• Gender stereotypes in spoken English. List of gender stereotypes


    Stereotype: women are better at multitasking
    In fact: not true

    Let's start with women's multitasking - the ability to do several things at once. Quite often we are told that women can put on lipstick while driving, simultaneously look after a child and prepare food, talk on the phone and simultaneously look for something in their purse - and all this is due to the special structure of the brain. In popular literature, women's multitasking is explained large size corpus callosum, a collection of nerve fibers that connects the two hemispheres. It is assumed that better connections between the hemispheres make it easier to do several things at once, albeit at the expense of the quality of performance of each specific task.

    If we turn to scientific articles, little remains of these statements. First, in a number of multitasking tests, women showed the same or worse results than men: when required to simultaneously operate a machine, solve arithmetic problems, and name previously heard words from memory, both sexes performed equally well (the machine, of course, for the purpose of security was virtual).

    Secondly, more accurate and accurate measurements of the volume of the corpus callosum did not reveal a significant difference. Scientists used magnetic resonance imaging, examined the brain during autopsies and came to the conclusion that, although the male brain is larger than the female, the relative sizes of the corpus callosum in them are the same.

    IN real life An example of the fact that men can cope well with many things at the same time are pilots and air traffic controllers: with rare exceptions, these are male professions (although the reasons for this imbalance are most likely historical). Both the pilot and the air traffic controller must simultaneously monitor instruments, negotiate and keep in mind the position of many aircraft.

    Stereotype: men have better developed spatial thinking
    In fact: true, but there is a nuance

    This statement is included in most textbooks: women perform worse on tasks
    “mentally turn the figure over.” And, judging by the data scientific research, this statement is true. Although with two caveats.

    First: in 1971, anthropologists studied spatial abilities among the Inuit, the indigenous people of Greenland and northern Canada. It turned out that among this people, men and women cope with tests equally, perhaps because they are equally involved in hunting, which perfectly develops spatial thinking.

    Second: it has been proven that the results of such tests are determined, among other things, by the context in which they were carried out. If participants are given a story with stereotypically masculine or stereotypically feminine characters to read before a test, the difference is
    results for men and women.

    Another example is tests that were given to students under the guise of “one of the tasks for the selection of military engineers” or “a test used to select fashion designers.” Despite the completely identical tasks, in the first case the boys noticeably outperformed the girls.

    Stereotype: Women do worse in science due to their special brain structure.
    In fact: not true

    This statement is usually supported by the absence in human history large quantity women engineers, mathematicians or physicists. However, such an argument is hardly correct: until the 20th century, in most countries, women simply did not have access to higher education. Emmy Noether, the greatest female mathematician and author of the Noether theorem, was unable to obtain the position of privatdozent at the University of Göttingen in 1916, and before that, from 1900 to 1904, she was forced to attend lectures as a volunteer - the university did not accept female students .

    The gender gap between men and women in science and engineering has since narrowed significantly, but has not disappeared. On March 8, 2014, one of the most cited scientific journals, Nature, published a special issue dedicated to gender discrimination. Its authors referred to experiments in which laboratories received signed male or female names fake resumes and rejected women much more often than men.

    A comparison of the abilities of schoolchildren suggests that discrimination, rather than their brains, is to blame for the lack of female scientists. Regular testing of students different countries showed that the difference between boys and girls is not everywhere, and in a number of countries girls do even better in mathematics. Cognitive differences between the sexes have been studied many times, but in the area of ​​mathematical abilities they have not been identified.

    By the way, about stereotypes

    In the mid-20th century, programming was a typically female profession. Even Cosmopolitan magazine wrote about the naturalness of programming for women, and experts - for example, Grace Hopper, developer of the first compiler - strongly supported this point of view. Moreover, the program for controlling the Apollo lunar spacecraft was written by a team led by Margaret Hamilton; in those years, it was believed that “typical female thoroughness and attentiveness” were key qualities for programming.

    Stereotype: Women are better at detecting lies because their brains are wired for social interaction.
    In fact: not true

    At a minimum, this is not true in the part about “innate inclination”. A series of experiments involving subjects of both sexes different ages rather, it suggests that women become better at recognizing lies with age; this can be explained not by the structure of the brain, but by lifestyle - for example, women spend more time communicating with their children.

