Faith

    Good quality
    Country Russia
    Average price: 37 ₽
    Rating (2018): 4.8

    The product is manufactured by the Russian company FM TRADE LLC. Buyers note that, despite the low cost, the strip itself is made with high quality and “does not fall apart in your hands.” You need to keep it in the urine fluid for thirty seconds, unlike other analyzers, where 10 seconds is enough. IN in this case The result is important, not the speed. As a result, the stripes clearly appear on the strip, and the final results are often accurate.

    Many young ladies who later confirmed their pregnancy with a gynecologist say that Vera’s test showed them two clear stripes. One of the disadvantages is that the product is not always on sale.

    1 Be confident

    High popularity
    Country Russia
    Average price: 38 ₽
    Rating (2018): 4.9

    This is one of the most popular tests among Russian girls, produced by MED-EXPRESS-DIAGNOSTICS LLC. The strip strip shows accurate results due to the hypersensitivity of the chorionic tissue in the biological fluid to the hormone. It is dipped into a portion of urine and held according to the instructions. The result is assessed in a few minutes. The appearance of a control line indicates that the analyzer is suitable for use.

    The product has all the necessary certificates of conformity according to GOST. Its price is perhaps the lowest of all the brands presented. The test is also available in inkjet form. Diagnosis can be made from the first day of missed menstruation.

    Every sexually active woman probably knows what a pregnancy test is.. After all, it is to his help that we resort if we suddenly understand that critical days They don't start for a suspiciously long time. And then, with bated breath, we wait for the result that the test will show to find out whether it is pregnancy or a delay due to other reasons. We will talk about the principle of operation of pregnancy tests and how much you can trust them in our material today.

    How the test works

    To begin with, we would like to introduce you to a hormone with a proud and unpronounceable name - it is secreted by the placenta during pregnancy, and is usually called abbreviated as hCG or simply pregnancy hormone.

    This amazing hormone begins to be intensively produced by the female body precisely when the fertilized egg is implanted in the uterus, that is, from the first hours. Every day its level rises, for example, by the fifth day of pregnancy it ranges from 25 to 50 mIU/ml, by the 4th week its level is already about 3000 mIU/ml. and higher, and at 8 - 10 weeks it reaches a maximum of 200,000 -270,000 mIU/ml. Impressive, right?

    Exactly on the presence of this specific hormone in the urine or blood and pregnancy tests react. Test manufacturers guarantee that pregnancy can be determined from the first day of delay, but this statement is not always true. On early , up to 4-5 weeks, there is a fairly high probability that the pregnancy test will show unreliable result due to insufficient quantity hCG hormone.

    The most accurate test results will be approximately on the seventh day delays after the expected start date of menstruation. To this moment hCG level will already grow to the required level, which will allow you to avoid mistakes.

    What tests are there?

    Pregnancy tests available today check hCG hormone levels in the blood and urine . With tests that check pregnancy based on level of hCG hormone in urine , most likely you are already familiar, because they can often be seen in pharmacies, and they are divided into several varieties : test strips, tablet, inkjet and electronic.

    Test strips fairly inexpensive types of tests, and they are also absolutely easy to use. To get the result, just open the package, immerse the test strip in the urine to a certain mark for 5 seconds, lay the test horizontally, wait 5 minutes - the result is ready.

    Tablet tests have a more complex design: it looks like a small elongated box with windows, into one of which you need to drop a little urine using a pipette, and in the other you “read” the answer. The design of the test does not allow the technology of its implementation to be disrupted, which increases the reliability of the result.

    Jet test for pregnancy consists of a cassette with a cap and holder. The method of using the jet test is also quite simple: remove the cap, place the cassette under the stream of urine for 5 seconds, and then put the cap back on. These test systems belong to the third generation tests and are by far the most reliable. Their fundamental difference from other tests is a more complex device and high sensitivity, which makes it possible to detect pregnancy even with a very low level of hCG.

    Electronic test pregnancy test works on the principle of a jet test, only the result is visible not in a window, but on an electronic display. The test is quite accurate, but it has a fairly high price. The result is stored on the electronic pregnancy test screen for a day.

    The tests differ in design, ease of use and, of course, pricing policy, but they all work based on the same principle - measuring the hCG hormone in urine.

    hCG test showed a certain result, but you have doubts about its reliability? In this case, consult a doctor who will prescribe a test to determine pregnancy. blood test for hCG . What’s interesting is that a blood test can detect the hCG hormone earlier than a urine test and answer the question of pregnancy already 6-8 days after ovulation; the test is also very reliable.

