• Paper construction in the senior group. Outline of a lesson on design, manual labor (preparatory group) on the topic: Summary of educational activities on origami in a preparatory group for school: “Gifts of Autumn” (vegetables and fruits)



    To develop in children the ability to correctly fold paper, work with scissors and glue;

    Develop the ability to work accurately.

    Promote the development of small arm muscles.

    Cultivate interest in paper plastic.

    Reinforce the concepts of “sound” and “word”. Differentiation of these concepts.



    Abstract educational activities on origami in a preparatory school group:

    “Gifts of Autumn” (vegetables and fruits)

    Prepared by:

    Teacher 1 KK

    Kusova Nina Bogdanovna

    Buturlinovka, 2017

    Summary of educational activities on origami in the preparatory group:

    “Gifts of Autumn” (vegetables and fruits).


    To develop in children the ability to correctly fold paper, work with scissors and glue;

    Develop the ability to work accurately.

    Promote the development of small arm muscles.

    Cultivate interest in paper plastic.

    Reinforce the concepts of “sound” and “word”. Differentiation of these concepts.

    Equipment and material:

    Dummy vegetables, fruits, berries, baskets 3 pcs.; subject pictures- berries, sheets of paper according to the color of vegetables and fruits 10x10.

    Collaborative Activity Builder


    Activities of a teacher

    Children's activities


    Finger game:

    "Fingers say hello."

    Teacher: - Today we will talk about vegetables and fruits and I suggest you do a facial exercise: Say:

    Teacher: - What do vegetables grow from?

    Teacher: -I turn you into small vegetable seeds. Squat down. The warm sun warmed the seeds, and the rain poured down. The seeds grew and grew and became plants.

    The sun was very hot, our plants withered...

    Suddenly it began to rain, the plants came to life and reached for the sun. Wonderful vegetables grew in the garden.

    Teacher: Guys, where do vegetables grow?

    Name the vegetables that you know? Show me the fatty vegetables

    And now skinny vegetables

    Teacher:- Get your hands ready, let's play. I'll call different words, and you clap your hands when you hear the name of the vegetables. (desk, radish, turnip, pen, cucumber, tomato, hat, etc.). Well done! It works out very well.

    DO YOU like bananas? oranges? pineapples?

    Name them in one word.

    Now let's remember the name of the fruits that I haven't named yet.

    Di. "Find and Decompose"

    Guys, look what a big harvest we have reaped. Our task is to sort through the entire harvest and put it into baskets by color.

    In the left basket only orange vegetables and fruits,

    to the right, only red and pink.

    and in the basket in the middle, only green ones.

    The teacher checks the assignment.

    Before the start of the lesson, children perform finger exercises.

    Children accept the teacher's offer.

    Vegetables grow from seeds.

    the children rise slowly.

    Slowly raise your hands up, the plants reach towards the sun. Tighten your arms and fingers.

    Drop your head, arms, lower your shoulders and torso. Get down to the floor.

    the children sit down.

    In the garden, in the ground.

    Carrots, cabbage, cucumbers, etc.

    puff out your cheeks.

    suck in your cheeks)


    These are fruits.

    (apple, pear

    peach, apricot, avacado, etc.)

    children collect the harvest in baskets to the music.


    The teacher offers to rest.

    Physical education minute.


    The children walked, walked, walked(children walk in place)

    They went into the garden.

    They found cabbage (they bent down and picked vegetables)

    We found cucumbers, collected all the tomatoes,

    Found zucchini

    Everything was put in baskets

    And they went home (they walk in place)

    Teacher - Guess and repeat the pure sayings.

    Or-or-or - they picked the red one………

    Jean-jan-jan - lying in the garden bed.......

    Ets-ets-ets – we ate delicious…………

    Ok-ok-ok, we brought a lot……..

    An-an-an- I bought……….

    Teacher: - What were the pure talk about?

    Teacher: Guess riddles and answers are on your tables.

