• 40 weeks by month. Features of multiple pregnancy. How to speed up childbirth



    If you haven't had a baby yet, then 40 weeks pregnant may be that moment. Many women who have not given birth before this time begin to worry if they are overexposure to the fetus. But you should not worry, as the normal term of childbirth can be shifted by two weeks both forward and backward. By the end of the term, the uterus may slightly decrease in size. General inconveniences may occur during the last weeks of pregnancy: frequent urination, swelling (fluid retention), leg pain, varicose veins veins in the vagina, rectum and legs. Sleepless nights due to back pain.

    If you are in labour, make sure someone in your family is around. Throw away the excitement, calmness and only calmness !!! You have been through so much, endured and here is such a long-awaited moment. Please accept our sincere congratulations, the most beautiful and beloved man was born!!!


    A child with all his might at 40 weeks wants to be born! For frequent babies at birth, they have a weight of about 3.5 kg and a height of 51-53 cm. Most likely, the baby will be born head first and with a loud cry! Do not be surprised if the baby is born with irregular shape head, in primordial grease, gun residue and even meconium. Immediately after birth, the baby is waiting for the first test in his life - an Apgar score, which is done at the first and fifth minutes of life.

    So, we will take a look at:
    • Feelings of women in the 40th week
    • Wise signals of the harbingers of childbirth
    • Tests to be taken
    • How to behave if childbirth has begun

    Feelings of women at the 40th week.

    If you have not yet become a mother before this time, then this week you should try to enjoy the anticipation of the fact that in a week or a few days you will become at least two. Of course, you look at the calendar, worry, waiting for the date of the upcoming birth. But there is no reason to worry too much if the birth does not occur at the appointed time, it's just that your baby needs a little more time, errors in calculating the due date may have occurred. In any such case, you should definitely consult a doctor, he will coordinate your actions.

    Do not put off the final preparations for the appearance of the baby until going to the hospital, but if you suddenly didn’t have time to finish something, you should be ready by the arrival of the 40th week so that you don’t have to look for what you need a few days later when you devote all your time to the newborn .

    Of course, all diapers, undershirts, diapers, blankets should be ready, folded and in an easily accessible place so that when you feel the harbingers of childbirth, they can be quickly taken away with you.

    The 40th week of pregnancy is a time of rest and sleep, try to rest as much as possible, go to bed early, accumulating energy that will be useful to you during childbirth. You better avoid emotional breakdowns that can cause premature birth.

    During this period, many listen with fear to any movement in their stomach, because the 40th week of pregnancy is underway, it pulls in the lower abdomen and lower back, but do not be afraid when childbirth begins, you will not confuse it. Anyway, you should know about the harbingers of childbirth, they will give you a signal that it's time to give new life.

    Wise signals of the harbingers of childbirth.

    Harbingers of childbirth are signs that nature gives us. One woman may have all of these symptoms, while another may have some. The main thing is to listen to your body, it feels and wisely gives you these signals.

    Lowering of the abdomen. 40th week of pregnancy - the stomach drops, not only are you preparing to give birth, but your baby is also preparing for childbirth, sinking his head to the bottom of the uterus, because of this, the uterus presses on the kidneys and bladder, increasing the frequency of urination.

    The stool becomes more frequent and liquefies - do not worry, you are not poisoned, it is your body that cleans up to make it easier to give birth. The ligaments of the pelvis relax, which means that injuries during childbirth are minimized.

    Constant drawing pain in sacrum and lower back. I am 40 weeks pregnant, my lower back hurts, and this is normal, the spine feels a constant load, and the muscle ligaments relax.

    The appearance of nausea, vomiting and intestinal discomfort is one of the obvious precursors, it occurs a day before the expected birth, which means you need to pack your things.

    Lost appetite - and this is wonderful, which means that your weight will no longer increase, it will become easier to give birth, and even swelling can sleep.