    Stereotype: Women are better at smelling because they are programmed to be better at detecting pheromones to find the best partner.
    In fact: half-truth

    This statement is especially interesting because pheromones have not yet been discovered in humans: no matter what perfume manufacturers say, these substances have not yet been isolated. The only more or less clear candidate is the secretion of the parapapillary glands, but it attracts not the opposite sex, but infants. No less strange is the idea that it is women who must distinguish between pheromones in order to choose the best sexual partner: for most of human history, it was men who chose their partners for reproduction.

    Here's how to determine characteristics by smell: immune system People (of any gender) really know how to find a potential partner: we tend to choose those who have a major histocompatibility complex different from our own - the offspring from such a relationship will have stronger immunity.

    At the same time, most studies confirm that women really smell better. Whether this has any significance outside of laboratories is a moot point, since tasters and perfumers are, again, largely men.

    Stereotype: women see colors better
    In fact: almost true

    The genes responsible for color perception are located on the X chromosome, which means that men are more likely to suffer from their mutations (women have two X chromosomes, so there will almost certainly be a “spare copy” for the “broken” gene). Most colorblind people are men; In addition, women are more likely to receive four different light-sensitive pigments instead of three, and thereby distinguish more shades.

    There is also evidence (for more details, see the Attic material) that men have a different visual cortex and sex hormones are to blame for this, so that people of different sexes really look at the world differently.

    That doesn’t stop men from being artists, designers, paint selectors and photographers. And before the 19th century, there were practically no great female artists, since women faced many obstacles on their way to the heights of art; In particular, they were forbidden to study because of the mandatory drawing of nudes for future artists.

    Stereotype: women are better at noticing details like rearranged books on a shelf, men are better at noticing movements in the bushes
    In fact: Truth

    This observation is confirmed by at least some studies: in a virtual maze, women noticed more details on the sides. In addition, men are faster at detecting small movements, and a number of researchers associate this feature with evolution: if we assume that men hunted more often, then the ability to notice the movement of prey was important factor natural selection. This version is being seriously discussed on the pages of scientific journals, but it is too early to recognize it as the only explanation: in a number of cultures, for example among the Inuit, hunting is not exclusively a man's business, and some of our ancestors even made a living by eating the prey of larger predators. Here the key role could have been played not by acute vision, but by coordination of actions in protecting the carcass from giant hyenas.


    Most of the claims that men's brains are different from women's and therefore men should do this and women should do that, in best case scenario half-truth. Even where there are differences, their magnitude may be too small for any practical conclusions. Or, which also happens all the time, these differences can be very specific and appear only under the conditions of a carefully planned psychological experiment. To say that girls can't do well in math or that men can't read emotions is a misconception.

    There are many different stereotypes about the stronger sex. Here's one of them: a man must plant a tree, build a house and raise a son. Sound familiar? Exactly.

    1. Classic stereotype: the man is the breadwinner of the family. Of course, this would be ideal in any relationship. However, in modern world women strive not to give in stronger sex and therefore are gaining more and more dominant positions in all areas of business. Some men even agree to stay at home and raise children, cook and clean. And they can do it even better than women. However, if a man does not want to help his wife with her daily chores around the house, then at least let him earn money to buy her everything she needs. The main thing is that he does not resist if the woman also wants to work.

    2. Another stereotype that causes a storm of irritation and indignation among all women: men are not responsible for raising children and do not do housework. Apparently, such a stereotype was invented by men themselves in order to shift the burden of responsibility onto the shoulders of their wives. Allegedly, they earn money, and a woman’s place is in the kitchen. Therefore, only she is responsible for the children. On the other hand, there are women who raise children and provide for their family. And here’s the question: what then is the role of the husband?

    The male sex often refers to the fact that the only thing they have to do around the house is to fix something or rewire it. However, many of them don’t even know how to screw in a light bulb! What kind of owner in the house can we talk about in this case?


