• The amount of the insurance portion of the pension per year. Old age insurance pension


    Indexation is the protection of the population from inflation by increasing payments (pensions, benefits, salaries for public sector employees) by the percentage by which prices increased due to inflation.

    In the Russian Federation, pension accruals for citizens consist of the following parts:

    1. Basic (credited to all citizens: unemployed, homeless, everyone who has a passport is entitled to it).
    2. Insurance (depends on contributions to the Pension Fund).
    3. Cumulative (applies only to citizens born after 1967, depends on the results of investing contributions).

    The size of the basic pension increased twice in 2018 – in February and April.

    This article is about how much state assistance should increase for working and non-working pensioners, about the basic pension in 2018 in Russia and about the government’s further plans for increasing them.

    The basic (fixed) part of the pension is accrued to all citizens of the Russian Federation, regardless of their length of service. All citizens of the Russian Federation apply for it, including those who, for one reason or another, have never worked.

    Fixed payments are calculated in accordance with the following parameters: Old age.

    • Old age.
    • Disability.
    • Maintenance of a dependent.
    • Having northern experience.
    • Work in agriculture.
    • Living in the regions of the far north.

    The size of fixed accruals must constantly increase, as stated in Article 16 of the Law “On Insurance Pensions”. The main provisions are:

    1. Fixed payments must increase annually. The amount of the increase must correspond to the percentage of inflation. Recalculation must occur no later than February 1. The percentage of inflation by which benefits should increase is taken for the previous calendar year.
    2. On April 1, the State Duma may decide on a second increase. The decision must be made in accordance with the financial capabilities of the pension fund.

    The basic pension in 2018 was fully indexed, unlike in 2016. Then the inflation rate reached almost 13%, and old-age payments increased only by 4%. In order to somehow compensate for the shortfall, a decision was made to provide one-time assistance in the amount of 5,000 rubles. According to Pension Fund, all pensioners, including those who continue to work, received this money.

    The size of the basic part of the labor pension from February 1, 2018

    From February 1, 2018 basic pension for old age increased by the percentage of inflation (it is determined by Rosstat). According to official data, the cost of the consumer basket increased by 5.4%, which is the percentage of inflation. In April, it was decided to increase it by another 0.38. Thus, the amount of the basic labor pension in 2018 as of April 1 is 4,824.3 rubles.

    If a person’s age exceeds 80 years, then the amount of the basic benefit for him increases by 100%. This year, pensioners over 80 receive 9,648.6 rubles.

    The unpleasant thing was that, in accordance with the state’s decision to suspend the indexation of accruals for working pensioners until 2018, basic part pensions in 2018 as of April 1 remained the same for them.

    True, the government accommodated the working people and, as of August 1 of this year, the fixed benefit for them increased. This was not traditional indexation, where the size of payments increases by a percentage of inflation. The increase depends on what contributions to the Pension Fund were received from the employing organization. The second criterion is the number of “Pension Points” that were earned by the pensioner during his well-deserved retirement.

    But the state has established a certain limitation - the amount of the increase should not exceed the value of three “pension points”. In terms of rubles - only 222.

    Basic part of the disability and dependent support pension in 2018

    In the Russian Federation the right to increased pension Only disabled people of group I have. The Federal Law states that in case of disability of a non-working group, a citizen receives benefits with a 100% premium - that is, 2 times more than the minimum accrual.

    Accordingly, if a person applying for pension payments has a Group I disability, then the basic disability pension for him in 2018 is 9,648.6 rubles.

    If a pensioner supports a disabled dependent (grandson under 18, disabled child), then the fixed accruals for him increase.

    About this - part 3 of article 17 of Federal Law No. 400: “Persons who are dependent on disabled members family "..." the increase in the fixed payment to the old-age insurance pension and to the disability insurance pension is established in an amount equal to one third of the amount provided for in Part 1 of Article 16 of this Federal Law for each disabled family member, but not more than for three disabled members families".

    As of 04/01/2018, the basic part of the labor pension for persons supporting a dependent is 6,430.7 rubles.