    Discharge of mucus with blood clots - do not be afraid, this is most likely a mucous plug, it used to close the cervix, and now it comes out, opening the birth canal for the baby.

    Water discharge - of course, this is the water of the amniotic bladder, it is important not to panic, but to carefully consider their transparency and color, informing the doctor about this. If the waters are yellowish and greenish, then it is better to take control of the situation. Many doctors recommend during this period to abandon absorbent pads, and try to replace them for a while with clean white diapers. And this is correct, so you definitely won’t confuse if the water breaks. After the outpouring of water, the baby can be without water for no more than 12 hours, which means that if the water suddenly breaks at home, you need to hurry to the hospital, even if you don’t feel contractions yet.

    What does the baby feel and how does it develop?

    And you know that your baby already has a height of about 53 cm, and already weighs about 3.5 kg - he is absolutely ripe for the new world that you will give him. Of course, at such a size, it already becomes crowded in the uterus, but you will still feel his movements inside you. He still sleeps a lot, and waits for the sounds of his parents' native voice. Keep in mind that the less time left before delivery, the calmer your baby is.

    Your baby's skin is already acquiring a delicate pink hue, nails are growing on the arms and legs, the original fluff is disappearing. Do you know why babies are born so round and chubby? It is in the last week that adipose tissue is finally formed, which means that your baby will easily cope with temperature changes after birth. Your baby's adrenal glands are already working well at this time, and he will be able to produce adrenaline and norepinephrine in order to cope with the stress of childbirth.

    How to eat right during this period

    I cited as a harbinger of childbirth - a decrease in appetite. Therefore, you, as a future mother, need to revise your menu a little, and include as many easily digestible foods as possible, such as yogurt, kefir, vegetables and fruits, buckwheat, you can eat lean meat and vegetable soups. Such food will help to remove toxins and unnecessary fluid from your body. Try not to eat sweet, sour, fatty and salty, no matter how much you want. Of course, if the harbingers of childbirth have begun, this does not mean in fact that you need to completely refuse food, you can drink sweet tea, cheese, yogurt, because you will need energy.

    As for childbirth, usually the woman’s body refuses to take food, or it can be taken, but only when the contractions have not reached intensity, of course, this does not apply to water, water can be taken and taken with you to the prenatal ward.

    Of course, after giving birth, you will probably want to eat, but even then, it is unlikely that this will be the entire lunch menu, in best case- yogurt, sweet tea or broth.

    Tests to be taken

    You may not know, but at 40 weeks pregnant, you don't have to take any necessary analyzes. When you enter the maternity hospital, they will examine you and measure everything you need: abdominal circumference, weight, pressure, pulse, and see how dilated the cervix is. Enemas and shavings can be performed at your home or in the hospital itself, depending on its rules.

    When you get to the prenatal ward, the obstetrician will listen to your baby's heart beat, as well as the rhythm of uterine contractions, in cases where necessary, open the fetal bladder to stimulate labor activity.

    How to behave if childbirth has begun.

    The 40th week of pregnancy, and childbirth does not begin - a question that can excite and torment the expectant mother. If the delivery has not yet taken place at the appointed time, calm down and protect yourself from calls from relatives and relatives. Childbirth will begin, of course. But when it is needed, and not on the day that is marked on your exchange card.

    What should you do if labor begins?

    Contractions are the first sign of the onset of labor. Contractions may be accompanied by aching pain in the lower back, the muscles of the uterus are compressed, and the stomach is as if made of stone. But after a while it passes, until the next fight.

    According to my own experience and the experience of women who gave birth according to my method, visualizations work very well during contractions, because the contraction looks like something, like a wave rolling over you, which means that it can be controlled. Try to imagine during fights blue color wave, or waves, bringing purification and new life. This nature, and nature will never hurt you so much that you can't stand it. Try to breathe in the rhythm of contractions, imagine a wave, and you will see how the pain recedes.

