• Calculation of old-age labor pension. Results of calculating your pension. Fixed pension amount


    In calculating old-age pensions, a new calculation formula has been applied since 2015.

    Let's look at what factors influence the amount of insurance payments for pensioners in the Russian Federation.

    How to find out the size of your future pension

    After Soviet period Pension legislation was reformed twice: in 2002, pension rights were converted into pension capital, and in 2015 - into pension points. What's the point latest changes? From January 1, 2015, the insurance and funded parts of the pension acquired the character of independent pensions; this decision was made on the basis of laws No. 400-FZ and 424-FZ of December 28, 2013.

    What's happened accumulative part pensions? - This pension is valid only for pensioners born in 1967 inclusive. Its calculation is carried out according to the old principle. Insurance part pensions are calculated using a new formula, which is based on pension points that accumulate during work.

    Formula for calculating the amount of old-age pension:
    SPS = FV x PC1 + IPK x SPK x PC2
    where SPS is the insurance part of the pension,
    FV - the size of the fixed payment,
    PC1 - bonus coefficient, it increases the PV upon retirement too late
    IPC - individual pension coefficient
    SPK - the value of the pension coefficient at the time when the pension was issued
    and PC2 is a bonus coefficient that increases the value of the IPC; it begins to be taken into account when a person who has reached retirement age continues to work.
    Let's understand the rules for calculating the old-age pension using the new formula. To do this, we will need the main components of the pension: this is the fixed part of the pension (what was previously called basic part) And individual coefficient IPK, and premium coefficients PC1 and PC2.

    How to find out the fixed part of the insurance pension

    The fixed part or payment to the insurance pension, designated in the formula for calculating the pension as FV, ​​is established in Article 16 of the Federal Law “On Insurance Pensions” No. 400-FZ dated December 28, 2013. In 2018, this part of the pension is 4982.90 rubles. A fixed portion of the pension is provided to each pensioner. The PF can be indexed twice every year: on February 1 - taking into account inflation, and on April 1 - due to the previous income of the PF. The second is not mandatory, but possible, and is paid by decision of the Government of the Russian Federation.

    In the new pension legislation The periods for accrual of pension points have been changed, bonus coefficients have been introduced that affect the increase in the fixed payment and the IPC in cases of late retirement.

    Fixed part of the insurance pension for various categories of citizens

    Categories of citizens entitled to an insurance pension Number of dependent persons of a pensioner Fixed payment (FV) in rubles
    Persons without disabilities and not older than 80 years - 4 558,93
    1 6 078,57
    2 7 598,23
    3 or more 9 117,88
    Disabled people of group 1 and persons over 80 years of age - 9 117,87
    1 10 637,52
    2 12 157,16
    3 or more 13 676,81
    Persons without disabilities, no older than 80 years of age, who have worked in the Far North for at least 15 years. Insurance experience of at least 20 years for women and 25 years for men - 6 838,40
    1 9 117,87
    2 11 397,35
    3 or more 13 676,82
    Persons with group 1 disabilities or who have reached 80 years of age. Worked in the Far North for at least 15 years. Insurance experience of at least 20 years for women and 25 years for men - 13 676,81
    1 15 956,28
    2 18 235,74
    3 or more 20 515,22
    Persons without disabilities, not older than 80 years of age, who have worked in the Far North for at least 20 years and have insurance experience for women of at least 20 years and 25 years for men - 5 926,62
    1 7 902,16
    2 9 877,70
    3 or more 11 853,24
    Persons with group 1 disabilities or who have reached 80 years of age. Worked in the Far North for at least 20 years. Insurance experience of at least 20 years for women and 25 years for men - 13 676,81
    1 13 828,78
    2 15 804,32
    3 or more 17 779,36
    Persons with over 30 years of experience in agriculture, living in rural areas and not employed with mandatory pension insurance* - 4 918,75
    1 6 230,42
    2 7 542,08
    3 or more 8 853,75

    The insurance pension is based on the Individual Pension Coefficient (IPC)

    The IPC coefficient was introduced into pension calculations recently, but is intended to become a key innovation in the formula for calculating pensions, allowing for a secure, dignified old age. A high IPC seriously affects the value pension payments. The IPC is calculated as the sum of pension points or annual pension coefficients (APC), which are accrued annually for official labor activity and payment of insurance premiums by the employer.

    To calculate a future pension, we will try to find out how to calculate the size of pension points, why they are awarded, and, accordingly, what level of IPC can a pensioner reach by the time he reaches retirement age.

    How is pension calculation different in 2015-2018 compared to 2014?

    As we have already mentioned, in 2015 the methodology for calculating pensions changed. The pension coefficient since 2015 is calculated using the formula GPC=SSP/SSMx10, where:

    • GPK - annual pension coefficient
    • SSP - The amount of insurance pension contributions from a person’s income for the whole year
    • SSM - The amount of insurance premiums is equal to 16% of the maximum wages subject to contributions. This maximum salary is established by Government decree every year.
    • 10 - maximum amount pension points for a given accounting year. However, 10 points per billing year will be available only from 2021. 10 points from 2021 will be available only to citizens who do not take part in the formation of their funded pension. For 2015, the maximum GPC was no higher than 83. GPC will gradually increase.

    Maximum pension coefficients by year of retirement

    Year of retirement age limit With contributions to the funded pension, the maximum IPC will be: Without contributions to a funded pension, the maximum IPC will be:
    2015 4,62 7,39
    2016 4,89 7,83
    2017 5,16 8,26
    2018 5,43 8,70
    2019 5,71 9,13
    2020 5,98 9,57
    2021 onwards 6,25 10

    When calculating a pension at the age limit, all pension points are added up for each year in which the employer paid insurance premiums for the employee to the OPF. By the amount of pence. points are displayed by the IPC. It is calculated like this:

    IPC = GPC2015 + GPC2016+…GPC2030

    How to calculate the individual pension coefficient

    In the above formula, we saw that the annual pension coefficient (APC) is equal to the ratio of the amount of pension insurance contributions for the year to the maximum value of insurance contributions, multiplied by 10. The total amount of pension insurance contributions for the year is equal to 22% of the annual salary.

    • Of this 22%, six percent is transferred to the joint part of the pension fund. The fixed part of the insurance pension is formed from the solidary part.
    • The remaining 16% goes to the insurance pension (at the request of the future pensioner, 10% can be transferred to the insurance part, and 6% to the funded part of the pension).

    Let's give an example of a Civil Procedure Code with a deduction of 16% of income for an insurance pension

    Let's take, for example, an average monthly salary of 24,000 rubles. Then insurance premiums to the Pension Fund for the year will be equal to 24,000 x 12 months. x 16% = 46,080 rub.

