• Harmful stereotypes about “masculine” and “feminine” qualities. Stereotypes about women that are actually about men


    Male stereotypes

    “All women are the same” is an accusation so often thrown by men against women, probably one of their most beloved and cherished stereotypes. Established ideas that actually form the social reality of each person. For, alas, not a single representative of the human race is devoid of these same stereotypes. And it seems that such a close and familiar concept is as old as the world. However, this is not quite true. The phenomenon of “labeling” people and all surrounding events, which existed for decades, was described only in 1922. And with light hand Walter Lippmann finally received its description and name “stereotype”. Such clichés are based, for the most part, on a person’s own personal or social experience. However, family and environment play an equally important role. In principle, stereotypes do not depend so much on a person’s gender: both men and women can have the same interpretations of some things and phenomena. But, since men and women are “from different planets,” then some of their stereotypes will naturally differ from each other. So, what are these “male stereotypes”?

    Main groups of male stereotypes

    Group of male stereotypes No. 1

    The interpretations of the surrounding world included in this group are formed in the head of a small boy under the influence of his family. It is worth saying that they are the most stable and, in fact, give little man“framework” of the world order, onto which other ideas will be “strung” in the future. These are, first of all, the so-called “gender stereotypes”, that is, directly related to gender. Separation of male and female roles: “a man is the breadwinner and head of the family”, “men should not cry” and the like. Of course, such stereotypes are important and, in general, reflect the patriarchal structure modern world. However, in general, they rather reflect the internal structure and makeup of each individual family. It’s not even worth fighting such stereotypes. The main stereotypes in relation to one’s health, towards women, towards work and in general towards one’s place in the world are also laid down in the family. If the child is an orphan, the “framework” of his world will take shape under the influence orphanage or foster family.

    Group of male stereotypes No. 2

    Clichés of the second group appear in men under the influence of their own experience, in the circle of friends, under the influence of school, university, work, surrounding reality, etc. For example, a stereotype in relation to studying at school. A repeated situation with a condescending attitude towards “excellent students” at school, for example, can create in a boy with a “C” the corresponding stereotype “excellent students are teachers’ favorites.” The media also have a strong influence on the formation of any established ideas among men. And it’s no secret that media representatives often take advantage of this for their own benefit. For example, imposing the image “ successful man”, who, well, cannot live without a cool “car”. Unfortunately, entire teams of professional psychologists who are well versed in human psychology are working to create such images on television and in the print press. And here you go, the stereotype of a “successful man” is ready.

    Examples of established male ideas

    In relation to their health, male “breadwinners” have the following stereotypes: “there is no time to be sick, you have to work,” “no one needs sick people,” “if you stay sick for a long time, you will be left without work.” In general, male behavior based on such beliefs is also indicative. Men are less likely to seek help from doctors.

    Stereotypes of men towards women are also very interesting. And more than one scientific treatise has probably already been written about this. Men and women are very different creatures, and both sexes have developed dozens of different stereotypes and beliefs towards each other.

    The list of favorite male stereotypes regarding women can be endless, here are just a few:

    “All blondes are stupid”, “all women are fools”, in general, a negative opinion about the thinking abilities of the fair sex, sometimes simply unfounded and unsubstantiated;

    “A woman driving is like a monkey with a grenade.” The stereotype has been refuted more than once, but is still persistent;

    “Women are talkative and cannot keep secrets.” In fact, they can do it, sometimes better than men. And the explanation for this stereotype is simple: women are more sociable and trusting by nature, hence the “talkativeness”;

    “Women are capricious and hysterical.” Yes, women are more emotional and give free rein to tears more often;

    “There is no such thing as female friendship.” Sometimes it is very strong. It’s just that women often value family higher. And what kind of friendship is there if household members take up all her time;

    "A woman's place is in the kitchen." The “Domostroevsky” male stereotype, still cultivated in some families;

    “Women are only interested in “clothes” and cosmetics”, “all women are “shopaholics”. The fact is absolutely unconfirmed. Although, women do have to do more shopping, due to the fact that they do most of the cooking.

