• State payments for pregnancy and childbirth. What benefits are due to pregnant women? Early pregnancy: a guide. Lump sum at an early age


    In 2020 minimum size benefits for pregnancy and childbirth during normal pregnancy with one employer will increase to 55.8 thousand rubles, and the maximum - 322.2 thousand rubles. (with vacation 140 days). You can read how to calculate pregnancy benefits in 2020 and write an application in this article (with examples). Personal income tax from payments for pregnancy is not withheld.

    Unemployed / unemployed citizens do not receive pregnancy benefits.

    Maternity benefits

    The maternity allowance is paid in total for the entire leave (maternity leave) with a duration of:

    • 70+70 calendar days (before childbirth + after childbirth);
    • 70+86 calendar days in case of complicated childbirth;
    • 84+110 calendar days for the birth of two or more children.

    Maternity leave is calculated in total and is granted to a woman completely regardless of the number of days actually used before childbirth, for example, the next vacation.

    Working for women subject to compulsory social insurance, the maternity allowance is set at 100% of average earnings. According to the norms of Federal Law No. 255, from January 1, 2011, average earnings are considered to be two calendar years preceding the year of maternity leave.

    The amount of maternity leave in 2020

    The amount of maternity payments cannot be less than 55.8 thousand and more than 322.2 thousand rubles for 140 days of vacation. To clarify: the amount of the benefit is calculated by multiplying the average daily earnings of a woman by the number of vacation days, while

    the maximum amount of average daily earnings is limited. It cannot exceed the amount determined by dividing by 730 the sum of the maximum base values ​​for calculating insurance premiums for the two calendar years preceding the year of maternity leave (part 3.3 of article 14 of Law No. 255-FZ).

    The law states that we divide by exactly 730 (regardless of whether the periods fall on a leap year), i.e. when going on maternity leave in 2020, the maximum amount of average daily earnings will be (815,000 + 865,000) / 730 = 2,301.37 rubles. To calculate max. the amount of the payment, the resulting value should be multiplied by the number of vacation days. To calculate, you can use the maternity payment calculator.

    A woman with an insurance period of less than six months is paid a maternity benefit in the amount of the minimum wage (minimum wage) for each month of vacation. From January 2020, the minimum wage is 12,130 rubles. The length of service includes all periods during which a citizen was subject to compulsory social insurance in case of temporary disability and in connection with motherhood.

    Recipient categories

    Dismissed due to liquidation organizations, the maternity benefit is set at 655.49 rubles per month. To do this, it is necessary to register with the employment center within 12 months from the date of dismissal.

    The specified benefit amount will be indexed from February 1, 2020.

    For the unemployed maternity allowance is not provided, as this is a compensation for earnings, which future mom underpaid due to maternity leave. A non-working mother does not have such an income.

    Maternity for individual entrepreneurs possible if they are in voluntary social insurance for individual entrepreneurs in the FSS (social insurance fund) and have paid contributions for the year preceding the year of maternity leave.

    Required documents for applying for maternity benefits:

    • Sick leave from the antenatal clinic;
    • Certificate of income from the previous place of work (if there is work experience from other employers for the billing period).
    • If you were fired due to the liquidation of the company, your benefits need to get in the Social Security, but for this you need to register with the employment center.
    • If the employer cannot pay maternity benefits (there is no money in the account), the benefit is paid by the territorial body of the insurer (see the name of the insurance company on your CHI policy).

    Terms of application and payment of benefits for pregnancy and childbirth

    Apply no later than six months from the end of maternity leave. The allowance is assigned within 10 days after the submission of all documents.

    Pay attention to other child benefits, which are established by federal law No. 81-FZ "On state benefits to citizens with children"

    The following women are entitled to the maternity allowance:

    • subject to compulsory social insurance in case of temporary disability and in connection with motherhood;
    • dismissed in connection with the termination of activities by their employer within 12 months preceding the day they were recognized as unemployed;
    • receiving full-time primary, secondary or higher vocational education;
    • undergoing military service under a contract, serving in the internal affairs bodies, in the State Anti fire department, in institutions and bodies of the penitentiary system, in the bodies for the control of the circulation of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, in the customs authorities.

