• Crediting maternity capital to the mortgage. Receiving a new payment schedule or loan repayment certificate. Conditions for Sberbank granting a mortgage to an applicant based on two documents


    Is it possible maternal capital pay off the mortgage taken out before the birth of the child? With this question, young parents often turn not only to legal advice, but also to banks, pension funds, and other institutions. It is relevant for a reason. After all, with the birth of the second and subsequent child, the family’s expenses increase significantly and it becomes more and more difficult to pay the mortgage for housing. This is especially important for those who have almost paid off the loan, and the MK amount would cover the balance of the debt just in time.

    In addition, the program to support families with two or more children has been extended until 2020, but even after this period it does not cease to operate, and the funds can be used for children’s education, improving living conditions and other areas provided for by law.

    How to get MK in 2019: conditions, documents

    Due to some changes occurring during the program, you may receive:

    • a citizen of the Russian Federation who gave birth to or adopted a second and subsequent children later than January 1, 2007;
    • a citizen of the Russian Federation who is the sole adoptive parent of the second and subsequent children, if the court decision was made later than January 1, 2007;
    • the parent in respect of whom the Certificate was received, regardless of his citizenship, if the mother stopped raising children (died, deprived of parental rights);
    • a child under 18 years of age or a student under 23 years of age if his parents have stopped supporting him or in other cases described by law in.

    List of papers for obtaining a Certificate:

    • , filled out in accordance with the sample;
    • identification document;
    • papers certifying the birth of children or their adoption;
    • papers confirming the citizenship of children.

    How can I pay my mortgage?

    Based on numerous changes in the child support program, MK funds can be used until the child reaches 3 years of age in such areas as:

    • pay the initial fee;
    • pay part of the debt or interest;
    • in order to repay the loan of a military member of an NIS participant.

    Based on M. Men’s statement, it is possible that in the near future it will be possible to pay the bank’s monthly loan payments with maternity capital. The only thing you should know is a few nuances of this issue:

    1. Monthly loan payments can only be used by working parents, one of whom is on parental leave;
    2. Also, the question of which child is entitled to such a benefit (the second or third) has not been resolved.

    Procedure for paying off a housing loan MK

    If you, having become the owner of an MK, decide to use it to pay off a loan, then you first need to go to a financial institution, where you need to write and provide several papers:

    • document identifying the applicant;
    • certificate.

    If everything is in order with the documents, the bank specialist will issue a decision containing all the information on the loan.

    After this, you need to visit the PF with all the necessary documents. There they will accept all the papers according to the inventory and provide a receipt. The decision on the application takes about a month. After which the citizen who submitted the package of papers will be informed about the decision made. If it is positive, then the received certificate from the Pension Fund must be immediately taken to the bank, where the amount can be transferred at your discretion to:

    • closing the debt if there are enough funds;
    • reduction in the amount of monthly payments;
    • reducing the loan repayment period.

    If the amount does not cover the entire debt, then it is important to sign a document indicating the new terms for depositing the money. If you have fully repaid the loan, you have the right to demand from the bank a document confirming the absence of debt to the bank.

    Legislative basis for repaying an MK loan

    Thanks to changes in 2017 in the family support program, it became possible to use maternity capital to pay off veins. loan. With this it became possible:

    1. When applying for a loan, pay the initial payment using the Certificate.
    2. Pay off an existing bank debt that arose before the birth of the second and subsequent children. You can pay MK both the principal amount and the interest part, but penalties and fines cannot be paid off with family capital.
    3. Invest money in the construction of personal housing, both with the involvement of third-party companies and on your own. If you choose this option, the state first issues 50% of the amount, the rest can be received no earlier than 6 months, subject to confirmation of construction costs.