    In 2016, the maximum salary established by Government decree is 796,000 rubles. The amount of maximum insurance premiums from this maximum salary is 16%, that is, 127,360 rubles.
    So, Civil Procedure Code= 46080/127360 x 10= 3,618
    That is, the annual pension coefficient of this taxpayer will be equal to 3.618 pension points.

    Second example: let’s calculate the Civil Procedure Code with a deduction of 10% of income for an insurance pension

    For comparison, let’s take the same salary level: 24,000 per month. The employer will contribute 10% of income to the insurance pension, and 6% to the funded pension. Then pension contributions for the insurance pension will be calculated according to the formula:
    24,000 x 12 x 10% = 28,800 rub.

    Civil Procedure Code= 28800/127360 x 10 = 2,261
    Thus, the annual pension coefficient, taking into account the transfer of 10% to the insurance part of the pension, will be 2.261 pension points.

    Obviously, the formation of the funded part of the pension seriously reduces pension points, which greatly affect the resulting pension.

    How to check the accuracy of pension points accrual

    The calculation of the IPC includes not only pension points, which are awarded for the payment of insurance premiums, but also the period during which pension contributions were not paid, namely:

    1. Leave to care for a child until the age of 1.5 years (in general, no more than 6 years), including:

    • for the first child the GPC is 1.8 points;
    • for the second, the GPC is 3.6 points;
    • for the 3rd and fourth GPC is 5.4 points; __________________________________________ A woman can earn 24 pension points.

    2. During the period of caring for a disabled child, a person over 80 years of age or a disabled person of group I, the GPC is calculated equal to 1.8 points

    3. During the period of military service upon conscription, the GPC is 1.8 points

    Pension point cost

    The cost of one pension point is: in 2016 = 74.27 rubles. in 2017 = 78.28 rubles. in 2018 = 81.49 rubles. This cost is indexed annually 2 times:

    • On February 1, indexation for last year's inflation occurs
    • On April 1, indexation is calculated using a complex formula, which takes into account the amount of insurance contributions and federal transfers received by the Pension Fund, that is, essentially the income of the pension fund.

    Increasing your pension using bonus factors

    The pension calculation has introduced the ability to increase the pension using bonus coefficients if a person decides to retire later than the established period of his own free will.

    Upon reaching retirement age, a person can continue to work, and a coefficient of increase in both the fixed part of the insurance pension (PC1) and an increase coefficient of the IPC (PC2) is introduced into his pension.

    These bonus coefficients for the number of full months of delay in receiving a pension are presented in the table

    Number of months to defer receiving a pension IPC increase coefficient (PC2) PV increase coefficient (PC1)
    Less than 12 months. 1 -
    24 months (2 years) 1,07 1,056
    36 months (3 years) 1,15 1,12
    48 months (4 years) 1,24 1,19
    60 months (5 years) 1,34 1,27
    72 months (6 years) 1,45 1,36
    84 months (7 years) 1,74 1,58
    96 months (8 years) 1,9 1,73
    108 months (9 years) 2,09 1,9
    120 or more (10 years or more) 2,32 2,11

    These coefficients greatly influence the final pension. Thus, with a voluntary delay of receiving a pension for 10 years, the fixed part of the pension increases by 2.11 times, and the Individual Pension Coefficient increases by 2.32 times. The resulting insurance pension will increase by two and a half times compared to the initial one.

    How old pension rights are converted into points

    Pension legislation since 2015 has provided a formula by which pension rights accumulated by a citizen before January 1, 2015 are converted into pension points. The formula for converting pension rights into pension points looks like this: PC=SC/SPK
    where PC is the required amount of pension points that was accumulated by the citizen before January 1, 2015
    SCH - the insurance part of the pension excluding the basic and funded parts for the period of December 31, 2015.
    SPK is the value of a pension point at the moment when a citizen exercises his right to a well-deserved pension.

    If we calculate points for a person who retires this year, then the sum of points calculated by us using the formula will be his IPC (individual pension coefficient. If the retirement date has not yet arrived, then the resulting amount will be added to the IPC (annual pension coefficients) for all subsequent years, as a result, the sum of these points will give the resulting IPC.

    Examples of how pensions are calculated

    As we have already said, the pension is calculated using a new formula
    SPS = FV × PC1 + IPK × SPK × PC2
    In addition, we have just learned how to calculate the components of this formula: IPC, PV and bonus coefficients. Here are examples of calculating future pensions.

    Example: Old age pension, that is, upon reaching the age limit.

    Citizen Sidorov knows that he can retire by age in 2017. In 2015, Sidorov’s pension rights were converted into points and are now equal to 70 pension points. Three years before retirement, Sidorov will earn 5 more points. Sidorov repaid his debt to his homeland for 2 years by serving in the army, for each year of service another 1.8 points are awarded. Thus, adding up all the points, we get Sidorov’s IPC at the time of retirement of 78.6 points. Taking as an assumption that the SPK in 2017 will be equal to 100 rubles, and the minimum size of the pension fund will be equal to 5,000 rubles, taking into account the non-application of bonus coefficients, we have a formula for calculating the pension of citizen Sidorov: SPS = FV + IPK × SPK
    5000 + 78.6 × 100 = 12860 rub.

    Example: Retirement after retirement age

    Citizen Feoktistova began working at the age of 17 in 2015. Twice she was on annual leave to care for a child, during these years she received 1.8 pension points for her first child, and 3.6 for her second. Only 5.4 points. Citizen Feoktistova’s work continued without interruption until her retirement and another 5 years beyond her seniority. That is, the retirement age was reached at 55 years in 2053, and she exercised her right to a pension only 5 years later in 2058. Over 41 years of work experience, Feoktistova earned 341 pence. point, and together with children’s 346.4 points. We will proceed from the assumption that the PV in 2058, taking into account indexation, will be 18,000 rubles. The premium coefficients for retiring 5 years later will be: for IPC - 1.34, for FV - 1.27. We will take the cost of a pension point in 2058 to be 580 rubles.
    Then citizen Feoktistova’s pension can be calculated using the formula:
    18000 × 1.27 + 346.4 × 580 rub. × 1.34 = 292,082.08 rub.

    It looks good, at least at today's prices. Of course, this is a very rough calculation with many assumptions.

    How to find out the exact calculation of your pension? This can be done on the website of the Russian Pension Fund. The personal account of the pension fund already contains all the data about your work experience, accumulated pension points and pension rights formed today. And most importantly, on the PFR website there is a pension calculator, with which you can calculate your pension by entering data about your current place of work, salary and other additional information.

    Is the preferential pension still available and how is it calculated?

