• What is taken into account in work experience? What is included in the total work experience (types of work experience)


    Seniority in accordance with the Federal Laws of December 15, 2001 No. 167-FZ and of December 17, 2001 No. 173-FZ, labor, other socially useful activities and some other periods are created that do not relate to either labor (both paid and unpaid) or to another socially useful activity.

    There are four types of work experience: general, special, continuous and insurance.

    The total length of service includes any work under an employment contract, work as a member of a collective farm or other cooperative organization, other work in which the employee did not work under an employment contract, but was subject to state social insurance (work as a lawyer, private detective or security guard, private notary, work in the peasant farm of its member, labor activity in religious organizations and their institutions, etc.), work (service) in paramilitary security agencies, special communications agencies and mine rescue units. Military service and other service equivalent to it are included in the total length of service along with work. Military includes service in all armed forces Russian Federation, USSR, various military formations, branches of the military, etc. (including in the joint forces of the CIS). Service in internal affairs agencies, foreign intelligence agencies, counterintelligence agencies, state security agencies (regardless of their names now and in the past), and stay in partisan detachments during the Civil War and the Great Patriotic War are considered equivalent to military service. In particular, the position held does not matter, military rank, place of service, its nature, etc.

    Other periods included in the total length of service are divided into two categories: those specified in the laws of 2001, and those specified in other regulatory legal acts. These include the following.

    • 1. Care for a disabled person of group I, a disabled child under 18 years of age, an elderly person if he needs outside care based on the conclusion of a medical institution. Who or where such care is provided does not matter. IN in this case This means gratuitous care, i.e. not the kind of care that is paid in accordance with the employment contract.
    • 2. Care of a non-working mother for each child up to three years of age and 70 days before his birth, but not more than nine years in total.

    The remaining periods that are subject to inclusion in the total length of service do not relate to socially useful activities. There are six of them.

    The first is temporary disability that began during the period of work, and disability of groups I and II due to injury associated with production or an occupational disease.

    The next two periods are also not associated with the implementation of any specific socially useful activity. Firstly, this is the residence of the wives (husbands) of military personnel performing military service under a contract, together with their spouse, in areas where they could not work in their specialty due to lack of employment opportunities (in this case, no deadline is set); secondly, this is the residence abroad of the spouse of an employee of Russian (formerly Soviet) institutions and international organizations (in this case, a deadline is determined - no more than 1 year).

    The Federal Law “On the Status of Military Personnel” introduced an additional rule: for spouses of military personnel who served under a contract, the entire period of residence with the spouse until 1992 is included in the total length of service, regardless of the location of the military units, and since 1992, in addition , a period when spouses were forced not to work due to the health of their children, related to the living conditions at the place of military service of the spouses, if, according to the conclusion of a health care institution, their children needed constant care.

    Another, fourth, period is staying in places of detention beyond the period assigned during the review of the case.

    The fifth period is the period of payment of unemployment benefits, participation in paid public works, retraining and retraining in the direction of state employment authorities and moving in the direction of the employment service to another area and employment. Details about the inclusion of the specified periods in the length of service are stated in the Law of April 19, 1991 No. 1032-1.

    During some of the listed periods, citizens can work. Thus, while women are on maternity leave, they have the right to perform paid work at home or on a part-time basis, while maintaining the right to receive benefits in full during this time. Thus, the work can coincide with the relevant period. In such cases, the same time twice is not counted towards the length of service.

    The sixth period, which is counted toward the total length of service, concerns citizens who were unjustifiably prosecuted, unjustifiably repressed and subsequently rehabilitated. The time spent by such citizens in custody, in places of detention and in exile is counted towards their total length of service.

    According to the law, special length of service is the total duration of a certain activity (service). Taking into account special length of service, an old-age pension is established in connection with special working conditions, work in the Far North, as well as a long-service pension.

