• Myths and truth about LPG. Reviews, photos before and after the procedure, as well as a lot of interesting and useful information about the unique LPG massage technique


    Correction of the figure and face only with the help of a surgical scalpel is a thing of the past. Today, hardware-based techniques for influencing the skin make it possible to model the body quite successfully. Up to 20% of the fair sex regularly resort to hardware procedures. LPG massage– a fairly young, but already popular method of body correction.

    Basic operating principles

    Historical reference

    The technique of massaging the subcutaneous fat layer and the skin itself using a special apparatus was invented forty years ago by Louis Paul Guitet. Being an engineer by training, the Frenchman developed an ingenious device consisting of several rollers. The rotating elements of the structure grabbed the skin and massaged the resulting fold mechanically.

    Modern realities

    Today, thanks innovative technologies, computerized devices with software have appeared that allow you to regulate the intensity of the impact and the speed of rotation of the rollers.

    The principle of operation of the original devices is preserved: a fold of skin is grasped, the effect is performed on the subcutaneous tissue with simultaneous massage of the surface of the skin, the entire operation is performed in a vacuum created by the device. The capabilities of the device allow you to treat areas that cannot be corrected by sports and diets.

    There were also devices for home use, but the body correction procedure requires the skills of a specialist.

    Types and areas of application of vacuum LPG massage

    Endermoligy, thanks to its unique characteristics, has found application in cosmetology, medicine and sports. The main areas of use of this technique can be identified:

    1. Aesthetic endermology. Used for figure correction:
      • reduction of subcutaneous fat;
      • modeling and tightening the contours of sagging skin;
      • restoration of skin texture;
      • reduction of signs of cellulite.

      The procedure is performed only in the salon by professional massage therapists.

    2. Lipomassage. New technology for using LPG massage with a more intense effect on subcutaneous tissue. Techniques of grinding, twisting, rocking, and surging are used, and the patient is asked to do physical exercise.Lipomassage is recommended for the following disadvantages:
      • there are obvious fatty deformations;
      • fat deposits are asymmetrical;
      • differences in the contours of the subgluteal folds;
      • significant skin laxity;
      • advanced stage of cellulite
    3. LPG facial massage. The procedure is gentle on the skin of the face and allows you to get rid of wrinkles, improve contours and model a toned oval face. It is carried out only in specialized offices and clinics, no more than 2 times a week. It has a number of contraindications, so a preliminary consultation with a cosmetologist is necessary.
    4. Sports LPG massage. The procedure for influencing muscles is carried out when preparing an athlete for training or serious competition, as well as as a rehabilitation therapy aimed at restoring injured muscles and tendons, removing pain syndrome and swelling.
    5. LPG massage is a physical procedure in medicine. Used in neurology to remove pain in the back, lower back, joints. In surgery and traumatology for healing burns and scars.

    Procedure technology

    LPG massage does not affect individual areas of the body - it affects the entire body. The technology is in demand in cosmetology, medicine, and sports medicine, as the results are superior to any type of vacuum and, especially, manual massage. Simultaneously affects several areas: reduces fat deposits, tightens and smoothes the skin, reduces cellulite, gives the figure a clear contour.

    For maximum results, it is necessary to carry out the procedure correctly and, accordingly, select the necessary roller modes:

    • Rollin mode to reduce subcutaneous fat;
    • Rollout mode to improve skin elasticity;
    • Rollup mode for modeling contours;
    • Swing mode for targeting fat;
    • Curling to eliminate cellulite;
    • Grinding for polishing the integument and improving elasticity;

    After selecting the required mode, the handpiece sets in motion the rollers, which capture, massage and smooth out skin folds under vacuum.

    There are also device modes for working in intimate, delicate places and with sensitive skin, even the skin around the eyes and eyelids can be treated.

    Indications and contraindications for massage

    Any massage, including LPG, also refers to medical procedures and has its own indications and contraindications.

    When is a massage needed?

    LPG massage – before and after the procedure
    • fat abnormalities and high weight;
    • various swelling;
    • sagging and aging of the skin;
    • cellulite of varying degrees;
    • subcutaneous hematomas;
    • stretch marks, scars;
    • postpartum therapy;
    • initial stage of varicose veins;
    • osteochondrosis;
    • restoration of posture, movement coordination;
    • pain with radiculitis;
    • injuries, muscle spasms;

    Who is contraindicated for massage?

