• Work with pensioners of local government bodies. All about municipal pensions


    From 05/27/2003 “On the civil service system Russian Federation» civil servants are divided into:

    • Federal government employees- these are citizens who work in a federal government structure and receive remuneration from the federal budget. Persons holding federal government positions include employees:
      • apparatuses of federal legislative bodies;
      • federal executive authorities
      • federal judicial apparatus;
      • other federal government bodies (prosecutor's office, Investigative Committee, Accounts Chamber, etc.)
    • Civil servants of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation(municipal employees) are citizens working in a civil position and receiving remuneration from the budget of the corresponding constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

    The civil service positions themselves are determined by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated December 31, 2005 N 1574, and their pension provision is determined by law dated December 15, 2001 N 166-FZ “On state pension provision in the Russian Federation”.

    Types of assigned pensions

    For civil servants, in accordance with Article 7 of Federal Law No. 166-FZ of December 15, 2001, pension payments both for length of service and an insurance pension (in accordance with Law N 400-FZ of December 28, 2013), if the conditions for its calculation are met.

    • Pension accruals based on length of service are provided for federal civil servants (they also include municipal employees) who have reached retirement age and a certain length of service in government positions. Payment based on length of service is made from the budget of the Russian Federation, region or municipality.
    • If a citizen also worked in non-state structures and insurance contributions were deducted for him, then he has the right to receive an old-age (disability) pension from the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

    A pension for long service is granted only simultaneously with the insurance pension by age (or due to disability).

    Assignment of long-service pensions to civil servants

    In order for a long service pension to be granted, several conditions must be met:

    • reaching retirement age (as of 2018, women are 56 years old, men are 61);
    • The length of service in a public position must be at least 16 years;
    • continuous experience civil service - at least 12 months before dismissal (only for federal civil servants);
    • the dismissal of an employee occurred by agreement of the parties, in connection with changes in the terms of the contract, reduction or liquidation of a government agency, or the achievement of maximum age public service.

    It is possible to receive a pension before retirement age; in this case, the length of civil service must be at least 25 years and continuous work experience public service should be at least 7 years. Also, if a state organization is liquidated or the organization’s staff is reduced, it is possible to receive a pension without fulfilling the condition of working for 12 months.

    In the presence of length of service in public service at least 15 years an employee can count on a pension payment in the amount of 45% of average monthly earnings minus the insurance pension.

    For each year of work experience over 15 years, the payment increases by 3%, but in total the total payment cannot exceed 75% from the average salary of an employee.

    The right to an insurance (labor) pension

    Federal civil servants have the right to a share of the insurance (labor) pension in accordance with Article 19 of the law “About insurance pensions” when due insurance period 15 years, which includes the period of public service, if you have the required number of points and reach retirement age.

    The insurance period includes the following periods:

    • periods of activity for which contributions under compulsory pension insurance were paid;
    • length of public service;
    • other periods specified in Art. 12 laws “About insurance pensions”.

    Insurance pension provision is calculated based on the accumulated value of pension points multiplied by their value in the year of appointment (from January 1, 2018, 81.49 rubles). For civil servants such a pension is paid excluding fixed payment.

    If a citizen continues to work after retirement, for which contributions to the Pension Fund will continue to be paid, then his pension provision will be subject to recalculation. Thus, the share of the old-age insurance pension is subject to recalculation according to individual accounting data with an increase in the sum of the coefficients, which depends on the amount of insurance contributions not taken into account when calculating the insurance pension when it was assigned. Recalculation occurs annually from August 1 without the pensioner filing an application.

    Law on raising the retirement age from 2017

    On May 11, 2016, a law proposed by United Russia member Valery Trapeznikov was adopted, on the basis of which the gradual increase in the retirement age of civil servants for women up to 63 years old, and up to 65 for men.

    The law of May 23, 2016 No. 143-FZ comes into force on January 1, 2017 and will involve an increase in the retirement age for six months annually until it reaches the set level. For men this will happen by 2026, and for women by 2032.

    The period of service for receiving a pension has also changed: if previously it was 15 years, now for civil servants will need to work for 20 years. The minimum length of service, like the retirement age, will also increase gradually and reach a final increase by 2026.

    This law also increases the period of performance of duties for deputies of the State Duma and members of the Federation Council for calculating bonuses based on length of service; now it will be 5 years instead of the previously established year.

