• Education in 3 4 years. How to raise a boy as a real man: tips. The psychology of raising boys


    For every loving parent, the appearance of a child in the family is a great joy and boundless happiness. Every year the child grows, develops, learns new things, he develops a character, other age-related changes occur. However, the joy of parents is sometimes replaced by bewilderment and even confusion that they experience during the inevitable generational conflicts. It will not be possible to avoid them, but to smooth it out is quite real. Psychologists and teachers urge to pay special attention to the upbringing and development of a child of 3-4 years of age.

    A question that dozens of experts are working on

    The formation of personality and the maturation of character occurs from the very moment a person is born. Every day, the baby learns the world around him, forms relationships with others, realizes his meaning and place, and in parallel with this, he has quite natural desires and needs. This development does not go smoothly, and critical situations and conflicts occur with a certain frequency and have similar moments at each age. This is what allowed psychologists to form such a concept as age crises. Not only for young parents, but also for grandparents who consider themselves experienced, it will not hurt to find out what the upbringing of a child (3-4 years old) is all about. Psychology, expert advice and recommendations from those who have experienced these tips will help smooth out the clashes of the crumbs with representatives of the adult world.

    Testing parents for strength

    At the age of three and four, a little man is no longer an object doing everything at the behest of adults, but a fully formed separate person, with his own emotions and desires. Sometimes these desires do not at all coincide with the established adult rules, and, trying to achieve their goal, the child begins to show character, or, as adults say, to be capricious. There can be any reason: the wrong spoon for food, the wrong juice that you wanted a minute ago, an unpurchased toy, and so on. For parents, these reasons seem insignificant, and the only way they see is to overcome the desire of the crumbs, to force him to do as they want and are used to doing. Raising children 3-4 years old sometimes requires simply incredible patience of others.

    Is your child three years old? Stock up on patience

    Awareness of oneself as part of the world does not go smoothly for the child, and this is quite normal. Realizing that he is also a person, the kid is trying to understand what he can do in this world and how he should act in each individual case. And these tests begin with a test for the strength of the parents. After all, if they say what needs to be done, why shouldn't he, the most important person in the family, give orders? And then they listen! He begins to change, his worldview and habits change. At this time, parents notice that their baby is not only listening and crying, but is already commanding them, demanding this or that object. This period is called the crisis of three years. What to do? How to cope with the most beloved little man and not offend him? Features of raising children 3-4 years old directly depend on development.

    Causes of conflicts, or how to smooth out the crisis

    At present, adults pay little attention to their children: a busy work schedule, everyday life, problems, loans, important matters do not leave the opportunity to just play. Therefore, the child tries to attract attention. After several attempts to talk to mom or dad, he goes unnoticed and, therefore, starts to play around, scream, throw tantrums. After all, the child does not know how to build a dialogue correctly, and begins to behave in the way that he knows how, so that they would quickly pay attention to him. It is in understanding the needs of the crumbs that the upbringing of a child (3-4 years) largely lies. Psychology, advice and recommendations of specialists will help to understand and, accordingly, solve problems associated with a lack of attention.

    Just like an adult

    Often, parents, unwittingly, cause negative emotions in the child: they force them to sleep when they want to play, eat “not very tasty” soup, put away their favorite toys, and go home from a walk. Thus, the baby has a desire to harm adults and express his protest. children 3-4 years old should take place with a constant positive example from adults.

    Patience is the key to success

    During this period, parents realize that their child has already matured, but still remains small and cannot cope with all the tasks on his own. And when the baby strives to be independent, the parents now and then correct him, pull him up, teach him. Of course, he takes criticism with hostility and protests in every possible way. Mom and dad need to be patient and be as gentle as possible in relation to the child. Raising children of 3-4 years old lays the foundation for relationships between kids and others for life. It depends on the parents what these relationships will be.

    Raising children 3-4 years old

    The psychology of behavior is a whole science, but in relation to children it is necessary to study at least its basic principles.

