• An infant often suffers from colds. Why does my child often have a fever? Folk remedies for treating frequent urination in children


    Frequent illnesses in a child is a serious problem, the successful solution of which depends not only on doctors, but also on parents, their daily hard work and the help they must provide to their baby.

    Why does a child often get sick? And what to do to improve his health? Who are constantly sick children?

    First, you need to understand which children are classified as constantly ill. They are:

    • children under 4 years old who get sick more than 6 times a year;
    • children from 4–5 years old who get sick 5 times a year;
    • older children who get sick more than 4 times a year.

    A child may get sick a lot if he regularly encounters infection. Colds and flu are the most common illnesses that affect young children. In second place in frequency are childhood infections. After them come diseases of the ENT organs: otitis media, sinusitis and others. Most often, children get sick in the first three years of life. In large cities with developed industry, every fourth child is classified as constantly ill. What are the reasons for this phenomenon and what should be done to avoid it or correct the situation?

    There are external and internal factors that predispose children to frequent diseases.

    Internal factors

    One of the internal factors of frequent morbidity in children includes an immature body and immunity. Many children get sick regularly until they are 2 years old. Their immunity is not yet strong, there are significantly fewer protective cells, and any infection can quickly penetrate the body, the defenses of which are strengthened only by the age of three.

    Children constantly get sick if there are foci of chronic infection in the nasopharynx. The tonsils and adenoids, which in older children do not allow viruses and microbes to pass through, are not yet fully formed. Weak adenoids are dangerous due to frequent colds, otitis media, sinusitis, tonsillitis, and bronchitis.

    Problems during intrauterine development or injuries received during childbirth can negatively affect the health of the baby. Such children experience disturbances in the interactions of different brain structures, which can subsequently affect metabolism and the presence of immune antibodies. Possible circulatory disorders in the brain and immunodeficiency. Also, if the baby was born premature, he is at risk of frequent illness.

    Enlargement of the thymus gland, which occurs due to dysfunction in the endocrine system, entails a reduction in the production of special lymphocytes. They play an important role in protecting the body from infections. Disturbance in the functioning of this gland leads to weakened immunity and frequent illnesses.

    The child will be constantly sick if his body is not provided with sufficient production of immunoglobulin A. Symptoms of deficiency can be not only frequent colds, but also purulent diseases of the skin, mucous membranes (for example, conjunctivitis), allergies, asthma, and the inability to tolerate certain foods. The consequence of this deviation may be increased production of immunoglobulin E.

    Improper metabolism can also lead to frequent illnesses. When salt metabolism is disturbed, infections develop in the organs of the urinary system. Cystitis - shining example such an illness.

    If a child is often sick, perhaps the reason lies in a hereditary factor, that is, in the child’s predisposition to respiratory diseases. If parents regularly suffer from colds, this can be passed on to the child.

    Incorrect production of corticosteroid hormones also leads to frequent illnesses in children. These children experience darkening and peeling of the skin on the elbows and knees. Such symptoms are often accompanied by chronic manifestations of intestinal diseases, for example: dysbiosis and other ailments.

    External factors

    External factors that predispose a child to diseases include stress or mental trauma. The following situations can negatively affect the psychological state of a child: an unfavorable situation in the family, quarrels, fights between parents or their divorce, starting to attend kindergarten, a sharp change in the situation, which is expressed in moving. The birth of another child in the family can be a serious stress for a child.

    The baby's living conditions also play a very important role for his health. Unsanitary conditions in the apartment, lack of hygiene, passive smoking and poor environment. Unfavorable environmental conditions and exposure to harmful substances can cause not only weakened immunity of the child, but also various abnormalities at the genetic level.

    If parents neglect to properly care for their baby, he can also get sick all the time. This point includes the lack of a regimen, physical education, and activities to harden the body. It also won’t do you any good to not go for walks, even if it’s raining, snowing or freezing outside.

    Uncontrolled and long-term use of medications reduces the body's resistance to infections. Hormonal drugs and antibiotics become a real test for a child’s health. These drugs cannot be taken without a certain system and without a doctor’s prescription.

    Artificial feeding of infants and improper nutrition in the future can seriously affect the child’s immunity. Even the most adapted formulas will never be able to fully replace all the valuable qualities of mother's milk. If a frequently ill baby is fed only formula until he is four months old, he will not have the mother's immunoglobulins, which are necessary to protect the body.

    Children attending kindergartens get sick by 15% more. Quite often, parents take their children to kindergarten if the child is sick and he infects others around him. A child who does not attend preschool institutions, avoids contact with sick peers.

    What to do if you have frequent illnesses

    Unfortunately, there is no universal answer to the question “what to do if a child is susceptible to frequent illnesses?” Each child requires an individual approach. An examination and collection of information will help the doctor make a preliminary diagnosis. Tests and an immunogram will provide even more information. The doctor may prescribe physiotherapy, inhalations, massage or special medications. But a lot depends on the parents, who must establish a lifestyle for the child that can help them improve his health.

    The following measures must be taken to increase immunity:

    You should also take your child for regular medical examinations. The doctor will recommend proper treatment with immunostimulating drugs, as well as physical therapy or preventive vaccinations. These simple rules will help significantly reduce your baby's pain.

    Traditional medicine to improve immunity

    What to do if a child is often sick, and how to correct the situation?

    Rosehip decoction is drunk without quantitative restrictions, but with caution if you have kidney disease. It contains large amounts of ascorbic acid and other useful substances, including, essential oil. It has bactericidal properties, relieves inflammation, improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

    A good remedy for children over ten years old is garlic with honey. Chop the head of garlic without the husk, mix with honey and leave for a week. Can be used with meals 3 times a day. The product is contraindicated for food allergies.

    For a regularly ill child, it is worth making immunity-boosting tea from chamomile and linden blossom, as well as freshly squeezed juices. Chamomile tea It will not only improve your health, but is also suitable for preventing viral diseases, will calm the nervous system, relieve inflammation, and will be useful for a sore stomach.