    Accordingly, there are three types of special work experience, taking into account which these pensions are assigned. Moreover, each type of special work experience is divided into several subtypes. Thus, in the first type, the experience of underground work, work with hazardous working conditions and in hot shops is distinguished; experience in heavy work; women's work experience as tractor drivers in agriculture and other sectors of the national economy, as well as as drivers of construction, road and loading and unloading machines; women's work experience in the textile industry with increased intensity and difficulty of work, etc. The second type highlights work experience in areas with unfavorable climatic conditions. In the third type - experience pedagogical activity in schools and other institutions for children; experience in medical and other work to protect public health; experience creative work on stage in theaters and other theatrical and entertainment organizations; length of service in military and other equivalent service, etc.

    Continuous work experience currently does not matter much. State-established guarantees and compensation are provided to employees regardless of work interruptions. Individual benefits for employees who have worked continuously long time at one enterprise, can be established by collective agreements or departmental regulations.

    Insurance experience as an independent type appeared in Russian pension system relatively recently. In the Federal Law of December 17, 2001 No. 173-FZ “On labor pensions in the Russian Federation, the insurance period is defined as the total duration of periods of work and (or) other activities during which insurance contributions to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation were paid, as well as other periods counted towards the insurance period, taken into account when determining the right to a labor pension.

    The content of the insurance work experience is determined by Art. 10, 11 Federal Law dated December 17, 2001 No. 173-FZ.

    Periods of work are included in the insurance period, provided that during these periods insurance contributions were paid to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. Along with periods of work, the following periods are included in the insurance period:

    • – military service, as well as other service equivalent to it, provided for by the Law of the Russian Federation of February 12, 1998 No. 4468-1 “On pension provision persons who served in military service, service in internal affairs bodies, the State Fire Service, institutions and bodies of the penal system, and their families";
    • – receiving state social insurance benefits during a period of temporary disability; the period of care of one of the parents for each child until he reaches the age of one and a half years, but not more than three years in total;
    • – receiving unemployment benefits;
    • – participation in paid public works and the period of moving in the direction of the state employment service to another area for employment;
    • – detention of persons unjustifiably prosecuted, unjustifiably repressed and subsequently rehabilitated, and the period of serving their sentences in places of imprisonment and exile;
    • – care provided by an able-bodied person for a disabled person of group I, a disabled child or a person who has reached the age of 80 years;
    • – residence of spouses of military personnel performing military service under a contract, together with their spouses, in areas where they could not work due to lack of employment opportunities, but not more than five years in total;
    • – residence abroad of spouses of employees sent to diplomatic missions and consular offices of the Russian Federation, permanent missions of the Russian Federation to international organizations, trade missions of the Russian Federation in foreign countries, representative offices of federal executive bodies, state bodies under federal executive bodies or as representatives of these bodies for abroad, as well as to representative offices of state institutions of the Russian Federation (state bodies and state institutions of the USSR) abroad and international organizations, the list of which is approved by the Government of the Russian Federation, but not more than five years in total.

    This type of length of service is not calculated on a preferential basis and can only be proven by documents.

    Any legal fact in a legal composition must be proven in the appropriate manner. Work experience is no exception; it also needs to be proven.

    There are two ways to confirm your work experience. The first, main way is to confirm your work experience with documents. In this order, all types of work experience are proven: general, special, insurance and continuous. At the same time, documents confirm any work activity counted in the length of service, as well as all other periods that are included in it (time caring for a child, a disabled person, stay in a temporarily occupied territory, etc.).

    The second method, auxiliary, is to confirm the experience with testimony. In this manner, only work experience can be confirmed (except for work with individual citizens), moreover, under certain conditions and only for appointment state pension. Insurance, special and continuous work experience cannot be proven by testimony.