    1. The child imitates the behavior of the adults around him. Naturally, first of all, he takes an example from his parents. We can say that at this age, the baby absorbs everything like a sponge. He has not yet formed his own concepts of good and bad. It's good the way parents behave. If everyone in the family communicates without shouting and scandals, the child also chooses a calm tone for his behavior and tries to copy his parents. It is necessary to find a common language with children of 3 and 4 years old in a soft manner, unobtrusively, without raised tones.
    2. As often as possible, you need to show your love for the child, because children are very sensitive and vulnerable creatures. Their whims, misdeeds, bad behavior should not affect the degree of love of parents - just love and do not demand anything in return. a child of 3-4 years old is only a reminder for parents, the experience of predecessors. You need to feel your child with your heart, and not bring up the way it is written in the book.
    3. Do not compare your child's behavior with the behavior of other children, and even more so do not say that he is worse than someone else. With this approach, self-doubt, complexes and isolation can develop.
    4. The child is trying to be independent, more and more often you can hear the phrase “I myself” from him, at the same time he is waiting for support from adults and praise. Consequently, parents need to approve of children's independence (praise for the removed toys, for putting on clothes, etc.), but in no case follow the child's lead and determine the boundaries of what is permitted in time.
    5. During the formation of the character and the maturation of the child, it is important for parents themselves to follow certain rules, the daily routine. Moms and dads, together with grandparents, need to agree on the same methods of education and not deviate from such tactics. As a result, the child will understand that not everything is possible for him - you need to obey the general rules. The main children of 3-4 years old are determined by their parents, only you need to remember the importance of this age period.
    6. Talk to a small person on an equal footing and behave the way you behave with adults. Do not infringe on his rights, listen to his interests. If the child is guilty, condemn his offense, not the child himself.
    7. Hug your children as often as possible. With or without reason - so they will feel safe, grow up confident in themselves. The child will know that mom and dad love him no matter what.

    Get ready to experiment

    Parents should understand that raising a child (3-4 years old), psychology, advice and recommendations from specialists are all very important, but you should also determine for yourself those facets that will be allowed for the baby. At the age of 3-4 years, a little researcher is interested in everything: he can turn on the TV or gas stove himself, taste the earth from a flower pot, climb onto the table. This list can be continued for a very long time, three-year-olds and four-year-olds are quite curious, and this is absolutely normal. On the contrary, it is worth alerting when the child does not show such interest in the environment. However, it is necessary to determine what the child can experience for himself, and what will be a categorical ban.

    Do you want to ban something? Do it right

    Children should be informed about these prohibitions correctly, without unnecessary trauma for them. The child must understand when he crosses the boundaries of what is permitted, what he can and cannot do, how to behave with peers and in society. It is impossible not to set prohibitions, as a sweet child will grow up selfish and uncontrollable. But everything should be in moderation, a huge number of prohibitions on everything can lead to indecision and isolation. It is necessary to try not to provoke conflict situations, if the baby sees sweets, he, of course, wants to try them. Conclusion - put them further in the locker. Or he wants to take it in the same way - hide it. For a certain time, remove the objects especially desired by the child, and he will eventually forget about them. A lot of strength and patience requires during this period the upbringing of a child (3-4 years).

    All parental prohibitions must be justified, the child must clearly understand why it is impossible to do one way or another.

    We can say that after overcoming the crisis of three years, children experience noticeable positive changes in their character. They become more independent, focused on details, active, have their own point of view. Also, relations are moving to a new level, they become more meaningful, interest in cognitive and objective activity is shown.

    Replenish your stocks of knowledge

    The questions that the baby asks are sometimes capable of confusing even an adult who is confident in his education. However, this baby should not be shown in any case. Even the most “uncomfortable” questions should be taken for granted and be ready to explain everything that interests him in a form that is accessible to the child.