    They look like cucumbers
    They only grow in ligaments,
    And these fruits for breakfast
    They serve the monkeys. (bananas)

    Red, kids, but not poppy.
    In the garden - not beetroot.
    Juicy tasty sir.
    Did you guess it? (Tomato)

    Although he didn’t see the ink,
    Suddenly turned purple
    They love vegetables Vanya, Jean...
    So this is... (Eggplant)

    It happens, children, different -
    Yellow, grass and red.
    Sometimes it’s hot, sometimes it’s sweet,
    You need to know his habits.
    And in the kitchen - the head of spices!
    Did you guess it? This is... (pepper)

    Round, rosy,
    I'm growing on a branch.
    Adults love me
    And little children.

    Teacher: What were the riddles?

    Teacher: - Who can tell me what is on your tables?

    Teacher: -What do you need to take for work?

    Teacher: - I suggest you do the work yourself, looking at the diagram.

    Teacher: - And now I suggest placing your crafts on a plate and in a vase.

    Baskets with fruits and vegetables are displayed on the rug.


    Eggplant .




    about vegetables and fruits.

    Children solve riddles and pick up pictures.

    About vegetables and fruits.

    Hint diagrams.

    Square leaves.

    The children do the work.

    The children each distribute their own crafts.


    Teacher: evaluates the children’s work.

    Reads a poem:

    Miracle garden

    People are surprised:

    What kind of miracle garden is this?

    There are radishes and salad here,

    Onions, parsley and spinach.

    Tomatoes cucumbers

    They mature together - well done!

    And potatoes and cabbage

    They grow densely in the beds.

    And everyone says in unison:

    "We are growing here for the kids.

    For diligence and work

    The whole harvest will be reaped."

    As a result, the children will be treated to bananas and apples.

    Children accept the teacher's assessment.

    Methods and techniques :- artistic word;- didactic games; - mimic game; - pure talk; - finger game; - physical education minute; - surprise moment;

    Pepper apple banana tomato eggplant

    Paper construction in the preparatory group differs from similar activities with younger children. The oldest kindergarten students are almost schoolchildren, and their preparation for school lessons is based on applied arts classes, working with paper and cardboard.

    The object for crafts can be any natural phenomenon, season, animal or bird. Everything that is part of the surrounding world is reflected in a variety of creative activities. Working with paper in kindergarten is important part educational and educational process. This type of activity is very useful for the younger generation of creative individuals.

    Paper construction in the preparatory group: birds

    There can be an unlimited number of options for such creativity; the theme of birds is extensive and inspires the creation of works in different techniques. To begin with, it’s worth focusing on the three most age-adapted.

    1. A bird made from a sheet of paper folded in half. The teacher prepares the patterns in advance and distributes them to the children in class so that they can trace the silhouettes on their leaves. Then the bird is cut out along the contour and folded in half. The wings need to be bent outward and the thread attached to the craft.

    2. Three-dimensional bird made of paper rings. To work you will need colored paper, scissors and glue. The basis of the entire structure consists of wide paper rings of different sizes. To do this, you need strips of the same width, but different lengths. Glue them into rings and put them inside each other, from smallest to largest, and secure. The head is made similarly to the body, and the tail consists of straight wide stripes, which can, if desired, be likened to feathers by cutting the edge in the form of a fringe.

    3. For older children who are already quite developed, it is possible to design from paper in the preparatory group using the quilling technique. An end appliqué on a plane of narrow strips is appropriate here. paper strips, twisted into multi-colored spirals. Such a bright and beautiful panel can be the result of joint creativity, which will then serve as a worthy decoration for the group.

    Crafts dedicated to autumn

    The most picturesque time of the year, of course, deserves to be reflected in children's creativity. An applique of flat elements or a three-dimensional composition - each of these crafts perfectly conveys the slight sadness of fading foliage and the brightness of the palette, which paper construction in the preparatory group can convey. Autumn will serve as inspiration. For work you will need paper and cardboard Brown for wood and red-orange shades - for foliage.