    LPG massage is a safe, highly effective technique. But, like any other massage, it has the same contraindications:

    • Skin tumors: fatty, vascular. There is a risk of injury during the formation procedure.
    • Infectious skin diseases. The procedure may cause the spread of infection.
    • Hernias - inguinal or lumbar. Increased muscle tone and blood flow can create favorable conditions for a strangulated hernia.
    • Inflammation of blood vessels, lymph nodes. Massage improves lymph movement and blood flow, which may lead to the spread of abnormalities.
    • Phlebitis, thrombophlebitis. Additional stress on inflamed vessels will aggravate the process. Blood clots may break off.
    • Wounds, cuts, other local injuries. Massaging the area of ​​cuts is fraught with bleeding and even greater damage.
    • Malignant tumors. LPG massage helps cell division, which is not desirable for this diagnosis.
    • Beginning of menstruation. Activation of blood circulation will lead to copious discharge.
    • Various diseases during exacerbation. Need a massage healthy body, for the weakened, this is an additional unnecessary burden.

    Advantages and disadvantages of the procedure

    Arguments for massage

    1. Painless procedure:
      • Compared to injection and laser procedures who do not allow you to relax due to pain, LPG massage does not provoke unpleasant feelings. Patients with particularly sensitive skin They tolerate the procedure calmly.
      • The software of the devices and modern handpieces make it possible to change the rotation speed of the rollers and the intensity of the vacuum, which allows you to configure the equipment to suit individual characteristics patient.
      • Absence rehabilitation period.
    2. The versatility of the technique:
      • The LPG massage technique allows you to simultaneously eliminate a whole list of figure flaws. Massage aimed at weight loss, treats cellulite, relieves swelling. It is possible to correct the shape of individual sections.
      • Ability to work with delicate and thin skin of the chest, neck and face. The massage delicately evens out wrinkles, eliminates double chins and circles under the eyes.
      • It has a healing effect on the entire body by improving the functioning of blood vessels, lymphatic system, and nerve fibers.
      • Suitable for recovery procedures after childbirth, operations, liposuction.
    3. Helps people of non-standard build:
      1. It solves the problem of not only getting rid of subcutaneous fat and reducing weight, but also helps with cellulite in patients of various sizes.
      2. Helps correct a figure with asymmetrical proportions.

    Arguments against massage

    Instructions for performing LPG massage

    To achieve the required results from LPG massage, you must follow the following steps:

    1. Exclusion of contraindications. Before performing a massage, you must consult with your doctor or cosmetologist and exclude those abnormalities in the body that may become contraindications for the procedure. And no matter how much you would like to experience the effect of a miracle massager, if there are severe contraindications, it is better not to risk your health.
    2. Diagnostics. If there are no prohibitions, the patient’s body is examined to identify problem areas that the specialist will have to work with. Pictures are taken and the data is entered into a personal card.
    3. Preparatory stage. The patient puts on a special suit and takes a place on the massage table. Problem areas are highlighted graphically on the massage suit. Work areas are also indicated on the face and sensitive areas.
    4. Carrying out a massage procedure. The necessary modes are selected, and the massage itself begins.
    • Avoid eating for three hours before the massage.
    • Remove makeup and take care of personal hygiene.
    • Before the procedure, you need to drink two glasses of still water at room temperature.
    • After the massage, refrain from eating for three hours.
    • During the massage course, you need to drink up to three liters of water daily.
    • Minor swelling and redness after a massage disappear within a couple of days and do not require additional intervention.

    Effect after massage

    A lasting effect after a massage is possible if you follow the recommendations for nutrition and exercise. The procedure is carried out in combination with other programs for weight change and figure correction.

    In addition, the result of the procedure largely depends on the professionalism of the cosmetologist-massage therapist.

    By performing LPG massage in accordance with all recommendations and rules, you can achieve stable results:

    • weight loss;
    • change in figure volume and subcutaneous fat;
    • improving skin tone and smoothing the relief;
    • getting rid of cellulite signs;
    • healing of scars, scars, burns;
    • relieving muscle pain;
    • getting rid of swelling;
    • general relaxation;
    • positive effect on blood circulation.

    Possible complications of massage

    Complications of LPG massage are similar to the side effects of conventional manual lymphatic drainage massage:

    1. The painfulness of the procedure is most likely caused by an incorrectly selected mode - it is necessary to adjust the device settings.
    2. After the first sessions, swelling appears. The complication is caused by increased work of the lymphatic system, and the inability of the vessels to cope with the volume of intercellular fluid.
    3. Chills at the end of the procedure are associated with irritation of the receptors. People with autonomic dysfunction are susceptible. A warm drink will restore normal condition.
    4. In patients with fragile and thin capillaries, despite the protective suit, small hematomas may appear. No treatment is needed and they disappear on their own within a week.

    All complications and side effects must be immediately reported to the cosmetologist in order to adjust the massage treatment program in time or identify unwanted prohibitions.

    Home LPG massager for face and body

    Cost of LPG massage

    The cost of the course depends on the level of the clinic and cosmetologist, the equipment used for the massage, the chosen course and the number of procedures. Choosing suitable option massage at cost, pay attention to special programs and offers, discounts.

    The price for one procedure can vary from 800 to 3000 rubles. Accordingly, for a minimum course of ten sessions you must pay from 8,000 rubles. Additionally, you need to purchase a special suit. In a specialized salon it will cost more than 900 rubles.

