• How to determine which tattoo suits me. Works of masters

    1. Remember that every tattoo has its own meaning. And if you chase only beauty, you can incur the sidelong glances of others for life. After all, a tattoo is applied not for one day or even a year, but for a lifetime. Of course, in a tattoo parlor you will be offered sketches of tattoos that they can perform. However, it will be better if you choose a tattoo for yourself, a sketch of which can be found on the Internet and print it out before going to the salon.

    2. To simplify the difficult task of choosing the right meaning of a tattoo, choose a small ornament. Such a tattoo will not carry any subtext, and will look good. However, you need to take into account that the outlines of the ornament repeat the anatomical shape of the part of the body on which you will apply it. For example, oval tattoos or an ornament with rounded edges look great on the shoulder. There are short inscriptions on the neck and collarbone. But small elongated designs and inscriptions are intended to be applied to the ankle.

    3. Be careful with the size of the tattoo. A tattoo that is too small may look like something from a distance. birthmark, and too much can look like damage to the skin or even hair. So be careful and remember that more complex drawing, the larger it should be.

    4. No matter how romantic it may seem, getting the name of a loved one or even your own name stamped on yourself is considered stupid. After all, life changes and it is unknown what will happen tomorrow. Most often, people who get such tattoos realize after a couple of years that they did it in vain and think about removing it. You should be careful with religious drawings and portraits of people. There is no need to repeat another person’s tattoo; in this matter you need to be individual. If you are going to paint a portrait of a person, then before doing so ask him if he wants it.

    5. Tattoos in the form of calligraphic inscriptions in various languages, especially Latin and English language. Also at the peak of popularity are hieroglyphs and zodiac signs. Having chosen a sketch of a plant or animal, find out what meaning they carry.

    6. Having chosen a tattoo in the form of an inscription in another language, do not be lazy to find the exact translation, so that later you do not join the ranks of people with meaningless phrases on their skin. It is best to seek help from a professional translator. You should also be careful with hieroglyphs. Even though the hieroglyph is beautiful, it can have a terrible meaning. Therefore, find out its meaning from an experienced person who knows the science of hieroglyphs.

    7. What color to get a tattoo is up to you. Remember that black tattoos are less deformed and practically do not fade. A black tattoo is attractive because it has a meaning and many interesting details, while a colored tattoo primarily attracts with its many color shades.

    8. Once you come up with a drawing, you shouldn’t immediately run to the salon. Give yourself time and think carefully about how it will look and what it means in your case. Experienced craftsmen tattooists say that if you, seeing a sketch of a tattoo, think about whether it will ever be possible to wash it off, then this is not your option.

    Tattoo sketch

    Of course, finding a tattoo that suits your needs is not easy. Tattoos are a permanent and lifelong symbol of who you are, an essential part of your life, your beliefs, your personality and your appearance. Therefore, it is extremely important how you choose a tattoo design that suits your needs, whatever they may be. Below are some ideas to help you decide which tattoo is right for you.

    How to choose a tattoo:

    Make a list - make a list of all the important things in your life. Write down any symbols that may represent who you really are. It's important to try to be unique. Try to think outside the box. Many people get tattoos of loved ones, one might say they do not tattoo their own but the people who imposed this design. This is an important step towards self-commitment. The key to this is to brainstorm, brainstorm, brainstorm until you can narrow down to a few items on the list, but exactly what is important for you to see in your tattoo.

    See tattoo catalogs and tattoo ideas on websites. There are websites that have literally thousands of tattoo sketches and designs that you can print out and take to the artist. This allows you to browse without leaving own home and don't rush into making a choice. This is a solution worth your time.


    Ask a friend for a little help

    Ask a friend to describe you. It's an interesting method, and a little unnerving. What makes this method so interesting is that other people see us differently than how we see ourselves. Our ego only allows us to see a part of us. Through someone else's eyes, you can gain a unique perspective on how other people see you and how you appear to the outside world. This is, however, not for those who want to express to the outside world what is inside or show some form of ego.

