• Insurance and social pensions for a child in case of loss of a breadwinner. Payments for the loss of a breadwinner: who is entitled to benefits, the amount of payment and the procedure for registration


    Good day everyone!

    Today the topic will be devoted to pension payments associated with the loss of a breadwinner. This situation, of course, is quite difficult for the relatives of the deceased. And this difficulty is not only moral, but also material.

    What is a survivor's pension?

    This is the amount of money that is paid to relatives and family members who are left in a difficult financial situation or have completely lost their source of livelihood due to the death of the head of the family. This pension is set by the state and depends on what the person did during his lifetime.

    Pension payments for the loss of a breadwinner are insurance, state and social. The insurance pension is paid to the relatives of the deceased if he had a minimum seniority. State pensions are paid to disabled family members of deceased cosmonauts, participants in active military operations on a local or global scale, victims of man-made or radiation disasters, as well as those who have become disabled as a result of any accidents. And finally, a social pension is assigned to the relatives of the deceased, who had no work experience at that time.
    In order to receive such a pension, you must submit the following documents:

    1. Statement.
    2. Death certificate of the breadwinner.
    3. A certificate from the registry office about the birth of a child (this is if the deceased mother was single).
    4. Documents for an authorized representative.
    5. Documents confirming the relationship of the deceased with the child.
    6. Certificate from the educational institution confirming full-time study.

    7. People living abroad or who do not have Russian citizenship must provide a residence permit or a certificate confirming registration at the place of stay.

    So, main question: who is entitled to a survivor's pension? The three types of pensions mentioned earlier are distributed as follows.

    The insurance pension is assigned to the child of the deceased, as well as his brother, sister or grandson, provided that they are under 18 years of age. If the pension recipient is currently studying at any university, then he will also receive accruals. However, after age 23, such payments stop. Disabled relatives of the deceased, as well as grandparents if there is no one to care for them, will also receive a pension.

    The following citizens will receive state and social pensions:

    - older and younger relatives as in the insurance pension option

    - widows of military personnel who died performing their military duty.

    - older relatives of the deceased raising a child under 14 years of age

    - the father and mother of a serviceman who died either during military service or at the end of it due to injuries received in the army.

    Relatives of the deceased in various types of emergencies and accidents, as well as those injured during them.

    Changes in 2018 to survivor pension?

    It should be noted that pension payments associated with the loss of a breadwinner increased annually. In 2016, the amount of payments was 13,132 rubles, and in 2017 – 15,000 rubles. In 2018, the amount of payments will depend on the cost of living in each region. However, if this pension does not reach the subsistence level, then the recipient will be assigned additional payments. Experts expect that the increase in this pension will not exceed 5%.
    If a person died during military operations during military service, then pension payments to his relatives will amount to 11,068 rubles. Relatives of an employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs will receive 10,177 rubles.

    Pension assigned to the wife of the deceased

    You won’t be able to receive your husband’s pension just by registering it for yourself. To do this, it is necessary that the deceased support either his wife or all his household members. In such a case, a pension for the loss of a breadwinner is issued. However, according to Art. 4, 9 Federal Law No. 173 of December 17, 2001 “On labor pensions in the Russian Federation,” the widow must formally renounce her own pension.

    The pension itself is 30%. Receiving it depends on various reasons, and first of all, on whether the deceased’s wife can prove that he supported her. And also that the deceased was either a military personnel, or was a Chernobyl survivor or an employee of the Ministry of Emergency Situations. In addition, it is also important how many dependents he provided.

    A survivor's pension is also awarded to the wife of a deceased serviceman. But the size of this pension depends on the causes of his death. If he died as a result of a military injury, then compensation will be 200% of social benefits, if a serviceman died due to illness, then compensation will be only 150%. In addition, there is also a supplement to his insurance pension. It is assigned to each family member of the deceased who is disabled by this time.

    Survivor's pension after 18 years of age.

    According to the law, a survivor's pension is paid to a minor until he reaches the age of eighteen. However, there are some exceptions to this order. If a child is 18 years old and enrolled full-time in any educational institution, then the survivor’s pension continues to be paid to him, but only until he is 23 years old. It is at this age that a student graduates and begins to work.

