• Is early retirement possible? The pensioner continues to work. Will there be an increase in the retirement age in Russia?


    Due to objective reasons, the retirement age in Russia will only increase in the coming decades. Most likely, the decision to promote retirement age will be accepted until 2020. Therefore, the issue of pension benefits, opportunities for retirement before the specified age, and preferential calculation of length of service becomes especially relevant.

    What does the law say about early retirement?

    Changes in schemes social security Russians and established new methods for calculating benefits new law on pensions, which came into force on January 1, 2015. Innovations include the mandatory linking of the ability to assign a pension early to the presence of an individual pension coefficient in the amount determined by law for the insured citizen.

    To improve planning for their education and future careers, the future generation should know who will be able to retire early. In accordance with the law, the list of persons who can do this is quite wide, and the conditions that make it possible to receive such a benefit are different. The list of citizens who can retire early is given in articles of Law 30-32 No. 400-FZ of December 28, 2013 “On Insurance Pensions”.

    Most cases of early retirement for privileged categories of citizens require not only the development of a certain length of service, but also the achievement of a certain age - 45-55 years. For some professions (teachers, doctors), this opportunity was established according to length of service, namely after a certain amount of experience has been accumulated. So who can retire early and how to do it?

    Persons who may qualify for this benefit

    Many people are interested in learning about the possibility of retiring earlier. due date. It really exists, but only for certain categories of citizens:

    • For women with at least five children. They can retire upon reaching the age of 50 and upon fulfilling two important conditions - term insurance period they must be at least 15 years old, and each child must be raised for at least 8 years. This will be a preferential early pension.
    • Men from 55, and women from 50 years old, when they are considered the parents of a child who has been disabled since childhood. Required condition is the presence of at least 20 years of insurance for a man and 15 for a woman. To do this, it is necessary that the child being raised is at least 8 years old and has self-care skills. Guardians raising disabled children may also fall under this standard. In addition, out of 1.5 years of raising such a child, only one year is counted towards reducing the retirement age, and in total up to five years.

    Who else is eligible for early retirement? Unemployed citizens who do not have employment opportunities after the liquidation of an enterprise or layoff.

    Taking a well-deserved retirement ahead of schedule after a layoff is usually suggested by an employment service employee. This will require the consent of the citizen and the fulfillment of certain requirements:

    • the reason for dismissal should not be the employee’s professional skills (acceptable reasons: reduction in the total number of employees, staff or liquidation of the organization);
    • men reach 57 years of age and women reach 53 years of age;
    • the inability of the employment service to provide a suitable place of work;
    • complete development of work experience, which allows you to retire in old age.

    Group I visually impaired people also fall into this category. On this basis, women can apply for benefits from the age of 40, and men from the age of 50, in the case when they have already developed experience corresponding to 10 and 15 years.

    Also, the right to an early pension is given to men who have worked for at least 25 years, and women 20 years and who subsequently became disabled due to a military injury.

    Citizens who are midgets or dwarfs due to the presence of rare diseases and have a working experience of 20 years for men and 15 for women. They can retire on a preferential pension at 40 or 45.

    People who have worked in the Far North for at least some period of time.

    And also for 53-year-old women and 57-year-old men who have insurance experience of 20 and 25 years and are able to confirm the performance of certain types of work:

    • underground works;
    • medical activities;
    • heavy duty textile production;
    • pedagogical activity;
    • working under extremely difficult working conditions.

    How to retire early and what documents are required?

    To register and start accruing benefits, you need to submit a number of documents. These include:

    1. Certificates of average monthly earnings for the past 5 years.
    2. Passport with attached photocopies of all pages.
    3. Military ID, if there is a need for military service.
    4. Employment history.

    Additional documents

    Based on the circumstances that served as the reason for early retirement, it will be necessary to submit additional documents. It can be:

    • Certificate confirming activity in the Far North or belonging to the peoples of the North.
    • Certificate of disability.
    • Certificate of birth and upbringing of a child under eight years of age.
    • Confirmation of the disability of a family member and his or her dependent status.
    • Certificate of serious illness or visual impairment.

    What needs to be done?

    So how do you retire early? Such a benefit is issued in accordance with the regulations of Article 32 Russian Law"On employment of the population." This decision is made by employment service employees. Each specific case is considered individually. If a citizen is entitled to early well-deserved rest, he needs:

    1. Compose and send an application to the employment service.
    2. Receive a referral and offer to apply for benefits.
    3. All these documents and a certificate of working periods included in seniority, are sent to the body that deals with pension provision.
    4. The Pension Fund decides on the advisability of granting an early pension and notifies the employment service about this.