    Blood for the test is taken from a vein; it is best to take the hCG test in the morning, and strictly on an empty stomach. If you take a blood test for pregnancy at another time, then at least 4-6 hours should pass after your last meal. Be sure to tell your doctor or nurse if you are taking any hormonal medications.

    Possible error?

    Of course, if we look at the test results and are really waiting (or not, the cases are different) for the coveted two stripes, it will be a shame if the test turns out to be erroneous. Test results may be false positive - when a test shows that you are pregnant, but in fact this is not the case, and false negative - when the test shows that you are not pregnant, but all the symptoms of pregnancy are present. Let's find out the main reasons why a pregnancy test may show false information.

    Too early . When taking a pregnancy test, it is better to adhere to the old wisdom that you should hurry slowly, and remember that when too early use test , the result may be false negative. Reason: The amount of hCG hormone in your urine is not yet sufficient to be diagnosed by this type of test.

    Popova Tatyana Alekseevna, obstetrician-gynecologist, endocrinologist says: “You should take a pregnancy test no earlier than 2-3 weeks after conception. Previously, an accurate diagnosis could only be made by donating blood for hCG.”

    Poor quality pregnancy test . A pregnancy test can give an erroneous result if it is expired, so when buying it at a pharmacy, carefully study the date of manufacture, storage conditions and expiration date. It is also possible that the test was stored under conditions that compromised its quality.

    Incorrect use. Before performing the test, be sure to read the instructions carefully and follow them strictly. Pay attention to the specifics of the test, for example, how long you need to keep the test strip in the urine or if it is a jet test, then you must keep it under the stream. To perform the test, use only morning urine and a sterile container; the accuracy of the test may be affected by residual soap or detergent.

    Stepanenko Tatyana Viktorovna , pharmacist says : “On the shelves of our pharmacies big choice pregnancy tests, and it happens that customers complain that this or that test “didn’t work.” But when you ask about the problem in more detail, it turns out that you didn’t read the instructions or were careless and did something wrong. Although the instructions are very clear. I can’t remember any complaints about any specific tests from individual manufacturers that they do a bad job.”

    Taking medications . A pregnancy test may show a false positive result if you are taking certain medications. Such medications include hormonal drugs, anticonvulsants, tranquilizers, diuretics, drugs for the treatment of Parkinson's disease.

    Risk of miscarriage . If there is a threat of miscarriage, a pregnancy test may show an erroneous, false negative result. Sometimes, a negative pregnancy test result is the first sign of a miscarriage, and if you have others warning signs, such as bleeding or pain in the lower abdomen, consult a doctor immediately.

    Diseases . A false positive pregnancy test can occur if a woman has kidney pathology, tumor diseases, ovarian dysfunction, or the correct production of sex hormones is disrupted.

    Ectopic pregnancy . With the development of an ectopic pregnancy (attachment of the fertilized egg in the fallopian tube, cervix, abdominal cavity) the rapid test gives a false positive result, but may be questionable (pale second line) due to the low concentration of human chorionic gonadotropin. A pregnancy test does not detect an ectopic pregnancy because the egg is not fertilized in the uterus and the level of hCG in the body does not increase.

    Today, pregnancy tests are available in a wide range. There are several types of tests:

    • Strip tests: special strips that need to be dipped into a container with urine, the sensitivity threshold is 10-25 mIU/ml (the amount of hCG in 1 ml of urine).
    • Tablet: a plastic case in which there is a window with a substance sensitive to hCG. You need to add a few drops of urine into this window. Sensitivity threshold 10-25 mIU/ml.
    • Jet: do not require collecting urine into a separate container - a pregnancy test can be performed directly during urination, placing the analyzer under the stream. Sensitivity threshold from 10mIU/ml.
    • Electronic (digital): they have several varieties and can be intended for repeated use or determining the duration of pregnancy, etc.

    Each type of test has its own advantages and disadvantages. Now we’ll try to figure out which pregnancy tests are the best.

    Frautest Express Ultra sensitive

    Photo: frautest.ru

    The cost of a package with one strip test is about 85 rubles.

    The sensitivity of the Frautest express pregnancy test starts at 15 mMKU/ml and, according to the manufacturer, it can be used without waiting for a missed period, and even 2 days before the date when (possibly) the countdown from the “missed” first day of menstruation begins. The test results are determined 3-5 minutes after you remove the strip from the urine container.

    Flaws. The need to look for a container for urine, fill it, hold a strip test in it for 10 seconds and then think about how to dispose of the filled “container” is not entirely convenient when outside the home.