    Features of home loan repayment

    When you decide that you want to pay off your mortgage with maternity capital immediately after the birth of your child, you need to take into account several nuances:

    1. An application for receiving money can be canceled, but this is not possible if the funds have already been transferred to the bank. If there is a possibility of selling a mortgaged home, then it is better not to use MK funds, as permission from the board of trustees may be required.
    2. The child can use the capital funds himself if he is over 23 years old, but if the parents have already lost the right to use the Certificate.
    3. If you have repaid the full amount of the MK loan, then you can return part of the money using a refund of insurance payments.

    What do banks think about this method of debt repayment?

    Lately many people have been using

    For several years now, Russia has provided such a measure of support for families as maternity capital. These are funds for which women receive a certificate upon the birth of their second or subsequent child. The amount of financial capital in 2016 is 475 thousand rubles. These funds can be used for purposes strictly regulated by law:

    • children's education;
    • mother's pension;
    • acquisition of rehabilitation means for disabled children;
    • improvement living conditions.

    It is the last point that is most in demand by Russian families. Moreover, statistics show that most often funds are used to pay off mortgage loans.

    Is it possible to pay off a mortgage with maternity capital?

    Current legislation allows you to use financial capital to pay off your mortgage. Moreover, the family has the opportunity to choose a specific repayment option, depending on the current situation.

    Firstly, maternity capital can be used to pay off interest on an existing loan agreement. IN in this case Maternity capital covers the interest on the loan and the remaining time the borrower repays only the body of the loan.

    Secondly, financial capital funds can be used to repay part of the loan, i.e. Partial early repayment of the loan is made.

    Thirdly, maternity capital is used as a down payment on a mortgage loan. Not all banks have this opportunity, but leading credit institutions have created special programs that provide for this opportunity.

    Advice: practice shows that the most profitable option for using maternity capital funds is to use it to repay part of the loan. In this case, there is no need to wait for the child’s third birthday, and early repayment of part of the loan will allow you to significantly save on interest.

    Conditions for repaying a mortgage with maternity capital

    In order to use maternity capital to repay a mortgage loan, it is necessary to ensure that certain conditions are met:

    • acquired or acquired housing improves the living conditions of the family;
    • all children are assigned a share in this property;
    • the purchased or purchased object is a residential premises and is located on the territory of the Russian Federation.

    In this case, for repayment it does not matter which parent is the borrower of the mortgage loan. Maternity capital can be used for a mortgage loan issued to both spouses or to either of them.

    It is worth noting that the legislation does not provide for the possibility of using maternity capital funds for the acquisition of land, including for individual housing construction. But they can be repaid, provided that this loan is of a targeted nature, i.e. The loan agreement states that the borrowed funds are used to carry out work on the construction of a residential building.

    How to pay off a mortgage with maternity capital in 2016?

    Repayment of a mortgage loan with maternity capital begins with contacting the bank, which must be notified of the desire to make repayment. After which a corresponding application is submitted to the Pension Fund at the place of residence. When applying to both the bank and the pension, you will need to submit a certain package of documents, which depends on the option of using financial capital in mortgage lending.

    It is important to remember that you can repay, including partially, a mortgage loan using maternity capital funds at any time from the moment you receive the certificate until the child reaches the age of 23, and the duration of the mortgage loan does not matter. If maternity capital is planned to be used as a down payment, then it is necessary to wait until the child’s third birthday, after whose birth the right to maternal capital arose. Moreover, only the full amount of maternity capital can be used for the down payment, and part of the funds can be used to repay the loan. Sometimes situations arise when the amount of financial capital exceeds the amount of debt; in this case, the mortgage loan is repaid in full, and the remaining funds can be used for other purposes provided for by law.

    Documents for repaying a mortgage with maternity capital in 2016

    To repay a mortgage loan, you must provide the following documents to the bank:

    • borrower's passport;
    • marriage certificate and passport of the second spouse;
    • maternity capital certificate;
    • application for early or partially early repayment of the loan.

    Upon this request, the bank must provide the borrower with a certificate of the amount of the remaining debt, highlighting the amount of the principal debt and the amount of remaining interest, as well as title documents for the collateral.

