• Pension for length of service for state civil servants. Age limit for being in the state civil service: what personnel officers need to remember


    1. Payment for the labor of a civil servant is made in the form of salary, which is the main means of his material support and stimulation of professional official activities for a filled civil service position.

    2. The salary of a civil servant consists of the monthly salary of a civil servant in accordance with the position of the civil service he fills (hereinafter referred to as the official salary) and the monthly salary of a civil servant in accordance with the class rank of the civil service assigned to him (hereinafter referred to as the salary for the class rank), which constitute the monthly salary of a civil servant (hereinafter referred to as the salary), as well as from monthly and other additional payments (hereinafter referred to as additional payments).

    3. The amounts of official salaries and salaries for the class rank of federal state civil servants are established by presidential decree Russian Federation on the proposal of the Government of the Russian Federation. For certain positions in the civil service, by decree of the President of the Russian Federation, salary may be established in the form of a single monetary remuneration, which takes into account the official salary, salary for class rank and monthly bonuses to the official salary for length of service in the civil service, for special conditions of the civil service, for work with information constituting a state secret, but bonuses and monthly cash incentives are not taken into account.

    4. The amounts of official salaries and salaries for class rank of state civil servants of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation are established in accordance with the regulatory legal act of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

    5. K additional payments relate:

    1) monthly bonus to the official salary for length of service in the civil service in the amounts:

    with civil service experience as a percentage from 1 year to 5 years 10 from 5 to 10 years 15 from 10 to 15 years 20 over 15 years 30;

    2) a monthly bonus to the official salary for special conditions of the civil service in the amount of up to 200 percent of this salary;

    3) monthly percentage markup to the official salary for work with information constituting a state secret, in the amount and manner determined by the legislation of the Russian Federation;

    4) bonuses for completing particularly important and complex tasks, the payment procedure for which is determined by the employer’s representative, taking into account the provision of the tasks and functions of the government body, the execution of official regulations (the maximum amount is not limited);

    5) monthly cash incentive;

    6) a one-time payment when providing annual paid leave and financial assistance, paid from the funds of the civil servants’ wage fund.

    6. The amount of monthly monetary incentives paid to federal civil servants is established differentially for federal government bodies by decrees of the President of the Russian Federation.

    7. The procedure for paying monthly bonuses for special conditions of the civil service is determined by the employer’s representative.

    8. Payment procedure financial assistance at the expense of the civil servants' wage fund is determined by the relevant regulations approved by the employer's representative.

    9. In cases established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, a regional coefficient (coefficient) is established for the salary of a civil servant.

    10. Civil servants are made other payments provided for by the relevant federal laws and other regulatory legal acts.

    11. Salaries for positions in the federal civil service are increased (indexed) annually in accordance with federal law on the federal budget for the corresponding year, taking into account the level of inflation (consumer prices). The decision to increase (indexate) salaries for positions in the federal civil service is made by the President of the Russian Federation on the proposal of the Government of the Russian Federation.

    12. The amounts of salaries for positions in the civil service of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation are increased (indexed) annually in accordance with the law of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation on the budget of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation for the corresponding year, taking into account the level of inflation (consumer prices). The increase (indexation) of salaries for positions in the civil service of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation is carried out in accordance with the legislation of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

    13. Federal civil servants holding civil service positions in a state body located outside the territory of the Russian Federation are paid in foreign currency and rubles in the manner and in the amounts established by the President of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Russian Federation.

    14. For certain positions of the civil service, a special procedure for remuneration of civil servants may be established, in which payment is made depending on the indicators of efficiency and effectiveness of professional service activities, determined in a fixed-term service contract. Civil servants whose wages are paid in accordance with the specified special procedure are not subject to the wage conditions established by other parts of this article. Generalized indicators of the efficiency and effectiveness of the activities of government bodies, the adoption and execution of management and other decisions, as well as legal, organizational and documentary support for the execution of these decisions, common to government bodies and civil servants, are approved respectively by the President of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Russian Federation.

    15. The list of civil service positions for which a special procedure for remuneration may be established, as well as the procedure for establishing remuneration for civil servants, provided for in Part 14 of this article, are approved accordingly by the decree of the President of the Russian Federation on the proposal of the Government of the Russian Federation and by regulatory legal acts of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

    16. Remuneration provided for in Part 14 of this article is made within the established wage fund for civil servants.

    17. Specific indicators of the efficiency and effectiveness of the activities of a state body, the adoption and execution of management and other decisions, as well as legal, organizational and documentary support for the execution of these decisions are approved by a legal act of the state body in accordance with the specifics of its tasks and functions.