    Calculation of state pension for federal employees

    The calculation of the amount of state pension payment for long service for federal civil servants depends on the average monthly wages length of service and the amount of accrued old-age (disability) pension, and is calculated using the formula:

    P = (45% SZ - SP) + 3% SZ × St,

    • P- the amount of pension for long service;
    • NW- average salary;
    • JV- amount of old-age (disability) pension;
    • St- over 15 years of experience.

    The calculation does not take into account the amount of increases in fixed payments to the insurance pension and the size of the share of the insurance pension.

    The law also sets restrictions on the size of the maximum pension payment. So the amount of service pension and insurance pension cannot exceed 75% average monthly salary of a federal civil servant.

    Earnings from which the pension is calculated

    The size of the long-service pension depends on the average monthly earnings for Last year(12 months) of service prior to retirement. To determine the amount of this earnings the following payments are taken into account civil servants:

    1. official monthly salary;
    2. monthly salary assigned to the employee according to class rank;
    3. long service bonus;
    4. bonus for special conditions of the federal state civil service, added to the official salary;
    5. bonus for working with information constituting state secrets;
    6. monthly bonus;
    7. bonus for completing particularly important and complex tasks;
    8. one-time payment for annual paid leave and financial assistance.

    When calculating average monthly earnings excluded from calculation periods (accrued benefit amounts during this time are not taken into account):

    1. employee leave without pay;
    2. maternity and child care leave upon reaching the age established by law;
    3. period of temporary incapacity.

    The amount of average monthly earnings is calculated by dividing the total amount of payments by 12. If vacations or sick leave are recorded in the billing period, then the total amount of earnings is divided by the number of days actually worked and multiplied by 21 (the average number of working days per year).

    The amount of average earnings cannot exceed 2.8 of the official salary or 0.8 of the monetary remuneration established for the employee in the billing period.

    Indexation of pension provision for civil servants

    Annually, the long-service pension may be subject to increase through indexation. In accordance with Resolution No. 346 of May 31, 2005, it is carried out:

    • at increase in official salaries federal civil servants - by the index of increase in such official salaries;
    • at increase in other cash payments included in the maintenance of federal civil servants - by the index of increase in such payments (weighted average).

    An increase in the amount of payments also occurs in the following cases:

    • change in the amount of old-age pension;
    • increasing the length of service in public service.

    Indexation of old-age labor pensions is carried out annually on February 1 to the inflation level of the previous year. However, this legislative provision was suspended until 2017 and in the current 2016 the increase was only 4%. After such a low indexation, the government decided to pay additional 5000 rubles to all pensioners as compensation (January 1, 2017).

    Increasing the amount of payments

    In addition to indexing pension provision, according to Article 14 of the Federal Law of December 15, 2001. No. 166-FZ “On state pension provision in the Russian Federation”, an increase in the amount of payments is provided in the following cases:

    • For every full year experience over 15 years at 3% of average monthly earnings. At the same time, the total amount of pension and fixed payment should not exceed 75% of average monthly earnings.
    • Residents of the regions of the Far North, areas equivalent to it, as well as citizens who previously worked in such areas, are set a coefficient for the entire period of time spent there, according to the resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation. When a citizen leaves this area for permanent residence, the amount of the pension benefit will be calculated without taking this coefficient into account.

    Registration of pension and necessary documents

    A citizen has the right to submit an application for a pension after the right to a name arises. Chairman of the Board of the Pension Fund of Russia, at any time without time limit. The application must be submitted to the Pension Fund or the Multifunctional Center either independently or through a legal representative, or by mail. When sending an application through the post office, the day of application will be considered the date indicated on the stamp from the place of departure.

    The application is considered within 10 days from the date of submission of the application or provision of missing documents.

    The following must be attached to the application: documentation:

    1. passport (original and copy);
    2. certificate of average monthly earnings for civil service for the last full year before leaving;
    3. a certificate of position, confirming the length of service in public service;
    4. certificate from the department Pension Fund, about the installed labor pension according to old age or disability and the amount accrued;
    5. a copy of the work book;
    6. a copy of the order of dismissal from public service;
    7. a copy of the military ID;
    8. documents confirming activities that are included in the civil service experience.

    The procedure for payment and calculation of pension benefits

    The payment of state pensions is established from the 1st of the month, in which the citizen applied for it, but not before the right to it arose.

    Benefits are transferred monthly through an organization chosen by the civil servant. A citizen can also use a trusted person as a recipient; in this case, to receive benefits, it is necessary to register power of attorney.

