• One-time assistance to a first-grader. Benefits for large families


    Preparing for school involves numerous expenses, from which most parents come into a slight shock, so the question of an allowance for a first-grader does not lose relevance from year to year. Who can count on help and how to apply for it?

    Who is the state ready to help?

    A one-time benefit for first-graders can be received by families with many children, as well as by parents who have confirmed their status as low-income or single.

    In particular, the following may qualify for a one-time payment:

      On a note! By decision of local authorities, families with many children have the right to monthly compensation for office supplies and free lunches for schoolchildren.

      How to determine your income level?

      If everything is clear with the status of having many children, then determining the income for each family member often causes difficulties. It’s easy to calculate – you need to add up the parents’ salaries and divide them by the number of family members. If the figure is below the minimum subsistence level established in the region, then you can safely prepare documents and apply for benefits as low-income people.

      About the amount of payments

      The allowance for first-graders from large families and other categories of citizens is established by regional authorities, who determine its size, terms of issuance and conditions of receipt. The only thing that remains unchanged is that it is paid for each first-grader child. If there are two or more such children in a family, everyone will receive money.

      Unfortunately, support is not provided everywhere, and the size of the one-time benefit varies: in some areas they give one and a half thousand, in others - more than ten. The story that somewhere, either in Yakutia or in Moscow, they give benefits to a first-grader of 14,000 rubles is just an Internet story.

      Here are just a few examples of how much local budgets allocate to support parents:

      • Nizhny Novgorod – 1500 rubles;

        Murmansk region – 3 thousand rubles;

        Moscow – 5 thousand rubles. (annually for low-income people to purchase school uniforms);

        Samara region – 1000 rubles. given to families with four or more children, single mothers with three or more children, orphans in foster families, disabled people of groups 1 and 2, and 200 rubles are paid extra for average per capita income of less than 10 thousand rubles;

        Saratov – 1186 rub. they give large families money to buy a school uniform and give a discount on meals at school (instead of 105 rubles, parents pay 83);

        Ulyanovsk region - payments to large, single-parent and low-income families reach 5 thousand rubles, as they attract not only budget money, but also donations from participants in the “Help get ready for school” campaign; 13 thousand “First-Class” plastic cards were also issued - with them you can buy stationery and locally produced clothing with a 20% discount;

        Penza region - there are no special measures to support needy schoolchildren, but “Get your child ready for school” campaigns are held annually, so it is possible to accept the help of private benefactors.

      Where to begin?

      First, it’s worth finding out what benefits your family can count on and in a particular region of residence. To do this you can:

        visit your local social security office;

        send a written request by mail to the mayor, head of the education department, governor or other person whose competence includes issues of social support for the population;

      Important! Officials cannot ignore your request, so short time wait for an answer.

      Clarification is required on the following issues.

        What benefits can you expect in your particular case?

        What documents need to be collected for registration?

        Which organization should I contact to submit documents and assign benefits to first-graders in 2017? large families, as well as the poor and disadvantaged? Be sure to specify the address, contact numbers, and work hours.

      What documents should I prepare?

      The list of documents varies depending on the specific situation, but usually it includes:

        application for benefits;

      • birth certificate of a child;

        an extract from the house register that the child actually lives with the applicant;

        certificate of income from the accounting department (large families are not required);

        certificate of enrollment of the child in 1st grade.

      The benefit is assigned from the moment the documents are accepted, however, real money can be transferred from August 1 to December 1, which once again proves that you should not rely heavily on timely and serious assistance from the state when preparing children for school.

    According to Russian legislation, a family with the status of “large” is provided with some benefits and payments for children who are first-graders. This category includes families with three or more children under eighteen years of age. Such payments are intended so that legal representatives (parents) can fully prepare the child for the beginning of school year(buy a uniform, collect all the office supplies, etc.). We will consider below who and what kind of financial support is provided for a child (children) going to first grade.

    Financial support for first-graders: who is entitled to

    Families with one or more children entering first grade are entitled to financial support from the state. Such state social support is also intended for low-income families with minor children going to first grade, where the income of parents does not allow them to provide first-graders with everything necessary for study. The following categories of families can benefit from this benefit:

    • families whose total income does not reach the subsistence level;
    • the legal representative (parent) in whose care the children are and who is raising them alone in connection with the other’s military service;
    • families whose status is “incomplete” due to circumstances beyond their control;
    • families where two or more children are first graders.

    Moreover, such a benefit is intended not only for half-blooded children, but also for adopted children.

    Important! The main criterion for assigning the status of “poor” to a family is the income of each family member. To determine whether a particular family falls into this category, it is necessary to divide the total income by the number of members of this family. And if it turns out that the income of one person is below the subsistence level established in the region, then such a family has the status of “poor”.