    The allowance can also be claimed in the event of the adoption of a child or children (Article 6 federal law dated May 19, 1995 No. 81-FZ ""; hereinafter referred to as the law on benefits for citizens with children).

    When Can I Get Maternity Benefit?

    The allowance is paid for the period of maternity leave of duration:

    • before delivery - 70 days (with multiple pregnancy – 84);
    • after childbirth - 70 days (in case of complicated childbirth - 86, with the birth of two or more children - 110).

    From July 1, 2017, medical organizations have the right, at the patient's choice and with his written consent, to issue a sick leave in the form of an electronic document signed by the attending physician and medical institution using an enhanced qualified electronic signature (Federal Law No. 86-FZ dated May 1, 2017).

    Maternity leave is calculated in total and is granted to the woman in full, regardless of the number of days actually used before childbirth. That is, if the birth occurred earlier than the expected date, then the unused days of prenatal leave are not deducted ().

    It is important to know that if a woman is entitled to maternity leave, but does not take maternity leave (that is, she continues to work), she will not be paid maternity benefits during her work period ().

    When adopting a child (children) under the age of three months, the maternity benefit is paid for the period from the date of its adoption until the expiration of 70 calendar days from the date of birth of the child. With the simultaneous adoption of two or more children, this period increases to 110 days ().

    The benefit is assigned if the application was followed no later than six months from the date of the end of the maternity leave ().

    The amount of the maternity benefit

    The amount of this allowance is calculated based on the average earnings for two calendar years. This amount is divided by the total number of calendar days of these two years, with the exception of days when the employee was on sick leave, on maternity or parental leave, or was released from work while maintaining a salary for which insurance premiums were not charged (periods annual paid leave and leave at their own expense are not excluded from the calculation of calendar days) (Article 14 of the Federal Law of December 29, 2006 No. 255-FZ "").

    That is, if maternity leave began in 2017, the maximum daily wage is 1901.4 rubles, and the minimum is 256.44 rubles.

    After that, the amount of the benefit is determined: the average daily earnings for two years (or the minimum or maximum if the employee's salary did not fit into this framework) is multiplied by 100% and once again multiplied by the number of vacation days. Recall that its duration is 70 (in case of multiple pregnancy - 84) calendar days before delivery and 70 (in case of complicated birth - 86, with the birth of two or more children - 110) after ().


    A woman who went on maternity leave in 2017 earned 670 thousand rubles during 2016, and 590 thousand rubles during 2015. For two years, she was on sick leave for a total of 19 days, there were no other periods not included in the calculation.

    The total earnings for two years amounted to 1,260,000 rubles. It must be divided by the number of calendar days of these years (730), with the exception of those that are not taken into account in the calculation (19):

    1,260,000 / (730 - 19) = 1,752.4 rubles

    This amount does not exceed the maximum amount (1901.4 rubles), so it can be used in further calculations.
    Finally, we will determine the total amount of the benefit. Let's say that the pregnancy was singleton and the birth was uneventful - the woman will be granted leave 70 days before and 70 days after the birth (140 days in total). With this in mind, the amount of the benefit will be:

    1752.4 rubles x 100% x 140 = 245,336 rubles.

    Let us consider for which categories of citizens the average earnings for the purposes of calculating benefits are equal to the federal one on the date the maternity leave begins - we recall that from July 1, 2017, the minimum wage is 7.8 thousand rubles. ().

    These categories of citizens include lawyers, individual entrepreneurs, members of peasant (farm) households, notaries and other persons engaged in private practice, as well as members of tribal communities of indigenous peoples of the North. They are not required to transfer contributions to the FSS of Russia, but they can do it voluntarily. Only in this case, such citizens are entitled to claim benefits (, Federal Law of December 29, 2006 No. 255-FZ "On Compulsory Social Insurance in Case of Temporary Disability and in Connection with Motherhood",).

    fixed size allowances are established for certain categories of citizens. So, dismissed in connection with the termination of activities by the employer - 613.14 rubles. from February 1, 2017 (Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 28, 2016 No. 42 ""). Full-time students - in the amount of a scholarship. Passing military or law enforcement service - in the amount of monetary allowance ().