    The intervals between the contraction waves decrease over time, and the period between them becomes about 5 minutes. Often then the cork leaves. And if you are at home, you must dial the ambulance or go to the hospital yourself.

    Going to the maternity hospital to give a new life, remember all your 9 months that you lived with your baby, it's great if you take photos that will help you remember the unforgettable time of pregnancy. Showing your little one the time when he developed in your tummy, you will rejoice and smile at your happiness.

    40 weeks pregnant what happens to the baby and mom What feelings does a woman experience? Pregnancy 40 weeks is the 3rd trimester.


    Pregnancy 40 week fetal development and woman's sensations

    40 weeks pregnant what happens to mom

    In the last week of pregnancy, the most basic stage of preparation for the comfortable passage of the baby through the birth canal takes place - this is the softening and shortening of the cervix, as well as the opening cervical canal. But when childbirth begins, it will open to the desired size.

    Due to the fact that the body of a pregnant woman produces hormones that will soon be responsible for the entire process of labor, as well as for the formation of milk in mammary glands After the baby is born, the uterus contracts more and more often.

    The bottom of the uterus continues to sink, and the head of the baby is pressed more tightly against the entrance to the small pelvis. The pelvic bones and muscles are softening more and more every day, the ligaments are stretched.

    The gynecologist observing the pregnant woman will recommend that she be hospitalized in the maternity ward at this time, since the 40th week ends, and this is considered the deadline for childbirth.

    40 weeks of pregnancy harbingers of childbirth

    At 40 weeks pregnant, your doctor will ask you to every 2-3 days came to the hospital for CTG fetus. He may also refer you for a stress test to check if your uterus is ready for delivery. During it, with the help of a dropper, a solution of oxytocin is injected, which causes slight uterine contractions. If the reaction is not the test will deviate from the norm, then an artificial induction of labor will probably take place.

    However, it is likely that labor will begin on its own. Approximately a day before the onset of labor, mild diarrhea may appear. This means that your body begins to cleanse itself.

    Three symptoms indicate the onset of labor:

    • regular contractions, repeat every 10-15 minutes (or even more often).
    • Amniotic fluid drains. Even if no contractions are felt, you should still be examined by a doctor. Get to the hospital as soon as possible.
    • Light bleeding occurs which indicate contraction of the cervix. If spotting is heavy, then urgently call an ambulance or quickly go to the nearest hospital.

    If still nothing happens, increase a little physical activity. You can go for a walk, have a light dance or, if you have the energy, start cleaning the house. This amount of movement at 40 weeks pregnant can speed up labor.

    Fetal development at 40 weeks gestation

    In the last week of pregnancy, the unborn child can no longer be distinguished from the newborn. The skin of the crumbs is light pink, and the original lubricant is located exclusively in the folds of the skin. This wise nature protected delicate skin baby from chafing.

    The baby is ready for birth. He is positioned head down, his legs are pulled up to his chest, and his elbows are in front of his nose. The bones of the baby's head are soft and flexible to facilitate the exit process through the birth canal. The rapid flow of blood through the umbilical cord keeps it elastic - this reduces the chance of entanglement in the umbilical cord.

    During the last months, your baby has had the opportunity to get used to the occasional uterine cramps (so-called), which during childbirth will become much stronger and allow him to go out into the world.

    The average newborn is about 50 cm long and weighs about. 3.5 kg. Its head is approximately 10 cm in diameter.

    at 40 weeks pregnant

    • Keep calm Of course, this is easier said than done. Focus on things that will help you during labor. Practice breathing techniques. If you can't wait, there are a few things you can do to get your contractions going - spicy food, sex, or walking up stairs.
    • Try to sleep as much as possible This is what you will miss the most in the coming weeks and months. Sleep will help you gain strength, recover and prepare for childbirth.
    • Make yourself feel good Use this time to relax and do what you have always wanted to do. Go to the movies, visit the hairdresser, meet up with friends, etc. Read some book, buy glossy magazines and spend some time with your partner. These are the last minutes that you will spend only together.

