• Child psychology up to 2 years. Crisis of two years. The neuropsychic development of the baby


    The main goal of the psychology of raising children is the formation of harmony in the process of their development, its correct sequence, the solution of problems associated with the formation of their personal qualities, the development of moral behavior. The second and third years of life are very special and important for the psychology of education and the further development of little pranksters.

    During this period, the active formation of a child's personality begins, which is determined by the development of certain character traits, an understanding of the general picture of the world around. At this age, the realization of individuality, finding one's own "I" takes place.

    A sense of pride, pride develops, there is a desire to prove oneself in front of adults, a desire to be equal with them.

    However, the baby is just beginning his knowledge of the world and the duty of parents to provide him with the necessary atmosphere in which a normal, psychologically balanced personality will be brought up.

    parenting features

    Raising a child at 2-3 years old has a number of features and is not always pleasant. Parents face many problems that psychology helps to solve, but for this it is worth devoting enough time to raising their child.

    Children who have reached the age of two often show their character, bother adults with their stubbornness, whims, reject their help, throw tantrums, and can become almost tyrants in the house. Parents, in turn, cannot understand what is happening to the colors of their lives.

    Also at this age, the motor function is actively developing, so they become very active and strive to touch everything, go everywhere. Adults should be tolerant and treat this with understanding, be flexible in raising their child.

    Kids who are three years old begin to feel like a person, but due to lack of experience they do not know how to properly show their individuality, independence, perseverance, in what direction to direct their activity to achieve their goals.

    Children during this period should be taught and guided, made to feel on an equal footing with adults, and due attention should be paid to their upbringing.

    The tasks of raising and educating children

    Raising a child from 2 years old should include a number of actions that need to be done during this difficult period to facilitate both his life and his parents:

    • be consistent, provide a certain daily routine, so that the baby knows what to expect and gets used to it;
    • try to avoid stressful situations, do not force them to do something against their will, and if necessary, try to captivate the process;
    • to be able to understand the baby and put yourself in his place, thereby smoothing out sharp corners in his behavior, this can help to avoid many problems;
    • use the art of distraction, if the child refuses to do something that the adult requires, you should not force him, it is better to try to distract him with something else no less useful;
    • in any situation, give time for reflection, deeds, words, actions;
    • maintain balance and calmness during tantrums, find soft ways to calm down;
    • reward for good behavior, focus on it;
    • to be able to compromise, not to demand too much, to know the difference between “need” and “not necessary”.

    sensory development children 2-3 years old through didactic games helps to achieve good results. It is aimed at the correct formation of: hearing, vision, taste, smell and touch. Development through such games can begin even earlier, but according to psychologists, it is from 2 to 3 years old that children grasp new information very quickly.

    Some examples of didactic games:

    1. offer to decorate a sheet of paper with multi-colored patterns according to the proposed sample;
    2. collect a picture from various shapes in accordance with the picture;
    3. ask to find objects that resemble simple geometric shapes.

    In all books on psychology, it is advised to start raising independence before the age of 2, this will be the basis for the formation of the baby's personality in the future, especially when it comes time to send him to kindergarten.

    Psychology of raising a child 2-3 years old tips:

    • establishing a daily routine, this will allow the child to be more confident in everything he does;
    • to be a good role model, every kid tries to be like his parents, so it is very important to behave with dignity, then it would be logical to demand the same from your son or daughter;
    • give a correct understanding of what is good and what is bad, giving examples from life, reading children's fairy tales;
    • establish simple but clear rules of conduct, explain why they should be followed.

    Psychology of boys and girls before and after 2 years of distinction

    The development of children at this age has some differences, although the difference is very small.

    Psychology of raising a child 2 years and 3 years:

    1. Children of two years of age try to learn a lot, explore, touch, go everywhere, parents, in turn, should not interfere with them, they should help, give advice, explain everything;

    2. At three, a personality is formed, which entails many questions, one should give an exhaustive answer to each, help to learn new things, make one feel on an equal footing with adults, and give the right to choose.

    From the point of view of psychology, the upbringing of boys and girls should differ not only because of gender differences, but also because their behavior and development also have their own characteristics from birth.

    Parenting Boy 2 Years Features:

    • perceive information through visual perception, so it is better for them to show an example of good behavior than to explain;
    • they do not like repetitions in training, a fast pace is more effective for them;
    • teach respect for the female sex, explain how to properly communicate with girls, how to show respect;
    • boys are sometimes more emotional than girls, so you should not forbid them to show feelings, even if they are tears, but only if there is a good reason for them;
    • more space should be given for games than girls, as they are guided by far vision, they tend to run, throw objects;
    • boys try more to stand out, to be different, this desire can be directed in some direction useful for development;
    • they love toys that can be assembled, disassembled and moved, so constructors, cars, etc. are more suitable for development.

    Raising girls from 2 years old requires a delicate and careful approach:

    • girls perceive information better by ear, so it is better for them to explain than to show;
    • develop self-esteem and self-respect;
    • girls should be treated with more tenderness, as they are more sensitive to bodily sensations;
    • in training, they perceive the process in stages better, they like to re-check their own knowledge;
    • prefer beautiful and bright things, girls should buy soft toys, dolls, these things will develop their maternal feelings, teach them to take care of someone and love.

    Moral education - how to properly educate the advice of a psychologist

    Psychology highlights this type of education as extremely important, therefore moral education should start from the first three years of life. In psychology, the main factor in the development of a child's morality is the formation of good relationships with other children and adults.