    In 1986, engineer Louis-Paul Guitet invented and patented a device for vacuum massage. The prerequisite for this was a car accident, after which Louis-Paul needed long-term rehabilitation with numerous sessions of manual massage. Observing the work of massage therapists, the engineer thought about creating a special device that would become a more effective replacement manual labor in the field of massage. And such a device was invented! It was called LPG - an abbreviation of the name of the creator. Subsequently, Louis-Paul Guite founded the LPG System company and patented a technology called LPG massage.

    What is the procedure aimed at (what does it treat)

    LPG is able to cope with such figure problems as:

    1. Cellulite of the second and third degree
    2. A layer of fat in problem areas that is difficult to respond to diets and sports. Most often these are fat deposits in the hips, buttocks, and waist.
    3. Flabbiness of the skin - common consequence fast weight loss.
    4. Edema. LPG massage perfectly removes excess fluid from the body
    5. Stretch marks and scars.
    6. Flaccid muscles, lack of tone. Due to the neurosensory effect, LPG massage not only tightens the figure, but also promotes the formation of correct posture. It also normalizes coordination of movements.

    LPG massage is used not only to eliminate figure imperfections, but also to tighten and reduce the fat layer of the face, décolleté, and tone the neck muscles.

    The LPG device is in demand not only in cosmetology, but also in medicine for carrying out recovery procedures after various muscle and ligament injuries, as well as skin burns. Varicose veins, radiculitis, myositis are also included in the list of diseases for the treatment of which such massage procedures are recommended.

    How is the LPG massage procedure performed?

    To prescribe an effective course of LPG massage to a patient, a thorough diagnosis is necessary. This stage includes several steps:

    1. Determining your body type based on the predominant locations of fat deposits
    2. Selecting zones for more thorough study
    3. Identifying Key Impact Points

    For this, the patient dresses in a special suit made of white nylon fabric. The suit protects the skin from accidental pinching and excessive pressure.

    The patient is asked to lie on a special high table. The doctor examines the intensity of contraction of muscle fibers in different parts of the body; for this, the patient needs to tense the muscles of the arms/legs/buttocks/abdomen. The size and location of fat lumps are determined, and problem areas are highlighted.

    Next comes the selection of rollers for the device’s handle. The manipule is a small chamber that creates a vacuum, due to which the skin fold is pulled between the rollers. The rollers knead the skin and fatty tissue underneath in different directions and with different intensities.

    Using different rollers, different massage effects are achieved. There are three types in total:

    1. "Roll In" A roller effective for maximum reduction of adipose tissue.
    2. "Roll Up" This is a body contouring roller that is also used to smooth out cellulite.
    3. "Roll Out" Helps improve skin tone and restore elasticity. Good against the fight against stretch marks and scars.

    In addition to different rollers, the LPG device allows you to use different movements of the handles. It could be:

    • Twisting movement. Used to combat old cellulite;
    • Rocking. It has an excellent effect even on dense fat layers;
    • Smoothing. Polishes the skin, increases elasticity, reduces scars.

    After determining the actual method of influencing problem areas, the actual massage session begins. A program designed specifically for you is entered into the device’s computer.

    The massage therapist intensively works on selected areas with the machine's manipulator. At first, the effect may be unpleasant - after all, this is an intense massage aimed at reducing fat deposits. But do not endure if the pain is too strong, especially if this is your first session. You should get used to the load gradually, so be sure to tell the massage therapist about the pain - and he will change the selected mode to a more gentle one

    What real effect does LPG massage give?

    Using a vacuum, a fold of skin and subcutaneous fat is sucked between the rollers, which knead it. The result of this manipulation is an intense rush of blood to the fold, and also ensures the outflow of lymph. Lymph helps remove products of fat cell destruction, as well as toxins, from the body.

    The destruction of fat cells - adipocides - has a beneficial effect on neighboring tissues - connective fibers and the skin itself. The production of collagen and elastane increases in the dermis, and it is thanks to them that the skin can be regularly renewed and has a toned and youthful appearance. The following effects are achieved through LPG massage:

    • Reducing body volume
    • The elasticity of the skin increases, it becomes taut and elastic
    • Excess fluid is removed due to the lymphatic drainage effect of massage
    • Cellulite disappears or becomes less pronounced

    The effect of LPG massage lasts for a long time, because the massage mechanism itself affects the underlying physiological causes of skin and subcutaneous fat problems.

    Proven positive effect this method was noted by the US FDA ( Food and Drug Administration), thanks to which the LPG procedure has all medical certificates.

    LPG facial massage

    At the first stage of the course, about 8-10 procedures are performed per month, twice a week. Then another 6-7 procedures with the same frequency, after which the number of procedures is reduced. At the third stage, massage is performed only once every two weeks. The final stage is maintenance procedures (1-2 times a month).