    A preferential pension for workers in medicine, education and hazardous industries exists. How to calculate a pension for beneficiaries? The formula for calculating the preferential pension is the same, that is, the calculation is based on the amount of accumulated points introduced since 2015. Pension points are accumulated for contributions to the pension insurance fund for the year, they can be calculated using the formula
    IPO/NPO x 10

    IPO-individual pension contributions for the reporting year,

    NGO- standard pension annual contributions.

    Conclusion: the pension calculation formula introduced in 2015 is transparent and obvious. Knowing the methodology for calculating pensions, you will be able to calculate the level of your pension with all the nuances. However, only the pension calculator on the Pension Fund website will give the most accurate result.

    Social politics Russian Federation is aimed at providing material support to disabled and economically vulnerable citizens. In order to improve the system of compulsory pension insurance (OPI), the Pension Fund of Russia (PFR) introduced personalized accounting (PA). Thanks to the PU, the calculation of an individual pension in 2018 was significantly simplified.

    Payment - welfare - is a form of support for disabled or temporarily disabled segments of the population, payment, compensation, bonification, compensation for state social nature in monetary form. Three categories of citizens have the right to receive welfare benefits:

    • persons who have reached a certain age;
    • disabled people;
    • dependents who have lost their breadwinner and have no other income.

    Pension payments in 2018

    Pension provision for citizens has undergone uncharacteristic changes. The date for the annual indexation of insurance benefits has been postponed one month ahead of schedule. Social benefits for disabled people, children and old-age pensioners and benefits for state provision are going to be indexed according to the planned date - April 1, 2018 once.

    The increase amounted to 3.7% and was higher than the inflation index by 0.5%. The calculation of pension amounts in 2018 is determined by the growth rate of the consumer basket. Height social security, determined by the Government of the Russian Federation, will be 4.1% and will affect the average minimum level of insurance benefits.

    Composition and structure

    The calculation of pensions in 2018 is carried out according to the contributions that the employer, as an insurer, transfers to the Pension Fund for its employees and is the basis for calculating insurance benefits. The insurance premium rate is 22% of wages. The benefit options have the following structure:

    1. Only insurance. The rate of contributions going to the insurance benefit is divided into individual (16%) and joint (6%) intended to finance a fixed payment (FB).
    2. Mixed option, including insurance and savings. In this case, the individual tariff will be 10% for insurance benefits, 6% for funded benefits, and the solidarity tariff (of 6%) for financing PV will remain unchanged.

    Types of pension benefits

    Insurance is one of the main types of pension benefits in the Russian Federation. Old age insurance benefits will be calculated if three conditions are met:

    • reaching the appropriate age or acquiring the right to early appointment;
    • the presence of insurance experience not lower than the established minimum;
    • the number of points is not lower than the established minimum.

    Disability insurance benefits are awarded regardless of the cause of disability and require the fulfillment of two conditions:

    • provision by the citizen-applicant of documentation confirming his disability;
    • availability of work experience, and the duration of the insurance period when determining the right to this type social assistance it doesn’t matter - one day is enough; in the absence of any experience, a joint venture is appointed.

    Survivor's Insurance Benefit (SBC) is provided to citizens who fall under the category of dependents. Such family members are children, grandchildren, a non-working spouse, one of the parents or a disabled child. To receive this type of financial assistance you need:

    • whether the deceased has an insurance record;
    • the absence of an unlawful act committed by a disabled family member and leading to the death of the breadwinner.

    The moratorium on the formation of the funded part of labor benefits at the expense of insurance contributions has been extended for 2018. The principle of forming a funded pension is similar to placing financial resources in a deposit bank account and are sent at the choice of the citizen:

    • management company;
    • non-state pension fund (NPF).

    State payments pension provision aimed at compensating for the decline in living standards due to the loss of the opportunity to earn money for the following categories of persons:

    • civil servants;
    • military personnel;
    • WWII participants;
    • citizens who survived the siege of Leningrad;
    • victims of radiation;
    • astronauts;
    • test pilots;
    • disabled.

    Citizens who have not scored the required minimum number of points and have not reached the required minimum work experience are assigned a SP. Social welfare means the opportunity to receive social assistance expressed in:

    • cash benefits, discounts, benefits or compensation;
    • services provided partially or completely free of charge.

    Social pension (SP) is a monthly cash payment, aimed at providing livelihoods to disabled citizens. There are no insurance history or points requirements. And in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, social benefits are divided into three types:

    • old age;
    • on disability;
    • on the occasion of the loss of a breadwinner.

    State pension provision establishes four types of welfare benefits for civil servants, military personnel and certain categories of persons:

    • for length of service;
    • old age;
    • on disability;
    • on the occasion of the loss of a breadwinner.

    State contributions for long service are assigned:

    • civil servants with fifteen years of experience civil services s;
    • military personnel in accordance with the law of 12.02. 1993;
    • for cosmonauts, if they have experience in the relevant positions - 25 years for men and 20 for women, if 10 years of them for men and 7.5 for women are spent working in flight test crews;
    • for test pilots with experience in the relevant positions - 25 years for men and 20 for women, if two-thirds of the experience was spent working as a flight crew.

    State old-age welfare is prescribed to persons injured as a result of radiation and man-made accidents or disasters. State disability benefits also depend on the category of recipients:

    • WWII participants and veterans;
    • disabled people who survived the siege of Leningrad;
    • military personnel who became disabled due to illness or injury during conscription service;
    • citizens who became disabled as a result of the Chernobyl accident;
    • cosmonauts who were rendered disabled by preparation or execution of a space flight.

    Disabled dependents - children under 18 years of age, parents, spouses - are entitled to survivor benefits. A state welfare provider in the event of the loss of a breadwinner is appointed in the event of death:

    • conscript-soldier who served;
    • citizens exposed to radiation;
    • cosmonauts and candidates for them.

    Non-state pension provision encourages citizens to independently form additional welfare benefits on a voluntary basis. The calculation of a non-state pension in 2018 depends on the terms of the agreement that must be concluded with the NPF; payments must be made in accordance with contractual obligations.

    Legal regulation

    The document regulating the start of the pension reform of the Russian Federation, became Law No. 400-FZ dated December 28, 2013, denoting:

    • division of labor benefits into insurance and funded;
    • an updated benefit recalculation formula based on the amount of the IPC and the cost of one point;
    • an updated procedure for appointing welfare providers, depending on the availability of a minimum amount of points and insurance experience;
    • increasing coefficients when applying for financial assistance later than the deadline established by law.