    Application and volumetric composition

    To work you need to prepare several different templates with outlines of leaves of various tree species. Using these blanks, children will make their own elements. The branches are made from brown wrapping paper twisted into tight strands. To liven up the composition, you can plant a small perky bird on top.

    An autumn volumetric composition is made in a similar way. The trunk is rolled from waxed wrapping paper, and the leaves are made using the scrap technique. Thin colored paper, yellow, orange and red, is torn into pieces which are used as foliage.

    Garden theme in paper crafts

    It can be continued in other tricks, which are devoted to paper construction in the preparatory group. For example, vegetables made of paper. Children enjoy making familiar objects. The most beautiful of them is the pumpkin. You can make a whole composition using the paper strip technique.

    To work you will need colored paper. Orange and green. The sheets are cut into long strips. The body of the craft requires orange ones, and the climbing stems are made from green ones. You need to take six strips and fold them on top of each other, aligning them in the center, like a snowflake. Glue all the parts at this point of contact to each other.

    Then take the opposite ends and glue them together in the form of a ring. Glue all six paper rings together in this manner. If necessary, you can increase their number. The finishing touch of the craft will be branched lashes, which are made from green paper strips tightly rolled into spirals. Children really love paper construction in the preparatory group; vegetables are an extensive topic for classes.

    Vegetables and fruits from segments

    Another interesting technique for creating objects from paper is gluing segments. To work, you need a symmetrical template made of thick cardboard in the shape of any vegetable or fruit. Based on this silhouette, several identical parts are cut out the desired shape. Each part is bent in half. All parts are glued together from the wrong side only on one edge.

    The result is a three-dimensional form consisting of many flat parts interconnected by ribs. If desired, such a craft can be folded - and it will turn from voluminous to flat. You can design any vegetables or fruits in a similar way.

    Paper bag house

    Kindergarten students are engaged in various types of creativity. The production of improvised materials may be included in the educational program. Children will really enjoy constructing a house for a doll out of paper in the preparatory group.

    The original idea is to construct from paper bags. Gift wrapping or containers from the grocery store will serve as the basis for a cute design. One such bag must be prepared for each child. It can be brought from home to parents or folded in advance, for example, from free newspapers or advertising brochures. Additionally, you will need colored paper, glue and markers.

    The package is complemented by a gable roof made of a paper square folded in half, windows and a door. Children are able to complete all these elements independently; paper construction in the preparatory group assumes that students must be able to handle scissors and glue.

    At the end of the lesson, it is advisable to organize an exhibition of crafts for parents, so that mothers and fathers can see the efforts of their children and draw attention to the need for additional activities at home, if necessary.

    Master class on paper design in the preparatory group on the topic: "Alyonushka"

    Master class on paper design, designed for children of the preparatory group
    Topic: “Alyonushka”
    Khaliullina Anastasia Aleksandrovna, teacher of the first qualification category, MADOU kindergarten No. 381, Kazan

    Description: The work can be done with children 6-7 years old. The material may be useful to teachers of older preschoolers and parents.

    Purpose of work: The work can be done in kindergarten when the topic “Clothing” is studied.
    create conditions for children to develop preschool age attention to the spiritual culture of one’s people, interest and respect for their past;
    continue to teach children how to build a toy based on a cone;
    independently cut and connect the parts together in the specified sequence and according to the pattern;
    develop children’s artistic and constructive abilities, aesthetic perception;

    Develop aesthetic taste, sensory experience, Creative skills, fine motor skills hands;
    cultivate interest in Russian national costume and traditions of the Russian people;
    cultivate perseverance and hard work.
    This is the kind of Alyonushka we’ll get:

    parts stencils

    red cardboard and circled cardboard, yellow, red and White paper, felt-tip pens or pencils, scissors, glue stick, oilcloth.

