• How to wrap a gift with wrapping paper. How to wrap a gift beautifully in gift paper with your own hands: without a box, in an envelope, in the form of candy. Round, flat, large: step-by-step instructions


    Do you like to give gifts? Then you have to pack them often. Of course it's easier to buy holiday package for the box and put it with the rest of the gifts. But most of all the gifts with original packaging, which you can do yourself.

    How to wrap a standard size box in gift paper

    Wrapping a regular-sized gift doesn't require any special skill from you. If you strictly follow the step-by-step instructions, you will wrap it quickly.

    Prepare the following materials and tools:

    • wrapping paper;
    • Double-sided tape;
    • scissors.


    • Calculate the size of paper you need to use for packaging. This can be done using this formula. The width of the sheet of paper will be equal to the sum of the length and height of the box, which is multiplied by 1.5. To determine the length, measure twice the width and height of the box, add them together, then add 4 cm to the total.
    • Place the gift with reverse side paper according to size. Glue a strip of tape on top of the cardboard along its entire length. Remove the protective layer from it.

    • Fold the short edge of the paper over the cardboard. Press the tape in place so that the package fits snugly against the cardboard. Press the fold lines with your fingers.

    • Fold the opposite edge of the paper up 2 cm. Glue tape along the fold line, remove the tape.

    Pull the packaging tightly around the gift, fold the paper over the lid of the box and glue its edge, as shown in the photo.

    • Now wrap the sides of the package. To do this, first fold the paper at the top and iron all the resulting folds. Place tape on top.

    • Fix the corners of the paper on the cardboard one by one.

    • Apply double-sided tape to the sides of the resulting triangle.

    • Then press the triangle firmly into the box. Repeat all steps on the other side.

    • Top the gift with a bow and packaging tape.

    How to pack a round sized box in gift paper

    Present round shape Packing is quite problematic, but possible. In the next method of decorating a box, you use a minimum of paper and decor.

    For round packaging you will need:

    • patterned paper;
    • hole punch, scissors, stapler;
    • glue gun;
    • cardboard circle;
    • ribbon or twine.


    • Measure the box's height and diameter. Cut out a rectangle according to size, the height of which will correspond to the height of the gift, multiplied by 1.5; and the length of the figure is the diameter. Cut the paper into strips no more than 3 cm wide.

    • Make one hole on one narrow edge of the strip using a hole punch. Glue their other side onto the cardboard in a circle. You now have a round fan of stripes. Wait for the glue to dry.

    • Place the gift in the center of the figure. Cut the ribbon and thread it through the holes in the strips. To do this, gradually bend the strips towards the middle of the circle, tightening the tape tightly.

    • When you have threaded the last strip, tie the ribbon in a knot. This way you will collect all the blanks together and they will not fall apart. Cut off the excess tape. Hide the knot with a bow made from leftover ribbon.

    How to pack a long box with gift paper

    Narrow and long gifts can be wrapped as standard ones, but it is much more interesting to make the packaging in the form of a large candy.

    Packaging materials:

    • corrugated paper;
    • scissors, transparent tape;
    • decorative tape.

    • Cut off colored paper in the form of a long rectangle, where its length will be equal to double the length of the box. The height of the figure will be double the width and height of the gift. Add 3 cm to it for allowances.

    • Center the gift on the parchment and wrap it around it. Secure the paper cut to the cardboard with transparent tape.
    • Pull the paper off each side with a piece of paper decorative tape. If desired, create curls using the sharp edge of a pair of scissors.

    • Cut off the excess parchment along the edges of the package.

    • Decorate the top of the gift with any decor.

    How to wrap a custom-sized box in gift paper

    Sometimes gifts have a non-standard shape. Their packaging is not as complicated as it seems at first glance. Take:

    • two types of wrapping paper;
    • scissors;
    • glue gun;
    • Double-sided tape;
    • decor.