    The basic part of the labor pension in 2018 for persons who worked in the Far North

    “Persons who have worked for at least 15 calendar years in the regions of the Far North and with an insurance record of at least 25 years for men or at least 20 years for women, an increase in the fixed payment to the old-age insurance pension and to the disability insurance pension is established in an amount equal to 50 percent of the amount of the established fixed payment to the corresponding insurance pensions "..." For the specified persons who have reached the age of 80 years or are disabled people of group I and (or) who are dependent on disabled family members "..." increases in the fixed payment "..." are additionally increased by an amount equal to 50 percent of the amount of the corresponding increase in the fixed payment" .

    Accordingly, for people who worked in that area, the amount of the basic part of the pension in 2018 after indexation in April is equal to 7,236.45 rubles.

    For persons working in regions equated to the Far North for at least 20 years, the benefit increases by 30%. For them, the basic size of the labor pension in 2018 is 6,271.5 rubles.

    In 6 tbsp. This law also refers to pensioners who worked both in the regions of the Far North and in equivalent areas. Each year of work experience in a region equated to the Far North is counted as 9 months of work in the Far North.

    The amount of basic labor pension in 2018 for residents of the Far North

    For such citizens, a special procedure for calculating the basic part of the labor pension in 2018 is provided. Each region has a coefficient by which state aid is increased.

    “For persons living in the regions of the Far North and equivalent areas, an increase in the fixed payment to the insurance pension, “…” is established in an amount equal to the increase in the fixed payment to the insurance pension, increased by the corresponding regional coefficient established by the Government Russian Federation depending on the area (locality) of residence, for the entire period of residence of these persons in these areas (localities)" - part 9 of article 17 of Federal Law No. 400."

    Part 10 of the same law states that if a pensioner moves to another northern region, then a recalculation is made in accordance with the coefficient of the region where the citizen moved. If you move outside the Far North, the coefficient is completely removed.

    Labor basic pension in 2018 for agricultural workers

    Workers in the fields and on farms also have the opportunity to receive an increase in benefits. If a citizen has seniority in agriculture for 30 years or more, while still living in rural areas, fixed assistance increases by 25%.

    Consequently, the basic labor pension in 2018 for agricultural workers is 6,030.3 rubles.

    If the benefit is issued only in 2018, then the size of the basic part of the pension will be at least 4,824.3, and allowances will be calculated in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation. If you have a dependent, then the amount increases by a third; if you also have work experience in the Far North, then by 80%. The most important thing is to provide the Pension Fund with all the documents confirming your rights to an increase in the fixed benefit.

    Citizens of the Russian Federation who have worked officially are guaranteed an old-age insurance pension by the state. Not long ago, the system of assigning and calculating pension payments in the Russian Federation underwent reform. Let's look at what old-age insurance is and what its size is in 2019.

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    The legal framework provides a complete definition of the described preference. Insurance pension for old age - these are monthly deductions from the budget of the Pension Fund of Russia (PFR) to recipients.

    Such payments are characterized as conditionally accumulative. Their purpose is to compensate citizens for income lost due to loss of ability to work.

    Attention: financing of insurance pensions is carried out on the basis of the principle of distribution of joint income of the Pension Fund.

    What is the difference from labor IN previous years

    1. in the relevant legislation, the pension was designated as a labor pension. After the reform, this term was replaced by insurance payments. The difference lies in the principle of taking into account the contribution of a citizen, which gives the right to assign maintenance in old age. Previously, the total work experience was calculated. Its size influenced the amount.
    2. pension payment
      • Now the periods are taken into account:
      • insurance period - the time when contributions were made to the Pension Fund for the worker;
      • included in the list of exceptions, namely:
      • child care;
      • care for disabled people of group 1; and citizens who have crossed the 80-year-old threshold;
      • conscript service;
    some others.

    Attention: non-insurance periods are taken into account in the calculation of accruals only for citizens who were employed before or immediately after them. Starting from 2015, the right to a pension is taken into account in points or coefficients.

