• Fixed pension amount per year. What is a fixed payment to an insurance pension?

    "ABOUT funded pension» , as well as approved changes and additions to existing regulations related to pension provision.

    These changes took effect from January 1, 2015 and continue to operate to this day. New pension reform not currently developed.

    As part of this stage of the reform, the labor pension will be converted into insurance and funded. In this case, a citizen can transfer part of the contributions at his discretion to any non-state pension fund or management company (private or public). The selected organization will invest contributions and increase your pension savings over time.

    For citizens who have reached retirement age and receiving pension benefits, but, an increase not expected.

    Installation in an enlarged size

    There are a number of categories of citizens to whom the minimum portion of the accrual is paid in an increased amount. These include disabled people, northerners, pensioners 80 years of age or older, and citizens with dependents.

    • To be paid for disability when working at RKS their EF increases by 50%, and upon implementation labor activity in areas equivalent to those - by 30%.
    • At reaching 80 years old the assigned payment is doubled.
    • In the presence of disabled dependents The PV increases by 1,660.97 rubles for each disabled person (up to 3 people). If you have experience in the RKS, the additional payment increases by 1.5 times, and if you have experience in areas equivalent to the KKS - by 1.3 times.

    Also, for those living in the Far North and equivalent areas, the payment is set in an increased amount by regional coefficient.

    Insurance pension without fixed payment

    However, insurance pension provision for such citizens is established without taking into account the amount fixed payment.

    According to Federal Law dated December 28, 2013 N 400-FZ, in order to receive funds, these pensioners must meet the following criteria:

    • have a certain amount of individual pension coefficients (13.8 in 2018);
    • have a payment for long service or in connection with disability from the state;
    • at least 9 years in 2018, followed by an increase of one year annually up to 15 years;
    • achievement - 55 years for women and 60 for men.

    Increase factor for late retirement

    According to pension legislation the insured person, in order to increase, can independently determine the date of assignment of the pension. It became profitable to apply for her appointment at a later age, since increasing factors are now applied to the insurance pension and fixed payment.

    The size of the increase due to bonus coefficients when applying for payment later than retirement age depends on the number of years for which the citizen postpones retirement.

    The number of years giving the right to increasing coefficients is determined from the moment the right to payment arises until the day of its assignment, but not earlier than January 1, 2015.

    Insured persons who are already receiving a pension also have the right to increase benefits through premium coefficients. In this case, they need to submit an application for refusal to receive an already accrued insurance pension. Upon expiration of the planned period, which should be at least 12 months, the accrual will be restored at the request of the insured person, and increasing factors will be applied to the payment. The increase depends on the number of years for which the benefit is deferred, which is regulated by applications and law “About insurance pensions”.

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    An old-age or old-age insurance pension is a cash benefit that is paid to citizens every month as a replacement for salary or other income when a number of conditions are met. This includes retirement age (the amount of payments increases especially for pensioners over 80 years of age: details can be found) and length of service. As for the formula for calculating the old-age insurance payment, since 2015 it has been the personal coefficient multiplied by the cost of the IPC, including a fixed payment rate.

    What is the basic part and the insurance part of the pension?

    Basic part pension provision- a small component of compensation. Since the beginning of 2002, its amount has been only 450 rubles per month. This amount is intended for all persons who have reached retirement age and have a minimum seniority a total of five years.

    If we are talking about disabled people, pensioners over 80 and people with disabilities supported by them, then the current base rates increase slightly. The base part is minimum pension, including additional payments and previous compensation. The main goal is to provide a standard social guarantee. This is where the name comes from.

    The insurance part of the pension is a component of the mechanism that provides the opportunity to regulate the attitude towards payment and tie the amount to the pensioner, taking into account the length of service and wages. That is, the amount of the insurance part of the compensation directly depends on the number of days worked and the amount of contributions paid to the Pension Fund. The final component is considered the calculated pension capital. It is formed thanks to the contributions provided by employers.

    Indexation of the basic and insurance part of the pension in 2018

    From February 1, 2018, pension insurance for non-working pensioners will be increased by 5.4 percent. The basis is inflation - the increase in prices for consumer goods over the past year.

    Resolution number 35 from the end of 2017 were adopted by the Government Russian Federation. According to information from Rosstat, final inflation for 2017 was almost 5.5 percent. Pension benefits for non-working pensioners are increased by exactly the specified amount. By indexing compensation to the current level of inflation, the government maintains purchasing power.

    It should be noted that since the beginning of 2016, pension indexation has been carried out in accordance with new rules, according to a fixed payment and through indexation of individual pension coefficient.

    Procedure for calculating basic pension

    The main percentage of Russian residents receive pensions from post offices. It's not very convenient way. In the century modern technologies there are many others available methods. For example, you should contact financial institutions. A pensioner can open an account with a banking organization that has a direct agreement with Pension Fund. A banking organization will be able to automatically transfer funds from an account to an electronic bank card.