    State civil service experienceis used to resolve many issues related to the employment of civil servants. What is civil service experience, how is it calculated and why is it necessary, we will consider in this article.

    The concept of experience in the civil service

    The length of service in the civil service, including civil service, is the total length of time during which a civil servant held certain positions in the civil service system of the Russian Federation.

    This category is used to regulate many organizational and monetary aspects related to the work of a civil servant. Based on the length of service in the state civil service, the monthly salary increment is calculated and the number of additional days to the main vacation is determined; the amount of incentives for length of service and impeccable and effective service is calculated. In addition, civil service experience is included in the list of qualifying requirements for a person when applying for a government position. They also rely on length of service when assigning a pension and calculating its amount.

    These issues are resolved at the legislative level:

    • Federal laws “On the civil service system of the Russian Federation” dated May 27, 2003 No. 58-FZ, “On the state civil service of the Russian Federation” dated July 27, 2004 No. 79-FZ, “On the state pension provision in the Russian Federation" dated December 15, 2001 No. 166-FZ;
    • Decrees of the President of the Russian Federation “On the calculation of length of service in the state civil service of the Russian Federation...” dated November 19, 2007 No. 1532 and “On the list of positions, periods of service (work) in which are included in the length of service of the state civil service for the purpose of assigning a pension for length of service of federal state civil servants » dated September 20, 2010 No. 1141 (hereinafter referred to as the List).

    By decree of the President of the Russian Federation, positions were approved, the period of work in which is counted towards the length of service in the state civil service. This is a pretty impressive list of 20 items. To generalize, it turns out that the length of service in the state civil service takes into account the terms of employment in state (for example, the President of the Russian Federation) and municipal positions (a deputy of the regional Duma from the district), in civil service positions (for example, the Prime Minister of a republic within the Russian Federation) , military positions and positions in law enforcement agencies, as well as some others (tax police, customs, penal system, etc.).

    The rules for calculating the length of service in the civil service, approved by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation, explain that when calculating the length of service in the state civil service of a civil servant, all periods of work in positions, the list of which is determined by law, are summed up and the replacement of which is counted towards the length of service in the state civil service.

    The length of service in the state civil service can be documented by entries in the work book, or in some cases - by a military ID. If the data in the work book is incorrect or missing, then the evidence will be a certificate from the archive containing information about the periods of civil service. The calculation is carried out in calendar months and years, with every 30 days converted into 1 calendar month, and every 12 months into 1 calendar year.


    The citizen worked in law enforcement agencies in a position included in the List for 6 years, 4 months and 21 days. Then he worked for 8 years, 7 months and 9 days in the prosecutor's office - also in a position included in the List. By mathematical addition we get total experience citizen on public service- 15 years.

    A long-service bonus is an incentive payment that serves as an increase to the required salary. Rely on representatives of various types of government agencies. Their size is determined by the length of service.

    Who can receive a long service bonus?

    The issuance of incentive payments to a certain category of employees is approved by the following acts:

    • Regulatory act “On social guarantees for representatives of the Department of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation” dated July 19, 2011 (in particular, its articles 7 and 8).
    • Federal Law “On Civil Service” of July 28, 2004 (in particular, paragraph 2 of Article 54).
    • By order of the Minister of Defense of December 30, 2001 No. 2700.
    • Decree of the Government apparatus of Russia “On the terms of payments” No. 638.

    Employees who are entitled to long service bonus:

    • Budget and civil servants.
    • Representatives of the Department of Internal Affairs.
    • Military personnel.

    The following can count on a salary increase due to incentive payments:

    • Test pilots.
    • People working in aviation.
    • Medical workers.
    • Employees of budgetary art institutions.
    • Law enforcement officers.
    • Astronauts.
    • Fleet workers.
    • Teachers.
    • FSIN employees.

    IMPORTANT! This list is established by the laws of the Russian Federation. The employer is obliged to comply with all regulations. Also, the possibility of paying a bonus for length of service to employees who are not mentioned in the law can be indicated in the local acts of the enterprise, if the manager has a need to stimulate his employees.

    The size of the premium and the nuances of its calculation

    The amount of payments will be determined as a percentage of the employee's salary. In this case, the length of service is taken into account. The amount of the bonus can range from 5% to 40% of the salary. The exact percentage depends on the employee's position.

