• What documents are needed to pay off a mortgage with capital? How to make repayments. Maternity capital: several options for purchasing an apartment with a mortgage


    Welcome! The topic of our meeting today maternity capital and mortgage. Read the post to the end, and you will learn: how to apply for a mortgage with maternity capital, the maternity capital mortgage program in the TOP - 5 banks in the country (how mortgage conditions are implemented), maternity capital and military mortgages (features of obtaining and repaying), how to send maternity capital capital for mortgage. Let's get started!

    At the birth of a second child, parents do not always know all the conditions and features of obtaining a mortgage with state support and maternity capital . To receive maternity capital (for a mortgage), you must have two children. It is issued to the mother of two (or more) children. It is paid after the birth of the second child, regardless of whether it is twins, triplets or an adopted child (it also does not affect the number of children born after the second, or whether the parents are divorced).

    The Russian one-time assistance program is provided only for Russian citizens. Therefore, if the mother and child have Russian citizenship, they are provided with maternity capital, even when they live abroad.

    This legislative project started at 00.00 on January 1, 2007. If the birth or adoption of a child occurred before this date, the parents will not be paid family capital. If the 2nd child was born before the start date of the bill, when the third (fourth) child appears, you will still be checkmated. capital.

    Often the mother receives the funds, but sometimes complex or even accidents occur. In the event of the death of the mother (2nd child), divorce with the loss of maternity rights, the funds are allocated to the father, but if both parents die, the funds are provided to the child.

    The child will be able to use the capital after reaching the age of majority and only for the purposes specified by law:

    • Loan repayment (PF pays off debt);
    • Mortgage for the amount of maternity capital;
    • Getting an education.
    • Mom's pension.
    • Social adaptation of disabled children.

    If a husband and wife divorce, the family capital is not divided. Even if the spouses decide to divorce, the subsidy remains the property of its owner. It often happens that a divorcee thinks that he can sue or divide the family subsidy funds. But when a divorce occurs, housing (purchased with subsidies) can only be considered for an even division.

    When the program started in 2007, it was possible to spend money on housing, child education and education funded pension. Later they decided to use family subsidies to pay off the mortgage with maternal capital (pay off contributions). And in 2011, it was allowed to use money to transfer to the personal account of the certificate holder.

    Thus, the family could build housing on their own. In 2015, restrictions on the use of money were lifted. capital in order to pay off the down payment on the mortgage. Also, since 2016, a certificate can be provided for payment for technical devices and adaptation of disabled children.

    We remind you that you no longer have to wait 3 years for your child to get a mortgage!

    How to take (technology)

    The most popular way to manage maternal capital is to buy an apartment or house. You may not need it now, but you can borrow the property and rent it out until your child grows up. The emergence of maternity capital accelerated the construction market and became an indirect reason for the rise in prices, especially in the economy segment of studios, which essentially became an analogue of an investment contribution.

    There are two options to buy a home with a mortgage and capital:

    1. buying an apartment with a mortgage. You can pay it off in full or partly using capital funds. (Must be your down payment, as a rule).
    2. Use maternity capital funds to pay for the mortgage loan. (Then in most cases, your own funds for PV are not needed, but there may be exceptions).

    Mortgages against maternal capital are now essentially represented by two legal lending formats:

    1. Mortgage with mat capital as PV. The technology is as follows. The mortgage is issued for the full cost of housing. As soon as a mortgage loan is received, you must urgently contact the Pension Fund to transfer capital to the bank to pay off the mortgage. You wait two months for the transfer and pay the loan in full. Next comes mat capital and reduces the debt to the bank. As a result, your payment or mortgage term is reduced (depending on the bank).

    This option for using maternity capital is one of the ways. Other methods can be found in a separate post.

    1. Mortgage loan for maternity capital. A bank, microfinance organization, developer or real estate agency can issue a loan in the amount of capital for the purchase of real estate. The rest of the amount either you must have on hand, or you receive it as a mortgage. After receiving the loan, you also go to the Pension Fund and wait for two months for the transfer of funds to repay the loan. As a rule, an additional fee is charged for such a service.

    All other ways to cash out maternity capital are illegal. Be careful not to get into trouble with the law. We recommend a free consultation with our lawyer (form below) on ways to use your mother’s capital. This will save you time and money, and also eliminate many problems.

    How to get a mortgage using maternity capital - the answer to this question will be given below.

    It is necessary to use the program “Mortgage plus maternity capital” ». It is available in almost all large and small banks. In the next part of the post we will talk about the conditions in a number of them.

    Depending on the bank, the procedure is as follows:

    1. We decide on a bank.
    2. We are preparing a package of documents.
    3. Let's submit an application.
    4. The mortgage is reviewed from two to seven business days.
    5. We get approval.
    6. We are looking for a real estate option (you can buy an apartment with a mortgage in a new building, a secondary building, buy or build a house, pay for a share in a housing cooperative).
    7. We provide housing documents to the bank.
    8. We sign a loan agreement.
    9. We get a mortgage.
    10. We register the transaction with justice.
    11. We pay the seller.
    12. We urgently run to the Pension Fund and provide Documents for repaying the mortgage to the mother
    13. We are waiting for a month for consideration of the application and 10 days for the transfer of funds to mat capital
    14. We contact the bank for a new payment schedule.