    Conditions for receiving insurance pension payment

    The most common payment in favor of citizens from the Pension Fund budget for 2019 is an insurance pension. This is due to the fact that the funded system was frozen by the government. The Central Bank of the Russian Federation has been instructed to carry out measures to verify and record non-state pension funds that plan to work with citizens’ deposits.

    The conditions for obtaining an insurance pension assigned in connection with age-related disability are contained in the eighth article of the law “On Insurance Pensions”. These include:

    1. The citizen has reached the age specified in the text of the document.
    2. Availability of confirmation of transfers of contributions to the Pension Fund budget for a strictly defined period or more.
    3. Presence in the pension file of information on the minimum number of individual coefficients.

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    Specific Condition Parameters

    These three rules are mandatory and sufficient to receive permanent old-age benefits. Only some boundary indicators are currently subject to change.

    • The general age remains the same for now:
      • 55th anniversary for women;
      • 60th birthday for men.

    Attention: the law establishes a list of conditions under which preferential pensions are possible up to the established age threshold. There are also cases where the retirement age is higher than the general one. In particular, among civil servants.

    • The length of service should ideally be 15 years. However, such a requirement will only be established by 2024. For 2019 it is equal to 10 years, since the process is underway gradual transition to new conditions of insurance coverage.
    • The same applies to the indicator of individual coefficients (points). By 2025, a citizen who has accumulated 30 points will be able to apply for an insurance pension.
    For reference: until 2015, pensions were awarded to citizens whose work experience exceeded 5 years.

    Who is entitled to a preferential pension?

    The legislation defines two large groups of citizens who can apply for early social payments from the Pension Fund of Russia. They are divided according to the following criteria:

    • terms of implementation labor activity;
    • belonging to certain social categories.

    Information on specific preferential conditions is contained in the current legislation:

    1. Thus, the first group usually includes people who worked for a certain time in harmful conditions, in hazardous industries, in the Far North. Professions are listed in special lists. However, preferential conditions will be taken into account when the worker can prove the transfer of increased amounts to the Pension Fund budget. It must be carried out by the enterprise.
    2. Benefit recipients based on social characteristics include:
      • mothers of many children (five or more children);
      • parents raising disabled children;
      • disabled people injured during hostilities;
      • and others.

    Important: use the right to early appointment Maintenance in old age is possible subject to the availability of:

    • insurance period determined by law;
    • belonging to one of the preferential categories;
    • minimum score: 16.2 in 2019.

    Amount of old age insurance payment

    Fundamentally new technique designed so that final old-age benefits depend on:

    • the duration of official periods of employment;
    • salary amounts;
    • age for applying for a pension.

    The logic of the process of forming a joint pension budget is as follows:

    1. When a worker is officially registered, the company makes a contribution to the Pension Fund for him, equal to 22% of his salary (with the exception of certain amounts).
    2. The contribution amount is transferred to individual coefficients (IPC) and is taken into account in your personal file.
    3. The number of points directly depends on:
      • the amount of the contribution (i.e. salary);
      • duration of payments.
    Attention: the principle of the new calculation is based on the interest of workers in increasing pension payments in old age. The more a person works, the higher his salary.

    Structure of insurance pension accruals by age

    The insurance pension consists of two parts, calculated separately. It includes the following components:

    • basic;
    • premium.

    The latter depends on the coefficients accumulated over the years of work. And the basic or fixed component (BC) is the same for all citizens. It is part of the state-guaranteed pension.

    In addition, for certain categories of citizens, an increase in the fixed component has been established. These include:

    • disabled people of group 1;
    • elderly citizens who have crossed the 80-year-old threshold;
    • people who worked or lived in the regions of the Far North or equivalent (a multiple of the established coefficients for these territories).
    Attention: to encourage later application for an old-age pension, increasing coefficients have been introduced. They apply to both components of payments.