    If a positive decision is made, the person is deprived of the opportunity to receive unemployment benefits. The Pension Fund assumes the responsibility for reimbursement of costs associated with preferential payments.

    If a citizen finds employment during this period, old-age benefits are not paid, but are resumed upon entering retirement age.

    We looked at how to retire early. We hope you find the information useful.

    Last updated February 2019

    Started in June 2018 pension reform(On June 16, 2018, a bill on raising the retirement age was submitted to the State Duma).

    The main idea of ​​the reform was to increase:

    • standard retirement age (65 years for men, 63 years for women);
    • age limit of disabled people (70 – men, 68 – women),
    • age level of certain categories (medical workers, teachers, theater workers, workers of the Far North, etc.).

    The law is currently undergoing parliamentary proofreading, and an assessment is also being made. public opinion and collecting wishes and suggestions from the population. What was happening received great resonance. Some amendments have already been made to the bill.

    On August 29, 2018, the President of the Russian Federation contributed to the reformation aimed at softening the provisions of the draft.

    The main points are:

    • the general retirement age for women will be 60 years;
    • women with children will be given the right to early retirement (3 children 3 years earlier, 4 children 4 years earlier, 5 or more children will allow you to retire at 50);
    • the reform will not affect benefits for indigenous peoples of the North, victims of the Chernobyl accident, certain benefit categories (chemical and hot shops, miners, etc.);
    • the length of service required for early retirement will be reduced (37 years for women and 42 for men, instead of the current 40 and 45, respectively);
    • those who are currently on the eve of retirement are given the right to retire six months earlier than expected, that is, for men at 59.5 years old, and for women at 54.5 years old.

    But these are just sketches for now. Whether the deputies will accept the law and in what version time will tell. And now the situation is the same as before.

    Currently, in order to receive a paid old-age pension and receive certain benefits, the following facts are required:

    • retirement age (for men at age 60, for women at age 55);
    • having a minimum of 6 years of insurance experience;
    • magnitude individual coefficient from 6.6.

    The required insurance period will gradually increase: from 6 years in 2015. up to 15 years by 2024 And the individual pension coefficient will grow by 2.4 points annually until it reaches 30.

    Early retirement

    The legislation of our country guarantees a citizen the right to a paid old-age pension and to receive certain benefits. The grounds for the general pension are regulated by Article 8 of Federal Law No. 400.

    But, there are a number of federal regulations that clearly regulate the grounds for early assignment of labor pensions.

    Early retirement at 50 years of age and earlier: list of persons and conditions for appointment

    Articles 30,31 and 32 of Federal Law No. 400

    Articles 30,31 and 32 of Federal Law No. 400 provide guaranteed assignment of a labor pension to citizens whose work experience includes the following periods:

    • Work in special territorial conditions;
    • Activities associated with special working conditions;

    The list of bases is individual and quite extensive (). For example, it includes:

    • women who have raised more than 5 children, parents and guardians of disabled people from childhood.
    • the right to early retirement belongs to disabled people: due to military injury, with pituitary dwarfism, and having the first group of vision.
    • citizens permanently residing or working in the Far North and equivalent regions, persons employed in underground and mining industries, doctors in rural areas, etc.

    Professions that allow early retirement due to harmfulness are indicated by lists 1 and 2, approved by the Cabinet of Ministers of the USSR on January 26, 1991.

    Procedure for assigning early pension

      • When can I contact the PF? The pension is assigned from the date of application, but not earlier in the day the emergence of the right to it. Before contacting the territorial branch of the Pension Fund, it is advisable to consult with its specialists or the HR department about necessary list documents.
      • How to provide documents? An application for early assignment of a pension and the necessary certificates can be submitted by a citizen in person or sent by mail. The day of receipt of documents or the date on the postmark will be considered the day of application. They are confirmed by a receipt issued by hand or sent by mail.
      • What if the list of documents is incomplete? A person has the right, based on an explanation from a PF employee, to provide the missing documents. If the 3-month period from the date of receipt of the clarification is observed, the date of application for a pension remains the day the application was received.
      • How long does the Pension Fund take to consider an application? Pension Fund is obliged to consider the application and make a decision on the appointment within 10 days.
      • Can they refuse? In case of refusal, the citizen must be notified within 5 days. The notice must indicate the reasons and procedure for the appeal.