    Possible methods of delivering pension benefits:

    • Russian Post- receiving benefits is possible both at the post office at the place of registration and at home. The date of receipt is set according to the delivery schedule.
    • Bank- through a bank cash desk or by card for withdrawing funds from an ATM;
    • Benefit delivery organization- receiving a pension in in this case perhaps through the organization's cash desk or at home.

    To approve the delivery method, you must submit an application to the Pension Fund, in which the pension benefit was issued.

    Termination of payment upon continuation of service

    Long service pension payments may be suspended in the following cases:

    • While holding a public office. In this case, the citizen is obliged to notify the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation within five days of the resumption of service. When a position is vacated, pension payments are resumed at previous conditions at the request of a citizen.
    • When assigning a monthly supplement to a labor pension or other additional lifelong financial support. Payment for length of service ceases from the date of assignment of these payments;
    • For the period of work in interstate bodies, in positions for which long-service pensions are assigned and paid.

    Payment of the insurance pension does not stop during the period of work.

    The latest news confirms the latest innovations that will change the significant parameters for calculating pensions for municipal employees in 2018. Officials are waiting new stage increasing the retirement age and adjusting the standard length of service required to obtain a pension. At the same time, the authorities intend to carry out a full-scale indexation of pensions; the government also does not rule out the launch pension reform.

    Pensions for municipal employees: latest news and new innovations in 2018

    IN next year municipal employees are expecting further changes that will have a significant impact on the processing of payments. First of all, there will be another stage of raising the retirement age, which next year will be:

    • 61 years for men;
    • 56 years for women.

    This reform started in 2017 and is designed to increase age limit up to 63 years for women and 65 years for men.

    The second indicator that will affect your future pension is length of service, which allows you to retire. In 2018, this parameter will reach 16 years, which is 6 months higher than the standards of the current year. Further minimum experience service will be 20 years.

    In addition, the age limit for being in the civil service is being increased, which will make it possible to retain the most experienced personnel at work. Next year this figure will be:

    • 65 years for ordinary employees;
    • 70 years for senior managers.

    As a result, the government apparatus will not lose employees who have significant knowledge and skills.

    The principle of calculating the pension of a municipal employee in 2018 will remain without significant changes, which is fixed in the current legislation. The amount of the payment remains tied to the salary and depends on total experience. The maximum level of pension cannot exceed 75% of salary, and the minimum level is 45%. An additional year of experience increases this indicator by 3%.

    Payments to pensioners next year will be indexed in accordance with current legislation. Improvement external factors allows officials to increase pensions without significant consequences for the budget deficit.

    To be indexed!

    In 2018, the authorities plan to increase pensions at the rate of inflation. Officials assure that the February indexation of pensions will fully cover the price increase during 2017. As a result, pensioners' income will be protected from depreciation.

    However, the main indicators indicate a crisis in the current pension system. The Pension Fund deficit remains impressive and requires significant injections from the state treasury. In addition, the authorities are using funds accumulated in the savings system, which makes it possible to cover existing gaps, but is a temporary measure.

    In such conditions, the real incomes of pensioners will continue to decline, which will affect the real quality of life. As a result, the government needs to accelerate the implementation of changes that will correct existing trends.

    The pension reform for state and municipal employees may become a prototype for further reforms of the pension system. Experts expect changes in key parameters of the pension model, which will balance the state treasury.

    Pension diseases and treatment methods

    High oil prices allowed officials to annually increase funding for the social sector, which ensured a steady increase in the well-being of pensioners. However, the fall in export revenues and the economic crisis exposed the imbalances of the existing model social security. Without changing key parameters, the Pension Fund's budget will remain in deficit, and the full launch of the funded part will be in jeopardy.

    Experts insist on the need for an integrated approach that will correct existing imbalances. First of all, it is necessary to adjust the retirement age and length of service. In addition, officials will have to reconsider all benefits that are used when calculating pensions. Similar reforms have already been implemented for municipal employees and last news from the Ministry of Finance allow the start of such transformations for all categories of the population in 2018.

    The government will focus on a mechanism for increasing key indicators, tested on municipal employees, experts are sure. Annual adjustment of the indicator for 6 months will reduce Negative consequences for ordinary citizens. Only the scale of the future increase in age remains in question.

    News about municipal pension confirm the next stage of changes, which will adjust the key parameters for calculating pensions in 2018. The standard length of service and age of employees will be increased by 6 months, which will affect the registration of pensions.