    From an early age, you need to start instilling respect, sociability, friendly treatment of people, develop empathy, the ability to reckon with others, the need to help others.

    Each child adopts the behavior of adults, respectively, the main aspect of a good upbringing is the correct behavior of the mother and father in the family.

    Difficulties in raising a child 2 - 3 years

    This period is characterized by a crisis of two years of age. There is a sudden change in behavior for the worse. The main feature of this crisis is hysterical behavior: screams, tears, stubbornness, unprecedented aggression.

    From the point of view of psychology at this time You have to be very careful when it comes to raising a child.:

    1. react calmly, find compromises;
    2. during a tantrum, it is better to leave the baby alone in the room for a while so that he calms down faster without an audience;
    3. explain the reasons for his actions if he objects to them;
    4. avoid places where the child can overwork, get hungry, start acting up;
    5. do not force them to give their toys to other children, at this age the baby does not understand why he should give his favorite things to others;
    6. do not scold if the baby experiences a feeling of anger, it is better to hug him and calm him down.

    Any situation and problem during this time should be resolved calmly and amicably. Children, no matter how small they are, always feel love, support, respect, understanding and learn this from their parents.

    How to raise a girl? Is there a difference in the educational methods that guide the true boys and girls on the path? Most parents have repeatedly thought about the correctness of the educational measures that they practice. It is believed that girls in real life are less protected than boys. Raising a girl is a rather responsible and troublesome process. In addition, if we take into account the enchanting female fantasy, the subtle mental organization of Eve's daughters and their excessive emotionality, inherent in nature, then education from a responsible matter is transformed into a very complex and, in a sense, “jewelry” work.

    So that parents do not make typical mistakes in raising girls, psychologists have developed seven simple recommendations based on the characteristics of the mental organization and character of babies. Tips for raising a daughter are given below.

    How to raise a girl

    First of all, the baby should be treated like a beautiful princess. Since doubts about their own external attractiveness in the adult life of a girl will become a heavy burden for her, a source of failure and many complexes. Regardless of the external data donated by nature or parental genes, it is necessary from the earliest age to educate the daughter in the belief that she is a written beauty. In addition, one should invariably emphasize its merits, and ignore the existing defects in appearance. If possible, it is recommended to correct the shortcomings. In the case when defects in appearance cannot be corrected, they must be forgotten or turned into dignity, because freckles are full of charm, and a snub nose adds nonsense to the girl.

    There is no need to be ironic about the primordially female passion for mirrors. Let the baby study her own appearance, let her learn to love herself. Also, her first timid attempts at experiments with her mother's cosmetics should not be interrupted. It is even recommended to buy baby cosmetics for babies, which are more suitable for delicate female skin. In addition, you can create your own decorative cosmetics together with your daughter. Today on the Internet you can find many recipes.

    The girl needs to be explained that every beautiful woman makes a lot of efforts to always look good. Her efforts are not limited to make-up. A truly beautiful and charming woman, in addition to a beautiful figure and charming appearance, must have intelligence, a sense of humor, an easy character, be well-read and educated. Therefore, work on one's own appearance and education should be encouraged. In addition, the child should be fully developed not only intellectually, but also physically. It is recommended to give the baby to the sports section.

    All of the above does not mean that the upbringing of Eve's daughters should be based on permissiveness. However, strictness should not be overdone. Since women, raised by overly demanding parents, in relationships with men cannot get rid of the idea that such a feeling as love must be earned. Such women are distinguished by excessive diligence, they are pursued by a victim complex. They cannot recognize and feel loved. These women consider themselves not beautiful enough, thin, smart enough. They think they are unworthy of the attention or love of a man.

    Deprived in childhood of indisputable manifestations of parental love, affection, an adult young lady, like a moth, will fly to the first glimpse of light, which she perceives as love. This threatens that the girl may become a victim of the first rogue who comes across, who caresses her a little and says a couple of tender words. Girls need to be pampered, cherished and groomed, but observing the measure that each parent sets himself. They need to feel and understand that they are loved. Eve's daughters, who knew parental love, will eschew the atmosphere of dislike in adult life. This is the key to their personal happiness.

    As the baby grows older, the role of the father is gaining importance. Therefore, single mothers need to carefully consider and thin out their male environment. Men who enter the house must be safe for the girl and psychologically necessary.

    Since girls are physically weaker and more trusting than the representatives of the male half, they should be introduced to safety rules from childhood. The first step is to teach children to understand situations and people. Just don't bully girls. It is only recommended to warn against unnecessary credulity. Naturally, through advice from everything in the world, it will not work to save girls, no matter how wise they are. Although this statement contradicts the well-known popular saying, but real life has not seen a single evidence of the training of wise people on other people's mistakes. Consequently, either wise people do not exist on Earth, or the saying is slightly cunning in order to guide the youths on the true path. Therefore, it is necessary to analyze together with the child each of his mistakes, so that in the future he does not make similar mistakes. It is also recommended to have conversations with your daughter about dangerous episodes from the lives of acquaintances or about cases known from the press. A baby from an early age should learn to avoid everything that could threaten her existence, reputation, and health. After all, it is not for nothing that they say that God himself protects the cherished.