    LPG body massage

    At the first stage of the course, 6 to 8 procedures are carried out per month with a frequency of 1-2 times a week. Then another 4-6 procedures within a week, after which the number of procedures is reduced to 2 within 2-3 weeks. At the final stage, the massage is carried out only once a month.

    The result, which lasts for about a year, can be observed after 6-7 procedures.

    Advantages and disadvantages

    LPG massage has many advantages, otherwise it would not rank first in popularity among hardware procedures:

    • absence of pain (after getting used to the procedure). In the first minutes of the session it may be a little painful, as during cupping massage. But over time, the massage becomes pleasant;
    • lack of rehabilitation period. After the massage session, you can calmly go about your business;
    • an instant surge of strength is another effect of such a massage;
    • versatility. The procedure can solve many problems: from extra pounds to toning the skin;
    • Suitable for overweight people, those recovering from pregnancy, as well as for people after surgery, such as liposuction.

    But LPG also has disadvantages. These include:

    • Long wait for effect. You won't be able to lose weight quickly in one session of LPG massage. The course includes from 10 to 25 sessions, which should be carried out 2-3 times a week.
    • It is necessary to maintain the result. If you don’t control your diet and neglect physical activity, in just six months you will need a repeat course.
    • You can get to an unqualified specialist. If he sets the wrong vacuum-aspiration mode, then there will either be no effect at all, or large and painful hematomas will remain.

    Photos before and after the procedure

    What is the difference between LPG and vacuum roller massage

    The LPG procedure is a vacuum roller massage, but not every vacuum roller massage is LPG. Only the developers themselves can improve the device and improve the massage technology, since they are the ones who know all the subtleties of the effect. of this device. But as you know, the market is always flooded with analogues of popular things, including devices for cosmetic procedures.

    Many clinics and salons use the term “LPG massage” in advertising, but perform the vacuum roller massage procedure on replica devices. This LPG procedure is carried out only on LPG Systems equipment. Externally, the analogues, of course, are similar to the original LPG device; they also have a monitor, handpieces and rollers, but the effect of such a massage will be much lower. Therefore, it is important to check the equipment on which you are going to undergo a massage course, and also find out whether the selected clinic has all the necessary certificates.

    How much does LPG massage cost in medical centers?

    LPG massage is not the best cheap procedure, its cost varies from 1000 to 1600 rubles per session. However, when purchasing a subscription for a whole course of procedures, many clinics offer discounts, then one session can cost you 700 - 900 rubles.
    Do not forget that this type of massage requires a special suit. Its cost is approximately equal to the cost of one procedure - from 800 to 1500 rubles.

    Contraindications and consequences

    Contraindications to LPG are the same as for regular manual massage:

    • neoplasms on the massaged area: moles, warts, hemangiomas,
    • skin diseases,
    • hernia (massage can cause pinching),
    • inflammation of the lymph nodes,
    • phlebitis and thrombophlebitis,
    • malignant tumors,
    • pregnancy,
    • first days of menstruation,
    • hemophilia,
    • epilepsy,
    • infectious diseases with increased body temperature.

    At the same time, LPG can provoke some consequences. This is why a thorough examination by a doctor before the procedure is necessary to predict and prevent possible side effects. Undesirable effects of massage include:

    • Mild swelling after the first procedures. Associated with intense outflow of lymph into the intercellular space.
    • Chills. A common side effect in people with vegetative-vascular dystonia. A cup of hot tea will help get rid of this symptom.
    • The appearance of hematomas. Patients with increased capillary fragility may complain of bruising and bruising - in this case, it is necessary to adjust the intensity of the exercise.
    • Overstretching of the skin. If you have very thin skin, the procedure may cause it to sag.

    Elastic tightened skin body is achieved through a variety of exercises, procedures and cosmetics. Hardware LPG massage is a long-proven method of giving healthy skin appearance, getting rid of visual defects through the action of a special mechanism. Let's take a closer look at the advantages and disadvantages of the procedure, its effectiveness and safety for health.

    What is LPG massage

    The principle of the device for LPG massage was invented more than forty years ago - engineer Louis Paul Guitet (the first letters make up the abbreviation LPG) came up with a mechanism whose principle is based on rotating rollers, as well as a massaging vacuum at the same time. During such a massage, the skin is absorbed and, accordingly, the cells of the skin and subcutaneous layers are massaged and stimulated.

    This technique is widely used all over the world: in sports, aesthetic medicine and other types of therapy.