    Formula for calculating pension benefits

    Despite the complexity of the methodology, the calculation is quite simple.
    Thus, PFR specialists have been using the following formula since 2015:

    • RSP = IPC x SOB + BV, where:
    • RSP - indicates the size of the final old-age insurance payment;
    • IPC - as indicated above, accumulated individual coefficients or points;
    • GSS - the equivalent of one point in rubles, determined on the date of appointment;
    • BV - basic payment.
    Attention: fixed indicators from the formula (BV and SOB) are established by the government of the Russian Federation and are subject to indexing annually.

    It is worth noting that this formula applies equally to all citizens. Those for whom production was transferred to the Pension Fund before 2015 will have their contribution amounts converted into points.

    Amount of basic (fixed) payment in 2019

    In accordance with the federal budget law for 2017, the basic payment was increased by 5.8%. Its amount was 4823.37 rubles. However, not all pensioners received such a component in 2017.

    In 2016, the government came to the conclusion that there was not enough money to index pensions. It was decided to leave working recipients of old-age benefits without the annual increase associated with inflation processes.

    Attention: the basic indicator for working pensioners remained at the 2016 level - 4558.93 rubles. In 2018, after indexation, it was equal to 4982.9 rubles. Download for viewing and printing:

    How is old-age insurance determined?

    When appropriate legal conditions arise, the applicant should write an application at the nearest Pension Fund branch. You can do this:

    • personally;
    • by post;
    • through a representative;
    • on the official website of the Pension Fund (via the Internet);
    • in a multifunctional center (if there is one in the city).

    The general rules for processing applications are as follows:

    1. Pension payments are assigned from the date of application, but not earlier than the right to them;
      • an exception is the case of application within a month from the date of dismissal (the date of calculation of the insurance pension is considered to be the day following the termination of employment);
    2. Pension Fund specialists are given ten working days to process documents:
      • exceptions are cases when additional documents are required;
      • Three months are allotted for such work without changing the date of assignment of the pension;
    3. A justified refusal is sent to the applicant’s address within five days;
      • the letter must indicate the terms and conditions for appealing it.
    Important: an insurance pension is assigned in connection with the achievement age limit labor indefinitely, that is, the decision does not contain data on the end of the transfers.

    List of required documents

    There are a number of documents that are required. So, it is recommended to have originals and copies of the following documents with you:

    • the applicant’s passport or residence permit for foreigners (the duration of appointment is limited to them pension accruals);
    • certificates of compulsory pension insurance (SNILS);
    • work book, certificate of work at enterprises, if the data is not included in an official document;
    • data on income for 60 consecutive months in the work book.
    Important: the amount of the final payment will be calculated based on the income certificate. Therefore, the applicant is allowed to independently choose the most profitable period.

    However, periods of high income must meet the following conditions:

    • cover a full 60 months, with the exception of periods when the citizen did not officially work;
    • follow each other in the work book (excluding any is not allowed).
    Attention: Pension Fund specialists will independently study data on the applicant’s salary starting from 2000. The most profitable period will be selected. Important: often other papers are required to assign a payment. The PFR specialist informs the applicant about this. Information stored in government agencies is obtained by the latter independently.

    Example of calculating the minimum old-age pension

    To determine what the smallest amount of insurance payment is, you can use the above data for 2018:

    • basic payment 4,982.9 rubles;
    • the cost of one point is 81.49 rubles;
    • the number of minimum required coefficients is 13.8.

    Substituting everything into the formula, we get:

    11.4×78.58 rub. + 4823.37 rub. = 6106.56 rub.

    Important: the amount received is significantly below the subsistence level. Such insurance pensions are subject to federal supplements, which increase their size.

    Where do you receive old age pensions?

    The method of listing the content is determined by the applicant during the writing of the application.
    Typically, the following enumerations are used:

    • through the post office;
    • to a bank account.
    Attention: the application must contain accurate and reliable information about the relevant details of the recipient.

    The method of transferring money can be changed by the recipient on his own initiative. To do this, you should write an application at the Pension Fund office.