    3. Another popular stereotype: all men constantly think about sex. Whatever the case. Psychologists from Ohio State University found that young people, on average, think about sex 19 times a day. 18 times respondents' thoughts were occupied with food, and 11 times they dreamed of sleeping. At the same time, women indulged in thoughts of a sexual nature an average of 10 times, thought about food 15 times, and thought about sleep 17 times in two days. Research is research, but sometimes it seems that besides sex and food, we humans are really not interested in anything.

    4. The way to a man's heart is through his stomach. Another misconception of women. If you love to pamper your lover delicious dishes, then he is lucky. A well-fed person is always kinder and calmer - you can take this into account to achieve your goals (if it’s worth it). But don’t think that borscht alone will be enough for him. In addition, you should not overfeed your loved one, otherwise you will not know how to treat him later.

    5. Men don't like TV series. And all romantic films too. They often make fun of us because they think that we are too emotional and take everything to heart. What do they care about some Juana and her illegitimate daughter? However, when a woman takes away the TV remote because it's time for her show, they rarely leave or look for something else to do. At the end of the second episode, rest assured that they will already know the names of all the characters, their distant relatives, and will even begin to give them advice on how to solve problems!

    6. Men are not as sensitive as women. Not true. They were simply taught from childhood to hide their feelings. “You’re a man, don’t cry!” - their fathers often tell them. On some level, this the right approach to raising the future man. However, in reality, they are also very easy to offend and upset. That is why all psychologists constantly advise women to support their man, not to scold him or shout, but rather to thank, care for and cherish him, as delicate flower lotus

    ” decisively colors certain character traits with gender shades. Separating “male” and “female” is a hackneyed device of patriarchal rhetoric. Meanwhile, sociologists and psychologists around the world note that such fragmentation is at least incorrect, and at most harmful, and that character traits are formed mainly under the influence of the environment, culture and personal experience. But the label “only for women” or “only for men” is still applied to a number of universal human qualities. We talk about the most popular misconceptions in this regard.

    Conventional and “female” logic

    One can still hear persistent calls to take into account that the basis of “female” logic is the special way of thinking of women. The roots of the division of the brain into “male” and “female” go back to misogynistic folk ideas about “fool women” and “lovely fools” who do not know how to harmoniously and consistently comprehend reality. And although research data confirm that there are no fundamental differences in the structure of the brain between men and women, in the public consciousness to this day there is a certain human - that is, “male” - logic and a special, inferior, incomprehensible “female” logic. A clear indicator of sexism in society is the extent to which it is common to joke and claim that women can only think illogically, emotionally, biasedly, “not with facts, but with conclusions.”

    The entire structure of such a division of “logicians” is based on pseudoscientific harmful argumentation and the imposition as an axiom of the idea that the ability to think and act logically is an exclusively male prerogative. One of the saddest consequences of the stereotype of “feminine” logic is the prejudice that women face in work relationships, leading to almost complete prejudice among the leaders of Russian companies.

    Strength and weakness

    Strength, which implies fortitude, determination and courage, is the basis of a typical model of masculinity. It is believed that a man should take the first step, take the situation into his own hands. One has only to start listing: “steel character”, “iron grip”, “strong shoulder”, “steady hand” - and the brain will automatically draw a picture of a man. Weakness, fragility, softness - all these antagonistic characteristics are classified as typically feminine properties. And when it comes to a woman’s strong actions, she is easily credited with having “strong balls,” as if they were the only one possible source strength.

    The stereotype has adapted to modernity, in which “flexing muscles” and “fragile tenderness” have become established as symbols. The market exploits certain symbols of power like “male yogurt” in a bottle, as expected dark colors or a deodorant with the slogan “One spray - a man all day.” Similar products for women use soft pastel colors and floral packaging designs. All this happens in spite of simple fact: each of us can be strong, as well as weak, at some moments, regardless of gender. And although it has long been clear that “We Can Do It!” “, many continue to insist that “a woman’s strength is in her weakness” and, in order to further strengthen the contrast between the sexes, they directly ask to be weaker - so as not to hurt a man’s self-esteem.

    and rationality

    The stereotype about women who are completely subject to emotions, and, on the contrary, reasonable men, has become entrenched almost at the institutional level. A variety of pop psychology articles actively advise taking this difference into account and building relationships accordingly. Women's gloss plays a significant role in strengthening the stereotype: it often proposes as an axiom to “translate from Russian to male” and “restrain emotions”, since men “either think or experience - one thing.”