    A frequently ill child needs proper care, balanced diet, gentle daily routine. The baby must be surrounded with comfort, care and love. This is a lot of work, which will definitely be rewarded with good health.

    Frequently ill children, what should parents do, says the doctor:

    The common cold is the common name for an infection of the respiratory system of viral or bacterial origin. In other words, when a child has a runny nose, cough and sneezes frequently, it is probably a cold. Doctors often suggest mothers check the color of their baby's mucus. If it changes from watery to yellow or greenish, it is more likely to be a cold.

    Why does a child often get colds?

    If a child often suffers from colds, this means that the body’s defenses are not yet sufficient to protect against unfavorable environmental conditions.

    Coughs, colds, vomiting and diarrhea - children's immune systems learn to cope on their own.

    Illness is a baby's way of strengthening their immune systems for their future health.

    When children are born they take strength immune system from his mother. Antibodies are special proteins that fight infection, and children are born with large amounts of them in their blood. These maternal antibodies give a good start in helping to fight infections.

    When a baby is breastfed, this effect increases because mother's milk also contains antibodies that reach the baby and help fight the disease.

    As the child grows up, the antibodies that the mother gave die, and the child’s body begins to create its own. However, this process takes time. In addition, the child must come into contact with pathogens in order to create protective factors.

    More than 200 different viruses and bacteria cause colds, and a child develops immunity to them one at a time. Each time a pathogen appears in the body, the child's immune system increases its ability to recognize the pathogenic organism. However, there are so many pathogens around that when the body overcomes one disease, another infection comes. Sometimes it seems that a child is constantly suffering from the same illness, but usually it is several different pathogens.

    Unfortunately, it is normal for a child to be sick. A baby gets sick more often than adults because his immune system is not yet functioning at full capacity. In addition, he does not yet have immunity to the various viruses and bacteria that cause colds.

    Being around other children also increases the risk of catching a cold. Carriers of viruses and bacteria also include older brothers and sisters who bring home the infection from school or kindergarten.

    Studies have shown that children attending educational institutions have more colds, ear infections, runny noses and other respiratory problems than children at home.

    During the cold months, your child often suffers from colds as viruses and bacteria spread throughout the country. This is also the time when the indoor heating turns on, which dries out the nasal passages and allows cold viruses to flourish.

    What is the normal frequency of colds?

    It would seem that the norm should be considered as the absence of disease, but medical statistics have established that normal development a child after birth does not exclude recurrence of the disease.

    If a child under one year old has had a cold at least 4 times, he can already be classified as a frequently ill child. From 1 to 3 years old, these children catch colds 6 times a year. From 3 to 5 years, the frequency of colds decreases to 5 times per year, and then - 4 - 5 acute respiratory diseases every year.

    An indication of a weakened immune system is the frequency and duration of illness. If an acute respiratory infection and cold do not disappear after 2 weeks, it means that the child’s immunity is weakened.

    A number of conditions undermine the child’s health and immune system:

    Frequent colds can lead to quite serious complications in a child. Although these complications are not very common, it is important to be careful and aware of them.

    Complications that may occur soon after a child catches a cold:

    • There is a risk that babies suffering from the common cold will develop an ear infection. These infections can occur when bacteria or virus travels into the space behind the baby's eardrum;
    • a cold can lead to wheezing in the lungs, even when the child does not have asthma or other respiratory diseases;
    • colds sometimes lead to sinusitis. Sinus inflammation and infection are common problems;
    • Other serious complications caused by the common cold include pneumonia, bronchiolitis, lobar pharyngitis, and streptococcal pharyngitis.

    How to help a child?

    It is known that the health of the child will depend on the behavior of the mother during pregnancy and its planning. Timely detection and treatment of existing infections and proper nutrition, good health and successful childbirth has a beneficial effect on the health of the child. This is also important during infancy.

    For example, not all parents understand that not only the mother’s smoking is dangerous for the child, but also volatile substances from tobacco products carried by family members on their hair and clothes. But these measures are ideal as preventive measures.

    What to do if your child often gets colds:

    1. Proper nutrition. It is necessary to teach your child healthy foods because proper diet allows you to get the required vitamins and minerals. Various snacks are not only harmful in their composition, but also suppress the natural feeling of hunger, forcing the child to give up wholesome and healthy food.
    2. Organization of living space. Common mistake mom - an organization of complete hygienic sterility that could compete with operating room conditions. But to maintain the child’s health, wet cleaning, ventilation, and removal of dust collectors are sufficient.
    3. Hygiene rules. Develop in your child the habit of washing hands after going outside, using the toilet and before eating - the most important rule. The sooner hygiene skills are instilled in a child, the more likely it is that he will begin to observe them without being under the control of his parents.
    4. Hardening that a healthy child receives naturally– light drafts, walking barefoot, ice cream and drinks from the refrigerator. But this is a prohibition for a constantly ill child. However, in order to accustom him to natural conditions, it is necessary to spend holidays at sea or in the countryside, and a morning rubdown with cold water does not look so scary.

    The child is often sick in kindergarten

    Almost everyone has this problem. When the baby sits at home, he almost never gets sick, and as soon as the child goes to kindergarten, the diagnosis of acute respiratory infection (ARI) is made every 2 weeks.

    And this phenomenon depends on a number of reasons:

    • adaptation stage. In many cases, a child often gets sick in kindergarten during the first year of attendance, regardless of the child’s age. For most parents, the hope is that the adjustment period will pass, the stress will decrease, and the constant sick leave will stop;
    • infection acquired from other children. Not wanting to go on sick leave (or not having the opportunity), many parents bring children with primary cold symptoms to the group, when the temperature has not yet risen. A runny nose and a slight cough are faithful companions for those attending an educational institution. Children easily infect each other and get sick more often;
    • inappropriate clothing and footwear. IN kindergarten children go every day, except on especially cold days and weekends.

    Make sure your child's clothes and shoes are always appropriate for the weather and comfortable for him. Shoes and outerwear should be waterproof and warm, but not hot.