    Periods of receiving state social insurance benefits during a period of temporary disability (including maternity leave) are included in all types of length of service: general, continuous, special work and insurance experience. See sub. 2 p. 1 art. 11 of the Federal Law of December 17, 2001 No. 173-FZ, joint letter of the Ministry of Labor of Russia and the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation dated November 4, 2002 No. 7392-YuL/LCh-25-25/10067 “On crediting work experience, giving the right to early assignment of a labor pension for old age, the period during which a woman is on maternity leave”, Art. 7 of the Federal Law of December 29, 2006 No. 255-FZ “On compulsory social insurance in case of temporary disability and in connection with maternity”, clause 5 of the Rules for calculating periods of work giving the right to early appointments labor pension and old age pension in accordance with Art. 27 and 28 of the Federal Law "On Labor Pensions in the Russian Federation", approved. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated July 11, 2002 No. 516.

    What is included in general work experience? ? Almost every one of us asks this question sooner or later, because it is the length of service that will determine what kind of pension we can apply for after reaching the legal age. In the article below we will try to understand this concept.

    What is meant by total work experience?

    Talking about general work experience, it is worth noting that this concept is quite common at the layman level, but in the legislation today there is no such term. At the same time, previously total work experience was understood as the total time period during which the employee carried out labor or other socially useful activities, giving him the right to social benefits. guarantees (vacation, benefits, etc.) and registration of a labor pension.

    After the pension reform, which was carried out in our country in 2002, the term “ total work experience" was replaced by the term "insurance period". This was due to the introduction of a new system of social and pension insurance for the working population. From the moment the changes come into force, each employer is obliged to pay insurance premiums for its employees. All periods and, accordingly, amounts paid in Pension Fund, are summed up, and based on this, the employee who has achieved retirement age, pension is calculated.

    In accordance with the current law, the period insurance period includes the time when a citizen directly carried out labor activities on the territory of the Russian Federation and paid insurance premiums for him, plus other periods provided for by law:

    • the period of a person’s military or other service equated to military service at the legislative level;
    • the time during which one of the parents was on leave to care for each of the children born in the family, until they reached the age of one and a half years;
    • the period of time during which the citizen received benefits due to temporary disability;
    • time spent by a citizen caring for a disabled person of 1 year, a person aged 80 years or more, or a disabled child (regardless of the disability group);
    • the time period during which the person received unemployment benefits or was employed in paid public work;
    • the period of detention or exile of illegally convicted or repressed citizens who were subsequently rehabilitated.

    Special work experience

    Talking about types of work experience, one cannot fail to mention such a variety as special work experience. Officially (in the regulatory framework) this term is not used, however, some of the provisions of Soviet legislation on special experience are also valid in modern labor law.

    Thus, special work experience should be considered the period of work of a citizen in a certain production, in a special industry, climate zone, or associated with professions/positions that give him the right to additional pension benefits (early start of pension payments, their increased amount, etc.).

    Today, such benefits are established in exceptional cases, and the range of grounds for their appointment is narrowed as much as possible in comparison with Soviet period. According to current legislation, they can count on special work experience:

    • persons with special working conditions, including when they have been diagnosed with disability group 1 or 2, have an injury or disease directly related to their professional activities;
    • persons who were employed in underground work or worked in hot shops;
    • persons entitled to benefits due to length of service (this category should include members of the armed forces, doctors, teachers, etc.).

    Not so long ago length of service for calculating pension played a decisive role, but today in 2018 the calculation process is somewhat different and has a number of features.

    Legal requirements regarding length of service

    Before economic reforms (until 2002), the pension was formed based on the number of years worked as a citizen. 20 continuous years were enough for women, and 25 years for men. For each year over the limit, an increase of 1% of the salary was due. They are limited to 55-75%.

    Insurance and work experience

    After 2002 minimum experience The period for calculating pensions is 5 years. It's already called insurance, and not labor, because Each employer pays insurance for its employees. The size of the subsequent pension depends on this indicator. After amendments were made in 2015, the minimum experience was increased to 10 years, and the formation of the amount is influenced by the following main parameters:

    • the number of years during which social tax was paid;
    • the amount of deductions for insurance premiums.

    Thus, the experience itself is no longer so important, because when receiving a high salary, a citizen accordingly pays significant amounts, which is why he can receive a pension even higher than a person who has worked all his life, but for a small amount.