    You can take out a mortgage with maternity capital:

    • New building
    • Resale
    • Finished house
    • Pay for the construction of a house
    • Mat capital can be invested in housing cooperative shares.

    The minimum mortgage amount for maternity capital is from 100,000 rubles (Rosselkhozbank).

    A number of banks under this program require an initial payment of 5 to 10%. What kind of banks these are and under what conditions you will find out further.

    Requirements for obtaining a mortgage loan

    There are no special conditions that are very different from those required by borrowers in other loans. An application for a mortgage is made at any suitable bank, then it is reviewed by bank employees (1-3 days). Getting a mortgage is easy, if you have one necessary documents and mortgage terms:

    • Stable average salary;
    • Work experience of at least one year;
    • Have worked at your last job for at least six months;
    • You must have certain documents with you - confirming your identity, solvency and employment;
    • You need to have a certificate of family capital and a certificate of its balance;
    • Down payment (in some banks).

    All in all, normal level earnings, stable employment and eligibility for government assistance. By fulfilling the basic conditions listed above, you can apply for a mortgage with maternity capital. Is it possible to calculate what kind of apartment you can buy based on the average amount of money provided to pay the loan per month? Of course it is possible to calculate.

    Use our mortgage calculator. It allows you to make calculations, including taking into account mat capital. It is used to calculate the monthly payment. You can understand how much money to invest (invest) for a particular agreement, and whether it is profitable.

    Military mortgage

    Also, when you receive maternity capital, you can pay off your military mortgage. This became possible in 2012, a family member took out a military mortgage, now it can be paid off with maternity capital. It turns out that a military mortgage for a husband can be paid for by a subsidy from the wife.

    Military mortgage and maternity capital can work together, but there are a number of nuances:

    1. According to the terms of the military mortgage, it is assumed that the housing will be owned only by the military personnel, and the PF will require shared ownership, incl. and for children. Not every bank will agree to these troubles.
    2. It is profitable to use maternity capital funds for a military mortgage. At the same time, you can save money on NIS and then use it when decorating another apartment.
    3. You can use mat capital + military mortgage as a down payment, but it will be difficult to negotiate such an agreement through Rosvoenipoteka and the bank.

    To resolve these issues, you need to contact the bank or consult our lawyer.

    Top 5 bank offers


    With the help of this bank, housing under construction or ready-made housing is purchased on credit. It is possible to issue a mortgage loan against capital and for the down payment or part thereof. A mortgage loan secured by maternity capital is obtained under the following conditions:

    • Amount from 300 thousand rubles.
    • Rate from 8.9%
    • Life insurance 1% of the amount (in case of refusal + 1% to the rate)
    • Duration up to 30 years.

    The advantage of this bank is the ability to take into account additional income without confirmation. Sberbank issues the largest mortgage amount, all other things being equal, among other banks.

    VTB 24

    There is a program “Mortgage plus maternity capital”.

    • Amount from 600 thousand to 60 million rubles.
    • Rate from 9.7%
    • Duration up to 30 years.
    • Insurance from 0.5%

    It is worth considering that a mortgage using maternity capital is issued with a mandatory PV of 5%. This is a definite disadvantage. But there is also a plus. VTB 24 does not take into account dependents when calculating solvency, and this increases the approved mortgage amount.


    A mortgage with maternity capital is provided.

    • Amount from 300 thousand.
    • Rate from 9.9%
    • Term 360 months.
    • Insurance is very cheap from 0.2%

    Uralsib has good rates. The bank does not look very deeply into your credit history, which will allow you to get a mortgage if there were minor “sins” with earlier payments on other loans. But the bank requires 10% PV to maternity capital if you have a bank form, and not 2 personal income taxes.


    Program “Mortgage + maternity capital”:

    • Amount from 600 thousand rubles.
    • Gives a mortgage from 9.9% per annum,
    • The loan term is 1-25 years.
    • Insurance from 0.2%

    Raiffeisen has very good rates. They, like VTB 24, do not take into account dependents, but if you have a bank form, then you need to have 10% of the personal capital of your own funds. You can take out a mortgage on the cottage.


    Provides a mortgage against maternity capital on the following terms:

    • Rate from 9.4% per annum,
    • The loan can be issued for a period of up to 25 years
    • The bank can borrow from 100 thousand to 20 million rubles.
    • Insurance from 0.3%

    Mortgage against maternity capital - provided under all bank programs. When applying for a real estate loan, you can buy: a house and land, an apartment, housing with participation in the construction, a plot of land for residential development, an unfinished object with land.

    How to pay off a mortgage with maternity capital

    The law allows maternity capital to be used for a mortgage. And parents have different ways its payment, even an existing mortgage.

    Most families (during divorce, single mother or father) spend their capital on an apartment with a mortgage; an apartment with a mortgage is the only chance for most families. But it is worth knowing that capital only pays the accrued amount due. And penalties imposed during late payment can only be paid in cash. The mortgage issued in the father's name is covered by a certificate issued in the name of the children's mother.