    Law No. 424-FZ of December 28, 2013 regulates the emergence of the right to the funded part and establishes the conditions for assigning payments for it. The procedure for accrual of savings payments is determined by the pensioner and the insurer chosen by him - NPF. The decision to choose an insurer who will be responsible for generating savings benefit payments is made by the pensioner independently.

    A non-state pension fund, whose activities are regulated by the adopted Law No. 410-FZ of December 28, 2013, “On Amendments to the Federal Law” “On Non-State Pension Funds,” is suitable as an insurer. Fund losses or high level inflation entails the risk of leaving a pensioner without insurance contributions.

    Indexation of pension payments from January 2018

    On January 1, insurance payments to unemployed citizens were indexed, the amount of payments increased by 3.7% (0.5% above the level of expected inflation). Due to the shortage budget funds, payments to working citizens are not subject to indexation. A pensioner can count on annual indexation only after official dismissal with retirement.

    Table of changes in collateral amounts - calculation social pension in 2018 according to indexation from April 1.

    Kinds social benefits


    Size before indexation, rub.

    Size after indexation from 04/01/2018, rub.

    By old age

    Citizens of the Russian Federation, men over 65 years of age and women over 60

    Citizens living in the territories inhabited by small northern peoples, men who have reached 55 years of age, and women who have reached 50

    By disability

    Disabled children

    Disabled people from childhood, 1st group

    Disabled people of group 1

    Disabled people since childhood, 2 groups

    Disabled people 2nd group

    Disabled people of 3 groups

    On the occasion of the loss of a breadwinner

    Children under 18 years of age or full-time students under 23 who have lost both parents

    Children under 18 or full-time students under 23 years of age, left without one parent

    How to calculate old age pension

    To calculate the old-age pension in 2018 using the new formula, you need to know the terminology of Federal Law No. 400-FZ dated December 28, 2013, which uses the following concepts:

    • premium rates;
    • fixed payment (see PV) - an amount guaranteed by the state.

    Conditions of appointment

    The following have the right to accrue and receive old-age pension insurance payments:

    1. Citizens who have insurance experience in 2018 - the period of employers' contributions to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation - are at least 9 years; until 2024 inclusive, the length of service requirement will increase by one year annually until it reaches 15 years.
    2. Citizens who have required quantity points, based on calculations using the new formula, no lower than 13.8 in 2018 and further up to 30 by 2025.
    3. Men who have reached 60 years of age and women who have reached 55, provided that these citizens do not fall into the category applying for early financial assistance.

    What is an IPC for calculating pensions?

    The individual pension coefficient (IPC) is the value on which the calculation of the individual pension in 2018 depends, determined by the number of points accumulated by the employee during the period of his working life. The IPC value is calculated for each calendar year. The formula is written as follows: IPC (g.) = SV (g.)/NSV (g.)x10, where:

    • IPC (year) – annual IPC;
    • SV (g.) – amount of insurance premiums;
    • NSV (city) - 16% of the maximum taxable base (MVB), the size of which is established annually by the government (in 2018 - 1021 thousand rubles).

    Increasing (premium) coefficients

    For a citizen who applied for financial assistance later due date Those who have suspended payments or postponed their resumption are entitled to bonus coefficients, giving the right to earn significant benefits. The calculation of the pension in 2018, taking into account the bonus coefficient, is based on the number of full months that have elapsed from the moment the right to insurance payment arose. If you apply 5 years after reaching the legal age, the amount of the IPC will increase by 45%, after 10 years - by 2.32 times.

    Fixed payments

    A fixed payment is a guaranteed insurance part established by the state at the legislative level, which has an amount that does not depend on the amount of insurance premiums paid. After indexation on January 1 base size The PV will be 4982.9 rubles. and may change up or down.

    Pension calculation formula

    Social strategy for providing financial assistance to the Russian Federation for people in difficult situations life situation, has undergone a change - the funded component is subject to a moratorium presumably until 2018. Welfare benefits are formed for each citizen individually, based on work activity, paid from Pension Fund funds and calculated using a new formula.

    Insurance part

    The new formula for calculating the old-age insurance pension (SP) is written as follows: SP = IPC x SIPC x K + FV x K, where:

    • SP – size of SP in old age;
    • IPC – the amount of IPC accumulated at the time of calculation;
    • SIPC – cost of IPK;
    • K – bonus coefficients (fixed payments and points imply different meanings);
    • FV – fixed payment.


    Article 7 of Federal Law No. 424-FZ dated December 28, 2013 regulates the formula for calculating funded benefits, which is as follows: NP = PN/T, where:

    • NP – size of NP;
    • PN – the sum of all pension savings in a special part of the personal account of the insured person;
    • T – the estimated period during which financial assistance will be paid, equal to 246 months in 2018.

    How to calculate your pension yourself

    Any online counter will help you do the calculation, but you can calculate it yourself. When making calculations, it should be borne in mind that the results will be purely conditional. You can find out exactly your pension only at the place of registration of the citizen with the help of a Pension Fund employee.

    Where can I find out the amount of accumulated points?

    You can find out exactly the number of accumulated points in two ways: remotely and through the Pension Fund of Russia branch. If you are registered on the government services website, you should order an electronic statement of the number of accumulated points there, and receiving the statement will take a few minutes. If online registration is not available, the pensioner should contact the Pension Fund branch of their region with an application to receive an extract from their personal account.

    The cost of the individual pension coefficient in 2018

    On January 1, an increase in insurance pension benefits was made by 3.7%. The cost of one IPC point is determined by the Government of the Russian Federation annually and from January 1 is 81.49 rubles. The previous cost of the IPC, provided for in the draft budget of the Pension Fund for 2018 and supposedly amounting to 81.96 rubles, has been abolished.

    Fixed payment amount

    The size of the fixed payment is determined at the expense of the joint rate of insurance premiums, amounting to 6% of the 22% paid in accordance with Art. 3 of the Federal Law “On Compulsory Pension Insurance in the Russian Federation” and state budgetary funds and after indexation from January 1 is 4982.90 rubles.

    How is a disability pension calculated?

    The length of the insurance period does not matter when determining the right to this type of security - if there is at least one day of service for which the employer transferred contributions to the Pension Fund, a disabled person can apply for the establishment of this type of financial assistance. In case of complete absence of experience, SP will be awarded. If the calculation of the pension in 2018 shows the amount of assigned financial assistance below the regional subsistence level, the pensioner has the right to a social supplement.

    The amount of disability insurance payments depends on length of service, salary and the procedure for the employer to pay insurance contributions to the Pension Fund. The amount of the disability insurance benefit includes the insurance part and a fixed payment to it. Magnitude fixed amount is 4982.9 rubles. For disabled people of group 3, the basic amount is 2491.45 rubles. For disabled people of group 1, the fixed amount should increase by 100%.