    Types of social support for families with first-graders

    If a family has one of the statuses (“large” or “poor”), it is entitled to financial support. In 2019, the amount of financial assistance is:

    The first two types of social support are provided to families once, but individually for each child. If there are several first-graders in a family, then the first type of benefit is paid for each. The second type of assistance is paid in the same way.

    Important! After receiving these two types of financial support and using them for their intended purpose, the family is required to submit a documentary report on where these funds were spent.

    If the family is brought up ten children or more , the state provides additional support from the federal budget, the amount of which does not exceed fifteen thousand rubles.

    Each entity has the right to provide additional support measures in proportion to its budgetary capabilities. The amount, timing and procedure for receiving such assistance should be regulated exclusively by regulations approved by regional authorities. The amount of such assistance varies between 1200 and 15000 thousand rubles. depending on regional characteristics.

    The last, third type of social support is one-time monthly payments of a compensatory nature and is intended to reimburse costs family budget for the purchase of various stationery necessary for the education of the student. The amount of this type of payment is significantly lower than the previous ones and is also regulated by the Resolutions of the authorities of the individual entity. These funds also have a specific purpose, but reporting is in this case not required.

    The following categories may qualify for such benefits:

    • one of the legal representatives (parents) of the minor;
    • legal representatives from the categories of guardians/adoptive parents;

    Registration procedure (package of documents)

    To receive one type of lump sum payment for children who went to school for the first time or are students in grades 2-11 , the legal representative must submit an application with all required documents attached to the authority social protection population or any unit of a multifunctional center located at the place of family registration. This can be done in several ways:

    • visit one of the government bodies in person;
    • or send the documents by registered mail with a list of attachments, having previously made all copies of the documents and notarized them.

    Also, employees of the selected government body have the right to request additional documents in accordance with the requirements of the regulations for the provision of this type of service or make official requests to the relevant authorities to clarify this or that information. For each family, an individual personal file is created, in which all provided documentation is stored, and which is updated annually until the financial condition of the family (having the status of “poor”) improves and it is removed from patronage.

    The decision of the commission council on such issues is made (positive or negative) within ten days. Based on the results of the consultation, a decision will be made on whether to issue or deny financial assistance to the family. If the decision is negative, the entire package of documents is returned to the applicant along with a notice indicating the reasons for the refusal, these may be the following grounds:

    • the package of documents has not been collected completely;
    • when recalculating income, it was revealed that the family is not low-income;
    • The information provided in the documents is not reliable.

    In the first case, the applicant will be asked to provide the missing documentation. In the other two, it will be proposed to challenge the decision in judicial procedure.

    In case of a positive decision of the commission, funds will be transferred to the bank account provided by the applicant within 3 banking days.

    If during this period (decision and transfer deadline) force majeure circumstances occur, for example:

    • the family has changed their region of residence (you can submit documents at the new place of residence);
    • the applicant(s) have been deprived of parental rights;
    • sudden death of the person who was entitled to the benefit.

    In these cases, benefits will not be issued. If these circumstances were not known to the government agency, but they occurred during this period, and the benefit was paid, the authority has the right to invite applicants to return these funds voluntarily or to file claims for the return of state financial assistance.

    Required documents

    To receive state support, schoolchildren and legal representatives must submit the following documents:

    • completed application form;
    • identification document of the applicant;
    • confirmation of family composition (certificate, extract from the house register, etc.);
    • birth certificates of both the first-grader and other children school age;
    • document confirming the child's acceptance into school institution(certificate, order of enrollment, etc.) and the continuation of education of the remaining children;
    • information about income;
    • a document confirming the opening of a personal account or debit card account, indicating the account where the benefit will be transferred.

    If the family includes persons registered in another region (locality) You must provide documentary evidence that benefits were not received at that address.

    For getting monthly allowance To purchase office supplies, the following documents are required:

    • statement;
    • document confirming the identity of the applicant;
    • birth certificates of minors;
    • documentary information confirming the financial condition of the family;
    • a document confirming the enrollment or continuation of education of children.

    All documents must be submitted before the end of the current year (not academic year).

    Get acquainted with the amount of benefits and regulations for the provision of state support You can visit it in person or via the Internet at the office of the authority where you plan to submit documents and receive benefits.


    Question: If the mother is divorced or is a single mother, can she qualify for a one-time payment of 7,500 rubles?

    Yes, sure. The law does not differentiate between the status of a parent living and raising a child alone. There is only one fact stipulated there: the parent’s income should not exceed a specific subsistence level calculated for both her and her child.

    Russian legislation does not provide a clear answer to the question of what compensation is due to first-graders or their parents. In most cases, compensation and any other assistance to schoolchildren is determined by regional legislation. It must be taken into account that in the vast majority of cases, the priority recipients of assistance are large and low-income families, as well as families of law enforcement officers.