    Lump sum for pregnancy and childbirth (M&R) is provided in order to compensate for the lost earnings of women for the period of the birth of a child, therefore it relies primarily on those of them who are officially employed. But for some categories of non-working women, as well as employees, it is also paid. In the article we analyze in detail who is entitled to the allowance and how to apply for it.

    The payment of benefits is provided by the following regulations:

    • Federal Laws:
      • No. 81-FZ of May 19, 1995 "On State Benefits for Citizens with Children"(vv. 6-8);
      • No. 255-FZ of December 29, 2006 "On compulsory social insurance in case of temporary disability and in connection with motherhood"(ch. 3 and ch. 4);
    • Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development No. 1012n dated December 23, 2009 "On approval of the procedure and conditions for the appointment and payment of state benefits to citizens with children".

    Right to maternity allowance have women not only with Russian citizenship, but also with foreign citizenship, permanently or temporarily residing in Russia and working on employment contracts. This rule does not apply to temporary residents of the country.

    Who is to be paid

    The right to receive benefits in accordance with Art. 6 of Law No. 81-FZ have:

    • Women eligible for social insurance in case of disability:
      • working officially under an employment contract;
      • working as civilian personnel in the military formations of the Russian Federation on the territory of other states.
    • Non-working mothers:
      • dismissed due to the liquidation of the enterprise (as well as women who ceased their activities as an individual entrepreneur, notary, lawyer) and officially recognized as unemployed in the employment service within 12 months after that;
      • female contract servicemen and employees in the police department, customs, fire service, etc.;
      • full-time students in educational and scientific organizations (on a paid and free basis).

    Pilot project "Direct payments"

    Employees sometimes have conflict situations with the employer when, by law, he must pay benefits, but does not. This is especially true during an economic crisis.

    Women are most protected from such situations in the regions where the Direct Payments pilot project is operating. It provides that the allowance will be paid to the woman directly through the FSS. The project has been operating since 2011. Several regions join it every six months.


    Since January 1, 2020, the initiative has been operating in 68 regions of Russia. And from July 1, 2020, the Republic of Bashkortostan and Dagestan, Krasnoyarsk and Stavropol Territories, Volgograd, Leningrad, Tyumen and Yaroslavl regions will join the project.

    • In accordance with the terms of the project, usually the documents (sick leave and salary data) are transferred to the FSS by the employer himself.
    • In some cases, a woman will be able to do this herself - then you need to contact the FSS at the place of registration of the employer company.

    This opportunity simplifies the life of a woman, the accounting department of the enterprise and the FSS employees themselves. Accountants do not need to calculate the amount of offsets with the FSS. And a woman who has gone on maternity leave, regardless of how her employer’s financial affairs are, will receive a payment:

    • in a timely manner;
    • correctly calculated;
    • in the right amount.

    How to get maternity benefit

    The allowance is paid for the number of days that a woman actually stays on vacation in BiR. The right to exit on maternity leave and at the same time to receive benefits arises on time:

    • 30 weeks (7 months) in normal pregnancy;
    • 28 weeks - with multiple;
    • 27 weeks - for women living or working in an area contaminated after the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant or Mayak;
    • upon the occurrence premature birth- in the period between 22 and 30 obstetric weeks.

    Photo pixabay.com

    An important point is that a woman must apply for maternity payments within a maximum of six months after the end of the BiR vacation. It happens that for some reason beyond the control of the employee, an appeal within such a period is not possible. Then, if there is a good reason, you can apply for benefits later and immediately to the FSS.

    Valid reasons are:

    • insurmountable obstacle (natural disaster, fire);
    • prolonged illness for more than 6 months;
    • moving to another locality;
    • illegal dismissal and forced absenteeism associated with it;
    • death of a loved one.

    If the deadline is missed for another reason, you can apply to the court with a request to recognize it as valid.

