• What should be the length of service for retirement, taking into account recent changes: the terms and conditions of accrual. The minimum length of service for calculating a pension


    As a result of changes in the pension system, the concept "insurance experience". It is tightly connected:

    • with duration labor activity citizens who, with the introduction individual (personalized) accounting became participants in the system of compulsory pension insurance (OPS);
    • and contributions transferred to the FIU by employers for their employees.

    The insurance period is the periods in which a person worked and (or) performed other activities, calculated in total, during which it was accrued and paid insurance pension contributions.

    The length of service and its size, as well as the amount of transfers, are necessary to determine the right of a citizen to receive a pension benefit and to calculate it.

    The concept of insurance experience is defined in Art. 3 of the Federal Law of December 28, 2013 N 400-FZ "About insurance pensions". Before system changes pension provision and the introduction of this term, when assigning pensions, the concept was used « seniority».

    Insurance and work experience: what's the difference?

    Despite changes in legislation, the concept of seniority is still used in practice today.

    • It includes all periods of work activity and other (socially useful), taking place before the beginning of 2002.
    • Its duration is used to calculate the amount of citizens' pensions as of that date. After this time with the implementation of reforms, the definition of pension rights and the calculation of benefits depends on insurance experience.

    Insurance, unlike labor, is directly related to the transferable contributions made to the FIU during the work of a person. For this reason, it does not include certain time periods during which the amounts not listed. So, for example, during the insurance period does not include tuition, including with a break from production.

    Types of work (insurance) experience

    The presence or absence of labor periods affects the decision on the appointment of pensions for citizens, the timing of its appointment and size. True, the length of service is needed not only for calculating pensions, but also for calculating disability benefits. Depending on its duration, the amount of such benefit may be 60, 80 or 100% of average earnings.

    The procedure for calculating work periods for both cases may differ depending on the periods taken into account for this.

    In both cases, for the appointment and calculation of payments, the experience is divided into types:

    • general insurance;
    • special professional.

    Special insurance experience

    The duration of work in difficult and harmful working conditions, in a certain industry, production, in difficult climatic conditions, is defined as special insurance experience.

    Having earned it, the employee receives entitlement to benefits in pension provision:

    • increased allowance, etc.

    Modern pension legislation, after a number of changes, provides for the use of special experience for preferential appointment and calculation of payments:

    • old age for persons working in special conditions, employed in underground work and in hot shops;
    • for seniority for members of the armed forces, civil servants, educators, medical and creative workers.

    General work experience

    For the total insurance (labor) length of service, the duration of the working periods of citizens (total) should be taken when determining the right to insurance pension coverage, during which insurance premiums were received by the Pension Fund. Wherein:

    • The work activity of a person is recorded in work book, which starts up on all workers entering the job. According to it, you can calculate the number of years of service to calculate the assigned payments.
    • AT general experience pension legislation other, not related to labor, periods of a person's life are included.

    What is included in the length of service when calculating a pension?

    In accordance with the law of December 28, 2013 N 400-FZ "About insurance pensions" in the calculation of insurance periods is taken into account working hours or other income-generating activities carried out by citizens of the Russian Federation:

    • on the territory of our country, if at that time insurance premiums were paid to the FIU;
    • outside Russian Federation, in cases provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation or when paying insurance amounts to the FIU.

    The above law may include certain socially significant periods without paying insurance premiums.

    Non-insurance periods when assigning pensions

    The periods additionally counted in the insurance period, except for the time of labor activity, include:

    1. time of military and other equivalent service;
    2. receiving benefits in connection with the onset of temporary disability;
    3. mother's or father's care for each child up to his age of 1.5 years (no more than 6 years in total);
    4. receiving unemployment benefits, performing paid public works, the time of moving to another locality for employment in the direction of the employment service;
    5. being in custody and in places of restriction of freedom, exile in case of unreasonable prosecution, if innocence is then proven;
    6. caring for a disabled person of the 1st group, a disabled child, citizens over the age of 80;
    7. residence of the wife of a serviceman in an area where she cannot get a job (no more than 5 years);
    8. residence outside the territory of the Russian Federation of spouses of citizens performing duties in representative offices and consulates of the Russian Federation (no more than 5 years);
    9. statutory period "On operational-search activity".