    Intuition, emotionality, imbalance - all these qualities are considered feminine. Women can be accused of “natural female hysteria,” even if we are talking about an extremely well-reasoned position expressed in a harsh tone. This occurs despite the fact that the diagnosis of “female hysteria,” which was associated with the sexual sphere and childbirth, has long been recognized as untenable. At the same time, men are not supposed to express emotions: from the childish “you’re a boy - don’t cry” to the adult who devalues ​​human experiences “don’t be a wimp.”

    The result is a pair of labels - “insensitive sheep” and “hysterical”: women are attributed to the inability to pull themselves together, and men are attributed the inability to feel deeply and fully. Both are forced to suppress emotions, although the very idea that emotions need to be gotten rid of is hopeless. As a result, men do not allow themselves to be sensitive, and women are either afraid of looking too emotional or exploit this trait as their birthright.

    Intelligence and wisdom

    Intelligence is for men, and wisdom is for women. Generally speaking, it is precisely the greater intelligence of men that many still explain the invisibility of women in history (“Look back - how many brilliant women do you see - scientists, inventors? And men?”). Jemima Kirke recently explained clearly how the lives of women in the arts developed over the centuries; the situation with the public visibility of women scientists is similar. To correct the situation, you can look at the history of women as the history of an oppressed class, or you can simply learn something new about women who have achieved success in science. The main thing to understand is that intelligence is not a characteristic that comes with a certain set of genitals.

    In a gender-neutral understanding, wisdom is life experience accumulated over the years. But with female wisdom everything is different: it is considered a constant characteristic - a woman is either wise or not. A woman is denied the right to receive independent decisions, guided by the mind - instead, she is charged with a set of rules that she must follow " wise woman“: “Take care of your marriage at all costs”, “Forgive the betrayal”, “Leave conflicts in the family”, even if we are talking about violence. The call to sacrifice is especially noticeable in religious discourses. The goal here is one - to preserve the relationship at all costs, and wisdom itself is associated with patience and humility. Following this logic, women are forced to endlessly adjust, hide their feelings and remain silent about what does not suit them.

    Wisdom in men is most often associated with age. At the same time, they are credited with ingenuousness (also in contrast to the “innate feminine cunning"): this can be found even in the biblical story about the gullible Adam, seduced by Eve. In an exaggerated form, we get ideas about contradictory and unviable cliché people: men whom nature has endowed with intelligence and simplicity at the same time, and women who must hide their intelligence if they want to be “wise as a woman.”

    Nevertheless, there remain genres that only reinforce these clichés - for example, a whole layer of dubious humor like “ Seal up your barrel» Semyon Slepakov and others like him. As a result, while some are figuring out “why women’s talkativeness is dangerous,” others are figuring out “how to get a man to talk.” In this concept, a man finds himself in the position of an interlocutor who, at best, is silent, and at worst, does not know how to express his thoughts in words: dialogue with him requires additional tactics that take into account the “natural disadvantage.” In fact, both verbosity and taciturnity are just private manifestations of the character of people of both sexes.

    and responsibility

    Irresponsibility and infantilism are condemned in modern society, and the cult of success equally affects people of both sexes. But the classic distribution of gender roles indicates that women are frivolous and men are responsible. As an illustration, you can look at the fable “The Dragonfly and the Ant”: the joy of life, fun and carefreeness of the dragonfly are shown as the inability to think about tomorrow, characteristic of women; the burden of responsibility, seriousness, and the ant’s ability to think ahead are the characteristics of men.