    Increasing the minimum work experience

    To somewhat equalize this injustice, starting from 2015, the minimum length of service for a pension will be gradually raised, year by year. The limit value is 15 years by 2025. And today the earlier relevant concept of continuity of work in one area or at one enterprise no longer applies.

    How to calculate experience

    The length of service required to calculate a pension is the time spent working or social activities.

    There are these types:

    • Duration of service civil service.
    • Insurance part . The time when the employee made insurance contributions.
    • Special. When employed in a certain activity, the calculation procedure and time of retirement may differ from the established one.


    The latter includes hazardous production, work in areas with special climatic conditions or when exposed to radioactive radiation, etc. In this case, payment is assigned “for length of service”, for which it is necessary to work in a specific field for a specified number of years.

    For example, 20-25 years for pilots, 25-30 years for medical personnel and teachers, 20 years for military personnel.

    Features of calculations

    Having determined how much length of service is required for calculating a pension, it is worth understanding the features of its calculation. According to the law, one year of work is equivalent to a year of experience. In a number of cases, citizens have circumstances that force them not to perform their labor duties.

    Is military service included in the length of service for calculating a pension - Yes it is included

    Many of them are taken into account by law and are equal to the working period:

    • Being on maternity leave, providing care until children are 1.5 years old. The total period cannot exceed 6 years.
    • Work in the bodies of the State Border Service, the Federal Penitentiary Service, the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The army is also included in the length of service for calculating pensions.
    • Illness resulting in temporary incapacity.
    • Participation in social and public works.
    • Status registered with the employment service.
    • Unjustified stay in prison for citizens unfairly prosecuted, which was confirmed later.
    • Caring for a relative: elderly, over 80 years old or disabled, incl. child.
    • The spouse of a military or civil servant who is forced to stay in a foreign country or at the spouse’s place of service and is unable to get a job.

    Time spent on one of these reasons is taken as length of service for calculating a pension only if before and after this the citizen had official employment.

    Individual entrepreneurs

    It is worth mentioning separately about citizens engaged in individual activities: entrepreneurs, lawyers, writers. They form their length of service for such activities only if they are independently deducted into the OPS system within this period.

    If a citizen traveled outside the country where he was employed, these years will be able to be counted into the total piggy bank only if the legislation of the Russian Federation is observed. Namely, if he made transfers to the Pension Fund.

    What is included in the length of service for a pension?

    It is also worth clarifying what is included in the length of service for calculating a pension and how it is formed. Today it is calculated according to two parameters: minimum working experience (number of years) and insurance coefficient (number of points).

    Individual points are determined according to the insurance premiums paid for the employee. A senior citizen no longer needs to confirm a working period after 2002. After registration of SNILS, the Pension Fund makes calculations according to the payments made from the company.

    Vacation and Service Points

    If a citizen did not perform labor duties for one of the socially significant reasons, the number of individual points is awarded according to the following criteria:

    • Being on leave to care for a child: 1.8 points;
    • Second: 3.6 points;
    • For the third: 5.4 points (similar for subsequent ones);
    • For a disabled person, incl. child, elderly citizen: 1.8 points;
    • Service (army): 1.8 points.

    If the total time of employment of a person is less than that established by law, all his contributions no longer matter, he is not entitled to a calculation, and is awarded an old-age pension without length of service.

    The number of points awarded increases annually. Today it is equal 7,39 and will increase with each period to a maximum of 10 by 2021. The cost of one point is set at the government level and adjusted annually. Today it is slightly more than 70 rubles.

    No experience - no pension? Old age pension

    It is no secret that today many are employed unofficially or on “black” wages, which affects the total length of service for calculating a pension and its amount. The employee will not be able to officially confirm the time he worked. But the law protects all categories of citizens and social benefits are provided for such situations.

    It is due upon reaching a certain age:

    • 60 years – for women;
    • 65 years – for men.