    • Wrap a custom gift in thin parchment. You can do without this action, but this way you will smooth out the corners of the box. Cut a small piece of wrapping paper depending on the size of the box. Place the box at one end. Apply tape to this side.

    • Wrap the box with paper in a circle. Press the edges of the packaging on one side and lightly iron the folds. Fold the edge toward the center several times and secure with glue.

    • Press down the packaging well so that the glue hardens completely.

    • Fold the other side of the package in the same way, but at a right angle to the other edge of the package. This will give you a three-dimensional triangle.

    • Decorate the packaging with any decor.

    Giving gifts is an art. It's easy to learn if you follow these simple master classes. Now your gifts will always be original and memorable among many others.

    Watch the video for three more ways to pack a box:

    If you want to decorate the holiday even more and please the one you are giving even brighter, wrap the gift beautifully. Sometimes it's not the gift itself that brings unforgettable memories, but the packaging. The first impression will be formed from the way you present the gift, and we will give you a lot interesting ideas for inspiration.

    The main thing in the article

    How to beautifully wrap a gift with your own hands: materials and ideas

    First of all It is worth paying attention to the type of packaging material:

    • In most cases this is gift glossy wrapper with all kinds of colors. The decoration for it is a ribbon and a bow - a good tandem.
    • Corrugated paper It is used for serving flower bouquets, and its crinkled effect looks chic when wrapping gifts.
    • Nowadays minimalism is in fashion, you can create it by wrapping a gift in craft . This is a paper packaging that comes in rolls. Outwardly she resembles cardboard box yellow-gray tone, only thin. It can be decorated with lace, rhinestones, tied on all sides with thread, and tied with a bow in the center.
    • For gift wrapping non-standard shape used polysilk . Due to its stretch quality, this material easily accepts the required form, and in general, very similar to elastic fabric.

    If you are new to gift wrapping design, then first practice on a newspaper or drafts. In subsequent times, you will already have an idea of ​​how much material is needed for this or that gift, and what indentations should be made.

    • If the gift has an intricate shape, then place it in a box, and then start packing. Place the box in the center of the package face down.

    How to wrap a gift in paper with your own hands: step-by-step instructions

    • Wrap the main package with wrapper with a margin of three centimeters.
    • Bend the paper wrapper along the intended location, so you can cut the desired piece of sheet exactly.
    • Cut the packaging material along the fold line; if necessary, press it down with a weight if it curls. The same box will do.
    • Fold one of the edges two centimeters.

    • Attach the other edge with tape a couple of centimeters from the center of the box. Also secure the edge that was folded first with a small piece of tape over the previous one.
    • The overlay of sheets should run along the center of the box, this will make it easier to hide it with decor.
    • Wrap the free edges of the box into a triangle. Bend the bottom side of the paper one centimeter.

    • Attach the top side, without bending, with tape to the box.
    • Now do this to the other side, pressing the packing sheet tightly so that no air accumulates underneath it.
    • Turn the box upside down and do the same with the remaining side.

    How to pack a gift in corrugated paper with your own hands: photo

    The advantageous quality of corrugated paper is its elasticity. It can be stretched and gathered where needed, giving the desired shape to the package. You can wrap the gift itself in this material, without even resorting to box packaging.

    This is how you can decorate the bottle with two pieces of corrugated paper. Their joint should be in the middle; cover it with ribbon and various decorations.

    A bouquet is a ready-made gift that can be made from sweets and corrugated paper, and how - read in our

    Moreover, you can pack a gift in any material, and make only a separate element or decoration from corrugated paper.

    A few more ideas:

    How to pack a gift in a box with your own hands?

    The simplest, but no less beautiful way wrap a gift - buy a cardboard box and then decorate it.

    Now get creative with the options for box sizes, because they can also be not only square, rectangular or round:

    Beautiful boxes made of thick colored cardboard . Just cut them out according to the template.

    These wonderful boxes can be created from felt:

    How to pack a gift in a basket with your own hands?