    When a mortgage loan is closed, with money from maternity capital, the borrower has the right to demand from financial organization, return part of the insurance premium. The terms of the mortgage loan require insurance, and the amount of annual insurance can be significant. Therefore, you should not miss the chance to return some money.

    Often there are no issues with refunds, but if suddenly something goes wrong. These issues can be quickly resolved by contacting lawyers (fill out the special form in the right corner on our website).

    And you shouldn’t think that the option of attracting maternity capital will have a bad effect on your credit history. The very fact of early repayment of the loan will have a positive effect on your credit history.

    Bottom line

    Maternity capital with a mortgage is a very convenient and profitable way to solve the housing problem and even earn extra money. Capital invested in housing can generate stable rental income. And if all legal conditions are met during all procedures, then there will be no bad consequences and, as a result, the family can greatly reduce the financial burden and improve their standard of living.

    Maternity capital for the purchase of an apartment– it’s really beneficial. It is a pity that this program will be suspended in 2019.

    What do you think about this? Last year mate capital? Subscribe in the comments.

    Is it possible to use maternity capital to pay off a mortgage taken out before the birth of a child? With this question, young parents often turn not only to legal advice, but also to banks, pension funds, and other institutions. It is relevant for a reason. After all, with the birth of the second and next child Family expenses increase significantly and it becomes more and more difficult to pay the mortgage for housing. This is especially important for those who have almost paid off the loan, and the MK amount would cover the balance of the debt just in time.

    In addition, the program to support families with two or more children has been extended until 2020, but even after this period it does not cease to operate, and the funds can be used for children’s education, improving living conditions and other areas provided for by law.

    How to get MK in 2019: conditions, documents

    Due to some changes occurring during the program, you may receive:

    • a citizen of the Russian Federation who gave birth to or adopted a second and subsequent children later than January 1, 2007;
    • a citizen of the Russian Federation who is the sole adoptive parent of the second and subsequent children, if the court decision was made later than January 1, 2007;
    • the parent in respect of whom the Certificate was received, regardless of his citizenship, if the mother stopped raising children (died, deprived of parental rights);
    • a child under 18 years of age or a student under 23 years of age if his parents have stopped supporting him or in other cases described by law in.

    List of papers for obtaining a Certificate:

    • , filled out in accordance with the sample;
    • identification document;
    • papers certifying the birth of children or their adoption;
    • papers confirming the citizenship of children.

    How can I pay my mortgage?

    Based on numerous changes in the child support program, MK funds can be used until the child reaches 3 years of age in such areas as:

    • pay the initial fee;
    • pay part of the debt or interest;
    • in order to repay the loan of a military member of an NIS participant.

    Based on M. Men’s statement, it is possible that in the near future it will be possible to pay the bank’s monthly loan payments with maternity capital. The only thing you should know is a few nuances of this issue:

    1. Monthly loan payments can only be used by working parents, one of whom is on parental leave;
    2. Also, the question of which child is entitled to such a benefit (the second or third) has not been resolved.

    Procedure for paying off a housing loan MK

    If you, having become the owner of an MK, decide to use it to pay off a loan, then you first need to go to a financial institution, where you need to write and provide several papers:

    • document identifying the applicant;
    • certificate.

    If everything is in order with the documents, the bank specialist will issue a decision containing all the information on the loan.

    After this, you need to visit the PF with all the necessary documents. There they will accept all the papers according to the inventory and provide a receipt. The decision on the application takes about a month. After which the citizen who submitted the package of papers will be informed about the decision made. If it is positive, then the received certificate from the Pension Fund must be immediately taken to the bank, where the amount can be transferred at your discretion to:

    • closing the debt if there are enough funds;
    • reduction in the amount of monthly payments;
    • reducing the loan repayment period.

    If the amount does not cover the entire debt, then it is important to sign a document indicating the new terms for depositing the money. If you have fully repaid the loan, you have the right to demand from the bank a document confirming the absence of debt to the bank.

    Legislative basis for repaying an MK loan

    Thanks to changes in 2017 in the family support program, it became possible to use maternity capital to pay off veins. loan. With this it became possible:

    1. When applying for a loan, pay the initial payment using the Certificate.
    2. Pay off an existing bank debt that arose before the birth of the second and subsequent children. You can pay MK both the principal amount and the interest part, but penalties and fines cannot be paid off with family capital.
    3. Invest money in the construction of personal housing, both with the involvement of third-party companies and on your own. If you choose this option, the state first issues 50% of the amount, the rest can be received no earlier than 6 months, subject to confirmation of construction costs.

    Features of home loan repayment

    When you decide that you want to pay off your mortgage with maternity capital immediately after the birth of your child, you need to take into account several nuances:

    1. An application for receiving money can be canceled, but this is not possible if the funds have already been transferred to the bank. If there is a possibility of selling a mortgaged home, then it is better not to use MK funds, as permission from the board of trustees may be required.
    2. The child can use the capital funds himself if he is over 23 years old, but if the parents have already lost the right to use the Certificate.
    3. If you have repaid the full amount of the MK loan, then you can return part of the money using a refund of insurance payments.