    Experts expect the start of a full-scale pension reform next year, implemented along the lines of innovations for employees.

      Pensions for municipal employees are calculated not according to old age, but according to length of service. If an employee of this category has a different length of service (he was previously employed not in a government agency), then he can additionally receive old-age payments.

      If a person on January 1, 2017 was a civil servant, had 15 years of service or more, and received the right to an old-age or disability pension, he has the right to apply for a long-service pension according to previously established standards, and not taking into account the new provisions. Let us consider in more detail in the material presented how this payment is calculated and who has the right to claim it.

      Who is entitled to a municipal pension?

      The main regulations governing the right of municipal employees to long-service pensions are:

    • Federal Law of December 15, 2001 No. 166-FZ “On state pension provision in the Russian Federation”;
    • Federal Law dated 02.03.007 No. 25-FZ “On municipal service in the Russian Federation”.

    According to previous legislation, officials could extend the service life from 60 to 65 years, but as of January 1, 2017, this opportunity was lost. An exception is made for the following category of workers - heads of civil services under the age of 70, subject to agreement with the authority that appointed them to this position.

    Municipal pension amount

    The procedure for pension provision for municipal employees, including the conditions for calculating length of service and its confirmation, is regulated by Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated December 26, 2011 No. 1648n and Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated November 28, 2014 No. 958n. Each subject of the Russian Federation publishes its own regulations regulating the process of assigning pensions to officials, taking into account the characteristics of their employment, the deadlines for submitting documents, and the procedure for their registration.

    Calculation of pensions for municipal employees

    The size of the pension for municipal employees depends on:

    • work experience;
    • the amount of deductions of insurance premiums as a percentage of the accrued salary.

    The minimum pension value for this category of persons is 45% of the salary for the last year minus the old-age pension, calculated in proportion to the available individual pension coefficient(IPC), which is calculated based on length of service and the amount of deductions.

    The maximum amount is 75%, calculated as follows: assigning 45% for 15 years of experience, adding 3% for each subsequent year, but not more than 75% in total.

    According to Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated October 17, 2009 No. 818, when calculating average earnings for calculating the amount of a pension, the following are taken into account:

    • salary;
    • sick leave and bonuses;
    • vacation pay, health benefits;
    • all types of allowances and surcharges.

    Incentives, payments in connection with illness, untimely death of a close relative are not taken into account when determining the amount.

    Benefits for municipal employees

    Employees have the right to receive two pensions at the same time: for length of service - based on the length of service in the civil service and for old age - from the remaining total length of service. If the amount is small, he has the right to refuse a long-service pension and receive only old-age payments, since the total number of IPC will be higher in this case, and the size of the pension will increase.

    Supplement to pension

    Monthly supplements to labor pensions paid to former municipal employees, the procedure for recalculating the amount of pensions and payments is approved by the Rules for assigning monthly supplements to labor pensions, which are adopted by municipal authorities. The rules adopted by the constituent entities of the Federation determine the conditions for acquiring the right to additional payment for length of service.

    Municipal pensioners often go to court for additional payments to their pensions, since the district administration or other municipal body is in no hurry to comply with the law. Without a lawyer, it is almost impossible to obtain the payments due. We recommend that you seek legal support from our experienced specialists. Call us by phone or contact us via the feedback form for advice on any questions about municipal pensions.

    A long-service pension is a type of state benefit awarded on the basis of professional aging. After obtaining the right to this type state provision, a citizen can remain in his current position and increase the interest rate of future payments, or retire.

    Specialists who move to another position after dismissal due to length of service participate in the formation of a second pension through the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

    State benefits are assigned to the following categories of professionals:

    • federal government employees;
    • astronauts;
    • military personnel.

    For each of the listed categories, there are certain conditions for appointment.

    Conditions of appointment

    Federal Law No. 400 regulates the procedure for assigning and paying state pensions. In accordance with Section 5 of this act, the following have the right to receive long-service benefits:

    • teachers of preschool, school, secondary and higher education (including teachers and nannies);
    • mountain workers;
    • civil aviation specialists;
    • Ministry of Emergency Situations workers;
    • employees of river and sea ports, persons associated with the fishing industry;
    • health workers;
    • workers of theatre, cinema and mass entertainment groups;
    • cosmonauts, test pilots, aircraft designers and engineers.

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    The main condition for granting a long-service pension is the presence of special experience. The length of service earned as a civil servant is considered special.