    A gift in a basket will look very nice. You can buy it, whatever you want, or you can try to make it yourself. Like this, for example:

    The basket is a ready-made package; you can leave it as is, or you can wrap it in a transparent film, pull the ends up to the handle, and then fasten it with a bow.

    A beautiful basket is only half the battle; its contents are very important:

    • It is preferable for men to give alcohol, cigars, coffee, a jar of olives or red caviar. You can add to your cart office supplies. Or fill the package with jars of brewing product, adding several different packs of pickles for a snack.
    • If you are at a loss what to put in the basket for the fair sex, then use standard, generally accepted gifts. Women will be pleased to receive a composition of flowers and fruits, it’s a good idea to add some sweetness. It all depends on the moment of congratulations presented, the age, and preferences of the person. If the basket is intended for your loved one, you can decorate it a bottle of sparkling wine, sweets , and if the occasion allows - box with jewelry.
    • Cart design for business woman it needs to be carefully thought out so that even the most picky leader cannot find fault with her.
    • Fill your child’s basket with all sorts of surprises , the baby will appreciate these pleasant little things. Fill the basket with books, CDs of your favorite cartoons, educational toys, and various goodies. For very little ones - give basket with care products.
    • Universal gift set – tea or coffee set, pastries.
    • Cart to New Year's table present it with all sorts of delicacies that will become its decorations.

    How to wrap a gift in foil with your own hands?

    It should be noted that nowadays gifts are rarely wrapped in foil. It is very fragile, with one careless touch the packaging can tear, and the design itself looks rather rough. But you are free to choose:

    Packaging that resembles foil in appearance, but has a fabric structure, looks much more neat - this is polysilk

    How to quickly wrap a gift in transparent film with your own hands?

    Transparent film is good for packaging large, non-standard, soft, fragile gifts . Through it you can see the beauty of the entire composition, which adds even more charm to the gift.

    Packing a gift in transparent film is as easy as shelling pears:

    • Place a large piece of film on the surface. Place the gift in the center of the film on top, lifting the edges of the film upward.
    • Secure the ends with a stapler or tape not at the very edge, but leaving 15-20 cm free (depending on the size of the gift).
    • Decorate the attachment point with a bow or ribbon.
    • As a rule, a solid pallet is first placed on top of the film, and the gift itself is placed on it. This way the packaging can be safely placed on the surface without fear that it will tip over.

    How to wrap a gift with your own hands in an unusual way?

    This is a fairly simple gift design, but due to the effect of folds on the paper it has its own certain chic. Wrapping paper looks like corrugated paper, but it cigarette paper . You can easily wrap a bottle of alcoholic drink or a book in it. For this:

    • loose wrap the book in a sheet of tissue paper , glue the edges together with double-sided tape.
    • Upright Lightly scrunch the paper to create creases.
    • Now stretch the paper to the length that would cover the book. Seal the edges with double-sided tape.

    • In the same way you can wrap the box too , inside of which there is a present.

    The algorithm for decorating a bottle is the same as for books and boxes, just complement the design by attaching a ribbon to the neck and a congratulations tag.

    To prevent the packaging from looking bland - decorate it with crafts from the same tissue paper, for example, roses:

    • For this start folding a piece of paper diagonally - you will get a long tube.
    • Roll this strip into a “shell”, secure its edges at the base . It will be more durable to attach such a rose to the packaging with glue, or, if there is a lack of time, with tape.

    Now decorate the flowers with foliage:

    • Fold tissue paper in half, cut out flowers, as shown in the photo, you will get a “figure eight”. With your fingers squeeze the center of these leaves, tie with a ribbon .
    • Glue all the decorations to wrapping paper- ready!

    How to beautifully wrap a gift with your own hands for a man?

    • Perhaps, today the design of men's gifts and cards is not complete without the widespread tie and shirt.
    • The image can be further supplemented jacket, bow tie, imitation jeans.
    • Buttons can be cut out from the same paper, drawn on, or real ones can be glued on.
    • So that such packaging does not fray in a matter of seconds - materials must be dense and of high quality.