    Whether justified or unjustified, we accept each other precisely through the prism of our own stereotypes. Destroy, which is sometimes completely impossible. However, knowing the basic mechanisms of their formation, you can skillfully manage them.

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    Yes, men cry, they watch ballet and, of course, masturbate in their splendid isolation.

    False stereotypes about men.

    1. Stereotype, a man hates his mother-in-law.
    It’s like that old joke: “She’s a good woman to everyone in the world, but she has only one minus: she’s my mother-in-law.” You know, this stereotype definitely does not correspond to reality. In the worst possible case, a man dislikes his mother-in-law a little, of course, if there is a lot of her in his life, well, but in best case scenario they of course become best friends. The mother-in-law will always advise him how to communicate with her beloved daughter, because for her he becomes the son, perhaps, whom she never had.

    2. Stereotype, women think that a man tries to drag everything that moves into his bed.
    And what doesn’t move, he certainly moves and drags into his bed. It is worth understanding that a man is not endowed with such divine power that he can lure all the girls into the abyss of passion and terrible debauchery with just the power of his gaze. These are just stereotypes that have no common intersection with real life. At least on such a large scale as it seems.

    3. Stereotype, men do not express and hide their feelings.
    Let's remember those romantics who could stand for years under the windows of their beloved ladies, sing serenades, scream, shedding tears, about how filled their hearts are with love. Men are not insensitive robots who are silent about everything that pleases them or that worries them.
    All you need to do is catch that rare moment when a man is ready to “talk.”

    4. Stereotype, a man never drinks ladies' cocktails, for example, Cosmopolitan.
    You think that any man who respects himself should drink pure whiskey, and at the same time take a bear with his bare hands, and at the same time sit on a nettle with his bare butt.
    Attention! Some men really love ballet, and they can bake pies, and how could they not, cause a scandal out of the blue.

    5. The stereotype, his thoughts and monologues are filled only with sports.
    Yes, you think, he is a man, he is for sports such as football, hockey, boxing. His inner voice screams about this when he buys the next issue of the newspaper. But many men actually can’t even name at least a couple of football clubs, but what about the key players in the NHL or KHL. Yes, they have no idea about them at all and what these three letters are, Mike Tyson, who is this, singer. The most he could see was Maria Sharapova and perhaps he knows that she plays tennis.

    6. Stereotype, a man cannot pick up the frequency of a woman’s voice.
    And that’s probably why he has problems with his hearing or his awareness. In reality, a man’s brain can work in multitasking mode, of course a man hears everything, but he hears everything well, it’s just that sometimes a man considers it necessary to ignore this or that said. Yes, and it's quite annoying!

    7. Stereotype, men do not tolerate refusal of sex.
    Of course, sex for men plays a very important (in some cases one might even say vital) role. Perhaps this applies not only to men, but also to women. Yes, women have every right to tell a man: “I’m tired today, I have a headache, for some reason I’m not in the mood today.” Many men respect this feminine position, but only if women do not begin to abuse this right. A man may well go to the bathroom in such a situation and, as they say, let off steam on his own, this will be a sign of respect, such respectful thing is masturbation!

    8. Stereotype, a man only cares appearance women.
    Undoubtedly, all men want to see an attractive, well-groomed and sexy woman. Perhaps you won’t go far with just plump lips and a naive, sweet look. The stronger sex still gives the main role of seduction to the woman’s character, her charisma and, of course, her sense of humor. And in truth, the person with whom we have fun and are very comfortable always seems to us the most attractive and beautiful.
    But only beautiful person, a couple does not always become our favorite.

    9. Stereotype, men never cry.
    It seems that they are so stubborn, or maybe they don’t have tears at all? In fact, this is not so, men sometimes cry too, but most often they cry precisely at the moment when they are alone, there is no one around and no one sees them.