    1. We start making our Alyonushka by tracing all the details on a stencil and cutting them out.

    2. Take a yellow strip and glue it in the middle of the future sundress. Glue the yellow semicircle along the bottom of the sundress and roll this part into a cone.

    3. Next, take the fourth part of the circle, cut out of red paper, and roll it into a cone; do the same with the second quarter. These are the sleeves

    4. Glue the sleeves to the sundress.

    5.Then we glue a circle cut out of white paper to a scarf cut out of cardboard into a circle, and draw the face.

    6. We coat both parts of the scarf with thick glue and “dress” it on the sundress. Our Alyonushka is ready.

    But this is how Alyonushki turned out for my students!

    Design and manual labor in senior group

    Compiled by:

    Krashaninnikova N. V.

    Problem the formation of interest in design in preschool children occupies a significant place in preschool pedagogy. Since a variety of constructive creativity gives children the opportunity not only to learn the world, but also to comprehensively develop their abilities. Relevance The problem of conducting design classes in preschool institutions is that at this stage of the development of society, few hours are devoted to design for children to master than other disciplines (language, mathematics, drawing, etc.)

    Construction in the learning process- a means of deepening and expanding the acquired theoretical knowledge and developing the creative abilities, inventive interests and inclinations of students.

    The word itself design(from Lat. construo - build, create) means construction in general, bringing into a certain relative position various items, parts, elements and the process of creating a model, machine, structure, technology with the implementation of projects and calculations.

    Children's design refers to the process of constructing buildings, such structures that provide for the relative arrangement of parts and elements, and methods for connecting them. As a rule, the design process takes place in the form of a game in order to interest the preschooler. In the history of play pedagogy building material have been described for a long time and are represented in many systems of education of preschool children.

    Feature games with building materials is that they are based on constructive skills and abilities, as a result of which they, to a greater extent than any other types of children's games, come closer to creative, productive human activity. Games with building materials (such as theatrical, didactic, outdoor games) can be classified as milestone games, through which the child develops skills, qualities and personality traits that prepare his transition to a new type of activity. These games contribute to the development of thinking and spatial imagination, which are the basis of design activity. Contents games with building material is creation, reproduction of the surrounding reality with the help various materials in the process of technical creativity.

    And the goal Our research is to study the specifics of learning and the uniqueness of the manifestation of constructive skills in preschool children.

    Object of study: children's games with building materials.

    Subject of research constructive skills of children of senior preschool age appear.

    The objectives of the study are:

    1. Analyze psychological and pedagogical literature in order to have an idea of ​​the basics of spatial thinking in preschoolers.

    2. Determine the content of the work and the role of the teacher in developing construction games for preschool children, in accordance with program requirements.

    3. Analyze the influence of constructive creativity on the comprehensive development of preschool children (in particular on mental, sensory, moral, labor, creative and aesthetic education).

    4. Reveal the methodology for developing components of construction games for older preschoolers with a certain type of material.

    5. Determine the degree of modernization of the content of construction games in preschool institution, based on the knowledge and skills of preschoolers.

    6. Find out the importance of using modern construction sets in the process of children’s games and their acquisition of new knowledge, skills and abilities.

    7. To familiarize children of senior preschool age with the basics of architecture and compare the degree of success in conducting design classes.

    To successfully solve the assigned tasks in your work, it is advisable to use the following methods:

    · analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature;

    · quoting teachers involved in this problem;

    · targeted observation of children’s technical skills;

    · annotation of program literature;

    · conducting a pedagogical experiment to improve the knowledge, skills and abilities of preschool children;

    · mathematical processing and sorting of data obtained during research.

    Labor operations that older preschoolers can master are presented in Table. 1.