    Here is another version of this packaging design, it will look gorgeous felt fabric for this purpose.

    A classic of any themed event - masks with mustaches, hats, glasses... Ordinary cardboard packaging will sparkle with a cheerful mood if such accessories are glued onto it.

    How to beautifully wrap a gift with your own hands for a girl?

    Girls simply love different trinkets, try using them for decoration. glass jar. Believe me, neither the packaging itself nor the gift in it will leave you indifferent.

    Just layer the ingredients into a jar, and attach a postcard with the recipe to it.

    Complete the festive atmosphere with these balloons:

    How to pack a small gift with your own hands from scrap materials?

    A gift is not necessarily a huge box with an expensive item; amenities can be placed in an ordinary Matchbox. It is no less pleasant, but much simpler and cheaper.

    Any available means are used, for example, toilet paper roll. You can easily hide a small surprise in it.

    • For this Place the sleeve horizontally and flatten it slightly , place it horizontally.
    • Bend the free edge inward, to close the through hole. Repeat the action on the other side.
    • Include a gift in the package you receive, secure the edges with glue so that they do not open .
    • Now decorate the packaging at your own discretion.

    Another simple option interesting design miniatures - gift packages.

    • Take any suitable paper for decoration. You can use it from old packaging; the packages do not have to be the same.
    • From rectangle roll up a paper bag as in the photo, connect the ends with a stapler .
    • Fold the free corner to make a lid for the package. when you put a gift in it, you also need a lid secure with a stapler.
    • Print butterflies on a color printer , then cut them out (you can take plastic ones).
    • Beautiful on small pieces of white paper write a short wish.
    • Glue the short edge of the segment and the butterfly to the place where the stapler is attached to the lid of the package. Repeat with all the parcels.

    How to wrap a New Year's gift in an original way with your own hands?

    You can choose materials that are already available at home, you don’t have to spend money. Here are just the decorations, but after searching carefully, you can replace them with your own supplies, you will get an individual gift. Moreover, this packaging is universal - suitable as a gift for anyone.

    • Cut a rectangle from corrugated paper according to the size of the gift.
    • A drop of hot glue staple one edge of the crepe paper to the gift box.
    • Then Pull the second edge of the paper and glue it overlapping onto the already glued edge.
    • Attach corrugated paper to the box, it should be in the shape of a rectangle. In this case, only wrap on two edges; the other two free edges do not need to be tucked, just glue them to the box.

    Now let's get to the aesthetics:

    • Fluff the sisal fiber and attach it to the corner of the front of the box. Trim off any protruding lint.
    • Along the perimeter of the rectangle on the front side, retreat 1.5 cm, and let out a golden decorative cord.
    • Cut some of the same decorative cord and colored ribbon . Fold them randomly into loops and secure them on top of the sisal.
    • Now glue a few pieces of floral mesh golden color, New Year's ball and ate a twig.

    Moreover, you can use a live twig, the New Year's spruce aroma is guaranteed.

    • At the corners of the package place decorative bells.
    • On top of the entire application attach another organza bow , to do this, fold several ribbons together, then it will turn out magnificent. With a bow you will cover all working moments.

    How to wrap a DIY gift for a birthday?

    You can prepare small but meaningful birthday gifts and pack them in a cake box. Or rather, into “pieces” of this cake.

    • The cake consists of 12 elements. To perform them, use thick colored paper and already ready-made template. Stretch the template to the size of a landscape sheet.
    • This cake can be placed on the table next to the birthday cake.
    • Trace the template on each sheet of colored paper, cut along the outline, and fold along the fold lines.
    • Use glue to secure the boxes together; it is better to use superglue.
    • Make the rest of the layouts in the same way.

    • Using a blade, carefully make a cut from one edge to hide the end of the second there. This will keep the boxes closed.