    Advantages This pregnancy test is easy to use and highly reliable results (up to 99%). Well, let’s not pretend that cost doesn’t matter. The affordable price is a huge plus.

    conclusions. One of the best pregnancy tests. A well-deserved rating of 10 out of 10.

    Reviews.“I have already bought a test from this company twice, or rather, this time my husband bought it, and it did not disappoint again. My opinion is that there is no need to buy expensive tests, even if they tend to show the number of weeks. This pregnancy test is reliable, It is sold in all pharmacies, it is convenient to use and attractive in price."

    Frautest Planning

    Photo: frautest.ru

    The cost of a set of 5 strip tests for determining ovulation, 2 for pregnancy and 7 disposable containers for collecting urine is about 380 rubles.

    Another “nominee” from the Hungarian company Human takes a leading position in the ranking of the best pregnancy tests. Frautest Planning is an excellent tool for women who are planning a pregnancy and want to verify the fact of its occurrence (or the need to continue trying) without leaving the cash register.

    The well-thought-out configuration of this strip kit allows you to cover the entire period from the probable start date of ovulation and “catch” the moment necessary for conception until pregnancy is determined (you can start checking 2 days before the expected day of delay). An added bonus is the disposable urine collection containers, which are easy to dispose of and allow you to take the test under any conditions.

    Flaws. The only drawback is the high cost. But this is only at first glance: the same set, but “scattered” into separate packages, will cost about 70 rubles more.

    conclusions. Best test for pregnancy for those who care not only about a healthy lifestyle from the first days of pregnancy, but also understand the importance of planning for this fateful moment. Well-deserved ten!

    Reviews. « I made big mistakes several times when I used ovulation tests and pregnancy tests from different manufacturers. The consequences were, to put it mildly, painful for my nervous system. 3 months after using Frautest for planning, I finally got on the right “schedule”. The result - in the fourth month, a pregnancy test confirmed that you can be happy. I highly recommend it - it’s expensive, but it’s reliable and doesn’t confuse you with false results.”

    Clearblue Digital

    Photo: www.thedrugstorelimited.com

    The cost of a package with 1 digital test is about 480 rubles.

    Advantages. If we take the percentage of accuracy with which the test determines the presence of pregnancy as a unit of quality, then Clearblue Digital sets the bar incredibly high: above 99%. One hundred percent accuracy is just around the corner, and this test is one of the most reliable today. But that's not all. In addition to the mark indicating the presence/absence of pregnancy (“+” - yes, “-” - no), a number will appear in the window indicating the duration of pregnancy in weeks. The format of the indicators corresponds to the range of 1-2 weeks, 2-3 weeks and more than three (the image “3+” will appear on the display). If conception does occur, then the accuracy of determining the due date, according to the manufacturer and research results, is 92%. Impressive, isn't it?

    If your period is delayed, the test can be used from the very first day of its expected start. But if “the wait is unbearable,” and the body persistently hints about your interesting position in other ways (for example, the desire to eat persimmons, having previously smeared them with toothpaste), then the test can be performed 4 days before the date of the likely delay.

    Flaws. Not everyone will consider determining the gestational age a necessary function. There will still be a visit to the doctor, an ultrasound examination and blood tests - all of this together will set the deadline even without a test. But let’s remember the “surprises” of pregnancy, which can calmly coexist with regular periods. In this case, it is often important for a woman to understand: what stage of pregnancy she is in, and whether she has enough time to contact antenatal clinic and registration. A classic example is a long business trip or business trip, when the dilemma of “dropping everything and going home versus still having time, you can wait” ruins all plans. So whether this is a drawback or not is up to you to decide.

    conclusions. Considering that the establishment exact date Without going to a doctor, not everyone is interested, but this function makes the price “bite”, so the rating is 9 out of 10.

    Reviews. “I felt something was wrong as soon as I arrived on vacation. With my floating and irregular monthly cycle, I assumed that I might not be in the early stages of pregnancy. The KLeablu test showed that I have been pregnant for more than three weeks. I limited myself to rides and other active entertainment, and when I returned a week later and went to the doctor, the period turned out to be already 6 weeks. The test didn’t disappoint.”

    Evitest Proof

    Photo: s5.stc.all.kpcdn.net

    The cost of a package with one tablet test is about 190 rubles.

    Advantages. The main advantage rather relates to the design of the test: the tablet model allows urine to be more evenly distributed over the surface of the substrate with the reagent, which, accordingly, increases the reliability of the results. The second plus is the “purity” of the results. It is impossible to touch the reagent, which is located in the recess of the window, with your fingers, even by accident, so possible contamination of the sample (not a fantastic event, by the way) is simply excluded.