    Pension provision for disabled citizens upon loss of a breadwinner

    One of the three types of insurance benefits is the survivor's pension (SPK) - the state reimburses money lost by disabled family members due to the loss of the insured breadwinner in the event of his death. The insurance part is an independent type and depends on:

    • number and sum of IPC points;
    • insurance experience of the deceased breadwinner.

    Dependents who were fully financially supported are entitled to receive insurance payments under the SIC. They are considered:

    • relatives who have not reached the age of majority;
    • relatives who have reached the age of majority, but have become disabled at that time,
    • relatives who are full-time students, not older than 23 years;
    • relatives who have reached the age of majority, but are unemployed due to caring for children or other minor relatives of the deceased breadwinner under 14 years of age;
    • relatives of the deceased breadwinner who have reached the appropriate age or are disabled.

    The right to benefits under the SPC is determined without taking into account the length of the deceased’s insurance experience; even one day of such experience is enough to assign this type of financial assistance. The appointment of the SPC occurs on the basis of the occurrence insured event– death or unknown absence of the breadwinner, to receive welfare benefits two requirements must be met:

    • the deceased had work experience;
    • the disabled family member did not commit an unlawful act that resulted in the death of the breadwinner.

    The amount of pension financial assistance under the SPC includes the insurance part and a fixed payment to it:

    • the insurance benefit under the SIC takes into account the IPC of the deceased breadwinner and depends on the number of contributions to the Pension Fund made for him by the employer to his individual personal account;
    • a fixed payment established in a strictly defined amount by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

    Calculation of pensions from January 1, 2018 for military personnel and persons equivalent to them

    The amount of payments to military personnel depends on the amount of cash allowance (SDS). The size of welfare benefits can be influenced by: bonus for length of service, indexation and monthly increase. In addition to the SSD, when calculating the minimum amounts of military benefits, the concept of estimated size (RR) can be used. Welfare committed by the Ministry of Defense or other law enforcement agencies are subject to calculation based on the values ​​of the SDD and RR.

    Types of military pension

    Each type of military pension welfare provider has its own conditions of appointment. The calculation of pensions in 2018 for military personnel and persons equivalent to them, and the calculation are regulated by the Law of the Russian Federation of February 12, 1993 No. 4468-1. The Pension Fund of the Russian Federation is responsible for implementing welfare benefits for military personnel; pensions are calculated directly by the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. The legislation of the Russian Federation provides for three types of welfare providers:

    • for length of service;
    • in case of loss of a breadwinner;
    • on disability.

    Length of service is taken into account when calculating military welfare benefits and is formed for the convenience of differentiating benefits:

    • the serviceman's service must be more than 20 years;
    • mixed seniority in total (military and civil services) must be 25 years or more, and military service out of these 25 years must be at least 12.5 years.

    Calculation formula for military personnel

    When calculating military financial assistance benefits, a reduction factor is used; the growth of its indicator by 2018 has increased and amounts to 72.23%. The calculation of pensions in 2018 for military personnel and persons equivalent to them can be calculated using the following formula: VP = SDD x NVL x T x PC, where:

    • VP – final size of the welfare;
    • SDD – amount of monetary allowance;
    • NVL – long service bonus;
    • T – percentage of salary depending on length of service;
    • PC – reduction factor.

    How to calculate your pension using a pension calculator

    • the year of birth;
    • official salary;
    • pension tariff;
    • number of children being raised;
    • work experience;
    • retirement age.


    Due to the fact that over the past 30 years there have been 3 pension reforms in our country, many citizens have difficulty understanding the principles of formation of pension payments and the procedure for calculations. Let’s look at how pensions are currently calculated and provide a number of examples for clarity.

    How is the pension calculated?

    It says that pension is the sum of the following values:

    1. Old age insurance pension.
    2. Fixed payment.

    A fixed payment is a supplement to the basic pension, which is accrued to everyone without exception and represents a certain amount. For citizens who have any benefits (for example, living in areas of harsh climate), the guaranteed payment may increase.

    The insurance part is divided into parts:

    • received before 2002;
    • earned in 2002-2014;
    • earned after 2015;
    • received for other periods not related to the insurance period.

    Since 2015, the calculation of pensions began to be determined by a new value - the individual pension coefficient (IPC). This value represents a certain amount of points that each citizen accumulates throughout his entire work experience.

    Before calculating your pension, you need to find out your IPC and then multiply it by the cost of one point for a particular year. The result should be the amount of pension payments, which is measured in rubles.

    Let's consider how the IPC is determined for different periods of work experience:


    What determines


    Before 2002

    • length of work experience;
    • average monthly earnings (either for five consecutive years before 2002, or for 2000 and 2001);
    • length of work experience until 1991.

    Due to the fact that the Pension Fund does not have full information about insurance experience citizens before 2002, pension payments are often underestimated.

    In order to confirm your actual work experience, it is often necessary to order archival certificates, because the employer enterprises may already be liquidated at the moment.


    It is determined by pension capital, which is formed from insurance contributions for 2002-2014.

    Since personal registration of citizens was introduced during this period, the calculation of the IPC can be easily done independently, by sending a request or through State Services.

    After 2015

    Determined by insurance contributions to the citizen’s personal account.

    The IPC is calculated for a specific year.

    Other periods

    Determined for periods when a citizen did not work due to:
    • service in the armed forces (conscription);
    • child care up to 1.5 years old.

    Ultimately, the obtained coefficients for all periods must be summed up. The resulting value will be the desired individual pension coefficient of the citizen.

    Formula for labor (insurance) payments

    The old age pension can be calculated using the following formula:

    Insurance pension = IPC*Cost*K+FV*K

    TO– bonus coefficients;
    FV– fixed payments.

    The value of the IPC (individual pension coefficient)

    The IPC for work experience after 2015 is calculated using the following algorithm:

    IPC = Amount of insurance contributions of a citizen for a specific year / Standard amount of contributions for an insurance pension * 10

    From the above formula it is clear how important it is for the formation of a future pension to have an official salary. The higher the amount of insurance premiums paid, the greater the IPC, and, accordingly, the insurance pension.

    Cost of one coefficient in 2019

    This value is subject to inflation. The adjustment is made on February 1 of each year. In 2019, the cost of a point was set at 78.28 rubles, but after additional indexation in April it was increased to 78.58 rubles.

    Coefficient in 2019 = 78.58 rubles.

    Fixed pension amount

    As already noted, a fixed payment is a guaranteed supplement to the insurance pension. This value is also indexed annually on February 1. In 2019, the fixed payment is 4805.11 rubles.