    Help from the professionals at our tattoo salon

    If none of the above options are suitable, and you want a certain originality to be present, use the advice of a professional, contact your tattoo artist. For example, you could have a three-part tattoo that symbolizes your inner world, how people see you and the world around you. Using the art of drawing, the master will make one drawing out of three for you, try to combine the best, and besides, the masters have a wealth of experience in such matters. However, when coming up with a tattoo design, remember that there is no one way to do it. It's your body, so make sure the design reflects who you are or who you want to be.

    Our salon employs masters with more than 5 years of experience in tattooing and more than 10 years in the art of drawing. Most of them graduated from art or architectural schools, where they learned to professionally draw whatever they were asked to do. They are always happy to help their clients choose a tattoo design

    To choose a tattoo design, you need to think about your personality, interests and appearance. Consider your lifestyle before choosing the tattoo size, where you want it, and the color. Limit your budget spending and shop around for tattoo artists you like. A tattoo is a wonderful way to commemorate important point in life or express your individuality through drawing.


    Sketch ideas

      Find examples of tattoos on the Internet. Visit various photo banks to view tattoo designs. Images are usually grouped into categories, which can greatly reduce your search time if you have a basic idea. Save the images you liked best to your computer in a separate folder.

      See what designs tattoo parlors offer. Most tattoo parlors have designs from tattoo artists in the waiting room. Visit such parlors and see what tattoo artists offer. Many tattoo parlors also post portfolios of designs on their salon website.

      Go for a consultation with a tattoo artist. If you find a tattoo artist whose work you like, consult with him and discuss a possible design. Bring drawings and sketches with you to show the artist what you need. Discuss the size of the tattoo, tell us where you would like it to be tattooed, so that the artist can create a suitable sketch for you.

      Decide what kind of tattoo you want: color, gray or black and white. This needs to be decided at the very beginning! If you want a more neutral tattoo, it is best to choose a black and white or gray option. If you want something bright and bold, colorful and fun - best choice there will be a color tattoo.

      • If you haven't decided what to choose, do black and white tattoo; in the future, the master will be able to make it colored without any problems (if you want it).
    1. Think about how much you are going to spend on a tattoo. Before you talk to a tattoo artist, you need to plan how much you are willing to pay for it. Good tattoo artists can charge between 8-10 thousand for their work (depending on the size of the tattoo). Be clear - tell the artist how much you're going to spend, and also find out how much the tattoo you'd like will cost.

      Be sure to choose a design that makes you happy. Before you decide to get a tattoo, make sure that it is exactly what you want, because the tattoo will remain with you for life. If you, for example, love nature, you can choose a tattoo with a sunrise, birds, trees or butterflies - this will show your closeness to nature. You shouldn't stuff something trendy and popular if it doesn't mean anything to you and doesn't bring you joy.

      • If you have several designs, take a moment and simply evaluate each one. Which one means something very important to you? Which one brings you pleasure? Just choose one that will be a part of you.

    Tattoo in honor of important events

    1. Get a tattoo in honor of some important date. An important event in your life can be “immortalized” on your body both in the form of text and in the form of Roman or Arabic numerals. Select the font design you would like for your tattoo, and you can also see samples of different fonts that the tattoo artist will suggest. You can ask a tattoo artist to fill in the date by decorating the background.

      Get a portrait tattoo. Portrait tattoos are a wonderful way to capture your loved one and show your respect to them. Find a tattoo artist who specializes in portraits and set up a consultation with them to discuss what you want inked. Be sure to take a good, clear photograph with you so that the artist has the opportunity to convey the image in detail.

      • Portrait tattoos - good way honor an idol or favorite celebrity.
      • A portrait tattoo can also be done in order to “immortalize” your beloved pet on your body.
      • You can choose a portrait frame or choose a Victorian style sketch.
    2. Type in the name of your loved one. Tattoos are a great way to honor parents, siblings, children and spouses. You can write just the name, or you can surround the name with a beautiful pattern that will express the individuality of this person. For example, if you are getting a tattoo for your spouse who loves gardening, you could get a rose next to his name.

      • You should think carefully and wait before typing the name of your loved one. Typically, these tattoos often fade or cover up in the long term.