    10. Stereotype, a man can fix any thing.
    A man can do anything, change a light bulb, or even build a house. In fact, some men prefer to simply pay someone to do the work rather than take on more responsibility themselves in a particular matter.

    It doesn’t always happen as you think; perhaps it’s worth taking a closer look at your partner, studying him, and not building unnecessary stereotypes.

    There are many stereotypes in the world. It’s probably more convenient to bring everything and everyone under a common line: bespectacled people are smart, Germans are punctual, women don’t know how to park, and Minsk is the cleanest city in the world. On the one hand, such a vision of the world simplifies life, but on the other hand, it is so boring. Some of the most common are gender stereotypes. “Women are stupid, they have no sense of humor, they only talk about clothes and don’t know how to make friends, etc., etc. We have heard such statements more than once. I propose to expand the scope within which humanity (for the most part, its strong half) has driven itself over the last hundred years. I admit that someone will say: “The above examples prove once again that exceptions only confirm the rules, which means that the stereotypes are true. Well, everyone has the right to decide whether there are boundaries in their head!” or not. So, the 5 most established stereotypes about women.

    Women are dumber than men

    This is the favorite stereotype of men about women of all times. Scientists from all countries are constantly trying to provide some kind of scientific basis for it: either women think in the wrong hemisphere, or the volume and weight of the brain is less.

    As a rule, the main indicator of intelligence is considered to be the intelligence coefficient - IQ, which is determined using special tests. The average value is 100 points.

    From 1986 to 1989 American writer, playwright and journalist Marilyn Vos Savant was included in the Guinness Book of Records as the owner of the highest IQ in the world. By various tests her IQ ranged from 167 to 230.

    For comparison, Albert Einstein and Stephen Hawking have this figure of 160.

    Sharon Stone is recognized as the smartest Hollywood actress; this blonde has an IQ of 154 points. Here is direct proof that not all blondes are equally stupid. At one year Sharon began speaking, at 4 she already knew how to read, at 5 she went to school, and, like a true child prodigy, immediately into the second grade, and at 15 she entered the university, where she studied literature and art, and at the same time worked as a model.

    Reese Witherspoon has a high intelligence; the IQ of this “legally blonde” is 145 points. Another actress, Natalie Portman, graduated from school with honors, at the age of 17 she became interested in studying chemistry, at 18 she entered the psychology major at Harvard University and combined all this with filming. Portman speaks six languages ​​fluently: Hebrew, English, French, Japanese, German and Spanish. Her IQ is 150 units.

    British model Laura Shields is too smart to react to stupid jokes about narrow-minded cuties participating in various beauty pageants. She has no reason to doubt her own mental abilities: She graduated with honors from the Faculty of Chemistry in Leeds, and her IQ is 158 points.

    By the way: Russian President Vladimir Putin has an IQ of 134 points, George W. Bush - 125, Barack Obama - 120, Brad Pitt - 95, and Sylvester Stallone only 54 points.

    Women are bad at technology

    What do men talk about in the bathhouse and at parties? That's right, about computers and cars (of course, after discussing women and yesterday's football match). It is generally accepted that high technology and cars are a purely male topic. He feels “like a pilot on an airplane” in this topic, while more than half of women try to avoid it in conversation. This is our female stereotype about male stereotypes.

    But here’s what’s nice: the first programmer was still a woman - the Englishwoman Ada Byron (the only legitimate daughter of the romantic poet George Gordon Byron).

    When the US Department of Defense decided to begin developing a universal programming language in 1975, the then-secretary without hesitation approved the name for the future language - "Ada".

    Another programming pioneer, Grace Hopper, created a program for the Harvard Mark I computer. She developed the first compiler for a computer programming language and developed the concept of machine-independent programming languages, which led to the creation of COBOL, one of the first high-level programming languages.