    What do banks think about this method of debt repayment?

    Lately many people have been using

    Mortgage lending for families with two or more children is one of the main opportunities to invest funds secured by a maternity capital certificate. By using money from maternity capital for housing loans or loans to a family that needs improvement living conditions, can count on a payment from the state in 2016 in the amount of up to 453 thousand rubles without waiting 3 years.

    In general, according to Russian legislation mortgage means real estate pledge(apartment, house, room or share in property), which is received by a financial institution (mortgagee) until full settlement of the issued loan funds.

    That is, the borrower:

    • takes out a home loan or a targeted loan for a mortgage;
    • The bank receives housing purchased or under construction as collateral until the debt and interest on the loan are fully repaid;
    • In order to be able to fully dispose of the property, final ownership is formalized after the mortgage is removed from the living space (that is, after full payment of the borrowed funds, interest, commissions and late fees).

    At the legal level, mortgages are regulated Federal law No. 102-FZ dated July 16, 1998 “ About mortgage (real estate pledge)" Not only housing, but also a plot of land, an enterprise or other property can be provided as collateral.

    A mortgage loan secured by maternity capital most often requires an apartment as collateral. Financial institutions do not lend as readily for the construction or purchase of a house as they do for square meters in apartment buildings.

    How to use matkapital for a mortgage

    According to the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 862 of December 12, 2007 “ On the Rules for allocating funds (part of the funds) of maternal (family) capital to improve housing conditions", one of the possibilities is purchase or construction of housing. If these procedures are carried out with the conclusion of a loan agreement, then money from maternal capital in non-cash form can be transferred to the credit institution that provided the loan. However, this requires compliance with a number of certain conditions.

    After a number of changes made at the legislative level earlier, in 2016, funds under the certificate can be used for the following purposes:

    • payment of the first installment under a housing loan agreement, including a mortgage loan, or under a targeted loan agreement;
    • depositing funds towards the loan principal and paying interest.

    It is allowed to pay using maternity capital funds exclusively targeted loans- that is, taken for the purchase or construction of housing. A loan agreement can be concluded both before the family has the right to maternity capital, and after. In this case, not only the certificate holder, but also his (her) spouse has the right to be a participant in the transaction.

    Strictly prohibited direct funds from maternity capital to pay off fines, penalties or various commissions under loan agreements. The purpose of using the funds must be indicated in the address of the Pension Fund (PFR) and confirmed by the relevant documents listed below.

    It should also be noted that housing loans using maternity capital funds are often implemented through special banking programs, under which a government subsidy can be invested in the payment of principal, interest or the first loan installment.

    Pay off the mortgage loan. capital

    If a mortgage has already been taken out, and a second (third) child is born in the family, the family has the opportunity to make part of the money provided under the maternity capital certificate as an early payment.

    In practice, it is much easier to direct money from maternity capital to an already taken out housing loan than to apply for a new one.

    Maternity capital for repayment previously taken out mortgage, can be used after submitting the appropriate application to the Pension Fund. The money is transferred from the Pension Fund account to the account of the financial organization from which the purchased housing is secured.

    Process repaying the mortgage with maternal capital happens in the following sequence:

    1. If you purchase finished housing (and not in a house under construction), the borrower immediately registers ownership of the apartment in Rosreestr. In this case, a mark is placed on the certificate of ownership that the apartment is pledged to the bank (under a mortgage).
    2. A certificate of current debt on the loan is obtained from a credit institution (bank).
    3. The required package of documents is collected and submitted along with the Pension Fund for consideration.
    4. The application is reviewed by the Pension Fund within a month. If it is approved, then the same period will be spent on transferring funds from the Pension Fund to the bank.
    5. After the money is transferred by the bank, a recalculation is carried out and a new schedule payments.
    6. The borrower continues to repay the loan.
    7. After the final settlement with the bank and signing of all papers, the encumbrance on the apartment is removed, and the new owner registers it as the property of all family members.

    Documents for loan repayment

    Maternity capital for the repayment of a mortgage issued earlier is transferred by the Pension Fund to the account of the credit institution after providing the documents listed inclause 6 Andparagraph 13 Government Decree No. 862 of December 12, 2007

    For those who want to use maternity capital for a mortgage, the documents are provided according to the following list:

    • certificate of ownership for the purchased property (if an already completed apartment was purchased or the construction of the housing for which the loan was issued was completed);
    • agreement for participation in shared construction(if the owner of the certificate or his spouse purchases an apartment in an apartment building under construction);
    • statement of membership in a housing cooperative(if the loan was issued to make an initial or share contribution to a residential complex, housing cooperative or housing cooperative);
    • permission to build an individual residential building(if the bank agreed to issue a loan for such a case, and the house has not yet been put into operation).

    Maternity capital for down payment

    Until 2015, the opportunity to use funds for a down payment on a mortgage loan was provided to certificate holders only after three years from the moment of birth or adoption of a child.

