• Crafts from decorative packaging tape. Master class on weaving a basket from packing tape. Zigzag basket


    Once upon a time, our ancestors, after finishing work in the field, sat down to weave bast shoes and baskets for their large families so that next spring and summer there will be no shortage of them. Today, only rare craftsmen weave bast shoes, and even then for tourists (it’s a pity that we forgot such comfortable universal shoes).

    But with the baskets in general the trouble. Those sold in stores are only suitable for souvenirs. My grandson went with this to the forest, and she blossomed there, fell apart.

    For his sake, I had to remember what my grandfather once taught me for fun - to weave baskets myself. But since you can’t find bast in the daytime with fire, I decided to use plastic tapes as a material. I suffered a little, but my hands quickly remembered everything. And now I am happy to weave baskets for everyone (in my house, it seems that I have “embarrassed” all the tenants, there is not a single person dissatisfied).

    To master such a craft, I think, anyone can. Of course, at first not everything will turn out, but the main thing here is painstaking and perseverance. It is easier for me - I am a pensioner, a disabled person of the 1st group, and therefore I have nowhere to hurry. Therefore, I decided to tell all readers of the magazine in detail how to make comfortable, practical and beautiful baskets.

    I use the following tools for work: scissors, an awl, a hammer, nails and a stapler. I lay ribbons according to the size of the future basket on a wide board, and I always use only an odd number of them. I begin to braid them, after bending each in half.

    I lay the first two central ribbons in a cross and nail them in the middle with a carnation to the board (Fig. 1). On both sides, I begin to apply other ribbons to them and bind them together. It turns out a braid (Fig. 2). Its size depends on what size you need to make a basket.

    Having decided on this, I nail the braid to the board with studs in the corners (Fig. 2). This will be the base of the bottom of the basket. According to the size of the braided cardboard box from under the fruit I make a box (Fig. 3), corresponding to the height of the future product (in fact, I am making a basket layout, as it were). I put this box on the braided basket and lift all the ribbons (Fig. 4). I link them above. Then I start braiding horizontal ribbons.

    When weaving, I move them with an awl to each other as tightly as possible. But you can’t achieve high density with this, since the tapes are very rigid and they need to settle down. To do this, I already pull out one ribbon from an almost woven basket (I don’t accidentally say “almost”) and put three of the same in its place.

    I do this first at the bottom of the basket. If after this a good density is not obtained, then I repeat this operation in the upper part of the basket. There is another way: for this, I twist two ribbons next to each other in the same way, and only then I put a third one between them, which goes crosswise (Fig. 6).

    Now for the handles. If you notice, I missed the two longest ribbons along the length of the basket (Fig. 4).

    They are installed along the bottom so that they divide it into three parts. So they will just be handles - I simply connect them together and wrap them inward along the walls of the basket (Fig. 5).

    I choose the size of the handles so that they converge in the middle of the basket. If you plan to load your container with a slide, then the handles need to be made a little more authentic. And for their greater strength, the tapes can be interconnected with a stapler (and for beauty, I sometimes wrap it with colored insulating tape).

    Having finished weaving the horizontal rows, keeping the height of the basket, I cut the protruding ends of the rack ribbons, if necessary, then wrap them in braid, leaving two ends on one and the other (opposite) side, and make basket handles out of them (as already described above) .

    Weaving homemade baskets with your own hands: plastic tape material

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    Hello dear DIYers! I bring to your attention a method of making a basket from a strapping tape. All kinds of packaging of goods are tied with such a ribbon and you can collect it in almost any store. And so let's get started!

    We will need:
    Materials - strapping tape
    Scissor tools

    Step 1
    The first step is to cut strips for the perimeter elements of the bottom of the basket. The length of the strip is calculated like this - take the width of the tape, multiply by 8 + 5 mm. In my case, the width of the tape is 12 mm. 12 times 8 plus 5mm is 101mm. Then we bend them, as shown in the picture. And we begin to collect the bottom frame.