    “The boy said, the boy did,” “behind him, like behind a wall” - all this suggests that responsibility is traditionally assigned to men. It gets to the point where protection and guarantee of getting things done are perceived as a basic characteristic of a man. The concept of responsibility has a variety of meanings, mainly the role of a leader in relationships, protection, defense. The ability to make decisions is transferred to the person in charge. In relationships, this implies a vertical structure of power and the unambiguous delegation of all responsibility to one person - which creates a huge imbalance.

    and straightforwardness

    Straightforwardness, which implies sharpness, directness, rudeness and sincerity, is traditionally considered masculine quality. This image is reminiscent of Gosha from the film “Moscow Doesn’t Believe in Tears”: he acts quickly, directly, notes that the heroine is without a ring and therefore not married, invades personal space without delicacy, calls himself a “normal man”, does not waste time for sentiment.

    On the other side of the spectrum is the “feminine mystery.” Mystery is called a tool to conquer a man, which is why there are courses on its pumping. The Internet is replete with instructions on “how to become mysterious” for women - but you will have to try hard to find something similar for men. It gets ridiculous (or scary, depending on how acute the situation is): a straightforward female “no” can be interpreted by a man as a “yes,” only “mysterious.” The distorted train of thought that women tend to be vague leads to a host of dangerous conclusions, including the fact that it is not necessary to pay attention to what women say, but their refusal matters.

    Stinginess and commercialism

    This division is based on the traditional idea of ​​who in a couple owns money, and therefore power in principle. Stingy, ungenerous men will never occupy the forefront of success with women. Stinginess is a kind of diagnosis of professional unsuitability for a man: it reduces a man’s ratings, as well as his chance for a relationship, to almost zero. There are clear instructions and guidelines for women in this regard, such as the common phrase “never date a man who has a pocket for change in his wallet.”

    Women's stinginess does not become the object of jokes and popular rumors - but not because women are completely deprived of this property. The answer lies in the field of gender issues: it is believed that women simply do not have the resources to show this stinginess. Traditionally, a feminine quality is commercialism. In fact, it goes hand in hand with stinginess and is the center of a model that accuses women of “all they want is money.” In the dubious genre of video experiments about what people are willing to do for money, there is a separate segment dedicated to the commercialism of women. Particularly popular is acting out stereotypes like “ ride in a cool car" In this archaic rhetoric, relationships are monetized: the male side must invest, and the female side must receive dividends.

    Intrigue and Don Juanism

    According to popular belief, feminine essence- “snake”, and the desire of women to do nasty things is limited only by the power of men. Female bitchiness is often associated with the idea of ​​“female power,” which two Russian sociologists, Anna Temkina and Elena Zdravomyslova, also call “the power of the weak.” The leading features here are seduction and intrigue. Such a woman achieves her goal, she is active and knows how to set goals - but her determination is associated with the myth that a woman first of all wants to achieve a man. Bitchiness involves provocative statements addressed to men: “I do bad things, but I do them well” or “Stop reproaching me for not calling or writing to you. And I call and write, but not to you!”

    For men there is another label - Don Juanism. Several names became household names at once - from Don Juan to Casanova and Lovelace. Here infidelity comes first, the inability to maintain stable relationships, to live in the bosom of a family. Don Juan is not attached to any relationship, he runs away from the seriousness of marriage. In other words, he " lonely tramp of love”, seeking and receiving emotions in every new conquest of a woman. And if a woman must achieve a relationship with a man at any cost - to conquer, seduce and take him by cunning, then Don Juanism says that it is necessary enjoy the path of a nomad without the desire to stop. This is a coordinate system in which men and women need fundamentally different things.

    Social approval and disapproval of certain qualities can be compared to the walls of a maze. As a result, men and women themselves begin to monitor their behavior and regulate it in favor of the myth about the “correct” qualities and ways of behavior, without questioning the very idea of ​​the existence of stereotypes. This consciousness trap, like many that are just as deeply integrated, is not at all easy to bypass. But it is important to think about and track why and how certain qualities become gender labels: otherwise, one of the most eerie and implausible illusions that there is a beautiful gender, and sometimes a strong one, will continue to exist.