    As you can see, the age is 5 years higher than for pensioners who are entitled to insurance pension. Work experience is not important for calculating an old-age pension. If it is not enough, it is immediately prescribed social help. Its size is small, but according to the law, if it is less than the minimum for living in a particular region, the size will be increased to it. The value is static and is not at all affected by other characteristics: the total number of years worked, the presence of a work book, the lack of official employment.

    Thus, even without work experience to calculate a pension, in old age a citizen will receive minimum size, assigned to the region.

    In modern Russian legislation the term "general" is missing. Previously, it meant the totality of labor and other useful activities for a given period, which guaranteed the citizen the right to social protection and registration of pensions.

    There are several types of work experience:

    • general
    • special
    • insurance
    • continuous

    In 2002 it was held pension reform, as a result of which the term “total length of service” was replaced by “insurance length of service”. Such innovations are associated with the introduction of a new citizen insurance system. After the implementation of the reform, each entrepreneur took upon himself the obligation to pay for employees. Due to the summation of all periods, the citizen receives a pension.

    Work experience includes:

    • time when the parent was on parental leave
    • period of time when a citizen was declared incompetent (so-called sick leave)
    • time in the army
    • a period of time when a citizen was deprived of freedom and was in places where it was restricted, but then the charges against him were dropped and he was found innocent
    • if a citizen is registered with the employment service and receives unemployment assistance from there
    • if a citizen participated in public works for a certain period of time, which were paid
    • if the employment service sent a citizen to another area for employment, then the time spent on moving is also taken into account in the work experience
    • if a citizen constantly takes care of a disabled person of the first group or a pensioner who is over eighty years old
    • time spent abroad by the husband or wife of a consular officer or diplomat sent there by the government of the Russian Federation

    Until 2012, total work experience also included time spent on full-time work. But due to the implementation of the reform, such a need has disappeared. After all, studying at a university does not provide for the payment of insurance contributions, and therefore they are not included in the calculation for determining the pension.

    When is calculation of experience necessary?

    You only need to calculate your work experience in two cases: when receiving or receiving a pension. Both of these cases are somewhat different from each other.

    To calculate sick leave, length of service includes:

    • the period of work that was formalized by the employment contract
    • the period when the citizen passed public service in civil or municipal bodies
    • time of other activities when the citizen received wages and insurance payments were made for it

    To calculate work experience, you need to take into account all types labor activity person, including service in the Armed Forces and caring for a child up to 1.5 years old.

    Calculation of length of service using a work book

    The amount of some depends on the length of the employee’s work experience. We are talking about temporary incapacity (sick leave). Its size directly depends on the duration of the experience. The same can be said about maternity benefits.

    Russian legislation provides for a minimum length of service for men, which will allow them to retire, of 25 years, for women - 20. If a citizen has worked for this number of years, then his pension will be accrued in full in the amount of 55% of the employee’s average earnings.

    There is also the possibility of increasing this percentage. For each year above the specified terms, the state adds 1%. But this number cannot exceed 20%.


    First, you need to take a work book and sequentially write down from there all the dates of admission and dismissal from work. This must be done strictly in chronological order (then it will be easier to count). For greater convenience, you can write out data for each organization in a column. You also need to remember that you should subtract the first working day from the date of dismissal and add one more day.

    Experienced personnel officers know that when making calculations, they need to take into account the fact that 1 year of experience includes 12 months, and a month – strictly 30 days.

    If the work book does not contain exact entries taking into account the days of the month, then the start of work should be considered half the month (15th day), or the middle of the year - the beginning of July.

    The data that is obtained by summing up data from all places of work must be converted into the necessary time units (year, month).

    Using programs

    For those for whom such work will be too difficult or boring, and they are looking for how work experience is considered easier, there is a method for calculating work experience using computer program. This can be either a 1C program installed on a computer or simple online services that offer such a service.

    Programs for calculating total or continuous experience allow you to use the following:

    • calculate your work experience with a simple mouse click
    • ability to enter data both from the keyboard and using a computer mouse
    • navigate through cells by simply pressing function keys and much more

    Such programs make it possible to calculate length of service in a couple of minutes. You just need to enter the required data into the cells and wait for the result.