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    After the tense situation in Russia associated with a sharp drop in budget revenues, an austerity regime was introduced. The first sector to undergo adjustments was the pension system. In pre-crisis times, this section of social obligations required increased injections of financial resources. In tough economic conditions, it has become impossible to increase social spending. The state was forced to freeze the funded share of pension deposits. The indexation of the insurance part of pensions was postponed. As a sign of support for pensioners, people who are entitled to contributions from the Pension Fund by law, but do not use them, refused their payments. Later, this initiative was enshrined in Russia by law. At the beginning of 2017, further changes took place in Russian legislation. Most of the laws were adopted back in December 2016.

    The Russian government, led by Dmitry Medvedev, announced a return to the traditional system of compensation for pension savings. This means that the increase will occur in 2 stages. At the beginning of January, pensioners will receive back the money they lost in two thousand and sixteen. This will be done at a time, in the amount of 5,000 rubles. The estimated deadline for accrual of payments to pensioners is January 28. The first increase in the fixed part of pension savings is planned for February. The amount at each indexation will be increased taking into account the inflation rate for 2016. This information was obtained from news and recent statements by Olga Golodets, Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation.

    The increase will affect only the insurance portion of pension savings. And only for old age pensioners. Savings for working pensioners will not be increased. Working pensioners will continue to receive payments from the Pension Fund, but in the same amount as in previous months. This measure is intended to encourage pensioners who work to refuse to receive pensions.

    What is the insurance part of the pension?

    But first, let's find out what an insurance pension means and what its average size is now. After reforming the system, pension payments were divided into insurance and savings parts. Despite active social advertising in the media, the influx of funds into the savings accounts of future retirees has increased slightly. In 2015, due to the worsening economic situation in Russia, it was decided to suspend the formation of this type of accumulation. This increased the level of distrust of citizens towards pension system.

    The savings account is formed by the future pensioner by transferring additional funds to the pension account. This includes:

    • Voluntary contributions from employers paying for the work of a pensioner;
    • Income received from the use of pensioner funds in non-state Pension Funds;
    • Maternity capital (at the disposal of the certificate holder);
    • State contributions under the co-financing program.

    The insurance part of the pension is a payment guaranteed to pensioners, established for work. It is paid based on mandatory contributions to the pension fund. It directly depends on the pensioner’s work experience. Since 2015, indexation has been carried out in individual insurance coefficients. This payment is basic in the Russian pension system. This was stated in latest news on changes to the pension system.

    For persons who have reached retirement age, as a premium to the insurance part, a point calculation system is used. The number of points directly depends on the length of service. In connection with recent changes in laws in Russia, an incentive coefficient has appeared for late application to the Pension Fund. A pensioner can increase future income if he decides to continue working and forego the required pension payments.

    Another type of insurance pension is paid by the state if, due to circumstances, a citizen loses income. In this case, the state replaces the official employer for him. Or is an official employer, as is the case with the military and other employees of law enforcement agencies.

    It is applicable to the following persons:

    • With limited abilities (disabled people of groups 1, 2 and 3);
    • Those who have lost a breadwinner (one or two);
    • For length of service (military and other employees of law enforcement agencies).

    For persons receiving old-age pensions, compensation will be made twice, in accordance with the actual inflation rate for the period 2016. This indicator of overall inflation is calculated according to the value officially calculated by Rosstat. In some regions of the Russian Federation it may differ significantly from the average level. If the pensioner works, indexation will not be carried out until 2019, in accordance with the latest laws of Russia.

    For other citizens, indexation will be made based on the subsistence level established in the region. Today, the national average insurance pension is 4,800 rubles.

    How to receive the insurance part of a pension

    Citizens who have reached retirement age can count on receiving the insurance portion. Required condition To receive it, is the presence of voluntary contributions to the insurance share of savings. For example, under the state pension financing program. Possibly the use of funds maternity capital to form the insurance part. If a citizen has retired, he is entitled only to monthly payments from the insurance portion of his savings. But subject to the necessary work experience. The insurance part is a guaranteed income for a conscientious and long work. Receiving payments from the insurance part of the pension became possible after the introduction of a moratorium on the formation of a funded pension. Further changes in the system will be made based on the economic situation in Russia as a whole.