    If a child gets sick very often kindergarten, the only way is to try to strengthen his immunity. Start gradual hardening, ventilate the rooms, enroll your child in the swimming section, follow the principles healthy nutrition and give us vitamins. Regarding the latter, consult your pediatrician first.

    The ideal way to properly adapt to kindergarten is gradual habituation. In the first 2 - 3 months, it is better for a mother or grandmother to take a vacation or work part-time so as not to leave the child in the group for a long time. Increase the time gradually to reduce your stress levels.

    And when a child gets sick, do not rush to go to work and return the child to the group. It is important to wait for absolute recovery so that there are no relapses or complications.

    Why does a child often get a sore throat?

    The common cold is, in fact, a big threat.

    Lack of proper therapy and refusal of bed rest are fraught with complications.

    The most common type of complication of respiratory disease is sore throat, or, medically speaking, tonsillitis.

    Tonsillitis is an inflammation of the tonsil tissue due to infection of bacterial and viral origin.

    The tonsils are part of the lymphatic system and form the body's first line of defense. They are present on the left and right side inside the throat and appear as two pink formations at the back of the mouth. The tonsils protect the upper respiratory system from pathogens that enter the body through the nose or mouth. However, this makes them vulnerable to infections, leading to tonsillitis.

    Once the tonsils become affected and inflamed, they become large, reddish, and covered with a whitish or yellowish coating.

    There are two types of tonsillitis:

    • chronic (lasts more than three months);
    • recurrent (frequent disease, many times a year).

    As mentioned earlier, the predominant cause of tonsillitis is an infection of viral or bacterial origin.

    1. Viruses that usually lead to sore throat in children:

    • influenza virus;
    • adenoviruses;
    • parainfluenza viruses;
    • herpes simplex virus;
    • Epstein-Barr virus.

    2. Bacterial infection is the cause of 30% of tonsillitis cases. The main cause is group A streptococci.

    Some other bacteria that can cause tonsillitis are chlamydia pneumoniae, streptococcus pneumoniae, staphylococcus aureus and mycoplasma pneumoniae.

    In rare cases, tonsillitis is caused by fusobacteria, the causative agents of whooping cough, syphilis and gonorrhea.

    Tonsillitis is quite contagious and easily spreads from an infected child to other children through airborne droplets and household contact. This infection mainly spreads among young children in schools and among family members at home.

    Reasons for recurrent infection include a child's weakened immune system, resistant bacteria, or a family member who is a carrier of streptococcus.

    One study showed a genetic predisposition to developing recurrent tonsillitis.

    3. Dental caries and inflamed gums cause the accumulation of bacteria in the mouth and larynx, which also causes a sore throat.

    4. An infected state of the sinus, maxillary, and frontal sinuses quickly provoke inflammation of the tonsils.

    5. Due to fungal diseases, bacteria accumulate in the body that are difficult to treat, which reduces resistance and causes frequent relapse of tonsillitis.

    6. Less commonly, inflammation can be caused by injury. For example, chemical irritation from severe acid reflux.

    When a child has frequent sore throat, you must understand that every time he suffers great damage. The tonsils are so weakened that they cannot resist germs and protect against infection. As a result, pathogens begin to cling to one another.

    A child who often suffers from sore throat may experience many complications.

    Tonsillitis can lead to the following consequences:

    • adenoid infection. Adenoids are part of lymphatic tissue, just like tonsils. They are located at the back of the nasal cavity. Acute infection of the tonsils can infect the adenoids, causing them to swell, leading to obstructive sleep apnea;
    • peritonsillar abscess. When the infection spreads from the tonsils to the surrounding tissue, it results in the formation of a pus-filled pocket. If the infection subsequently spreads to the gums, it can cause problems during teething;
    • otitis. The pathogen can quickly find its way to the ear from the throat through the eustachian tube. Here it can affect the eardrum and middle ear, causing a whole new set of complications;
    • rheumatic fever. If group A streptococci causes tonsillitis and the condition is ignored for a very long time, it can cause rheumatic fever, which is severe inflammation of various organs of the body;
    • poststreptococcal glomerulonephritis. Streptococcus bacteria can find their way to various internal organs of the body. If the infection enters the kidneys, it causes post-streptococcal glomerulonephritis. The blood vessels in the kidneys become inflamed, making the organ ineffective at filtering blood and producing urine.

    What to do if a child often gets a sore throat?

    Persistent sore throat can affect diet, lifestyle, and even the education and development of a child. Therefore, it is common practice to remove the tonsils if tonsil inflammation is a recurring problem.

    However, tonsillectomy (surgical removal of the tonsils) is not the preferred treatment option. If your child has frequent tonsillitis, there are some ways to prevent it.

    1. Frequent hand washing.

    Many of the germs that cause tonsillitis are highly contagious. A child can easily pick them up from the air he breathes, and this is often inevitable. However, transmission of germs through hands is another common route and can be prevented. The key to prevention is good hygiene.

    Teach your child to wash their hands frequently with soap and water. Use antibacterial soap whenever possible. Antibacterial hand sanitizers are great when you're on the go. Teach your child to always wash their hands after using the toilet, before eating, and after sneezing or coughing.

    2. Avoid sharing food and drinks.

    Saliva contains germs that can cause infection. By sharing food and drinks with an infected person, a child inevitably allows germs to enter his body. Sometimes these germs are airborne and can inevitably land on food and drinks. But the exchange of food and drinks must be excluded. Teach your child not to share food and drinks to avoid cross-contamination. It is better to separate or cut the food, pour the drink into glasses, but avoid sharing.

    3. Minimizing contact with others.

    You should try to prevent your baby from getting an infection that will lead to tonsillitis. When a child has tonsillitis, you should minimize his contact with others. This applies to any infection, especially if you know it is highly contagious. Let the child not attend school or kindergarten during illness, and do not come too close to other family members at home who may become infected. Even a trip to the mall or other outings means that a child can infect others. Let the child rest during this time and reduce contact with people to a minimum.