    The pension will be paid to a student who studies at a foreign educational institution, but only on the condition that he was sent there, to confirm which he will have to provide the appropriate certificate.

    There is another category of pension recipients whose age has passed 18 years. This includes people who are caring for the children of their deceased relative and are not currently working. They will receive a pension, even if they do not study.

    Child survivor's pension. Amount and size of payments

    If a child is suddenly left without one of his parents, he will be paid a pension for the loss of a breadwinner. This pension is assigned to the following groups of recipients:

    — Insurance is issued to those children whose deceased relative had work experience.

    Military pension, as its name suggests, is intended exclusively for military families.

    — Social benefits are intended for children whose deceased relatives did not have work experience.

    State pension paid to children whose parents died during a man-made disaster.

    The main condition for calculating such a pension is that its recipient is either a minor or disabled.

    From January 1, 2018, there will also be the new kind pension payments for foundling children, i.e. those whose both parents are unknown. The amount of payments for them will be equal to 10,068.53 rubles.

    The size of the insurance pension also depends on how much the deceased breadwinner of the family worked. However, a fixed part is added to its accrual amounting to the amount of 2279 rubles 47 kopecks. The size of the social pension will be twice as large.

    It should be noted that by the end of 2017 insurance pension was indexed by 5.4% and amounted to 2,402 rubles. As analysts note, by 2018 no changes in its size are expected.

    The social pension was indexed by 2.6% and its amount was 5,088 rubles. No changes are expected in 2018 either.

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    With the aim of social protection a person who due to circumstances beyond his control cannot provide for himself financially; in addition, he lost someone who passed away loved one(people) who are his breadwinner, the state has developed a set of measures to allow material support this category of the population in the form of a social pension for the loss of a breadwinner.

    These activities are regulated by Federal Law dated December 15, 2001 N 166-FZ , according to which social pension benefits in the event of the death of the breadwinner are established:

    • Children whose one or both parents have died, as well as the children of a single mother who has passed away.
    • Provided that they do not have the right to receive on this basis, since their parents (parent) during their lifetime were unable or did not have time to earn money.
    • For the period until these children become able to work, and in certain cases indefinitely.
    • In amounts depending on whether the child has a second parent receiving income.

    Recognition of a citizen as missing, properly formalized, also gives the right to receive social pension support in the event of the loss of a breadwinner.

    Who is paid the survivor's pension?

    Social pension benefits in the event of the death of a breadwinner are paid from the federal budget. Subject to certain conditions, the right to receive it are: disabled persons who have lost their parents due to their death or confirmed unknown absence.

    To assign survivor benefits The citizenship of the recipient does not matter. I can be like a citizen Russian Federation, and a citizen of another country, as well as a person who does not have any citizenship. The main thing is that he appears permanent residents on the territory of our country and met other conditions for the establishment of social pension support.

    To recipients of the above benefits by law belong:

    • children under 18 years of age who have lost either one or both parents.
    • young adult citizens who have also lost one of their parents or both, if they are receiving basic education at full-time courses. In this case, the payment of benefits to them is established until the end of their studies, but is limited to the period when they turn 23 years old.
    • children who were raised by a single mother;
    • children whose parents are unknown (orphans).

    Conditions for assigning pensions

    The main conditions for establishing a social pension for the loss of a breadwinner are:

    • Permanent residence of the recipient on the territory of the Russian Federation.
    • His disability.
    • Lack of right to receive a similar insurance pension payment. This means that the breadwinner at the time of his death haven't had a single day official labor (insurance) experience. IN otherwise will be assigned .

    Social benefits in connection with the death of a breadwinner are also established if the latter died as a result of illegal (criminal) actions of his disabled family members, recognized by the court. Then the deceased’s work experience does not matter.

    The size of the social pension for the loss of a breadwinner in 2018

    The amount of social pension payments is established by the state depending on the category of its recipient.

    Social pension is assigned to the recipient in a fixed form, its size is determined relative to the minimum subsistence level established by the state. Every year on April 1 pension payments are indexed.

    Since April 1, 2017, there has been an increase in social pension provision by 1.5% - this value was established based on the results of the calculated level of increase in the living wage of a pensioner.