    How to receive the insurance part of your pension in a lump sum:

    • This can be done if the person is the legal successor of a deceased pensioner who made voluntary contributions to the formation of the funded part of the pension. There are age restrictions here. This payment cannot be received if the deceased pensioner was born before 1965. To do this, you must submit an application to the territorial department of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation or the NPFR.
    • A one-time payment of savings can also be used by citizens who have accumulative part, is less than 5% of the insurance.
    • Citizens who have lost their breadwinner or become disabled also have the right to count on payment, if they do not have the necessary length of service, to calculate an insurance pension.

    In this case, they can contact the Pension Fund with a corresponding application, but not more than once every 5 years.

    Amount of fixed payment to the insurance pension in 2017

    Pensioners can receive a fixed payment in addition to their basic accruals. The amount of accrual is determined for different categories defined in Article 16 federal law RF No. 400 dated December 28, 2013. It is worth noting that after latest changes in the laws of Russia, the basic and fixed parts have become indistinguishable from each other and are synonymous.

    Insurance part of pension in 2017 latest news:

    The exact indexation percentage will become known at the end of January 2017, after the publication of official data from Rosstat. The projected inflation rate currently stands at 5.8%. This figure, if confirmed, will be the lowest since 1992. It may change up or down.

    The calculations presented in the article are based on the projected level of the inflation indicator.

    After receiving official data on statistics in Russia, the cost of living will be recalculated. The indexation of payments for military pensioners, survivors' and disability pensions will depend on this value. For many pensioners, this income is the only one, so the state treats social benefits taken responsibly. obligations.

    The basic amount of the insurance part of the old-age labor pension in 2017

    The basic amount of the insurance pension is distributed among citizens who have retired due to old age. You can count on it only if you have 15 years of work experience. This payment cannot be received if total experience labor is less than the amount established by law. This is the basic condition for receiving it. According to preliminary calculations, the amount of the insurance pension will be 4,823 rubles.

    On the procedure for applying for an old-age pension in the Russian Federation in 2017

    The latest changes do not imply any changes in the procedure for processing payments required by Russian law. To register, you must personally contact the Pension Fund. Specialists will review the documents and explain the entire registration procedure. This payment is calculated for the current month. There are no refunds for the period preceding the application. Now this procedure also applies to child benefits from 2016.

    For registration, a pensioner will need the following package of documents:

    • Certificate of family composition;
    • Citizen's passport;
    • An extract from the financial and personal account and other documents confirming the pensioner’s residence at the specified address;
    • Work book, but in addition to it, other documents may be needed, such as employment contract, certificates from the archives of organizations;
    • If a citizen works, it is necessary to provide a certificate of average monthly income from the employer;
    • If a surname has been changed, the citizen must submit documents from the registry office;
    • Certificate stating that the citizen is or is not disabled;
    • Military ID.

    After submission necessary documents calculation will be made. If you have to wait for the necessary certificates, during this period the pensioner will receive a payment without taking into account points from the specified employer. When you provide a certificate to the pension fund, you will be recalculated, but there will be no compensation for the months of waiting. This payment procedure is not subject to dispute.

    Disability insurance pension

    This type of state support depends on the specific disability group assigned to the disabled person. Each presupposes the presence of serious physiological dysfunctions, the appearance of which radically affects the life of a pensioner and the ability to carry out work. The status of a disabled person is confirmed by special medical commissions.

    • Group 1 includes disabled people who have lost the ability to work and self-care. A person’s illness makes it impossible to full life. The amount of pension payments to disabled people of group 1 in 2017 will differ depending on the region of residence. Its base value will be 9117.86 rubles.
    • Group 2 includes disabled people with significant health damage. At the same time, they retain the possibility of independent maintenance, but there is no opportunity to carry out labor activities (due to negative influence labor on general health). The amount of pension payments to disabled people of group 2 in 2017 may also differ depending on the region of residence. IN in this case, the basic amount of payments will be 4,558.93 rubles.
    • Group 3 includes disabled people who have significant limitations that prevent them from working. They do not have the opportunity to work in their main profession. If the ability to work remains, but it is not possible to work with the same qualifications, due to the need to re-equip the workplace. The size of pension payments to disabled people of group 3 in 2017 varies greatly, depending on the region of residence. The basic amount of such a pension will be 2,279.47 rubles.