    Over the course of several decades, the invention was actively distributed and popularized, after which it became recognized throughout the world. Thanks to the many different attachments for the device, it is possible to work on any skin type and eliminate many body imperfections. Today, the modernized and improved device is actively used for massage with the aim of effectively affecting the skin and subcutaneous layer. LPG massage is designed to visually change and give an aesthetic shape to the skin:

    • Elimination of “fresh” and old cellulite;
    • Body contour correction;
    • Adding firmness and elasticity to dull skin;
    • Burning the subcutaneous fat layer;
    • Improved blood flow;
    • Helps in removing excess fluid and toxins from the body;
    • Getting rid of edema;
    • Skin tightening and wrinkle elimination;
    • Giving a healthy tone and shine to the skin;
    • Active tissue renewal, cell regeneration;
    • Ensuring skin “breathing”;
    • Getting rid of excess weight;
    • Alleviating discomfort from sports injuries, relieving muscle pain;
    • Treatment of cosmetic, burn and surgical scars.

    Pros of the procedure

    There are several similar procedures that can effectively burn subcutaneous fat and give the skin elasticity and firmness. Compared to LPG massage, such procedures have characteristic advantages, but they are not without significant disadvantages.

    Table: Comparison of LPG, cavitation, vacuum and manual anti-cellulite massage

    LPG massage Cavitation Anti-cellulite manual Regular vacuum
    Feel Absence of any unpleasant sensationsDifficulty relaxing, constant tensionPossible discomfort and pain during the sessionPainful sensations during the procedure
    Complexity Requires a special massage suit and apparatusRequires special laser equipmentRequires additional effort and qualifications of a massage therapistRequires special equipment (usually jars)
    In the fight against fat It is similar to liposuction, but without surgeryEffective breakdown of subcutaneous fat layerIt is not as effective due to the lower intensity of the effect on subcutaneous fatTones and makes the skin more elastic
    Efficiency To achieve the desired effect, 15–25 procedures are requiredThe first result is noticeable after the first procedureThe first result is noticeable after 5–6 proceduresFor greater effectiveness, it is recommended to carry out 10–20 sessions
    Possible consequences Leaves virtually no traces after the procedureBruising, spider veins, dehydration, hyperpigmentation and morePossible bruising and painBruises and hematomas on sensitive skin


    A unique massage technique allows not only to correct the lines of the figure and cure cellulite, but also to get rid of some injuries and diseases, therefore it is indicated for both women and men with the following problems:

    • Overweight and obesity;
    • Flabby, untightened skin;
    • Consequences caesarean section;
    • Stretch marks, scars, burns and scars on the body;
    • Swelling;
    • Cellulite and other irregularities on the surface of the skin;
    • Painful sensations and muscle spasms;
    • Signs of skin aging;
    • Gravitational ptosis;
    • Osteochondrosis in women and men;


    You should refuse or temporarily postpone the LPG massage procedure if the following symptoms are present:

    • Period of menstruation, pregnancy, and lactation;
    • Neoplasms and tumors;
    • Alcohol abuse, alcohol addiction;
    • Diseases of the cardiovascular system;
    • Inflammation and skin diseases;
    • Varicose veins grade 2–4;
    • Poor blood clotting, fragility of blood vessels;
    • Kidney and bladder diseases;
    • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
    • Exacerbation of chronic diseases;
    • Respiratory diseases, colds;
    • The first 10 days after liposuction.

    What do doctors think about this method of influencing the body?

    Specialists and doctors have a positive attitude towards LPG massage, as they note its effectiveness, safety and painlessness. During the preliminary consultation, the doctor recommends which areas need to be emphasized and which areas should be given more attention.

    The results of LPG sessions usually exceed all expectations, because patients not only get rid of cellulite and excess weight, but also get 20-30% more toned skin

    The next factor that experts highlight is the possibility of not performing a massage in combination with similar procedures in order to achieve greater results. One LPG massage is enough (of similar procedures) to affect changes in the relief and general condition of the skin and subcutaneous layers.

    But still, experts pay attention to the contraindications of the procedure, since if you abuse and violate the rules of the session, you can not only not correct body defects, but also harm your health.


    Before attending an LPG massage session, you should consult a doctor and undergo diagnostics. The specialist determines the skin condition and an individual course of procedures. The examination includes:

    • Weighing the patient;
    • Measuring body volumes;
    • Finding problem areas and focusing attention on them;
    • Determination of areas that cannot be treated with the device due to contraindications;
    • Photographing the patient for clarity in a standing position.

    In conclusion, the doctor allows or does not allow the session. If the specialist’s answer is positive, you can begin the procedure as soon as possible.