    Table 1

    Labor operations that older children can master

    Labor operations

    Tools and equipment


    Products of labor


    Paper, thin cardboard

    Arrows, airplanes, boats, caps, boxes, baskets, pyramids, houses, doll furniture, cars, Christmas tree decorations, animal and human figurines (flat)

    Paper, thin cardboard, PVC-coated wire, foil, fabric, braid, natural material, foam rubber

    Souvenirs, decorations. Toys made from cylinders and cones

    Gluing and gluing

    Brush, napkin, oilcloth, board

    Paper, cardboard, used and natural materials, paste, casein and PVA glue

    Flat and three-dimensional images of cars, trees, buildings, etc.


    Sheathed wire, twine, braid, paper, cardboard, natural material. Beads molded from clay and fired different shapes and etc.

    Beads, pendants, Christmas decorations, decorative curtains, etc.

    Brush, napkin, oilcloth

    Paper, cardboard, ready-made volumetric forms, natural and used production materials

    Decorative panels, boxes, caskets, etc.

    Pasting three-dimensional forms using papier-mâché

    Ready-made volumetric forms, paper waste, paste

    Dishes, doll heads for the theater, attributes for role-playing games, decoration of matinees, etc.

    Cutting and shaping

    Shovels, scoops, frames

    Sand and snow

    Buildings, cars, figures

    Any products that children make should be used in their games. You can set up a museum, examine and analyze their own work with children. In this case, it is necessary to highlight the most interesting, expressive products, pay attention to the successful use of material, creative attitude to work.

    Products can be used to play “shop”. Then the guys select the best of them. A group of children together with a teacher, called the toy selection committee, consults on what is suitable and what is unsuccessful. You can suggest finishing or get the job done again. Such activities of children will become an element of a creative story game.

    In classes on designing from building materials, they continue to work on teaching children some technical skills: connecting several planes into one large one, connecting bricks, bars, cylinders that are rarely placed in a row, preparing the basis for floors, making buildings strong.

    Children must master all the details of the kits well and use correct names: long, short, wide, narrow, square, triangular plate, large (small) cube, block, cylinder; be able to navigate the shape of the sides of the parts: a cube has square sides, a bar has rectangular sides, end sides are square, etc.

    Children must figure out what is best to construct individual parts of a building, walls in bulky and light structures, which parts are most stable and can be used for foundations, and which are suitable for windows, doors, and decorations.

    In constructions, children display their generalized ideas about objects. And it is very important that the teacher teaches children observation, the ability to peer into the world around them. Based on this, the topic of the work is determined. After excursions around the city, it is good to invite children to build a multi-story building, a road and show it the roadway, crossing points, etc.

    Each topic begins with simple buildings, and gradually their content becomes more complex. In the first lessons, children mainly build according to ready-made or semi-finished models. For example, buildings are one-, two-story, with a square and rectangular base, simple and more complex designs. As a result, generalized design methods are formed, which allows you to move on to the task according to the conditions: build a house for 2-3 dolls, a two-story building with wide shop windows on the ground floor, etc. This requires intelligence, free handling of the material based on a good knowledge of its features, and mastery of technical skills.

    Such development of each topic will prepare children for creative solutions to constructive problems when constructing buildings in the game.

    The children must complete complex buildings (a kindergarten with a plot, a zoo, a train station, a collective farm, a pioneer camp, etc.) collectively.

    It is necessary for children to use skills in the game visual arts, which they purchased (sculpting, drawing, appliqué). So, when creating a zoo, children build cages for animals from building materials, sculpt the animals themselves, then paint them, and make green spaces from natural materials. By completing a task collectively, the children learn to work in harmony and together.

    The long-term work plan for design and artistic work is presented in table. 2.

    table 2

    Long-term work plan for design and artistic work


    Topic of the week

    Program content

    Visual material



    "Day of Knowledge"

    "High building. School" (from used material)

    Train children to use different waste material. Develop fantasy, imagination, creative abilities. Strengthen interest in manufacturing unusual crafts. To develop the ability to carefully make crafts, observing safety precautions

    Boxes of different shapes and sizes, colored paper, glue, window stencils

    « Kindergarten»

    "Kindergarten" (from building material)

    Develop the ability to negotiate, design and draw future buildings on paper. Develop the ability to work in teams of three. Practice making buildings according to the drawn design. Develop fantasy and imagination.