    4. Removal of tonsils.

    Tonsillectomy is very effective method stop frequent relapses of sore throat. This does not mean that the child will never have a sore throat again. But it will give him best quality life. There are some myths and misconceptions about tonsillectomy, but it is a very safe procedure and complications are rare. Surgery is especially necessary if tonsillitis does not respond to antibiotics or serious complications develop (for example, tonsillar abscess).

    5. Rinse with salt water.

    This is one of the simple solutions, but also very effective. 1 teaspoon of regular table salt in a 200 ml glass of water makes this method quick and inexpensive.

    It should only be used by children who are of an age where rinsing is safe. Remember that while rinsing may be helpful, it is not a substitute for medications prescribed by your doctor. Gargling with salt water soothes the throat and may give your child short-term relief from tonsillitis symptoms, but prescription medications such as antibiotics will kill the bacteria that is causing the problem.

    Airborne irritants such as cigarette smoke are known to increase a child's chances of developing tonsillitis.

    Cigarette smoking should definitely be eliminated from the home, but you should also be careful with cleaning products and other strong chemicals, the vapor of which can also be an airborne irritant. Even dry air that doesn't contain harsh chemical fumes can be irritating. A humidifier increases the moisture content in the air and helps with tonsillitis if you live in a dry climate.

    7. Rest and drink plenty of fluids.

    Providing adequate rest for a child with a sore throat can affect the duration and severity of his condition. It is necessary not only to stay away from school or kindergarten and sleep all day.

    Give your child plenty of fluids. Liquid foods are better tolerated compared to solid foods, which will rub the tonsils and irritate them further. Maintain good nutrition to support the immune system, which helps fight disease along with any medications your child takes.

    8. Be aware of acid reflux.

    Acid reflux is a common digestive disorder. Acidic stomach contents rise up into the esophagus and can reach the throat and nose. Therefore, the acid will irritate the tonsils and even damage them, increasing the likelihood of infection. Heartburn is a typical symptom of acid reflux, but sometimes it doesn't occur.

    Always keep an eye on your child. And if he has acid reflux, change his diet and lifestyle.

    Why does a child often suffer from bronchitis?

    Bronchitis is an inflammation of the walls of the bronchi - the airways connecting the trachea to the lungs. The wall of the bronchi is thin and produces mucus. It is responsible for protecting the respiratory system.

    Bronchitis refers to diseases of the upper respiratory tract. This especially often affects children from 3 to 8 years old due to immature immunity and structural features of the upper respiratory tract.

    Causes of frequent bronchitis

    The main cause leading to the development of bronchitis is a viral infection. The pathogen enters the upper respiratory tract and then attacks. This causes inflammation of the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract.

    Other causes of frequent bronchitis:

    Bronchitis itself is not contagious. However, the virus (or bacteria) that causes bronchitis in children is contagious. Therefore, the best way to prevent bronchitis in your child is to make sure that he does not become infected with a virus or bacteria.

    1. Teach your child to wash their hands thoroughly with soap and water before eating.
    2. Give your child nutritious and healthy food so that his immune system is strong enough to fight off infectious pathogens.
    3. Keep your child away from family members who are sick or have a cold.
    4. As soon as your baby is six months old, get a flu vaccine every year to protect against flu vaccine.
    5. Do not allow family members to smoke in the house, as second-hand smoke can lead to chronic illness.
    6. If you live in a heavily polluted area, teach your child to wear a face mask.
    7. Clean your child's nose and sinuses with a saline nasal spray to remove allergens and pathogens from the mucous membranes and nasal villi.
    8. Supplement your child's diet with vitamin C to strengthen his immune system. Consult your pediatrician to find out the correct dosage for your child, as a high dose of the vitamin may cause.

    Parents should not limit their baby's exposure to germs and diseases. After all, all children are susceptible to classic childhood diseases, either through natural infection or vaccination.

    Your baby gets sick often now because it is the first natural impact of childhood illness on him, not because there is anything wrong with his immune system.

    Building and strengthening his immune system during these early years helps prevent future complications from contracting these diseases later when they can have more serious consequences.

    The best way to keep your children healthy is to follow your doctor's recommended vaccination schedule, wash your hands frequently, eat a healthy diet and exercise, and give your baby time to build a healthy immune system.

    Today, many mothers ask questions about why their child often gets sick and what to do to improve his health. All parents try to protect their baby from infections. However, no matter what efforts are made, they still get sick. Children are most susceptible to frequent viral infections in preschool age. Why is this happening? Let's figure it out.

    Frequently ill child at 1 year old

    Children under two years of age often get sick because their immune system is not yet properly strengthened. Any infection enters their body much more often and faster than in an adult child. If Small child I get sick often, what should I do? 1 year is the age when many medications are contraindicated.

    The immune system is weak and decreases even more if the child is given antibiotics. To begin with, parents should note what kind of life their baby leads. Perhaps he lacks fresh air, hardening, proper nutrition. Some parents believe that if the weather outside is bad: snow, frost or drizzling, you shouldn’t go out for a walk.

    Mom should try to feed the baby breast milk as long as possible. It’s not for nothing that they say that in this case the child is less susceptible to infections. All year round, it won’t hurt your baby to brew chamomile, juice and other herbs that strengthen the immune system for drinking. You can give them instead of compote or tea.

    Frequently ill child at 2 years old

    Parents of older children are also concerned about similar questions. If a child (2 years old) is often sick, what should be done in this case? In theory, his immunity is already stronger. This is a misconception. A 2-year-old child still requires special attention. But you can already buy medicines that will help treat your baby. However, it is worth remembering that their excessive consumption reduces immunity, especially with regard to antibiotics.

    Antiviral medications will not hurt your child to help cope with the disease. Vitamins, proteins, and lean meat should be present in a child’s diet every day. Very often, children get sick at the age of 2, when they begin to attend kindergarten. This is due to the meager menu in the dining room.

    Why do children who attend kindergarten often get sick, and what to do about it?

    Children who go to preschool institutions get sick 10-15% more often than children at home. Why does this happen? At home, parents protect their babies from any infection. During quarantine, they try not to take children to crowded places and avoid contact with sick people. When the baby starts going to kindergarten, he gets various infections from his peers. It is very often observed that parents bring children with viral infections into the group, and they infect healthy ones.