    What would humanity do without the invention of the Austrian and later American actress Hedy Lamar? At the peak of her acting career, this amazing woman patented the idea of ​​"frequency scanning". Her invention formed the basis of modern cell phones, wireless broadband and telecommunications.

    The president of one of the world's largest manufacturers and suppliers of hardware and software - IBM - is 56-year-old Virginia Rometty; the head of the YouTube Internet service is 45-year-old mother of four children Susan Wojcicki; The president of one of the most technological companies in the world - Hewlett-Packard - is also a woman, 57-year-old Meg Whitman.

    And, by the way, about cars. 52-year-old Mary Barra was appointed president of the American automobile corporation General Motors in January of this year.

    She took on this position at the most difficult time for the company, GM began to lose the trust of customers due to a series of malfunctions in some brands of cars, leading to death. On her initiative, 13.6 million cars were recalled.

    Women have no place in politics

    Many men and even some representatives of the fair half of humanity think that it is better for women to cook borscht. However, in last decades Women increasingly began to occupy leading positions in ratings of the most influential people on the planet, they were elected presidents and appointed to leading positions in government.

    Angela Merkel is one of the most influential politicians in the world. She has been Germany's chancellor since 2005, now entering her third four-year term. A female president, Dalia Grybauskaite, was also elected President of Lithuania for a second term.

    Michelle Bachelet has been elected President of Chile for two terms, and Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner leads Argentina, the country with the highest inflation. Dilma Rousseff - President of Brazil, Laura Chinchilla Miranda - Costa Rica, Park Geun-hye - Republic of Korea), Joyce Banda - Malawi, Ellen Johnson Sirleaf - Liberia, Camilla Persad-Bissessar - Prime Minister of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago (previously she was the country's prosecutor general), Erna Solberg - Prime Minister of Norway.

    All these women, to one degree or another, brought their own “feminine” leadership style.

    Destroying stereotypes that women do not know how to manage money correctly and spend everything on their outfits, let me remind you that the Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund is Christine Lagarde, and the Chairman of the US Federal Reserve System - Janet Yellen. The first is in the hands of the finances of 188 IMF member countries, the second is headed by the most influential central bank in the world (the size of the balance sheet is $4 trillion).

    But the ladies didn’t stop there: they also set their sights on such brutal areas of activity as defense and security. And this is quite logical: a woman can resolve a conflict peacefully, because she tends to create, not destroy. Besides, she knows the price very well human life and will do everything to avoid hostilities.

    The topic of appointing the head of the Pentagon is now being actively discussed (former US Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel resigned). Candidate No. 1 on the list of White House contenders for the vacant ministerial chair is called Michelle Flournoy. From 2009 to 2012, Michelle was the deputy minister for political affairs and, in effect, the third person in the ministry.

    Today, security forces are led by women in Germany (Ursula Von der Leyen), Norway (Ina Marie Eriksen Soreide), Sweden (Karin Enström), Holland (Janine Henis-Plasschaert), Lithuania (Rasa Juknevičienė).

    They are all young, full of energy, successful women. Moreover, for example, Ursula von der Leyen has seven children. Availability big family However, this did not prevent the ambitious mother of many children from becoming, after Chancellor Angela Merkel, the second most famous and popular woman from the Christian Democratic Union (CDU) in Germany and the successful head of two different federal ministries.

    The best chef is a man

    This established stereotype is confirmed by numerous star male names in the world of haute cuisine. Until the middle of the last century, male chauvinism against female chefs literally flourished in the West. Famous “kitchen couturiers” treated their colleagues in skirts with a fair amount of skepticism and argued that women had no place among world-class chefs. “The best professional chefs are men, but let a woman cook at home,” they argued.

    In fairness, we must admit that the stereotype did not appear out of nowhere. A cook is, first of all, very hard work. Come on, stand for a few hours near the stove, from which the heat is 300-350 degrees, handle the boilers and frying pans. But recently, almost space technology, women’s “hands were untied” and they began to push the stronger half of humanity out of this field.