    Gender stereotypes are certain general ideas about the role of each gender in society. Gender roles are generally neither positive nor negative, they are simply generalizations of male and female roles. feminine qualities. Since each person has individual characteristics, thoughts and feelings, these stereotypes may not be true in some specific situations. In addition, some aspects of them periodically become outdated as society develops and prevailing ideas about what representatives of different sexes can and cannot do change.

    While most people understand that stereotypes are not always true, they often make assumptions based on gender anyway. There are many stereotypes, for example that women are in a hurry to get married, and men love sports. Ideas about gender roles are imposed on us through the media and magazines, in advertising

    In this article we will look at the most common clichés about social role floors Below are examples of some of the most traditional gender stereotypes that apply to men and women today.

    Female gender stereotypes

    Gender stereotypes begin, for example, when a child is born. As soon as we find out it's a girl, we immediately start decorating the children's room in pink, filling it with butterflies and Barbie dolls. We think our daughter will be a typical “girly girl” and fill her closet with dresses, boxes of toys and a tea set for tea parties with dolls. What are we actually doing? Many parents do not realize that they are making their child into a typical “Beautiful Lady.” We teach her that girls should wear dresses, cook food, take care of children, these are the biggest and most common stereotypes towards women.

    Have you ever watched a little girl playing at home? Even at the age of five or six, she understands well that her task will be to sit at home and babysit the child, her husband must go to work, and dinner must be ready for his return, just like with people. This is another stereotype, women stay at home and men go to work. Although there are millions of gender stereotypes about women, this is by far the oldest and most discussed by feminists. Here are some other views:

    • women should have “clean jobs” such as secretaries, teachers and librarians;
    • women are nurses and doctors;
    • women are not as strong as men;
    • women should earn less than men;
    • women should not receive a good education;
    • women do not play sports;
    • women are not politicians;
    • women are quieter than men and are not designed for speaking;
    • women must obey and do what men say;
    • women must cook and do housework;
    • women are responsible for raising children;
    • women lack technical skills and do not understand car repair or other stereotypically male tasks;
    • women are meant to be “princesses chained in a castle” or simply to be in the role of a victim, but never as a heroine;
    • women should look beautiful;
    • women love to sing and dance;
    • women don't play video games;
    • women flirt;
    • women never come up first to meet people.

    Male gender stereotypes

    Typical male stereotypes, girls think that a guy, for example, has a huge mess in his house, there are boots and dirty clothes in the closet, and all this is scattered around the room. Toys for boys consist of trucks, dinosaurs, action figures and video games. From childhood, boys are taught to be tough, to be strong, and to protect themselves.

    Are you surprised to hear that most parents admit that they don't teach their sons how to wash dishes or fold laundry? Instead, they are taught to take out the trash or do some heavy yard work, cutting off other housework by labeling it " women's work" This is the main stereotype, but most families raise children this way. Men have to do the dirty work and anything that requires muscles, they also have to go to work and provide for the family. Little boys see this stereotype and follow it.

    Other gender stereotypes regarding men:

    • men enjoy working on cars;
    • men cannot be in the role of “nurse”, they can only be doctors;
    • men do "dirty work" such as construction and mechanics, they are not secretaries, teachers, or beauticians;
    • men do not do housework and they are not responsible for childcare;
    • men play video games;
    • men play sports;
    • men love outdoor recreation, such as hiking, fishing;
    • men are responsible for everything;
    • husbands tell their wives what to do;
    • men are lazy and dirty;
    • men are good at math;
    • men are precisely those people who work in science, technology and other technical fields;
    • men don't cook or sew.

    Think about your acquaintances and friends of both sexes, and how many stereotypes apply to them or to yourself? Of course, all these stereotypes do not apply to every individual man or woman. They become stereotypes because we consider them the norm and expect them from every man or woman. Of course, gender stereotypes change along with the development of society, and nowadays you will not be surprised when a woman starts her own business, while a man stays at home with children.

    Gender stereotypes in jokes

    For the representation of women, perhaps the most characteristic are entire cycles of jokes about blondes and women driving. They depict both a weak level of technical proficiency and general frivolity. Examples:

    A young lady stops her car in front of a red traffic light.
    Yellow lights up - the lady is standing, green
    - the lady is standing. The red light is on again, other cars are honking from behind... A policeman slowly approaches and politely says:
    — Madam would like some other color?..