    Raising a child is an important and main task of parents, you need to be able to notice changes in the character and behavior of the baby in time and respond to them correctly. Love your children, take the time to answer all their "whys" and "what for", show care, and then they will listen to you. After all, his entire adult life depends on the upbringing of a child at this age. And remember: it is impossible to pass a practical exam on the topic “Psychology of raising children 3-4 years old” without mistakes, but it is up to you to reduce them to a minimum.

    The third anniversary brings big changes in the life of a little person. The child makes a big leap in development: it becomes dexterous, strong, active and cheerful. He knows how to experience and express vivid emotions, mastered speech. But suddenly, the character of a cute kid deteriorates sharply, he becomes uncontrollable, falls into a rage, his behavior cannot be controlled. This period is difficult for both children and adults who have to figure out the issues of raising a child of 3 years old.

    Crisis 3 years

    Practitioners have long noted the uneven development of a child in different periods of life, as well as the fact that periods of rapid and rapid development are accompanied by a complication of the relationship of children with others. Very often, the third year of life becomes a crisis - this is the first truly difficult test for parents, when even the most docile child can become rude, capricious, obstinate and hysterical.

    In order for the upbringing of a child of 3 years to go smoothly, parents need to understand what their baby is experiencing. At this age, children begin to realize their personality, their characteristics and desires, and they do this by contrasting them with the desires of others, primarily parents. Therefore, the child often acts the opposite way at requests, becomes stubborn, shows negativism, falls into hysterics. This is nothing more than the child's attempts to show their independence.

    Of course, not all children experience a crisis of 3 years so pronounced. Studies show that about a third of children do not have symptoms of educational difficulties. Nevertheless, the direction of development for all children is the same, no one succeeds in avoiding this crisis, only the style of behavior of the baby differs. This is the determining factor in how to raise a child at 3 years old.

    Parents react differently to the crisis of 3 years, some become irritable, try to suppress and put the baby in his place, using their physical and psychological superiority. In other families, on the contrary, choosing the tactics of how to raise a child of 3 years old, parents indulge all the whims of the little tyrant, so long as he does not throw tantrums. Both of these approaches are wrong.

    Parents should treat the child's application for independence with respect and understanding. You need to let the baby sometimes "win", but within reasonable limits. Specialists in child psychology note that the child, who rarely encounters resistance from adults in response to any of his claims, soon becomes hysterical and very unhappy. It is the framework and restrictions that parents set that help the baby navigate the world around him, as well as his own desires and feelings, without them he feels helpless and disoriented.

    On the contrary, children who are forbidden everything, thus suppressing all primary forms of negativism, subsequently lose their initiative. They are not able to occupy themselves or come up with a game, their imagination is impoverished or, conversely, too violent and unproductive.

    If parents pay enough attention to raising a child at the age of 3, closer to his 4th birthday, this absurd confrontation with parents will disappear, he will learn to formulate his ideas and adequately defend them. To achieve this, parents will have to be patient and assess any situation soberly.

    First of all, when raising a child at the age of 3, the coordination of actions of adults is important. It is impossible to allow dad to allow what mom forbids and vice versa. It is necessary to establish certain rules that everyone, including the parents themselves, will adhere to. To pay off whims and tantrums, you need to constantly switch the baby's attention to something else, for example, a favorite toy. It is important to remember that prohibitions, orders and demands, or, conversely, constant indulgence, will not achieve the desired effect. Only by ignoring and calmly reacting to the antics of the child can you quickly calm him down.

    And the most important thing in raising a child of 3 years old is parental love, the baby must constantly feel it. Sincere praise is important to him, so his every right deed must be accompanied by pleasant words. If the baby performs an undesirable action, you need to explain why this should not be done. In no case should you leave the child to himself and wait for this period to pass, as this may lead to more serious problems in the future.

    How to raise a child 3 years: boys

    At this age, children begin to understand their gender and differences from others, so at the age of 3 it is time to form in the child the concept that he is a man. You need to tell the baby how strong and brave he is. The father should become the main object for the child to follow, so they should spend more time together, which will help the child feel normal in the future in a team.