    Flaws. You may feel like a professor in a chemistry laboratory who carefully and carefully introduces a special substance (urine) onto the surface of the test object (test) so that there is no explosion. Nothing will really explode except maybe your patience if you're nervous and your hands are shaking. Therefore, it is better to conduct “experiments” at home, where you can relax (or at least pretend) and finish what you started.

    conclusions. One of the best tablet pregnancy tests when it comes to the accuracy of the results. And this is the main reason why you decided to buy it, isn’t it? This means that giving it a rating of 10 out of 10 would be correct and fair.

    Reviews. « I was treated for infertility for a long time and used only this test. I don’t even know why - I was superstitiously afraid to change it for another. And 2 years later he showed a positive result for the first time! Positive and correct».

    Premium Diagnostics

    Photo: www.premiumdiagnostics.ru

    The cost of a package with one jet test is about 120 rubles.

    Advantages. A quick and accurate result (up to 99% - if the test is carried out after the first day of the delay), for which there is no need to collect urine - an excellent alternative to the “strip” traditions. At the same time, a control window is provided in the cassette, which represents the test. Regardless of whether the result is positive or not - if a red line appears in the control window - the test was carried out correctly.

    Flaws. The ability to perform a test without having to collect urine for someone would be very useful quality test, inconvenient for some. But, as they say, you won’t be nice to everyone - let’s not count this as a disadvantage.

    conclusions. An excellent pregnancy test that will fulfill its purpose in a cozy home environment, and in “hiking” conditions, when there is no time or opportunity to look for and fill a container for urine. In our opinion, 10 points is a well-deserved rating.

    Some passionately dream of having a child, while others realize with horror that an accidental mistake in the form of unprotected sexual intercourse can radically change their lives. Can help get rid of doubts early pregnancy test . The principle of operation of all products presented on pharmacy shelves is almost the same: they allow you to find out whether conception has occurred or not even before visiting a doctor. However, for the results to be correct, it is worth knowing the principle of operation of the product and how to carry it out correctly.

    Read in this article

    How does the test determine pregnancy?

    The best early pregnancy tests have increased sensitivity. Manufacturers use high-quality materials, so products cannot be too cheap.

    The main principle of action: due to the content of a unique substance on the strip that will interact with urine, the level of the hCG hormone is established. If conception has taken place, then the production of human chorionic gonadotropin increases even before the delay, which gives rise to the appearance of two stripes.

    It is worth noting that the results will be correct starting from 7-10 days after sex and provided that it coincides with the time of ovulation. After all, it is then that the fertilized egg attaches to the wall of the uterus. HCG begins to increase from this moment, increasing gradually every two days. Doctors also note that the maximum concentration of the hormone is observed on days 8-10, after which its level will decrease slightly. If a woman multiple pregnancy, then hCG will increase in proportion to the number of fetuses. It is worth noting that if there are problems (ectopic implantation of the fetus, threat of miscarriage), the hormone will be lowered.

    How and when to test to get an accurate result

    Previously, an early pregnancy test was carried out exclusively using morning urine. Reliable data could be obtained without leaving home. Now actively selling most early test for pregnancy , which is called jet. It allows you to conduct research at any time of the day.

    And yet, doctors recommend not to rush to find out the result, but to wait for your period. If the delay is more than three days, do an analysis. If you are still tormented by doubts, then how to determine early pregnancy The gynecologist knows for sure. He will examine the condition of the discharge, and also, with the help of additional tests, will accurately determine whether the long-awaited event has happened or not.

    Can the test show incorrect data?

    Sometimes it happens that a girl has everything, but the test is negative . Usually this is encountered by those who really want to quickly find out what is under the heart of a child. From the first days of delay, or even immediately after sex, they begin to feel all the main symptoms: the nipples became very sensitive, increased pain, and vomiting began in the morning. If these symptoms occur separately, then it is too early to talk about conception. For example, nausea and vomiting may indicate problems with the gastrointestinal tract. As for the delay, it also occurs due to inflammation of the appendages.

    The test is negative, but there is confidence in conception

    If you are sure that negative pregnancy test - nothing more than a mistake, visit a gynecologist. The doctor will be able to accurately determine whether it was possible to conceive a child. At a very early stage, for an accurate diagnosis of the condition, Ultrasound to determine pregnancy and a urine test for hCG hormone levels. Usually they guess about their interesting situation even before all the diagnostic methods confirm it for women who are not already pregnant for the first time.