    1. Preparation. At least 3 hours before the massage you need to prepare: refuse to eat and drink about half a liter of water. Before starting the procedure, the patient puts on a special suit to make the session more effective.
    2. Identification of problem areas. Based on the doctor’s opinion, as well as his own observations, the specialist marks the areas of the body necessary for treatment and selects the appropriate attachment and mode of the device.
    3. Massage. Marked problem areas can be treated with a special device. The patient feels only small waves throughout the body, painless at normal intensity. If discomfort occurs, the doctor adjusts the regimen. The specialist uses four main movements: “twisting” (against cellulite), “swinging” (against fat deposits), “sliding” (to model the body contour), “grinding” (for elasticity and firmness of the skin). During the procedure, the patient is allowed and even recommended to tense the muscles of the body and move to achieve greater results. One session lasts about 35–40 minutes.
    4. After the session. At the end of the procedure, the patient can begin his daily activities, since there is no rehabilitation period and there are no strict restrictions, but it is better to refuse food and drink plenty of water for the next 3 hours. To achieve a greater effect in the future, you should treat your skin with anti-cellulite creams, balance your diet and exercise.

    Video: How it’s done in the clinic and how long it takes

    Frequency, duration and cost of the course

    You can repeat the LPG massage procedure no more than twice a week. To obtain a noticeable result, as a rule, 15 to 25 repetitions of the procedure are necessary, and during the course the number of sessions is reduced, limiting it to once a month.

    The cost of one session varies between 1500–2000 rubles. You should not seek services from clinics that offer lower costs, as there is a risk of poor quality and lack of safety of the procedure.

    Issues of beauty and well-groomed appearance will always worry representatives of the fair half of humanity.

    With the advent of new technologies, more and more attention is paid to hardware cosmetology, which allows achieving results effectively and for a long time. Women manage to receive not only beautiful figure, but also an attractive face.

    One of the procedures offered is LPG massage. What is it, what is the essence of the procedure, how to do it correctly and how many sessions need to be completed? More on everything below.

    What it is

    LPG massage is based on a mechanical effect on the epidermis and adjacent muscle tissue.

    It is also called vacuum roller. This is due to the specifics of the manipula used during the session.

    This attachment consists of several rollers that pinch the skin from 4 to 16 times per second, depending on the nature of the session.

    The main apparatus, like the method, was named after its creator, Louis Paul Guitet.

    The computerized system allows you to customize the massage program based on the individual parameters of the patients.

    There are three main types of session:

    • Therapeutic- intended for general strengthening of the body, for the treatment of muscle spasms, burns, pain in the lumbar spine.
    • Aesthetic- fights cellulite and stretch marks, aimed at breaking down the fat layer.
    • Sports- tones muscles, often used for training athletes and recovering from injuries.

    Advantages and disadvantages


    According to the results of clinical studies, After a course of LPG body massage, the skin tightens by an average of 30%.

    This is a fairly high figure. This is noted by specialists and patients, for whom it is important to tighten problem areas and get rid of cellulite.

    After facial sessions, wrinkles are smoothed out, color improves, double chin is eliminated.


    The deep and at the same time gentle effect on internal tissues has a calming, relaxing effect. Constant improvement of technology is aimed at minimizing pain for the patient.


    Natural tissue stimulation allows you to achieve not only aesthetic, but also healing effects. The method can be used in the treatment of burns, varicose veins, radiculitis.

    The main disadvantage is contraindications, in which the condition can sharply worsen. Therefore, all patients first undergo a thorough diagnosis.

    Indications, areas of influence

    The main reason for working on the face and body with LPG massage is problem areas and the desire to get rid of them.

    Such zones include:

    • “Ears” on the hips, abdominal area and places that are not affected by diets or physical activity;
    • Cellulite of any stage;
    • Age-related, facial wrinkles;
    • Edema;
    • Fatty layers in the décolleté area, on the face;
    • Double chin;
    • They shaved.

    See photos before and after LPG facial massage:


    They are practically no different from contraindications to regular massage.

    General contraindications:

    • Skin diseases;
    • Oncology;
    • Pregnancy, lactation;
    • Heart diseases;
    • Epilepsy.


    • Mechanical damage to the skin;
    • Benign skin tumors, protruding moles;
    • Hernias;
    • Phlebitis, thrombophlebitis;
    • Recent liposuction.

    For facial surgery:

    • Open wounds;
    • Herpes;
    • Cuperosis;
    • Acne.

    Can it be used after childbirth and caesarean section, while breastfeeding?

    Many people gain extra pounds due to changes hormonal levels during pregnancy and after childbirth.

    It is quite natural to have the problem of dealing with stretched skin and fat accumulated under it.

    The question arises about the possibility of using hardware procedures during lactation, especially if the birth took place by cesarean section.

    Doctors say that LPG massage useful even after surgery. The main condition is complete healing of the tissue after resection.

    On average, this takes about a year, at about the same time you can start thinking about applying the course. Sessions reduce body fat and improve lymph flow.

    There is less chance of new fat cells forming under the skin, and the skin itself becomes firmer and more elastic.

    Preparation and execution

    Must pass mandatory diagnostics see a doctor who will determine your figure parameters, skin condition and problem areas.

    A person puts on a personal suit for LPG massage, on which problem areas are graphically highlighted.