    After receiving the specified documents, you must also bring a certain list of documentation to the Pension Fund:

    • passports of spouses;
    • certificate for material capital;
    • mortgage agreement;
    • certificate of credit balance;
    • title documents for the subject of mortgage;
    • an obligation to allocate shares to all family members, certified by a notary;
    • statement of desire to use financial capital to repay a mortgage loan.

    This list is in most cases exhaustive; only in exceptional cases additional documents may be required. For example, if the right to maternity capital arose as a result of the adoption of a second child, then a decision on adoption must be added to this list.

    The procedure for considering applications for mortgage repayment with financial capital

    The legislation does not provide for the possibility of a credit institution to refuse early repayment of a mortgage loan using maternity capital funds. Refusal to make such repayment can only come from Pension Fund as a result of reviewing the submitted documents. The list of grounds for refusal is regulated by law:

    • submission of an incomplete package of documents or false information in them;
    • deprivation of the applicant's parental rights;
    • errors in the application;
    • the applicant has committed a crime against the child;
    • The guardianship and trusteeship authorities have imposed restrictions on the use of maternity capital funds.

    This list is exhaustive and other reasons cannot lead to a refusal to send funds to repay the loan.

    In practice, the most common reason for refusal to send financial capital funds to repay a mortgage loan is the provision of an incomplete package of documents or the indication of false information in them. Moreover, incorrect data is most often entered not intentionally, but due to ignorance of legal requirements. For example, maternity capital cannot be used to repay funds received for purposes not related to the purchase of housing.

    The Pension Fund considers the application within 30 days, after which it makes a positive decision or refusal on the grounds stated above.

    If the decision is positive, you must contact the bank within a month with an official notification from the Pension Fund and agree on further terms and conditions of the loan agreement. The following options are possible:

    • reducing the monthly payment amount while maintaining previous term lending;
    • shortening the loan term, but maintaining the same monthly payment amount;
    • closing a mortgage loan - if there are enough funds for the entire amount of debt.

    However, these conditions will come into force no earlier than in two months, since it is during this period that the pension fund transfers funds from maternity capital. This two-month period must be taken into account when repaying the loan, since the bank will receive the funds only after two months, therefore, monthly payments must be made within two months according to the terms of the agreement.

    Maternity capital - repaying a mortgage at Sberbank

    Some of the most attractive on the market, which is why this credit institution is one of the leaders in the Russian mortgage lending market. This bank most often encounters borrowers who are trying to pay off their mortgage with maternity capital. Today, Sberbank offers various programs using maternity capital funds, which can be used both as a down payment and as a means for partial loan repayment.

    Moreover, partial repayment is also possible using special offers from the bank. For example, with the intended use for the purchase of housing, you can repay with maternity capital funds. In addition, some housing may also close with capital. The main condition is that the loan funds were received to improve living conditions. For example, under the “Construction of a Residential Building” program, the borrower receives funds for the construction or reconstruction of an individual residential building, therefore, this loan product can be repaid with maternity capital, since the family uses borrowed funds to improve its living conditions.

    Consequences of using maternity capital

    After closing a mortgage loan with maternity capital funds, the borrower has the right to demand that the bank return part of the insurance premium. The terms of mortgage lending provide for mandatory insurance, and the amount of annual insurance can be quite significant, so the opportunity allows you to top up family budget. In most cases, there are no problems with the return, but if there are difficulties, they can be easily resolved by seeking help from lawyers or going to court.

    Also, do not think that using maternity capital to pay off a mortgage has a negative impact on your credit history. The fact of early repayment is, of course, recorded in the credit history bureau, but for no bank this is evidence of the unreliability of the borrower. Enough to verify this.

    Save the article in 2 clicks:

    The use of maternity capital to repay a mortgage loan is the implementation of one of the measures of state support for the Russian family. And if this procedure is carried out taking into account the requirements of the law, then negative consequences will not follow. In this case, the family significantly reduces the amount of credit burden and thereby improves the quality of life.