    Listen to your personality and your interests

    1. Choose a thumbnail that reflects your biography. Try to reflect your biography in the tattoo, taking inspiration from classic works of art and symbolism. For example, if you are of Slavic origin, you might choose a tattoo that features Slavic runes. If you want to be more direct, you could even get a tattoo of your nation's flag or national symbol.

    2. Get a tattoo inspired by your favorite movie, TV show, or comic book. Show your appreciation for your favorite piece of pop culture by choosing an idea from a movie or TV series for your tattoo. But it’s worth choosing exactly what you’ve been passionate about for a long time, and will also be passionate about for a long time. Bring an image of your logo or favorite character and show it to your tattoo artist. Discuss possible ideas with him.

      • For example, if you just love comic books, you can choose a Batman tattoo.
    3. Choose a tattoo inspired by literature. Write a quote or just a sketch of your favorite book or author. If you choose a quote, immediately think about the writing style and the font in which the quote will be printed. If you have an idea for a design, bring pictures and photographs of different elements that you would like to include in the tattoo, and then discuss your idea with the tattoo artist.

      • For example, you could get a raven tattoo as a tribute to Edgar Allen Poe.

    Choosing a design to apply to any part of the body is a very responsible task, because it will be with you all your life. Of course, salons offer services for removing pigment from the skin, but then why get a tattoo if you have to part with it later? To avoid the hassle of finding a suitable image, use the recommendations of knowledgeable people. For example, the same astrologers who can advise the best option, fully revealing your character.

    Body painting for Aries

    What to start from?

    By the grace of the constellations, you are a purposeful person who not only easily overcomes any obstacles, but generally does not notice them on your path, walking ahead. You love to be the center of attention and are easily remembered even after the first meeting. Fruitless dreams are not for you, because you persistently translate all ideas into reality, no matter what the cost.

    What to choose?

    Pay attention to the image of the crown - it means that you are in complete control own life without allowing others (events, people, emotions) to seize power over oneself. A tattoo with an arrow is also suitable as a symbol of development and movement forward.

    Body painting for Taurus

    What to start from?

    You are a real dreamer, running away from what is happening into your little world in your head, much more comfortable and cozy than life. And although this may make you considered a little strange, it is precisely this personality trait that usually fascinates people in Taurus.

    What to choose?

    To express the romanticism of your own nature, give preference to something close to nature. For example, drawings with birds “scattered” over the body, associated with numerous winged dreams. Or an image of mountains piercing the clouds with their peaks.

    Body painting for Gemini

    What to start from?

    There are always two opposing sides in you. This is especially noticeable when you need to make an important decision: you begin to doubt and hesitate, experiencing constant mood changes from good to bad and vice versa. The expressiveness of Geminis has an incredible influence on those around them, which is why they are compared to puppeteers, because it is not difficult for them to control their loved ones.

    What to choose?

    The first option is a butterfly that flies from flower to flower as enthusiastically as you walk through life. The second is waves, symbolizing impermanence and majesty.

    Body painting for Cancer

    What to start from?

    You always have big plans for the future: from visiting exotic lands, meeting predatory animals, making a parachute jump and ending with getting the same tattoo. In general, you are interested in all the most exciting things and it obsessively torments you for the rest of your life or until you do it.

    What to choose?

    An image of scissors that seems to cut obstacles on the way will suit you. Well, or any beautiful patterns on the hands.

    Body painting for Leo

    What to start from?

    Superiority over friends and colleagues, the ability to quickly solve professional and everyday problems, the ability to easily make profitable acquaintances - all these words can describe you. In general, you find success in all aspects of life.

    What to choose?

    Most often, Leos themselves are inclined to depict the animal that gave its name to their zodiac symbol. Astrologers support this trend, because the king of beasts has the same majestic disposition. In addition, they recommend dice tattoos that express adventurism.

    Body painting for Virgo

    What to start from?

    As a feeling nature, you remember many sensations and things for almost your entire life. At the same time, representatives of your sign perceive love as the meaning of existence and often try to display it in the form of a pattern on the skin.