    These periods can be taken into account when assigning payments, if before them and after them there were periods of work (regardless of their time), during which the transfer of insurance premiums to the FIU took place.

    Seniority for retirement in Russia under the new law

    After the reform of the pension system in 2015 with the publication and entry into force of the Federal Law "About insurance pensions" the requirement for the minimum length of service for the appointment of an insurance old-age pension has been increased.

    • Even before 2002, the establishment of a pension and its size did not depend on the length of service.
    • After the entry into force of the law "On labor pensions in the Russian Federation", payment could be made if 5 years labor activity.
    • After the reform of 2015, its importance has increased up to 15 years old.

    However, after the change in the pension system hasn't changed the length of service for the appointment of an early pension to certain categories of citizens specified in the article and the law of December 28, 2013 N 400-FZ.

    The minimum length of service for calculating a pension from 2018 in Russia

    In addition to the age requirements for the appointment of old-age insurance payments in 2018, it is necessary obligatory presence minimum insurance experience of at least 9 years. In accordance with the law, the minimum seniority requirement will gradually increase, adding by one year annually. For example, already in 2019, 10 years of insurance experience are required to establish a pension, in 2020 - already 11 years, until it reaches 15 years by 2025 (see table).

    Length of service for retirement in Russia under the new law (table 2018)

    year of retirementWhat is the minimum length of service needed for a pension, yearsMinimum Retirement Points (IPK)
    2015 6 6,6
    2016 7 9
    2017 8 11,4
    2018 9 13,8
    2019 10 16,2
    2020 11 18,6
    2021 12 21
    2022 13 23,4
    2023 14 25,8
    2024 15 28,2
    2025 15 30

    For those citizens who have not earned the experience at all or its size is below the minimum, 5 years after reaching retirement age(that is, upon reaching the age of 60 for women and 65 for men) can be assigned social pension.

    Rules for calculating and confirming the insurance period

    The procedure for calculating the insurance period is regulated by Article 13 of the Federal Law N 400-FZ "About insurance pensions" which includes the following points:

    • insurance experience is calculated on a calendar basis;
    • if the non-working period by date coincides with the time of work, then one of them is taken into account when calculating the choice of the future pensioner;
    • activities of the self-employed population or work under contracts with individual are included in the length of service in the case of the existing payment of insurance premiums to the FIU;
    • when establishing a pension in another state, the periods of work taken into account there for the Russian pension provision not accepted;
    • recipients of state benefits for long service, the periods taken into account when calculating this payment, not taken into account when assigning old-age pensions;
    • persons with experience acquired before the 2015 reform, can choose according to what rules to calculate it, provided for by the new legislation or according to the old one.

    When assigning a pension not always confirmation of insurance experience is required.

    Labor periods after the introduction of individual (personalized) accounting (IPU) and receipt of SNILS are confirmed automatically based on the information recorded on the individual personal account of the future pensioner, together with the periods before the introduction of the IPU.

    Confirmation of periods of labor activity in the presence of labor activity before the introduction of individual accounting may be necessary:

    • In the absence of relevant data in the FIU. In this case, as a rule, supporting documents are required from the employer or from government agencies, in the manner prescribed by law.
    • In case of destruction without the possibility of recovery or loss of documents on work without the fault of the employee. In this case, the establishment of the length of service (with the exception of the nature of the work) occurs on the basis of witness testimony (2 or more people).


    In the history of changes in the pension system in relation to the work (insurance) period, one can single out some moments:

    • The main document confirming labor activity is still a work book. The information recorded in it is confirmed by the data of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation and is counted in the length of service if insurance premiums were paid during the work.
    • The periods of work that existed before the introduction of registration in the OPS system were converted and entered into the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation on individual personal accounts of citizens.
    • In the case of the self-employed population, work for an entrepreneur or individual, contracts and information from the FIU will be confirmation of the insurance period, if insurance premiums were paid at that time.
    • As a result pension reform 2015, all working periods of citizens, taking into account the contributions made, are evaluated in individual pension coefficients, and in the future, to make a decision on the appointment of a pension, along with the requirement for a minimum length of service, their size will be taken into account.