    In 2017, indexation will be carried out in the usual format, according to the annual indexation schedule. In addition, a payment has been established for dependent children. Its amount is about one and a half thousand rubles per child. No one-time payments for disabled people are planned in 2017. Citizens will receive payments from the Pension Fund on a monthly basis, as happened in previous months.

    Insurance pension for military pensioners in 2017

    Military pensioners who have worked required experience not through labor, but through service to the state, they will receive a lump sum payment in January 2017. If the military man has the required work experience of seven years. Military pensioners will be able to receive old-age and long-service benefits. A one-time payment of 5,000 rubles will be awarded to those military pensioners who receive an old-age pension.
    The insurance payment will increase after the publication and processing of official statistical data.

    What is the pension for military pensioners in 2017?

    According to preliminary calculations, the payment amount will be 4,558.93 rubles, excluding the regional allowance. The bonus is paid to military pensioners living in the far north and equivalent territories. In addition to residence, military personnel will receive credit for serving in these areas.

    In addition to all the pensions listed, indexing will also affect social pension payments. It is accrued to persons who have not earned work experience. This type of benefit is paid to pensioners without a fixed place of residence, those who spent most of their lives in prison and did not work for an unexcused reason. The payment amount in this case will be 3,626 rubles. per month.

    This material is devoted to how the procedure for calculating pensions has changed since 2017 (example).

    Old age pension withdrawal formula

    Since 2002, the pension has been converted into pension capital, but since the beginning of 2017 it has been calculated in pension points. Please note that the insurance part of the pension and the funded part are independent. The funded old-age pension is calculated according to the previously accepted principle. And pension points are applied to the old age insurance pension.

    The formula for calculating pensions from 2017 is as follows:

    SPS = FV × PC1 + IPK × SPK × PC2

    Where SPS is an insurance pension; FV – fixed payment; PC1 – bonus coefficient, which is applied when retiring much later than retirement age; IPC – individual pension coefficient; SPK – the cost of the pension coefficient at the time of the start of the pension registration; PC2 is a bonus coefficient that is applied when the pensioner continues to work.

    To make the procedure for calculating pensions clearer since 2017, let’s consider the calculation of its components - a fixed payment and an individual coefficient.

    Fixed (base) part

    Its value is established by Art. 16 Federal Law “On Insurance Pensions” in the amount of 3,935 rubles. This is a guaranteed minimum for every pensioner who undergoes indexation twice a year. On February 1, indexation takes place for compliance with consumer prices, and on April 1 – based on the results of the Pension Fund’s income for the year. An increased rate is provided for certain categories of citizens.

    Individual pension coefficient

    The new procedure for calculating pensions since 2017 assumes that it is this coefficient that forms the basis material well-being pensioners. Its size is determined when the old-age pension is established. It consists of pension points, which are accrued every year from the white salary, and the total number of annual pension coefficients. But the new legislation also provides for other periods for calculating these indicators.

    The procedure for calculating pensions

    To calculate the annual coefficient, use the following formula:

    GPC = SSP ÷ SSM × 10

    Where SSP is the amount of insurance pension contributions for the year; SSM – the amount of insurance contributions from the maximum taxable salary (16%). The number 10 is the maximum points that are awarded to a pensioner in the year when the old-age pension is calculated.

    However, these 10 points will be issued only from 2021 and only to those pensioners who form funded pension. For 2017, the maximum GPC indicator is 7.39. But it will gradually increase.

    The procedure for calculating pensions sums up the points for the entire period of deduction of insurance contributions and displays an individual coefficient. Accordingly, the higher the salary, the longer the experience, the higher this indicator. Its formula looks like this:

    IPC = GPC2015 + GPC2016+…GPC2030

    Where GPC is the number of pension points received in the corresponding year.