    From April 1, 2017 to April 2018, the social pension in the event of the death of a breadwinner has the following monthly amount:

    • For children who have lost one parent - 5034.25 rubles.
    • For children whose both parents have passed away, children of a deceased single mother, as well as orphans - 10068.53 rubles.

    Since April 2018 social pensions will increased by 4.1% and will be:

    • 5240.65 rub. - for those who have lost one parent;
    • RUB 10,481.34 - for those who have lost both parents.

    When the recipient of a pension payment lives in the Far North, equivalent areas or other areas with severe climatic conditions, the amount established by the Government for the given area is applied to its amount. regional coefficient.

    It is valid only for the period of residence of the pensioner in this area, and is canceled if he moves to a permanent place of residence in another area where he is legally absent.

    Should dependents be paid extra if the pension is below the subsistence level?

    The amount of pension payments, or rather the total amount of material support (MS), should not be lower the level of subsistence level (LM) determined for this category of people in Russia as a whole and in the region in which the recipient lives. For this purpose, the state provides for a pension, which also applies to dependents receiving benefits in the event of the death of the breadwinner. Social supplement is established:

    • after contacting for its appointment with the provision statements And ;
    • from the 1st day of the month following the month in which the application was received, but not before the right to it becomes available.

    For children receiving a survivor's pension under 18 years of age, an additional payment is established from the date of pension, but not before the occurrence rights to the specified additional payment, while its assignment occurs without submitting an application(undeclared).

    Based on the ratio of the cost of living and the total income of the pensioner, his benefit may be assigned one of the types social supplement:

    • Federal an additional payment assigned by the pension fund if the total amount of the minimum wage is lower than the regional minimum wage and the minimum wage determined for the Russian Federation as a whole.
    • Regional surcharge established local authority social protection if the total amount of MO is lower than the regional subsistence minimum, and it, in turn, exceeds the size of the general subsistence minimum determined for the entire Russian Federation.

    Don't forget that in the total amount of a pensioner’s MO, not only the pension itself is taken into account, but also other cash payments, received by a pensioner monthly, including compensation for housing and communal services, use of transport and telephone.

    In 2017, the living wage for a pensioner was set at 8,540 rubles; in 2018, it was increased to 8,726 rubles.

    The procedure for assigning a pension after the death of a breadwinner in the Pension Fund of Russia

    Social pension benefits for the loss of a breadwinner are issued by the territorial body of the Russian Federation Pension Fund at the place of registration, stay or residence of the recipient. You can apply for a pension payment Anytime after the right to it has become available, since the time for applying for its appointment is not limited by law.

    The benefit is assigned from the date of receipt of the application for it and is established for its recipient for the entire period of his incapacity for work or indefinitely.

    The recipient can apply for a pension personally or use the help of a legal representative. Methods of applying for pension benefits there are currently several:

    • through specialists in the territorial office Pension Fund RF;
    • by Russian Post by sending a registered letter;
    • via the Internet on the PFR website through your personal account (after registration);
    • at the MFC (multifunctional center), if an agreement has been concluded between it and the Pension Fund.

    Documents for registration

    To apply for a social pension payment in the event of the death of a breadwinner, the following documents are required:

    1. application for the assignment of pension benefits;
    2. death certificate of the breadwinner;
    3. documents confirming the child’s relationship with the deceased: child’s birth certificate, adoption certificate, certificate from the housing department;
    4. You may need a certificate from the registry office about the birth of a child if it is necessary to prove that the deceased was a single mother;
    5. a certificate from an educational institution for children from 18 to 23 years old about full-time education;
    6. documents for an authorized representative;
    7. Foreigners and stateless persons are required to have a residence permit or a certificate confirming registration at the place of residence.

    As a rule, consideration of submitted documents and decision-making occurs within 10 working days from the date of application or provision of a complete package of documents.

    Day of application is considered the day of filing the application when applying directly to the Pension Fund or the MFC, or the date the letter was sent by mail, indicated on the stamp, or the date when the application was sent electronically.

    If the applicant, when applying, did not submit all the documents that are required to make a decision on the assignment of a pension payment, he is given a document to collect them. Extra time. If documents to establish a pension are submitted no later than 3 months from the date of their request, then the pension benefit will be assigned from the date of application.