    • Glue the middle of each piece satin ribbon, one centimeter wide.
    • Fold the pieces of ribbon into decorative bows and attach to one side of the lid.

    • Arrange all other elements in the same way.
    • Now decorate the top of the cake with a pattern, applique, or flowers.
    • Include a symbolic gift in each piece.

    How to wrap a gift for a child with your own hands?

    Please the child New Year can be given not only as a gift, but also by packaging it in the form reindeer. To make it, follow these tips:

    • Cut out circles, as well as ovals of different sizes for the nose and eyes (see example in the photo).
    • Spread the circle-nose with glue, then sprinkle it with glitter and let it dry.
    • Twist the wire, giving the shape to the horns, wrap the resulting frame with bright threads.
    • Take a paper bag as a base and glue all the parts to the bag.

    How to pack a large gift with your own hands?

    A large gift box can be wrapped in wallpaper:

    Polysilk is also suitable for this purpose. In general, it is better not to wrap a large gift in anything, but simply decorate it with an elegant bow.

    Original ideas: how to creatively wrap a gift with your own hands

    How to pack chocolate, cookies, sweets with your own hands?

    Sew craft paper onto sewing machine in the form of a star, a heart, a felt boot. To decorate such New Year's paraphernalia, use bright threads. Be sure to leave a space to “open here.”

    To serve gift chocolate for the New Year, print the silhouette of a snowman, Santa Claus, etc. on a landscape sheet. Decorate the tile knitted things(hat, mittens, scarf) from old clothes.

    • Cookies in a transparent film or bag look most appetizing as a gift.
    • You can place each large cookie in a separate disc envelope.
    • Present sweets in a colorful heart-shaped box.

    How to pack glasses as a gift with your own hands?

    To prevent glasses from breaking, they are packed in hard material. Usually this cardboard packaging with a partition between glasses. In this case, a foam tray can be placed at the bottom of the box for safer fastening.

    Another option is to pack the glasses in a wooden box. To prevent the containers from touching, the box is filled with sawdust, paper strips, and sisal.

    How to pack cosmetics as a gift with your own hands?

    Present care products in any of the listed ways - they are all original.

    How to pack cognac with your own hands?

    • Place a bottle of cognac in a cardboard package.
    • Cut out the packaging according to the template (based on the size of the container).
    • Decorate the cardboard with flowers, beads, lace, and vintage pictures.

    How to pack cognac and coffee as a gift with your own hands?

    A truly noble gift is cognac combined with coffee. Complete the tandem with a coffee set, cigars, and dark chocolate.

    Such a gift will look beautiful in a basket or wrapped in transparent film.

    How to pack tea and coffee as a gift with your own hands?

    • Give different types of tea and coffee by placing them in handmade bags . For this stock up on burlap, lace, jute thread.
    • Sew the lace to the fabric, and then sew the bags themselves.

    • Pour the contents into each bag and tie with thread.
    • Place the bags in a basket, decorate with sprigs of dried lavender, chrysanthemums, or other fragrant herbs.

    How to wrap money as a gift with your own hands?

    Make a box with the days inside. Glue a congratulations card to the front side. How to make an envelope for money, read our

    Video: life hacks, how to wrap a gift with your own hands?

    By making unusual packaging for your gift, you show respect and warmth to the person who will receive it.

    A gift is an integral part of any celebration. Pleasant and unexpected surprises presented to relatives, colleagues and friends. Often, people believe that the presentation itself is much more important than its design, but this is not entirely true.

    After all, a person makes the first impression when he sees the wrapper, its color, size, decoration elements - all this is of great importance.

    After all, when making a choice between two that you have not tried before, you will reach out to the one that is more beautiful in appearance.

    The most common and popular packaging material is wrapping paper. Today, it’s simply impossible to imagine the holidays without her. We'll talk about it today.

    A real holiday

    Wrapping paper has been used as a decoration material for decades; it comes in different colors and structures, and is selected based on the buyer’s preferences.