    The algorithm for calculating this period changes periodically. All adjustments are made at the legislative level. The recommended material will consider in detail what is insurance experience for sick leaves and how to count it in 2019. In addition, the article will help to correctly determine the time period during which the payments to the FSS. Also, thanks to this review, you can find out in which cases 100% compensation, and how to calculate the sick leave payment depending on the length of service in online mode using a special calculator.

    General concepts

    The insurance period is the total duration of the time intervals during which contributions to the Social Insurance Fund (FSS) were made for the employee, i.e. the working citizen was insured on the possibility of losing the ability to perform their official duties for a certain period.

    Confirmation of the length of insurance length of service can be:

    1. records of places and hours of work in the work book;
    2. labor contract;
    3. Contract;
    4. certificate of payment of social insurance contributions, for example, for individual entrepreneurs;
    5. military card - this document confirms the time given to the military, law enforcement or fire service.

    The legislative framework

    The procedure for calculating length of service for the bulletin is regulated by a special legislative act - Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated February 6, 2007 N 91 (as amended on November 15, 2016) "On approval of the Rules for calculating and confirming the length of service for determining the amount of benefits for temporary disability, for pregnancy and childbirth" .

    Here are the most significant points of this document:

    • Calculation of periods of work (service, activity) is carried out in calendar order based on full months (30 days) and a full year (12 months). At the same time, every 30 days of these periods are converted into full months, and every 12 months of these periods are converted into full years.
    • If in the submitted document on the periods of work (service, activity) only years are indicated without specifying exact dates, the date is taken as July 1 of the corresponding year, and if the day of the month is not indicated, then the 15th day of the corresponding month is taken as the date.

    Online calculator for calculating the insurance (work) experience for sick leave

    You can carry out such a calculation manually by adding up all the intervals of a citizen’s labor activity in which social security contributions were paid for him, or you can use online calculator calculation of the labor (insurance) length of service for sick leave. The basis for the calculations should be documents certifying the fact of payment of contributions to the Social Insurance Fund. The insurance experience is calculated on the day the bulletin is opened in honey. institution. Therefore, the end of the time interval taken into account for the hospital experience should be the day preceding the day the sick leave is opened.

    The calculation of the required period is performed in calendar order. Let's explain how to do this with a simple example:

    Gr. Ivanova fell ill on September 30, 2017, got a job for the first time on August 1, 2000, worked until October 10, 2012. She has been working at the next place of work from January 10, 2013 to the present day.

    Insurance length of service gr. Ivanova is:

    1. at 1 place of work = 12 years 2 months. 10 days;
    2. at the 2nd place of work = 4 years 8 months and 21 days.

    Summarizing days, months and years in turn:

    • days = 10 + 21 = 31, i.e. 1 month 1 day;
    • months = 2 + 8 + 1 (from the previous calculation point) = 11;
    • years = 12 + 4 = 16.

    Total we get that the insurance experience gr. Ivanova = 16 years 11 months 1 day. At the same time, the number of days is not entered in the ballot form, i.e., the length of service is 16 years and 11 months.

    Now consider how calculate insurance work experience for sick leave on an online calculator. In the field of the electronic service, provided for specifying the time period, we enter the date of the beginning of the countdown of this time interval and its end.

    In the case when a particular citizen has several insurance periods, one should enter dates all time intervals. After entering the necessary data, you need to click on the button that initiates the calculation. After a second, the online calculator will display the results of the calculation on the computer screen.

    From what experience is paid 100 percent of the sick leave in 2019

    The amount of disability compensation depends on the total number of years and is expressed as a percentage. From what length of service will the sick leave pay be 100 percent– depends on the specific situation.

    Since the indicators of the volume of accruals according to the bulletin are approved Federal Law(FZ) No. 255, adopted on December 29, 2006. (article number 7), it makes sense to reduce the dependence of the amount of compensation allowance on the length of service in the table below:

    Conclusion: payment of accruals in full is possible only after the accumulated 8 years, during which payments were made to the FSS.