    Order of appointment and payment

    First, a pregnant worker should apply to women's consultation, where she will be given a sick leave indicating the timing of her maternity leave. This certificate of incapacity for work is presented to the accounting department of the enterprise or directly to the FSS.

    An application for the accrual of benefits is usually submitted on the same day as maternity leave. This may happen:

    • On the day indicated in the sick leave- that's how it's done most of the time. Then the allowance will be assigned in the general case from the 30th week.
    • On any other day after the start of the maternity period specified in the sick leave - this makes sense if the woman feels well and wants to continue working. Then for the vacation days during which the woman worked, she will receive a salary, and the allowance will be assigned from the day indicated in her application.
    • Any day after childbirth, within the period established by law - the money will be credited from the day of actual maternity leave (in case of premature birth, the allowance is assigned for the full period).


    In general, the allowance is calculated for the standard period of sick leave. If, for example, complications related to childbirth have occurred, then the employee is issued an additional sick leave, on the basis of which the payment is recalculated. The additional amount is transferred to the woman's account.

    Terms of payment and transfer of money

    The law provides that when applying for benefits to the employer, maternity benefits:

    • appointed within 10 calendar days after the submission and registration of the application;
    • is transferred on the next day after the appointment, on which the salary is usually paid (the allowance itself is transferred to the salary card).

    When applying for benefits through the FSS, sometimes you have to wait a little longer:

    • the application is also considered within 10 days;
    • in the case of a positive decision, the money can be paid before the 26th day of the month following the month of application (then the payment is transferred to the woman's bank account or credited by postal order).

    How to calculate maternity benefit

    The B&D allowance is paid in the amount of 100% of the average salary for the two calendar years of work preceding the maternity leave. In 2020, those years will be 2018 and 2019.

    Photo pixabay.com

    The allowance is equal to the average earnings per day for the previous two years, multiplied by the number of days maternity leave. We get the average daily salary if we divide the total amount of earnings for the two specified years by the number of days in the billing period. The number of days will be 730 or 731 (if there was a leap year), minus sick days and earlier decrees.

    The payment is accrued for the entire period of maternity leave, which by default is:

    • 140 days for a normal pregnancy with one child (70 days before delivery and 70 days after).
    • 156 days in case of birth complications (70 before and 86 after).
    • 194 days with twins (84 before and 110 after).

    When adopting an infant, the payment is accrued from the date of adoption until the end of:

    • 70 days from the birth of one child;
    • 110 days from the birth of two or more children.

    The amount of the allowance in 2020 is limited to the limits established by law. For working women, with a decree duration of 140 days, it cannot be:

    • less than the minimum amount - 55,830.60 rubles;
    • more than the maximum - 322,191.80 rubles.


    For those who work less than six months, the amount of the benefit will take on a minimum value, regardless of the woman's current salary. The specified minimum is calculated from the current minimum wage (SMIC).

    What documents are needed to receive benefits

    The basis for calculating benefits is sick leave, issued in a antenatal clinic. With him, a woman should contact the accounting department of the company where she works.

    Usually, the registration of benefits is combined with the registration of maternity leave. A woman writes one application for maternity leave and for maternity leave. Making a vacation in BiR is prerequisite in order to apply for the appropriate allowance.


    Mandatory documents for the appointment of payments from the employer are an application and a sick leave.

    In some cases, other documents may be required:

    In the FSS you need to apply with a passport or other identity card. It is important for a woman to have time to change documents in time in case of a change of surname during marriage, otherwise her application will be returned to the FSS.

    2020 maternity benefit application (sample)

    The following mandatory information must be included in the grant application:

    • the name of the organization to which it is submitted (name of employer, branch of the FSS);
    • Full name of the applicant and his passport data;
    • information about the place of registration and the place of actual residence;
    • a request to provide maternity leave (dates from sick leave are indicated) and accrue benefits;
    • method of receipt (by mail, bank transfer);
    • grounds for appeal (in this case- maternity leave);
    • Applicant's signature, date.