    Boys are more active than girls, so you need to let them splash out energy on the street: play outdoor games, run, jump, climb and explore everything new. It is necessary to encourage the independence of the baby, to give him more freedom, without ceasing to imperceptibly control so that his studies are safe. Mom should sometimes pretend to be weak and helpless in order to teach her son to follow male norms of behavior: let him help carry a bag, open doors, etc. 4.3 out of 5 (7 votes)

    Child 3 years old - psychology and behavioral characteristics. What is our baby at 3 years old? Why doesn't he listen? What should you pay attention to?

    He lives side by side with his parents ... Sometimes this time flies by quite imperceptibly, and suddenly it turns out: something was missed, something was not paid attention to.

    Correcting mistakes is always more difficult than preventing them from occurring. Therefore, you should always have approximate guidelines in front of you in order to control the development of the baby.

    What can I do, what can I do
    A three-year-old baby is a small personality that is already beginning to form. He is sensitive enough to the attitude and behavior of adults, so any tactical mistake in his upbringing can turn into a rather serious problem.

    If a child has lived for 3 years, obeying a certain regimen, the established order should not be changed. However, transitions from one routine moment to another at this age may be accompanied by protest, because the baby already has his own ideas about what he will do at the moment. To smooth out these situations, it is necessary to prepare the baby in advance for a change in the type of activity, warning him: “now let's play - and go for a swim.”

    When drawing up a regimen, it should be borne in mind that a child of this age should sleep at least ten to eleven hours at night, and at least one and a half to two and a half during the day. Active wakefulness without signs of overwork does not exceed six and a half hours.

    When communicating with a three-year-old baby, it must be taken into account that, due to the peculiarities of the nervous activity of this age, it is difficult for him to quickly switch from one activity to another. Therefore, there is no need to rush him and achieve instant fulfillment of all requests and instructions. Very often, babies who are hurried all the time become very slow, as they get used to the idea that everything is going too slowly for them.

    Most three-year-olds have great difficulty in passive, sedentary activities, in particular, waiting for something or participating in some procedure when an adult does everything himself (for example, putting on complex clothes). So that the child does not have a negative attitude to such situations, he needs to be given some tasks, offer interesting activities.

    By the age of three, the baby independently produces more and more manipulations with his things, clothes, household items. At this age, such activities arouse genuine interest in him, and he is ready to show perseverance and perseverance in order to achieve results. It is very important not to suppress this natural desire for independence, to be patient and not interfere in the process, because this is the first time the child learns to overcome difficulties. If at this stage an adult takes the initiative, does everything for the child, at an older age it can be very difficult to accustom a child to work, accuracy, independence. By the age of three, the baby should be able to unbutton the buttons on a shirt or blouse, untie the laces on shoes, know the procedure for removing clothes and carefully fold the removed clothes.

    In the third year of his little life, the baby imitates the behavior and actions of the people around him more and more. Therefore, the general way of the family has a huge impact on the formation of his character and habits.

    If he was present at family meals in his life, watched the behavior of adults at the table, there are no problems with teaching him the culture of eating. Usually, by this age, the baby can wipe his sponges with a paper napkin, put on and take off a cloth napkin, leave the table, returning the chair to its place. At the same time, he already understands the meaning of words of gratitude and actively uses them.

    By the age of three, the skill of using the potty is finally fixed. The kid clearly controls his physiological needs and does not forget to warn adults about the need to visit the toilet.

    General hygiene skills are improving: the baby learns to wash hands with soap, rinses it well, wipes his hands with a towel. He remembers to wash his hands after a walk and toilet and before a meal.

    In the third year, there is a noticeable leap in the development of active speech: the baby speaks in full sentences, can talk about an event, retell what he heard, learn a short rhyme. Usually he already owns all parts of speech, and the vocabulary is about one and a half thousand words.