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    Recently, purchasing a home without any debt has become increasingly difficult. For this purpose, young families take out mortgage loans, hoping to then pay them off with the help of government support, namely maternity capital. The intricacies and difficulties of this procedure will be discussed.

    How to pay off a mortgage using maternity capital

    First, let's look at what both of these concepts include.

    A mortgage is a loan for the purchase of a home in which the home is pledged as collateral. Typically, such loans are issued for a long term, they have lower interest rates, but higher requirements: for the borrower’s work experience, wages, down payment, etc. The bank must also evaluate the apartment to understand how adequate the requested amount is. The borrower is undoubtedly the full owner of the property, he can live in it, register anyone, make repairs, but cannot exchange it without the bank’s permission.

    Maternity capital (currently it amounts to just over 420 thousand rubles) is issued once in the name of the mother after the birth of the second (third, etc.) child, if he was born after 2007. This money can be used to improve the child's living conditions. It is for its protection and support that this capital was created. The mother cannot invest the specified amount in someone else’s apartment, give it as a gift, invest in renovations, or divide it during a divorce. You can use this money only to buy an apartment in which a share is officially allocated to the child and all other family members.

    Now regarding how to take out a mortgage and pay it off with maternity capital. Not all banks like to work with maternity capital. Because this money is mythical for them, non-existent at the moment. This is just a type of government support. But this does not apply to all banks. Many of them are always ready to help and are happy to meet you halfway.

    Women often ask whether it is possible to pay off their husband’s mortgage with maternity capital, and who should the loan agreement be drawn up for? For anyone, if that someone is a family member. Husband, wife or both - it doesn't matter. However, it is important that all family members are the owners of the apartment. If you are applying for a loan for one family member, he must sign a document in which he undertakes to allocate shares to the rest within a certain time after purchasing the home.

    When can you pay off your mortgage with maternity capital?

    So, this is the case when the loan was taken before the birth of the second (or third, fourth, any) child, thanks to which you received the certificate. Previously, there was a ban, according to which the terms for taking out a loan were established (after 2010). There are no restrictions now. Whenever you become a borrower, maternity capital can be used to repay the loan. In this case, the bank does not have the right to refuse you.

    Many people believe that money can only be used after the required 3 years have passed. This is true, but in case of early repayment it does not matter. It doesn’t matter how old the child is, as soon as you receive the certificate in your hands, you can use it for these purposes. Consider the algorithm of your actions.

    • After the certificate has been officially received, you collect the documents at your bank that will be listed below and go with them and all copies to the Pension Fund (now you can sign up there in advance by phone so as not to stand in line with a small child).
    • There you submit an application for the disposal of capital. The fund will consider your application for about a month, check your documents, and then give a response. If it is positive, the entire amount will be credited to the bank account within 2 months after the decision is approved.
    • Then you go to the place where you received the loan and there you submit an application that the debt has been repaid and receive documents on recalculation.
    • The same thing needs to be done if you are interested in how to pay off part of the mortgage with maternity capital. The remaining amount will be recalculated and papers will be issued to you.
    • Remember that you can “close” only the body of the loan (the principal debt) or the interest that accrued on top of it. No fines or penalties can be paid with this money.

    How to repay a mortgage with maternity capital at Sberbank: documents

    List necessary documents It's about the same in all banks. More often than not, people prefer to contact Sberbank, so let’s talk about what documents it will require.

    All papers are carefully checked. If you make any mistake, everything will go back, you will have to go to the Pension Fund again. Therefore, check everything in advance: all names, dates, seals. Employees of the Pension Fund and Sberbank will definitely help you, but be careful yourself: do not confuse surnames, signatures before and after marriage, etc.

    Take all the originals with 2-3 copies at once, so that later you don’t have to run around and copy something.