    What makes a woman a woman is kindness and femininity. Therefore, the daughters of Eve must be taught to take care of loved ones, to notice the pain of others, to help the sick and the weak. Do not be afraid to sharply pull the baby if she taunts someone's shortcomings. Girls are often more violent than boys. That is why it is recommended that beloved daughters encourage the desire to help people, for example, to help bring a heavy bag to the apartment of a neighbor grandmother. If a child brought home a homeless kitten or chick, there is no need to abruptly refuse him. After all, caring for pets is a great opportunity to develop mercy and responsibility in a baby. Moreover, it is not recommended to prevent the daughter from taking care of relatives. In particular, about the one and only mother. And it does not matter that such care will be inept, the main thing is that it is one hundred percent sincere. Gratitude is the best response to child care.

    In pursuit of developing kindness in a baby, you should also not overdo it. It is not necessary to allow a child to direct his mercy to unworthy people. Otherwise, excessive kindness can bring the child to trouble. The formula of true femininity is equal to the balance between mercy and prudence.

    In addition to all of the above, it should be remembered that, first of all, the little lady in the future should perfectly cope with the role of hostess. Therefore, from an early age, you need to try to instill in the baby the skills of cleaning, sewing, cooking, washing dishes. It's pretty easy to teach her. It is more difficult to make sure that she does not perceive housework as an annoying duty or punishment.

    Many mistakenly believe that leadership qualities are more important for boys than for girls. This is wrong. Therefore, do not fetter the children's initiative. Let the child take on the role of leader. Any, even tiny, successes of the baby should be encouraged with praise. After all, this will be an incentive for. However, at the same time, you should try not to instill in your child peremptory, categorical, inability to listen and hear interlocutors. A daughter, first of all, is a future woman, a mother and a keeper of the hearth, and not an iron lady walking forward over “corpses”.

    In addition to all of the above features, individuality is very important for a girl, which is much more difficult to develop than all other qualities. Parents should try not to cross the line where the upbringing of various "correct" character traits in the child will develop into the destruction of individuality. Therefore, one should not raise a brilliant pianist from a daughter when she is passionate about football, and she is disgusted with music lessons. No need to shift your unfulfilled dreams onto a child. Because he has the right to realize his own goals and desires. Parents should support those positive qualities that develop in their daughter, and not impose their own.

    How to raise a 1 year old girl

    The current world is diametrically opposed to the eras of the Renaissance and Classicism, where women were delicate and fragile creatures, for whom all important decisions were made either by the father or the spouse. Today, more and more girls are brought up in a feminist spirit. All educational measures are aimed solely at the development of leadership traits for career growth. Such upbringing, unfortunately, is true in modern realities. Alas, a modern woman cannot devote herself completely to her family, since she will have nothing to exist on. After all, the men were crushed. Now women have to pull on themselves not only the kids, but also the idler husband. Modern men are more and more inclined to lie on the couch and rant about the hardships of life. The world is cruel, so only the strongest survive in it. And femininity, kindness, caring and gentleness are often perceived as weakness.

    Therefore, modern parents have a great responsibility for raising their daughters, who need to be raised both strong and feminine, affectionate, caring and moderately strict, understanding, forgiving and persevering.

    Some parents, thinking about the question: how to raise a girl in a year, mistakenly believe that by developing femininity in a child, they thereby make a weak-willed doll out of her, a homemade slut and a free application to her husband. First of all, to bring up femininity - this means the development in the girl of the primordially feminine qualities that nature endows them with at birth. Qualities that in men cause a desire to take care of girls, protect them and protect them. Therefore, starting from the earliest years, girls need to develop tenderness, poise, caring, along with perseverance, confidence, and the ability to stand up for themselves.

    After the baby reaches the age of one, it can be attached to housework. Mom is encouraged to talk in detail about what she is doing at this particular moment. For example, while cooking, cleaning the apartment, putting things in their places. In addition, it is recommended to buy a small scoop, a toy bucket, and a whisk for your daughter. Children love to copy the behavior of significant adults, imitate them with pleasure, but they do it in the game. The game process can be used not only to develop the daughter's accuracy, caring, sensitivity, housekeeping, but also to observe and identify their own "wrong" behavior. It must be remembered that not only mom and dad are raising their daughter, but the girl also educates her parents, imitating their behavior. So, it is recommended that adults take a closer look at the behavior of the crumbs, if the baby scatters her toys everywhere, then maybe her dad does so often?

    Mothers should not only allow their daughters to help them, but also involve them in their affairs if the children do not show interest. Indeed, at the age of five, it will be too late to force the baby to put the toys in their places. It is recommended to do all household chores together with your daughter. This will allow mothers to kill "two birds with one stone" at the same time: babies will feel their own importance, and parents will spend more time with their children.

    Some girls from the age of one begin to give preference to certain clothes. You need to go towards them. And you should also show and tell little fashionistas which shoes are more suitable for a blue dress, and which ones for a red skirt. It is necessary to explain to them that clothes should be combined in colors, that there are festive decorations and street clothes. They should also be taught to handle things with care.
    Thus, to all mothers who are wondering: how to raise a girl in a year, there is only one advice - to develop a child's personality, not breaking it, but directing it in the right direction.

    How to raise a 2 year old girl

    It is believed that girls are more responsive, calmer, less active than boys. Girls develop more creatively. This must be taken into account when raising a two-year-old baby.

    First of all, you should teach the little lady to express her own feelings. It is necessary not to interfere with her on her own, without the help of adults, to achieve certain results (for example, deal with the device of a toy). When raising children, you should always remember that kids feel a lie, so when explaining to a child one or another of your actions, one should not resort to lies or slyness.