    The development of speech is accompanied by the ability to give simple logical conclusions about current events and one's own observations.

    Attachment to parents and other family members increases, a conscious feeling of love appears. Communication with loved ones becomes a huge source of pleasure, joy. More complex emotions develop: the ability to sympathize, regret, empathize.

    The normal mental development of the crumbs is inseparable from the physical aspect of education.

    There is no limit to the perfection of the body
    If a 3-year-old child was not constrained in his movements, walked enough, played with peers, his physical development proceeded naturally. Significant progress has been made in the third year:

    1. the baby confidently walks not only on flat, but also on grassy, ​​rocky paths;
    2. knows how to climb hills and descend from them;
    3. well steps over and jumps over obstacles, jumps from a small height;
    4. catches the ball with both hands;

    All this is facilitated by outdoor games, wearing the right (not restrictive) clothing, playing with the ball, cycling. Physical development directly affects the character of the baby: he becomes more confident, bolder, smarter, more persistent.

    For your child.

    The upbringing of a child of 3 years in most cases is determined by the age crisis, which is associated with the transition from early childhood to preschool. This period in all children proceeds in its own way, but in most cases it is characterized as unstable and requiring special attention and patience from parents.

    The main symptoms of the crisis of three years

    In order to correct your actions when raising a child at the age of 3, it is necessary to notice the symptoms of a developing crisis in time. They were first described by Elsa Keller in her work "On the personality of a three-year-old child", where she highlighted:

    • Negativism. Its main manifestation is the refusal to obey adults, their requirements and even the usual way of life. Child psychologists say that when raising a child of 3 years old, it is necessary to distinguish negativism from ordinary disobedience. The main difference is that the child does not do exactly what adults ask him to do, regardless of the content of the request or proposal itself. The desire to contradict can in some cases reach the point of absurdity, when a child calls white black;
    • Stubbornness. The desire to insist on one's own at this age can acquire quite categorical forms. At the same time, special motives usually do not arise for this, but the child, despite all reasonable arguments, can continue to stand on his original decision;
    • Obstinacy, which is not directed against a specific adult, but in principle against the existing norms of upbringing and lifestyle. Also, when raising a child at 3 years old, parents should be prepared that their baby will begin to reject all their favorite toys and familiar entertainment, offering nothing in return;
    • Willfulness, which is expressed in the desire to show independence in all matters;
    • Devaluation, which manifests itself in attempts to swear and call names to those who are dear to him, including parents. Also at this time, favorite toys may lose value for the child, which he can easily break or throw away;
    • Protest rebellion, manifested in frequent quarrels with parents, a state of constant conflict with them and other people;
    • Despotism that occurs most in families with one child. While raising a child of 3-4 years old, parents should be prepared for the fact that their baby may show a desire to put pressure on others. He can demand that they do what he wants at a given time, regardless of reasonable arguments about the need for this or that action (for example, the baby needs to go to kindergarten because the mother leaves for work). It is like a child's attempt to return to infancy, when, in fact, his every wish was fulfilled unquestioningly.

    Almost all of the described symptoms affect the child himself and the people who surround him. When raising a three-year-old child, it may seem to young parents that the baby is just a bad character, but this is not so. Psychologists associate the crisis with the restructuring of the child's social relationships with the people around him and the emergence of prerequisites for independent activity, since the child seeks to become like adults.

    Features of raising a child of 3 years

    In order to develop the right approaches to raising a child at 3-4 years old, it is necessary to understand the main changes that occur at this age with the baby:

    • First, usually by the age of three, the child's body reaches sufficient development for the manifestation of independence. The kid becomes a real researcher not only of the world around him, but also of his own capabilities. Therefore, he has a protest against any help from his parents and the restriction of his activity;
    • Secondly, psychologists believe that at this age the personality of the child is “born”. When raising a child of 3-4 years old, it should be understood that the baby begins to psychologically move away from his parents and realize himself as a separate person. The most used phrase at this age is "I myself." His inner conflict is due precisely to the desire to be independent, while realizing his dependence on the care and love of his parents;
    • Thirdly, numerous symptoms of a crisis can be associated with mistakes in raising a child at 3-4 years old, when parents did not notice in time that their baby had grown up, which means that a lot had to be changed in communicating with him.