    More and more female chefs are receiving top awards (Michelin stars) and occupy prestigious places in popular chef ratings. For several years now the famous rating best restaurants The World's 50 Best Restaurants includes Italian in its list Nadia Santini, who works in the restaurant "Dal Pescatore" in the town of Runate.

    A few years ago, the most famous British chef Gordon Ramsay said: “A woman cannot cook even under threat of death,” and today the kitchen of his main restaurant in London is run by a woman, Claire Smith. The head chef of his restaurant Verre in Dubai was until recently Angela Hartnett. Moving to London, she took over the management of one of the most famous hotel restaurants in London - the Connaught Grill Room, for which she received her first Michelin star. Ramsey himself now wants to create a restaurant where only women would work in the kitchen.

    Rachael Ray She began her career at the age of 20, managing the purchasing of fruits and vegetables in a New York supermarket. On her own initiative, she began holding master classes right in the sales area, offering customers her own options for preparing these most exquisite products. Friendly and smiling Rachel was quickly noticed and invited to TV. Today the show "Cooking in 30 Minutes" is the most popular show in America. Rachel earns millions every month: she writes cookbooks and publishes her own magazine, a popular website, and has multimillion-dollar income from advertising contracts and worldwide fame.

    Another famous female chef - Julia Child, whose life story formed the basis of the film “Julia and Julia: A Recipe for Happiness” starring Meryl Streep. “The Grandmother of American Cuisine” (as Julia is called in America) had absolutely no interest in cooking until the age of 33, when her husband (an American intelligence agent) was transferred to serve in France. She studied French from cookbooks and went to the Cordon Bleu chef course - the most expensive in France, where I finally fell in love with French cuisine. In 1951, Julia, together with two companions, opened her own “School of Three Gourmets”. Then there was the famous book “Mastering the Art of French Cuisine” and the no less popular culinary show “The French Chef”. Julia Child's books are still in the TOP ratings of culinary bestsellers.

    Queen of South American cuisine Paula Dean with the Georgian ones - a godsend for the Oprah Winfrey show, with a classic American success story: after divorcing her husband, Paula gathered all her will into a fist and, with the last 200 dollars, created a catering company, or, more precisely, a tiny company delivering homemade sandwiches. She currently hosts a popular cooking show on the Food Network and hosts many courses and workshops.

    She publishes books, her own magazine with a circulation of 1 million, and already owns her own restaurant, The Lady and Sons, very popular among those who love to enjoy delicious South American cuisine. She recently launched a line of high quality products own production.

    A couple more facts in favor of female culinary experts: White House chef long years there was a Filipina, Cristeta Comerford, and Rosaleen McBride has been in charge of the kitchen of the Irish Presidential Palace for 33 years.

    Faktrum shares with the reader myths about how a woman should look and act if she wants to attract a man.

    Clothes are too revealing

    Many girls believe that they can attract a man with a deep neckline and long legs in a miniskirt.

    In fact: men are attracted to girls in feminine outfits with interesting details. You want to love, protect and pamper such a girl.

    Model appearance

    A girl begins to lose her individuality when she tries to copy the style of some celebrity. Some even go to plastic surgery and follow strict diets just to look like a magazine cover model.

    In fact: men value a woman’s individuality along with her well-groomed appearance. They are attracted to a fit figure, healthy skin and hair, beautiful make-up and clothes, but at the same time they pay attention to the ability to present themselves and emphasize their own style.

    Dependence on a man or, conversely, excessive independence

    Some girls believe that a man should provide them with absolutely everything; they offer him to solve all issues and lead their lives. Others rely only on their own strength and strive to be independent from a man.

    In fact: In a relationship, it is important that partners trust each other and accept advice. Of course, a man wants to protect his beloved woman and help her, but it is important that she can express her own opinion and not be afraid to show her intelligence.