    The application can be submitted in person, through a legal representative under a notarized power of attorney, or sent by mail. In it, the woman declares her desire to go on maternity leave and apply for an allowance for BiR. No. 182n of 04/30/2013. Order numbers and gave the common name to the document. In addition to other data (details of the employer organization, full name of the pregnant woman, etc.), the certificate indicates:

    • The amount of salary, other remuneration and payments for which insurance premiums were accrued, for two years before the year of maternity leave.
    • The number of days during these periods that the woman was on sick leave, maternity leave or parental leave.

    If necessary, the certificate is issued by the employer on the last working day of the employee. If the organization in which the woman worked ceased to exist, or a certificate cannot be obtained for other reasons, salary data is requested independently by the FSS employees in the Pension Fund.

    Order on the appointment of benefits for pregnancy and childbirth (sample)

    There is no approved order form. The document is published in any form. The organization order usually contains the same information as the woman’s statement:

    • the head of the organization orders the woman to be sent on leave to B&R and to assign her an allowance;
    • the document is drawn up on the basis of an application and sick leave.
    An example of an employer's order for maternity leave

    Organizations in the accounting department know how such orders are made, and there are usually no problems with paperwork. A copy of the order is issued to the woman in her hands against a subscription to familiarize herself on the main copy.


    The allowance for pregnancy and childbirth is due to working, employees, full-time students. The payment is made on the basis of sick leave according to BiR at the place of work, service or study. The unemployed, who were fired due to the liquidation of the enterprise, need to apply for benefits from social security.

    In many regions, there is a program of direct payment of benefits for R&D, which is very convenient to use.

    • It has many benefits for all participants: the woman, the employer and the FSS.
    • The only drawback of the project is the lack of public awareness that the payment can be received in this way.

    The payment is calculated for the entire period of maternity leave. Under normal conditions, this is 140 days (70 days before and 70 after childbirth). In general, the payment will be equal to 100% of the average monthly earnings.


    Bryansk, Ulyanova street, house 4, office 414

    After the birth of a newborn, the state pays the young mother benefits for the baby. Incidentally, every family needs this kind of money more than ever, because caring for a newborn requires a rather large budget. Some families spend this money on the necessary furniture and clothes for the child: a crib, chest of drawers, a stroller, diapers and diapers. If all this is bought, then the money will also not be superfluous, since as the baby grows older, new financial costs are required. It is worth knowing that in each country and region these payments differ from each other. But if we talk about Russia, then at the birth of a child, the mother is entitled to a pregnancy and childbirth allowance in 2018 and accruals up to a year and a half.

    Maternity leave is the time allotted for a woman to care for her baby. The state pays benefits after the birth of a newborn to the following mothers:

    • a working woman who will receive money from the enterprise;
    • persons who have adopted a child;
    • ladies who gave birth to a newborn, in the army ranks.
    • non-working mothers who can only rely on payments from the state;
    • female students of full-time education;
    • women entrepreneurs. To do this, the mother must apply with social protection, and the amount of payments depends on the level of income for the working period.

    It is worth noting that only women who are registered somewhere can receive benefits from the state. For payments, the mother must be registered for unemployment if she does not have official employment. Depending on which category the mother belongs to, you can receive payment in different places. Students must collect and submit documents to the dean's office, working and serving in the army under a contract in the personnel department, and non-working and adopting parents in social protection.

    Changes in maternity leave in the coming year

    The conditions for receiving benefits have not changed compared to the previous year. However, the number of days for leaving has changed.

    • for simple births, this is 140 days, 70 of them are reserved for the period before birth, and 70 after birth;
    • with complications 156 days, after childbirth, 86 days are required for recovery;
    • with multiple pregnancies, the maternity period consists of 194 days, where 84 are given before delivery and 110 after the birth of twins.
    • for women who have adopted children, maternity leave lasts only 70 days, and for women who have adopted several children, this period is increased to 110 days.