    Each year spent in a position in excess of the established minimum is added to payments for length of service (1% of the previous salary). The pension benefit cannot be less than 50% of the salary and more than 85% of it (with the exception of astronauts).

    Design features

    For each category of professionals there are requirements necessary to apply for a pension. These criteria are enshrined in legislation and are mandatory. Let's look at each requirement for each group of specialists in more detail.

    Federal government agencies. Specialists consisting of federal service, belong to the category of civil servants.

    To receive a superannuation, they must meet the following criteria:

    • achieving the established work experience (in 2019 – 16 years, or 7 years out of 25 years of total work experience);
    • stay in public service for more than 12 months without a break;
    • service in the ranks of the Russian army in the Russian Federation and the CIS;
    • service in the army of one of the countries of the former USSR;
    • service in internal affairs bodies, drug control agencies, fire protection;
    • reaching retirement age (45 years in 2019);
    • having a special work experience of 20 years, or 12 years of general labor experience of 25 years.

    Testers. Cosmonauts and test pilots may apply for a long-service pension provided that they:

    • have Russian citizenship;
    • have sufficient specialized experience (25 years for men, 20 years for women);
    • dismissal due to disability, old age, or other valid reason.

    For the listed professional categories, pension benefits are formed through federal and law enforcement agencies, and are not an obstacle to the formation of benefits through the Pension Fund of Russia (PFR). If there is sufficient special and general work experience, a citizen can apply for a double pension.

    What documents are needed

    To apply for a long-service pension benefit, the applicant will need the following documents:

    • on the assignment of a pension;
    • identification document (passport or residence permit);
    • employment history;
    • extract from the dismissal order.

    All of the above papers are provided to the organization’s personnel service.

    How to calculate long service pension

    When calculating the amount of future benefits, a legally established formula is used. It includes indicators such as length of service, position held and salary:

    GP= O/100*ST+P

    Let's look at the calculation of pensions using this formula using specific examples.

    Municipal employees

    Municipal employees can apply for a long service pension upon reaching 15 years of special service.

    With a minimum length of service, future pensioners will receive 45% of their previous salary, with 16 years - 48%, with 17 - 51%. The final pension amount should not exceed 75% of the salary.

    So, for example, a municipal employee who has worked in a position for 19 years with a salary of 40,000 rubles, upon retirement, can count on monthly payments in the amount of:

    40,000/100*(45%+12%)=22,800 rubles

    Civil servant

    The minimum length of service for civil servants increases annually by 6 months (in 2019 - 16 years). For minimum length of service, civil servants, like municipal employees, receive 45% of their previous salary. For each year above the minimum there is an additional payment of 3%.

    A civil servant with a salary of 40,000 rubles and 19 years of special experience will receive a pension in the amount of:

    40,000/100*(45%+9%)=21,600 rubles

    To the teacher

    Teachers, educators and senior educators have the right to receive a pension upon reaching 25 years of work experience.

    Pension provision is calculated on a general basis using the formula:


    So, for example, if, upon reaching 25 years of experience, a teacher of Russian language and literature has accumulated an IPC of 20 points, his pension will be:

    4982.9+81.49*20=6622 rubles

    For health workers

    Health workers can apply for a long-service pension upon reaching 30 years of work experience (for urban specialists) or 25 years (for rural specialists).

    To receive insurance benefits, you must have at least 30 points in the pension insurance system. The pension is calculated using the same formula as for teachers.

    The minimum amount of long-service payments for health workers will be:

    4982.9+81.49*30=7442 rubles 90 kopecks

    As a result of the annual indexation of pensions, benefits can be increased by several percent.

    In the Ministry of Internal Affairs

    To retire under the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the applicant must have 20 years of special work experience, or 25 years of work experience, which will include 12.5 years of special work experience. Pretend to state pension Only persons serving in a military position (rank) can.

    Employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs who do not have a rank are participants in the pension insurance system. Their benefits are formed through the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation and are insurance.

    For employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the calculation is made according to the above formula. Upon reaching 20 years of special experience and a salary of 40,000 rubles, a person has the right to receive a pension benefit:

    40,000/100*50%= 20,000 rubles

    For military personnel

    State support for military personnel is also calculated based on length of service. The minimum specialized experience in this professional field is 20 years. Once it is achieved, a military man can count on 50% of his previous salary.