    40 weeks pregnant and labor doesn't start

    If the baby is born later than the due date is called "postterm pregnancy". If labor does not start in due date and the life of the child was in danger, then such a pregnancy is called overdue.

    If a woman has a history of overdue pregnancies, which occurs in 5 percent of cases, then childbirth is induced. If 42 weeks pregnant and no contractions, then the expectant mother should Necessarily show up at the hospital.

    During the visit, the doctor will measure the circumference of the abdomen, weigh the pregnant woman, using a viewing glass inserted through the vagina into the cervix, the doctor will be able to determine the color and amount amniotic fluid and evaluate the condition of the fetal membranes. Of course, the mother-to-be will also be subjected to a KTG study, which records the baby's heart activity and response to uterine contractions.

    At the 40th week of pregnancy, most expectant mothers regularly stiffen their stomachs and forerunners of childbirth appear. The moment of the onset of labor activity can start from minute to minute.

    And although many are already nursing their children, you can’t go against nature. It also happens that a woman can safely step over this week and wait further, but childbirth later than 41 weeks is undesirable - the baby will be born post-term.

    The 40th week of pregnancy is the period of preparation for childbirth and the woman's body is ready to start acting at any moment. The hormonal background increases.

    There is a so-called "syndrome of the mother hen". A woman wants to ennoble her home, equip a nursery, and so on. She seems to be full of strength and energy.


    The abdomen at the 40th week of pregnancy often stiffens and, most likely, is already lowered, the presenting part of the fetus is pressed against the entrance to the pelvis. At the moment of insertion of the head or buttocks, the fetal bladder ruptures, and the anterior waters depart. This moment or the moment of the beginning of regular contractions can be considered the start of labor activity.

    fetus at 40 weeks pregnant

    The fetus at 40 weeks of gestation moves only its arms and legs. He can no longer turn, as there is practically no space left in the uterus. The sense organs, as well as the nervous system, continue to develop.

    Mom stands out a large number of estrogen, so the baby has a slight swelling of the chest. After childbirth, everything will be restored. The hematopoietic organs began to work independently, so the blood supply of the child does not completely depend on the mother. But antibodies still come only through the placenta.

    In anticipation of the upcoming birth at 40 obstetric week the baby's body began to produce norepinephrine and adrenaline in large doses. These hormones will help him to be born without pain.


    It seems to mom that she is no longer able to endure the heaviness of her stomach. But when it goes down, it becomes easier for her to breathe.

    A woman at 40 weeks pregnant has mood swings. She becomes irritable and concentrates on every little thing. Mom, in anticipation of a miracle, is well aware that it can come at any moment. And if mothers at the 40th week of their second pregnancy know how everything is going on, then the anxieties of primiparas are doubled.

    Harbingers of childbirth

    The body continues to prepare for childbirth:

    • muscles become more elastic;
    • joints are already more mobile;
    • ligaments of the pelvis are stretched.

    It seems to many that the bones creak and diverge during walking. different sides. False contractions intensify. If earlier they were light, now this unpleasant feeling is accompanied by pulling pains in the lumbar region, the stomach tenses. All these are the so-called harbingers of childbirth at 40 weeks of gestation.

    Women experiencing the 40th week of their second pregnancy can already distinguish them from real ones, and primiparous mothers, as a rule, are very worried and come to the hospital in advance.

    At this time, everything usually hurts in a woman: back, neck, lower back, stomach. You can't get away from this. The body is being rebuilt. You may experience nausea and heartburn at 40 weeks pregnant. They are dealt with by eating often, but in small portions. The uterus has grown significantly and begins to put pressure on all organs, which provokes constipation at the 40th week of pregnancy.