    The legislative opportunity to direct funds to the following appeared after the entry into force of:

    • Federal Law No. 131-FZ of May 23, 2015 on amendments to Art. 7 and 10 of the Basic Law on Maternity Capital;
    • Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 950 of September 09, 2015 on amendments to the “Rules for allocating maternity capital funds to improve housing conditions.”

    After making this decision, the Government predicted the growth of the mortgage lending market by 5-30%, but there was no significant increase. In practice, certificate holders wishing to exercise this right have encountered technical difficulties.

    Representatives of the Pension Fund of Russia still cannot unambiguously decide where the funds should be transferred: to the seller or to the bank.

    • In the latter case, it will no longer be a down payment, but a loan payment.
    • It would be logical to transfer funds to the seller’s account, but the Pension Fund refuses to give money to anyone other than banks for up to 3 years.

    Due to imperfect legislation and many technical nuances not taken into account in the regulatory documents adopted by the Government and the State Duma, the issue creates difficulties for borrowers, especially with preferential mortgages with state support.

    This problem has been repeatedly discussed at round tables by lawyers, Pension Fund employees and public figures, but it still remains open throughout the country.

    • As of the beginning of 2016, the mechanism for allocating funds for a down payment for up to 3 years still not worked out, and in many regions, citizens face numerous problems when trying to use the certificate to obtain a loan.
    • Only some banks provide the opportunity to use money from maternity capital for a down payment even after the child's 3rd birthday.

    Thanks to their offers, you can take out a home loan (mortgage) in general without depositing personal funds. To do this, two requirements must be met simultaneously:

    • the cost of housing should be equal to the amount of the loan calculated by the bank and maternity capital;
    • the initial payment should not exceed the amount provided for under the certificate.

    Documents for obtaining a mortgage

    Depending on the property for which the loan was taken out, documents are collected according to this general list and then submitted to the Pension Fund:

    • application for transfer of money indicating the purpose in the direction;
    • the applicant's passport with a registration mark;
    • if documents are submitted to the Pension Fund by an authorized representative of the certificate owner - the representative’s passport and the power of attorney issued to him;
    • if the loan agreement is planned to be concluded for the spouse of the certificate holder - his passport with registration, marriage certificate;
    • copy loan agreement concluded with the bank, or targeted loan agreements with a credit consumer cooperative (CPC);
    • a copy of the mortgage agreement that has passed state registration;
    • a written obligation certified by a notary to register the housing as the property of all family members, indicating the size of shares under the agreement no later than 6 months after the removal of the encumbrance, putting the housing into operation or transfer of funds from the Pension Fund.

    In addition, depending on the type of property being purchased, you must attach an additional package of documents:

    1. When purchasing on credit already built housing additionally needed:
      • a copy of the purchase and sale agreement after its state registration;
      • a copy of the certificate of ownership (if the housing is not under encumbrance).
    2. If a home loan is taken out for investments in shared construction, also required:
      • a copy of the agreement on participation in shared construction with a state registration mark;
      • an extract that contains the amount paid to pay the contract price and the unpaid amount.
    3. If the loan is sent for individual housing construction (IHC) secured by a house under construction, the Pension Fund provides:
      • copy of the construction permit;
      • a copy of the construction contract.

    Maternity capital up to 3 years

    A mortgage using maternity capital has an undeniable advantage compared to other types of targeted investment: a family can draw up a loan agreement with a bank from the moment of the birth or adoption of a second or subsequent child.

    This opportunity will come in very handy for those who are already paying off previously taken targeted housing loans, and will also help the family move to a new home earlier.

    Housing lending is the only legal opportunity to use funds soon after the birth of a second (third) child. Cash out funds before 3 years or after this date, according to the law, impossible(except as provided until March 31, 2016 ).

    If parents are in no hurry to purchase housing, then there's not much difference whether they will take out a home loan on or after:

    • until 2016 provision indexed annually on the amount of predicted inflation (there was, but at least it was carried out regularly);
    • that is, until recently funds under the certificate did not depreciate in a noticeable way - it’s another matter if the family simply had nowhere else to live and they did not agree to wait 3 years.

    However, it is worth paying attention to the following:

    According to the law, they plan to issue certificates for children born until December 31, 2018, and you can use the money after this date. However, in the current economic conditions, it is quite possible to cancel the annual indexation of mat. capital on an ongoing basis, as has already been the case.

    In this case, the money is based on the issued certificates. That is, with an eye on such prospects, parents may need to hurry up and find an opportunity to invest the funds provided for under the certificate as quickly as possible, without putting it on the back burner. In this case, a mortgage for many families can become the only possible solution.

    Conditions of mortgage loans against maternity capital in banks

    Not every bank can boast of a separate loan product for owners. But many financial institutions have offers for those who want to manage government support funds.

    In 2016, mortgages against capital are issued by the following banks:

    • UniCredit Bank, Bank of Moscow, Alfa Bank, Promsotsbank, Nomos Bank, Sberbank and VTB-24 offer separate products for owners of family capital. The latter two programs are the most popular;
    • DeltaCredit Bank offers mortgages from 5% per annum. Maternity capital can be used for both the down payment and the payment of a previously issued loan.
    • Raiffeisen Bank offers mortgages with capital for 1-25 years for completed and under construction housing.