    • Passports of husband and wife, birth certificates of all children. Be sure to make copies of the main page of your passport and registration.
    • Capital certificate. Original and copy required. Sometimes they may ask for a certificate of the current account status to make sure that you have not spent any funds. But this is requested from the Pension Fund itself. Therefore, if necessary, there is no need to go anywhere.
    • SNILS. Take everything for all family members with copies.
    • Take all the agreements that the bank gave you when you received the loan. Even if you think this paper is not needed, take it. It would be good if you kept all these papers together. Copy everything you have.
    • Before you go to the Pension Fund, take a certificate from the person who issued the loan to you (his last name, first name and patronymic are indicated in the contract). Go to him and ask for a certificate, which should indicate how much your debt is at the moment, with stamps and signatures.
    • You can also get a statement from your personal account there. They usually don’t require you to copy it, but take away the original.
    • If the apartment is registered in the name of one family member, he brings an obligation in which he promises to allocate shares to everyone within a certain period of time. This will need to be done in the justice department at your place of registration.
    • Take with you a certificate of ownership of the apartment. If there are several owners, take copies of everything.

    These are all the documents you may need.

    Matkapital as a down payment

    You already know what you need to pay off your mortgage with maternity capital. Now let's talk about what to do if you became a borrower after the birth of a child or just want to become one. In this case, you will have to wait 3 years after receiving the certificate to use the money.

    Not all banks are ready to issue loans in this way due to certain risks. And here they already have the right to refuse. However, many accept maternity capital as a down payment: Unicredit, Sberbank, and VTB 24 recently joined them in this regard.

    If the answer to the question whether it is possible to pay off a joint mortgage with maternity capital is obvious, then with the down payment everything will be a little more complicated. You will have to collect a little more documents and go to various authorities a little more often. So, you already have a capital certificate, the next step is to find out how much the bank agrees to give you. You submit the following documents:

    • Questionnaire with borrower data
    • Passport with registration
    • SNILS or driver's license
    • Certificate of income from place of work
    • A copy of the work book
    • Certificate for maternal capital and certificate of its condition
    • Marriage certificate and passport of the husband, if the loan is for him or both

    You can get a more accurate list of documents at the branch of the selected bank, where employees will explain everything to you in detail.

    If your application does not raise any suspicions and your application is approved, feel free to choose housing that costs no more than the specified amount. The apartment will need to be appraised to find out its real value. After all these procedures, the bank will issue you a letter indicating that a loan for such and such an amount has been approved. With it and all the documents that have already been mentioned above, you go to the Pension Fund to submit an application for the disposal of public money. If everything is in order there and you were allowed to use the funds, and were also given a certificate about the exact amount of capital, you again return to the person who issued the loan for you, with these papers and present everything that you have for the desired apartment: a purchase and sale agreement , even preliminary, etc. At the bank you will need to sign a loan agreement. Then you go to the Pension Fund again with an agreement and an obligation to allocate shares to all family members. And only after that the money will be credited to your account.

    This scheme seems complicated and incomprehensible, but there is no need to be scared. They will help you and explain step by step where to go now and with what papers. Remember that before signing the contract, you have to think about everything: how many years you will pay the mortgage, what monthly payments you need to make, whether you will need more money for repairs, etc. Bank employees are obliged to inform you about everything.

    Is it possible to immediately pay off a mortgage with maternity capital: difficulties

    Difficulties rarely arise, since banks usually oversee such transactions and ensure compliance with all the rules regarding documents. However, there is still a chance that you will be denied the use of capital. The bank may agree, but it happens that the documents do not pass verification at the Pension Fund. It doesn’t matter how much you borrow for. There are no restrictions regarding what kind of mortgage can be paid off with maternity capital. Any - for finished housing, for a new building, . You may be denied for the following reasons.