    The procedure for paying pensions to dependents

    Payment of pension benefits for the loss of a survivor is made monthly. The recipient chooses the method of receiving a pension when applying for it and can change it if necessary. At the beneficiary's discretion, pension benefits may be:

    • transferred to his bank account or to a bank card (for this it will be necessary to provide the Pension Fund with bank details for the transfer);
    • delivered through a post office with the issuance of money there or home delivery;
    • issued through an organization that, in agreement with the Pension Fund of Russia, delivers pension benefits with the possibility of receiving them in this organization or at home.

    If necessary, receiving pension payments can be entrusted to a trusted person, having issued a power of attorney for him and duly certified it.

    Will you be paid a survivor's pension if you get a job?

    The social pension in the event of the death of a breadwinner is a measure of social support for citizens who, due to minor age or due to full-time education they cannot fully support themselves.

    In accordance with Art. eleven Federal Law dated December 15, 2001 N 166-FZ “On state pension provision in the Russian Federation” payment of social pension benefits for the loss of a breadwinner is established only for disabled persons.

    The legislation stipulates the abolition of pension payments upon employment only to recipients of old-age social benefits. For other recipients, availability of official earnings to pay social pensions does not affect. However, if a pensioner was assigned a social supplement up to the subsistence level, then it will be canceled for the period of working activity. Therefore, when applying for a job, you should notify the pension authority of the Russian Federation about this to avoid unjustified excessive payment of amounts and their deduction.

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    This article introduces the main provisions of Federal laws governing state assistance to families in the event of the loss of a breadwinner. He will tell you about the rights of dependents when assigning pensions, the amounts of payments, how to apply, how to receive benefits and other nuances.

    When relatives who have lost their breadwinner find themselves in a difficult financial situation, provision from the state is an important help. Family members are provided with social benefits in the event of the loss of a breadwinner, providing them with funds for future life. There are three types of such pensions:

    1. Insurance - assigned if the breadwinner worked and from his wages contributions were made to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation;
    2. A social pension is established if the breadwinner did not work (did not transfer pension contributions) or his death occurred as a result of the unlawful actions of a dependent;
    3. The state one is assigned to military personnel, astronauts and persons injured as a result of man-made and radiation disasters.

    The main legal acts establishing and regulating the conditions for payments for the loss of a breadwinner:

    Survivor's insurance pension

    Payments of benefits for the loss of a working breadwinner - insurance pensions - are more common than others. Loss is not only death, the fact of which is reflected in the certificate. This is also an unknown absence certified by the court.

    Who is eligible for benefits?

    A dependent is a person who is unable to work and is supported by the state or another person. Basically, the causes of disability are a state of health in which it is impossible to perform work duties, young age or old age.

    Who is entitled to an insurance pension? These are relatives such as:

    • children, sisters, brothers, grandchildren under 18 years of age;
    • children, sisters, brothers, grandchildren under 23 years of age, if they continue studying full-time;
    • the same relatives, if their disability occurred before the age of 18;
    • parents, spouse, grandparent, retired or disabled who have no other relatives caring for them;

    The following may also apply for the award:

    • a non-working spouse, parents, grandparents, provided they care for the children, sisters, brothers and grandchildren of the deceased person, under 14 years of age;
    • when providing the same care, but by a child, brother, sister, over 18 years of age.

    If there is a person in the family who receives a pension, but the deceased provided him with significant assistance, then this person has the opportunity to transfer to the pension of the deceased.

    Applying for survivor benefits

    The subject of legal relations with the Pension Fund is the family and each of its members. Only officially registered marriages are considered. Children born out of wedlock, if paternity is recognized, are also the subject of legal relations.

    The condition for calculating the pension upon the onset of insured event, is the presence of work experience. To assign it, an application for receipt with other documents (photocopies) is sent to the branch of the Pension Fund of Russia (PFR) at the place of permanent residence, in four existing ways:

    • visit in person, send your representative there:
    • by post;
    • using the services of the multifunctional center;
    • using the Pension Fund website by logging into your personal account.

    In addition to the application to the Pension Fund, you should submit: passport, SNILS, work book of the breadwinner, death documents and supporting documents family ties with him.