    Based on the characteristics of interest payments and the loan body (principal), extending the term does not always significantly reduce the amount of funds deposited each month. Probably 20- and 30-year payments will not differ significantly.

    Mortgage plus maternity capital in Sberbank

    The subheading contains the name of the product that is offered by the bank for those wishing to invest maternal capital. Sberbank has two offers - separately for finished and under construction housing. On the page you can download and fill out a form to contact the bank and calculate the mortgage loan repayment schedule directly on the pages. The terms and conditions of payment are specified in great detail. The website contains practical advice, how to take out a mortgage using maternity capital, register your home as a property, and others.

    Sberbank, using its popularity among clients, imposes the most stringent requirements on borrowers to minimize risks. But, largely thanks to selectivity and checks of potential clients, his offers are the most loyal.

    Conditions of the mortgage program from Sberbank for holders of certificates under the state program in 2016:

    • 4% per annum for real estate under construction and 12.5% ​​for finished housing;
    • no loan servicing fees;
    • the ability to use maternity capital, including for a down payment;
    • the amount you can count on is 300 thousand - 15 million rubles;
    • first installment - from 15-20% (this means that if you use maternity capital as a first installment and without attracting personal funds, you can get a loan for a maximum of 3,020-2,265 million rubles);
    • payments for up to 30 years (individual calculation);
    • special conditions for young families;
    • additional bonuses for those who receive their salary on a Sberbank card;
    • the program requires collateral in the form of an apartment - before a mortgage can be issued on it, the encumbrance is temporarily placed on another property (or a guarantee is required).

    Before applying for a loan, the bank requires confirmation of the borrower’s solvency and an obligation to formalize the mortgaged housing into common shared ownership. The owner of the certificate must contact the Pension Fund with no later than six months later after the loan is issued.

    Mortgage programs at VTB-24 with maternity capital

    Another bank popular among borrowers holding certificates is VTB. The bank’s website is not as user-friendly as Sberbank’s and contains less useful information, therefore it is better to clarify the necessary information directly at the department.

    Maternity capital in VTB-24 can only be used to repay an already issued loan(you can’t use a down payment). However, this credit institution also offers to obtain a mortgage with state support (that is, using maternity capital) at 11.4% (the usual offer is 13.5-14%).

    For a mortgage against maternity capital at VTB-24, the conditions in 2016 are as follows:

    • you can take out a mortgage on finished housing and an apartment in a building still under construction;
    • with the usual list of documents, the down payment is at least 20%;
    • it will be a plus a large number of accredited facilities under construction (up to 10 thousand);
    • loan size - 1.5-20 million rubles;

    Contact Pension Fund for maternity capital for a mortgage occurs after drawing up an agreement with the bank. The VTB website also has a mortgage calculator. True, it is useless for those who want to take advantage of special conditions in the form of state support.

    Social mortgage AHML

    The Agency for Housing Mortgage Lending (AHML) not only buys back (refinances) loans already issued by banks, but also provides mortgages with state support on favorable terms.

    As part of the “Social Mortgage” product, AHML provides a special option “Maternity Capital”, according to which maternity capital is taken into account when applying for a loan under special conditions (they are somewhat different from those loan products offered by banks).

    Terms of the offer from AHML:

    1. Mortgage loan (loan) includes two components:
      • first- ordinary and is repaid in installments over the period established in the contract (3-30 years);
      • second is issued for 180 days and is reimbursed from the borrower’s capital or personal funds.
    2. Co-borrower under this program spouse must act owner
    3. The basis of the proposal is the program "Social Mortgage" with favorable conditions for the borrower:
      • down payment is from 10% on the loan size;
      • depending on its amount interest rate changes(the minimum at the beginning of 2016 was only 9.9%).
    4. Real estate can be purchased with a mortgage on the primary or secondary market.
    5. Amount of credit - from 300 thousand rubles.

    The interest for using credit money is floating, and it is more profitable than similar bank offers.

    When using maternity capital funds, the interest rate may be:

    • 9% with a down payment of 50% or higher (however, using maternity capital in the form of a down payment and not attracting your own funds, at this percentage you will be able to take out a very small loan - only about 900 thousand rubles).
    • 5% for down payment less than 50%;
    • 9% for a loan of more than 1.5 million rubles.


    According to current legislation, the holder of a maternity capital certificate can take a target housing credit or loan for the purchase or construction of housing. According to the application to the Pension Fund, the funds secured by the certificate are used to pay off the borrowed money.

    The undeniable advantage of such a targeted investment is that the money can be used immediately after receiving the right to maternity capital, that is. In fact, this rule currently only applies to paying off mortgage loans already taken out. In practice, maternity capital is still used for the first loan installment, but usually after the child turns 3 years old.

    In addition, some Russian banks offer special mortgage lending programs involving maternal capital at a reduced interest rate.

    From 12/12/2007 Funds can be used to immediately buy real estate or purchase it with a housing (mortgage) loan.

    When purchasing a home with a mortgage, maternity capital can be used either to pay the principal and interest. It is prohibited to use maternity capital as monthly payments. The transfer of funds to the mortgage account must be one-time.