    A woman may notice yellow or white vaginal discharge at 40 weeks pregnant. This normal phenomenon. The main thing is to pay attention so that there is no itching and discomfort.

    The brown-red color of the discharge and the mucous contents should alert the pregnant woman. There is no guarantee that she will give birth in a few minutes, but it is worth going to the hospital immediately.

    There may also be a clear, odorless discharge that can be confused with urine. No, not incontinence anymore. This is the real leakage of amniotic fluid. If this happens - your place in the hospital, especially if the liquid is odorous or green.


    At the 40th week of pregnancy, the baby continues to grow and gain weight, which cannot be said about the mother. In a woman, weight at the 40th week of pregnancy, on the contrary, decreases by a couple of kilograms. The body before childbirth gets rid of excess fluid.

    Weight loss is also associated with a lack of appetite. You can’t eat by force, but you need to eat. To avoid problems with digestion, food should be light, but vitamin. Useful vegetables, fruits and fresh herbs.


    Pain at 40 weeks of gestation is normal. Any housework is a burden for a woman, it is hard for her to walk, sit and even lie down. But it doesn’t take long to endure discomfort, because childbirth is just around the corner.

    At this time, the woman has pain in the lower back, abdomen, legs (especially the hips and knees). Articular pain does not go away, the pelvic bones and pubis hurt, pressure and fullness in the groin are felt. It is not uncommon to pinch the sciatic nerve. The chest is filled, becomes painful, colostrum is secreted.

    Completely limit physical activity due to pain you can't, you have to move. This will speed up the birth process.

    The main task of a pregnant woman at 40 weeks is to rest more in order to gain strength before childbirth. Surround yourself with only positive emotions and do not listen to the horror stories of giving birth to girlfriends.


    Down with experiments and no strict diets. We continue to eat right and do not overeat. You can treat yourself to something delicious, because very soon the pregnant woman will turn into a mother and all this will be banned.

    Carbohydrates will help stock up on energy before childbirth. Only it should be easily digestible carbohydrates: jelly, chocolate and similar products.

    If the 40th week of pregnancy fell on the time of watermelons and melons, then their use should be limited, as this can provoke a sharp increase in fetal weight.


    The body needs vitamins, and most of all vitamin K (dairy products and lettuce). It increases blood clotting. Let's not forget the existence of vegetables and fruits.

    Sex at 40 weeks pregnant

    If the attending physician has not forbidden, then you should not deny yourself pleasure. Especially after childbirth for a long time there will be a strict ban on intimacy.

    • stimulation of contractions through orgasm;
    • softening of the cervix with semen.

    If the mucous plug has already moved away, then you need to use a condom.

    Physical activity

    Walking remains the best physical activity, which should be slightly reduced at this time, although it all depends on the well-being of the pregnant woman. Some women, listening to their friends, begin to wash the floors and actively walk up the stairs, hoping to bring the delivery date closer to 40 weeks.

    All this, of course, can provoke labor, but it is not known how the child will react to it. So don't experiment.

    Medicines and medical procedures

    Perhaps the doctor will prescribe drugs with which you can disinfect the birth canal. All medications are prescribed by physicians only. No self-treatment! The life of an unborn child is in the hands of a pregnant woman.

    Possible problems

    A woman should not leave home for a long time. Relocations are prohibited. This is due to the fact that by disturbing the peace of the body, a pregnant woman can provoke the onset of childbirth. Childbirth at 40 weeks of gestation is, of course, not a terrible phenomenon, but only if a woman can be quickly hospitalized.

    But diarrhea at 40 weeks is not a problem, but the real preparation of the body for childbirth. The intestines begin to empty spontaneously to facilitate the exit of the baby.

    Every woman should memorize the points that require urgent call home doctor:

    • the pressure has risen;
    • blurred vision appeared;
    • there was a big puffiness (hands, face);
    • Strong headache;
    • loss of consciousness;
    • the temperature has risen.