    What to choose?

    Although astrologers recommend refraining from typing the name of your significant other, you can express your feelings differently: for example, stop at a picture with a heart or an infinity sign.

    Body painting for Libra

    What to start from?

    For you, the word “I can’t” does not exist, because you successfully complete everything you undertake. Therefore, your zodiac symbol is associated with wisdom, thoughtful decision making.

    What to choose?

    Get a tattoo of an anchor that signifies firmness in dealing with everyday issues, or use any “smart” quote from your favorite book.

    Body painting for Scorpio

    What to start from?

    Just by your appearance, you arouse envy and irritation in others, because you have inner strength and a captivating appearance. So you are no stranger to fighting back everyone who tries to offend you.

    What to choose?

    An excellent option is an image of a rose, because this delightful flower, covered with thorns, is somewhat similar to you. A picture with a dagger, personifying dangerous passion, is also suitable.

    Body painting for Sagittarius

    What to start from?

    What to choose?

    Astrologers advise Sagittarians to use their favorite movie or cartoon characters for tattoos. It could be something fairy tale hero or someone from the tape that influenced important decisions.

    Body painting for Capricorn

    What to start from?

    Your main character traits: the ability to take the right steps and constant confidence in any situation. Moreover, you like people with similar qualities, because they are motivation for new exploits.

    What to choose?

    In this situation, the image of the Moon and the Sun is suitable - they create harmony and complement each other. A tree striving for development will also work.

    Body painting for Aquarius

    What to start from?

    You are recognized as a dreamer who refuses to perceive the existing reality as it really is. You have a good memory for significant events, you love stories with a good ending, you become so attached to animals, objects and loved ones that it hurts you to part with them.

    What to choose?

    Aquarians often make drawings with their tamed pets. In addition, tattoos with dream catchers that drive away negative thoughts will suit you.

    Body painting for Pisces

    What to start from?

    Despite your inherent kindness and gentleness, you show great perseverance in critical situations, you can prove your right to be where you consider it necessary, and defend your own rightness. In general, you are eager to stand up for yourself if the occasion forces you.

    What to choose?

    Although you are usually considered a phlegmatic person, representatives of your zodiac sign often get provocative tattoos, which surprises others a lot. The sword depicted on your body will tell you a lot about your inner world. This is a symbol of struggle and confrontation. You can also choose a design with stars, but not just any stars, but very bright ones - they will be evidence that you do not want to give in to anyone and intend to always be on top.

    Very often, a person’s desire to change, or rather to change something in his appearance, to stand out from the crowd, to emphasize his uniqueness and individuality, leads him to a tattoo artist. Applying various kinds of tattoos to your body is currently a fairly popular art form not only among ultra-modern youth, but also among middle-aged people.

    Moreover, not only men, but also women are interested in this. But the majority of representatives of the older generation consider drawings on the body to be something of an asocial mark, which they associate with people who have been in prison.

    In fact, the art of tattooing dates back several thousand years of history and is found among many peoples. If you wish, you can find all the necessary information on this topic on the Internet and make sure that our ancestors were also fond of tattoos.

    When going to a tattoo parlor to decorate your body and thinking about how to choose the right tattoo for yourself, it is important to understand that any image carries a certain meaning and can influence not only the people who will behold this beauty, but also the person himself. "carrier" of the tattoo.

    Therefore, when choosing what will be depicted on this or that part of your body, you must be guided not only by the fleeting passion for the currently popular art of body art and the fashion for any specific images, but also by your own feelings. How to choose the right tattoo so as not to be disappointed and want to get rid of it?

    How to choose and when to draw?

    Experienced tattoo artists and people who have repeatedly resorted to their services insist that at least three weeks must pass from the moment a person has the desire to get a tattoo until the implementation of this idea.

    During this time, a person will either finally decide what and where on his body he wants to draw, or he will abandon this idea. Such a " expectant technique“and harboring the very idea of ​​decorating your body with a pattern on the skin is an obligatory part of the whole process.