    Often the Pension Fund requires additional certificates. For example, about full-time education or about disability.

    Disabled children who have not reached the age of majority do not have to prove their right to payment.

    There is a 10-day period from the moment the complete set of documents is submitted until the benefit is assigned. If any documents are missing, the period is extended to 3 months.

    You can submit an application after official recognition of the death of a citizen. Payment for the time preceding the application to the Pension Fund is limited to 12 months.

    Benefit amount and procedure for calculating it

    The insurance pension reimburses part of the previously provided assistance by a deceased relative.

    The amount of survivor's benefit is calculated by multiplying two indicators.

    For each citizen, depending on the amount of experience earned, an individual coefficient is calculated. It is multiplied by the value of 1 point established on the day of calculation.

    If the children turn out to be complete orphans, the points of the father and mother are added together, and if the deceased parent is the mother, her coefficient is doubled.

    If children are assigned a survivor's pension, then in the event of the death of the second parent, the points of the second parent, multiplied by the cost of one point, are added to the existing payment.

    When living in regions where an additional payment is established due to special working conditions (regional coefficient), the benefit is calculated taking into account this additional payment.

    Social pension for children upon loss of a breadwinner

    This fixed payment c is financed from the state budget upon the death of the breadwinner. .

    The payment is determined in a fixed amount, indexed on April 1 of each year. The amount of social payment is established by paragraphs. 1 clause 1 art. 18 taking into account annual indexation

    In 2016, the size of the social pension was 4959 rubles. 85 kopecks, in 2017 the payment amount was indexed to 5088.81 rubles. In the event of the loss of a father and mother or a single mother, the amount of the survivor's benefit will be 10,068.53 rubles

    Conditions of appointment

    In addition to the above circumstances, the recipient must reside permanently in the Russian Federation, even if he has no citizenship. This type of government support is intended for:

    • those who have lost one parent, minor children, students under 23 years of age, studying full-time in institutions of any kind and type, except for additional education;
    • complete orphans;
    • children, deceased single mother.

    Survivor benefits for military families

    For the families of the deceased who entered into a contract for military service, payments are accrued to the pension authorities of the Ministry of Defense, and to those called up for military service - to the Pension Fund.

    Appointment cases:

    • a citizen died during military service, within three months after its completion, or later, from an illness, injury, injury, concussion during service;
    • the deceased citizen received a military pension.

    Captured and missing persons belonging to this category are equated to those killed during hostilities.

    Who can use it?

    Relatives entitled to a survivor's pension:

    • children who have not reached the age of majority, whose disability group is assigned up to 18 years of age, or who are full-time students under 23 years of age;
    • brothers, sisters, grandchildren of the same age, if there is no one to support them;
    • any of the non-working relatives caring for children, brothers, sisters under 14 years of age of the deceased citizen;
    • father, spouse upon reaching 60 years of age and older, mother, spouse upon reaching 55 years of age;
    • grandfather after 60 and grandmother after 55 years, in the absence of other relatives who have the opportunity to support them;
    • spouse, parents, grandparents with disabilities.

    If a serviceman died during service or later due to a military injury, then his father and mother will receive a pension at 55 and 50 years old, respectively. In the event of the death of a person during service due to his criminal acts, the family is paid fixed amount social benefits on a general basis.

    Survivor benefit amount

    The amount of the benefit depends on two causes of death:

    1. War trauma.
    2. Illness during service.

    Payment of a survivor's pension is due to each family member if he financial situation directly depended on the deceased.

    The benefit amount varies. In the first case, provided that the breadwinner was a conscript, it will be equal to 200% of the calculation of the social pension, and in the second - 150% of the calculation of the pension.

    If the service of the deceased took place during the validity of the concluded contract, then in the first case each dependent will receive 50% of the monetary allowance, but not less than 200% of the social pension.

    The same amount of financial assistance is awarded to children of disabled military personnel if they have lost both parents or a mother raising them alone.

    In the second case - 40% of the salary. Its minimum amount must be no lower than 150% of the social pension.

    The amount will be calculated taking into account additional payments for special conditions of service (regional coefficient) as long as he lives in a region where these additional payments are approved by law.