    Payment types

    Mom is claiming the same benefits in 2018 as in 2017. All women qualify for the following payments:

    1. Allowance for registration in the LCD. If the mother visited the gynecologist's office before 12 weeks, then she is entitled to payment after the birth of the child. It is one-time and amounts to 614 rubles. To obtain it, it is necessary to collect documents in the consultation and transfer them to social protection.
    2. Compensation for pregnancy and childbirth. The amount of this payment depends on the status of the woman. If a working mother needs the allowance, she will receive 100% of the average salary for the last 24 months. If the company is liquidated, then the payment is due from social protection. The amount of the allowance in 2018 for a working woman should be 34,500-266,190 rubles. Ladies who serve under contract in the army can count on 30,000 rubles. Girls who are full-time students at the university apply for 1340 rubles. If the scholarship has been indexed, then the amount of the payment may be increased. And non-working mothers can get the least, the amount of payments does not exceed 600 rubles.
    3. One-time payment for childbirth. To receive this allowance, you must collect all the documents before the child is six months old. The amount of payment for 2018 is 16,350 rubles. For adoptive parents, the amount may be lower - 15,512 rubles. When a baby is born to a soldier, the allowance is 24,500 rubles.
    4. Payments up to 1.5 years. You can count on a subsidy up to 1.5 years. If a woman receives money from an enterprise, then the amount is at least 40% of the average earnings for 2 years. For the first-born, the minimum payment is 3065, and for subsequent children 6131. ​​The maximum amount should not exceed 23120 rubles. If the company is liquidated, then payments will also be 40%. But social security will charge them, which means that the maximum threshold per month cannot be more than 12,262 rubles. For non-working women, the allowance is from 3065 for one child and twice as much for the second.
    5. Allowance up to 3 years. From the employer, you can count on compensation in the amount of 50 rubles in the period from 1.5 to three years of the child.

    If a woman worked continuously for two years and studied full-time before pregnancy, she can count on benefits received from two organizations, but only if the condition of continuous activity is met. It is worth knowing that the size of the maternity benefit in 2018 may differ in different regions. The most important thing is to collect on time required documents and apply to Social Security for payment.

    See video about the terms of benefits, registration, payment procedure and pitfalls:

    The state does not leave pregnant women to the mercy of fate, but provides all possible assistance. Another thing is that this assistance is not enough for all future mothers, and some do not even suspect that they are entitled to payments and benefits. Read the article and you will find out what kind of assistance from the state pregnant women can count on. There is a video at the end of the article to help you understand better.

    The state provides social help citizens who need it. Thus, when pregnancy occurs, women can count on material support, and in this regard they are entitled to following payments:

    The maternity benefit, unlike the other two lump-sum benefits, is calculated from the average wages future mother, so they may differ. The allowance for early registration and for the spouse of a military conscript are fixed indexed amounts.


    The circle of persons entitled to receive benefits under the BiR is limited: unemployed women are not entitled to payment (with the exception of those dismissed due to the termination of the employer's activities and full-time students). will also vary depending on social status recipients.

    Maternity allowance

    The right to receive maternity benefits is granted in accordance with Art. 6 of the Federal Law No. 81-FZ of May 19, 1995 "On State Benefits for Citizens with Children", the following categories of women:

    • working under an employment contract;
    • full-time students;
    • serving in the army on a contract basis, as well as those in the service in law enforcement agencies;
    • officially recognized as unemployed within a year after dismissal due to liquidation of the organization.


    If a district coefficient is established for the region of residence or employment of a woman, then it will not apply in relation to the B&D payment (as opposed to the other two maternity benefits). This is true for cases where this coefficient already accrued on wages, from which the B&D allowance is calculated.

    By law, you must apply for the appointment of maternity payments not later than six months from the end of maternity leave. But, as a rule, a woman draws up a leave for BiR (and with it the corresponding allowance) immediately after receiving sick leave.

    The maternity benefit is paid for the entire period of maternity leave, which, depending on the course of pregnancy, is:

    • 140 days- with a standard course of pregnancy;
    • 156 days- with complicated childbirth;
    • 194 days- in case of multiple pregnancy.

    In a normal situation sick leave is issued for 70 days before the birth of the child and 70 days after his birth. In case of complications the postpartum period is extended by 16 days. If a woman pregnant with two or more children, then the B&R leave should start 2 weeks earlier than the standard period, and the period after childbirth will be 110 days.