    • Documents were collected or completed incorrectly. You missed something, but the fund employee didn’t notice. The documents will come back. They will call you and ask you to deliver something or redo something. It's not scary, it just takes a little longer.
    • Rights to additional government support measures have been terminated. This means that you have already spent your maternity capital. Usually you are warned about this by registered mail.
    • The amount has been exceeded. If you have requested more than what you are entitled to, the documents will be returned.
    • Restrictions on parental rights in relation to the child for whom money is allocated. This is a measure that usually ends in the deprivation of parental rights. Along with the right to education, parents lose all benefits and maternity capital.
    • If the child was taken away for some reason and the guardianship authorities have the appropriate papers, this will certainly become clear during the check.
    • If the mother or child does not have Russian citizenship. But in this case, obtaining the certificate itself will be difficult.
    • In case of adoption of a second or third, etc. The mother of the child has the right to receive maternity capital. But if she received it, and the adoption process was stopped or cancelled, she will not be able to manage the money.

    Is it possible to pay off a military mortgage with maternity capital?

    A military mortgage is the same loan, but on more favorable terms, designed to support military personnel. There is a special one, according to which you can repay the loan only with state funds, but to do this you need to remain in service for the entire time that payments are being made.

    In this case, you first need to submit documents and become a participant in this program. After 3 years, when enough funds have accumulated in the account, it will be possible to purchase a home. Real estate is calculated in such a way that 18 square meters are allocated for each family member. If a serviceman wants a larger apartment, he will have to invest his own funds.

    The borrower cannot leave the army unless there are good reasons: age limit service, health status, important family circumstances.

    Maternity capital is used in the same way as with a regular loan. That is, the answer to the question whether it is possible to repay part of the mortgage with maternity capital is definitely positive. It would seem, why extinguish if the state pays? And then, in order to quickly get full ownership of the apartment, remove the encumbrance and live in peace.

    For a woman, repaying such a loan with capital is of particular importance. Initially, the mortgage and housing are issued only in the name of the borrower who is serving. If she wants to use the certificate, she and her children must be made owners. But this is only possible if the marriage is officially registered.

    You also need to wait 3 years for the first payment; you don’t need to wait for repayment. The documents and algorithm of actions are the same as for a regular mortgage.

    Recently, many government programs have been adopted in Russia to help various categories of citizens purchase housing, including through mortgages. One type of such assistance is a program to support families with children (maternity capital). In this article we will talk about whether it is possible to repay a mortgage with maternity capital, and how to do it in 2019.

    Maternity capital is one of the measures of state support for families who have two or more children. As of 2019, the amount of mat capital is 453,026 rubles.

    The funds allocated under this program can only be used for strictly defined purposes provided for by law. Most holders of such certificates have a question: is it possible to pay off a mortgage using maternity capital? Yes, the law allows the use of funds allocated within this program to repay already existing mortgage.

    In more detail, within the framework of mortgage lending, the mother’s certificate can be used for:

    1. Down payment on a mortgage loan;
    2. Repayment of interest or principal amount of debt;
    3. Paying off the balance of the mortgage debt.

    As practice shows, most families who have received such a certificate prefer to spend it on partial or full repayment of an existing mortgage. In some cases, this is due to the deadlines after which the right to sell maternity capital funds arises. Thus, by virtue of the rules established by law, a maternal certificate can be used for permitted purposes only after the youngest child turns three years old.

    The exception is mortgage loans. When repaying an existing mortgage, families can write a statement disposing of mat capital immediately after receiving it, without waiting for the youngest to turn three.

    Particular attention should be paid to the fact that the law allows the entire amount of the certificate to be divided into different areas. For example, you can pay off your mortgage debt in the amount of 200,000 rubles, and leave the remaining 253,026 rubles for the education of your children, or vice versa.

    How to invest mat capital in a mortgage?

    To close a mortgage with capital, you must not only fulfill all the requirements of the Pension Fund, but also the conditions of the bank with which you have an existing mortgage loan. So, for example, when contacting a bank to pay off a mortgage early using a maternity certificate, you will need to not only write an application, but also attach documents confirming the right to dispose of mat capital (certificate, certificate from the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation about the balance of funds on it ).