    My child often gets sick in kindergarten, what should I do? This question worries many parents. Of course, it is not possible to completely avoid diseases, since the body must fight, but they can be minimized.

    To begin with, the child must be provided with a healthy lifestyle. His bedroom, where he sleeps, should be clean and well ventilated daily. On the street or at home, he should be dressed the same as his parents. It is advisable to accustom a child to sports as early as possible. It is better to give him non-carbonated water, compotes, juices, herbal teas to drink. All this will help strengthen the immune system.

    During the summer, the child should spend time fresh air as much time as possible. River, sea, warm sand - all this improves immunity. After an illness, there is no need to rush to kindergarten; let him stay at home for another 5-7 days to strengthen the body.

    If your baby gets an infection next time, it may take much longer to recover. Important! The baby must undergo a full course of treatment; if it is interrupted, complications are possible.

    Frequent illnesses in kindergarten are normal phenomenon. According to doctors, ideal age child to visit public places - 3-3.5 years. By this age, the immune system is ready to fight viral infections.

    Frequently ill children aged 5

    Even after the child has undergone full adaptation to kindergarten, he continues to get sick often. Why does this happen and what to do in this case? This usually happens due to the fact that the child’s immunity is still weakened, since the child took certain medications for a long period or suffered a serious illness.

    My child is often sick, what should I do? 5 years is the age when you can explain to your child that they must wash their hands with soap after a walk. Also, before quarantine time comes, it is advisable to get vaccinated against infectious diseases. It is very good to take various immunomodulators during this period, which will support the body during a difficult period. Of course, we must not forget about hardening. If you adhere to all the rules, children will not stop getting sick completely, but they will be able to avoid some infections.

    Angina and its treatment

    Angina - infection tonsils She is accompanied high temperature and sore throat. If a child often suffers from sore throat, what should be done in this case? First you need to understand the reason.

    To do this, you need to take all the tests prescribed by the doctor and contact an ENT specialist. Frequent sore throat is possible if one of the parents has chronic illness upper respiratory tract.

    A child is often sick: what to do? Visiting a children's group or crowded places can provoke a sore throat. If the child is very small, then it is better to apply gentle compresses from cabbage leaves or cottage cheese, spray the throat, and be sure to give warm milk with a piece of butter to drink. The main thing is that you need to treat in a complex manner.

    A child from 3 years old can gargle. Therefore, you need to dilute it with 0.5 tsp in a glass of warm boiled water. soda. You cannot warm your throat with various folk remedies in the form of lamps and salt! The disease will only progress. Drinking frequently will help your child lower his temperature. It is not advisable to knock it down to the 38.5 mark.

    For frequent tonsillitis, many doctors recommend surgery to remove the tonsils. This is an unpleasant procedure. My throat hurts for a month after the operation. Therefore, it is better to try to avoid this unpleasant surgical procedure. To prevent sore throat from becoming chronic, better than a child gradually harden him with a contrast shower, strengthen his immune system with the help of vitamins, vegetables, fruits, and in the summer it is advisable to take him to the sea (for at least 14 days). Then the baby will get sick less.

    What to do if you have frequent ARVI illnesses

    If children often suffer from viral infections, this means one thing - reduced immunity. In this case, you should not leave your babies without the supervision of a doctor. Complications may arise, and then parents will not understand what caused this.

    ARVI is a disease that is transmitted by airborne droplets. In order to understand what kind of infection the child has, all the necessary tests prescribed by the doctor are taken. ARVI can be treated at home, but under the supervision of a doctor. In this case, changes in temperature, respiratory tract and nasopharynx are observed. If a child often suffers from ARVI, what should be done in this case to avoid relapses? A comprehensive treatment method must be carried out. The diet must include fruits and vegetables.

    It is better to offer your baby drinks in the form of juices, fruit drinks, milk with honey or compotes. If the child does not have a temperature, then mustard plasters can be applied. The medicine must be given according to a doctor's prescription. Only comprehensive treatment will help the child to be cured for a long time. After an illness, it is better to try not to visit places where there are many people; the body needs to get stronger. The most important thing is to protect the child from all kinds of drafts. This is the first friend of the disease.

    What to do if you have frequent bronchitis?

    Bronchitis is inflammation of the bronchi. The first symptom of this disease is a cough of any form (wet or dry). Bronchitis is treated exclusively under the supervision of a doctor. If it is not treated properly or if you self-medicate, it will lead to pneumonia, etc.

    Many parents are afraid of such consequences and ask the question: “The child often suffers from bronchitis: what to do?” First of all, your baby should be given daily inhalations, warm milk with honey to drink, and medications prescribed by the doctor. If a child suffers from bronchitis more than four times a year, a diagnosis of chronic bronchitis is made. If this disease is mild, then you can take medications orally; in severe cases, only injections are prescribed.

    A child often suffers from bronchitis: what to do? Any doctor will advise him to harden him and walk more in the fresh air, and to make the child’s lifestyle as comfortable as possible. If there is frequent bronchitis, the baby’s room should be wet cleaned daily, so it will be easier for him to breathe. It is advisable to remove the entire dust collector (in the form of soft toys, carpets, etc.).

    Causes of common childhood illnesses

    Very often a child gets sick if the environment is unfavorable for him. This could be low-quality products, improper daily routine, or polluted air. Because of all these unpleasant factors, the child’s immunity decreases, as a result of which he begins to get sick more and more often. As a rule, after contact with children, a baby can get new infections, which will become increasingly difficult for his body to cope with.

    Sometimes it is impossible to do without medications, but only in acute and advanced forms. A child often gets sick, what should you do in this case? At the initial stage of the disease, you can give the child tablets or syrups to maintain immunity, vitamins C and D. Warm, generous drinks, mustard plasters, and honey are also recommended. When coughing, compresses made from cottage cheese or potato cakes are effective.