    Step 2
    After typing the desired length, we connect the tape.

    It turns out this is the perimeter of the bottom of the basket.

    Step 3 we twist the bottom across. It should be taken into account that transverse stripes it is better to make it a little longer than the width of the basket, plus two sizes per hook. Otherwise, it will be difficult to weave the last longitudinal stripes.

    Step4 weave in longitudinal stripes.

    And here is the bottom.

    Step 5 we cut the tapes of the desired height of the basket. It should be borne in mind that half of the strips will be hooked on the upper square, and half on the bottom. Therefore, half of the tapes are cut less by the width of the tape. Next, bend the upper ends and hook the lower ends to the bottom. Having hooked everything, we pass the tape through the upper ends, longer than the perimeter by 7-10 cm.

    Step 6 cut ribbons longer than the perimeter by 7-10 cm and braid the perimeter. It is better to alternate the entrance of the tape to the side of the basket. I skip two tapes at once, and then pull the third, between them, starting from the opposite side. Handles can be made from the same ribbon and braided with colored nylon cords with a reef knot. The basket is strong and lasts a long time.

    Even our ancestors were fond of weaving from bast. Earlier in free time people with the whole family sat down for such an exciting and interesting activity. Finished decorative baskets, caskets, bast shoes could be sold or used for their intended purpose. Today, it is most often possible to purchase such products in souvenir shops and at craftsmen's fairs. But such gift options are very fragile and can only be used as decoration. To make a wicker basket truly durable and strong, you should create it yourself.

    Usually the main difficulty for the masters is selection of suitable material for weaving. Finding a bast today is not so easy. Therefore, craftsmen adapted more affordable improvised means for this. For example, you can weave a homemade basket from packing tape. This material is not only very durable, but also inexpensive. Often you can get it for free. That is why it has become so popular and in demand among craftsmen.

    First of all, when preparing for weaving a basket, you will need to stock up on a sufficient amount of packing polypropylene tape. It will be used on a very large scale. For example, to create one medium-sized basket, about 70-80 meters of the specified material will be spent. Buying it now is not difficult. You can find plastic ribbons suitable for weaving in construction markets and similar stores. You can order the material of interest to the buyer and via the Internet.

    Some economical owners even use ribbons, already used. For example, they ask for the remnants of the material in large stores, and then clean them from contamination. But this is a rather time-consuming process, so it is best to buy a new packing tape. It has a price that is quite affordable for any master.

    In addition to plastic satin ribbons, you will also need to prepare in advance additional materials and tools. Among them:

    • scissors;
    • roulette
    • stapler;
    • pencil;
    • narrow pliers;
    • wide solid board.

    Of course, in order to make a beautiful durable basket with your own hands, in addition to all the materials and tools used, the master will need to be patient. The manufacturing process of the discussed products requires perseverance and painstaking work.

    Gallery: packing tape baskets (25 photos)

    Weaving a basket from packing tapes: a master class

    The most convenient to use is basket for 7-8 liters. It is suitable for mushroom picking, harvesting on your own suburban area. In addition, such a product can be used, for example, for storing underwear or just to decorate a room in Provence style.

    As noted above, to make a basket of the specified volume, you will need a large number of plastic tape. It is optimal to purchase 72 meters of material for this purpose. The master will have to spend at least 3 hours for the entire workflow. The exact amount of time it will take to make a wicker craft depends on the skills and experience of its creator.

    First of all, the entire prepared tape cut into small strips. Their optimal length is 2 meters. It is with such strips that it is most convenient to work, and they allow you to make a basket of the planned size. As a result, the master will have 36 parts in his hands. To make it easier to weave them into the product, it is best to cut the ends of the tapes not evenly, but obliquely. Of course, only large, well-sharpened scissors will allow this to be done. The master needs a wide board just for convenience. Ribbons are laid on it in the process of weaving. But in general, it is quite possible to do without this accessory. You can proceed directly to the manufacture of the basket.