    Before submitting an application to your existing lender, please ensure that your mortgage agreement there are no provisions on penalties and fees for partial or full early repayment of the mortgage.

    Typically, if you repay part of the debt early with a maternity certificate, you can either shorten the mortgage term or reduce the monthly payment. But some banks may impose a ban on reducing the period. In this case, the borrower has no right to choose.

    A complete list of documents for repaying a mortgage with maternity capital

    What documents are needed to pay off a mortgage with maternity capital? This is the question asked by anyone who has decided to pay off their existing mortgage loan with a certificate.

    Initially, we go to the bank, find out about the features and terms of repayment, and take a certificate about the balance of the principal debt and interest on the current mortgage.

    For the Pension Fund you will need to collect documents such as:

    1. Statement of readiness to dispose of the certificate. The form of such an application-order will be given to you by the Pension Fund of Russia;
    2. Passport of the person who received the certificate. If a spouse was involved in the transaction, the spouse’s passport. If you have temporary registration, you will separately need certificates from the Federal Migration Service in Form No. 3;
    3. The certificate itself (if lost, a duplicate certificate);
    4. Marriage registration certificate;
    5. A copy of the mortgage agreement;
    6. Certificate of the balance of the principal debt and the amount of interest on the mortgage (which we took from the bank);
    7. Certificate of ownership of the purchased housing. When purchasing real estate later than the summer of 2016 - an extract of ownership from Rosreestr. If the house has not yet been put into operation, we bring to the Pension Fund the shared construction agreement registered in Rosreestr or a copy of the permit to build the house;
    8. A document from the bank confirming the fact of receiving a loan by wire transfer;
    9. An obligation certified by a notary, by virtue of which the spouses, after full repayment of the housing loan, will need to allocate shares in the purchased apartment to all children.

    Next, we wait for a letter about a positive decision, take a certificate from the Pension Fund about the balance of money on the mother’s certificate and go to the bank to write an application for full or partial early repayment of the mortgage with capital.

    This application must be accompanied by:

    1. Passport.
    2. Certificate for mat capital.
    3. A certificate of the balance of funds under the mother’s certificate (which was previously taken from the Pension Fund of Russia).

    Step-by-step instruction

    Let's take a closer look at the algorithm for depositing mat capital into a mortgage:

    1. Visit the bank where the mortgage loan was issued. Initially, you should visit your bank and find out in detail: what conditions it puts forward, and whether there are any fees for early repayment. At the same time, we take a certificate about the balance of the debt and interest on it.
    2. If everything suits you, we begin collecting documents for the Russian Pension Fund. We talked about the required package of documents a little higher.
    3. We go to the Pension Fund to submit documents. To save time, on the Pension Fund website in the “Electronic Services” section, you can get a coupon and arrive at a certain time.
    4. We check whether all the documents are in place and, according to the issued sample, fill out an application for the disposal of maternity capital funds. In such a statement, we must indicate that we want to repay the mortgage earlier than the established period (in whole or in part) with a certificate, as well as the amount you need.
    5. After the documents are accepted by the Pension Fund, you will be given a receipt stating that the documents have been accepted. All that remains is to wait for the decision, of which you will be notified in writing.
    6. If a decision is made in your favor, you will need to go to the Pension Fund again and get a notification about how much money you have left on the maternal certificate. To obtain it, you will need the certificate and passport. Please note that the certificate is issued within 3 days.
    7. Next, we collect a package of documents for the bank (see above) and go to fill out an application for early repayment. In the application we indicate:
    • what we want to reduce (payment or term);
    • how much we will contribute;
    • the fact of repayment of the mortgage with capital;
    1. We are waiting for the money to be transferred from the Pension Fund to the bank. According to the Pension Fund of Russia, this procedure should not exceed 1 month +10 working days.
    2. After the money is received by the bank, we go there and get a new monthly payment schedule (if there was a partial repayment) or take a certificate stating that the debt has been repaid.