    This clothing ensures a hygienic process because there is no contact between the device handpiece and the skin, allows the patient to be without underwear to improve the grip of the skin by the rollers.

    Problem areas on the face are also identified in advance. The procedure takes approximately 45 minutes.

    During the session, the doctor can use several types of work with the device:

    • “twisting” helps fight cellulite;
    • “sliding” helps to correct contours;
    • “grinding” makes the skin elastic and tones it;
    • “swinging” breaks up fat lumps.

    To observe the effect more quickly, it is advisable to do this on the day of the session, since LPG massage has a lymphatic drainage effect and removes all toxins into the body’s lymphatic system.

    Physical activity and drinking plenty of fluids will help flush out toxins, and connecting proper nutrition will reduce the likelihood of recurrence of unpleasant deposits.

    For the face, different settings of the device and attachments are used. The massage is performed on dry, cleansed skin.

    We offer photos before and after hardware vacuum roller LPG body massage:

    After the session, slight swelling and redness may appear in the treated area, but they disappear within 1 to 2 days.

    No rehabilitation is required; almost immediately after the session you can continue working, preferably playing sports.

    Each case requires its own approach, and for this, specialists have protocols for calculating a personal course and the required number of procedures.


    • First stage: about 10 procedures at least twice a week.
    • Second phase: 6 – 7 procedures, initially twice a week, after which the breaks increase.
    • Third stage: procedures are carried out no more than once every two weeks.
    • Support stage: sessions 1 – 2 times a month.

    Video about how vacuum LPG facial massage works:


    • First month: from 6 to 8 procedures at least twice a week.
    • Interim period: from 4 to 6 procedures during the first week, then no more than two procedures in 2 to 3 weeks.
    • Support stage: one procedure per month as directed by the doctor.

    The result begins to appear already in the 6th – 7th procedure, and after all sessions it lasts for an average of a year.

    What you can observe after the massage:

    • the skin is cleansed of toxins;
    • its tone increases;
    • body contours are modeled;
    • cellulite disappears;
    • fat layers are broken down.

    One of the temporary side effects with a facelift - an increase in sagging in the middle of the first stage. This is due to the removal of excess fluid from the skin. and goes through one or two procedures.

    Although the pain of sensations during hardware treatment is constantly being reduced, each patient has his own pain threshold, which may cause discomfort.

    LPG massage, although it has contraindications, is considered the most effective means in the fight against cellulite and sagging skin. The procedure gives a good aesthetic effect, but is not suitable for everyone.

    LPG massage, despite some contraindications, is considered the most popular modern techniques figure correction, skin tightening and getting rid of the “orange peel”.

    Massage using an LPG device: technology and scope of application

    The main problem solved by this type of massage is cellulite. It is manifested by changes in adipose tissue in the form of various compactions and “orange peel”. Obstruction of blood vessels disrupts the normal nutrition of tissues and complicates the release of toxins, fluids, and fats.

    The main feature of LPG massage is the drainage effect: by breaking down the fatty membrane of the cell, anti-cellulite massage provides an influx of oxygen and nutrients, as well as the release of waste waste and poisons. As a result, the volume of fat decreases and the elasticity of the skin increases.

    After completing a course of procedures, you can solve problems such as:

    • Cellulite.
    • Fat deposits of any location.
    • Flabby, sagging skin.
    • Swelling.
    • Condition after liposuction.
    • Figure correction.
    • Painful symptoms after injuries, osteochondrosis, etc.

    Treatment principle

    Using an LPG device based on three-dimensional vacuum effects on the skin and subcutaneous layer.
    Double rollers constantly rotate in different directions and at different speeds and break up fat deposits. Having received a signal, beta receptors turn on the mechanism of lipolysis - fat burning.

    Benefits of the procedure

    LPG massage:

    • Painless
      During the procedure, the patient experiences a feeling of relaxation from the gentle influence of the massager.
    • Strengthens the body
      Massage ensures the activation of all metabolic processes.
    • Gives a good aesthetic effect
      Even plastic surgeons recognize it as a worthy alternative to liposuction.

    How does the hardware LPG massage procedure work?

    The course of treatment includes 10-20 procedures lasting 30-50 minutes with an interval of 3-7 days. The results are finally consolidated with maintenance procedures twice a month.
    The lymphomassage procedure itself is based on a combination of roller and vacuum massage. Fat deposits are kneaded using vacuum aspiration.

    Medical centers use different models massagers, one of the latest is the French CelluM6 Keymodule with the LipomassageTM function.