    Early retirement due to liquidation of an enterprise or staff reduction

    Young people are welcome everywhere, but an employee of pre-retirement age who has lost his job for the above reasons often experiences difficulties finding employment. There is also a way out of this situation - to formalize your retirement ahead of schedule.

    The most significant condition for assigning premature support is the age of the reduced person. The period remaining until retirement due to old age cannot exceed 2 years. That is, in the absence of other conditions, early retirement:

    • for women it is available only at 53 years old,
    • early retirement for men - at 58 years old.

    The following conditions must also be met:

    • Dismissal only due to staff reduction or liquidation of the enterprise. Other reasons, such as your own desire or medical indications, are not provided for by law.
    • Having 25 years of insurance experience for males, 20 years for females. The length of service may be less than established if the conditions specified above in Articles 30, 31, and 32 of the Federal Law are present.
    • The citizen must be recognized as unemployed and registered with the Employment Authorities.
    • There should be no vacancies on the exchange that correspond to the education, vacancy and qualifications of the person who has been laid off.

    Citizens who have committed offenses that resulted in the termination of the appointment are deprived of the right to early assignment of a pension. social payments(reducing its size), or 2 times refusing employment for suitable vacancies.

    Rules for registration and assignment of early pension

    For a working citizen after dismissal
    • The employer is obliged to pay the employee severance pay within a 2-month period.
    • If during this time it was not possible to find a new place, payments from former job terminate, the citizen receives unemployed status and the right to receive benefits (if he independently registers with the Employment Center). The period for its payment is also limited in time and is no more than 12 months.
    For unemployed people of pre-retirement age

    For unemployed people of pre-retirement age who have an insurance record of more than 20 years for women and 25 years for men, the payment of this subsidy can be extended. Each year worked beyond the length of service extends state provision for 2 week.

    If service employees have difficulty finding vacancies, they will offer the unemployed in writing to exercise the right to early retirement. With this direction, the person must contact the ROPF. This must be done within a month, otherwise the application will become invalid. The only valid reason for extending the period is illness confirmed by a certificate of incapacity for work. If the response from the pension fund is positive, the unemployed status is canceled and a pension payment is assigned. The early pension is paid before the start of retirement age, then the old-age insurance pension is transferred.

    Pension payments, are compensated by PF from the budget of the employment center. Therefore, when quotas are exceeded, referrals are often refused. If a future pensioner is faced with an unreasonable refusal in his opinion, he can file a complaint with the Ministry of Labor or can challenge the decision in court.

    If a citizen gets a job or opens a business

    Then the payment of early pension is stopped and resumed only after dismissal or closure of the individual entrepreneur or legal entity. Therefore, it is worth deciding in advance on the choice (pension or salary) that gives the greatest income. A citizen must independently notify Pension Fund branches about all changes (including the age required for receiving an old-age insurance pension).

    A package of documents for submission to the regional branch of the Pension Fund

    Pension Fund employees may request the following additional documents confirming:

    • Change of personal data (full name);
    • Presence in the family disabled members and dependents (birth certificates, documents confirming their full-time education);
    • Work experience in the Far North, in particularly difficult and hazardous enterprises;
    • Designation of disability, etc.

    Calculation of pension payments

    The amount of early pension is calculated similarly to the method for determining old-age pension and depends on:

    • From the amount of payments to the Pension Fund;
    • From wages.

    Early pensions are also subject to government indexations and recalculations. In parallel, the citizen is given the right to receive payments for length of service.

    If you have questions about the topic of the article, please do not hesitate to ask them in the comments. We will definitely answer all your questions within a few days. However, carefully read all the questions and answers to the article; if there is a detailed answer to such a question, then your question will not be published.


    Sooner or later, every person encounters the concept of retirement age in his life. Therefore, it is necessary to know that this age is set as the limit upon reaching which Russian citizens can leave work and turn from a payer of regular pension interest from wages into a recipient of the pension they have earned. Let's figure out what the retirement age is in Russia now.

    Workers employed in enterprises with difficult working conditions

    Men - at 55 years old, women - at 50 (with work experience of 20 years or more). A list of professions with difficult conditions is presented in the section of the law on general professions.

    For example, electric welders in all types of welding with a hazard class of at least 3 are given the right to early retirement. The length of continuous work experience in production should be 12 and a half years for men, and at least 6 years for women.