    - Monya, this pedestrian is a suicide! He has been running in front of our car for 10 minutes. What should I do?
    - Rose, try to move off the sidewalk onto the road...

    Male stereotypes are perhaps not so clearly represented. Most likely due to the fact that it is men who come up with jokes. Most often they describe the preferences of men. For example:

    A fisherman sits and catches fish in winter. Freezing.
    Another fisherman passes by and asks:
    - Man, what are you doing? It's so cold outside, and you're without a hat.
    - Yeah, I was sitting like that yesterday in a hat, they offered me a drink, but I didn’t hear.

    Men have dominated relations between the sexes since time immemorial. Cliches of male behavior still persist in society. And these cliches, like all gender stereotypes, can cause many problems.

    Gender stereotypes disadvantage everyone. And it is not only women and the LGBT community who are their victims. When men are subjected to these stereotypes, it can affect their careers, their social lives, and even their safety.

    The problem of gender stereotypes

    As “science says,” men are superior to women in career matters and physical and cognitive abilities. But, nevertheless, imposed stereotypes can deprive a man of everything he works for.

    Why should we take gender stereotypes of men into account? Of course, you may think: why do this when men already get all the glory?

    But it is precisely stereotypes that do not allow all of us to live in conditions where we are not judged by how others perceive us.

    Men fewer women subject to stereotyping. But this does not mean at all that the problem does not exist. Any stereotype carries destruction. Both positive and negative.

    An example of a negative stereotype would be the fact that men should receive higher salaries. Sounds good for men, but depressing for women.

    Established stereotypes apply to everyone. They can become a mentality and even an unshakable belief.
    If the system is not changed soon, it will cause harm many times more than has already been done.

    Men should be able to protect themselves from stereotypes. We should all have it.

    What gender stereotypes about men should we get rid of first?

    Men - men's professions

    In certain fields of activity, such as fashion, cosmetics, beauty, men carry a stereotype of a certain shade.

    Are you a hairdresser? Most likely you are homosexual. The same thing is usually said about designers, nannies, massage therapists...

    Thus, sexual identity and professional activity are mixed.

    Men don't like being chased

    Men leave you if you cling to them. Another false stereotype. You stop being sincere and start playing games, feigning inaccessibility.

    Yes, it can be effective. But it could be the beginning of the end of the relationship. Don't slow down your emotionality.

    All men cheat

    When you ignore men, they tend to act dishonestly towards you. Well, if they're assholes, then that's it.

    But, as a rule, we are not talking about deception. Men are indignant and indignant, but not everyone agrees to deceive.

    Men are prone to aggression and violence

    And the media portrays men as predators in many cases.

    Yes, according to statistics, violent crimes are more often committed by men. But this does not mean that other gender groups do not commit them.

    Men like "boobs"

    You can be skeptical about this, but this is a generally accepted stereotype. Not all men like breasts.

    For some, legs, buttocks and even body curves come first.

    Men don't care what their wedding will be like.

    Not true. Maybe they won’t be as excited about all sorts of flowers as the bride, but they also want this day to be unusual.

    Many men would like to participate in wedding preparations. You can't even imagine how freaked out they can be when choosing the right wedding suit for themselves and their groomsmen!

    Men can't imagine relationships without sex

    Another stereotype. But for those who love very much and are ready to respect the feelings and beliefs of their partner, this stereotype does not work.

    Men eat and don't get fat

    Men can eat a lot without compromising their figure.

    Obesity statistics in many countries suggest otherwise.

    A man should be the main breadwinner in the family

    Again a stereotype. It is not necessary to provide the entire family income.

    Men give up custody of their children in case of divorce

    This is wrong. Many men want to raise them.

    Unfortunately, even legislative bodies are pressured by gender stereotypes.

    A man should speak like a man

    The manner of speaking “feminine” is often interpreted as homosexuality.

    A man cannot be raped

    A very dangerous stereotype.

    Men do not cry!

    Why? We need to stop shaming men for being emotional.

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