    Examination at 40 weeks

    The procedures remain the same:

    • measurement of blood pressure;
    • weighing;
    • measurement of the height of the fundus of the uterus;
    • determination of fetal heartbeats;
    • Analysis of urine;
    • doppleography (as prescribed by a doctor);
    • CTG (according to the situation).

    Ultrasound at the 40th week of pregnancy is carried out only if the doctor needs to make sure the condition of the child.

    Approximate data of ultrasound diagnostics:

    • LZR - 110–130 mm;
    • BPR - 89–103 mm;
    • coolant - 313–381 mm;
    • OG - 312–362 mm;
    • lower leg bones - 62–72 mm;
    • femur - 70–80 mm;
    • bones of the forearm - 54–62 mm;
    • humerus - 61–71 mm.

    The cork has come off

    The mucus plug that seals the cervix and protects the baby from infections may come off a couple of weeks before birth, but more often it comes out at 40 weeks pregnant. She frees the birth canal for the baby so that nothing prevents the baby from being born.

    It is after the cork has come off at the 40th week of pregnancy that intensified contractions begin, water may leak. What does a mucus plug look like? This is a thick mucus of a light milky color with streaks or splashes of blood. It looks like a jelly-like clot, the volume is about 2 tbsp. l.


    The fetus at the 40th week of pregnancy is formed, the baby is ready for birth. Exactly 10 months have passed since the last menstruation, which means it's time to give birth. If a woman has not given birth before 40 weeks, then, most likely, the long-awaited meeting with the baby will happen in the next few days.

    A sure sign that labor has already begun at the 40th week of pregnancy is the outflow of amniotic fluid and the appearance of true contractions, which are repeated every 5-7 minutes.

    Features of IVF pregnancy

    Patients who have conceived a child with the help of IVF should be several times attentive to their body, the signals given by the child and the harbingers of childbirth at 40 weeks of gestation.

    Most likely, such a pregnant woman, if she has not yet given birth, is under constant medical supervision. And without fail receives preparatory therapy.

    Features of multiple pregnancy

    There are mothers who calmly carry their babies to the 40th week of pregnancy. At this time, doctors are already monitoring the condition of the pregnant woman, as she has a double load on the body. It is they who will determine whether a woman will give birth herself, or she will have a caesarean section.

    Video of the fortieth week of pregnancy

    Preparing to become a mother, women are interested in the question of what to do when the lower back hurts at the 40th week of pregnancy. At the end of the journey of bearing a baby, every spasm and attack of pain is perceived especially acutely and causes a lot of doubts. We will figure out what happens to the body of mom and baby at this time, what causes discomfort, and how to deal with them on your own.

    Each period of bearing a baby is accompanied by its own characteristics. The child develops in stages, and the mother's body gradually prepares for motherhood. A pregnancy that has reached 40 weeks is considered full-term. By this time, both the mother's body and the child himself are ready.

    After months of waiting, the female body is ready for the birth of a new life. The size of the uterus reaches its maximum value, it rises to a height of 35-40 cm from its usual position. The cervix is ​​shortened, and its structure becomes soft so that the baby is not injured during childbirth. If the cervix is ​​not ready by the fortieth week, the doctor prescribes certain medications.

    Weight and volumes future mother stop growing. Some women in recent weeks weight loss during pregnancy.

    The skin on the abdomen is strongly stretched, so stretch marks and itching may appear. To improve elasticity skin recommended to use special means for care: creams, lotions, oils.

    40 weeks of pregnancy are characterized for a woman by the appearance of anxiety, fear and excitement before the upcoming birth. Try to relax: walk more, do pleasant shopping and think positive. At the same time, be attentive to yourself, listen to the signs that your body sends, at this time, childbirth can begin at any time.

    The birth of a child can develop according to several scenarios, and may indicate the beginning.