    Workers engaged in underground production with hazardous conditions, in hot shops

    Men - from 50 years old (with work experience of 20 years or more), women – 45 (with work experience of 15 years or more). For mine workers, there is a separate document, as an appendix to the law, which contains a list of professions that give the right to early retirement.

    It includes work that poses a danger to human health and life: in deep mines (more than 150 m) with harmful gas-dynamic manifestations, the possibility of rock bursts and explosions, and during the extraction of minerals harmful to health.

    Workers of textile and clothing enterprises

    At 50 (with 20 years of work experience).

    Military personnel and law enforcement officers, Ministry of Emergency Situations

    Men - at 55 years old, women - at 50. It is worth mentioning separately about calculations concerning military personnel. Specific age limit tenure in the ranks of military personnel and structures is simply absent, since it must be calculated based on a person’s specific track record.

    This list includes mandatory requirements:

    • Work experience of 20 years or more, half of which must be in the army;
    • The presence of awards, titles, special merits (for example,);
    • Availability of preferential rates, for example, service in hot spots, participation in hostilities, injuries;
    • Disability acquired during years of service.

    Lawmakers are not considering raising the retirement age for military personnel in the coming years (read more about how old military personnel are when they retire).

    As for police officers, with the introduction of the new law, those with 25 years of experience have the right to early employment, half of which must be worked in the authorities.

    Mothers of many children

    From the age of 50. Conditions for early retirement: work experience of more than 15 years, the birth and upbringing of 5 children under the age of eight, the upbringing of adopted children is also taken into account.

    There are a lot of inconsistencies in the law regarding the retirement of mothers of many children, so changes are planned to be made to it.

    Veterans of military operations in Afghanistan

    • Officers
    • Conscript soldiers
    • Workers
    • Drivers
    • Flight crew
    • Medical staff

    The benefit for early retirement begins to apply for men from the age of 55, and for 48-year-old women.

    Liquidators of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant

    The law does not indicate a single figure that would indicate the time of preferential retirement for Chernobyl victims. This is due to the fact that they were liquidated for different periods of time; it is the length of stay in the danger zone that determines retirement earlier than prescribed by law.

    Citizens evacuated from the scene of the accident are also entitled to early retirement.

    Stay at the nuclear power plantDecrease (in years)Retirement (years)
    From the date of the accident to July 1, 1986on 1050 45
    From July 1, 1986 to December 31, 1986 from 5 days.
    2 weeks in 1987by 852 47
    From July 1, 1986 to December 31, 1986 less than 5 daysby 555 50
    14 consecutive days in 1986 at a construction or sanitation site

    Medical workers

    Benefits for doctors also exist, but without specifying the exact age.

    Having relevant work experience in medical institutions can send doctors to a preferential pension at any age, and it is not a fact that this will happen before the age of 50:

    • You must work for 25 years in a rural area.
    • In urban medical institutions - 30 years.

    On the prospects for changing the law

    Changes to the law have already been adopted after long discussions in the State Duma of Russia.

    The main innovations included in the law:

    • Increasing the retirement age. Changes will occur gradually, every 6 months.
    • The increase in the age pension qualification will affect state and municipal employees, starting at the federal level.
    • Gradual increase minimum experience for this category of workers. It is planned to raise the bar to 20 years.
    • Increasing the minimum tenure of deputies of the State Duma and the Federation Council of the Russian Federation. For additional payments to the pension, the official will need to work for at least 5 years, for an increased additional payment - at least 10 years.

    Changes in Russian legislation- This is an element that is being prepared by the government. One of its main points will be raising the retirement age for all categories of workers.

    Today, it is beneficial for the state to raise the pension level specifically for civil servants, because this will save money on paying pensions, which are completely different from ordinary ones, and also retain qualified personnel longer.

    Who is entitled to early unemployment pension and how to get it?

    The other day, our regular reader Olga Dudintseva contacted the editorial office of MK. “I’m 52 years old,” the woman said. - At work, at first I was threatened with layoff, but then the employer told me to quit of my own free will, otherwise he would fire me under the article. However new job at my age it is quite difficult to find, and I heard that if I quit voluntarily, I will not be able to qualify for an early unemployment pension. Is it so?"

    What is early unemployment pension? Who is entitled to it and in what cases will it not be given? We asked these questions to the deputy manager of the PFR branch for the Vladimir region, Nadezhda Semenova.

    - Nadezhda Mikhailovna, who can apply for early unemployment pension?