    State and budget employees

    The amount of payments to representatives of the civil service is established by paragraph 5 of Article 50 of the Law “On Civil Service” No. 73-FZ. In particular, the normative act gives the following meanings:

    • 1-5 years of work – 10% of salary.
    • 5-10 years – 15%.
    • 10-15 years – 20%.
    • From 15 years – 30%.

    When calculating length of service, work in such structures as:

    • Military, federal and civil.
    • Municipal.
    • Others, if the relevant data is in the Federal Law.
    • State (Presidential Decree of January 11, 1995 No. 32).

    This calculation procedure is stipulated by paragraph 1 of Article 54 of the Federal Law “On Civil Service” No. 73. It denotes the following features of accrual of experience:

    • A person can work in several positions while accumulating continuous experience. One condition: he must serve in those structures that belong to the state and budget.
    • The length of service includes periods during which the employee replaced another employee in a position (clause 2 of Article 54 of the same law).

    The procedure for calculating the bonus is established by Presidential Decree No. 1534 dated November 19, 2007. The nuances of this procedure are given in the Letter of the Federal Tax Service dated June 26, 2011.

    The specifics of the allowance for representatives of budgetary sectors are stipulated in the laws relating to a specific department. For example, this could be the Decree of the Government Apparatus “On the Procedure for Accruing Experience” No. 43, which regulates allowances for representatives of penal institutions, tax authorities, and customs.

    Ministry of Internal Affairs employees

    The amount of additional payment to employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is stipulated by paragraph 7 of Article 2 of Federal Law No. 247:

    • 2-5 years of work – 10% of salary.
    • 5-10 years – 15%.
    • 10-15 years – 20%.
    • 15-20 years – 25%.
    • More than 25 years – 40%.

    The calculation of length of service will be carried out according to the standards established by the Decree of the Government Apparatus “On the procedure for calculating the length of service for representatives of internal affairs bodies” No. 1158. The same resolution, in the second paragraph, contains a list of places of service that will be included in the length of service:

    • National Guard troops, police, police department.
    • Internship at the police department.
    • Work in the tax police.

    The resolution separately stipulates the calculation of length of service for representatives of the Crimean police department.


    Military allowances are approved by the Federal Law “On the financial allowance of military personnel” No. 306 (the amount of payments is indicated in Part 13 of Article 2). Also, the relevant information is given by order of the Minister of Defense No. 2700 (the amount of the bonus is established by clause 40). Let's consider monthly payments to military personnel serving under contract:

    • 2-5 years of experience – 10% of salary.
    • 5-10 years – 15%.
    • 10-15 years – 20%.
    • 15-20 years – 25%.
    • 20-25 years – 30%.
    • More than 25 years – 40%.

    The duration of service must be calculated in accordance with the Federal Law “On Military Service” No. 53.

    IMPORTANT! Payments are made only from the moment the minimum length of service is reached. IN in this case it is 2 years. The bonus ceases to be paid after the date of issuance of the order on the dismissal of the military personnel, his exclusion from the list of personnel.

    Can pensioners count on bonuses for length of service?

    Previously, pensioners received a long-service supplement to their pension. At the moment, the norm has ceased to apply. However, it must be said that there are certain regional standards according to which the premium is paid. For example, this is the law of the Altai Republic No. 25-28, according to which allowances for continuous experience. All the details of payments need to be found out from the authorities. social protection specific region.

    The procedure for calculating the allowance

    When paying bonuses, the following rules are observed:

    • Payments are calculated based on salary. Additional payments to the employee (bonuses, etc.) will not be taken into account in the calculation.
    • Payments are made monthly on the day the salary is issued.
    • If a person worked in several positions on a part-time basis, payments are calculated based on the basic salary.
    • If, during the period of reaching a certain length of service, a person is on sick leave or on vacation, he receives all additional payments after returning to work.
    • If an employee resigns, the amount of the bonus will be determined based on the hours actually worked.
    • The length of service of civil service representatives when calculating bonuses will be established by a commission, the participants of which are approved by the regional manager of the government agency.

    To receive compensation, an employee must provide certain documents:

    • Military ID (for military personnel).
    • Work book (for government and budget employees).
    • Certificates from the archive, extracts from orders (if there is no work book).

    The convened commission decides on the calculation of the premium. The decision is drawn up in the form of a protocol, on the basis of which the manager must issue an order. The order specifies the amount of the premium. A copy of this document is attached to the employee’s personal file. Upon reaching a new level of experience, the amount of the bonus increases. That is, there is a regular increase in the employee’s salary.