    When you have a runny nose, it is advisable to take mustard baths, but only if there is no fever. If the child is an infant, the most effective remedy is to rinse and instill the nose with mother’s milk. For a sore throat, gargle every half hour. For children you need to make a weak solution. You should not take antibiotics or other medications right away. They weaken the immune system, which leads to frequent colds.

    What Komarovsky says about frequently ill children

    According to Dr. Komarovsky, for a child who attends children's group, it is quite normal to get sick 6-10 times a year. He says that if in childhood they often struggle with various colds and overcome them, then these children very rarely take infections into their bodies when they become adults.

    My child is often sick, what should I do? Komarovsky advises bed rest for the first 5 days, since the virus can live in the human body only if there is no treatment at all. During illness, you don’t need to move much, as there is a risk of a long recovery and infection of others. When the temperature rises, it is necessary to give an antipyretic, but there is no need to give tablets, especially immunomodulators.

    My child is often sick, what should I do? Komarovsky believes that it is quite possible to cure a baby with the help of natural vitamins and plenty of drinking. Getting ARVI often is completely normal and, according to the doctor, not scary. The main task of parents is to cure the child without antibiotics and medications.

    Viruses are transmitted less frequently in the fresh air than indoors, so you can go outside even with a sick baby, just avoid places where there are people. Daily ventilation of the room is mandatory, even when the baby is sleeping, leave the window open for 2-3 hours, and cover him.

    Prevention, according to Dr. Komarovsky, is indicated for the entire period of the illness and you cannot communicate with people for 2 weeks after it. A weakened body can take on another infection, which can lead to complications if the disease recurs suddenly. As Dr. Komarovsky advises mothers, it is necessary to learn to be treated without pharmacies; they should be saved for emergencies. In case of viral infections, the first thing given to the child is liquid (milk, compote, herbs).

    How to strengthen a child’s immunity so that he gets sick less often?

    To strengthen the immune system, there is no need to rush to give medicine. First you need to create a comfortable lifestyle for the baby. Let him learn to maintain hygiene, wash his hands not only after going outside, but also after using the toilet. Mom can suggest that the whole family wash their toys in soapy water every day. During quarantine, try not to go to stores with your baby or travel in public transport. If it is possible not to attend kindergarten, then it is better to stay home while the virus spreads.

    The child’s menu must include fish, meat, cereals, and dairy products. Try to give as little sweets as possible (buns, candies, sugar, etc.). Gradually you can accustom your child to hardening. A contrast shower is very useful to use daily. If you create all the conditions, then the child will get sick less often.

    In order for the child to get sick as little as possible, it is necessary to take care of him before his birth. Parents should live in an ecologically clean area and be checked for all possible diseases. The main thing is that they are not passed on to the child. During pregnancy, a mother must be limited from stress and from communicating with a sick person.

    When a baby is born, he needs to be breastfed for as long as possible. Enroll your child in kindergarten before three years not necessary, since the body is still weakened. He becomes stronger closer to four years, then communication in a team will not hurt him. If a child begins to get sick often, which is 10 times a year or more, then you need to undergo examination by the following doctors: endocrinologist, immunologist, allergist and pediatrician. Pass all relevant tests as prescribed by doctors. After the doctor has written a prescription, the baby needs to be treated as a whole and under no circumstances should it be interrupted so that there are no unpleasant consequences. There is no need to self-medicate, as you can harm him even more.


    Help your baby be healthy. This is a lot of work for parents. Nothing is impossible, and it is quite possible to do without antibiotics and injections. Create comfortable living conditions for your child, strengthen him. You yourself will be surprised that your child will begin to get sick less, without medications.

    A child does not necessarily indicate any pathology; urine is produced in larger quantities when consuming watermelon, melon, pears, juice and an increased drinking regimen.

    In some cases, frequent urination may be a consequence of pathological processes, which must be diagnosed promptly.

    The number of times a child urinates depends on age. Let's take a closer look at what is normal and what are signs of diseases of the urogenital tract in children.

    How many times a day should a baby urinate normally?

    • newborns in the first week of life – 4 – 5 times a day;
    • child up to six months – 15 – 20 times;
    • from 6 to 12 months – up to 15 times;
    • from 1 to 3 years – 10 times;
    • from 3 to 6 years – 6 – 8 times;
    • from 9 years and older – 5 – 6 times.

    According to statistics, 1/5 of children under 5 years old urinate more often than normal.

    Causes of frequent urination in children

    If we do not consider the physiological increase in diuresis associated with increased fluid intake and hypothermia, then the diseases in which this symptom manifests itself are as follows:

    • taking certain medications that increase diuresis (diuretics are often included in the treatment regimen by neurologists);
    • (night urge to go to the toilet);
    • inflammatory diseases of the urinary organs;
    • neurological disorders;
    • bacterial and viral infections with fever;
    • dismetabolic nephropathy;
    • developmental anomalies of the genitourinary system, accompanied by impaired urine outflow;
    • foreign body in urinary tract;
    • vulvovaginitis (inflammation of the vulva and vagina) in a girl and (inflammation of the inner layer of the foreskin) in a boy.

    Sometimes in young children with acute viral infection an inflammatory process develops in the genitals, which is associated with a general weakening of the body against the background of reduced immunity.

    Signs and symptoms to look out for if your child urinates frequently

    Attentive parents will notice signs of trouble in their child, which may include the following:

    An older child will tell you about or in the lumbar region and pain when urinating.

    Some children begin to avoid the potty, and the process of urination itself is accompanied by crying.

    Anyway, If symptoms are detected, it is necessary to collect urine for analysis and consult a pediatrician for advice. Fever up to 38 -39 degrees C, chills, lethargy, apathy - a reason to call an ambulance.

    What to do if your child urinates frequently without pain or with pain

    Even if not pain, the temperature is normal, and general health does not suffer, it is necessary to undergo an examination, which includes the following:

    • general urinalysis and;

    If pathological changes no, you can observe the state in dynamics. Additionally, consultation with a neurologist may be required.

    If a child frequently urinates at night, it is necessary to exclude neurological disorders associated with fear, anxiety, and spinal cord damage.