    Benefits for families of citizens who died due to radiation or man-made disasters

    Families of this category of citizens receive a number of social benefits and compensations. These include a lump sum payment, monthly compensation for each dependent of a deceased citizen, and an annual amount for each child.

    In addition to these paid amounts, benefits are provided to disabled family members.

    They can receive it in the event of the death of the breadwinner due to radiation or other disease acquired during the period of disability during the liquidation of the consequences of this accident.

    How much is the survivor benefit?

    It should be accrued to children in an amount equal to 250% of the social pension if they are complete orphans or have lost a single mother.

    Every other dependent in the family of the deceased must be provided for state payment constituting 125% of the same pension.

    The nuances of assigning and receiving payments in case of loss of a breadwinner

    There are additional benefits for children, regulated by regional regulations. That's right free travel on public transport, receiving school textbooks and two meals a day, attending cultural events.

    In the social protection authorities you can find out about all the benefits that apply to a particular area.

    For example, the Moscow government has determined monthly compensation for children from 18 to 23 years old if they study and work.

    Children who are orphans or who have lost one parent in a terrorist attack are also entitled to compensation from the capital’s budget.

    Those receiving benefits for the loss of a breadwinner choose themselves convenient way receiving it. This is home delivery, transfer to a bank account (card), sending by mail.

    Payment to students

    In addition to minor children, full-time students under 23 years of age who belong to the family of the deceased breadwinner are also recipients if they study at schools, colleges, higher and postgraduate educational institutions.

    If there is a direction, students are allowed to study abroad.

    The list of educational institutions does not include colleges, schools, and academies where students are fully provided for by the state and earn insurance experience.

    When enrolling in further full-time studies, the student will have to visit the Pension Fund and apply a second time if he has reached the age of majority.

    If you drop out of school, payments stop. The Pension Fund must be notified of this fact immediately.

    If you continue to receive benefits for the loss of a breadwinner, the Pension Fund will claim it in court.

    Vacations or administrative leave are not reasons for canceling the accrual of survivor benefits.

    Relatives of military personnel are allowed to combine paid work with study. Students of other parents, when employed, are accrued insurance or social benefits will not.

    When registering a marriage

    In the event of the loss of a breadwinner, payments are not canceled if a state act on marriage is recorded upon entry into it:

    • dependents under 18 or 23 years old, they ate as full-time students;
    • spouses, wife.

    If the parents are divorced at the time of the death of one of them, this does not in any way affect payments for the loss of a breadwinner; the child does not cease to be a dependent of the deceased parent.

    In the cases presented in the article, there is a state assistance program for vulnerable groups of the population. Having suffered moral suffering over the death of a relative, you can be sure that the state will not leave you in trouble and will support you financially.

    For Russian families who have lost a loved one who provided for the family, the law provides for a survivor's benefit. It is provided by the state to persons who were dependent on the person who carried out the labor activity for its content.

    The benefit is a pension or survivor's benefit paid from the pension savings of the lost breadwinner. This is the amount of money paid to relatives and family members who are left in a difficult financial situation or have completely lost their source of livelihood due to the death of the head of the family.

    What types of survivor benefits are there?

    There are three types of survivor benefits: insurance, state and social.

    The insurance pension is intended for dependents and pensioners who were supported by the deceased, if he had a minimum work experience.

    The state survivor's pension is paid to disabled citizens (family members) of military personnel, deceased astronauts, participants in active military operations on a local or global scale, people who suffered as a result of man-made, radiation disasters or became disabled as a result of accidents.

    A social pension is provided to the families of the deceased if he did not have insurance coverage. It can be accrued if the purposeful and unlawful acts of third parties led to the moment of death, and in the conditions of death the elements of a crime were revealed, but only after confirmation of this fact by the investigative authorities and the court.

    Who is the survivor benefit intended for?

    A survivor's pension is paid if other family members cannot provide for themselves. Such persons include: disabled people with disabilities, pensioners when they were supported by a younger family member, minors (survivor's benefit for a child is provided to the eldest child under 18 years old), adults (persons from 18 to 23 years old, full-time students in higher and secondary educational institutions until the very end of their studies), other relatives of the deceased (who took custody of a child under 8 years of age).