    If you're wondering why doesn't the test show? long-awaited two flats, then either you spent it very early, incorrectly, or it is expired or of poor quality, or while you are wishful thinking. Erroneous readings can also occur if a woman has an irregular cycle, and she wants to see the result much earlier than the embryo has time to consolidate. For irregular cycles, it is recommended to use the express method only after menstruation is delayed for more than a week.

    Unfortunately, there are more unpleasant reasons, because of which pregnancy test before delay and after it it will stubbornly show a negative result, even though it was possible to conceive. The following can affect the erroneous indicator of the hCG hormone:

    The accuracy of the diagnosis can also be changed if diuretics were taken or a lot of liquid was drunk before the test. Wait a few days and test again. Or immediately visit a gynecologist to get a 100% accurate answer about your condition.

    False positive test

    Although the manufacturers claim that early pregnancy test accuracy is 99%, sometimes it turns out to be false positive. This situation occurs for various reasons, the main one of which is a violation of the amount of the hCG hormone under the influence of certain factors. These include:

    • oncological diseases;
    • the state of the body after spontaneous abortion or miscarriage;
    • when taking medications used to treat infertility;
    • others.

    In the presence of cancer, even in men, a test showing pregnancy in the early stages will be positive! If you are absolutely sure that the baby could not have been conceived this month, first rule out all the factors that give a false result, and then conduct the examination again or consult a doctor.

    Weak positive test

    It happens that express early pregnancy test will show one clear and second blurred stripe. This can happen if the product was not stored correctly (for example, without protective packaging) or if it has expired. We can also consider the situation when the test is positive, but there are no signs of pregnancy as a sign of conception. However, it has not yet been accurately identified because too little time has passed.

    How to properly conduct a rapid examination

    The reliability of the results will also be affected by external factors. To find out for sure whether it’s time to prepare to become a mother, you need to take the following steps:

    1. Inspect the packaging for damage.
    2. Check the expiration date of the product.
    3. Prepare a clean container and create conditions as close to sterile as possible.
    4. It is better to use morning urine, but if you have not had your period for a long time, then any time of day will do.
    5. Wash and dry your hands before starting the test.
    6. Take out the test strip and lower it to the indicated level.
    7. Place it on a dry towel or napkin.
    8. The result can be seen in one to three minutes.

    Types of tests, their pros and cons

    In a pharmacy, it’s quite easy to get lost among the offered product options. For clarity, all the positive and negative aspects of using various tests collected in the table:

    Type of test Positive characteristics Disadvantages of use
    Test strips (strip tests) - fabric or paper products, the surface of which is impregnated with a reagent
    • easy to use;
    • cheap and affordable (you can even buy them at a stall);
    • 3-5 minutes - and the result is ready.
    • low sensitivity, so it is recommended to use only morning urine;
    • inconvenience due to the need to use a container;
    • there is a high probability of an erroneous result if the time the strip remains in the urine is violated;
    • If the test is made of paper, then the likelihood of getting incorrect results is significantly higher.
    Plate tests are plastic boxes that contain test strips. Using the pipette included in the kit, a drop of urine is applied to one window, and the result is displayed in the second.
    • very sensitive;
    • the probability of detecting pregnancy is high;
    • modern;
    • aesthetically more attractive compared to a test strip;
    • no need to immerse in urine
    • relatively expensive;
    • urine will still have to be collected in a container so that it can be pipetted later
    Inkjet tests are modern products that look like a writing pen. It is based on a complex device with a fibrous rod, which is formed from tubules (through which the liquid rises to the part with the reagents).
    • will give the earliest and most accurate answer;
    • can be carried out at any time of the day or night;
    • does not need to be lowered into a container, it is placed under a stream of urine;
    • just a minute - and the exact result is ready.
    • high cost.
    Electronic tests - analogous to conventional strip strips
    • accurate and fast results;
    • the device itself will indicate readiness for analysis (an hourglass will appear before use);
    • You won’t be able to get a weakly positive answer - either a clear yes or no;
    • comfortable;
    • reliable;
    • easy to use;
    • retains the result throughout the day after use;
    • option misuse practically excluded
    • Expensive;
    • disposable;
    • as the manufacturer himself warns, if the test was done before the expected date of menstruation and was negative, it is recommended to repeat it on the first day of the menstrual cycle.

    When choosing among the entire assortment at the pharmacy, you should not settle on the cheapest option. The likelihood of obtaining an accurate result with such a product is low, since manufacturers save on important reagents. If the test shows two lines, but there are no other signs and conception is unlikely, this is a reason to consult a doctor and get examined. Indeed, in such a situation, pregnancy with pathologies and serious diseases that pose a threat to the health of the mother and child are possible.

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