    The step-by-step algorithm of the patented technique looks like this:

    • Determination of key points. Selection of zones for targeted processing. Photo of the patient standing.
    • Contraction of the underlying muscles. Localization of the fatty lump. Identification of problem areas.
    • Use different patient positions for more efficient work on problem areas. Applying target zones to a special patient suit. Work according to the “scanner-radar” scheme.
    • Targeted work on selected areas of the appropriate type with different rolls.
    • Roll’ IN: reducing the size of problem areas.
    • Roll’ UP: modeling body contours, smoothing the symptoms of cellulite.
    • Roll' OUT: improves skin elasticity.
    • Additional movements: increasing the efficiency of training. Promotion of the manipulator according to specified patterns. Rocking – more intensive reduction of stubborn areas of fat deposits is carried out on the crease
    • Roll’ IN: curl, in combination with the Roll’ UP fold, enhanced anti-cellulite effect.
    • Resurfacing – increasing skin elasticity. Performed using the Roll' OUT fold. Sliding - restoration of the original harmonious contours of the body.
    • During a lipomassage session, it is recommended to use muscle contractions to isolate and localize the fatty lump, which helps increase the effectiveness of the procedure.

    The level of impact of the massager is adjustable, so there is no pain. Before and after the procedures, it is recommended to drink a glass of water for the best way out liquids, impurities, toxins, and also do not eat food an hour and a half before and after the massage.

    What effect is achieved and how long does it last?

    After the first course of massage:

    • Skin elasticity improves.
    • Fat deposits are reduced.
    • Cellulite goes away.
    • The desired body contours are modeled.
    • Improves general health, immunity is strengthened.
    • Leaves excess weight and volumes.
    • The swelling goes away.

    There are results even at the first visit to the massage parlor, but for effective treatment At least 6 sessions will be required. The effect is long-term, and if you maintain the result, it is permanent.

    LPG massage: contraindications and side effects


    Like any massage, endermology has its contraindications:

    • New growths and wounds on the skin that can be damaged mechanically: moles, wen, vascular tumors, injuries, cuts. Massage is not performed in these areas, especially on the face.
    • Infectious skin diseases can worsen with increased blood flow during massage, as the possibility of transferring germs and infecting undamaged areas increases. The limitation is also local.
    • Hernia of any kind - with an increase in muscle tone, inevitable with LPG massage, the likelihood of strangulation increases. Local contraindication.
    • Inflammation of the lymph nodes, bone marrow (osteomyelitis), abscesses and other infections can intensify due to the spread of pathogenic microbes with increased blood and lymph flow. Local contraindication. After recovery, LPG massage is recommended to improve immunity.
    • Varicose veins and thrombophlebitis are characterized by inflammation of blood vessels and disruption of the functioning of venous valves. Increasing the load during massage intensifies the symptoms and can provoke a blood clot. These areas are not exposed to massage equipment.
    • Six months after liposuction is only available special type delicate LPG massage, since the skin is torn off after the procedure and the subcutaneous tissue is damaged. A week after liposuction surgery, you can undergo a restorative course of LPG massage: swelling, hemorrhages, pain disappear, and the skin tightens.
    • Oncological diseases - increased blood circulation during massage promotes the proliferation of cells, including malignant ones.
    • Myoma, endometriosis and other benign neoplasms - massage is not recommended for the same reasons.
    • Pregnancy. LPG massage helps fight edema, but this is only a separate type of it, “venous insufficiency” - a specially designed course for pregnant women.
    • Critical days. Massage triples blood circulation and, accordingly, secretions.
    • Infectious diseases accompanied by increased body temperature: with increased blood flow during massage, the load on the cardiovascular system increases.
    • Blood diseases associated with bleeding disorders, constant use of appropriate medications. After a massage, the blood supply to the skin increases 5 times, which can provoke hematomas.
    • Epilepsy - hardware vibrovacuum massage can cause an attack of the disease, accompanied by a tendency to convulsions.
    • Liver, kidney, heart failure, provided that the organs have exhausted their adaptive capabilities. The load during massage is comparable to physical intensity, which is unacceptable in such cases.
    • Diabetes mellitus, thyroid diseases and other endocrine diseases. During an exacerbation, the body may not be able to cope with the additional load, but in the remission stage it can be recommended, since massage strengthens the immune system and nourishes the tissues.

    Side effects

    LPG massage has the same side effects the same as regular lymphatic drainage massage.

    • Swelling
      Mild swelling after the first procedures. It is observed in case of impaired function of the lymphatic vessels. Over the course of the course, this function is restored, and the swelling disappears.
    • Chills
      Slight chills after the session in persons suffering from vegetative-vascular dystonia. To warm up, just drink a cup of hot tea.
    • Hematomas and bruises
      The appearance of small hematomas and intradermal bruises can be observed in people with increased capillary fragility. Hematomas do not require treatment; they go away on their own within a few days. However, you need to tell your doctor about them. This way, he will be able to adjust the degree of impact of the massager on a sensitive area and, if necessary, send the patient for examination to rule out the presence of diseases that provoke bleeding disorders.

    This list does not pretend to be completely complete; during a consultation before a massage, you should discuss all your diseases (including rare ones) with your doctor, and then the massage will bring you only health and beauty.

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