    If, with the help of mat capital, the mortgage was repaid in full, then in addition to the certificate from the bank, do not forget to take a mortgage note with the bank’s mark. Next, we take a passport, a certificate of ownership of real estate, a mortgage, and go to Rosreestr to pay off the mortgage record.

    Within 3 days after submitting the documents, you will be able to receive an extract from Rosreestr about the availability of your home ownership without collateral. This type of registration action is not subject to state duty.

    Let’s not forget about the obligation to allocate shares to children. After the deposit is removed, the parents, by drawing up a deed of gift or by mutual agreement determine and register the shares of each child in Rosreestr. This must be done within six months from the date of transfer of funds to the bank. Do not forget to notify the Pension Fund of the fact of allocation of shares.

    Pay off your mortgage at Sberbank

    Customers who have taken out a mortgage loan under one of the programs operating at this bank can contribute maternity capital to pay off their mortgage at Sberbank:

    1. Purchase of ready-made housing;
    2. Purchase of housing under construction.

    In this case, you can repay both an existing housing loan and apply for a new one with a certificate in the form of a down payment. If the certificate is used as a down payment, then required condition bank – transfer of funds to the client’s account within six months from the date of issuance of the loan. Otherwise, everything is standard and is carried out according to the scheme we discussed above.

    What should the mat capital be used for - to pay interest or principal?

    Early repayment of a mortgage with capital is always associated with either a decrease in interest or a decrease in the amount of the principal debt. Your benefit will depend directly on the type of monthly payments and the remaining term of your mortgage payments. So, for example, with annuity payments, you pay mainly interest to the bank in the first half of the term, and in the second half - the amount of the remaining debt.

    If the debt on your home loan is small, and you only have the last couple of years left to pay, then you won’t feel much difference in repaying the principal or interest. But if you are just at the very beginning of your journey, then, of course, you need to pay the principal amount with a certificate.

    This is due to the fact that interest on any loan is calculated on the outstanding balance on it. Accordingly, as the principal amount decreases, the interest also decreases.

    Pay special attention to the importance of writing an application for early repayment. Only on the basis of this document will either the payment amount or the loan term be recalculated (depending on what is indicated in the application).

    What problems might arise?

    Sometimes a bank or Pension Fund refuses to repay a mortgage with a mat capital certificate. Let's take a closer look at the reasons why this can happen and how to get out of this situation.

    The reasons for the Pension Fund's refusal to repay a mortgage early with capital funds may be as follows:

    1. Termination of the right to realize family capital (deprivation of parental rights, cancellation of adoption, commission of a criminal offense against the child’s personality). Unfortunately, in such a situation, it will be quite difficult to do anything. It is necessary to challenge in court the very basis on which the parents were deprived of the right to a family certificate.
    2. Submitting false information or documents with errors to the Pension Fund. Everything is much simpler here. The reason for refusal may be inaccuracy in the application, errors in documents, or lack of necessary stamps on them. You just need to find out the specific reason for the refusal and, having corrected the errors, resubmit the required documentation package.
    3. Inconsistency of housing with the requirements of the Pension Fund of Russia.
    4. In addition to the parents-owners of the certificate, the owners of the purchased housing are other persons or relatives.

    If you do not agree with the refusal to transfer allocated funds to the bank, you can always appeal the decision of the Pension Fund to a higher authority or court.

    In banking organizations, in most cases, refusals occur only if there are errors and inaccuracies in the documents, because by law all credit organizations are required to accept mat capital as a way of full or partial early repayment of a mortgage, unless this contradicts the legislation of the Russian Federation and does not violate the rights of citizens.

    In 2019, not only explanatory acts appeared, but also arbitrage practice regarding the use of mat capital for mortgages. All this together allows us to resolve ambiguous issues and difficulties. Banks have also become more loyal to customers. They not only regularly improve the conditions for mortgage products, but also help borrowers correctly prepare and submit all documents and make the necessary clarifications.

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