    Landscape sheets, pencils, building material

    “Construction and artistic work in kindergarten”

    "Rules traffic»

    "Street" (from building material)

    Train children to build a city street from building material. Develop the ability to negotiate and unite your buildings. Continue to familiarize children with the rules of the road and road signs.

    Construction material, small toys: passenger and freight transport, buildings, trees, road signs, little men

    “Construction and artistic work in kindergarten”


    "Machine" (from the material used)

    Encourage children to make machines from boxes of various shapes and sizes. Develop the ability to talk about your future craft and how to make it. Develop fantasy and imagination.

    Various shapes and sizes of boxes, reels, bobbins, illustrations different cars colored paper

    “Construction and artistic work in kindergarten”


    "Golden Autumn"

    (from natural material

    Exercise children in the process of work to combine various natural materials. Strengthen the ability to carefully handle this material. Develop fantasy, imagination, creative thinking. Continue to develop the ability to safely handle scissors and glue accessories.

    Scales, cones, seeds, seeds, leaves, petals, etc., glue, scissors, ½ sheet of colored cardboard, “Autumn” image drawings

    “The harvest is coming from the field. Vegetables"

    "Truck" (from building material"

    Develop the ability to establish the dependence of the structure of a machine on its functional purpose. Develop the ability to talk about your future craft. Practice building a truck carefully and firmly. Practice playing around with your craft.

    Illustrations with images of cars, toy cars different types, building material, toy vegetables

    “Construction and artistic work in kindergarten”



    (foam rubber toys)

    Train children to make from squares of foam rubber various forms fruit by cutting off corners and edges. Cultivate an interest in making crafts from various materials. Develop imagination, thinking, fantasy. Strengthen the ability to observe safety precautions when working with scissors.

    Ready-made multi-colored foam cubes with a side of 4-5 cm, colored paper, glue, brushes

    “We create and make things.”

    "Birds fly south"

    “Bird” (from natural material)

    Practice making a bird according to the pattern. Remember the structure of the bird and tell about it. Develop imagination and fantasy.

    Toy bird, cones, acorns, twigs, glue

    “Construction and artistic work in kindergarten”



    “Animals” (from paper and cardboard)

    Practice making crafts from paper cylinders. Develop the ability to independently make some parts of the toy. Strengthen the ability to analyze crafts. Develop creative abilities. Improve the ability to maintain correct posture during exercise.

    ½ sheet of thick colored paper, glue, scissors, sample pet toy, black felt-tip pen.

    “Construction and artistic work in kindergarten.”

    "Wild animals"

    "Bragging Hare"

    (from natural material)

    Train children to make crafts and use them in their work fir cones. To develop the ability to compose a collective composition based on the plot of a fairy tale. Develop a desire to use various natural materials in work. Strengthen the skill of carefully working with natural materials

    Two cones (large and small); maple lionfish; four branches; plasticine.

    "My family"

    "Foam rubber figures"

    Develop analytical skills. Practice working with thin, soft, but elastic wire. Develop the ability to connect parts together and design toys.

    Wire in a polyvinyl chloride sheath, drawings depicting crafts made from this wire, paper, felt-tip pen, foam rubber, toy figures: mother, father, child

    “Construction and artistic work in kindergarten.”

    “Our house (furniture, dishes, appliances)

    “House, garage, barn” (made of paper and cardboard)

    Practice making a structure from a square folded into 16 small squares. Practice making patterns, folding them and gluing them. Develop skills in decorating your craft.

    Paper, scissors, colored paper, glue

    “Construction and artistic work in kindergarten.”