    Why? The thing is that 95% of cases of spontaneous tattooing are “for company”, “ in a state of deep sadness», « in the euphoria of first love" and others " unstable conditions" ends in disappointment.

    A few days/weeks after drawing, when emotional condition returns to normal, the person begins to realize the thoughtlessness of his action and regret what he did.

    How to choose matching tattoo girl or guy?

    In order to do right choice necessary Special attention pay attention to the following points:

    • Think carefully about everything and choose the location of your future tattoo. Modern technologies tattooing and the tools used for this allow us to “draw” on almost all areas of our body. How to choose a place for a tattoo? First of all, you need to think about whether you want others to see it or whether you will only show it to very close people. It has been noticed that men show off their tattoos more often than women, while ladies prefer to hide them;
    • Decide on the style of application and only then proceed to choosing the design itself. If this seems like an impossible task to you and you don't know how to choose the right tattoo style, it is better to consult with an artist. In most cases, tattoo artists working in salons - good psychologists who easily select tattoos for clients depending on their desires and state of mind. However, the final decision, of course, should be yours;
    • Select the size, shape and brightness of the design. Thus, a correctly chosen multi-colored and bright design can show your originality, and a small tattoo hidden from prying eyes will convey information only to a select few. In addition, you need to choose the type of font for the tattoo if the design involves the application of words or numbers.

    All existing patterns are conventionally divided into five types: square, triangle, rectangle, circle and zigzag.

    Nowadays, thanks to the Internet, those who want to decorate their body with drawings have the opportunity to find and study all existing tattoo styles, commonly used fonts, as well as look at photographs of finished works and download sketches, which can later be presented to the master and applied to their body .

    The meaning of the main figures

    Which tattoo is better to choose, because each of these forms has its own meaning and carries certain information?

    To help those who can’t decide on the type of tattoo and don’t know how to choose a tattoo according to their character, but really want to decorate their body with it, psychologists have created a special test, the completion of which will help you choose the most suitable option.

    Of the five proposed figures, you need to choose one or two of the ones you like best and then familiarize yourself with the characteristics:

    • Square is preferred by people who are hardworking, who always finish what they start, who are persistent in their work and very purposeful. For “squares” everything should always be in its place and happen in its own time;
    • The rectangle is considered a temporary form of personality that other stable figures can “wear” at certain periods of their lives. These are people busy looking for a better position. Their leading qualities are inquisitiveness, curiosity, courage and keen interest in everything that happens around them;
    • The triangle symbolizes leadership, the ability to concentrate on the main goal. Triangle people are energetic, strong individuals who set clear goals and achieve them, avoiding conflicts;
    • The circle is the most benevolent figure. “Kuga” have high sensitivity, the ability to empathize and sympathize;
    • Zigzags, as a rule, are chosen by creative people. This is the most enthusiastic and excitable of all figures. Combining different, completely different ideas and creating something new and original based on them is the main hobby of Zigzags.

    In most cases, from the five proposed figures, people choose the two most suitable, which allows them to choose a tattoo design as accurately as possible.

    Deciding on the color

    When choosing a tattoo, it is important to understand that it will accompany you everywhere and for more than one day, so in addition to choosing the shape and size of the design, you need to pay special attention to the colors in which it will be made.

    The color of the pattern is extremely important because it can affect the general condition of the body or certain indicators of its vital activity, for example, the rhythm of breathing, heart rate, speed of reactions, blood pressure, etc.:

    • The color red helps to lift your mood and recharge your batteries, and increases nervous tension. It must be used carefully;
    • Yellow color stimulates thinking and creativity, attracts and disposes, helps relieve tension, but its excess can cause anxiety and aggression;
    • Blue color calms, creates a feeling of comfort and relaxation, symbolizes enduring, eternal values, and also suppresses appetite;
    • Green shades in a tattoo create a business atmosphere and a feeling of security, evokes associations of reliability, fertility and support;
    • The color violet relieves excitement, promotes trust, and normalizes hormone levels.

    Despite the rich palette of colors for tattooing, black is considered an unshakable classic, which creates both very clear lines and soft shadows. This color suits both girls and guys equally well.

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