    To begin with, on 4 strips of tape with a simple pencil, the middle points are marked. From this line you need to step back 15 centimeters twice in both directions. The points are again fixed with a pencil. Further, the middle is marked on the remaining details.

    Now you can start making the bottom of the future basket. For this a square of 18 by 18 parts is created. Weaving is carried out in a checkerboard pattern. It is important in the process to measure the sides. They should turn out 30 cm each. Parts of the structure are fastened with a stapler for reliability.


    Further, craft corners are created. To do this, one of the sides of the square obtained from the ribbons is divided into two parts (it is simply bent in half). It weaves 9 by 9 parts approaching each other. To make the first corner as even as possible, you need to compare the marks previously made in the middle of the tapes. The finished structure is also fixed with a stapler. Punctures in it should be neat and invisible.

    The remaining three corners are created in the same way. At the end, they are aligned in the traces of the pencil and are similarly fixed with a stapler. To remove the gaps formed during the weaving process, you just need to turn the product over and carefully pull off the strips of corners. It is advisable to double-check the result with a ruler. If imperfections appear somewhere, the tapes are again tightened or loosened to the desired level. The bottom of the future basket is completely ready.

    Sides and edges

    Now you can go to the sides and edges of the product. The master will need to weave the sides of the future basket until the marks intersect and fix the result again with a stapler. Having decided on the location of the edge, you can begin to pick up the tapes one by one until a strip with marks comes across. The second side of the edge is woven at a similar height. It remains to stretch the edges and weave the ribbons to the end through the entire product.


    Further, work begins with the sidewalls. The strips are bent and woven together. It is very important to periodically tighten the edge so that it turns out to be as even as possible. After pulling up, you can weave the ribbons to the very end and get rid of the paper clips holding the structure back. After that, the strips are cut to such a level that the tip of each can be hidden under the next part. Then they are all hidden in such a way that they are invisible either inside or outside the basket. Similarly, the ends are hidden when two parts meet during the weaving process.

    Then she stopped by a furniture factory, persuaded me to sell 100 m of polypropylene tape and proceeded to creative process.
    Here is the result: the end of the manicure, on right hand all the fingers are callused, the neck does not unbend, but on the other hand I am the happy owner of a chic basket woven with my own skinned hands. And yet, you can put yourself another plus sign - another mastered technique, another difficult and interesting material.

    It is night outside, so the colors are slightly distorted.

    I didn’t reach the handle a little, but for the first time it’s quite acceptable.

    But this view just fascinates me.

    The material is inexpensive, 100 m cost me 130 rubles.

    Basket weaving from packaging (polypropylene, strapping) tape

    Basket made of packaging (polypropylene, strapping) tape for 7-8 liters.

    We cut 36 strips of 2 m each. For the convenience of weaving, we cut off the ends immediately at an angle.

    We mark with the help of a tape measure and a pencil on 4 strips the middle and 15 cm each in both directions 2 times. On the remaining strips, for convenience, we mark only the middle.

    We weave a square of 18x18 strips with sides of 30 cm. There are 4 strips marked along the edges. We fasten the corners with a stapler

    Weave the first corner of the future basket. We divide the side of our square in half and weave 9x9 strips. Align the marks and staple.

    One corner is complete.

    Weave the second corner.

    All four corners are ready, aligned with the marks on the tapes and stapled together.

    We turn over. The bottom of the basket is ready.

    We stretch the corners of the basket so that there are no large gaps.

    The corners are extended.

    We measure the sides and diagonals of the bottom. If somewhere else we tighten or loosen.

    We turn the basket over and weave the sides above to the intersection of the marks, staple.

    The parties weaved.

    We determine where we will have the edge of the basket and begin to pick up the strips.

    One by one.

    To the strip with marks.

    At the same height, weave the other side of the edge of the basket.

    We stretch the edges.

    After pulling the edges, weave the strips to the end through the entire basket.

    The edges are woven to the sides.

    We bend and weave the strips as shown in the photo, tighten the edge so that it is even.