    Fetal development at 40 weeks

    All systems of the baby's body are ready for birth. The vital organs are formed, the baby becomes active and constantly disturbs the peace of the mother with jerks. Upon impact, you can easily distinguish parts of the baby's body; tiny hands, elbows and knees are clearly visible through the highly stretched skin.

    The weight of a full-term baby ranges from 2500 to 4000 g, height is from 45 to 60 cm. Of course, there are exceptions. Today, heroes weighing up to 5 kg and miniature princesses a little over 2 kg are not uncommon. At the same time, such children receive rather high Apgar scores.

    The child may be in the head and breech presentation. In the first case, the baby's head is felt a few fingers above the pubis, and the strongest blows are felt in the area Bladder. In the second case, the mother's stomach has a more elongated shape, and the shocks fall on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe woman's stomach. Depending on the presentation, doctors decide on the method of delivery.

    At 40 weeks, the baby no longer has enough space and nutrients received from the mother’s body for active growth and development, so he is ready to be born.

    Causes of pulling pain

    Pain in the lower back and lower abdomen common cause treatment of women in the fortieth week of pregnancy in the emergency room of maternity wards.

    Let's figure out what can cause discomfort at week 40:

    • Load on the spine. A month before birth, it doubles, because the weight of the child is growing rapidly. To maintain balance, pregnant women lean back, thereby increasing the load on the lumbar;
    • Divergence of the pelvic bones. For the unimpeded passage of the baby through the birth canal, the body produces a hormone that softens the bones of the pelvis and pubic joint. The child's head begins to sink and put pressure on the sacrum, causing discomfort in the lower back;
    • Placental abruption. If the pulling pain in the lumbar region is accompanied by spotting and uterine tone, you should immediately go to the hospital. Such signs are characteristic of the process of exfoliation of the placenta. timely health care save the life and health of mother and child;
    • False contractions. This type of contractions trains the body before the upcoming birth. To determine whether these contractions are false or not, it is enough to detect the intervals. In real labor activity, contractions begin at regular intervals with increasing force;
    • The beginning of the birth process. If cramps in the lower back are accompanied by a mucus plug, leakage of amniotic fluid and pain in the lower abdomen (contractions) at regular intervals, most likely your baby is ready to be born and let you know about it.

    In any case, you should not leave discomfort in the lower back and lower abdomen unattended. If lower back pain is accompanied by a change in the nature of the movement of the child: he freezes for a long time or, conversely, is hyperactive, you should immediately consult a doctor. On average, within an hour you should feel at least one perceptible movement of the fetus.

    To diagnose the condition of the mother and child, CTG is performed. The device measures the baby's heartbeat and the frequency of contraction of the mother's uterus.

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    Braxton Higgs contractions

    The type of contractions that prepares the uterus for early delivery. Characterized unpleasant sensations in the lower back and lower abdomen. Indicates that the appearance of the baby will occur in the near future.

    Training fights differ from ordinary ones in that the intervals between them are different or absent at all, and the strength does not change with time.

    Until now, doctors disagree about the origin of Braxton Higgs contractions. They agreed on only one thing, so the body is preparing for the upcoming birth.

    Taking a couple of antispasmodic tablets or a papaverine vaginal suppository will help to cope with discomfort. Take a warm shower and then try to relax and sleep. If the contractions are really false, you will succeed without difficulty. Otherwise, take the things and documents prepared in advance, go to the emergency room of the maternity ward.

    Other causes of back pain

    In 72% of women, the lower back is pulled at 40 weeks of gestation. Basically, this is how the harbingers of childbirth appear. However, the causes of lower back pain can be serious chronic diseases:

    • Neuralgia. Diseases of the lumbar spine, such as sciatica and hernia, are exacerbated during pregnancy. It is recommended to wear a bandage from the first weeks of pregnancy;
    • Diseases of the kidneys. Pyelonephritis and renal colic are common among pregnant women. If there is a pulling pain in the lower back along with pain during urination, an increase in body temperature and blood pressure, a change in the color of urine, you should immediately consult a specialist;
    • Symphysite. A disease associated with the divergence of the bones of the womb. Accompanied by tissue swelling and pain in the pubic area.