    Many parents make typical mistakes in raising babies, due to the fact that they are influenced by stereotypes: girls play with dolls, and boys love cars and soldiers. But babies are different. And they are carried away by what the soul is disposed to, and not by what their gender dictates to them. If the daughter loves to drive the ball, then the only thing left for the mother is not to interfere with her, and also to monitor the safety of the crumbs.

    Parental praise and approval of his actions is important for every kid. Therefore, you do not need to spare compliments and kind words for your own child. Indeed, in this way, parents develop an adequate one for him. But this does not mean that the baby needs to be praised with or without reason.

    It should also be remembered that the crumbs are very susceptible and prone to imitation. Therefore, having noticed something wrong in the behavior of your beloved daughter, having heard harsh expressions from her, in the first place, it is recommended to pay attention to your own person. It's just that a girl brings up her parents, imitates the actions of her mother or father. Do not scold the baby for such actions. After all, it is significant adults who are an example for a little lady. She only does what her parents show her. It is impossible to explain to the child why it is impossible to use "bad" words when her dad uses them in a speech.

    How to raise a 3 year old girl

    The difference in the behavior of boys and girls is noticeable almost from birth. The daughters of Eve develop and comprehend the world around them much faster than the sons of Adam. Girls are characterized by sensuality and emotionality. They are easier to manage. But at the same time, the girls are little cunning.

    Below are the top tips for raising a daughter

    To instill responsibility in babies, parents are advised to always tell them the truth, as well as keep all promises.

    Both parents play an important role in the overall development of the child. But for the girl, the standard is still the mother, who should become a friend for her daughter. For the first time, the girl discusses outfits, beauty, and boys with her mother. Mom teaches her how to make up and take care of herself. It is at the age of three that the foundations of such characteristics as charm, neatness, sophistication and a sense of style are laid.

    Since girls are rather emotional creatures, they are much more likely than boys to tell their parents the glory of love, hug them, kiss them, but at the same time they are more vulnerable. Therefore, the educational model must be built taking into account these differences. It is necessary to demonstrate reciprocal feelings to the baby, hug her, groom and delight. In general, physical contact is very important for the healthy development of the child. Psychologists recommend starting and ending the day with strong hugs. Some parents are stingy with manifestations of love for children, as they believe that they can spoil the baby. But it's not. There is not much love. But its deficiency or absence can provoke the isolation and unsociableness of the child. Permissiveness can spoil, which has nothing to do with the manifestation of love.

    Therefore, one must also be able to punish the daughter for the offenses committed. If the baby is guilty, then it is necessary to explain to her what her offense is, what she did wrong. At the same time, raising your voice is strongly discouraged.

    How to raise a 4 year old girl

    At the age of four, daughters, when the crisis of three years is already over, moms and dads can breathe more freely, but you still shouldn’t relax. Of course, parents have already become adept at raising children, they know all the tricks of the little “fox”, habits and the level of its activity. At the same time, education in this age period still requires constant monitoring and constant attention to the baby. After all, the period of endless "why" begins.

    At the age of four, the child's emphasis begins to gradually shift from physical activity to mental activity. The baby is no longer so interested in running around the house for hours on end. She increasingly wants to play more calm games, for example, doctor or mother-daughter. Creativity begins to attract kids: modeling, drawing, making crafts. Such behavior should be encouraged, especially if previously the child was not distinguished by perseverance. It is also recommended to take part in all the entertainment crumbs.

    In addition, this age period is considered excellent for determining the daughter in any sports section. And it doesn't matter what kind of section it will be: ballroom dancing or chess. The main thing is that the baby likes what she does. During this period, parents make a serious mistake, occupying all the children's time with various circles, since the baby will get tired, respectively, productivity will be equal to zero. Such behavior can only turn the child away from sports or previously favorite activities.

    Also during this period, you need to actively teach your daughter to order in all areas, namely: cleaning toys and other things, cleanliness. In addition, we should not forget about the role of the father in the upbringing of the baby. Dads should also take part in her life, play and walk with her, take her to classes, talk, love and pamper.

    How to raise a 5 year old girl

    The upbringing of a five-year-old baby is stressful due to constant bickering and whims on the part of the daughter. And there's nothing to be done - such an age!

    At the age of 5, in the development of a baby, many significant changes occur for the formation of a child's personality. It is this age stage that is marked by the final awareness of the sex differences between boys and girls. Five-year-olds clearly identify as a girl. As a result, the daughter begins to ask the adult environment a lot of awkward questions related to gender differences. No matter how uncomfortable the questions are, they will have to be answered. The age of five is also characterized by the beginning of the formation of arbitrariness and awareness in behavior. Toddlers can already refrain from unwanted actions and actions that are not approved by the adult environment. At the same time, in girls, conscious behavior is more pronounced than in boys, since praise and approval for girls are of great importance.

    Also at this age stage, jealousy wakes up in babies. They are jealous of the adored daddy to mom. Five-year-old girls practically "stick" to their father. It is this period that is significant for the formation of the “woman-man” relationship model. Therefore, dads need to take a more responsible approach to education during this period. In addition, fathers are encouraged to show warmth in relations with their mother, respect and care for her. And with the daughter you need to be calm and affectionate.

    If a girl sees the constant attacks of her father on her mother in the relationship of her parents, then she may develop a phobia regarding relations with the male sex.

    How to raise a teenager girl

    Raising a girl in puberty is probably the most difficult thing. Therefore, so many parents are wondering: how to raise a girl of 12 years old? After all, it is at the age of 12 that a reassessment of life values ​​begins. In puberty, children move closer to their peers, at the same time, moving away from their parents. At this stage, adolescents critically evaluate their own appearance, in which children often find many shortcomings and defects.