    The bonus coefficient to the fixed payment can be applied based on:

    • later retirement (delaying retirement for more than 10 years doubles the bonus coefficient, however, given the average life expectancy of citizens in our country, this increase seems dubious);
    • having work experience in the Far North;
    • presence and age over 80 years;
    • presence of disabled dependents.

    How to calculate the amount yourself: calculation example

    Ivanov I.I. has a salary of 30,000 rubles. Insurance contributions to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation are equal to 16%, that is, 30,000 * 16% * 12 months = 57,600 rubles.

    Thus, the IPC will be equal to:

    57600/140160*10=4.1 points.

    Let's look at another example describing the calculation of payments for early retirement. There are certain requirements for early exit– the presence of difficult or harmful working conditions, the development of a certain length of service and the average monthly salary level is 1.5 times higher than the national salary level.

    Petrov P.P. has the right to early retirement and has worked for 25 years. The amount of the insurance pension for this length of service is 78.58 * 25 years = 1964.5 rubles.

    The pension that Petrov will receive consists of the insurance part, the fixed part and the funded part: 1964.5 + 4805.11 + Funded part.

    Let's calculate the level of the savings part. Let’s assume that the average monthly salary in Russia is 25,000 rubles. Then the average monthly income of an employee will be equivalent to: 25,000 + 12,500 = 37,500 rubles (450,000 rubles per year). The funded part in this case will be equal to 72,000 rubles per year, and the IPC = 5.1 points.

    Let's calculate the funded part of the early pension:

    • 25 years of experience*5.1 points=127.5 points;
    • 127.5*78.58=10018.95 rubles.

    Thus, the full early pension of citizen Petrov will be equal to:
    1964.5+4805.11+10018.95=16788.56 rubles per month.

    Formula for funded pension

    After 2015, the funded part of the pension was allocated as a separate type, and citizens had the opportunity to form it or not. When forming the funded part, insurance contributions go to both parts of the pension:

    • 10 % - to the insurance company
    • 6 % - to the savings account.

    Citizens younger than 1967 need to decide on the interest rate for the distribution of the insurance share. The funded pension is calculated as the ratio of the sum of all pension savings of a citizen to the expected duration of payments.

    How to find out the amount of savings

    Currently thanks to various means telecommunications connection, checking your savings does not seem difficult. There are several ways to check:

    1. Contact the Pension Fund.
    2. Contact the multifunctional center.
    3. Online calculators.
    4. Visit your personal account on the Pension Fund website.

    Calculation of old-age pension using the Pension Fund calculator

    Before giving an example of using the Pension Fund calculator, Let’s determine the main indicators that influence the amount of the pension:

    • official salary;
    • seniority;

    In 2019, the retirement age was suitable for women born in 1962 and men born in 1957. When using the calculator, which is posted on the official website of the Pension Fund, the resource offers fill in the following information:

    • year of birth;
    • official salary;
    • pension tariff;
    • work experience and others.

    After entering the information, the program short time calculates the pension amount and displays the result on the screen.

    How to check the calculations are correct

    Errors in determining the amount of the pension due are not uncommon. Therefore, if a citizen doubts that his pension is calculated correctly, he can submit a corresponding application to the Pension Fund. After five days, Pension Fund employees must check the calculation for errors and, if found, correct them.

    The verification method comes down to simple mathematical operations that you can do yourself, having with you a work book and certificates from your place of work:

    1. First, you need to determine the coefficient based on experience. If a citizen has worked for 25 years (for men) or 20 years (for women), then his coefficient will be equal to 55% . When processing, for each period add 1 % .
    2. After this, you need to calculate your average monthly income. To do this, the amount of salary for five years is divided by the number of months.
    3. Then you need to find out the average salary in the country.
    4. The ratio of average monthly income to average earnings in the country is calculated.
    5. The calculated amount is obtained as the product of the length of service coefficient, average earnings and the value from point 4.
    6. To calculate pension capital you need:
      • the base part of the pension must be subtracted from the value in point five;
      • the resulting number must be multiplied by the estimated duration of pension payments.
    7. The amount received can be increased by applying increasing factors.
    8. The insurance pension is nothing more than the pension capital divided by the expected time of support. If you add the base part to this value, you can find out the required pension amount.

    If the data received differs radically from the amount of the actual pension, it makes sense to contact Pension Fund and require employees to recalculate.

    The check can be done in advance, that is, citizens born in 1963 whose retirement age is approaching in 2019 can calculate the amount of their pension in advance.

    Video: The procedure for calculating pensions and the latest news from the Pension Fund

    When calculating the conditional amount of the insurance pension, the following indicators for 2019 are used:

    • Fixed payment - 5334 rubles. 19 kopecks;
    • - 87.24 rubles;
    • The maximum salary before personal income tax, subject to insurance contributions, is 95,833 rubles per month.

    In 2019, about 1.5-2 million citizens will retire. However, younger people should not delay and become interested in future old-age benefits now. Pension calculator calculates how much a person will receive if he retires this year, given his current salary and other parameters. It shows the approximate result.

    The exact amount will be known after submitting a retirement application and calculating all rights and benefits; you can always see it in. An analysis done in advance helps determine future financial support in old age and creates motivation for honest, regular contributions to a retirement account.

    Pension calculator on the website www.pfrf.ru

    Calculation of pensions using the new formula calculator online

    Influencing factors

    After the reform for calculating pensions, the IPC - Individual Pension Coefficient - was added to the influencing factors. It is quite simple to calculate it by entering your salary before deduction of personal income tax into the form on the website. In another way, IPCs are called pension points. They affect old age insurance benefits, which are calculated by multiplying points by the price of one point in specific year and summing these values.

    Conditions for receiving old age benefits:

    • Availability of retirement age: from 55 years old for women and from 60 years old for men.
    • A certain number of years of experience in paying insurance premiums. From 2024 this figure will reach 15 years.
    • Minimum number of pension points: 30.

    Important: The number of points per year is limited. In 2019 it is 8.7, and in 2021 it is 10 for citizens who do not have pension savings. Otherwise, other figures appear: up to 6.25% in 2021.

    Worth remembering: the state regularly indexes the insurance pension, while the funded pension is located in a non-state pension fund or management company, depending on the desire of the citizen, and is not subject to indexation. Verified funds invest these funds in financially profitable projects, increasing the client’s income. If the programs turn out to be unsuccessful, then the client can only hope for the amount that he had already contributed earlier.

    What else is the IPC charged for: individual cases

    IPC can be accrued not only based on length of service, but also in some situations described in the law.

    1.8 points are awarded for one year of care for the following category of citizens:

    • disabled person of group I;
    • disabled child;
    • old people over 80 years old;
    • child under 1.5 years old (both parents).