    At the 40th week of pregnancy, 38 weeks have passed from the moment of conception of the child, the tenth is coming, last month pregnancy.

    Changes in the body of the fetus

    The fetus at the 40th week of pregnancy weighs 3400 - 4000 g, its length reaches 54 - 55 cm. Its organs and systems are ripe for life outside the womb. The fetus at 40 weeks of gestation looks like a newborn, according to appearance you can determine the signs of its fullness:

    • Sufficient weight and height;
    • Good muscle tone and reflexes;
    • The skin is pink, on the feet it has a transverse striation over the entire surface;
    • The fingernails reached the edge of the phalanges;
    • The auricles basically contain elastic cartilage and straighten easily if they are bent;
    • The testicles in boys are lowered into the scrotum, in girls the large labia completely cover the small ones;
    • The umbilical ring is located in the center of the abdomen.

    The nervous system of the fetus at the 40th week of pregnancy continues to improve, new connections are formed between the cells of the cerebral cortex. The child's adrenal glands are activated to produce adrenaline and corticosteroid hormones. They help the fetus survive the stress of childbirth and adjust to the environment after birth.

    Changes in the body of a woman at 40 weeks of gestation

    If the birth did not occur earlier, then it is likely that they will happen at the 40th week of pregnancy, from this moment you need to be completely ready for them.

    The abdomen at the 40th week of pregnancy most often drops, as the head of the fetus is pressed against the pelvic floor. The size of the abdomen at the 40th week of pregnancy also decreases due to a decrease in the volume of amniotic fluid, now the bottom of the uterus is determined 34-35 cm above the womb. This week, a woman may feel the harbingers of childbirth - symptoms by which you can find out about their imminent approach.

    There is a high probability of mucus plug discharge, if this has not happened before. This event is evidenced by the discharge of mucus from the vagina at the 40th week of pregnancy with a consistency that resembles egg white.

    Discharge at 40 weeks of gestation may normally increase, but abundant watery discharge is similar to amniotic fluid. If they appear, but there are no contractions yet, then a water test can be done to make sure that labor has not yet begun.

    greenish color and bad smell discharge at 40 weeks of gestation is an unfavorable symptom, most likely, the fetus suffers in utero. Since the pregnancy is already full-term, the doctor, after assessing all risk factors, may decide on operative delivery or induction of labor.

    Harbingers of childbirth also include recurrent cramping pains at 40 weeks of gestation that occur in the lower abdomen. A woman can also describe them as a feeling of petrification of the abdomen, they are pulling in nature. If the contractions become regular, it means that the birth is very close. The reason for pain at 40 weeks of gestation is that the uterus contracts and, due to this, the cervix expands. natural childbirth are possible only when the cervix is ​​fully opened, that is, enough for the fetal head to pass through it.

    If a woman gives birth for the first time, then childbirth can last at least 9 - 11 hours, if again - then 4 - 6 hours. The countdown starts from the moment of the appearance of regular contractions or the discharge of amniotic fluid - it is according to one of these scenarios that childbirth develops normally.

    Even if at the 40th week of pregnancy, the contractions did not begin, and the waters broke first, you should not be upset. As a result of the fact that the contents of the uterus have decreased in volume, the uterus is stimulated to the beginning of active contractions, that is, contractions. This feature is used to speed up labor activity when the fetal bladder is pierced during childbirth.

    Examination at 40 weeks of gestation

    The state of the fetus in the uterus, if necessary, is monitored using cardiotocography (CTG). The need for this may be in the case of a slowdown in his movements, leakage of colored amniotic fluid, or a change in the heart rate of the fetus.

    An exchange card of a pregnant woman with all the necessary research results should always be with a woman.

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