    At the age of twelve, everything has its own look. Girls demand respect for their own person. They want to be treated like adults. They have new girlfriends and hobbies that meet youth trends. In addition, yesterday's daddy's daughters are beginning to actively pay attention to the opposite sex, trying to look older, to be independent. At this age, it is very important for girls to look the same as everyone else. Therefore, if a mother is really worried about the question: how to raise a girl of 12 years old, then you need to pay attention to fashion trends among twelve-year-old girls and make sure that your daughter is dressed exactly as is customary among teenagers. Do not underestimate the importance of striving to be modern. Since the "poor" often become the object of barbs and harassment. Therefore, if the child's teeth are not in order or the skin, hair, you should not leave the shortcomings of the daughter's appearance unattended.

    It is also recommended to encourage a teenager's interest in dancing, sports, music, to encourage her to participate in various school competitions, competitions, olympiads. You need to try to support your child, to be there for him when he needs it. If the daughter is sad, then you should not attack her with questions. She needs her mother to be by her side.

    It's already behind my second birthday. How fast the baby is growing! By the age of two, he has become quite an adult and has acquired many new skills, which he happily demonstrates. During this period, raising a child will require even more patience, calmness and skill from parents.

    The crisis at 2 years is manifested by aggression and tantrums

    physical changes

    The growth development of a two-year-old child begins to slow down and averages about 10 cm per year. Weight increases by 2.5-3 kg.

    1. The proportions of the body change: the growth of the head stops, but the development and stretching of the lower limbs begins.
    2. The percentage of adipose tissue decreases, as a result of which the swelling of the cheeks and tummy disappears.
    3. The face at the age of two loses its roundness, the legs become long and slender.
    4. The “pads” on the inside of the foot disappear.
    5. Due to the increase in elasticity in the muscles, the child's body becomes similar to an adult.


    Having reached, the child knows how to walk independently and gradually masters speech. These two skills are his main achievements. The development of new territories causes huge changes in the physical and mental state of a small person, in addition, his psychology is changing. The energy of moving forward haunts the baby. He needs to see and touch everything.

    A two-year-old child is already quite independent

    The development of mobility will be observed for several more years, and ensuring the possibility of movement is one of the first tasks for parents.

    Skills acquired at an early age will be remembered forever. At two years old, boys and girls are already able to:

    The formation of speech

    At the age of two years, the active development of the baby's speech is observed. In a year, his vocabulary increases 10 times. Now the child is able not only to ask questions using a single word, but also to build small sentences. During this period, it is very important to talk more with your fidget, tell stories and fairy tales. And in no case should you distort the words, believing that such a language is clearer and simpler.

    A child at two years of age cannot always clearly express his desires in words. We must be patient, try to listen to him to the end and understand what the baby wants.


    Games occupy one of the first places in education. At the age of two, many children develop skills in handling pencils, plasticine and watercolors.

    To speed up the development of fine motor skills of fingers in children, you can teach your child to draw with a brush or just with a finger, dipping it in paint and leaving prints of your small hands on a piece of drawing paper attached to the wall of the room.

    At two years old, you can play role-playing games with your baby.

    In the sandbox, girls and boys of two years are already capable of more than just digging a hole. They will be able to make Easter cakes if they are taught this, or pave the way for the typewriter. At home, you can try the game with the doll - bathe her, feed her, put her to bed. Girls especially love these games. In the course of the game, such qualities as love and care are brought up. Along the way, ordinary everyday items are studied: soap, washcloth, towel.

    At the age of two, both boys and girls are already able to independently find a way out of a difficult situation. For example, they like to pull a rolled ball out from under a chair, or play hide and seek. You can try to solve simple riddles together. In order to interest children in this useful activity and help them with the answer, it is good to make large drawings depicting an object or animal that you want to guess and show in case of difficulty. This is where the development of memory and ingenuity takes place.

    But when working with a two-year-old child, you should always remember that at two years old, children cannot perform the same actions for a long time. It is difficult for them to sit in one place for more than half an hour, so all classes should be limited in time.

    Crisis of two years of age

    Often, mothers of children who have reached the age of two notice that changes suddenly began to occur in the behavior of the child, and not for the better. If only three months ago he was obedient and fulfilled any requests, now the baby has been replaced. Whims that turn into tantrums arise completely unreasonably and several times a day. It is becoming more and more difficult to distract a screaming child, to switch his attention to another object, as it was before.

    Tantrums at age two are common.

    The psychology of such behavior of a child is defined as a crisis of two years of age.

    The nature of behavior during the transition period

    Hysteria can manifest itself in a wide variety of forms. Having decided to satisfy his desire, the child screams loudly, falls on the floor in sobs, or begins to beat everyone around, break and scatter toys. The situation is getting out of control. The reasons for this inappropriate behavior are varied. To parents, they seem absurd and unworthy of attention, and the requirements are sometimes simply impossible to fulfill.

    Tantrum in the toy store

    For example, entering the store, the baby begins to grab all the toys in a row. Any persuasion, to put everything in its place and take only a bear or a typewriter, ends in crying, turning into hysterics.

    Parents clutch at their heads, remember with horror when and where they behaved not as they should, what they missed in raising children. And they don't get an answer.