    Usually, the crisis of three years is easiest in families where initially the child is not the center of all family life. At the same time, in families where the baby is not supervised by parents and other relatives, the child usually has more opportunities for free development, and, therefore, much less reason to protest.

    Changes occurring with the baby cannot be ignored or suppressed by authoritarian methods. Once and for all, to stop the unwanted behavior of the baby is beyond the power of any parent. Therefore, when raising a three-year-old child, parents should accept their baby with all the problems of a crisis age and try to minimize the negative consequences of this period. You should not expect this:

    • That the child will adequately respond to requests or prohibitions;
    • That the baby will be accommodating and will quickly agree with any proposal of the parents;
    • That he will not express negative emotions.

    At the same time, all the symptoms manifested at this age should be treated with understanding, since right now many character traits are being laid that will determine the future fate of the baby. Many psychologists advise when raising a child of 3-4 years old to understand that it is impossible to “fight” with a child at this age, but it is necessary to look for new approaches to communicate with him.

    According to psychologists, to overcome the crisis, you need to look for a "golden" mean. This is due to the fact that unlimited freedom causes the same harm to the child as severe restrictions. Therefore, the baby should be given more independence, but at the same time he should not be left unattended, letting the process take its course. The best solution would be cooperation aimed at comprehensive development, and support, which the baby will definitely appreciate. Young parents in overcoming the crisis of the age of three can be helped by the book of the famous teacher M. Montessori "Help me do it myself", which outlines effective methods for raising a child of 3 years old.

    With the manifestation of symptoms that in many ways resemble the crisis of adolescence, one should not try to "crush" the child with one's own authority, but, respecting his desire for independence, you need to show more flexibility and resourcefulness, try to captivate him with new games, outdoor activities, developing activities. Perhaps, from the first time, the baby will not listen to the words of his parents, however, with all his readiness to protest all proposals, he can accept them over time if he decides that he is the initiator of them.

    When raising a three-year-old child, one must understand that children's rebellion is necessary so that the child can better understand himself and develop the independence necessary for later life.

    Psychology of parenting brought to the section of science in the 40s of the twentieth century. The purpose of this direction is to find solutions in the problems of educating children's personalities, their harmonious formation, development of morality, etc. The psychology of raising children is the basis of educational psychology, which helps to solve and understand the problems of each child and find an approach to the younger generation.

    Psychology of parenting 2 years

    Raising children of 2 years is not such a simple matter as it seems at first glance. Difficulties associated with raising kids repeatedly arise for many parents. A kid who is two years old often gives his parents a lot of trouble with his stubbornness,. At this age, the baby for their parents can be a "tough test". A small tyrant often objects to an adult who is somewhat larger than him. The most difficult is for those parents who are sure that the baby should obey them in any case. Often a 2-year-old baby shows his character, reacts with irritation, throws tantrums, rejects the help of adults, and parents often cannot understand what is happening to the baby.

    A baby at the age of 2 years has a well-developed motor function and for him there are no such places, wherever he can reach. The baby already has a better command of his speech and, thanks to his skills, he tries to be “self-governing”. If adults understand that these are only his physical achievements, then it will be easier for them to show their tolerance than to assume that he wants to specially unbalance his parents.

    Psychology of raising children under 3 years old - tips

    The kid should be asked questions that he can answer either "yes" or "no", while the adult should be ready to accept both of these options. For example, when it is necessary to leave the playground with the baby, then you should tell him about it like this: “we leave in 5 minutes.” After the time has elapsed, action should be taken. It is necessary to confidently say: “it's time to go”, if the child resists, then you need to persistently take him away.