    If there is no work book

    The work record may be lost. And the reason for this is not only negligence. Fire, flood or other troubles may occur. But work experience still needs to be calculated. In such cases, you can resort to using other documents that confirm your work activity:

    • certificates issued by the employer
    • extract from the order of hiring or dismissal
    • personal account
    • statements containing salary data

    All documents must be original and contain the number and date.

    Calculation example

    The algorithm for calculating seniority (even manually) is quite simple. For greater understanding, it can be cited at.

    Before starting work (November 12, 2005) at Siyanie LLC, Sergei Vladimirov Ivanov was an employee of two more enterprises with which he signed an employment contract. This is evidenced by the entries in the work book:

    1. He worked at Tulip LLC from September 15, 1995 to January 17, 2000 inclusive.
    2. He worked at Sosna CJSC from February 1, 2000 to September 22, 2005 inclusive.
    3. He worked at Siyanie LLC from November 12, 2005 to October 15, 2007 inclusive.

    After that, he fell ill, as evidenced by a medical certificate. The illness lasted from October 15 to October 25, 2007.

    It is necessary to determine the length of work (insurance) experience in order to calculate disability benefits.

    To do this, you need to calculate your work experience. At the same time, it is worth considering the fact that it is necessary to include in it, but not the day of onset of the disease.

    • The employee spent 4 years, 4 months and 2 days at the Tyulpan LLC enterprise
    • at Sosna JSC - 5 years, 6 months and 21 days
    • he worked at Siyanie LLC for 1 year, 11 months and 2 days

    If we summarize all this data, it turns out that S.V. Ivanov has 11 years 9 months and 25 days of work experience. Based on these data, he may be accrued temporary disability benefits in the amount of 100%.

    Every citizen of the Russian Federation who works in a permanent place must have a special document. One of them is a work book. This is where the work experience is recorded. The easiest way to calculate it is from the work book. Today you can find a huge number of approaches for this.

    Write your question in the form below

    IN pension legislation Previously, the concept of “work experience” existed. It was one of the most important legal facts, in connection with which the right to accrue benefits and benefits arises.

    Currently, it is identified with the concept of “insurance period”.

    Concept and legal meaning

    Work experience is the total duration of working and social activity, calculated in a certain order, starting from the moment of reaching working age. Its calculation is necessary to obtain various guarantees and compensations established by law.

    From a legal point of view, this is a fact, upon the occurrence of which the right to receive pension payments, certain types of benefits, and benefits arises.

    It has two characteristics:

    • quantitative, that is, the time period of the activity;
    • qualitative - represents the conditions in which a person worked, their harmfulness, danger, etc.

    The main document confirming its duration is employment history.

    More information about this concept you can learn from the following video:


    Regulatory acts distinguish between several types of length of service.


    Defined as duration of work under employment contracts. Social activities also fall into this category.

    Breaks in work do not affect the length of the period, since the calculation is based on the total amount of time worked. That is, if for some reason a person was not officially registered in the organization, with further continuation of activity, the length of service will increase, its countdown will not start all over again. In this case, the break period itself is not added to the working period.

    Based on the value of this indicator, pensions are calculated for long service, disability, and old age.

    The types of activities to be included include:

    • work, including work that began before the formation of the USSR, as an employee, worker, member of a collective farm or any other enterprise;
    • other work during which the person was subject to state insurance;
    • activities in residency, graduate school, etc.;
    • military service;
    • individual entrepreneurial activity;
    • working hours by ;
    • participation in paid public works.

    The following periods of time are not included in the total length of service:

    • training in universities and colleges;
    • caring for a disabled person of group I;
    • residence of military spouses in areas where they could not find employment due to the impossibility of this action;
    • residence abroad of spouses of employees of any international organizations, as well as Soviet institutions;
    • caring for a child during the period starting 70 days before his birth and ending with reaching the age of 3 years;
    • caring for a disabled child until he reaches the age of 18.