    Reasons for changing a child's behavior

    It is not difficult to explain such a psychology of the behavior of children in two years. At this age, the child begins to feel his independence and he needs to master new relationships with the outside world. If earlier he was one with adults, now it seems to the baby that he will cope with all the tasks himself, and parental upbringing infringes on his personality. Of course, the desire to be independent should be welcomed and encouraged, but only to the extent that there is no danger to the health of the baby. Tantrums and disobedience of children are the costs of the transition period.

    Checking the limits

    At the age of two, children begin to explore the boundaries of what will be allowed to them. Many parents have noticed that it is worth denying the kid some of his desires, for example, not turning on the cartoon, since it's time to go to bed, he starts to cry and fight in hysterics. It instantly disappears if you turn on the TV.

    Negativism at two years

    A baby at two years old begins to interact with the outside world and observes the result.

    If the reaction to his actions is the same every time, then the memory fixes it as normal. And the next time, trying to achieve what he wants, the child pulls on the usual strings in anticipation of the usual result.

    Hysteria is a demand for attention

    Over time, the baby should feel the resistance of the world around him. If there is no resistance and everything is permitted to him, then something is wrong, danger is lurking somewhere.

    By throwing a tantrum, the child does not expect to receive what is required. He waits for the resistance of those around him, which will assure him of safety.

    Crisis resolution

    Faced with this behavior of the child, parents begin to look for a solution to the problem. Some close the child in a separate room with instructions to reflect on their behavior, others make it clear that no one is going to console him, and this ends their upbringing.

    Tips for parents

    Many parents do not think of anything better than to give in to the child, if only he would calm down. This is the wrong and dangerous way. Having become accustomed to shouting, the child will become uncontrollable.

    Parents need to establish what is allowed and what, on the contrary, cannot be done, and always follow the accepted rules.

    If a crisis situation arose, and the baby does not want to fulfill the requests of the elders, you need to calm down and firmly explain why the requirements will not be met. If the tantrum does not stop, do not continue the argument, but simply leave the room. Left alone, the child will quickly calm down and begin communication again.

    In this article:

    Speaking about the development of a child at 2.5 years old, one significant change can be noted compared to a one and a half year old baby: the actions of the crumbs begin to be conscious. The child understands a lot, is happy to make contact, is ready to compromise with adults. If parents adhere to parenting based on trust, then 2 years and 6 months is just the period when you can begin to negotiate with the crumbs in an amicable way.

    The physical development of the baby

    At 2 years and 6 months, the baby is quite physically developed and visually already in many ways similar to an adult. The child walks confidently, both forward and backward and sideways, runs, jumps, maintaining balance.

    Parents, who plan to introduce kids to sports, can start doing it purposefully from this age, not limited only to morning exercises. In the child's room, you can install a mini-sports complex corresponding to his age with different shells. A baby at this age will easily find a use for them, spending energy for its own benefit.

    At 2.5 years old, hardening can also be practiced. From time to time, the baby can be allowed to walk barefoot, both at home and on the street, gradually lower the temperature of the water in which he will bathe, and ventilate the room more often.

    First steps towards independence

    At 2.5 years old, the child becomes noticeably more independent. He no longer just knows how to walk, go down the stairs and use the toilet. The baby eats on his own, washes his hands, brushes his teeth, dresses and undresses, hangs clothes on a hanger and puts shoes on a shelf.

    So that the child does not lose interest in the development of self-service skills, parents need to constantly praise him, motivating him to improve. For example, if the baby does not show a desire to brush his teeth, you can invite him to do it together, watching the reflections in the mirror. Same In this way, you can help the baby with collecting toys, dressing and undressing, in no case forcing, but only captivating by personal example.

    It will be great if at 2 years and 6 months the child already has his own small but pleasant household chores. For example, a baby can be assigned to feed pets or water flowers, thus instilling in him a sense of responsibility. Such simple activities will bring pleasure to children, and sincere praise from adults will instill in them a sense of self-confidence.

    At 2 years and 6 months, the baby is already independent enough to play without parents for half an hour. The baby is happy to do puzzles, constructor, and applied arts.

    How does a baby develop mentally?

    At 2.5 years old, the baby distinguishes more than five colors, knows their names, groups objects according to a certain attribute. Also at this age, kids are already familiar with basic geometric shapes and figures.

    In the third year of life, fantasy begins to work actively in children, so parents should find time to work together with creativity with the baby. The child can be carried away by modeling, drawing, appliqué or design. All these activities contribute to only the development of thinking, but also the development of fine motor skills of the hands, which in turn will stimulate the baby's speech.

    At 2 years and 6 months, you can and even need to read with a child. At this age, the baby will already be able to recognize letters, make syllables. Being engaged with the baby in this way, you will need to try to keep his interest, captivating with games and not overstraining the requirements.

    In the life of a baby, books with pictures and poems may already appear. In the third year of life, a child is able to listen to an adult read for half an hour. As an experiment, you can try to entertain the baby with audio fairy tales from time to time.

    Baby speech development

    Experts are sure that it is possible to train the speech of babies at the age of two years and six months, not only by developing fine motor skills of the hands, but also by singing. Children at this age are happy to listen to singing and sing themselves, if
    parents encourage this activity. You can turn on the crumbs of children's melodies and learn simple songs with him.

    The vocabulary of children after two years is noticeably replenished. Every day new words appear in it, and some of them are even unfamiliar to parents, as they are a product of the child's imagination.

    Joint reading of poems and fairy tales will also help to develop speech, during which parents can motivate the baby to communicate by offering to finish lines familiar to him.