    On both sides, when pulled up, weave the strips to the end. You can already remove the stapler staples.

    Weave to where enough is enough and cut so that the tip can be hidden under another strip.

    Hidden, and nothing is visible, neither outside nor inside.

    In the same way, we hide the tails when two ribbons meet.

    The ribbons that were bent outward were woven, there were ribbons that should be woven into the inside of the basket.

    But it is extremely inconvenient to weave inside. Therefore, we thread them as shown in the photo. (second tape from the left)

    And weave it outside.

    Weave the ribbons to the end.

    With each braided ribbon, the basket becomes stronger, and sometimes you have to use a tool.

    We braid the other side.

    We turn to the most difficult part of the product - the handle. We cut 16 strips of 1m.

    Weave on the 2nd strip from the edge to the right and left.

    From the outside and from the inside. A total of 8 strips.

    And we begin to weave a pen. Weaving goes in a circle. It might not work the first time.

    We determine which strips should go where and weave the handle into the other side of the basket.

    We stretch and weave the strips to the end.

    chief assistant))

    To stiffen the handle, weave it again with the remaining 8 strips.

    The basket is ready.

    In the next MK we will weave a gift basket of this shape, only smaller.

    It took the craft:
    - Tape 15 mm wide and 0.8 mm thick. - 88 meters (36 lanes of 2 meters and 16 of 1 meters)
    - Staple staples 10 pcs.
    - Time 4 hours.
    Tool used:
    - roulette
    - pencil
    - stapler
    - anti-stapler
    - narrow pliers
    - scissors
    Thanks to all!
    This is an industrial packing tape. Goes in bays winding up to 3 kilometers. It comes in different colors, but unfortunately I only have white now. I understand that this tape for upholstery of greenhouses is sold in any department for gardeners. My sister, when she worked at the post office, brought a lot of such ribbons of different colors. She then wove bags and baskets for the whole family.
    Now the material is different! About 17 years ago I wove a pester from that ribbon into two buckets. Operated every year in winter kept outside, still like new.


    FIRST STEP. To perform, you need strips: 13-length 1m.15cm, 26-length-60cm (13 on one side and 13 on the other side), 17-length 1m10cm. We press the edge with a load so that it does not slip and we begin to weave with colored stripes (13 pieces). Next, we weave 17 strips 1m10cm long, this will be the bottom of the basket. We move the ribbons tightly towards each other and again weave the side of the basket (13 colored stripes). 13 colored stripes determine the height of the basket and the right and left sides.

    FIRST STEP. To perform, you need strips: 13-length 1m.15cm, 26-length-60cm (13 on one side and 13 on the other side), 17-length 1m10cm. We press the edge with a load so that it does not slip and we begin to weave with colored stripes (13 pieces). Next, we weave 17 strips 1m10cm long, this will be the bottom of the basket. We move the ribbons tightly towards each other and again weave the side of the basket (13 colored stripes). 13 colored stripes determine the height of the basket and the right and left sides.

    STEP TWO. We make a frame from steel wire; it is determined by the bottom of the basket. In the photo, the bottom of the basket is white. Make an inflection in front of the colored strip on both sides and lift the metal frame up and start weaving the frame into the side strips in a checkerboard pattern.

    Side bend.

    Frame weaving. Top of the basket.

    STEP THREE. We begin to braid the front and back walls. To do this, take the first side strip on the right or left and start weaving in a checkerboard pattern as shown in the photo.

    Braiding the first row.

    This is how the strips of the front and rear wall baskets. Further, the wire is closed in white stripes in a checkerboard pattern. Long 2 strips are needed on the handles of the basket.

    Photo basket. Only one side is braided. (There is no difference between the front or back of the basket). When closing the wire, the strips must be pulled well. For convenience, put the basket on the floor. Insert the leg into the basket and tighten the strips and weave them in a checkerboard pattern. Weave the ends so that it is not visible. The basket will be stronger.

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