    This type refers to the total period of work activity in certain industries, in certain positions, in certain areas, in special conditions.

    These activities include:

    • work in difficult climatic conditions, for example, in the north;
    • hazardous industries;
    • work in areas exposed to dangerous radioactive radiation;
    • employment in the intelligence services.

    Based on this period, a special preferential pension is assigned. Length of service is also provided.


    Represents period of continuous work in one or more enterprises.

    Until 2007, the value of this period influenced the calculation of payments for sick leave. However, currently the amount of this benefit is determined depending on the total length of insurance coverage.

    Continuity is maintained in cases where:

    • the break in work was no more than a month;
    • a woman has a disabled child under 16 years of age;
    • the break after dismissal by agreement of the parties is less than three weeks;
    • the dismissal was caused by the transfer of the spouse to another area, as well as retirement.

    The value of this indicator is not used to calculate pension payments.

    Difference from insurance experience

    Many people have come across these concepts, but not everyone knows what the difference is between them. The insurance period is applied when determining the right to accrue a pension from 2015.

    According to current law, payments are assigned when a person reaches retirement age and has a total insurance record of at least five years. This period includes the time for which contributions to the Pension Fund were accrued and paid, as well as some periods during which the person did not work:

    • caring for a disabled person of group I;
    • caring for a disabled child;
    • time of receipt of temporary disability benefits;
    • caring for a child up to one and a half years old, but not more than six years in total;
    • caring for an elderly person over 80 years of age.

    Labor is used to determine the right to pension payments citizens who worked before January 1, 2002. Currently, this concept is absent in legislation. The size of the pension accrued before the specified date depends on its duration. After this, payments are calculated differently.

    Calculation procedure

    When calculating length of service for various purposes, the employee’s work book is used, that’s all. If it is missing, then the calculation is made based on employment contract, certificates from previous places of work, extracts from orders, salary slips and similar documents.

    The specific calculation algorithm depends on the purpose of this procedure.

    To receive a pension, benefits

    In this case, every day of service is important, since the amount of payments depends on the length of the period. For the calculation, all periods of a person’s work are used, including time of municipal service, as well as other types that involve the deduction of insurance premiums.

    According to the law, when calculating a month, a period of 30 days is considered, and a year is equal to 360 days.

    The calculation procedure is as follows. First, you should write down the start and end dates of all periods of work. After this, the duration of each period is determined accurate to the day. Next, all the numbers are summed up, the quantity is indicated full years, months, days.

    1. First of all, you should count the days: 25 in September, 19 in December. Total 44 days or 1 month and 14 days.
    2. Next, count the months: 3 full months in 2012, 11 in 2014. Total 14 months or 1 year and 2 months.
    3. Then determine the number of full years: 1 year in 2013.
    4. Now you need to add up all the resulting values: 1 year, 1 year and 2 months, 1 month and 14 days. Total 2 years, 3 months, 14 days.

    This indicator is the total length of service.

    For sick leave

    The calculation to determine the amount of temporary disability benefits is carried out using a work book. The determination of the duration of the working period for this purpose must be carried out to the nearest day. If a person worked at several enterprises, the length of service is calculated for each place of employment.

    The magnitude directly affects. That is, the longer the period, the higher the accruals. According to the law, the dependence is as follows:

    • with work experience of up to 6 months, the benefit amount is equal to one minimum wage;
    • up to 5 years - 60% of the average salary;
    • up to 8 years - 80% of earnings;
    • more than 8 years - 100% of the average salary.

    The calculation method is the same as for determining the size of the pension. For example, if a person’s total work period is 2 years, 3 months and 14 days, then the amount of payments will be 60% of the calculated amount.

    Using an online calculator

    There is no need to manually calculate periods of time included in work experience. You can find many special calculators on the Internet. With their help, calculating the desired figure is much easier and faster.

    To do this, you need to fill in the fields, indicating the start and end date of the work period, after which the system will automatically determine the size of the indicator.

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