    With its help, you can easily wrap any gift (rectangular or round, soft or hard, large or small, flat or voluminous).

    It is sold in rolls, so once you measure your gift, you will know exactly how much paper you need.

    Advice! Always buy packaging material “with a reserve”; it’s better to have some left over than not enough.

    The main advantage of wrapping paper is that you have a huge selection. All you need is to visit a specialized website or store, and with the help of a consultant or manager, choose the appropriate option.

    In addition to embossed, matte and glossy, there are many types of corrugated paper:

    • Craft;
    • Sheet glossy;
    • Polysilk;
    • Silence;
    • Mulberry and others.

    Before you start decorating, you need to know how to properly pack a gift in wrapping paper, a few simple rules:

    1. The packaging material should be folded at least (1-2 cm) on all sides.
    2. According to etiquette, the covering side should be the right.
    3. Ribbons (if you use them in decoration) should be cut at an angle.
    4. Do not glue the packaging to the box itself.

    Packaging Variations

    To make your present look beautiful, you need to know several classic packaging methods:

    1. The simplest and quick way, for which you will need: scissors, pencil, knife, tape, colored lace and paper that differs in color from yours. On ready-made base lay out the drawing in layers to obtain a volume effect. For example, draw a butterfly or flower with a pencil and cut it out with a knife so that the accessory remains voluminous. Then it is wrapped in paper (first in colored paper, and then in regular paper) and tied with a cord.
    2. If everything is more or less simple with a square or rectangular present, then problems may arise with round-shaped objects. First, you should measure the height of the box, then cut a large strip from the packaging material (it must be 3-4 cm higher than the box itself). Cover the container with this strip all around. Then make a circle for the bottom (glue it so as to completely hide the folded seam allowance). Cut the lid slightly larger than its actual size and glue it, with an allowance on the sides.

    If you don’t have wrapping paper on hand, then use parchment or foil, what exactly you wrap your case with, the main thing is the end result.

    Don’t go for overly expensive wrapping materials; for gifts, the main thing is the aesthetic component, not the price.

    To decorate a wrapped gift, you can use printed pictures or any paper crafts.

    You can also add a beautifully packaged gift, original postcard with your congratulations. Here's a great choice for example:

    You need to put a little work, a little imagination and a piece of yourself into packaging a gift, then it will turn out stylish, unusual and very beautiful.

    And, naturally, I want to pack them more beautifully.

    We offer you step-by-step instructions on how to wrap a gift beautifully

    Step 1

    Unfold the roll of gift paper and place it on the table, wrong side up. Turn the box upside down and place it on gift paper. Trim the paper on one side. Make sure this piece of paper is enough to wrap the box.

    Step 2

    Stand on the side of the box where the paper is rolled. Gently pull the paper from the opposite side over the box. Attach with a piece of double-sided tape.

    Step 3

    Unwind the roll and stretch it over the box, covering the already glued end of the paper so that the paper protrudes two centimeters beyond the edge of the box. Bend this two-centimeter tolerance inward and glue it to the box along the fold with double-sided tape.

    Step 4

    Now let's work on the open sides of the box. Fold the protruding ends of the paper inward, making four flaps bent at a 45-degree angle. Then bend along the flaps.

    Step 5

    Fold the top flap. Bend exactly along the top edge of the box so that the corners are even and the gift wrapping turns out beautiful. Then fold again. This will be the line along which you need to cut off the excess. Cut off the excess part of the sash. Glue it to the box.

    Step 6

    We do the same with the lower sash. We bend it, then bend it again to perfectly align the sash with the top edge of the box. We glue the fold with double-sided tape, and the sash itself to the box with glue.

    Step 7

    Repeat steps 4-6 for the other side. Finish all sides by smoothing with your index finger and thumb along the edge to create sharp corner lines.

    Step 8

    Place the packaged box upside down on the belt. The length of the tape should be approximately five times the length of the box. Stretch the ends of the tape and place the right one over the left. Pull when they cross.