    You should give the baby the right to choose - for example, choose your own version of clothing from the two provided.

    The psychology of raising children under 3 years of age includes flexibility in education. It is important to support any choice of the baby and teach him to take responsibility for his choice. For example, if the baby is hungry, but refused to eat, then you should not categorically insist on eating at this very moment, you should simply put the food aside. The kid will definitely return to the proposed food. If adults follow these tips, then the difficult age of two-year-old crumbs will pass unnoticed.

    Psychology of parenting 3 years

    Every parent wants to raise their child correctly so that it grows up to be a full-fledged, healthy and creative person.

    Raising a child of 3 years old requires a lot of attention and patience from adults. During the next years of life, the main character traits will be laid in the kids, and ideas about the basics of behavior in adulthood will be formed. Often the behavior of a child of 3 years old is marked by capriciousness and tantrums. In such situations, it is important for adults not to lose, to patiently and calmly explain to the baby what they don’t like about the behavior of the crumbs. It is recommended to focus the attention of the baby on what exactly upset the adult. After that, you need to divert attention with something interesting and not focus on this conflict.

    The psychology of raising a child of 3 years old is aimed at eliminating unnecessary prohibitions and the manifestation of rigor, otherwise in the future the baby will become unnecessarily demanding, capricious and fastidious. You can not beat and humiliate the baby, you should let him feel on an equal footing with adults.

    A three-year-old baby begins to realize himself as a person, but due to the lack of life experience, the baby does not know how to show his independence, perseverance, and activity in achieving the goal. In order for the child to develop harmoniously, it is necessary to fill his life with interesting activities, games, walks. The baby should always be treated tactfully and fairly, and then the child, having matured, will repay with his love and respect.

    Psychology of parenting 4 years

    Raising a 4 year old is a difficult task. At 4 years old, the baby is a separate person with his own desires, his own opinions and emotions.

    Proper upbringing of a 4-year-old child will have an impact on all aspects of his future life, so this issue must be approached very thoroughly. If in early childhood emotions and instincts mainly control the baby’s life, then by the age of 4, his behavior becomes more conscious.

    In order to choose the right direction in raising a 4-year-old child, one should consider the key points in the development of crumbs at this age.

    The psychology of raising children of 4 years old needs to be changed due to a shift in emphasis from motor activity to mental activity (all kinds of creativity are of interest to the baby: modeling, drawing, making various crafts); such behavior should be encouraged, especially if the baby is not assiduous. At 4 years old, if health permits, it is recommended to send the baby to the sports section (swimming, gymnastics, and so on). We must not forget about daily walks, which strengthen the immune system well, and games in the fresh air develop large motor skills. If the baby already knows the alphabet, then he should be taught to read. It is advisable to introduce the crumbs to the basics of mathematics in a playful way.

    At 4 years old, the emergence of curiosity and endless “why?”, Which can unbalance any adult, is noted. The questions of the crumbs should be answered directly and without unnecessary details. If an adult does not have the necessary information, then you should say so to the baby and promise to find an answer in the near future.

    If a child is already attending kindergarten and he has problems with adaptation in the team, then an adult should help him in overcoming them. First you need to determine the cause of this condition (shyness, embarrassment, jealousy), and then teach the baby to properly communicate with peers, share toys, or, if necessary, stand up for themselves. If this problem cannot be solved, and it becomes global, then it is better to seek help from a child psychologist.

    Family psychology for raising children of 4 years old takes into account certain changes that the baby's psyche undergoes in the process of growing up. A 4-year-old child begins to experience new feelings for himself: irritation, resentment, shame, sadness. He is not able to cope with them on his own, may not obey, behave badly. During this period, it is important to support the baby, to explain that everyone experiences emotions - and this is normal. It is necessary to tell the child that it is better to express their feelings not with bad behavior, but with words. It is required to praise the baby, since the lack of praise for the crumbs is felt very sharply, and it is worth punishing strictly on the case, so that it is clear why. Praise the child should be for new achievements or for great efforts in any business. It is required to always tell your four-year-old about your love, even if the behavior is not encouraging.