    For example, in Moscow no payments are provided; instead, parents of first-graders can claim partial compensation for money spent on a school uniform, briefcase, office supplies, etc. in the amount of up to five thousand rubles. In the Rostov region the situation is different, moreover, here it differs even at the municipal level. For example, in the Oryol district of the Rostov region, parents can count on an amount of several thousand (depending on various factors) on the eve of the start of the school year, as well as on additional payments. In Rostov-on-Don itself, another mechanism of state support is provided.

    Payments to first-graders in the Perm region in 2019 are of a slightly different nature. The program was introduced only in 2016, but its mechanism has already been tested. From a bureaucratic point of view, the process is simplified, since the parent applies directly to the school with the application. Two weeks after submission, parents will know the result. As a rule, an amount of five thousand rubles is required and also allocated, but sometimes it can be provided in the form of items necessary for the student. The situation may be different in other regions.

    Preparation process

    For this reason, those wishing to apply for supposed compensation for first-graders should rely primarily on regional programs. By the way, not in every subject Russian Federation they are generally provided for. That is, the legislation of the Russian Federation does not establish a certain amount of benefits, compensation and payments for the designated category. To achieve the appropriate privileges, you will have to deal with bureaucratic procedures. First you need to clarify what you can count on. This can be done through a lawyer or through the social security authorities.

    But even if a particular region does not provide local programs to assist parents of first-graders, there is still a way to obtain government assistance. According to modern Russian legislation, low-income families have the right to a payment of 7.5 thousand rubles to help prepare their child for first grade. There may be more children - no problem. For each first-grader, parents will receive exactly the same payments, at least in 2018 and 2019. It should be added that disabled parents have completely different conditions and apply for more significant support from the state, which is provided for by a number of laws, for example.

    What documents are required to process compensation and payments?

    To process both regional and federal payments, you will need a certain set of documents submitted by parents or guardians:

    • passport and a copy of the required pages;
    • birth certificate of the child (future first-grader), as well as other children, if any;
    • , sample (of course, families with many children are exempt from the need to submit this document);
    • a document confirming the child’s enrollment in first grade;
    • certificate of family composition.

    In addition, it will be necessary to confirm that the first-grader actually lives with the applicant. Large families are not required to confirm their income, but they will need to prove the presence of three or more dependent children.

    The timing of the provision of appropriate assistance may vary in different regions, but usually they do not exceed twenty days. Conditions change periodically and not always better side. However, now most regional programs continue to function. Most likely, payments to parents of first-graders in 2019 will be at the level of 2018, despite the fact that a number of entities have not yet decided on a final decision.

    Benefits upon admission to first grade

    The issue of benefits when enrolling in school and entering grade 1 requires special consideration. Children of certain categories of citizens can count on priority enrollment. Low-income people are not included in their number, unless other children from the same family are already studying in this educational institution. Who has benefits when entering school in this case? Children of military, police and other law enforcement agencies, as well as children of judges, can count on benefits when entering school. Families with many children can also be calm about the priority enrollment of their children.