    Where to apply for payment?

    The B&D payment is provided to women either through compulsory social insurance or in the form of state support.

    By place of work maternity allowance is received by officially employed women, including civilian personnel of military units outside the Russian Federation (in cases regulated by international agreements of the Russian Federation).

    At the place of service- the following categories of pregnant women:

    • contract servicemen;
    • employees in law enforcement agencies, including customs and fire service.

    Full-time students in educational institutions(on a paid and free basis) you must contact at the place of study.

    To the social welfare authorities the purpose of the payment must be applied for by women dismissed due to the liquidation of an individual entrepreneur or an employer organization, as well as in connection with the termination of a private practice subject to state registration (within 12 months before they are officially recognized as unemployed).


    A woman who adopted a child who was not yet 3 months is also entitled to maternity benefits.

    The amount of prenatal benefits for BiR

    The amount of benefits for pregnancy and childbirth is determined by Art. 11 of the Federal Law No. 255-FZ of December 29, 2006 "On compulsory social insurance in case of temporary disability and in connection with motherhood" and is 100% of the average salary women in the previous 2 calendar years.

    If seniority less than six months, then the amount of payment is calculated from the current minimum wage (SMIC). If the average salary in the calculation was less minimum wage, then the calculation will also be made from it. In 2020, the minimum wage is 12,130 rubles, so the minimum amount of the B&D benefit will be:

    • for 140 days - 55830.60 rubles;
    • for 156 days - 62211.24 rubles;
    • for 194 days - 77365.26 rubles.

    The maximum amount of the BiR payment depends on the marginal base of the FSS. Depending on the course of pregnancy, and therefore the duration of the leave for BiR, maximum allowance will be:

    • with 140 days of vacation - 322,191.80 rubles;
    • with 156 days of vacation - 359013.72 rubles;
    • with 194 days of vacation - 446465.78 rubles.


    If a woman has been officially employed by several employers over the past two years (in an external combination), then when calculating the payment for BiR, her total income.

    For female students full-time education, the amount of payment for B&R will be 100% of the scholarship, for contract mothers and employees in law enforcement agencies - 100% of the monetary allowance.

    For women, laid off due to liquidation organizations, the amount of the allowance is determined by law. Taking into account indexation from February 1, 2020 by 3%, it is equal to RUB 675.15

    In the event that the mother has to take a leave of absence from the BiR for next child but is on parental leave up to 1.5 years behind the previous one, she can choose only one(more profitable) of these options, together with the appointment only one allowance corresponding to the type of vacation.

    Receive both types of payments simultaneously by law not allowed.

    Allowance for registration in early pregnancy in 2020

    Women who applied to the antenatal clinic (or any other medical organization) in connection with pregnancy before the onset of obstetric term equal to 12 weeks.


    Place of destination, terms of application and circle of persons entitled to receive a lump sum payment identical established for registration of benefits for pregnancy and childbirth.

    The amount of payment assigned in connection with registration in the early stages of pregnancy is established at the legislative level and is indexed annually. From February 1, 2020, its amount is RUB 675.15

    If a certificate from a medical organization confirming early registration is provided along with the submission of documents for payment under BiR, then the assignment and accrual of benefits occurs simultaneously.

    One-time allowance for the pregnant wife of a serviceman

    The pregnant wife of a conscripted serviceman is provided with additional state material support in the form of a one-time allowance. It is paid if documented gestational age at least 180 days.

    To qualify for a pregnant woman's allowance, you must be with a military conscript in official marriage. Lump sum payment to the wife of a military conscript:

    • transferred by an authorized body in accordance with the legislation of a particular subject of the Russian Federation;
    • does not depend on the employment of the expectant mother and other factors.

    The amount of the benefit is determined by law, taking into account the indexation by 3% from February 1, 2020, it is RUB 28511.40 The receipt by the wife of a conscript of other benefits due to pregnant women, does not change her rights for this payment.


    Bryansk, Ulyanova street, house 4, office 414

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