    The manager does not have the right not to make payments if they are due to the employee by law. However, if the increase is the initiative of the employer himself, this decision can be canceled.

    As a rule, compensation is provided to employees of various types of government agencies. Allowances are extremely rarely paid in commercial organizations for a number of reasons. In particular, this is simply unprofitable for an entrepreneur. It’s rare that a company owner has a vested interest in keeping an employee in one place for several decades, and this form of bonus is designed to encourage just that.

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    Payment of pensions to civil servants

    State pension employees are transferred every month. The pensioner can choose the organization that will deliver the payment, as well as the option for receiving it. Moreover, a pensioner can receive payment confidant, in this case the pension will be paid by proxy.

    Pension delivery methods:

    • Russian Post- it is possible to receive a pension at the post office at the place of registration or at home. In this case, the date of its receipt is set in accordance with the delivery schedule. If you don't receive pension payment within six months, it is suspended, and it is necessary to write an application to the Pension Fund for its renewal;
    • Bank- it is possible to receive a pension at the bank’s cash desk or issue a card and withdraw money through an ATM;
    • By using organizations engaged in delivery of benefits- You can receive a pension at home or yourself from this organization. The entire list of such organizations is in the Pension Fund of Russia.

    To choose a delivery method or change it, you need to write an application to the territorial office of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, which was responsible for assigning your pension payments.


    Long service pension is labor pension, which must be earned through long-term work. Its value is determined by how long the relevant activity lasted:

    • If you have government experience. service no less 15 years the pension is assigned in the amount 45% of average monthly earnings state employee less and fixed payment To her.
    • For each year of service more than 15 years, benefits increases by 3% of average monthly earnings, while the total amount of the pension for years of service cannot be more 75% of average earnings federal state employee.
    • A pension for years of service is not accrued during the period of being in public service, which provides an opportunity for this pension.

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    All citizens who belong to this category can apply for it upon the occurrence of certain conditions. The conditions and procedure for appointment as civil servants, as well as the procedure for this procedure, will be discussed further.

    A long-service pension is certain payments from the state that certain categories of persons have the right to receive only if they have a legally established length of service.

    When assigning it, the age of the citizen, as well as his ability to work, is not taken into account; only actual work in a certain area is important. Payments of this pension are made from the federal state budget.

    The right to receive long service payments is additional social guarantee, which is provided on behalf of the state to federal civil servants. To obtain it, they must meet many criteria, namely:

        1. Be fired for one of the following reasons:
          • staff reduction;
          • agreement of the parties;
          • own wish;
          • circumstances that do not depend on the will of the parties;
          • changes in the terms of the current employment contract(contract);
          • reaching the maximum possible age;
          • liquidation of a government agency.
        2. Have at least 15 years of experience in the civil service. However, in some cases, legislation provides for the possibility of retirement even with less length of service.
        3. Hold a civil servant position without interruption for at least 12 months before dismissal.
        4. Reach maximum term, during which you can remain in public service. Its duration is 60 years.

    It is worth considering that a citizen does not have the right to work in the civil service and receive a long-service pension at the same time. Another requirement concerns the length of service a civil servant can retire from. It is established separately for men and women and is 60 and 55 years old, respectively.

    If the length of service is 25 years and the employee worked in the civil service for 7 continuous years before dismissal, then he has the right to retire based on length of service at any time, even before reaching the age established by law.

    Calculation procedure

    The calculation of a pension for a civil servant is influenced by several factors, presented below.

    Average salary for the last 12 months before retirement

    In this case, only those payments that were made to the citizen in the public service are taken into account. That is, if he worked somewhere else during this period, the wages received there will not be taken into account.

    The employer has no right to violate the deadlines for paying maternity benefits. Read more about the rights of pregnant women to receive benefits.

    Additional allowances

    The long-service pension is assigned in addition to and is paid along with it. The legislation establishes the minimum insurance period required to receive the last type of pension. It increases annually and in 2016 it is 7 years.

    A civil servant is possible if, in addition, he officially worked in other places and committed with his wages insurance premiums. In this case, the amount of the additional payment is determined from the amount of his capital and length of service, as well as the established coefficient. To calculate such an additional payment, it is best to contact the Pension Fund branch, since only fund employees will be able to accurately and correctly calculate the amount of the additional payment, taking into account all the characteristics of the pensioner.

    A long-service pension is assigned to certain categories of workers, subject to their having a certain length of service. One of these categories includes civil servants who have the right to retire if they have at least 15 years of work experience in this service. Its size is determined by the average monthly earnings and ranges from 45 to 75% of its value.

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