    Methods of repaying a mortgage with maternity capital

    The holder of funds can pay off the mortgage in several ways (you need to choose one of them):

    1. Use the money to pay the down payment on your mortgage. Not all banks agree to this.
    2. Pay off mortgage interest, including early. The bank must be warned about this in advance.
    3. Partial payment of the loan. Then it is necessary that the mortgage be issued for the full cost of the property;

    But in practice, refusals are possible, since most financial institutions do not position their mortgage “products” as a public offer. This means that the bank itself has the right to choose who to give a mortgage to and who to refuse due to various circumstances.

    Basic requirements and repayment procedure

    The main condition for paying a mortgage is that the money is targeted towards... The purchased housing must be located in Russia. If the prospective mortgage holder is married, his spouse usually becomes a co-borrower, i.e. bears, along with the main borrower, equal rights and obligations to pay for the housing loan.

    The purchased apartment must be purchased in common shared ownership. The obligation to distribute shares is drawn up in writing even before the Pension Fund transfers capital funds to the bank.

    After full payment of the housing loan and removal of the encumbrance on the property. If this is not done, the Pension Fund has the right to go to court and challenge the payment to the bank. The obligation to share is submitted by a notary. The costs of notary services are borne by the mortgage holder.

    In 2019, as before, you can apply for the use of maternity capital funds for a mortgage: having previously concluded an agreement with the bank.

    The client must:

    1. Select a property - it can be an apartment in a new building or in a secondary building; a room in a dormitory or housing that is being built under a shared participation agreement or in a housing construction cooperative.
    2. The bank must approve the property. Before this, a qualified assessment of the object will be required. Usually it is performed by an organization to which the credit institution is loyal. But the borrower is not obliged to order an assessment of the cost of housing from the organization recommended to him by the bank.
    3. A similar condition applies to insurance. It is mandatory in almost all credit institutions and is carried out, like home appraisals, at the expense of the borrower.
    4. After the bank approves the property, the seller agrees to the purchase and sale transaction, which stipulates the moment of transfer of funds. The borrower must draw up a loan and mortgage agreement, under which the property is pledged to the bank.
    5. Before transferring to collateral, the bank has the right to require the client to provide other collateral.
    6. After signing mortgage lending and purchase and sale agreements, transactions are registered in Rosreestr.
    7. Then the seller of the living space receives funds into his account by bank transfer or from a safe deposit box.

    After settlement with the seller, the borrower must contact the Pension Fund.

    The timing of contacting the Pension Fund for sending capital funds to pay for a housing loan must be agreed upon in advance with the bank.

    Contacting the Pension Fund

    • The application to the Pension Fund must be submitted along with other documents. This can be done in person or through a legal representative. You also need to provide:
    • Passport or other document that certifies the identity of the applying citizen.
    • . If this has not been done, then you will first need to obtain a certificate, which is also provided to the Pension Fund.
    • Mortgage and purchase and sale of housing agreement (or projects certified by the bank, copies of agreements).
    • A certificate from the bank about the amount of debt.
    • Marriage certificate (if the applicant is legally married).
    • Birth certificates for all minors.
    • Documents of the guardian (adoptive parent).

    A notarized obligation that the owner of the certificate will distribute the housing in shares: among himself, his spouse and children. Children's shares are determined by parents independently.

    If a legal representative applies to the Pension Fund, he must confirm his authority with a notarized power of attorney.

    Review and approval The applicant is notified of the decision within several working days. The decision of the authority must be made in writing. If it is positive, then the Pension Fund sends the funds to the specified account of the manager of maternal capital funds, and the bank already accepts them as payment for part of the mortgage.

    When the funds have arrived at the bank, they can be used to:

    • Paying off the mortgage in full is important when the loan was issued before the birth of the 2nd or next child, or when the mortgage amount was initially small.
    • Reduce the size of monthly payments (this is possible with annuity payments). The mortgage term will remain at the same level.
    • Reduce the loan payment period while maintaining the same monthly amount.

    The bank must be notified in advance about repaying the mortgage early. After paying part of the loan with maternity capital, the debtor receives a new monthly payment schedule, pre-agreed with the credit institution.

    Possibility of refusal

    Pension Fund must accept the application with documents and issue the applicant with a corresponding receipt. Refusal is possible in the following cases:

    • If not all necessary documents are submitted, or they are found to be unreliable.
    • If the applicant was deprived of the legal right (parental rights) to communicate and raise the child. This is only possible in judicial procedure.
    • If the certificate was obtained illegally or when the purchased property violates the housing rights of children.

    The refusal must be motivated and lawful. It can be appealed in court. To do this, you will need to file an administrative claim.


    In case of early termination mortgage agreement Using funds from maternal capital, the borrower has the right to demand a recalculation of the cost of the mortgage and return the money spent on loan insurance. The repayment terms of the housing loan itself depend on the specific program.

    Sometimes banks prohibit early repayment of a loan, including with the help of maternity capital. In exchange for this, they offer to reduce the interest rate. In order not to encounter such a surprise, you need to find out in advance the cost of the loan and the conditions for its provision. A citizen who bought a home with a mortgage also has the right to receive a tax deduction, but on the condition that he is a payer of personal income tax.