    Calculation of individual coefficient

    We remember that the calculation of the old-age pension is based on the fact that the employer calculates 22% of the employee’s salary as a pension insurance contribution. 6% of this amount goes to fixed payments to pensioners, and 16% forms an insurance pension directly for the employee. The new procedure for calculating pensions from 2017 suggests that, at his request, 6% can be contributed to a funded pension, and 10% to an insurance pension.

    For example, the Civil Procedure Code with a deduction of 16% is calculated as follows:

    With a salary of 20 thousand rubles. monthly insurance premiums will be 20,000 rubles. × 12 months × 16% = 38,400 rub. The maximum contribution can be taken from the amount of 733 thousand rubles. The maximum amount of insurance premiums is 117,280 rubles.

    GPC = 38,400 ÷ 117,280 × 10 = 3.274

    If 10% is deducted for the insurance pension, then the calculation looks like this:

    At the same salary level, 10% goes to insurance, and 6% goes to savings. Then the total amount of pension contributions per year to the insurance company will be: 20,000 rubles. × 12 months × 10% = 24,000 rub. Respectively,

    GPC = 24,000 ÷ 117,280 × 10 = 2.046

    It is not surprising that many people refuse funded pensions.

    Additional points

    The procedure for calculating pensions from 2017 also takes into account other periods when pension contributions were not paid. In such cases, the GPC is calculated as follows:

    Child care up to 1.5 years (but not more than 6 years):

    First child – GPC=1.8;
    Second child – GPC=3.6;
    Third or more – GPC = 5.4.
    A disabled child of group I or a person over 80 years old – GPC = 1.8.
    Conscription into the army - GPC = 1.8.

    How much is a point worth?

    A pension point costs 64.1 rubles. The procedure for calculating pensions since 2017 assumes its constant increase annually on February 1 in line with inflation and on April 1 in accordance with the Pension Fund budget.

    Premium odds

    They are paid when, having reached retirement age, the pensioner continues to work without claiming funds from the Pension Fund. Then, in addition to the insurance pension, he is accrued a coefficient of increase in the PV (PC1) and a coefficient of its increase (PC2). In fact, if a person of retirement age works for another ten years, then after these years his pension will increase by two and a half times.

    Conversion to points

    Those pensions that were formed before the beginning of 2017 are also converted into points. The translation is carried out according to the formula:

    PC = SCh ÷ SPK

    Where PC is the amount of pension points as of January 1, 2017; SCH – the insurance part of the pension until December 31, 2016 (without funded and basic); SPK – 64.1 rub. (pension point value).

    This amount will become an individual coefficient or will be added to the following annual coefficients.

    An example of calculating a pension according to the new rules

    1. If achieved retirement years

    For example, citizen X reaches retirement age in 2017. After converting the points in 2017, their value was 70, and before 2017 she will earn another 5. Citizen X went on leave twice for 1 year to care for her children (1.5 years each). For the first - 1.8 points, for the second - 3.6. Total, 80.4 points. If by 2017 the minimum fixed payment is 5 thousand rubles, a pension point will cost 100 rubles, the pension for X will be calculated as follows: SPS = FV + IPK × SPK. Insurance: 5,000 rub. + 80.4 × 100 rub. = 13,040 rub.

    2. In case of retirement later than retirement age

    Employee P. began his work experience in 2017 at the age of 17 years. A year later, he left for two years in the army - plus 3.6 points. He studied on the job until his retirement years and for another 5 years after. In just 48 years, he received a military grade of 403.6. By the time his pension is issued, the pension fund will be 20 thousand rubles. Citizen P. worked in the Far North, so it increases by 30%. Plus bonus odds for PV 1.27 and individual 1.34 points. For 2063, the point will be equal to 600 rubles. Then P.’s pesiya will be:

    26,000 rub. × 1.27 + 403.6 × 600 rub. × 1.34 = 324,527.42 rubles.

    This is what a new one looks like procedure for calculating pensions from 2017, in my opinion, everything has been complicated again, but what do you think?

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