    Table with the amount of school payments in different regions of Russia.
    List of regions alphabeticallyPayment amount, ₽Note
    Altai region7500
    Blagoveshchensk and Amur region2000
    Arkhangelsk and Arkhangelsk region1929 Annual cash payment for the purchase of clothing for a child studying in general education organizations or in professional educational organizations or educational organizations of higher education
    Astrakhan and Astrakhan region1175
    Belgorod and Belgorod region1844 In accordance with the Social Code of the Belgorod Region
    Bryansk and Bryansk region1000
    Vladimir and Vladimir region1645
    Volgograd and Volgograd region1107
    Vologda and Vologda region-
    Voronezh and Voronezh region2769
    Jewish Autonomous Region1600 - regular size; 3,100 - for a single parent (paid from July 1 to December 15)
    Chita and Transbaikal region-
    Ivanovo and Ivanovo region-
    Irkutsk and Irkutsk region3000 Additionally, once every 2 years, children are provided with a set of clothes and sports uniform for visiting school activities, or providing benefits in the amount of 1000 rubles.
    Kabardino-Balkarian Republic-
    Kaliningrad and Kaliningrad region1500 - for each schoolchild in a family with 3-5 children; 3000 - for each schoolchild in a family with 6 or more children
    Kaluga and Kaluga region-
    Kamchatka Krai4500
    Karachay-Cherkess Republicfree provision of school textbooks for the entire period of children’s education in general education institutions.
    Kemerovo and Kemerovo region-
    Kirov and Kirov region-
    Kostroma and Kostroma region5000 - payment to a first-grader; 460 - for travel and meals for other schoolchildren.
    Krasnodar region-
    Krasnoyarsk region-
    Kurgan and Kurgan region-
    Kursk and Kursk region-
    Leningrad region1760 - for children from large (foster) families, regardless of family income; 2933 - for children from large (foster) families with an income not exceeding the subsistence level established in the Leningrad region.
    Lipetsk and Lipetsk region2500 rubles once every two years (to provide school uniforms); 2010 rubles annually (to provide sports uniform).Department of Education of the Lipetsk Region
    Magadan and Magadan region-
    Moscow region-
    Murmansk and Murmansk region4090 About regional one-time benefits in the Murmansk region
    Nenets Autonomous Okrug-
    Nizhny Novgorod and Nizhny Novgorod region1500
    Novgorod and Novgorod region-
    Novosibirsk and Novosibirsk region5000 Resolution of April 23, 2013 N 179-p
    Omsk and Omsk region-
    Orenburg and Orenburg region-
    Orel and Oryol region-
    Penza and Penza region-
    Perm region-
    Primorsky Krai-
    Pskov and Pskov region-
    Republic of Adygea (Adygea)-
    Altai Republic-
    Republic of Bashkortostan- Providing and monetary compensation for the purchased school uniform is paid once every two academic years in the amount of actual expenses incurred for the purchase of the school uniform, but not more than the maximum maximum amount of monetary compensation for the purchased school uniform, established by the Government of the Republic of Bashkortostan
    The Republic of Buryatia-
    The Republic of Dagestan-
    The Republic of Ingushetia-
    Republic of Kalmykia-
    Republic of Karelia1000
    Komi Republic4731
    Republic of Crimea-
    Mari El Republic-
    The Republic of Mordovia1500
    The Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)3258
    Republic North Ossetia- Alanya-
    Republic of Tatarstan-
    Tyva Republic-
    The Republic of Khakassia-
    Rostov-on-Don and Rostov region-
    Ryazan and Ryazan region2000
    Samara and Samara region1000
    Saint Petersburg4058
    Saratov and Saratov region1186
    Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk and Sakhalin region-
    Ekaterinburg and Sverdlovsk region2000
    Sevastopolup to 3,500 rubles for each child.The amount of compensation depends on the amount of money spent.
    Smolensk and Smolensk region-
    Stavropol region1040
    Tambov and Tambov region- Law on social support large families in the Tambov region

    A cash payment is provided once every three years for the purchase of a school uniform, or a replacement set of children’s clothing for attending school classes, as well as sports uniforms during the period of children’s education in an educational organization in the amount established on the basis of clothing and linen standards approved by a resolution of the regional administration , and the average purchase price.

    On the eve of the new school year, we decided to remind parents of schoolchildren about their right to receive social benefits and payments. Support measures apply to large and low-income families with students in secondary schools.

    Payments to schoolchildren from low-income families

    Financial support from the state is provided to low-income families. The main criterion for determining low-income family is the income for each of its members. To understand whether it belongs to the low-income category, it is necessary to divide the total total income by the number of people in it. When the result per person is below the minimum subsistence level designated in a particular region, then she is considered low-income. IN Nizhny Novgorod region in the 1st quarter of 2017 the cost of living is 8,971 ruble per person. What benefits are the parents of schoolchildren from low-income families entitled to receive:

    • Monthly cash payment to provide food in the amount of 731 rubles. Payment is assigned from the moment of application in the period from August 1 to December 1.
    • Annual cash payment by the beginning of the school year- 812 rub. Cash payments are provided by social protection authorities at the place of residence of the parents (legal representatives) with whom the child lives.

    Required documents:

    • statement;
    • applicant's passport;
    • child's birth certificate;
    • certificate of family composition (family members registered in this residential area);
    • certificates of income of all family members for 3 months preceding the month of application for appointment cash payments(for non-working citizens - a copy of the work record book, a certificate from the employment service, for pensioners - a certificate of the amount of the pension received);
    • certificate on the number and composition of persons registered in the residential area;
    • certificate of registration at the place of stay (in case of application at the place of stay);
    • certificate from a general education institution.

    Payments to schoolchildren from large families

    Large families include those who have three or more minor children. The benefit is intended to prepare the child for school and buy things necessary for school. Payments are assigned without taking into account the income of a large family:

    • monthly cash payment to provide food- 731 rubles,
    • monthly cash payment to provide travel- 545 rubles,
    • annual payment at the beginning of the academic year in the amount of 812 rubles (assigned if the application was made between June 1 and September 30 of the year of payment and is provided once),
    • one-time payment to graduates of a general education organization who have received a certificate of secondary general education with marks only "4" and "5 in the amount of 1489 rubles. for each child.

    Required documents:

    • certificate of a large family or certificate of a mother of many children;
    • an application for monetary payments submitted by one of the parents;
    • the applicant’s passport or forced migrant identity card;
    • children's birth certificates (copies);
    • certificates of family composition (family members registered in this residential area);
    • certificates from the educational institution where the child (children) is studying;
    • certificate of registration at the place of residence (in the absence of registration at the place of residence).
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