    To apply for a transfer to an account with a banking organization, you must contact the MFC or Pension Fund. Another method of submitting an application is to go to the government services website, having previously registered a personal account.

    The payment is transferred or issued on certain days once a month. In order for other persons to receive the payment, it is necessary to issue a power of attorney. The procedure can be carried out at a notary.

    Basic pension size in 2018

    If you don't know what size basic pension in 2018, then standard size The basic part of the payment in 2018 is 4,600 rubles. The disability pension is slightly larger.

    • Those who have reached the age of eighty;
    • Pensioners who care for disabled people;
    • Orphans;
    • People who have worked in the Far North for at least 15 years.

    Basic pension in the Far North

    If citizens continue to live in the Far North, then the corresponding coefficient is used to calculate pension benefits. If a citizen moved to a regular area, then the coefficient of the previous area is not taken into account.

    Increased coefficients are additionally used to calculate the insurance part of the pension. As for the country as a whole, the ratio of a pensioner’s salary to the national average is taken into account with a coefficient of no more than 1.2. Compared to the northern payment, in which the coefficient can reach up to 1.9.

    In other words, the calculation uses the coefficient established by the Government for a specific region and certain industries. The peculiarity of such an increase is that the coefficient is not tied to a specific place of residence. When moving to another area, insurance part payments are completely preserved.

    The basic pension for a citizen is set at the state level at a single rate and is subject to annual indexation. This process is carried out for all pensioners in a general manner. The indexation procedure is carried out based on parts of the labor pension accrual. Its main share is indexed depending on the rate of inflation, as well as within the budget funds allocated for the financial year.

    What is the basic part and the insurance part of the pension?

    Pension accruals include three components:

    • Basic share;
    • Insurance;
    • Cumulative.

    The last of the components is not relevant to today's pensioners, since it was introduced relatively recently. This point will be relied upon when calculating pensions today for working citizens. The basic component is common to everyone. It has a fixed amount and is subject to indexation annually.

    The insurance part is precisely based on the length of service and level of income of a person during his working life. Each employee made monthly contributions from his monthly earnings to the insurance fund. It is these contributions that are the basis for the formation of the insurance share of the pension accrual. It is calculated quite simply: the level of contributions to the insurance fund is divided by 19 - the expected number of years that the pensioner will live. The labor pension consists of the sum of these two components.

    Fixed basic amount of old-age labor pension in 2018

    Basic part pension accruals to some extent, it is a certain guarantee of provision for Russians of retirement age. Article 16 of Federal Law No. 400 establishes that this is a fixed component of payments with a certain amount.

    To date basic part for a citizen who leaves his position due to reaching retirement age, it is 4,805.11 rubles. In 2002, this amount was 450 rubles/month, and increased annually through indexation.

    This share of accruals is mandatory for all pensioners with more than 5 years of work experience. The main goal of this part is to establish some kind of social guarantee for citizens.

    What funds are used to finance the payment of the basic part of the pension?

    The formation of the fundamental component occurs through contributions from enterprises. Until 2005, they paid 28% of the unified social tax, of which half went to the main part of pensions, and the second half to insurance. After 2005, this percentage was lowered to 20, and the part of contributions to the indigenous component decreased to 6%.

    Despite this, payments are made from the state budget and do not depend on the specific amount of contributions made by the employee during the employment relationship. Thus, the government has committed itself to ensuring a minimum amount of payments and promises their gradual increase.

    How is the basic part of the labor pension recalculated?

    The base component is recalculated based on the pensioner’s application, which indicates the reason for the change in the amount of pension accruals. Such reasons may include:

    • The citizen is 80 years old;
    • There have been changes in the area of ​​disability;
    • The number of disabled dependents or family members has changed;
    • There was a change in the category of the recipient of accruals due to the loss of a breadwinner.

    To carry out this procedure, it is necessary, in addition to the application, to provide the entire package of supporting documents. When recalculating due to reaching the age of 80 years, this procedure is carried out from the day the citizen reaches this age.

    If the reason for recalculation is an increase in the degree of disability, the procedure is carried out from the day the decision is made by the medical and social examination commission. And if the degree of disability, on the contrary, decreases, then the recalculation is made from the 1st day of the month after which the corresponding decision was made.

    If you believe that the recalculation was carried out incorrectly, you can challenge this assignment. A lawyer working in your city will tell you how to do this correctly. List of available specialists

    Amount of basic pension in 2018 in Russia?

    Based on the inflation rate in 2017, on February 1, 2018, the basic component of pension accruals will be recalculated. According to officially provided data, last year's inflation rate was 5.4%. Accordingly, accruals were recalculated for this amount. As a result of this indexation, the cost of the pension coefficient was increased by 4.01 rubles, which is 788 rubles 28 kopecks. Based on this value, the indexation of the main component today is RUB 4,805.11. Indexation is carried out annually from February 1 of the current year.

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