    According to the current Federal Law of April 19, 1991. No. 1032-1 as amended on January 10, 2003. No. 8-FZ “On employment in Russian Federation» according to clause 2 of Art. 32, at the proposal of the employment service authorities, in the absence of employment opportunities, unemployed citizens may be offered early retirement. In accordance with Art. 3 of this law, able-bodied citizens who do not have work and income, are registered with the employment service in order to find a suitable job, are looking for work and are ready to start work are recognized as unemployed. The decision to recognize a citizen as unemployed is made by the employment service authorities at the citizen’s place of residence no later than 11 days from the date of presentation to these authorities of a passport, work book or documents replacing them, documents certifying his professional qualifications, a certificate of average earnings for the last three months according to the latest place of work.

    At what age can you receive an early unemployment pension, and is work experience important in the case of early retirement?

    Early pension can be offered to unemployed men under 60 years of age, or unemployed women under 55 years of age. Moreover, they must have an insurance record of at least 25 and 20 years for men and women, respectively. An early pension may be assigned for the period before the age giving the right to an old-age labor pension, but not earlier than two years before the corresponding age. That is, for men - upon reaching 58 years old, women - upon reaching 53 years old. In this case, the person must express his consent to receive an early pension.

    - Does the reason for leaving a job play a role?

    Early pension is assigned to those who were dismissed due to the liquidation of the organization or a reduction in the number or staff of the organization's employees.

    Nadezhda Semenova

    That is, our reader Olga is right that she will not be given an early pension if she quits, as the employer insists, “of her own free will”?

    The reader is not eligible for early retirement because she is 52 years old. And the pension we are talking about can be established no earlier than 53 years of age.

    - Besides the age, when are the unemployed not entitled to early pension?

    In several cases. Firstly, during the period during which the citizen retains the average wage taking into account severance pay from the last place of work. Secondly, in the case of two refusals of a citizen from an offered suitable job during the last period of unemployment. Thirdly, during the period of suspension of payment of unemployment benefits or reduction of its size (the issue of early pension in this case can be considered no earlier than a month after the period of suspension of payment of unemployment benefits or reduction of its size). And, finally, in the event that an unemployed citizen has already been offered an early pension, which he refused.

    That is, if a person applying for early retirement came to the stock exchange, was offered a vacancy as a janitor and refused it, they will no longer give early retirement?

    It is better to ask this question to employment service specialists. But, as I said above, if a person is suitable for the job offered, but he refuses it, and twice - from two different suitable jobs, then he is not entitled to early retirement.

    Is it true that the amount of early pension is less than the old-age labor pension? This will be the so-called minimum pension»?

    Early exit persons with unemployed status may be offered an old-age pension by the employment service authorities, and the bodies of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, based on their referral, may assign an old-age pension to an unemployed person ahead of schedule. The calculation of an early labor old-age pension, assigned at the proposal of the employment service authorities, is carried out in the same manner as a regular old-age labor pension.

    - If a person has a working disability group, can he not qualify for early retirement?

    A citizen belonging to the category of disabled people, in order to resolve the issue of recognizing him as unemployed, additionally presents an individual rehabilitation program for a disabled person, issued by in the prescribed manner and containing a conclusion on the recommended nature and working conditions.

    A person receiving an early pension cannot have other income: for example, from renting out their own home, selling fruits and vegetables from the garden, or handicrafts?

    Payment of early pension is terminated if the citizen is employed. If he is an individual entrepreneur and sells handicrafts, then he cannot be considered unemployed and the payment of early pension is terminated.

    Let’s say a person has been receiving an early unemployment pension for two years; the time is approaching to receive an old-age pension. Will it be given automatically or is it necessary, as everyone who has reached retirement age, to submit a corresponding application to the Pension Fund?

    Upon reaching the age that gives the right to establish an old-age labor pension, payment of an early pension assigned in accordance with the norms of the Law of the Russian Federation of April 19, 1991. No. 1032-1 “On employment in the Russian Federation” is terminated. The old-age labor pension is assigned according to the rules of Art. 19 of the Federal Law of December 17, 2001. No. 173-FZ “On labor pensions in the Russian Federation" - from the date of application for it, but not earlier than from the date the right to the specified pension arises. The day of application is considered to be the day of reception by the body carrying out pension provision, the corresponding statement. Such an application can be submitted in advance, but not earlier than a month before retirement age (60 and 55 years for men and women, respectively).

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