    Family members for whom a survivor's pension is issued can receive it until the moment when an able-bodied member appears in the family who has taken on the role of supporting dependents.

    The new breadwinner of the family can become one in the following cases provided by law:

    • when the dependent has reached the age of majority;
    • when an adult dependent graduated from a university or was expelled;
    • if the pension was received by a relative of the deceased who was dependent on a child under 8 years of age and the child has reached this age.

    Who gets survivor benefits?

    Let's take a closer look at the circle of people who are entitled to survivor benefits in 2018.

    The following persons have the right to receive insurance benefits for the loss of a breadwinner in 2018:

    1.1. Minor child the deceased, his brother, sister or grandson who have not reached 18 years of age;

    1.2. Adult children. If they study in educational institutions, subject to full-time training in university departments. Payment stops upon reaching age 23. Over 18 years of age if they received a disability before reaching adulthood;

    2. Senior members of the deceased's family.

    2.1. Mother and father upon reaching 55 (60) years of age or having a disability.

    2.2. Grandparents under the same conditions, in the absence of other persons who are entrusted with the responsibility for their care and maintenance.

    3. Guardians or other official representatives are on an equal basis with parents, and adopted children are on an equal basis with natural children.

    4. The right to receive state and social pensions for the loss of a breadwinner in 2018 belongs to: the older and younger generations of children under conditions similar to those for receiving insurance benefits.

    5. Widows of military personnel who died while performing military duty as part of conscription due to military injuries. If they have reached the age of 55 and have not married.

    6. One of the older generation (grandparents), brothers, sisters, involved in the process of caring for persons who have not reached 14 years of age. In this case, length of service is not taken into account; mother and father upon reaching 50 and 55 years of age. If the son died during conscription service or died after its completion due to injuries received while in the unit. Family members of citizens who suffered or died from the consequences of the Chernobyl accident: parents, regardless of whether they were dependent on the child during life; spouse (wife, husband) caring for a child under 14 years of age, regardless of length of service and employment. He may be provided with benefits until he reaches 50 (55) years of age, regardless of the time that has passed since the death of the citizen and the status of a dependent.

    How is survivor benefit calculated?

    Each benefit: insurance, state or social, intended for payment to the population, depending on the type, has its own conditions and calculation characteristics.

    The insurance pension is calculated every month and is aimed at supporting disabled citizens who have lost their only source of livelihood. It is paid according to two other indicators:

    1. Due to old age.

    Awarded to men and women upon achievement retirement age- 60 and 55 years old. In this case, the individual coefficient is taken into account and total experience work until retirement.

    2. For disability: carried out after passing an examination in medical and social institutions in Moscow or another locality. The benefit is awarded to persons with I, II and III disability groups.

    The survivor's pension for minors in 2018 is calculated based on insurance premiums transferred on behalf of the deceased, as well as the amount of accumulated labor points. If both parents are lost, these figures are summed up and the compensation payment is doubled. Orphans are sent to Orphanage or under the guardianship of official representatives with maintenance of benefits.

    Insurance-type compensation benefits paid by the state have the following distinctive features: they are part of the state’s social policy; provide the minimum amounts necessary to meet the basic needs of those in need; extended if one of the parents, after the death of the other, enters into a new marriage; automatically accrued to children under the age of majority. Social pension is paid on a monthly basis to those in need. It is accrued exclusively for the period of incapacity, after which it ceases to be allocated: it is formed and determined based on the state and scope of the state budget; is not subject to contributions to the pension fund account.

    What documents are required to receive survivor benefits?

    To apply for the benefit you will need the following documents:

    1. Documents proving the identity of each member of the family who has lost their breadwinner;
    2. Official certificate of loss of the deceased;
    3. Work record book of the breadwinner;
    4. Certificate from the place of employment about the income of the breadwinner for the last 2 months.

    These documents are submitted to the branch of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation together as an appendix to the corresponding application.

    Amounts of survivor benefits in 2018.

    The amount of the benefit due is established by regional legislation, therefore in each region its amount is different, but it is always no less than the minimum subsistence level defined in the region.