    Raising a child 4 years old girl. As practice shows, it is easier to educate a girl than a boy. This is due to a more calm and obedient disposition inherent in purely female character traits. Girls prefer to play "daughters-mothers", "hospital", "shop", "barbershop". By encouraging such games and behavior, it is important to maintain confidence in your daughter in her beauty and exclusivity. This will allow her to have adequate self-esteem in the future. A girl needs to instill a love for cleanliness, punctuality, femininity.

    Raising a child 4 years old boy. Boys are naturally more active and often aggressive. At 4 years old, a boy should understand that girls cannot be offended and know why. A man from the family must be involved. It can be both dad and other male representatives of the family - an uncle or grandfather. This is of great importance. In addition, it is necessary to set as few prohibitions as possible for the boy, since an active child will still find the opportunity to overcome them.

    The more adults spend time together with the baby for games and various activities, the more inquisitive, capable and quick-witted he will grow.

    Psychology of parenting 5 years

    A child at the age of 5 continues to learn both himself and other people - representatives of society. He begins to realize little by little that there are some connections in the relationships of people, as well as in their social behavior. In the behavior of 5-year-old children, one can detect the formation of the rudiments of self-regulation. Toddlers begin to make demands on themselves that adults made before them. Five-year-old children are already able to complete the work they have begun, not be distracted by interesting things, they are able to put away toys, put things in order in the room.

    The psychology of raising children of 5 years old should include perseverance on the part of adults, since kids at this age begin to realize that there are generally accepted norms, rules of behavior, they begin to understand their responsibility and obligation to comply with these norms and rules.

    Emotionally, the baby is able to experience the assessment of his behavior given by others, he begins to understand how he himself observes generally recognized norms and rules, whether he corresponds to moral and moral ideas.

    It is quite easy for a five-year-old child to comply with norms in interaction with people who are pleasant to him, for example, with friends. With peers, a five-year-old kid is able to control his aggression, play and share toys, and immerse himself in educational games with interest.

    The psychology of raising children for 5 years reveals changes in the self-image in the crumbs. Grades and opinions of friends become important. At this age, the baby selectively approaches the choice of friends; with peers, he is able to establish stable relationships. A child of 5 years old takes as friends those who have positive qualities or are successful in any business. You can often hear from a five-year-old child that his friend does not fight and he is interested in playing with someone.

    At the age of 5, there is not much difference in raising a girl or a boy. Of course, boys are more energetic, and girls are diligent, but the main points from the psychology of education are suitable for both sexes. At the age of 5, the change of mood does not occur so violently, and the matured baby becomes much calmer. If you turn to him with a request, he will adequately respond to the words and requests of adults. Adults should constantly explain to the child why something should not be done.

    By brushing aside various children's "why?", adults will help the baby become less proactive and think that there are some forbidden questions that are better not to ask. The more often parents will answer the questions of the baby, the better for adults. Thus, the child will understand that he can turn to his parents with his questions and, therefore, in adolescence, faced with problems, he will come to his parents for advice. So that the baby does not become closed, you should constantly maintain communication with her. If an adult noticed that the baby wants to say something, then you can get ahead of him and ask him leading questions. If a child asks, you should always answer. In order for the upbringing to go right, it is necessary to give the crumbs a sufficient amount of attention.

    Summing up, it should be noted that the psychology of raising a child should correspond to the age needs of the crumbs. The full development of the baby is possible under the condition of security and feelings of love. Otherwise, an adult runs the risk of confronting the resistance and passivity of his child. The upbringing of the child will have an effect if the child succeeds in any kind of activity. Having survived such a moment, the educated person will feel a sense of satisfaction from his result and participation in the activity. The educational process should not be open, otherwise the baby will realize that they are trying to influence him with moralizing and will actively resist.

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