    Many women, when entering into a relationship, focus all their attention on their partner, completely forgetting about their own interests. They think that such dedication will help them keep a man. But by devoting all her time to a man, a woman risks becoming uninteresting to him.

    In fact: men are attracted to women by a personality with their own hobbies, interests and a rich inner world. It is important to preserve all this without trying to dissolve in your loved one.

    Excessive sophistication in bed

    As a rule, girls think that the more they are able to show during sex, the more more man will love them. They flaunt their experience and try to prove that they know absolutely everything about sexual pleasures.

    In fact: relationships, it is important to achieve harmony not only spiritually, but also physically. A man is much better able to appreciate a woman’s ability to receive and give pleasure than her knowledge of sex.


    Some ladies believe that the more stupid they act, the prettier they look in the eyes of men. They pretend to be these clumsy and childish people to attract attention.

    In fact: This behavior does not contribute to the development of relationships. Men like smart girls, no matter what anyone says. There is always something to talk about with them, and building a relationship with an intelligent person is much easier than with a flighty fool.

    Eye-catching makeup

    Many young women believe that bright makeup helps in finding a life partner. They sit in front of the mirror for hours, and when they go out into the world they realize that no one is paying attention to them.

    In fact: men consider the most attractive girls with minimal makeup (mascara, powder, a little lipstick) or without it at all.

    Many women are deeply convinced that men are an open book to them. Having once created some ideas about male psychology, women persist in them and wishful thinking, trying to fit the real state of affairs to their stereotypes.

    For example, for some reason there is an opinion that men strive for personal freedom for life, although in fact any normal man comes to a moment when he really wants to start a family, find his other half, “plant a tree, build a house and give birth to a child.”

    But almost constant in all men is the desire for freedom from women’s claims, quiet or loud hysterics and instructions on how he should live. By accepting this state of affairs and providing a man with the right to personal space, a woman acts wisely and, thereby, contributes to a calm and happy atmosphere in the family.

    Perhaps the strongest female misconception is the opinion that for men sex is necessary as a purely physiological act, and spiritual intimacy is important only for women. A man wants to be loved, understood, and appreciated just as much as a woman.

    It is also very important for men to feel accepted. So there is something to think about here. And in sex in general everything is very individual. There are many cases where men truly fell in love with a woman after physical intimacy. There are also those who cannot sleep with those they really love, because they are afraid of ruining everything, and they do not love those with whom they sleep. All that remains is to understand which of the men you are dealing with.

    It is generally accepted that women are more emotional. This is true when it comes to expressing emotions. But who decided that men are insensitive and unemotional? It’s just that men are more restrained in expressing feelings and most often hide them inside themselves.

    Once they heard the maxim that the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach, women adopted it so much that they do not doubt the correctness of such a statement. What is it really like? Men are not so primitive honestly! Of course, he should be well-fed, but all the surveys conducted on the topic of what men like most in women show that the ability to cook is one of the last places. So it’s worth drawing the appropriate conclusions.

    When trying to attract a man, women are sometimes guided in their behavior by the stereotype that men love virgins and untouchable women. Men themselves formulate this somewhat differently - they value inaccessibility. The more inaccessible a woman is, the stronger the man’s hunting instinct, and, therefore, his interest in her.

    But even here moderation is needed, because a man cannot hunt indefinitely - he will simply get tired. Interestingly, with all their hunting instinct, men nevertheless like it when a woman takes the first step towards a relationship - this greatly flatters their vanity.

    There are probably many more such stereotypes in women’s perception of men. Some of them are confirmed by life, some are destroyed to the ground, such as, for example, the opinion that a man can be “tied” to a child. Having made a similar mistake, many women have already lost their happiness. In fact, only the woman herself can “attach” a man to a woman, if we use this term. So, if you want peace in the family and loving man nearby - there is no need to use unverified “truths”. It is better to look for a remedy within yourself.

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