    "Mothers Day"

    “A gift for mom. Wall toy from foam rubber."

    Train children to make toys from foam rubber. To develop children's imagination and the ability to combine different types of materials. Cultivate an interest in making unusual crafts. Strengthen the ability to maintain correct posture while working.

    Foam rubber plates with markings (circle), braid, colored paper and blanks made from it for decorating crafts, glue, brush, scissors.

    “We create and make things.”



    “Snowman” (from foam rubber)

    Develop the ability to work in a team. Practice analyzing samples ready-made crafts. Develop the ability to cut corners and edges, give a rounded shape. Develop your ability to design your crafts

    Foam rubber, glue, scissors

    “Construction and artistic work in kindergarten.”

    "Wintering Birds"


    (from paper)

    Strengthen the ability to create a three-dimensional image using the technique of crumpling paper into lumps, develop fine motor skills of the hands, accuracy, and cultivate a caring attitude towards birds.

    Cardboard blanks blue color for the background, a simple pencil, crepe paper white, red, brown and black colored paper, scissors, glue, oilcloth, rags

    "A toy shop"

    (made of paper and cardboard)

    Train children to make paper toys. Strengthen the ability to fold a rectangular sheet of paper in half, smooth out the fold lines, and cut the blank along the contour. Develop creativity when designing crafts. Follow the rules for working with scissors. Develop skills in playing with crafts. Remember the rules of behavior in the store, polite words.

    ½ album sheet, confetti, markers, scissors.

    “Construction and artistic work in kindergarten”

    "New Year"

    « Christmas decorations"(made of paper and cardboard)

    Develop the ability to negotiate who will make what toy. Develop the ability to work with templates. Practice making a toy carefully, developing your imagination.

    Thick paper, scraps of colored paper, markers, templates

    “Construction and artistic work in kindergarten”


    « National holidays»

    “Masks for carols” (made of paper and cardboard)

    Practice cutting out a paper mask according to a template, decorating a craft, achieving expressiveness of the image with the help of non-traditional materials, developing fantasy and imagination.

    mask templates, colored paper, cardboard, wrapping, pencil, scissors, glue.

    "Small Motherland"

    "Our town"

    (from building material)

    Practice constructing on a given topic, using a drawing, consolidate the ability to plan the stages of construction, and cultivate a love for your hometown.

    Landscape sheets, simple pencils, construction kits, drawings of buildings, models of trees, cars, blanks for signs “Kindergarten”, “School”, “Shop”, “Market”.

    "Fires of Trans-Urals"

    "Birch bark beads for Snow White"

    Train children to make beads from birch bark, develop emotions, expressive facial expressions and pantomime

    Birch bark, scissors, glue, thread, gnomes' house, toy gnomes and Snow White


    "I live in Russia"

    “My native country is wide” (from building material)

    Develop the ability to build several cities. Continue to practice decorating houses with architectural details (column, arch), and strengthen the ability to work together.

    Illustrations depicting Russia, architectural buildings, building diagrams, large building materials.

    "Moscow is capital of Russia"

    “Why should we build the Kremlin!”

    (from building material)

    Practice drawing up a drawing of a building, continue practicing constructing a building according to a diagram, and independently plan the stages of construction.

    Sheets of paper, pencils, small builder's kits, illustrations depicting Moscow and the Kremlin.

    "Defenders of the Fatherland"

    “A boat as a gift for dad”

    (from paper)

    Practice making crafts using the method of weaving from ready-made strips, gluing a cardboard base with a silhouette image of a boat onto the product, developing aesthetic taste in decorating crafts with appliqué, cultivating independence, accuracy, and the desire to take care of loved ones.

    A blue cardboard blank with a cut-out image of a sailboat, strips for weaving of different colors, colored paper for decorating crafts, glue, oilcloth.

    "Foreign countries"


    (from natural material)

    Practice creating crafts from walnut shells and birch bark, using a visual plan for making crafts.