    Frequent urination in small portions can be caused by an increase in adrenaline, the stress hormone. This is characteristic of a state of overexcitation. After normalization of the nervous status, the symptom goes away on its own.

    Changes in a general urine test in a child: what they are and what they mean

    If a child has bacteriuria, it is mandatory to undergo a urine test for flora and sensitivity to antibiotics.

    Here it is important to identify the causes of uronephrolithiasis or pyelonephritis. Anomalies in the development of the upper urinary tract, such as narrowing of the ureteropelvic segment, accessory vessels of the kidneys with a bend of the ureter through them, strictures (narrowing), accessory valves, and other pathologies.

    According to indications, if there is a suspicion of anomalies in the development of the terminal parts of the ureter or structure Bladder may perform cystoscopy. Pediatric cystoscopes are specially adapted for young patients.

    The appearance of casts, protein, red blood cells in the urine, with or without edema, or an increase in temperature implies the exclusion of the diagnosis . In this case, the child is hospitalized for examination and treatment in the nephrology department. A nephrologist can diagnose a wide variety of kidney diseases associated with genetic pathologies, in which changes in the child’s urine are also recorded.

    Additionally, to exclude genitourinary tuberculosis , in case of recurrent urinary tract infections, examination by a phthisiourologist is justified.

    Why does the child begin to urinate frequently during the day?

    Outside of a confirmed infectious-inflammatory process, the cause of frequent urination in a child may be.

    The urge to go to the toilet occurs every 15 to 20 minutes.

    Doctors call this condition “pollakiuria,” or daytime urinary frequency syndrome in children.

    Boys are more susceptible to this disorder.

    Great importance is attached to the fact of psycho-emotional trauma or any previous events that changed the child’s usual way of life, for example, going to school.

    This is due to the child’s character traits, which include anxiety, suspiciousness, and tearfulness.

    Classes with a psychologist, the correct daily routine, walks in the fresh air, and playing sports have a good effect..

    Complications and consequences of frequent urination in children

    Inflammatory processes in the urogenital tract, refusal of examination and treatment can lead to the development of chronic renal failure. It is important to remember that the earlier the diagnosis is made and treatment is carried out, including surgical correction, the greater the chances for a full life for a small patient.

    Frequent urination in a child: treatment

    The doctor selects the correct treatment regimen in each specific case individually, depending on the reasons and based on the examination. The child’s age and concomitant pathology are taken into account.

    For inflammatory processes not associated with abnormalities in the development of the urinary tract, they are prescribed taking into account sensitivity to the pathogen.

    Cephalosporin antibiotics and protected penicillins are most often used. Among uroseptics, pipemidic acid and nitroxoline (Palin, Pimidel, 5 - NOK) are prescribed in pediatric practice.

    According to indications, surgical intervention is performed: open or endoscopic.

    Indications for surgical treatment: all diseases of the urogenital tract that lead to impaired urine outflow:

    • PUJ strictures;
    • developmental anomalies;
    • strictures;
    • blocking, etc.

    Children with a tendency to salt formation must be given clean water to drink, in addition to milk, soup and compotes. It is also necessary to examine the salt composition of urine, this is necessary for the correct preparation of a diet.

    Herbal medicine is used as an adjuvant - treatment with decoctions of plants with anti-inflammatory and diuretic properties. It is better to buy herbal infusions at a pharmacy. The following plants (not bitter) that are useful for a urological or nephrological patient are suitable:

    • Dill seeds;
    • kidney tea

    For a child over one year old you can buy ready-made form, for example, Canephron, Phytolysin.

    Fruit juice will be useful as an antimicrobial and diuretic, provided that the child does not have a tendency to diathesis.

    In addition, with frequent urination against the background of an inflammatory process in the urinary tract, it is necessary to exclude dishes that increase the irritating properties of urine: spicy, sour, salty, smoked foods, rich broths.

    If the cause of frequent urination in children is vulvovaginitis or balanoposthitis, start with local treatment. Use baths with a decoction of sage, or with a slightly pink solution of potassium permanganate.

    Irrigation can be performed with liquid chlorhexidine or dioxidine.

    In children ( fungal infection) soda lotions relieve the condition well. If the measure is not successful, the pediatrician will select a suitable antifungal agent.

    Diabetes mellitus and diabetes insipidus require treatment by an endocrinologist.

    If the cause of frequent urination is due to neurological problems, a neurologist will work with the child. Additionally, drugs that improve blood supply to the brain, sedatives, and multivitamins are used.

    Acute glomerulonephritis is treated in a hospital; the regimen is selected taking into account the form of the disease.

    Victoria Mishina, urologist, medical columnist

    Reading time: 7 minutes. Views 668 Published 07/18/2018

    Are you dreading the onset of the autumn-winter period, since your child often gets sick at this time? This situation is relevant for 40% of preschoolers, but this does not mean that the problem cannot be dealt with; you just need to identify and eliminate the cause of frequent colds.

    When doctors make a diagnosis: a frequently ill child

    It is normal for children to be sick. Diseases for the immune system, like physical exercise for the body, strengthen and harden. But this does not mean that the child should all year round walk around with a cough and snot, be pale and fall from weakness and chronic fatigue. There are certain indicators that regulate the permissible annual number of colds and children.

    Table for identifying frequently ill children

    Children under six months of age rarely suffer from colds, since their body is protected by maternal antibodies. Then they disappear, the immune system weakens, and, as recent studies show, after 6 months, colds occur equally often in breastfed and bottle-fed babies.

    Why do children often get sick?

    The main reason why a child often gets sick is the imperfection of the immune system. With age, immune memory is formed in the body - the body is able to quickly recognize the main types of pathogenic microorganisms and destroy them, the immune memory is filled after illnesses and vaccinations.

    Young children do not have such protection, so it takes time to identify enemy microbes and produce antibodies, which leads to the development of the disease

    Causes of common colds:

    • genetic factor;
    • infection with intrauterine infections;
    • hypoxia, premature birth;
    • vitamin deficiency, rickets;
    • bad ecology;
    • allergy;
    • the presence of chronic inflammatory processes in the body, surgical intervention;
    • helminthic infestations;
    • endocrinological pathologies;
    • failure to comply with hygiene rules.