    1.8 is also accrued for one year of conscription service in the army. If a parent takes a year off to care for a second child, he will be awarded 3.6 points, and for the third and fourth - already 5.4.

    The Pension Fund encourages people to retire as late as possible by offering an increase in fixed payments and insurance cash benefits by 36% and 45% points, respectively, if a citizen applies 5 years after receiving the right to old age security. After 10 years, the fixed payment will increase by 2.11, and the insurance payment will increase by 2.32.

    Military pension

    Military pension also has its own calculation formula:

    • 50%. .

    There are three types military pension:

    • by length of service;
    • on disability;
    • for the loss of a breadwinner - relatives receive if he goes missing or dies.

    Important: if 20 years of service are not achieved, the pension is calculated based on mixed length of service.

    Fixed payment, its size in 2019

    The fixed payment in 2019 is 4,982.90 rubles for persons who have reached retirement age. Depending on the category of pensioners, it may vary:

    • 7,474.35 rubles for persons with more than 15 years of work experience in the Far North, with 25 years of experience for men and 20 for women.
    • 9965.80 - for disabled people of group I.
    • 4982.90 - for disabled people of group II.
    • 2491.45 - for disabled people of group III.
    • and some other categories, in accordance with the law of December 28, 2013 N 400-FZ.

    Indexation of the fixed part occurs every year on February 1, taking into account the growth of inflation. From April 1 every year, the Government may consider increasing it based on the income of the Pension Fund.

    How is the insurance pension calculated in 2019?

    The insurance pension includes four periods of earned funds:

    • until 2002;
    • 2002-2014;
    • after 2015;
    • others non-insurance.

    In 2019, the cost of one point is 81.49 rubles. It grows from year to year, taking into account indexation and inflation. The formula for calculating a pension is: multiply the number of points by the cost of one and add a fixed payment. Let’s say you have 70 points in your account, then the insurance benefit will be 70 x 81.49+4982 = 10,686.3 rubles.

    The number of points depends on the citizen’s work experience and his contributions, while the other two indicators are established by the state annually and indexed.

    Funded pension: size, sources and conditions of receipt

    Since 2015, the funded pension (CP) ceases to be part of the labor pension and becomes an independent type of old-age benefit. Its size depends on the length of the payment period.

    Formula for calculation: the amount of pension savings is divided by the number of months of the expected payment period.

    NP is formed in several ways:

    1. The funds are contributed by the employer during the entire working period of the employee: 22% of the salary - 16% to the insurance part and 6% to the funded part.
    2. Partially or in full size you can invest maternity capital.
    3. Participation in the Co-financing Program.

    An insured person of retirement age has the right to receive NP if his savings in the pension account are at least 5% in relation to the amount of the old-age insurance benefit. The fixed payment and the amount of the funded pension, which is calculated as of the day of its appointment, are also taken into account. Otherwise, when the ratio is less than 5%, the citizen has the right to request a lump sum payment, when the accumulated amount is paid at a time without monthly division.

    In addition, a citizen receives NP regardless of receiving other cash benefits.

    How to check the amount of pension savings?

    Previously, information about pension savings was reported by the Pension Fund, but now a citizen himself can familiarize himself with them at any time:

    • online on the websites gosuslugi.ru and pfrf.ru, you only need your SNILS number;
    • in the branches of the Fund;
    • from employees in bank branches or ATMs: VTB, Sberbank, etc.

    Important: to create an account on the State Services portal, you will need your passport number and series, as well as SNILS. After gaining access to sections of the site, open the “Russian Pension Fund” tab for further information. If difficulties arise, the Hotline will provide options for solving the problem. Number: 8 800 100-70-10.

    The cost of a pension point for working pensioners in 2019

    About 10 million citizens are working pensioners, and in 2019 the Government may leave this category without pensions. These include persons receiving wages and making contributions to the fund, as well as self-employed people. Pension payments have increased by 3.7% since the beginning of 2019. Accrual of points for work experience is possible in the amount of no more than 3 and in total it is 244.47 rubles.

    How to calculate your pension using the new pension calculator?

    The PFR pension calculator allows you to calculate your future pension online and form your opinion on how to ensure your old age with dignity. It is not suitable for military personnel and law enforcement officers who do not have employment experience in civilian areas.

    All calculations are approximate, the exact figure will be obtained after applying for cash benefits, when all pension rights and benefits will be calculated in each case. To simplify the calculations, some factors are assumed to be constant, taking into account that the person retiring will receive it in the current year.

    Persons who worked in the Far North, caring for certain categories of citizens, have the right to increased coefficients for calculating benefits.

    Self-employed citizens must annually transfer 1% of the amount of at least 300,000 rubles to compulsory pension insurance.

    A small questionnaire is presented on the official website of the Pension Fund. You must specify:

    • year of birth;
    • number of years of conscription service;
    • number of planned children;
    • duration of care for certain categories of citizens;
    • the period after reaching retirement age during which a person refuses to pay cash benefits;
    • official salary;
    • type of work: self-employed or hired worker;
    • seniority.

    After entering all the data, you need to click the “Calculate” button.

    On the page with the calculator there is also a column where you can calculate the number of pension points that you can receive in 2019, taking into account wages before deduction of income tax individuals(NDFL).

    Let's sum it up

    The main task of the online calculator from the Pension Fund for calculating pensions is to inform the population about the criteria that influence the provision of old age, and to motivate them to increase their readings by increasing social and labor activity. The flat salary, regular contributions, insurance period and retirement age determine its size.

    It is quite difficult to manually calculate all the benefits and entitlements over a lifetime. Special algorithms will do this on their own, taking into account various criteria, but their numbers are not accurate due to some constant coefficients. It will be possible to find out the specific amounts after submitting an application for retirement, where Pension Fund specialists will calculate all the nuances in accordance with the law.

    Useful video

    - This monthly allowance, which is accrued to all citizens of the Russian Federation who have reached retirement age. These citizens have work experience that they have accumulated over the course of their lives and, depending on it, the pension is distributed. A pension is also accrued in some other cases, which include the loss of a breadwinner or disability.

    Pensioners receive a pension certificate

    This government benefit is intended specifically for those who have already reached old age. Also, if a citizen has reached , but continues to work, the payment of the pension does not stop. The calculation of pensions began in 1932 and since then it has not undergone major changes.

    In Russia, a retirement age is established, upon reaching which payments are accrued. For women this age is 55 years, for men - 60 years. Until now, deputies sitting in the Duma are actively arguing about this matter. In the CIS countries the retirement age is higher, maybe after some time it will be raised in Russia.