    Walnut shells, toothpicks, birch bark, plasticine.


    "Spring. Mom's holiday"

    "A flower as a gift to mom"

    (from non-traditional material)

    Practice adding spruce needles to plasticine, creating an image of a cactus, decorating the craft with applique elements, and cultivating the desire to take care of loved ones.

    A sample craft is a cactus in a pot, plasticine, fir needles, a yogurt cup, multi-colored adhesive film, scissors, napkins or hand cloths.



    (from non-traditional material)

    Practice making a flower using non-traditional materials; develop imagination and independence.

    Kindersurprise capsules, yogurt cups, cocktail straws, plasticine, a living chrysanthemum flower.


    "Airplane" (from building material)

    Practice building an airplane using drawings. Exercise to determine the type of aircraft: cargo, passenger, military. Continue to get acquainted with the professions of a pilot. Practice identifying the main parts of the aircraft.

    Airplane drawings, illustrations of pilots, building material

    “Construction and artistic work in kindergarten”

    "Theater Day"

    "Toy Theater"

    (from paper)

    Practice creating toys by connecting a rectangular piece of paper into a cylinder, developing creativity and imagination.

    Sample of a toy made from a paper cylinder, rectangular blanks of colored paper 20 x 28 cm, glue, brushes, scissors, details for decorating crafts (faces, hands, legs) and blanks of colored paper, poster


    "Cosmonautics Day"


    (from building material)

    Practice sketching the future building, erecting the building in accordance with the drawing, selecting the necessary details.

    Gagarin, crafts of rockets and starships, construction plans for cosmodrome structures, details of a major builder


    "Musical instrument"

    (from various constructors)

    Strengthen the ability to work with various types of construction sets, continue to practice ways of connecting parts, design according to a drawing, and develop creativity.

    Various construction sets, diagrams depicting various musical instruments.

    "Nature comes to life"


    (from natural material)

    Practice measuring the parts of toys when making them. Develop practical skills in working with a variety of natural materials. Develop children's imagination and desire to make the toy beautiful. Continue to teach analysis of the work process. Develop the ability to use various natural materials in work, while observing safety precautions.

    Acorn (small size), tree leaves, rose hips, twigs or wire, plasticine or glue (brush), napkin.

    , . “What can be made from natural materials.”

    "Spring chores of people"

    "Our garden"

    (from building material)

    Practice constructing on a given topic, using a drawing, consolidate the ability to plan the stages of construction, and cultivate a love of work.

    Landscape sheets, simple pencils, construction kits, tree models, human figures, drawings of vegetables.

    "Victory Day"

    "Soldier's cap" (made of paper)

    Continue to practice children folding rectangular paper in different directions. Master geometric concepts: triangle, rectangle, square, angle, horizontal and vertical line. Develop attention, memory and spatial imagination. Consolidate knowledge about the Russian army. To cultivate love for the Motherland, a sense of pride in the Russian Army;

    Green paper handmade rectangular shape posters depicting various types troops, cap (real), sample.


    “Who is grazing in the meadow?”

    (from non-traditional material)

    Continue to learn how to create crafts using non-traditional materials (boxes), and develop accuracy.

    boxes (from buttons, paper clips), colored paper, scissors, glue, pencils.


    “Moth” (from paper)

    Practice bending a sheet of paper in different directions. Develop the ability to listen carefully and not get distracted. Practice decorating your crafts with applique.

    Square sheet of paper, scissors.

    “Construction and artistic work in kindergarten”

    Conclusion. The problem of developing interest in design in preschool children occupies a significant place in preschool pedagogy, since a variety of constructive creativity gives children the opportunity not only to explore the world around them, but also to comprehensively develop their abilities;

    As a result of pedagogical research, we will study the specificity (spatial thinking) and originality (creativity) of the manifestation of constructive skills in preschool children. Based on the monitoring results, the results of our project will be visible.

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