    Step 9

    Turn the box over. You should have two ends of the tape that are approximately the same length. Slide each end of the tape under the strip of tape that is already stretched along the box (see photo).

    We all, without a doubt, love receiving gifts. However, we experience even greater pleasure when we bring joy to our loved ones. Eyes sparkling with happiness and a sincere smile dear person– what could be more beautiful!

    We treat gift preparation quite scrupulously: we take into account the individual preferences and hobbies of the recipient. One of the important roles in this process is played by the festive wrapper, which gives a special charm and mystery to the gift. Did you know that it is very easy to wrap a gift in original gift paper with your own hands? In this article you will find step-by-step instructions on how you can pack absolutely any items with your own hands beautifully, creatively and without much difficulty.

    Step-by-step instructions: how to wrap a gift beautifully

    Until now, did you think that only specially trained people can do gift wrapping? Big misconception! The most important thing is that all the tools to create such a masterpiece are available to absolutely everyone.

    We will need:

    So let's get started:

    1 step: First you need to measure and cut required amount gift paper for wrapping. Please note that you need to measure the rectangle in such a way that you have a margin of a few centimeters on each side of the gift in order to bend the paper evenly in the future. For example, look at how much gift paper was cut in the photo.

    On a note! If you've never folded gift paper this way before, you can practice using, for example, some scrap newspaper. Using the finished “pattern” from the newspaper, you can measure the required amount of gift paper.

    Step 2: Bend the edge of one of the two vertical sides by 1 cm and stick tape on it. Combine the vertical sides. Stretch the gift paper so that it fits snugly around the gift. If you follow all the rules, you will notice that the seam is almost invisible.

    Step 3: Now move on to the sides. Carefully fold the top of the gift paper as shown in the photo.

    Step 5: The matter remains small. Place a strip of double-sided tape on the top of the remaining piece of paper (the edge of the paper also needs to be folded). Remove the protective film from the tape and secure the entire side part in this way. Please note that the lower part should end exactly in the middle, as shown in the photo.

    Step 6: Repeat the entire procedure on the other side of the gift.

    Step 7: Time to start decorating. No gift is complete without a festive bow. We will also make it ourselves. To do this, you need to take three ribbons in shades corresponding to the gift paper. You should tie these ribbons on top of each other, thereby creating the necessary volume.

    Step 8: In addition to ribbons, you can decorate the gift with any decorative elements that you have in your everyday life. It turns out this is such beauty!

    How to pack a box in gift paper

    Tired of the monotony gift packaging? Then you are at the right place! Below is step-by-step instruction by how you can pack a box with very original things. The unusual thing about this type of packaging is that instead of gift paper we will take ordinary newspaper, and woolen thread and buttons will replace the bow. Quite a beautiful and conceptual option!

    Step 1: Take a spread of any newspaper (preferably one that has already been lying on the shelf for some time). Don't forget to pay attention to the information that is located there. An uncomfortable situation may arise if the pages contain an article that is unpleasant for the recipient of the gift. Approach this stage with equal creativity. Fold the edge of the newspaper toward one side of the box.

    Step 2: Do similar work on the opposite side. Please note that on this side the sheet of newspaper should only reach the middle. Use scissors to trim off any unnecessary parts of our gift paper.

    On a note! If possible, place the gift bottom up and start wrapping. All seams will remain invisible.

    Step 3: Now you need to move on to the other sides of the package. Fold one of the sides so that it ends in the same place as the edge of the box.

    Step 4: Bend the left side edge so that it can cover the left edge of the gift. Leave a small margin of a couple of centimeters. The rest can be trimmed with scissors.

    Step 5: Same as in the first instruction, combine the left and right side paper using double-sided tape. The stock that we left must be bent and hidden inside.

    Step 8: As we have already said, decorative elements in in this case quite original. Wrap gift box thread.

    Step 9: Decorate the resulting “bow” with buttons.

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