    About collaboration skills

    At two years and six months, babies are distinguished by sensitivity and responsiveness. The baby is happy to fulfill the requirements and requests of adults, happy to provide all possible assistance at the right time. The baby observes the behavior of the parents, is sincerely upset if adults are offended, tries to cheer them up. This behavior is a serious leap in the development of the baby.

    If a second baby appears in the family, then a two-year-old baby can become a real helper to parents. He will feel like a senior: he will rock the stroller with pleasure
    crumbs, throw away the diaper, find the pacifier. It is important for parents to encourage the initiative of the baby, without limiting his communication with the younger child.

    At two years and six months, the baby is able to clean a plate, a cup from the table. Significant changes are also taking place in the child's communication with peers. The baby is trying to establish contact with the children, agrees to share or change toys.

    At this age, kids argue a lot. By arguing, they try to learn communication skills. It becomes especially interesting for both adults and children to communicate with the baby in the third year of life. The kid is able to keep up the conversation, he understands humor, fantasizes, laughs, is ready to surprise not only with new words from the vocabulary, but also with actions.

    Suitable toys for baby

    At 2 years and 6 months for a child, you need to select toys that will contribute to his development. These can be toys that develop thinking, motor skills, eye, imagination and patience. The most suitable options are listed below:

    Also for kids of this age, you can come up with homemade toys. These can be different boxes and caskets that the baby can close and open, shoelaces, as well as containers with loose cereals, in which the baby can look for objects, pouring, sorting cereals, etc.

    Emotional background of the baby

    At 2 years and 6 months, the child becomes especially emotional. He is proud of himself if he copes with tasks, shows tenderness and love towards dear people,
    experiences feelings of joy, envy, anger, knows how to yearn, show compassion, be afraid.

    At this age, kids do not know how to evaluate the actions of others. They often do not understand why they are punished, unable to appreciate a good deed. At two years and six months, the baby is already interested in nature, admires landscapes, observes with interest the behavior of animals and insects. He knows how to make associations between objects, phenomena or events that he encountered.

    Attachment to relatives

    Toddlers at the age of two and a half years have a strong attachment to their relatives, especially to their parents. At the same time, children tend to relate to loved ones in different ways. So, children love their mother reverently and tenderly, while they love to play with their father or grandfather more than anything in the world.

    Even a short separation from loved ones for kids can be a serious stress. The baby feels an urgent need to feel the constant closeness of his mother and is not ready to be without her for a long time.

    Goodwill towards the child from unfamiliar or unfamiliar people awakens a response in him. The baby is ready to make contact with people for whom he feels sympathy. It is at this age that you can try to visit early development schools with your baby, gradually look at the kindergarten, get to know the teachers, switch to the "garden" daily schedule to simplify the adaptation of the crumbs in the future.

    Crisis 2.5-3 years

    As noted above, children at the age of two years and six months try to be especially independent. They deliberately refuse help, try everywhere and do everything on their own. The favorite phrase of the crumbs of this age is “I myself!”. Due to the development of the emotional sphere, kids do not always adequately perceive the appeal of adults, they deliberately become stubborn only in order to defend their opinion.

    At the first signs of such behavior, parents should understand that the child has a crisis of 2.5-3 years, and his stubbornness is an attempt to become independent. At such moments, it is important to be patient and try to support the child, to establish contact with him.

    Lack of attention, excessive rudeness, and even more so an unfair attitude will only cause a negative reaction in the baby. The baby may lose confidence in their parents and start behaving even worse. It is very important to understand that the crisis of this age is the next stage that you need to go through yourself and help the child survive, surrounding him with love, affection, warmth.

    The neuropsychic development of the baby

    The main skill of a baby at the age of 2 years and 6 months is the ability to use words to express thoughts, desires and emotions. Most children at this age already have an excellent vocabulary, which is updated daily with new words. If at two and a half years the baby does not try to pronounce individual words, does not show a desire to repeat after adults, imitating sounds, it must be shown to the pediatrician.

    At 2 years and 6 months character
    The baby is noticeably different. He is capricious, stubborn, trying to arrange provocations. The main reason is the crisis of the third year of life mentioned above. The best way to reason with an out-of-control child is to deprive him of your attention for a while.

    At 2 years and 6 months, kids play role-playing games with great pleasure, in which they try on the roles of a doctor, educator, bus driver, and so on. In the course of such games, children come up with interesting dialogues, play out situations that they have seen in the life of adults.

    As for social development, at this age it is largely associated with the characteristics of the upbringing and character of the baby. It is important that parents show by example how to behave correctly, how to control emotions, behavior, actions. Seeing the restraint of adults, children will also learn to behave appropriately, not allowing relapses.

    Good afternoon, dear readers! I get a lot of questions about raising kids. I constantly emphasize that until the age of 5, the baby should face prohibitions as little as possible. Many begin to resent, believing that I am introducing complete permissiveness ...

    I am not at all worried about my youngest son, who will be two years old in a few months. I don’t worry that he will not learn the word “no” until the age of 18, and will not be able to perceive prohibitions until retirement. But I hear how many mothers worry about their children ... Therefore, I write on this topic again and again. Today we will talk more about boundaries, and how to raise a child at 2 years old.

    So, the child always has prohibitions and boundaries. And in 2 years, and in a year, and even in several months. Another question is how we designate these boundaries. Do we shout menacingly “no” or show prohibitions as gently as possible?