    The size of the survivor's pension in 2018 is based on the type of benefit and is paid according to certain time intervals. These periods are also characterized by changes in size financial assistance. It can either decrease or increase by a certain percentage level, which depends on the economic situation in the country and a number of other factors.

    View pension accrual, the current pension amount, benefit increases and survivor's insurance benefits depend on the length of service of the deceased breadwinner and a number of other factors. However, a fixed payment of 2279 rubles is always added to it. 41 kopecks.

    When a child is raised by a single mother or both deceased parents, the amount paid doubles: 10,068 rubles. 50 kopecks, and from April 1, 2018 it will be 7586.35 rubles.

    If you lose your mother or both parents at once, the pension benefit will be 10,472.24 rubles.

    State benefit for the loss of a military personnel in the event of the death of a person serving in the army due to injuries and injuries.

    The benefit amount until April 1, 2018 is double the social pension or 200% of it - 10,068 rubles. 50 kopecks; when a person serving in the army dies due to illness.

    The amount until April 1, 2018 is 1.5 times higher than the social pension, that is, it is 150% of it - 7551 rubles. 38 kopecks.

    Survivor's pension under the Ministry of Internal Affairs

    The amounts of benefits intended to be paid to family members of police officers are similar to the amounts accrued upon the loss of a serviceman. Until April 1, 2018, they amount to 10068.50 and 7551.38 rubles. from April 1, 2018 - 10440.53 rubles; from April 1, 2018 - 7830.78 rub.

    Indexation of the survivor's pension in 2018

    In 2018, there will be an increase in the amount of payments for insurance (from February 1), social and state (from April 1) benefits for the loss of a breadwinner by 3.7 percent.

    Under insurance pensions Children under 18 years of age (up to 23 years of age in full-time education) are entitled to monthly compensation payments for the work or performance of official duties of the deceased breadwinner until he is assigned an appropriate pension. In its turn social pensions accrued in social security format. *

    (* There is a complete analogy with this, paid both in the form social insurance, and in the form state social security. )

    The conditions and procedure for providing these compensations are established in the articles of federal laws:

    • “About insurance pensions” dated December 28, 2013 No. 400-FZ;
    • “On state pension provision in the Russian Federation” dated December 15, 2001 No. 166-FZ;
    • on pension provision for military personnel and members of their families dated February 12, 1993 No. 4468-1.

    The following categories of citizens can count on pension provision:

    • insurance pension- children of workers (who had official work experience);
    • military pension- family members of military personnel;
    • social pension- children of disabled citizens who did not have insurance (work) experience;
    • state pension- children of citizens affected by radiation and man-made disasters.

    Read more about the types and amounts of pensions in Russia (including pensions assigned to children) on the specialized portal pensionology.ru.

    The child's representative (parent, adoptive parent, guardian or trustee) has the right to apply for registration of this type of pension provision at any time after the relevant right arises, but until the child becomes able to work.

    Survivor's insurance pension

    In general, the law provides for the assignment of insurance pensions to citizens who paid insurance premiums for compulsory pension insurance, and dependent members of their families. In this case, the pension authorities take into account the following circumstances:

    • When calculating pensions, the concept is used insurance period - the period of performance of certain work by the breadwinner, for which contributions were made to the Pension Fund (PF);
    • length of service, the amount of contributions paid to the Pension Fund, temporary refusal to receive an insurance pension (optional) affect individual pension coefficient (an indicator reflecting the pension rights of accrual recipients);
    • other concepts relating to pension provision for children and other dependents in the event of the loss of a breadwinner are reflected in Art. 3 of Federal Law No. 400-FZ;
    • minor children who already received a pension (for example, a social disability pension), for whom the income of the breadwinner was the main means of subsistence, are given the right to switch to his insurance pension payments.

    Upon conscription - state pension provision


    The state, by regulations, guarantees monetary security the least protected members of society after the loss of their breadwinner. Can count on an insurance pension children of workers, employees and military personnel who died while performing their duties, as a result of an unforeseen situation or after being injured at work.

    The size of children's pension payments will depend on the parent's insurance record, the child's ability to work and age, the conditions of the death of the breadwinner and other indicators. If a child is not entitled to an insurance pension due to the death of his father or mother, he will receive a social pension.

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