    There are several exceptions from the above dependency:

    • maternity allowance, starting from 6 months of the length of service taken into account by law, is accrued in full, 100 percent volume;
    • payment of compensation for temporary disability due to an accident at work or due to an occupational disease is accrued in full, regardless of the period during which the contributions were paid;
    • a ballot opened by a citizen no later than 1 month from the date of dismissal is paid in 60 percent amount, regardless of the number of years of insurance experience ( Federal Law No. 255-FZ dated December 29, 2006., Art. 7, part 2).

    What length of service is taken into account when calculating sick leave in 2017

    As mentioned earlier, the principle of determining the total period of payments to the FSS can only be changed in accordance with the regulations approved at the legislative level. Another change in the length of service for sick leave has occurred since 2017. Prior to this event, continuous insurance experience was taken to calculate the benefit, and since 2017, the total one has been taken into account.

    The insurance period includes the following time slots, regulated Art. 16 FZ No. 255-FZ:

    • employment under an employment contract;
    • municipal or civil service;
    • employment in the form of individual entrepreneurship (IP);
    • service as a priest;
    • leave to care for a baby up to 1.5 years;
    • work under a contract in the Armed Forces or law enforcement agencies of Russia;
    • military service in the Russian army ( Federal Law No. 173).

    If the insurance periods coincide, then one of them is taken to calculate the insurance period. It should be noted that work under civil law contracts in the period taken into account for calculating sick leave compensation is not included.

    At the same time, in view of the recent changes in filling out the ballots, errors have become more frequent. To find out how fix seniority in sick leave according to the model approved at the legislative level, read on our website a special

    Not so long ago work experience for pension played a decisive role, but today in 2018 the calculation process is somewhat different and has a number of features.

    Legal requirements for seniority

    Prior to the economic reforms (until 2002), the pension was formed based on the number of years a citizen worked. It was enough for 20 years continuously for women, and for men - 25 years. For each year over the limit, an increase of 1% of salary was due. They are limited to 55-75%.

    Insurance and work experience

    After 2002, the minimum length of service for calculating a pension is 5 years. It's already called insurance, and not labor, because Every employer pays insurance for their employees. The size of the subsequent pension depends on this indicator. After the amendments were made in 2015, the minimum experience was increased to 10 years, and the following main parameters influence the formation of the amount:

    • the number of years during which the social tax was deducted;
    • amount of deductions for insurance premiums.

    Thus, the experience itself is no longer so important, because receiving a high salary, a citizen accordingly pays significant amounts, which is why he can receive a pension even higher than a person who has worked all his life, but for a small amount.

    Increase in the minimum work experience

    In order to somewhat equalize such injustice, starting from 2015, the minimum length of service for pensions will be consistently raised - year by year. The boundary value is 15 years by 2025. And today, the early topical concept of continuity of work in one area or at one enterprise is no longer valid.

    How to calculate seniority

    The length of service required for the calculation of a pension is the time of work or social activity.

    There are such types:

    • Duration of carrying public service.
    • Insurance part . The time when the employee made insurance contributions.
    • Special. When employed in a certain activity, the accrual procedure and the time of retirement may differ from the established one.


    The latter includes hazardous production, work in areas with special climatic conditions or when exposed to radioactive radiation, etc. At the same time, payment “for length of service” is assigned, for which it is necessary to work in a specific area for a specified number of years.

    For example, 20-25 years for pilots, 25-30 years for medical personnel and teachers, 20 years for military personnel.

    Features of calculations

    Having determined what length of service is necessary for calculating a pension, it is worth understanding the features of its calculation. According to the law, one year of work is equal to one year of service. In some cases, citizens have circumstances that force them not to perform labor service.