    A specialist with a salary of 40,000 rubles will be able to receive 20,000 rubles upon reaching retirement age. Each year spent in service beyond the established norm increases the pension percentage by 3%.

    An injury sustained at work, in the performance of official duties and resulting in disability, the presence of dependents, insignia, and titles also affects the final amount of the benefit.

    The long-service pension is one of the fixed categories government payments. Its size depends on the position held, length of service and specialization of the applicant.

    A long-service pension can be paid simultaneously with the insurance part, provided that it was formed through the law enforcement agencies. Or as the main one, when contributions for the employee were made to the Pension Fund.

    How does a pension for municipal employees differ from a regular pension? How is its size calculated? Who can receive it and under what conditions? These or similar questions are of interest to both citizens who serve in local governments and ordinary people working in other areas. This article will examine these issues in the light of latest changes in legislation.

    Who are municipal employees?

    Civil servants and municipal employees belong to different structures and have slightly different functions, however, everything said in the article about the criteria for forming a pension applies equally to both categories.

    Municipal employees are people work activity which meets the criteria:

    • Salaries are generated from the local budget.
    • Occupy various positions in self-government bodies and local municipalities.
    • This is their main profession.

    The exception is employees who work in the above-mentioned bodies in the staff of logistics services (electricians, supply managers, etc.).

    Changes according to 143-FZ (2016)

    According to Federal Law No. 143, from 01/01/2017, the conditions and criteria for the retirement of officials at the federal and local levels were changed.

    Municipal employees whose retirement has not yet taken place are subject to this law in the current and subsequent years.

    The following changes have been introduced:

    • Increasing the retirement age. The assignment of a municipal pension to a municipal employee will now occur upon reaching:
    1. males - 65 years old;
    2. females – 63 years old.

    However, this will not happen overnight - a gradual increase in the age for the possibility of receiving “state” benefits has been introduced. Every year 6 months will be added. That is, if in 2017 the retirement age was 60 ½ and 55 ½, respectively, then in 2018 it was 61 and 56. The growth of these figures will end in 2027 for men, in 2032 for women.

    • We increased the required period of activity in the structure for the possibility of accruing payments due to officials - from 15 to 20 years. In this case, similar to point 1, the addition will occur gradually, 6 months annually. In 2017, 15 ½ years of experience was required, in the current year – 16 years.
    • The age limit up to which it is allowed to work in government agencies has increased - from 60 to 65, and for managerial positions - up to 70 years.

    All the changes that have taken place are aimed at improving the quality of work of officials, which is due to the extension of the service life of employees with extensive experience and the transfer of their unique experience to young personnel. It is also expected that thanks to these measures the budget will be saved, which will increase the amount of old-age pensions for other citizens.

    The above changes are comprehensively presented in Table 1.

    Table 1. Assignment of payments to municipal employees in 2018 in connection with retirement

    Principles for calculating pensions


    The formation of the amount of payments upon retirement for officials at the local and federal levels occurs according to a different scheme than for ordinary citizens.

    The following types are possible:

    1. Pension awarded for length of service to municipal employees.
    2. Old age insurance (on a common basis with citizens of the Russian Federation).

    The main part is payments for length of service, which can be applied only if the length of service in the structure of municipal bodies is not less than the established minimum (16 years in 2018, 20 years in 2026). Their size is 45% of the employee’s average monthly salary. The changes established by law did not affect the calculation of these amounts, and in the future they will remain the same. However, in different regions, local authorities may approve a higher percentage.

    When assigning a pension, an official can choose a more profitable option. At the same time, if he had experience not related to this structure, an increase in the form of an old-age insurance component will be assigned. The total amount should not exceed 75% of the average monthly salary.

    The main part and disability payments cannot be assigned at the same time.

    Additional payments, benefits, preferences

    An additional payment to the pension of municipal employees may be assigned for:

    • the special conditions in which they worked;
    • certain positions;
    • achievements significant for society, for an academic degree;
    • each year of processing relative to the minimum established (16 years in 2018).

    The percentage of allowances for the last point remains the same - the amount will increase by 3% of the average monthly salary for a given period (maximum value no more than 75%) (see Table 1).

    The list of reasons why an official can resign with the right to assign him a “state” benefit for length of service has been changed:

    1. In case of liquidation of an organ.
    2. When staffing is reduced.
    3. Reaching the maximum age (for the position).
    4. Receiving disability.


    • free medical care is provided;
    • are exempt from real estate taxes;
    • compensation for expenses for funeral services.
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