    And again I emphasize: everything I will write about here applies only to babies under 5 years old. At the age of 5-7 there is a significant leap in the development of the child. And after this age, the attitude towards prohibitions should change (on the part of parents). If parents don’t change anything until the age of 18, and talk to a teenager like a one-year-old toddler ... Then big problems really begin. But we are talking about the little ones. It is very important!

    This terrible permissiveness

    How tired I am of responding to indignant comments on my posts that threaten my children with a terrible future because of our “permissiveness”! I'm tired, because for almost every post on social networks about my attitude to oil spilled by a one-year-old or about harmless pranks, there is someone “not indifferent”. And every time you have to write the same thing. Sometimes you already want to just ignore the comment ... But then I understand that it is important to repeat it. Repeat many times. For one of the mothers to break the old stereotypes.

    So, the good news is that permissiveness does not threaten your child. It is simply impossible to organize it. Impossible. If you are a normal mother, you will not let your baby play with fire, climb out of the window, run on the road, etc. So your child's behavior will have some limits anyway. And he will begin to master them from birth.

    From birth, a child is faced with the fact that life is not always the way we would like it to be. Even if you practice, give the breast at the first squeak and carry the child around the clock. From the first months, the child is already something impossible.

    For example, babies should not roll over at the edge of the sofa. If he rolls over like that, he will fall. However, no normal mother will try to convey this to a three-month-old baby.

    Imagine a mother threateningly waving her finger in front of such a baby and saying: “You can’t!!” And then, when the child still fell, saying: “Why don’t you obey?! How naughty you are! Now you will know! I see that you understand everything! Your eyes are already smart, and you pronounce “aha” perfectly! You understand everything, but you don't listen! Who will grow out of you?!”

    Approximately the same thing happens even when the child is one year old. I wrote about this in the article "". This situation continues at 2 years. And even longer. Although at 2-3 years old the baby is already responding to many prohibitions. And it seems that he is already so smart... He reacts to many of your words and prohibitions, but... Not to all.

    What's wrong with bans?

    Up to 5-7 years old, the child's brain is not yet mature enough for an adequate perception of prohibitions. This does not mean that until the age of 5 you will not pronounce the word “no” at all. Unfortunately this is not possible. But it is necessary to pronounce this word as little as possible.

    Our oldest daughter is now almost 4 years old. And she already knows "no" well. And even - about a miracle! She listens well most of the time. But even now, at 4 years old, any prohibitions are difficult for her. And if I start saying “no” often, whims, tantrums and all signs of overexcitation begin. This is at 4 years old! What can we say about a two-year-old baby?

    In fact, at 1-3 years old, prohibitions are not so terrible - the child easily ignores them. At this age, the correct strategy is: "You can not scold or scold the baby for not obeying."

    Children under the age of 5 should not be scolded at all. At this age, the baby will never understand that you "love him very much, but are angry at his bad behavior." And the only thing you will achieve is that the child will feel bad and unloved.

    How to set boundaries

    The parenting strategy is very simple. Extremely simple. If a three-month-old baby lies near the edge of the sofa - what do you do? That's right, take it and take it to a safe place. And in general, try not to put the baby on the sofa. About the same way we react to the behavior of a 2-3 year old baby.

    Of course, it is much more difficult to carry a two-year-old from the edge. But the essence remains the same. And gradually, as it grows, the little one learns to perceive these boundaries.

    If the baby grabs something forbidden and dangerous, we select it. It climbs onto something too high or fragile - we remove it. He behaves inappropriately - we take him to another place.

    Ideally, distract the little one with something more interesting. This is the best thing you can do. Does not work? At least just be sorry. Yes, the one-year-old will yell, kick and express his protest in every possible way. But you still calmly and lovingly take him from a dangerous place...

    What is important to pay attention to?

    • There should be as few restrictions as possible! Try to remove everything forbidden and dangerous where the baby cannot reach.
    • When the baby approaches the forbidden, you can gently say “no need to take it” or something like that. Shake your head. But gently, without threat or aggression.
    • Did the kid climb on the forbidden closet anyway? Feel free to take it out of there. And help him experience the full range of emotions. Help with your sympathy, love and patience.
    • Gradually, the child will get used to them. Especially if he is already two years old. Gradually, a connection will form in the baby’s head: if you climb in, they will still be filmed. So there is no point in going there. But this connection will not have an admixture of fear!
    • However, from time to time, children again "check the boundaries." And your task is to respond to this calmly and lovingly again.
    • If the child still broke something, soiled it, broke it ... It's not his fault. You didn't follow this. This is your responsibility, not his. Therefore, do not scold the child, but yourself.
    • And if no one was hurt, don't scold yourself. And just wipe the puddle, wash the closet or collect the pieces from the floor. Small annoyances are not worth worrying about.

    The older the child, the more likely they are to respond to your verbal warning. And at the age of 3, many children are ready to obey their parents. No shouting or threats! But... Not always. And this also needs to be understood. When a baby at 3-4 years old really wants something, he will ignore your requests. And again, your task is not to scold or demand obedience.

    How to communicate with a 3-4 year old baby if he does not want to go home, wash his hands or take off his boots at home -. Here we can try to reach an agreement. But at 2 years old it still doesn't make sense.

    Therefore, if our youngest son starts pouring water from the bath onto the floor, I just pull him out of the bath. Throwing food out of a plate? I take a plate. Throwing sand at kids in the playground? I take it out of the sandbox. All this can be done calmly, without threats. And the boundaries were respected, and my mother remained loving.

    Subscribe to new blog articles and repost on social networks. I wish you happiness. See you soon!

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