    All these factors negatively affect the functioning of the immune system, but the main factors are somewhat different, we will talk about them a little later.

    How does removal of tonsils and adenoids affect a child’s immunity?

    For frequent tonsillitis, doctors recommend removing the tonsils; the operation is simple, safe, and complications rarely occur. But there is no need to rush, tonsils are part of the immune system; after their removal, microbes freely penetrate into the upper and lower respiratory tract, which is fraught with chronic laryngitis and bronchitis. Surgery is needed if exacerbations occur more than 4 times a year, or if there is no improvement after antibiotic therapy.

    Adenoids are an age-related problem; adults do not have this disease. Therefore, if the problem manifests itself insignificantly and does not interfere with normal nasal breathing, you can wait a little. Adenoids are also part of the immune system and prevent the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms into the nasopharynx.

    Should we treat weak immunity, or should we just wait? Children are born with primary immunodeficiency extremely rarely; with this pathology, the child not only gets sick often, but every cold turns into severe bacterial infections - tonsillitis, bronchitis, pneumonia.

    Congenital immunodeficiency is a dangerous and fatal disease, and has nothing to do with a prolonged runny nose.

    Secondary immunodeficiency develops under the influence external factors, and most often the parents are to blame for this - it is difficult to admit and realize this, but it is necessary. Poor nutrition, constant wrapping, dry and hot air in the room, lack of physical activity - all these factors prevent the child’s immunity from forming and developing normally.

    What is good for a child's immunity?:

    1. Clean and cool air in the room - regularly ventilate the room, maintain the temperature at 18-20 degrees, humidity 50-70%.
    2. Remove all dust collectors from the child’s room - carpets, soft toys, and carry out wet cleaning regularly, preferably daily.
    3. The child should sleep in a cool room, light or warm pajamas - at the discretion of the baby, he should be comfortable, he should not sweat in his sleep.
    4. Do not force-feed your child, do not force him to finish everything, and do not allow snacks between main meals. Natural sweets are much healthier than artificial products.
    5. Monitor the condition of your oral cavity; a hole in a tooth is a constant source of infection. Teach your child to brush his teeth twice a day for 3-5 minutes, rinse his mouth after every meal and sweets.
    6. Compliance with the drinking regime - children need to drink approximately 1 liter of liquid per day. This can be pure non-carbonated water, fruit drinks, compotes, natural juices; all products must be at room temperature.
    7. Sweating provokes the development of colds more often than hypothermia, put the same amount of clothes on your child as you do on yourself, and don’t bundle them up. If the baby is dressed too warmly, he moves less outside, which is also not good.
    8. Long walks in the fresh air, preferably twice a day; in good weather, you can take a quiet short walk before bed.
    9. For a frequently ill child, it is better to choose a sport where activities take place in the fresh air. It is better to postpone visiting the pool and active communication in a confined space for a while.
    10. Get all vaccinations up to date, teach your child to wash their hands frequently and thoroughly.

    Hardening procedures - a frequently ill child needs to be hardened, even if you feel very sorry for the little one. But start gradually, if you immediately pour a bucket of cold water on your baby’s head in the cold, it will not end well.

    Hardening is not only water procedures and gymnastics in the morning, but the combination of all the listed measures to strengthen the immune system.

    What is the right summer vacation?

    Children definitely need a summer holiday, but trips to the sea are unlikely to help strengthen the immune system. Children should relax away from large crowds of people, eat natural healthy food, run barefoot in shorts all day, so the ideal vacation spot is a village, but most parents cannot achieve such a feat.

    If you still want to go to the sea, choose places that are not particularly popular, where you can find a piece of deserted beach, and do not feed your baby harmful and prohibited foods, even on vacation.

    Childhood diseases and bacteria

    All these recommendations may seem very simple to you; many mothers will want to do something more significant in terms of strengthening the baby’s immune system. You can take a bunch of tests, do an immunogram, most likely, the child will be found to have staphylococci, antibodies to herpes, cytomegalovirus, Giardia - here everything becomes clear, microbes are to blame for everything.

    But staphylococci are opportunistic bacteria that live in the mucous membranes and intestines of almost every person. But it is simply impossible to live in a metropolis and not have antibodies to the listed viruses and protozoa. So don't look treatment methods, and strengthen your immune system regularly.

    Immunomodulators - pros and cons

    Do children need synthetic immunomodulators? Such drugs activate the production of antibodies, but there are very few real indications for the use of such potent drugs; they are associated with primary and severe secondary immunodeficiency conditions. Therefore, if your baby is simply often sick, then spare his body and let everything happen naturally.

    But most doctors have no complaints about natural immunomodulators based on ginseng, echinacea, propolis and royal jelly. Drugs can be used to strengthen the body's defenses, but only after prior consultation with a pediatrician or immunologist, and subject to strict adherence to all measures to strengthen the body's defenses.

    Traditional recipes to strengthen the immune system

    1. Grind 200 g of dried apricots, raisins, prunes, walnuts in a blender, add the zest and juice of 1 lemon, 50 ml of honey. Place the mixture in a dark place for 2 days and store in a dark glass container. Give your child 1 tsp. three times a day before meals.
    2. Cut 3 medium green apples into small cubes, chop 150 g walnuts, 500 g cranberries. Mix everything, add 0.5 kg of sugar and 100 ml of water, simmer the mixture over low heat until it boils. Cool, give the child 1 tsp. in the morning and in the evening.
    3. Melt 50 g of propolis in a water bath, cool, add 200 ml of liquid honey. Dosage – 0.5 tsp. every morning before breakfast.

    For chronic inflammatory processes in the body, physiotherapy - ultraviolet irradiation, visiting salt caves, taking mineral waters or inhalations with them, sunbathing.


    A frequently ill child is not a death sentence; every parent is able to create all the conditions to strengthen the child’s immunity.

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