    In order to be able to calculate benefits, you must have. For women it is 20 years, and for men the work experience is at least 25 years. Citizens' social security funds deal with monthly payments of pension benefits. All other issues regarding pension payments and its amounts are carried out by the state bodies of the Russian Federation in accordance with Federal Laws. Pension can be of three types:

    • By old age
    • Due to the loss of a breadwinner

    Old age benefit

    The retirement age is different for men and women

    In order to receive this type of benefit, you must reach a certain retirement age. How is a pension calculated upon reaching old age? The total amount consists of three parts:

    1. Basic part

    A significant increase in the basic portion occurs only when a citizen reaches the age of 80, and he cannot be disabled and not support dependents. Pension capital is divided over the period of expected survival. This is also a set figure, which has been 19 years since 2013.

    Pension calculation

    The calculation is carried out thanks to the established Law, which is adopted by the State Duma on the calculation of pensions. The calculation takes into account various citizen contributions, such as contributions to the Pension Fund, pension capital and many other indicators. The insurance part of the payment is calculated as follows: the average salary, length of service starting from 2002 and a special coefficient are taken.

    It is calculated by dividing the salary for the entire period. At the same time, the funded part of the benefit is calculated using the same method as the insurance one, but the basic part is a constant, and depending on the inflation process, it is indexed every year.

    Components of pension capital

    The calculation of the old age pension depends on various factors

    Pension capital consists of those amounts that the employer accrues to the employee in the process of work. It is taken from the moment the pension reform was carried out - since 2002. Since 2010, the capital has undergone changes and increased by 10%.

    For those who carried out their labor activity before 1991, capital continues to increase by 1%. There are also special correction factors to calculate the amount of savings.

    How the old-age pension is calculated: exact calculation

    To calculate the old-age pension, you must use the following formula SK x SZP x ZR / ZP, where:

    • IC is the insurance coefficient based on length of service. It is minimal for both men and women and amounts to 55% of salary. For each subsequent year, exactly 1% is added to it. It should be noted that this coefficient cannot be more than 75%.
    • SWP are indicators of average earnings. It was installed back in 2001.
    • ZR are indicators of average wages for 5 years of any working period, or for the period from 2000 to 2001.
    • Salary is the average salary throughout the Russian Federation for the same period.

    Using this formula, you can accurately calculate your pension amount.

    Required documents for enrolling benefits

    Old age pension - help for people from the state

    Ministry of Labor and social development establishes a list necessary documents to receive a pension. We have already discussed above how a pension is calculated and accrued upon reaching old age; now we will talk about the necessary documents for its registration.

    First you need to write an application and submit it to the Pension Fund. After this, you should collect the following documents:

    • , indicating place of residence, age, citizenship;
    • a card containing a note about the citizen’s personalized registration;
    • a certificate of average income for any 5 years before 2002, or a certificate of average income for the period from 2000 to 2001;
    • for women it is necessary to provide children;
    • for men, a military ID is required;
    • as evidence of work experience. Instead, other documents may be submitted, such as a rental agreement, etc.

    If the work record is lost, then the work experience is proven by at least two witnesses who also worked at the same place of work during the same period as the applicant.

    How pensions are calculated for those who continue to work after reaching retirement age

    In this case, the basic portion is calculated on exactly the same principle as for those who no longer work. The employer pays contributions to the Pension Fund in any case. They can be from rewards or from wages. Working pensioners are also subject to compulsory pension insurance. Mandatory insurance contributions must be paid by the 15th of each month.

    If the amount is paid later than the established date, then penalties are charged for such a violation; in case of complete non-payment or partial payment, a fine is established in the amount of 20% of all amounts that the employer did not pay. If the pensioner requests it, the employer must provide the Pension Fund with all information about transferred contributions. In accordance with this information, the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation recalculates all contributions. for those retirees who are still working.

    How is a disability pension calculated?

    To apply for an old-age pension, you need to submit a package of documents

    If a citizen for some reason cannot carry out work, be it partial or permanent, the state accrues him a disability pension. So, according to what principles are such payments calculated?

    The amount of benefits is calculated based on factors such as the nature of the work and the reasons why a person cannot continue working. It is also necessary to consider the circumstances that influenced the citizen to become incapacitated.

    Often the reason for such benefits is an injury received in the course of work, due to which the person cannot continue his activities. Regardless of length of service, the pension in this case is established in any case.

    If a person becomes disabled as a result of a serious illness, then it is necessary to provide all documents that would confirm this.

    Also, similar payments are available to those who have dependents, that is, incapacitated citizens. The amount of the accrual depends on the number of dependents. there can be no more than three. The northern coefficient is also awarded to those who have worked in the Far North for 15 years, and those who have worked in the surrounding areas for at least 20 years.

    A guide for those who worked in law enforcement agencies

    The calculation of pensions for those who worked in the police is carried out in accordance with 54% of the salary. Length of service and rank play an important role. Monetary allowance also plays a role. Despite the date of dismissal, according to the Law of the Russian Federation, all accruals are recalculated. From the salary and regardless of how long the length of service was, pension accruals cannot exceed 85%.

    So, to calculate pension payments for police officers, you need to use the formula: rank + salary + % of length of service. The monetary allowance is 0.54, and the coefficient obtained from the formula is multiplied by this amount. Depending on the length of service, a monetary bonus is established:

    • 2-5 years at the rate of 10%;
    • 5-10 years at the rate of 15%;
    • 10-15 years at the rate of 20%;
    • 20-25 years at the rate of 30%;
    • service of more than 25 years in the amount of 40%. This is also considered the maximum allowance.

    How is a pension calculated for an individual entrepreneur?

    The funded part of the pension is due to those who have SNILS

    They pay pension contributions on their own, since they are considered both employers and self-employed. They receive the same pension, but in addition to the basic part, individual entrepreneurs have additional benefits.

    As a rule, an individual entrepreneur’s pension is equal to the total number of payments and contributions that are available in personal accounts. However, individual entrepreneurs are also entitled to a pension from the state upon expiration before retirement age.

    All contributions paid to the Russian Pension Fund for all periods are taken into account. Depending on the taxation, the list of required documents also varies. Taxation changes frequently. therefore, when applying for pension payments, additional clarification of such information is required.

    New provisions for calculating pensions

    The pension reform was completed on January 1, 2015. Thanks to it, new provisions on calculating pensions now come into force. Now, calculating the amount of your pension on your own is not so easy. Pension points will be taken into account, as well as the “white” salary from which payments were deducted to the Pension Fund.

    Life changes, and with it everything around changes. No one knows what awaits us in the future, but in any case, we, as citizens of the Russian Federation, must be confident in. Pensioners have no reason to worry.

    What documents are needed to receive an old-age pension? Find out from the video:

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