    Is military service included in the length of service for calculating a pension - Yes it is

    Many of them are taken into account by law and equated to the labor period:

    • Being on maternity leave, providing care until the children are 1.5 years old. In total, it is not permissible to exceed 6 years.
    • Work in the bodies of the State Border Service, the Federal Penitentiary Service, the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Also, the army is included in the length of service for calculating pensions.
    • Illness resulting in temporary incapacity.
    • Participation in social and public works.
    • Status registered with the employment service.
    • Unjustified stay in prison for citizens unfairly prosecuted, which was confirmed later.
    • Caring for a relative: elderly, over 80 years old or disabled, incl. child.
    • The wife of a military or civil servant who is forced to stay in a foreign country or at the place of service of her husband and who is unable to get a job.

    The time spent on one of these reasons is taken as the length of service for calculating a pension only if before and after that the citizen had official employment.

    Individual entrepreneurs

    Separately, it is worth mentioning citizens who are engaged in individual activities: entrepreneurs, lawyers, writers. They form their experience for such activities only if they are independently deducted in this period in the OPS system.

    If a citizen traveled outside the country where he was employed, these years can be counted in the general piggy bank only if the legislation of the Russian Federation is observed. Namely, if he made transfers to the Pension Fund.

    What is included in the pension

    It is also worth clarifying what is included in the length of service for calculating a pension and how it is formed. Today, it is calculated according to two parameters: minimum work experience (number of years) and insurance coefficient (number of points).

    Individual points are determined according to the insurance premiums paid for the employee. The working period after 2002 is no longer necessary for an elderly citizen to confirm. After registration of SNILS, the Pension Fund makes calculations according to the payments made from the company.

    Points for leave and service

    If a citizen did not perform labor service for one of the socially significant reasons, the number of individual points is awarded according to the following criteria:

    • Being on vacation to provide care for the baby: 1.8 points;
    • For the second: 3.6 points;
    • For the third: 5.4 points (similarly for the subsequent ones);
    • For a disabled person, incl. child, elderly citizen: 1.8 points;
    • Service (army): 1.8 points.

    If the total employment time of a person is less than that established by law, all his contributions no longer matter, he is not entitled to a calculation, but an old-age pension without service is assigned.

    The number of points awarded increases annually. Today it is equal 7,39 and with each period will increase to a maximum parameter of 10 by 2021. The cost of one point is set at the government level and adjusted annually. Today it is slightly more than 70 rubles.

    No experience - no pension? old age pension

    It is no secret that today many are employed unofficially or on a “black” salary, which affects the total length of service for calculating a pension and its amount. The employee will not be able to officially confirm the time he worked. But the law protects all categories of citizens and social benefits are provided for such situations.

    It relies upon reaching a certain age:

    • 60 years - for women;
    • 65 years - for men.

    As you can see, the age is 5 years higher than for pensioners who are entitled to insurance pension. The length of service for calculating the old-age pension does not matter. If it is not enough, it is immediately prescribed social help. Its size is small, but according to the law, if it is less than the minimum for living in a particular region, the size will be increased to it. The value is static and it is not affected by other characteristics at all: the total number of years worked, the presence of a work book, the absence of official employment.

    Thus, even without a work experience for calculating a pension, a citizen in old age will receive the minimum amount fixed for the region.

    Many citizens in Russia are interested in the minimum length of service for a pension. It's not enough to reach retirement age. To receive normal payments for the status of a pensioner, you need to work for a certain time in your life. In the Russian Federation, the pension system is constantly changing. Therefore, I want to know exactly how much you need to work out so as not to be left without a pension in old age. What do the rules established in Russia say about this?

    Retirement age

    The thing is that the most important thing for is to reach retirement age. That is, every citizen in a given period of time will have the right to receive payments for his status.

    Minimum experience for pensions varies from year to year. In Russia, they plan to increase it until 2025. But the retirement age is a more stable component. At the moment, citizens of the Russian Federation can count on pension payments from the age of 55 or from 60 for women and men, respectively. In the near future, it is planned to raise the retirement age to 63 and 65 years.

    Social pension

    Much depends on what kind of pension payment we are talking about. There is It is paid to all citizens who have achieved But not what was given earlier. 55 and 60 years old are the age limits for those who rely on insurance payments. Or for labor.