    Documents to the bank

    The list of required documents depends on the specific mortgage program. Typically, credit institutions require:

    1. borrower's passport;
    2. marriage certificate of the spouses;
    3. birth certificate of minor children;
    4. a certificate confirming the borrower’s employment and work experience;
    5. certificate of income (2-NFDL) or according to the bank form;
    6. title documents confirming the presence of valuable property or a passport of a reliable guarantor.

    Sign directly from the bank purchase and sale agreement and mortgage transaction. The bank has the right to offer the client individual lending conditions, which depends, first of all, on the solvency of the borrower.

    When registering a transaction in Rosreestr, you will need to pay the state fee for the mortgage and registration of property rights (1 thousand rubles for registering a mortgage - clause 28, part 1, article 333.33 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation; and 2 thousand rubles for registering property rights - clause 22 Part 1 of Article 333.33 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).


    You can take advantage of help from the state to pay the entry fee with maternity capital. only after the baby turns 3 years old. Without waiting three years old child, capital funds can be used to pay debt, including overdue debt, and interest. It is prohibited to pay fines, penalties, and penalties with family capital.

    Having maternity capital will still require significant funds from the spouses to continue paying the mortgage. often not enough to fully repay the loan. The bank will agree to approve a loan only if the borrower has a stable income.

    If at the time of repayment of the housing loan the spouses divorced, then the share will still have to be allocated, especially if ex-spouse continued to pay the mortgage together. Such issues can be resolved in court.

    Maternity capital is one of the forms of state support for families raising two or more children. The most common use of these funds is to improve housing conditions. Many families buy an apartment or house with a mortgage. In this article we will figure out how to use maternity capital to pay off a mortgage.

    Ways to use maternity capital when paying off a mortgage

    Maternity capital is allowed to be used at the stage of applying for a mortgage. The down payment may be reduced by its amount. In order to take advantage of this opportunity, you need to find a bank that issues such loans (not all financial institutions issue a mortgage using maternity capital as a down payment).

    The potential borrower must provide the bank with a certificate along with the main package of documents. After this, a standard review of the application takes place and, if the decision is positive, a loan agreement is concluded. Next, the borrower needs to submit documents to the Pension Fund to transfer funds (after registering the purchase and sale agreement with Rosreestr). Also, maternity capital can be used in the form of a down payment only when there have been no payments from it yet.

    Maternity capital can be used to repay existing mortgage, which was received before the borrower had a right to it. It is worth noting that a mortgage can also be issued to the husband of a woman who has a certificate. A significant advantage of this use is that there is no need to wait until the child is three years old.

    The first step for repayment is to obtain a certificate from the bank, which will indicate the loan balance. It is also advisable to write a statement of your intention to pay off your mortgage early.

    • documents that confirm the identity of the certificate holder (mother of the child, official guardian, etc.);
    • spouse’s passport and marriage registration certificate, if the loan is issued for him/her;
    • certificate for receiving capital (it is also possible to provide a duplicate);
    • loan agreement and a certificate from the bank indicating the current amount of debt;
    • real estate purchase and sale agreement (equity participation);
    • power of attorney, if documents are submitted by an authorized person;
    • a written obligation of the mortgager, after repaying the loan and removing the encumbrance, to register housing for all family members within six months (notarized);
    • other documents related to the rights to receive maternity capital.

    Upon receipt of the documents, the Pension Fund issues a receipt to the applicant. The period for reviewing documents cannot exceed thirty days. During this period, the payment of maternity capital must be agreed upon or the applicant is issued a written, justified decree.

    Our lawyers know The answer to your question

    or by phone:

    Why can the Pension Fund refuse?

    The reasons for refusal are the following:

    1. provision of an incomplete package of documents;
    2. indication of knowingly false information in the application;
    3. deprivation of parental rights to a child;
    4. the owner of the certificate commits an offense directed against the child’s personality;
    5. the presence of a limited right to the guardian’s maternity capital (the restriction can be lifted, and then the application is resubmitted).

    This list is exhaustive.

    Actions after paying off your mortgage

    If there are no reasons for refusal, then within two months after approval of the application, the Pension Fund will transfer funds to the borrower’s loan account. It is worth noting that these funds cannot pay off existing fines or penalties. If these penalties exist, the borrower will have to pay them out of his own funds. If this money is not enough for full repayment, the borrower can do the following:

    1. write an application to recalculate the schedule. Thus, the required payment will be reduced.
    2. do not recalculate the schedule, which will significantly reduce the final overpayment on the loan.

    In a situation where payment under the certificate has completely repaid the debt, the borrower can only remove the encumbrance from the property. If maternity capital were not used, the borrower could continue to dispose of the property solely at his own discretion. There is one important nuance in this situation. The apartment or house must be re-registered to all family members, including children. This requirement must be met regardless of whether the mortgage has been fully repaid by maternal capital or not. Shares can be distributed by agreement; there are no clear requirements in the legislation in this regard. If this is not done, there is a possibility that the PF will claim the funds back.

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