    What should be the minimum length of service for a pension social type? It may not exist at all. This payment is due only to those who have not reached the established minimum by the specified age. A social type pension is assigned to men at the age of 65, to women - at 60.


    And now it is worth knowing about the length of service. Any activity is taken into account. For example, entrepreneurship. important for retirement. In Russia, there are special periods of work that are not considered work, but are counted when calculating pensions. About them - a little later. First you need to find out how much a citizen must work to get pension payments non-social type.

    The minimum seniority for a pension used to be 5 years. That is how much each citizen had to work in order to receive pension payments for old age or for work. But a lot has changed in the pension system since 2015. And now in the Russian Federation there are other rules for calculating. The so-called points system has appeared. Not only the years worked are taken into account, but also the points awarded for a particular period of work. So how much now do citizens have to work to receive state assistance for the status of a pensioner?


    The question is very difficult. After all, as already mentioned, in Russia the pension system is now undergoing major changes. So, you have to prepare for the fact that it will constantly change. You can find out only information that is relevant for a particular year.

    The minimum length of service for calculating a pension in 2016 is 7 years. And at the same time, a citizen must have at least 33. They are important when calculating the amount of pension payments. Each year of work is a certain number of points. You can find out about them in the FIU.

    It is important to keep in mind that only official employment is taken into account. Therefore, it is not taken into account in seniority. Only entrepreneurial activity, as well as periods of official employment that were entered in the work book.

    Future plans

    What is planned next? It has already been said that the system of pension payments is constantly changing in Russia. It is planned to seriously change the minimum work experience that is required to obtain insurance or labor pension. Until what age?

    The population of Russia should prepare for the fact that it will gradually take 15 years official work for the specified purpose. As noted, previously the length of service should have been at least 5 years.

    Accordingly, you will have to think about retirement in advance. And many will be able to receive only social pension at a certain age. This must be taken into account. The bill has already been passed and entered into force. From now on, the minimum length of service for a pension will be increased annually to the indicated values.

    Non-working periods

    Work is not only official employment. The thing is that citizens have the opportunity to set off non-working periods in their seniority. That is, moments when a person did not work, but performed other functions. But what exactly?

    The minimum length of service for calculating a pension in 2016 is 7 years, in 2015 it was 6. Not only the periods entered in the work book or which are considered business activities will be taken into account, but also:

    • parental leave (1.5 years for 1 child);
    • Military service;
    • public service;
    • caring for the disabled or the elderly;
    • periods of receipt of temporary disability benefits.

    It is not so easy to independently calculate how much the pension will be in this or that case. But the length of service is not difficult to determine. It is enough to collect all the certificates that indicate the previously listed periods. It is also worth paying attention to the fact that entrepreneurial activity is also work. The period of stay as an individual entrepreneur will also be taken into account when calculating pensions. It is recommended to use a special calculator for calculating seniority, as well as pension points to bring ideas to life.

    About the calculator

    What is good about such a service? The thing is that it is very problematic to calculate the length of service, as well as to understand how much you can receive in the form of pension payments. In particular, due to the fact that with the introduction of the points system of pension payments, one has to find out how much 12 months of work "cost" in a given year. To facilitate the implementation of the idea, a calculator for calculating the length of service and future pension was created. You can find it, for example, on the official website of the FIU.

    According to the input data, the period of work of a citizen will be calculated, as well as the amount that a person in retirement will receive monthly. Usually you need to enter:

    • periods of work;
    • vacation;
    • data on non-working periods included in the length of service;
    • time of doing business;
    • the size wages during certain periods.

    The current situation in the country has provoked a number of serious reforms. Reforms affect all spheres, not excluding social ones. However, the pension system has been reformed for a very long time, since the Soviet era. But more noticeable and radical changes began already in the 21st century.

    Perhaps these questions would have been put off for a long time, but the need is already ripe. For a couple of decades of reforms, the principles for assigning pensions have changed several times. But the general direction does not deviate from the one outlined earlier.

    To date, the main concept used in calculating the pension is the total length of service. From 2017, at least 8 years of such experience will be required for a pension. In 2015, 6 years were needed, in 2016 - 7. That is, every year the minimum length of service increases by one year.

    Since 2017, the length of service (insurance) includes periods in which pension contributions were transferred for the employee. If the future pensioner receives a "gray" salary, contributions are transferred only from its official part. Now everyone is well aware of how unprofitable it is. But with the existing limit on the amount from above, from the point of view of the insured, it does not make sense to “show” the salary above a certain level.

    The creation of a draft reform for the coming year will affect many of the existing principles of the current law. In particular, the accrual of insurance experience from 2017 for pensions will also change. After several years of practical testing of the accumulative system, legislators came to the decision that the work experience of an employee should be divided into insurance and non-insurance. First of all, the non-insurance period includes periods when pension contributions were not transferred to the employee. This could happen when applying for a job without employment contract. Other options:

    • periods already taken into account earlier when establishing a superannuation pension;
    • used in calculating the pension of a foreign state;
    • being in places of detention.

    In order for the insurance period in 2017 (for pension) to have a positive impact on future provision, it must have a certain minimum duration. AT next year this minimum will be eight years. It is planned to gradually increase this period to 15 years, which will happen by 2024. This order is due to the fact that most of the population has already retired under the old laws, and the other, which will soon have this event, will also be issued according to the “transitional” option, since they did not have time to accumulate enough experience for an insurance pension. Given that the retirement age will no doubt rise - sharply or gradually - people younger than 1967 will not reach the new retirement age until 2027. By then, the system should be stable. Unless, of course, things get worse.

    The calculation of the insurance period in 2017, if several insurance periods coincide, is made at the choice of the pensioner. It often happens that a person did not work objectively important reasons, for example:

    • illness of the person himself;
    • illness of close relatives requiring care for them;
    • registration at the labor exchange;
    • maternity leave;
    • unjustified detention, etc.

    What will happen to the calculation of insurance experience in 2017?

    The pension system is being developed and tested on the go. Its creators and ideologists, of course, do not invent anything themselves. They use schemes that work in other countries and have proven to be effective. But the criteria for efficiency is an ambiguous question. For a competent transfer of the mechanism to Russian soil, many factors must be taken into account. First, it is important to correctly assess the realities that exist in Russia. Second, you need to evaluate pension systems other countries from the point of view of precisely our realities.

    Initially, when modernizing the old system, the pension models of European countries were taken as a basis. But the specifics of a country with a small area and a small population dictated its own rules, and even those that were applicable turned out to be ineffective in our country. The history of the economic development of European countries and ours is too different. Different historical and economic past has grown a different mentality.

    Attempts to get on the "European rails" were carried out for more than one year. The accumulative financing system justified itself when high level state revenue. When the flow of petrodollars decreased several times, it became obvious that it would not be possible to accumulate funds.

    You can invent new ways to replenish the pension budget, such as the proposed increase in the contribution rate - from 22 to 26 percent. At the same time, the rate on the amount of exceeding the maximum is proposed to be reduced from 10 to 8.5 percent. The initiators of this proposal expect that this will cause an increase in revenues to the fund's budget by about 56 billion rubles.

    But it is not a fact that enterprises that previously found it profitable to “whitewash” the salaries of employees will not return to the “gray” scheme again. Of course, this will not affect the insurance period from 2017, but it will affect the amount of transfers, and, accordingly, the points earned by the employee.

    Attempts to combine the two schemes - compulsory and voluntary pension insurance - have shown that this is not a viable option. The search for an option that reduces the burden on the budget and at the same time maintains investment attractiveness for the population continues.

    The next test option is the New Zealand and Australian pension scheme. In these countries, the so-called imputed model of pension insurance operates. It looks like this. The state sets the contribution rates for pension insurance, funds are transferred to non-state pension funds, and the management of this money is entirely the prerogative of the funds. By default, every citizen begins to participate in this system from the first day of his working life.

    There are opinions that the New Zealand pension model is the most effective in the world. How reliable this is should be known to those who consider this model as a model for creating a Russian one. The problem is that in the short term, the effectiveness of changes cannot be assessed. It takes years and decades. And in the future, their people will still reach retirement age.

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